HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-27, Page 4In Case Of Fire
Do You Know to Call
No.100 to give alarm
If a fire .broke out in your
home or place of [business ?wou'ld
you know crow to turn in an
alarm? -
Not many people in (Seaforth
know to call No. 100 and give
the location of the fire to the
fireman who answers +bhe
phone. This problem faced Ed
Daly when a flash fire (broke
out in Daly Motors on 'Saturday.
"I called central and asked
her how to burn in the alarm,"
he states.
"I'll take care of it",central
replied, ,and immediatey gave
the alarm.
.The response was instantan-
eous from one of the firemen
Who listened in while Ed was
still talking to central.
The message was quickly re-
layed to the firehall and bhe
alarm rung in.
As a matter of curiosity, Mr.
Daly has asked •a number of
people if they knew how to turn
in a fire alarm. Nobody knew.
Everyone should know to call
No. 100 in ease of fire and care-
fully tell the answering fireman
where the fire is. Every .minute
and every second can be of ut-
most importance at such a time.
Miss Marguerite McDonald
who spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Pearl Case returned
to .her home in London on Sat-
Mr. Thos, Chatter of Hamil-
ton visited recently with friends
Miss Minnie Reid of London
visited with friends here last
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Mousseau
of St. +Catharines were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Miss Edna Butt returned to
her home in Toronto after visit-
ing Mrs. Alda ?Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie,
Mrs. Violet ?Schwalm and Mr.
'Roy ,Schwalm spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Perdue at
Wasago Beach and Mr. and Mrs.
'Carl iSchnvalnn at Barrie.
Mrs, Edna +Corlett visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed [Cor-
lett and Wayne.
Miss 'Shirley (Chapman of Sar-
nia visited during the past week
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Chapman.
Miss 'Isobel Alexander of Tor-
onto spent the nveeScend with
Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander
and Iris.
Mr. and Mrs. Kilpfer?of Minne-
sota .spent the past three 'weeks
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Kyle and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Members from Amber Rebek-
ah Lodge 349 motored to God-
erich on Tuesday evening when
they were pleasantly entertain-
ed by the Rebekah Lodge there.
District Deputy Pres,, Mrs, Den-
son :Sutter and her staff of HuI
onic Rebekah Lodge, 'Clinton,
all elected and appoint-
ed officers at the Goderioh
Mr. John McDouaild, or In-
•dian Head, ISask., who has spent
the past six weeks with his sist-
er, Mrs. Katharine McGregor,
left by T,C.A. from Crumlin on
Monday for his 'home,
Mrs. Gus Voth and Jian of De-
troit visited this week with the
tformer's'nlother, Mrs. 'Lou .Simp-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker
of 'Toronto were weekend visit-
ors with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo. (Walker.
Officers Installed By Rebekah
District Deputy 'Pres., Mrs.
Benson +Sutter and her staff of
Huronic Lodge, 'Clinton, install-
ed all elected and emanated ?of..
ficers at Amber Rebekah Lodge
349 on' Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Archie 'MacGregor was installed
as N. G. succeeding 'Miss Ma -
I belle Whiteman, who is now
junior past N. G. Other officers
installed were vice grand, Mrs.
Sam Ronnie, recording sec.,
Mrs. Hugh Mcliwen, fin. sec.,
Mrs. !Clarence iv+olland, treas.,
Mrs. Ernie 'Chrllpahase, warden,
Mrs. 'Wm. Caldwell, •conductor,
Mrs. Inez McEwen, chaplain,
Mrs. Blighton IFerg, musician,
Mrs. Harold 'Bell, color (bearer,
Mrs- Wm. 'Brown. Right and
left supporters of the N. G.,
Mrs. Alex MadBeath, Mrs. Wm.
Parker. Right and left support-
ers, vice grand, Mrs. Ross 'Rich-
ardson and Mrs. 'Marks. Right
and left supporters, !Chaplain,
Mrs. J. Ingram and Mrs. Wm.
Kyle. Right and left supporters
of the Junior P.N.G., Mrs. Wan,
Parke and Mrs, W. R. 'Bell. In-
side +Guardian, Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Outside Guardian, Mrs. A. Orr,
Scone supporters, Mrs. L. Jacobi
and Mrs. H. Lernmon. Degree
First Presbyterian
Rev. D. Glenn Campbell
10 A.M.—Church School and
Bible Class
11 A.M.
"Does the Protestant Church
Need A Reformation?"
Sacrament of Baptism
7 P.M.
"Valley of Decision"
Captain, Mrs. Sem Dougall. Mrs.
B, 'Sutter was presented with a
gift Iby Mrs, Harold Parker, P.
N.G., on behalf of the Lorlge.
Mrs, Wan. (Parke presided in the
I absence of Miss lMeibello White-
man, NA.
Following the meeting a Dutch
Auction was conducted by Mrs.
Hugh McEwen and Mrs. Laird
Jacobi with the following prize
winners, Mrs. S, Ronnie, Mrs. T.
Kyle and Mrs. A. Scholl. Re-
freshments were served by the
social committee.
The W. A. of the United
(Church are holding their annual
,bazaar in the tin), hall on Sat-
urday, Oct. 29 at 3 p.m.
Me, and Mrs. fCelsde and fam-
ily moved last week to the
R.O,'A.P. +Station at [Clinton.
'The Varna W.A. met in the
(Church on Oct. 1+8 in the even-
ing. The meeting opened with
the theme song. Hymn 441 was
sung. Miss Rachel Johnston read
the scripture lesson. 'Thoughts
on the 'lesson and prayer were
read by Mrs. Lee McConnell.
l:Iymn 4(45 was sung. The ?busi
ness period 'followed with Mrs.
'Robert Taylor presiding. Mrs.
Murvin Johnston read the secre-
tary's report. Roll +caul was an-
swered by 20 ladies. 'Mrs. 'Louis
Taylor and Mrs. Lyle Hill were
appointed delegates to the W. A.
'Convention on Oct. 26. Don't
forget the bazaar on Oct. 29.
Plans were made to have a
Mother and Daughter 'banquet
on 'Nov. 18. The meeting closed
with W. A. Prayer.
Mrs. .Stevens was then called
to the front and Miss Rachel
Johnston read a very appropri
ate address and Mrs. Robt. Tay-
lor presented Mrs, Stevens with
a cup and saucer from the W.
A., as she is leaving Varna.
Mrs. (Stevens replied thanking
the ladies. +Lunch was served
Iby lunch oonnlnittee.
Mrs,: Wm. McVittie, Blyth,
who is 'Community Friendship
Sec. of Huron Presbyterial, ad-
dressed the joint meeting of the
Egmondville 'United Church W.
A. and W.M.S. Oct. 19, taking
for ,her theme "Our High Call-
ing". Mrs. Alex Boyes was host-
ess to a large gathering of ladies
for the Fall Thankoffering
meeting. Mrs. E. Boyes opened
the W.A. meeting by reading a
poem and the Ode was sung.
Mrs. 'Chas. Eyre read bhe scrip-
ture lesson. Mrs. Roy McGon
igle spoke on the theme "Giv-
ing Thanks", and led in prayer.
rent em right
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Get extra Coke for Halloween ...
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"Coke" is a registered trade mark
Mrs. Elgin 'ilicKin+ley, Varna,
gave a splendid report of a short
course at Five Oaks. Mrs. W.
Tr moor called the roll and read
e t
the :minutes. During the busi-
ness (Period plans were made for
a 'banquet in Nov. The semi -am
nual •meeting in Goderic'h, Oct,
26 was announced and a nomin-
ating ?committee; Miss Frances
(Houston, Mrs. E. IShephenson
and Miss R. MacKenzie was ap-
Mrs. E. Stephenson (presided
at the WIVDS. meeting. A poem
"Harvest" was read by Miss
Mae ;Smith. Mrs. P. ?Lindsay led
p yen. The 'devotional exer-
cises were in charge of Mrs. A.
iForibes and Mrs. N. 'McLean.
Mrs. E. Durst sang 'Just a closer
Walk'. Mrs. S. Jackson gave a
reading on -Thanksgiving. The
guest speaker was introduced
Iby Miss R. MacKenzie, and
thanked by 'Mrs. W. E. Milroy.
An invitation was accepted to
attend WMMS. of First Presbyter-
ian Church, ?Oct. 25th. Mrs. V.
Pullman invited the ladies to
her home in Nov. Lunch was
served iby Mrs. +R. Tyndall's
ICom'mittee. Mrs. E. 'Cameron
thanked the hostess.
Mrs. Lloyd Pushelberg and
baby daughter returned hone
from Listowel Hospital and Mr.
and Mrs. Pushelberg and family
have now moved to a farm near
Port Elgin.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Drager
have moved to their farm east of
Seaforth in Melzillop Township
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hillebrecht of
Florida are visiting Mrs. Annie
Elligson and other -relatives. They
visited with Mrs. George Beuer-
man who is confined to Beck
Memorial Sanitarium, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch and
Mrs. Marshall of Stratford with
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on
Mr. and Mrs, Ili Prueter are
spending this week with their
daughter Mrs. Norman Rode and
Mr. Rode, in Detroit.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kistner is a pa-
tient at Seaforth Hospital,
Mr. Ross Leonhgrdt suffered a
broken leg while horseback riding
when the horse stumbled and
threw him, the horse falling on
his leg, He received treatment at
Stratford Hospital, his leg placed
in a cast, and he returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rose and
Carole spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Matthew at Tavi-
stock and attended the service
at Sebastapol Lutheran Church at
which the latter's nephew IVa.
Maras, student of Waterloo Sem-
inary, was the speaker ill the ab-
sence of Rev. Stockinan, who is
on a. trip to Europe.
Films will be shown at the
school on Friday evening.
Farm forum meetings begin
next Monday evening, 8.30, at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Born—In Scott Memorial Hosp-
ital, Seatorth, on Sunday, Oct. 23,
1955, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Diegel, a son, Dennis Walter, a
brother for Linda and Susan.
A shower was held at Circle 13
Ranch, Orangeville, for Mr. and
Mrs. John Moore (Marjorie Mill-
er) newlyweds, Friday evening,
Miss Elsie Siemon read the ad-
dress and they were presented
with a bedroom suite and individ-
ual gifts. Tho Blue. Rangers of
Gadshill provided music for dam -
nig. Lunch was served including
wedding cake.
Mr. Dave Young of Sebringville
called on Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Querengesser on Sunday.
Mr. Roy Beuerman and Mr. Bill
Burns, RCAF, both stationed at
Edgar, Ont., spent a few days at
the home of the formel's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman.
The Swing Bowling Club en-
joyed a turkey dinner with all the
trimmings in the church,base-
ment on Tuesday eveningThe
evening was spent playing games
The Fall thankoffering meet-
ing of the McKillop Branch of
fllIe W.M.IS. was held lin the
schoolroom of First Presbyter-
ian 'Ohurdh, Thursday, Oct. 20
with 'guests from [Clinton, 1Hen-
sall, IPrewhetter ian W.M.S.,
Northside and Duff's, MelKi11op
United 'W.MiS., Barbara Kirk-
man and (Senior W.M.S. Mrs.
Helen McMillan opened the
meeting with a poem "He Lead-
ebh Me". Hyman 691 was sung.
Mrs. D. Ritchie gave the (bible
reading from 1St. Lukes Gospel
followed by thoughts on the les -
on, Prayer by Mrs. J. L. Bell.
Mrs, W. A. Wright accompanied
by Mrs. E. Geddes, sang a well
Tendered solo. Mrs. J. W. Thom-
pson introduced the speaker,
Miss Florence 'Baxter of +Chvp-
pawa. Miss Baxter is the synodi-
cal press sec., of the 'Hamilton
and London Presbyterial. She
spoke on various work that her
own church in 'Chippewa does,
the work oaf being a press sec.,
and told the story of an incident
In the life ?of a missionary in
A. f r Lc One of her matin
thoughts was for each one to
try and do something for others,
and df possible for the mission-
aries, who need help, so very
much help, but the main thing
for each one to do something.
'Mrs. J. T. Scott in a few well
chosen words thanked '&Liss ,Bax-
ter for her splendid address.
Hymn 606 was sung. Mrs. Helen
McMillan read a paper entitled
"Influence". Anne (Kling then
favored us' with a lovely piano
instrumental which was much en-
joyed by all. Mrs. ;A.. 'Harrison
and Mrs. J. T. (Scott received
the offering. Hymn 607 was
sung. Mrs. D. G. ICamplbell clos-
ed the meeting with prayer. A.
social hour was spent following
the meeting.
The C.G.S;T., are having a
Hallowe'en party in the form of
THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, October 27, 1955
Regent er.�
Randolph Scott - Jocelyn Brando
Randolph Scott - Jocelyn Mende. The life and death of a reign or terror•.
Randolph Scott against ten wanted men—all wanted for murder. He had to
Ail' to stay alive
Van Johnson - Walter Pidgeon. A routine mission—a routine dive, •a putt of
Brooke and then a paralyzing scream, I'm Mt", and two forgotten heroes
write another page in History.
THURS. FRI. SAT. LAW VS. BILLY THE 1111) (Teehnlolor)
Scott Brady - Bette St. John
Thins Store Saves You Money!
There is a elan who doesn't know a rabbit is a
bunny . .
Yet he is wise enough to know
That this Store saves him money !
The Little Store with the "l3ig Values”
mm,1a1n1m111m11111,,,,,,11111. 11111111m1a1m,1111111111111,,,a1111,11,11,1,1,m1111111uu11„ ,1111un11111111„
a visit from 'home to home ask-
ing for 'donations for relief
work, thus combining fun with
sharing. Articles such as wash
cloths, soap, yarn, needles etc.,
and even money for bale ex-
pense will be appreciated, Look
Tor the girls on 'Saturday even-
ing, 'Oct. 29th. 'Coale masked,
Stadlemann—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Oct. 20, to Ma. and Mrs. Fer-
nand Stadlemmm, Blyth RR) a son
Polick—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
Oct, 22, to Mr. and Mks. Stanley Pol-
ick, Egmondville, a daughter
Diegel — AL Scott Memorial Hospital,
on Oct. 23, to Mr. and MIs. Walter
Diegel, -RRA Mitchell, a son
Boswell—To Mr. and Mra. Walter E.
Boswell, of London, on Oct. 15, 1055,
a daughter
Ladies of First Presbyterian
Church are holding a
Saturday, Nov. 5
There will be a sale of hand
knitted articles, aprons and
Homemade Raking
Afternoon Tea will be served
HesaH !c-$1 tore
Oct. 27th, at 9 A.M.
Draw Saturday night for a
Satin Bound Blanket
1954 Ford Coach
1951 Stude Sedan
Many others priced to sell at
On instructions from the Council, I hereby request
Citizens and Businessmen to observe
as Remembrance Day, by closing their
places of business all day, and all
attending the Legion service
Dr. E. A. McMaster
God Save the Queen
No Parking will be allowed on Main Street on
Friday nights between ,the hours of
2 A.M. and 8 A.M.
to facilitate the cleaning of the street Saturday
By order of the Town Council