HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-20, Page 1The Se forth New WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 77 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955 $1.50 a Year Authorized as Second Class mail, Pod Office Dept., Ot(awa Snowdon Bros., Publishers Harvey Johnston Is Farm Manager Mr. Harvey C. Johnston has sold his. Haien in 'Morris town- ship, near Walton, to Henry ,Sitrylcer of Drayton. Mr. Stryk- er and family came to Canada from IIolland six years ago. There are' two sons and a daugh- ter in the 'Stryker fancily. One eon is married. Mr. Johnston is moving to 'Clinton where he has been ap- pointed farm manager at ,the (Huron Comity 'Home succeeding E, J. "Dick" Jacobs. Mr. John- ston was warden of Huron (County in 1952 and has been business manager at the county home for the past year.- HOUSTON—GREENWOOD Mr. Andrew J. (Houston of Egmondville and Vina Mae (Greenwood of Exeter were un- ited in marriage by Rev. Alex Rapson, in Main ISt. United Par- sonage, on 'Wednesday, ,Oct. 12. LIBRARY INSULATED Insulating material was placed over the ceiling in the Seaforth Public Library this week. The work was done by Jackson (Homes Ltd. RECEIVES INVITATION Mr. Wm. (Murray, 93 -year-old Seaforth resident, has received an invitation to he an honored guest of the directors of the Western Fair at a luncheon dur- ing the exhibition next year, as one who was present at and re- members the first fair 80 years ago. Mr. Murray went* to the fair at London in company with his father ,and younger brother on the L. H. & B. Railway from Brucefield. Mr. Murray can also rememlber the building of the railway. LEGION EUCHRE The 'Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary held their first euchre in the 'Community 'Centre, Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 12th. The prize winners :were: Ladies' most games, Mrs. Adin Forbes; lone hands, Mrs. Ruby Bethune; consolation, Mrs. Lottie Woods; •+!ken's most games, Mr. H. Shan- non; men's lone hands, Mr. C. Cunningham; •consolation, Miss Phyllis Forbes; lucky cup, Mrs. Audrey Morey; Lucky draw for tablecloth, Dates for euehres: Oct. 24th, Nov. 16th, Nov, 30th, Dec. 14. L.O.B.A. )1,0.63.A. held its first euchre of the season in ,the Orange Hall, on Friday evening, 'Ott. 14, with 14 ta'b'les playing. Win- ners are as follows: ladies lst, Mrs, Alex McMichael of 'Clinton; lone 'hands, Mis. B. Hildebrand; :consolation, Mrs. Coutts. Meri's 1st, Jack VanEgmond, 'Clinton; lone hands, Charles Cunning- ham; consolation, Tom Kay. Mrs. Eisler nvon a potted plant in a ,__ d�r�aw. Lunch was served and a 'Vidal hour spent. God Save The Queen was sung. 'Seaforth L,O.B.A. ladies spent a social evening at Woodham last week, it being the occasion of the 7th' 'birthday of their lodge. Crusade Opened. Here on Tuesday Huron Presbytery Steward- ship Crusade -opened Monday, October 17th, in Northside Un- ited Church, 'Seaforth. After a fine hymn sing led .by Rev. Glen Eagle of Clinton, Rev. Delmer Martin of Listowel, Conference (Chairman of the M. & 'M, 'Com- mittee, led in the opening wor- ship .assisted by Mr. Sam Scott of (Seaforth, Northside Choir directed by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart led in the Ministry of song. The soloists in the an- them were Ruth ICluf-f and Sam 'Scott. The addresses of the ev- ening were 'delivered Iby Dr. Winnifred IBryee of Indere 'Christian College, India and by Rev. Dr. Thos. Hazelwood :of the 'Bible House, Toronto. "Tedhnocracy is not sufficient to save our world," said Dr. Bryce, ''Science can only go so far, but it is the vital and earn- est effort of every Christian that counts. Every Christian who is truly making his witness to- wards Brotherhood is aiding in the effort of would salvation. Jesus said: 'I am .come that they might have life and have it snore abund'antiy.' The abundant life 'begins here 'and now with each devout Christian." Dr. Bryce (brought to her hearers delight- ful and soul -stirring pictures of the 'C'hristian work in India. "You have reached out bo strengthen and to help your brothers and sisters of India every time you have purposely given of your life and subs stance." Rev. Thos. Hazelwood began very' early in his Ministry to practice Tithing. With wit and humour he told of his family's effort to follow the 'Biblical plan. With stories from the Old Testament and from the New, he set before the congregation the opportunities that lay before God's people. Every time they set aside the tenth of their su'b- stance, God's Blessing followed, He called upon all his hearers to meet the task of the present day with steadfast heart and courag- eous mind. "Have the courage to make a clear cut stand for 'Christ in every department of your life." "Life is short and there is so little time in which to make a full fledged witness, Rise, let us Ibe doing, that Christ's 'Kingdom may come." Rev. Peter Renner of Bay- field, Chairman of Huron Pres bytery, expressed the deep .ap- preciation of the assembly to Dr. !Bryce and to Dr. Hazelwood. Representatives from Exeter, Godericb, Varna, Kippen, 'Hen - sail, Centralia, Clinton, Blyth, Londeiboro, Dungannon, Wing - ham. 'Brussels, Winthrop, Eg- mondville and Seaforth were in attendance. The Crusade now goes out to each (Charge in the Preslbytery in the weeks that lie ahead. The Theme • of the Crusade: "An 'ExpandingNation demands an Expanding Church", has become a strong rallying statement for all the Presby- tery. MOTORED HERE E FROM WHITEHORSE HORSE Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'Broadfoot on Sunday were: Sgt. Robt. Mac- Donald, his wife and five child- ren, who prior to 1947 were residents of Seaforth, and he was in the Air Force at ,Clinton. In 1947 they were moved to the An 'Force in Saskatoon, Sask., and again in February 1951 they were transferred to White- horse in the Yukon Territory, and in August of this year they were again transferred (back to Clinton, where they are now liv- ing. They motored all the way [from Whitehorse via Edmonton, Alta., and across the three Pair - le Provinces and Ontario via (Sault Ste. Marie, stopping at Deibarats visiting his parents there. The Sergeant is a :grand- nephew of Wm. Murray of this town. Northside United Church Rev. John- Stinson, . Minister. 10 a.en., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., 'Morning Worship: Sermon Theme, "'Christian Faith and !Service" Toddlers' Group and Junior 'Congregation. 7 p.m., '"Beyond Our Shores" 8:15 pan., Y.P.U. Preadher for the day, Rev. Dr, David 'Gallagher, Sec. of the Board of Overseas Missions. Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. 10 aur., 'Church 'School and Adult Class. 11 •a.m., Morning (Worship: 'Sermon. `'Genuine Christian." 7 pm., Nontliside 'Ann'iver- sary. Mon.. 8 p.m., 'Official Board 'Meeting. • Wed. at 8 pam., .Mid -Week Service, McKillop Charge (Cavan IOhuroh, (Winthrop; (Service 10 arm., Sunday School 11 a.mr,, Duff's: Sunday (School 10.115 a.m., Service 11.15 arm.; (Bethel: Sunday (School 1 p:m,, Service 2 p.m. Young People's Union, Winthrop, 8 p.m. Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. MRS. HUGH RAMSAY here passed away in Sea - forth, Oct. 13. at the Muir nurs- ing home, 'Mrs. Ramsay, the former Elizabeth Letitia Wil- liamson, daughter of the late Thomas W. Williamson and his wife the late Elizabeth in Milli - •ban. 'She had been a patient the nursing home for the past 4 months and had been in ill health for the past ten years. She was born in 'Grey township in 1870 and was married to the late Hugh Jones "Ramsay in 1904, who predeceased her in 19:10, 'Their son, George Ram- say, passed away just 3 months ago. The funeral was held on (Saturday from the D. A. Rann funeral home in Brussels. The pallbearers were Harvey '.Craig, Harry Bolger, Donald Buchanan, Herbert Williamson, Roy Wil- liamson and George "Williamson. The flowerbearers were Jim Souter and Will Bennett. Rev. Dr. David 'Gallagher, of Toronto, secretary of the Board of 'Overseas Missions, who nvi'll preach at anniversary services in Northside United Church on Sunday. BRUCEFIELD Mrs, Jas (Paterson, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. Miss (Marguerite McDonald of London, who has been seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital is convalescing at the home of Miss Marne Elliott. [Mr, and Mrs. (Stanley Rum - ball, Toronto, and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBeath. Weekend visitors with Mr. and ;Mrs. Jno. R. Murdoch were Mx. :and Mrs. 'Wm. Murdoch, 'Beth 'Murdoch, 'Hamilton; 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon Duncan -of Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hill, Var- na., spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hill. Business changes hands IM'rs. Alex Paterson has pur- chased the stock and 'fixtures of the store of Mr. (Glen Christie. The community :and villagers wish Mrs. Paterson success. Mrs. IGeo. Pinkney of 'Walker- ton Walkerton spent Monday with her mother, 'Mrs. W. H. Pepper. ;On Sunday morning in the Brucefield United 'Church the 'Sacrament of 'Baptism was ad- ministered to the following chil- dren: Brian Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Taylor; Randal (Douglas Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,Douglas Jones; Kevin'Hen- ry Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slwan; Ruth Gwendolin Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill. IOpening Game l-lere On November 3rd 27 hockey candidates were on hand for the first practice (held et Luean this week. The second practice is !being held on Wed- nesday night at Lucan. ,Seaforth plays an exhibition game at 'Woodstock on Friday night against the Warriors. The 10 team. hockey schedule for this Junior B 'Group has been arranged as •a "one -and -a - half" schedule, 'which nails for either two borne games and one away 'game or vice versa. .Seaforth has 14 away games and 13 home,games. Seaforth. Away' Games Sat. 'Nov. 5 at Waterloo Tues. Nov. 8 at Dundas Fri. Nov. 1'8at-ISi neoe Tues. Nov. 22 at Woodstock Salt. Nov. 26 at Owen Sound IMon. Nov. 28 at ISim:coe Wed. Dec. 7 at New Hamburg Fri. 'Dec. 16 at London Wed. Dee. 21 at New Hamburg Sat. Jan. 7 at Waterloo Fri. Jan. 13 et London Tues. Jan. 17 at Sarnia Tues, Jan. 24 et Burlington Tues. Jan. 81 at Dundas Home Games at Seaforth McIVER—KAMPMAN A'qu'iet wedding was solenms nizeid on Oct, 1, in the .chapel of ISt. Jerome's 'College, Kingsdale, Ont., when Ursula Rose, daugh- ter of Frederick Kanupm'an and the late Mrs. Kampman, 'became the bride of Edward Francis, son of Mrs. Sarah Mcilver of (Seaforth, Ontario, and the late Henry McIver. Tall standards of white chrysanthemums and gladioli banked the altar. Rev. (Leo Seiss performed the cer- emony. The student choir of the (College sang the Mass. Given in marriage by her brother Rudolph, the bride wore a two'piece outfit of driftwood crepe with accessories in shades of brown. She carried pale green orchids and lily of the valley. Her 'only attendant, Miss Marie Kr•aemer• of Kitchener wore a dusty , rose two-piece crepe dress with matching ac- cessories. Her nosegay was deep pink roses and lily of the valley. Mr. Stirling IHablcirk of Port Colborne, Ont, was best man. Ushers were Mi', Louis 'McIver, (Seaforth, cousin of the groom, and Mr. 'William Kampman, brother of bhe'bride, A wedding breakfast was served at Tony's Toa Room for the wedding party. In the after- noon a reception was held in the Philp Room at the Berkley 'Square. The guests 'were received by Miss Kaye Kampman, Toronto, sister of the bride wearing a pale blue and silver' taffeta dress with matching pill -box and white gardenias. The moth- er of the groom looked lovely in mauve crepe with deep purple velvet hat. She wore an orchid corsage, The couple left on a wedding trip through Michigan and are now residing in Port Colborne, Ontario. REGELE—KUHN The marriage of 'Shirley Idella Kuhn, daughter of Mr. Kenneth Kuhn of 'Crediton and the late Mrs. Kuhn and Lloyd Ed- ward KRegele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele of Walton, took place on Saturday, Oct. 8 at the Winthrop Manse. (Mrs. Edward Regale was matron of honor and Edwardg Regele le was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regele will reside in Crediton. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffery were visited by Mr. and Mrs. 'Gilbert Jeffery and their grand- daughter and grandson recently. Mrs. Archie Mustard held a successful demonstration at the home of her mother, Mrs. ,Sate (Hey on Wednesday evening when some 20 ladies were pre- sent. A dainty lunch was served at the close by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Farrell sand Mrs. Maud Farrell, Glenda and Janet of 'Ripley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old 'i linlay and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Dinsmore spent Sunday with relatives at Dublin. • Mr. and Mrs. Max. Dudharme visited relatives in•'Pont Huron, they were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme. Much sympathy is extended to. Mr. 'and Mrs..Clarence G-ascho in the loss of their grandmother, Mrs. Rudy ISwartzentruber who died so suddenly last Wednes- day. Her funeral was held on 'Saturday afternoon from the Annmiish Mennonite !Church. In- terment in the adjoining ceme- tery. Mr, Wan'• Buechler is .also a grandson. We also extend sym- pathy there too. Many are threshing their beans in this vicinity. Mr. and (Mrs. Archie Mustard and sons of Brucefield visited her another and'tfathsr, Mr. and Mrs. Swan Hey. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Wingham football club got off to a flying start this year by de- feating'. Seaforth 43-0. Murray of Wingbam opened the scoring in the first five minutes. It was 6-0 at the end of the first quarter. In the second quarter Robert- son and Lott each got a touch- down, then a field goal giving Wingham a substantial lead ' of 20.0 at half time. In the last half, Murray, Camp- bell, Grewar-and Bain got touch- downs, to, give Wingham a shut- Thurs. Nov. ,3—(Sarnia Thurs. Nov. 10—Woodstock Tues. Nov. 15—Owen Sound Thurs. Nov.2h=Woodstock Wed. 'Nov. 80—London Fri. Dee. 9--Neiv 'IH'a:•mburg Thurs. Dec. 15-13urlington Thurs. (Dec. 129-1W(alterloo Tues. Jan. $—ISiancoe Tues. Jan. 10 --Owen Sound Thurs. Jan. 19-=-Burlirigton 'Thurs. Jan. 26 --Sarnia :Thurs. Feb. 2—Dundas The ISeaforth Hockey Associa- tion is grateful to the following Booster Club members who have generously donated money in the interests of bringing Hockey to Seaforth. It is not too late to join the Booster ICiulb Join now and help us give you f-Iockey. G. Boussey, J. Holmes, 3. ILongstaff, A. Gilbert, J. Bald- win, :Sills 'Howe., Tom Chong, Les 'Beattie, Dr, M. W, Staple- ton, Wim. Leybourne, A. J. Wright, R. iDungey, Walden & Broadfoot, M. A. Reid, Alice 'Reid, Brad 'Smith, N. 3IcLean, W. J. Duncan, Leo Stephenson, Dr, J. A. 'Gorwill, Harold Whyte, Ed Daly, 'Can. Tire Ass'n,, Sea - forth Motors, E. Larone, Neil 13011, J. M. Scott, Wong's Cafe, II. Leslie, {Sean Kirk, Dr. J. C. MacLennan, Expositor, J. E. Keating. Home and School Honors Graduates A very pleasant time was •spent on Tuesday night when the 'Hoene and School (Club held their monthly meeting . in the form of a social to honor the 1955 graduates of Grade 8. Aft- er the' business pant of the meet- ing the graduates provided a very enjoyable program consist- ing of solos by Ellen Calder, Gene 'Nixon and Carl De 'Boer. A highland dance by 'Betty Jean Andrews and a double trio com- prised of Ellen Calder. Gene Nixon, Betty Muegge, Nancy Glees, Kathy 1Boshart and Betty Jean Andrews'with Mrs. J. (Stew- art at the piano. The 36 graduates were intro- duced Iby Mr. 'Talbot and then presented with school pine and congratulated by the president, Mrs. J. Paterson. Euchre and bridge were play- ed. Angus MacLean was the winner of most games and Mrs. Peter 'Bethune, lone hands, Mrs. A. Gilbert was winner of the bridge. The graduates played arok'inole, the winners were Craig Willis and Karen Nichol- son. Mrs. Dale Nixon was mother of the month by 'answering a mtathermatical problem. A de- lightful lunch was served at the close of the aneeting. It was encouraging to the Home .and 'School Club to see so amany parents and friends inter- ested. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Busby are visiting with Mr. and .Mrs. Lorne Lawson and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke spent Sunday at the home of the formter's aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan of Wayne, 'Mich. Mrs, Clarke, Sr., returned home with them after a pleasant visit of two weeks with her sister. Mrs. Carnochan and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown, Joyce and Elaine, spent a few days the 'beginning of the week attending a merchants' conven- tion in Toronto. ° Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lamson spent Sunday at the bore of Mrs. Alice 'Watson and son Ro- bert, also attended Turner's 'Church anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.'Irving Allison and family of Listowel were the guests on' Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leitch. Mr. .and Mrs. Ross McGregor spent Sunday with Mrs. Mc- Gregor's'brother, Mr• John Fer- guson, Clifford. A social evening will be held in the schoolroom of the Church on Friday evening under the auspices of the W. A. A ,short program will be given af- ter which Dr. McMaster of :Sea - forth will show slides. There will also ibe a lunch counter where you may procure pie, ice cream and 'cake. Silver collection, pro- gram to commence at 8.30. Church and Sunday School will he at die regular hours on Sunday. McKILLOP Harvest Ronne services held in the Evangelical !Church here proved a decided success in spite of the rainy weather. The (Church 'was decorated with flowers, fruits and vegetables. Rev. G. 'L. Gross conducted the morning service, Mrs. Elmer Koehler was the soloist, Mrs. (Hurry Regele at the piano. At the evening service Rev. II. IL. 'Brox conducted opening exercises. Rev. Gross unveiled the IOyartlbo'1 and ,Motto which he had presented to the McKillop congregation 'dedicating them to the services of the Lord. Mrs. Harry Regele was the soloist with Mrs. L. Beuerman accom- panying. Rev. Gross preached a very able sermon. .Among those who 'attended the services were Mr, and 'M'rs. Erect Hoegy, Mr. and Mrs. Will 'I-Ioegy and Mrs. George Hoegy frown ISeaforbh. Mr. and 'Mrs. harry Regele visited at Coderich recently. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carl Weitersen of 'Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. (Chas. Eggert and Mr. and 'Mrs, Norman Eg- gert, Mr. Irvin" Rock were at Gowanstown - on Monday. Mr. 'and (Mrs. Fergus Horan were. in Toronto on Tuesday. DUBLIN KLOMP—BERENDSEN The first Dutch .wedding in this community took place Sat- urday, Oct. .15th at 10 o'clock in St, Patrick's Church, Dublin, when Miss Theodora Catherine Berendsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berendsen, of Kir•k- ton, and Mr. Peter John Klomp of Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marl Klomp of Nuenen,'Holland,. were united in marriage. Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes D.C.L. per- formed the ceremony and sang the Solemn Nuptial Mass, 430 was assisted by Rev. J. Mc'Cow- ell of St. 'Coluntban, and Rev. J. Graham of 'Clinton. Autumn flowers and lighted tapers ad- orned the altars. Mrs. William Lane presided at the organ and was assisttd by the school choir. At the signing of the register Miss Trudy and Wilhemene Berendsen, sisters of the (bride sang in the Dutch language a iiynnt of the Blessed Mother Mary. Given in marriage 'by her father, the 'bride wore a floor - length strapless gown of nylon net and lace over satin, 0 hooped crinoline held out the full skirt milt a matching !bolero with long lily point sleeves. Her finger-tip veil of nylon net was held in place 'hy a crown of pearls and rhinestones and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. The bridesmaids were her two sist- ers, (Misses Joanne and Annie Berendsen, styled identically in ballerina -length strapless gowns of coral pink and hyacinth blue silk •crystalette with matching 'bolero .and nylon gloves and bandeaus trimmed with rhine- stones and pear's. They carried bouquets of blue and pink car- nations. The flower girl was 0 of 'C an - Miss Riely V erh van a t groom lachie cousin of the g dressed in white satin and lace. She carried a basket of white carnations and baby chrysanthe- mums and wore a crown of white and pink carnations in her hair. The groom was •attended Iby Mr. Anthony oBerendsen, brother of the bride and Mr. Cornelius Verltoven, cousin of the groom of Kerwood, Ont. The ushers were Mr. Arnold Siroen of Pop- lar 'Hill, Ont., and Mr. Peter De 'Browner of 'Blenheim, Ont. The wedding dinner Was serv- ed at the home of the 'bride's parents to about 60 guests. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a gown of black crepe with black 'velvet trim, black and white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride's table was centred by a three-tier wedding cake and !baskets of autumn flowers. For a honeymoon trip to North- ern 'Ontario the bride donned a beige suit with avocado green and 'brown accessories and cor- sage of roses. On their return they will reside on 'Confedera- tion St., Sarnia. Guests were present from Blenheim, London, IStrathroy, Poplar Hill and Ailsa 'Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae and family spent the weekend at (Sarnia. Mr. and (Mrs. Bill Evans, daughter Joanne, Merriton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. S''ranls Evans. Miss Karen Dill had the mis- fortune to fall while playing and break her arra. Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Rey- nolds, Detroit, with Mrs. Joseph. 'Carpenter. Mrs. Peter Dill, Marlene and Larry, Detroit,, with Miss Mon- ica Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dingeman of Detroit, !with Mrs. David Mc- Connell. Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence, White of ,Sebringvilie, ,with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruxer. IMa 'Jack Mo'lyneaux, Thorold, with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Monaghan dt4ialkitedoM1Rh91Rddetasta4airingeett4449 1914h5'&1d. Par� See the new er L�q PENCILS Lea L L POINT NEVER WEARS OUT — NEVER BREAKS — NEVER NEEDS SHARPENING only 3.95; Also the famous Parker Jotter at 2.95 RETRACTABLE BALL POINT PENS Other New Pens ,& Pencils WATERMAN The Famous Cartridge - Filled Pens from $6.50 up "Flight" Retractable Bali Point Pens at $1.95 "Skywriter" School Pens at $1,95 SHEAFFER "Snorkel" Pens from $8.75 up "Fineline" Cartridge Pens at 32.95 "Fineline" School Pens at 31.95 "Fineline" Retractable Bali Point Pens at $1.95 EVERSHARP "Small Ball" Retractable Ball Point Pena at 31.96 "Smooth Ball" Retractable Ball Point Pens at 980 REFILLS FOR ALL ABOVE PENS AND PENCILS ALWAYS IN STOCK SAVAUGES Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth of Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Mrs. Matt IMciCerthy and Douglas, Detroit, attended the funeral of the late Owen Hart. The ISt. Mary's Guild, Dublin, held a very successful tea, ba- zaar, and hoanebake sale at the home of Mrs. Charles Friend on EGMONDVILLE Thursday afternoon, Oct. 13. On Wed, Oct. 12. Mr. And - Mrs. James, Mrs. A. Rock and rent Houston and Mrs. Vine Mae Mrs. D. Racho were in charge of Greenwood of Exeter were an - ;bazaar. Mrs. J. Dill and Mrs, H. 'ted in mania 'Pethicic in charge of the home Ra son of 1g41aie n Stev Un ted halve sale. Mrs. Friend, D'Trs. p• Whebham, Mrs. J. Moore served +C'hurch, they have returned to tea. Also assisting were Mrs. their Roma here and their ntanY Leslie Moore, Mrs. Miller, Miss friends wish for them many Ballcwelt and. Mrs. E. Elliott. 'years of health and happiness, Mrs. Gooier was in charge of and extend to them a hearty fish 'pond. 'Friends attended from (welcome to our communiand as far away as Auburn, Ont. 'Church. Mr. and Mrs. Grant 'Houstonty CROMARTY of Kitchener spent :Sunday at the Houston 'home. LAING—JEFFERSON Resent visitors with Mrs. Jas. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson were her grandsons, John Jefferson, Fullerton, was Reg, and Laird Finlayson . of the setting of an autumn wed- ,Cromarty; Mrs, Hugh Alexander ding on Saturday, Oct. 15, when and Miss Jean Alexer. Rev. Newnham, Fullerton, trait I We are glad to andreport that ed in marriage Eva Joyce Jef D. !Smith who 'has been ferson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.I"confined to his hoate through Jahn Jefferson, and Gordon illness is imlproving. James Laing, son of Mr. and Mr. and 'Mrs. John McLach- Mrs, Thos. Laing, 'Cromarty. Ilan and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay, Miss 'Louise Jefferson, Auburn,,who have spent the past two was pianist and the soloist was months in the .Western 'Provin- Mrs. T. L. Scott who sang cos returned home last week. ''Abide with us" and "0 Perfect Love". The bride wore a'bailer- int -length 'dress of white Mee and net over satin and her fing- er-tip veil was attached to a headdress of net. 'Her flowers were red roses, white norms and stephanotis. Her only attendant is 'Olive of her i'ili.s roe 0 Jef- ferson, sister, ferson, who wore a pale blue gown of lace and net over satin and carried yellow nuns. Mr. Robert Laing, brother of 'the groom was' best elan. The bride's' mother received the guests in a gown of aqua 'blue with navy accessories and was assisted by the another of the groom who wore a black sand gold taffeta dress. A reception and dinner was held at the Munro Church with Misses 'Shirley Harper, Margaret Jefferson, Evelyn Covenay, Ed- na (Patterson, Elaine Jefferson and Alice Caldwell as waitress- es. 'The 'hap'py couple left for a trip to Niagara and other east- ern •points, the bride traveling in a suit of charcoal grey with accessories in red. 'Guests were present from Sault Ste. Marie, Clinton, Mitchell, Brucefield, London, Zurich, ,Staffa and 'Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker at- tended anniversary service at Trivitt Memorial Church in Ex- eter on 'Sunday morning .and later visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Cornish, Exeter. Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Balfour, of (Sault Ste. Marie visited dur- ing 'the weekend with her par eats, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Miller, Staffer, and Mr• and Mrs. Ed Brooks and son George; Munro, were (Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George .Walken. Mr. .and :Mrs. Arthur IByrnell and son Morley .and Mrs. A. iByrnell, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mrs. 'Mo.ore and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott. 'Mrs. Charles Mills and Roset- ta, St. (Marys, visited on 'Tuesday with Mrs. M. Iiougihton. Dr. 'and Mrs. R. G. McKay of Tharnesford visited On Sunday afternoon With Mr. and 'Mrs, T. L. Scott and family. Owing to the anniversary ser- vice in Cavan Church, 'Exeter on 'Sunday, the service in (Cromarty 'Church was withdrawn. A good- ly nunnber from the congrega- tion attended the Exeter service. Mr. 'frank Stagg, •Mrs. M• 'Houghton and Billy visited on (Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Reg (Stagg. Exeter. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Laing, whose marriage took place on 'Saturday. ST. COLUMBAN The monthly meeting of the C.W.L: was held in .the Parish Hall on 'Tuesday evening Oct. 11. The pres., Mrs. Jos. Kale opened the meeting with pray- er. pra -er. Mrs. Albert Cronin read the •minutes of the previous meeting and blurs. Jos. Malone, the cor- respondence. First Vice Pres., Mrs. Maurice Melady reported 114 members. Mrs. Edward 'Mel- ady urged members to 'bring in good used clothing to he sent to Father O'Flaherty in Fort Wil- liam, Mrs. Angus Kennedy gave the treasurer's report. Final plans were completed for our 'bazaar which is to be held Oct. 19 and bingo and games on Oct. 21. 'It was decided to hold eu- chre :parties in the .homes for the winter months. A gift donated by Mrs. John McIver was won by Mis. Jos.' Connolly. The meet- ing adjourned and closed with prayer. DUBLIN High School News Cast '.Thursday the Autumn Racers and the 'Bluebirds, our two athletic teams proved their worth on the field. 'The field day commented with the girls volley- ball, the Autumn Racers win- ning . 21-14. Marion Maloney won the girls running broad jump, and the standing jump also. Baseball was won by the the (Bluebirds 14-16. The free Junin and the pole vaulting, also the running broad jump were won by Lou (Murray. The field day closed 'w'ith 'Three 'Cheers for the Autumn Racers'. The photographer shocked us bp+ asking to take our pictures on Tuesday afternoon; first, group pictures, and then separ- ate photos. A chow "The Secret 'Conclave" is being looked forward to on Thursday evening in the 'Dublin Hall. Monday morning the bulletin board was the feature attraction for us because a letter from Mount (Carmel was pinned up challenging us to baseball, volleyball and dodgeball ' on Friday, and next week we 'hope to give a victorious report. Question of the week: Why do we have to be careful when a certain grade II girl gets her permit? alilLLdillllal•• 4 • i r4 .J