HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-13, Page 4BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Smith, Sandra and Arthur of Orange- ville with ;Mr. ,and 'Mrs, Ed. (Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wnrde11 on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. J. IL. 'Bennewies spent the 'weekend in Detroit with their fancily. Miss Rose IScheubarth spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her friend, Miss Sally Dittmer in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt of 1Vlitehell, Mr. and Mrs, John Clark, Mitchell, Mrs. Barbara MMLead, London, Master Brian Leoinhardt, Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens on Sun- day. Mrs. Alvino Diegel of 'Strat- ford with Mrs. Idora Diegel for the weekend. 1\fr, and Mrs, Gerald. Interior, 'Bradley and Jorelyn of IS:itehen- er with Mrs. Mary Duttfeer on Sunday. Mrs. Maty Dibtmer re- turned hone after the past month in Toronto and Kitchener with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Voll of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and girls of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Herrman 'Leon- hardt, Richard and Earl and 'IVr. and Mrs, Wm, Bennewies with Mr. and Airs. Norman Wilson at Neustadt. Mr. and Nlrs. Lew 'Flicks spent the holiday weekend with rela- tives in Battle 'Creek and Deeks; er, Mich. Mrs. Edith Heileman with friends here Sunday and Mon- day. Mrs. Frank :Cowling, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peel of Toronto, vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. Frank Eiek- aneir and other relatives re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe spent the :weekend in Detroit ac- companying scompanying Mrs. Ordelia Wolfe. tri "Who told you—you can't save ? 'Course you can ! And a lot more and a lot easier than you young 'uns may think ! Ever hear of Canada Savings Bonds? There's your answer! Put a percentage—even a small percentage—of your weekly or monthly earnings into 'em. It's easy. Have it done automatically for you if you like by your Bank. Like surprises? You'll be surprised how your savings pile up in short order ... tucked away safe from your own 'easy spending' ... earning you good, steady interest. And any time you want or need money for an opportunity or an emergency, your Canada Savings Bonds are cashable right off for full face value plus earned interest! Don't tell me you can't save !" Anyone can save—easily, regularly, safely—with Canada Savings Bonds! Canada Savings 5 10th Series pays FOR CASH OR ON EASY INSTALMENTS 3'/4% - interest CS -5-55W2 ---------'" New Grain Elevator To Handle Your Corn Modern, Labor Saving, Automatic Equipment for Fast Handling and Accurate Weighing FULL PLATFORM HOIST—watch this hoist unload your truck or semi -trailer. LARGEST CLEANER AVAILABLE for fast unloading. TWO AUTOMATIC WEIGH SCALES—for fast and accurate weighing. LARGER AND FAST CORN SHELLER to eliminate waiting in line, NEWEST TYPE DRYER to custom dry your grain. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES paid for your corn, wheat, soya - beans, mixed grain. CUSTOM PICKER - SHELLER available, 36" row 7.00 per acre 42" -row, 6.00 per acre CANN'S MILL LTD. Exeter, Ont, Phone 735 Mrs. Harold Wurdell returned home from Victoria Hospita'1, London, but will he confined to bed in a east for several months, Mr. Ernest Elligson is confin- ed to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seatorth, Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rock and Rebecca of Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. Kr. and Mrs. Howard Quoren- gesser and girls of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Case, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Querer- gesser with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell :Sholdice on Sunday. !The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church was held on (Wed. evening. Mrs. Chris W. Leon- hardit and Mrs. Harold Mogk read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Lew Hicks, the topic, iOWe look at Ourselves". Mrs. Chris W. ILeonhardt, prayer. Three hymns were sung and the 'devotions closed with the Lord's Prayer. (Mrs. Young, the president, pre- sided for the business. An invi- tation was accepted to go to El- lice on 'Wednesday evening, guests of St. Pawl's 'Lutheran Ladies' Md. The next meeting to be held the first Wednesday of Novem- ber in the afternoon, and quilt- ing. IBirthdays were reported IbY Mrs. Manuel Beuerman, Mrs. Annie Elligson, Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs. Harold Elligson. A hymn, "Another Tear is Dawning" was sung in their honor by Mrs. Os- car Young, Mrs. Wan. Bach, Mrs. Aug. Sauer, Mrs. Albert Bauer. Cookies and coffee were served, McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert were at Teeswater fair last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Regele visited his sister, Mrs. Wes Fis- her IP is -her and Mr. Fisher in Fullerton •on Sunday. Harvest Home and 'Dedication Services will be held in the Evangelical 'Chureh here on Sunday, Oet, 16th, at 11 arm• and 8 p.m. Rev, H. L. Gross of Port Elgin will be the guest speaker. Mr, and Mrs, A, J. liuether, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Huebher and children of Morriston spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock at the Eggert 'home. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Beuermtan returned home Saturday after spending a couple of weeks at Egmondville. 'Mr. George Weitersen of De- troit spent the weekend with his uncle Mr. Henry Weitersen and Mrs. Weitersen. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Di:pple of Gowans - town motored to Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cham- bers and son John of Preston were holiday visitors with her mother, Mrs. L. Beuerman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. henry Weitersen were Mi. Charles Moore of 'Stratford, Mrs. War. Kruspe of 'Sebringville; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eisler and Mrs. Bruce Eisler of Logan. Mrs. Henry Koehler will cele- brate her 90th birthday on Sat- urday, Oct. 15th. Mrs. Koehler has been in poor health for a number of years. Mr. Jno. 'Britton of 'Staffa called on Mr. Henry Weitersen on Thanksgiving Day. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. 'T. A. Anderson and daughter Ina, Toronto spent the 'week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill. Those visiting Mrs. H. Berry on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith and faniily, Strat- ford, tratford, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith, Miss Eleanor Smith and Mr. Jack Horton, Bluevale. Mrs. Muncey Squires spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen. Visiting with Miss Mary Gib- son on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Malu•trie, Hensall. The Woman's Association met in the school room .of the church on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 4, with 20 members present. Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. Haar had charge of the devotional exercises, Our opening hymn was 441. The scripture lesson was taken from the 6th chapter of John, verses 28 to 33. Miss Bowey led in pray- er, The topic, Bread of Life, was given by Mrs, Ham. Hymn 445 closed this part of the meeting, The president, Mrs, N. Baird, then took the chair. The W.A. creed was repeated in unison. Mrs. McBeath gave the secretary's re- port, and the treasurer's report, in the absence of Mrs. H. Berry. Final plans for the bazaar which will be held on Nov, 2, with the following committees were ap- pointed: Apron booth, Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs, Graham. Fancy Work: Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Baird; Baking: Mrs. R. Seott, Mrs. W. Broa'dfoot, Mrs. Walters and !Mrs. Triebner; Can- dy. Mrs, Thomson, Mrs. Jno. Broadfoot; Touch and Take: Mrs. Fotheringham and Mrs. Douglas; Fish Pond: Mrs, L. Eyre, Mrs. Jno. McGregor; Pro- duce: Mrs. Geo. 'Henderson, Mrs. J. Henderson, Mrs. Alex Mustard; Receiving and Wel- come Visitors: Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Robert 'Allen; Serving Tea: Mrs. 5, Baird, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. W. Moffatt, Mrs. Hargraves, Miss M. Swan, Miss M. McDon- ald. The W. A. hymn and prayer brought the meeting to a close. Group 1 had eharge of the pro- gram which consisted of a vocal duet by Mrs. Henderson and her sister, Mrs. Rev. Cox. Two contests were eondueled by Mrs. Wilmer ,]3roarcifoot after a very daintylunch was served. KIPPEN Mr. Harry Caldwell, life long� resident or this district, passed away at his honio east of Kip - pen on Friday evening, following a heart attack. Mr. Caldwell, who was in his 48th year; was born on the second of Tucker'smith, anit 26 years ago was united in mar- riage to Rena Simpson of Eg- mondville, who survives, and two daughters Monet, Mrs. Vernon Alderdice of Tuckerstnith, Isabel at home, and a son John, at home, Also one sister, Mrs, Harry Faber; Hensall, and. a brother Wm. Caldwell, Kippen, and two grandchildren. He was a member of St. Andrew's United Church, Kipper, Public funeral services were held from his late residence on Monday at 2.30 o'clock con- ducted by Rev, •Norman McLeod. Interment was made iu Egmond- ville Cemetery. The honorary pall bearers were Carl McClinchey, John Sinclair, Nelson Tremeet; Allan Tremeer, Winston Work- man; Aiex McGregor, Archie Hoggartb. The pallbearers were Ernest Whitehouse, Joe McLel- lan, Wnt. Bell, Morley Cooper, Robt. Hlgie and Robt. McGregor. Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle visited on Sunday with the formers, mother, Mrs. Dickert in Clifford, who is ill, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and Ann and MWS, Join Gibson, all of Wro- xeter visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis, Mrs. Gib- son remained for some holidays: Mr. and Mrs, Woods and Mrs, Murray of Toronto visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson. Mr. preen Cameron of Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long on Monday, Mr, Bob Love of Toronto spent the week end with his parents Mr, and Mrs, Ross Love. Mr, Robert Cooper is eujoying a motor trip to Edmonton, Alberta Mrs. W. R, Cooper has return- ed, home after a pleasant visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell In Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis, ac- companied by Mrs. John Gibson, spent the Thanksgiving week end with the former's sister and bro- thel in law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Hutchison in St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and daughter of Exeter visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrews United Church on Sunday, Oct. 30. Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Gackstetter were Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Ferguson, Grant and Mary Jane, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Gackstetter and Kathryn and Henry of I3ensall. A number from here attended the Graham - Lova wedding in the RCAF Chapel, Clinton, and also tine Thomson - Love wedding at Kipper,. Rev. Norman McLeod conduct- ed Thanksgiving services in St. Andrew's United Church on Sun- day morning. Special music was furnished by the large choir un- der the leadership of Miss Jean Tvison. Large baskets of flowers were placed in the church by Mrs. R. M, Peck in memory of her father, Mr. John Elder of Hensel]. ST. COLUMBAN ,Owen Hart, 82, died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seefonth, after an illness of several weeks. He was born in Hilbert Town- ship, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart. In 1906 he married'the form- er Bridgid O'Reilly, who died in 1029. ale resided in St. Coluan- ban. Mr. Hart was member of the St. Columban Roman Catho- lic Church, the Holy Name So- ciety, and the League of the 'Sa- cred Heart. He is survived by 'two sons, Joseph, St. 'Columban; Frank, of Stratford; one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd MciCarbhy, (Dublin; one sister, Miss Ann Hart, Ingersoll, and six grandchildren. The re- mains rested at' the home of Mr. and Ms.'s. Lloyd McCarthy, Con. 8, Logan twp. The 'funeral will take place on Thursday, when Requiem High Mass will be sung at St. Columvban (Church at 9.30 a,tm, and burial will be in St. (Columban Cemetery. THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, October 13, 1055 Regent Theatre THURS. PRI. SAT THREE HOURS TO KILL (Color) Dana Andrews • Donna Reed IIs was back for vengeance and for her. Tho men with the rope sear on his neck, Dana Andrews and Donna Reed, academy award winner for "From Aero to Eternity" in a spine tingling western MON, TUGS. WED EXECUTIVE SUITE The greatest star oust in movie history, assembled in one eompolling Drama. Tho story of ten people whose lives aro thrown into turmoil by greed and hate, loyalty and fear, sorrow and envy Win. Holden Juno Allyson Barbara Stanwyck Frederic March THURS. PRI. SAT. THEY RODE WEST Robert Pranete - Donne Reed When VALUE and ECONOMY are considered THIS STORE COMES FIRST "Down through the years, a good place to buy" WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth innuauu„u, uunnouaau'na,u"uu,ua ' o,unaaunwumruauuu„,lwauum„uuwna,1auuan, IsteauvikivueAs Euchre and Dance at St. Patrick's Parish Hall Dublin FRIDAY, OCT. 14 Mullin's Orchestra Auspices of the Altar Society OVIlliANVIAMANINVIOWWWVII 3 students of any high school. James Martin and Gordon Baxt- er, of the Goderieh and District High School; Junior students of any high school, ;Elizabeth Mc - Gavin andRonald' E. Ryrie, Sea - forth District :High School; Ro- bert Dobson and Don 'Ballon tyne, of the South Huron Dis- trict High School, Exeter; mounted plows, for Huron county residents, only, Hugh Simpson, Whitechurch; Bill Storey, ISeafovth; tractor class for Huron county residents on- ly, Lorne Passmore, James :Clark, R. R. 5, Goderich. Esso special, donated 'by Imperial Oil for the best plowed land in the field, went to an R,R. 3, Clinton man, Lorne Ballantyne. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M.—Church School and Bible Class 11 A.M. MORNING SERVICE 7 P.M. EVENING SERVICE NORTH HURON PLOWING MATCH Rain which started off at 9 a.m. and continued all day, dampened, but didn't hamper, the 29th annual plowing match of the North Huron Plowmen's Association, held at the farm of Roy Patrick, of McKillop twp., near Winthrop. The match saw eight of the nine classes run off; however, not all 30 entrants were on hand to take part. Mud and water, in some eases six inches deep, fail- ed to outwit ,the participants. Officiating as judge was A. E. Gray, of Rockwood. Both President 'Harry Sturdy, of Auburn, and'Sea-'Preas„ El- ston 'Cardiff, of Brussels, M.P for Huron, commented that. those who carried on Friday "certainly had lots of backbone. They were out in the drizzling rain all day.” Elizabeth MoGavin, 16 -year- old daughter of Mr. an:d Mrs. Gordon McGavin, Walton, was the only girl participating in the sholw. Winner of the first prize in the tractor class was Lorne Passmore, of Exeter. Winners were: 'Class for teams only, Ronald McGillvary; tractor class for Huron County residents only, Don Perrie, r.3, Brussels; James Tarin, Sea - forth; free -'for -all, Alex. Glan- ville, r.2, Walton; John Buchan- an, Goderich; green class, those not having won first prize at any other match, John Alexan- der, R. 'R.: 4, Walton; Don Hen- crack, 'R.R. 2, Crediton;, senior Bazaar and Tea Baking Sale ST. COLUMBAN HALL Wednesday, Oct. 19 3 TO 5 P.M. BIngo games and draw for prizes. Lunch Counter, Friday, Oct. 21, at 8.30 P.M. Admission 50c TURNERS UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Services*' - Sunday, October 16 Afternoon service at 2 p•tn. Rev. S. Davidson, Brucefelcl, speaker Evening service at 7.30 p.m. Rev. C. C. 'Washington, Auburn, speaker Special Music by the choir EVERYONE WELCOME Employment Opportunities We are expanding our operations and need competent help ht nearly all departments Packer Belt Sander Spray Finisher Upholsterer Cabinet Maker Time Study -route Clerk Woodworking Machine Operator Stationary Engineer 3rd or 4th Typist in Production Office Girls for Cabinet Sanding Fullest coverage for Pension, Life and Sickness Insurance, Hospital and Medical, Paid Vacations and Statutory Holidays 5 day Week (Also open for applications Saturday morning) Apply IMPERIAL Furniture Mfg. Co. Ltd. STRATFORD ONTARIO Trimmer WANTED 25001bs. MILK A DAY For large Milk Plant in Torono area Reply to Box 127 T, The Seaforth News NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH No Parking will be allowed on Main Street on Friday nights between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. to facilitate the cleaning of the street Saturday morning. Sy order of the Town Council