HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-06, Page 8HENSALL Munroe -McNaughton +Standards of gladioli, ferns, mums, and lighted candelabra, decorated Chisekhurs't United 'Church, Saturday, 'Sept. 25th, 1955 at 3 pan, When Barbara Ruth McNaughton, Toronto, and Sgt. Earl J. Munroe, of Brand- on, Manitoba, exchanged mar- riage vows. The +bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne A. 1VIcNaughton, Croanarty, and ▪ the groom, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Munroe, Hali- fax, Nova 'Scotia, The Rev. C. D, Daniel of Hensall officiated. Miss Gladys Luker of Hensall provided ti diti:dna1 wedding anisic and accompanied the so- loist, Mr. Grant McDonald, of Exeter, who sang "The 'Wedding Prayer" and "Because" The guest pews were tied ;with satin bows which were centred with red roses. Given in marriage by her la- ther, the bride was lovely gown- ed in white lace over white sat - tin, off the shoulder style, and the full skirt was ballerina - length. A small satin crown headdress held her embroidered finger-tip Snatching veil and she carried a white Bible crested with an orchid with streamers of ribbons to which tiny pink rose buds were attached. Three at- tendants preceded the bride to the altar, Miss Lenore Baxter, Toronto, as maid of honor. Mrs. ,,,name, man se stems e;mi tannat,tmm 11lnlntllttttnttnantttlllalat1fe111a11.11111011a,1n111,1a1 CaUS . B-4 - U - BUY Trucks, Tractors & Farm Equipment Home Freezers and Refrigerators frElectric Washers, etc. AUTO, TRACTOR AND FARM TIRES ALL TYPES OF V BELTS & PULLEYS PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS PAINTS, OILS, GREASE, ETC. ETHYLENE GLYCOL ANTi-FREEZE $2.75 per gal, CALCIUM CHLORIDE $3,00 per cwt, HN BACH I.H. Dealer Seaforth .auu11nnu11111111u11n1111u11h„,,,,,,,,,1,,,,, m1111111,„u11111uu1„n,u,uott,nnlminmemumnunnnamwt Just A Reminder A o Feed Meeting will be held in Seaforth on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th AT 8.15 KEEP THIS DATE OPEN EXETER ARENA F IDAY, OCT. 14 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $50 EACH 3 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $200 EACH 1 Special For 1956 FORD COACH ADMISSION $1.00 Extra & Special Cards 25c, 5 for $1.ea—Car Special $1.00 0 for $5,00 GAMES START AT 9 P.M. SHARP - DOORS OPEN AT 7.30 SPONSORED BY EXETER LEGION AND LIONS Proceeds In Aid of Scout House NOTICE At a recent meeting of the Council of the Town- ship of McKillop it was decided to ask the Rate- payers to please cut the grass and weeds on the frontage of their properties as soon as possible, without remuneration. At the same time the Council expressed appreci- ation to those Ratepayers who already had co- operated in cleaning weeds from areas adjacent to their properties. (Signed) W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent Ida Parsons, Toronto, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid; Miss Barbara Duncan, Toronto, niece of'the ;bride,unior ,bridesmaid. Miss Baxter chose a. dusty rose taffeta with full net skirt, bal- lerina -length, with, matching flower headdress and nosegay of yellow roses and white mums; with ribbons to match costume Mrs. Parsons wore blue taffeta with net embroidered over dress, ballerina -length, Barbara Dun- can. was costumed in yellow tat- feta with net over dress, Both wore matching flower 'hats, and nosegays to .match gowns. Sgt. 'Br'uce Fleming of Toron- to was best man, nshers were Glen McNaughton, Toronto, and Ivan Hall, Sudbury. The reception for forty guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. McNaugh- ton receiving in a gown of mauve crepe with accessories in black and red rose corsage. The bridal table covered with a lace cloth centered a three-tier aveddin.g cake, flanked with ro- ses and pink and white tellers. House decorations were in pink and white with gladioli and car- nations. Serving were the Misses Grace Johns, Elianville, Ila Da - foe, London, and ,Shirley Dick, (Cromarty, For their honeymoon to Nia- gara Falls, ,through the U.S.A. and Western Canada, the bride travelled in a ''black crepe suit dress with white accessories, with turquoise top coat. They will reside in Brandon, Man. Guests were present from Brandon, Man., Toronto, Or-. angeville, Sudbury, Exeter, Herr sail, Ruxley, and Cromarty. (Miss Shirley 'Cliap'man, R.N. of Sarnia spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. Manning of Clinton was a recent visitor with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Lillian 'Hyde. Mr, W. Kerslake of St. Marys is spending a few weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mrs. Edna 'Corbett of Exeter visited this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edna Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Petty. IMrs. Harold Bell was hostess for the choir of Carmel Presby- terian Church Thursday even- ing, when slie pleasantly enter- tained the members atl her home. Following choir rehearsal the evening was spent socially, after which refreshments were served by Mrs, Bell and her daughter. Mise Shirley Bell. marommar BRODHAGEN Miss Joanne Rock in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. henry D, Diegel attended the marriage of their grandson, Harry Elliott, to Miss Wallace at Cromarty on Satin, day. Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querenges• ser and Mrs. Mora Diegel with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Diegel in Mitchell recently. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Rose and Yvonne of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leonbardt. S. S. Convention At Auburn Oct. 12 The North Huron Council of Christian Education, Branch of the Ontario Council of Christian Education will hold their Annual Convention in Knox Presbyter- ian Church, Auburn, Wed. Oct- ober 12th ,beginning at 1,45 p. m. The theme of the ,Convention will he "Communicating the Gospel” and the Theme Speaker will be Rev. Allan Duffield, B. A., B.D., B. Peed. of Lambeth, Ontario. All teachers and offi- cers of every Sunday School in North Huron are urged to be present and share in the discus - cion and fellowship. The Even- ing Worship Service will be led. by Young People of North Hur- on at 7.30 pan. Supper will be served in the Church at 6 pat, by the ladies of Knox Church, Friends are invited to notify Earl Hamilton of Wingham as to number coming for supper. Rev. Donald McRae of Wingahm will assist in bringing summa- tion of the suggestions and find- ings reached during the day. It promises to be a great step for- ward in Sunday ,School work for North Huron. IN MEMORIAM Benedict Holland, le loving memory of our dear Benediet who died Oct, Otli, 1935. We little know when we awoke that morn The sorrow the day would bring' The call was sudden, the shuck severe, To part with ono we loved se dear. Wo wonder why yon had to die Without 1 chance to say Good Bye. --Will be always remembered by father, mother, brothers and sisters CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbore for the lovely flowers. cards and other nets el kindness shown us in the sudden passing of our dear husband end father. 1t meant a ,greet deal to us. Mrs. J. McNairn, Jim and ICen CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. I•t. Pepper would like to thank her many friends and neighbor's, who remembered her so kindly, during her recent illness, as well as Dr, Newland, Miss Sinclair and staff of Clinton Hos- COMING EVENTS St. Cohcmban C.W.L. are holding a0 bazaar and tea on Wed, afternoon, Oct. 15111, and bingo and games on Friday ovcnmg, Oct. 21 WANT SALESMEN $50 to 9 A 5 Oweelcly? Start n permanent year-round business. Floor Polish, Pepper, Disinfectants bring repeat business. Strictly your own boss. Our quality products assure quick, easy sales in home -town and surroundings. i''AMILEX, Station. "C” Montreal KIPPEN EAST ;Oct. f12, 8.30 5. S. ' No. 2, Tuckersmith. The hostess, Mrs. Jas. MbNaughton, co -hostess, Mrs. Morley Cooper. Roll call, name a 'Can'adian Industry and its location. Motto "Int is !better to get bent with hard work than to get crooked trying to avoid it", by Mrs. ,Russell Brock, The speaker is 'Prof. James Scott. Music, Mrs. J. Drummond. 'Cur- ren't Events, Mrs. Ross Ohap- man. Home, The Farmer's Wife, +Mrs. Harry ;Caldwell, Contests by Mrs. J. Drummond, Lunch +Committee, Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. M. (MacGregor, Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre, Mrs. W, McLean, Mrs. R. Gemmell, Mrs. R. Broad - foot, Mrs. R. M. ,Peek,.Mre. N. McLeod, and Mrs. W. Broadfoot. ODD AND SINISTER Nobody likes them and yet these international Cocktail Par- ties are always crowded to the doors. Just why? Perhaps diplomats feel com- pelled to attend thele in the hope that "under the influence" some other diplomat will :betray vital state secrets. This rarely happens we are assured. Sir Anthony Eden, answering a criticism against the "lavish" expenditures of d i p, I o an el,bes abroad, declared of the Cocktail Party. "It is one of the burdens of a diplomat's life, It is done strictly in the line of duty." It would seem then that these unpleasant, unwanted occasions are an indispensable arm of in- ternational diploOliacy, 'Duty alone causes 'Cocktail Parties to be tolerated.' Surely there is something add and sinister about this Cocktail phenomenon, detested but al- ways well patronized. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News September 1915 C. Wesley Dewitt Cozens has been appointed to ,Brueefield Methodist Church owing to the recent death of the pastor, Rev. J. Greene. Mrs. James McKay and Mrs. James Finlayson, of Tucker - smith, are visiting relatives in Michigan. A rousing send off with the band and cadets was given to Ptes. Pinkney, Rivers and Kelly when they left for overseas on Monday. Store fronts were dec- orated with flags. A wedding reception was held at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, Thos. McKay, McKillop, for the newlyweds. The inutile was;furn- ished by Jack 'Hawthorne, Pat Chesney and Thos. Grieve and an enjoyable time was spent. A shall fire in the .floor of the 'Commercial hotel was put out by the firemen. 'During the +Bachelors and Benedicts dance numbers were rendered by the quartet. John Beattie, Geo. Israel, D. F. Mc- Gregor and James 'Sleith, also songs by Mr. Will Hays. The furniture factory is start- ing on an order for 80,000 shell boxes and will employ about 70 .nen. She won't expect you to know a draft from a money order When the girls at the Toronto -Dominion begin their training with us one thing is impressed on them: "Nearly every day some customer of the bank comes up against a phase of banking that he's never had to deal with before .. , it's your job to be as helpful as you possibly can." So if you deal at a Toronto -Dominion branch, never feel embarrassed about your lack of knowledge on even the simplest matter. Our Staff is anxious to help you, and they don't expect you to be a banking expert. There are over 450 branches of the Toronto -Dominion Bank In Canada now ...and you'll find the same con. sideration and courtesy /n any one of them. TORONTO -DOMINION BANK to 8l 6l+sE.iM4_6t1 GA 14 eta FOSR SLE FOR SALE Propine mrd Uy nl>lea. Priced res + 1 large size Foss oil burner, good as sonably. Torrance Dudes, Welton, now. ICen Stewart, 11105 Sewforth Phone 9Or6 Brussels FOR SALE FOR SALE iToletein bull calf. Gerald van den 26 York plgs, various sizes. Albert Rangel, RR6 Seaforth Olathe, Walton 1101. 49.12 Brussels FOR SALE - FO R SALE Registered dark red Scotch Shorthorn 21 good pigs ready to Wean. A. R. Bull, 18 months old. -Joe Johnson, am Davidson,- 11112 Senferth. Phone 607x3 Walton. Lot 9, Con. 11, Mcicfllop FOR SALE NOTICE 100 New 18,unU Sussex 10,llets, ready ♦Order your Turkey naw fol' Thaulcs- to hey. Arnold Keyes, Vern,l giving. ;Con Boattle, Pheno 8341,5' FOR SALE A member of stockers, Durham & Hereford between (1. and 7 hundred. Dan MalCinnou, Box 60, Brussels Auction. Sale CLEARING ESTATE Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery, at lot 20, Con. 0, It;bbort Twp„ '2(0 miles west of Stella, on County Road, on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 12 o'clock. Mach- inery—W.6 McCormieh Deering tractor; 1950 ;y4 ten International truck with stock reek, 35000 mhos, allnew tines, 88.46 Goocnsoa threshing. machine. 1965 Dodge V 3 Sedan ear. 3 furrow Inter- national plow ; 315 ft. International stiff: tooth eoltivalor on rubber (new). Inter- national tractor spreader, Monsey Hards manure fouler, bull dozer blade and buck rake. McCormick Deering power coin binder with loader. Fertilizer sower. Intel'lllttielal silo filler, Massey Harris. 7 10. binder, hay leader, corn planter, seed drill. International side rake, corn soignee, set diamond harrows, 3 oil drums. 260 gal. gas tank & pump, 5 ft. mower, set chain harrows, Western -sad- dle (new), Power emery with 1(c hp: motor, steel water. trough, 25 gel. motor cil, tubber tired. wagon, 16 ft. Rat hay rack, gravel box, 2000 lb. scales, ren- ame mill. Electtao grata grinder wit's t hp. motor.. Paint sprayer & air com- pressor with motor, wheel barrow, hal. mess. 600-4 and 6 inch tile, 8-12 inch tie, cedar posts. Hay & Grain -2000 sus, good mixed grain ; 1500 bales of No. 1 mixed hay. Cattle—i8 Hereford e Durham dews; 3 Hereford & Durham steers 2 yrs. old. 3 year-old steers. 6 Durham heifer's rising 2 yrs. old. 17 Her- eford & Durham oa.ives; Shorthorn bull 1700 lb's. FARMS—Grass Farm con- sisting of Lot 24, Con. 12, Hibbert TO., gravel pit. Home Farm: 100 urea snore. or less, 1 large bunk barn and imple- ment shed, cement silo, pig pen, 'hen house, frame house covered with asph- alt shingles, modern bath room, pressure wafter system in house and barn. Prae- tically allworkable land. Terms — Matteis cash. Property, 1O% down, bal- trme in 30 days. Estate of late 1107 Kerslake; Executors, John Channel, John Butson. Solicitor, A. Sillery. Aust., Mu- dd Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Grain at Lot 11, Con. 4, Morris Twp., 1365 miles east of Belgr'ove on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 12.00 sharp. 1962 Chevrolet 31 ton truck & racks, in perfect condition. Mc- Cormick Deering tractor, Super C, fully equipped (like new). 2 furrow Fleury tractor plow. Massey Harris 22 tractor power mower; spring tooth harrows. John Deere tractor disk (good). 2 sets of harrows 2 wheel trailer, Internat- imml harmer mill. 2 tubber tired wagons. 1 circular sate. M. 1I. No. 11 eleottic cream separator, like new. Na- tional milking machine, wheel barrow. 40 ft, extension ladder. 3 electric fent ers, 120 gal. steel drum; other steel barrels. Cattle -11 young Durham cows due to freshen in Jan. & Febl 2 Ayrshire cows due in Jan. 2 Jersey covs due latter part of Tat. 1 Holstein sew' due in Jun. 3 Durham & Hereford cows due first part of Feb, 7 Durham & Her- eford baby beer ready for market. 10 Hereford calves from 300 to 600 lbs. 1 York sow with litter of 12, ready to wean time of sale. 2 York cows bred ;Ibnut 2 months(. 13 pigs slemet ready fur market. 9 York cheeks, Number of Pig troughs, Ila, & Grain' -1600 bales mixed hay. 1500 bit. of gacal mixed grain, Terms—Chattele cads. Robs. Ilouston, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auet, E. P. Chesney, Clerk ESTATE Auction Sale Farm, Fa•,n Stock, Murhinety and Household Effects, At Let 5, Con. 17, Grey Twp., 13:4 east of Walton ohut'ch, Friday, Oct. 70, at 1.2 o'clock. Ford trustor; plow and eulttvator. M -H Clip - Per combine with motor, pick up. Deer- ing binder 7 ft. McCormiek mower• 0 ft. Stuffier; set of farm sleighs; 111-18 side rake, cult( -packer, 2 section drag har- rows, diamond harrows; walking plow;. dump rake, manure spreader; good bench vice. 3000 lh ,Reek scales with rack. McCormick Deering cream separ- ator with motor. Surge milking mrtcline, hay loader. 13 dims fertilizer drill. Fan- ning mill with motor, rubber tired wag. en and 16 ft. Rat hay rack: ]adders. 1961 Ford can'. Colony house 10x72 ft. Cedar posts, Hay — 20 ton of cut mixed hay. 12 ton of timothy hay. Some grass seed. Forks, shovels, chains, tools, and many other articles. Cattle — 11 steers 2 yrs. pkt, Durham & 8-Xereford. 5 Durham heifers 800 lbs. 11 Durham & Hereford. steersand heifers 1 year old. 14 geese. household Effects 290 1b. scales. Admired cook stove, 2 heating stoves. 8.2 ft. International refrigerator (like now). Outfield white enamel washer; electric r,mgette; hot plate; Electrolux vacuum cleaner with nttnehments. Frosted 01119 antique parlor lamp. Oak dining roan suite, kitchen table & chairs. Sewing machine, Roor coverings, upright Martin Orme piano and Neuer!; boor( cases ; 2 Pa1401 suites. Number of rockers, small tables and occasional chairs, chest of drawers. Number of bedroom suites, mantel radio, folding ironing board, chesteraeld beer, clocks, lamps, hooked mats; ,]uilts,blankets, bed linens, table linens, feather ticks & pillows. Large quantity of dishes including antique dishes & china, vases & ornaments. sets of bedroom china, kitchen utensils, seal- ers, crocks. Quantity of canned fruit. Farm will bo offered for sale if not previously sold. Farm, 90 acres more or less, situated 114 miles east of Walton. 15$ brick house with new bath room. hydro, presser° water system through- out buildings.Large L bank haus, hon house with good cement stabling; and drive Shed. 92 acres of workableland all seeded at present time and excellent (water supply. Terms — Chattels cavil. Property 10% down, balance 30 days. Offered subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late Geo. M. Ramsay. John R. Williamson, administrator for estate, R. Hetherington, solicitor. Harold Jackson, Auct. E. P. Chesney, Clerk FOR SALE Ono tido of African geese, and one trio of Toulouse geese. Forty wearier pigs enol ten ehuaks of 100 lbs, Views Cooper, phone 063x21 Seafm'th. FOR SALE A few cords of hard ample body wood, 12" long. Apply to Gorden Richardson, Phone 056x2 Seaford' FOR SALE 2 litters of ahem York pigs, well started. Jonathan I-Iussill, ilwy #8, 3 miles west of Seaforth. Phone 0071,18 Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery„ House- hold Bllects, at Lot 12, Con.7, Hallett Tie», 1.V., miles west of Constance, on Saturday, Oct. 8, tO 1 P.M. Cattlo — 2 cows, 4 young cows due to freshen in Jmniary. 6 black yearling steel's, 2 year- ling heifers, 2 calves. Implements — Allis Chalmers tractor, tractor plow, binder, hayloader, setsleighs, cutter,. rubber 'tired buggy, light wagon, gang plow, riding plow, walking plow, culti- vator, cream separator and pails, wit- ting box, wagon and rack, drill, fertil- izer drill, grain grinder, fanning null, 2 disks; harrowssamanurel spreader. Qua hayn7sections ; Quantity oats, mower, chain saw, grass seeder, drag saw blade, -gas engine, gas motor, 2 sap kettles, colony house, brooder stove, harness, carpenter tools, pig crate Household 'Effects — Buffet, furntac- ette, folding cot, electric iron, gas iron, lamps, dishes, sealers, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve, farm is sold. Prop., Meath Adams. Aunt., Harrold Jackson, Clerk, E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock and Machiney. Lot 20, Con. 10, Morrie Twp., 4 mile west of Walton, Wed, Oot. 12, at 12.30 P.M. Machinery — Oliver 70 tractor fully equipped. No. 6 George White threshing machine with elevator and shredder (like new), 3 furrow Massey Harris plow. (like new). Coekshutt 16 run fertilizer drill on rubber (2 years old). 9 ft, Mc- Cormick o-Cormick Deering oulti .packer, stiff tooth tractor cultivator: tractor double disc, John Deere 7 ft tractor mower, Cock-. shutt power take off side rake on rub- ber. 7 it Massey Harris binder; 2 row corn muffler, drop head McCormick Deering hay loader (like new). Garden tractor with plow and scuffler, 3t/s to 'S hp. 4 section diamond harrows, grain blower and pipes, DeLaval cream POP - metier with motor; 2000 lb. scales. John Deere wagon (new). 2 Rat hay racks (new)'. set sloop sleighs and rook; elec- tric hammer mill with 3 Imp. motor ; small type cement mixer; 32 rt. exten- sion ladder, stone boat, mill type bag truck on rubber. Beatty hay car, slings, chaine, ropes and hay fork: leg vice, DeLaval Stirling milking machine, pip- ing for 13 rows. 10 gal. Woods water homer. Wheel barrow, double ropes, roll MOW fence, iron posts, gas barrels, elec- tric lectrio fence', forks, shovels. chains. Poul- try equipment OolonY house 10x12 insulated. 3 chicken shelters, 1 eleetti0 brooder, 1 on brooder. Cattle — 2 Dur- ham. uihaat cows due time of sale. 7 Durham & Hereford cows due Feb„ Mme's, April, 1 Durham farrow cow. This is a choice lot of young cows. 10 Hereford steers rlsing 2 year's old. 6 ileretord heifers rising 2 years old. 10 spring calves, steers . and heifers sired by Hereford bull, 1 Hereford bull - years old. 'terms dash. No reserve, farm sold. Prop., W. J. Cuthill. Auc1, Harold Jnekson. Clerk E. P. Chesney Clearing Auction Sale Of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Live- stock, Grain and Household Effects, on the premises, Half of Lot 8 & 9 Lake Rd. West, Stanley Twp.. 3 miles south of Bayfield, or 6 miles north of Drysdale on Highway 21, on Friday, Oct. 7, at 1 P.M. sharp. Tractor & Farm Mach inery—Waterloo V: tractor on steel ; 8 furrow Oliver plow; set of lever liar. 1000 ; set of bob sleighs; log drag, cut- ter, set of log bunks, wagon and box, gravel box, buggy, set of trucks with rack. Fanning mill with screens, set of bag trucks, 1200 1's. beam scales, woolen. land roller, 7 ft. M -H binder, M -H 13 - tun seed drill 11 -run seed drill M-11 mower, 6 ft. cut M:H bean puller and scattier, 1 -now scuffler with hillers; 2 walking plows, 12 -plate disc. harrows, 2 furrow gang plow, dump rake, 24 cord hardwood. Quantity of lumber, 150 cedar rails. Livestock — Part Hereford and Ayrshire cow, fresh one month with heifer calf at foot. Durham cow, milk- ing, carrying second calf, due in April. Hereford yearling steer. Grain — 700 bushel choice mixed grain. I•Iousehold Effects—Enterprise cook stove like new, Quebec heater, wooden bed with springs and mattress, iron bed springs & mat. tress, dresser, wash stand, feather tick & pillows. Floor covering various sizes. Lace ,curtains. 2 antique hanging Tampa, 6 coal oil lamps. Extension table with loaves, 2 school desks, large table, toilet. set complete, kitchen eolith* glass cup- board, organ, lounge, clock, cabinet radio, paper rack, robe, fish nets, sap pails & apnea, eta, ete. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms cash. Carl Houston, Prop. Fred Watson, Clerk, Alvin Walper, .Auctioneer Help Wanted The McKillop, Logan & I3ibber't Tele- phone Co. Ltd, Dublin, require the: services of one girl for Night Operator on their switch board, must he able to keep toll account books. Also one girl to learn operating and work as relief when needed. All .applications to be in the hands of the Sec,-Treas. by Saturday, Oat. 8, 1955 T. E. MoQUAID Sec. -Trees, 115 Seaforth NOTICE Custom built kitchen cupboards, alterations, to suit your needs. Apply to William Parker, Bruce - field. Phone 625115 Clinton FOR SALE 5000 Foreman Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Andrews Poultry Farm, RR3 Seaforth. Phone 647r8 FOR SALE su Man's dark t, also °voraont, size 80-40. Good as new. Box 127R. Seaforth News; FOR SALE Forty Red Rock pullets, laying. Apply to phgnm 841r31 Seafotll. Glen Mont- gentery FOR SALE Dry mixed wood 55 a cord delivered. Louis Coyne, phone 641.16 Dublin NOTICE Music Instructions in violin, cello, Theory, in Seaforth. For information call 743W. Instruments available WORK WANTED Landscaping, drains cleaned, any odd jobs. Fred Williams, c/o ,Tames Barry, phone 608r16 VIKING Cream separators, all electric, cabinet models. John Byerman, Walton #2. Phone Seaforth 848r24 FARM FOR SALE 120 acre farm with hydro and water, 5 miles south of Goderich. Bank barn. House has red insul brick siding. Apply Seaforth News aenStili•1•01=110•111•16 Mitchell Cider Mill Will operate Tues, Wed,, Thurs., Friday of each week until Nov. 18 FRED HENNICK & .SON Proprietors Terms melt THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, October 9, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention. Hospital Bod Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth VETERANS CAB L. LEGATE, Prop. Phone -546 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorth Complete Line of Nursery Stock. Order now for fail delivery. Hogle Nursery Co. Ken Powell, Seaforth All our stock guaranteed SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A.; M.D.; Internist:. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Ethers, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dai13' except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are• desirable For Sale Frame .cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession Brick dwelling very centrally located. Goderioh St. West. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including. 3-pleeo bath, hardwoodfloors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. Brick dwelling. Goderich St. Esst, beautifully located. (former residence of late Mrs. R. Bell). Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Can be used as two apartments, Immediate possession. 35 acre of land. ' M. A. REED Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., Phone 47 VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Mann St., Seafortk Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon. 8 to 6.3Q; Wed, 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clintons —McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President. J. H. MoEwing. Blyth; Vito -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Secforth. Directors—S. L. Malone, Seaforth; Je H. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trowartha,. Clinton; f H. Pepper, Brucefield; C. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller. Goderleht R. Archibald, Seaforth ; -Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth, Agents—Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesboro t J. F. Pruoter, Brodhagen • Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels ; Erie Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance oe, transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected ffected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages. W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. S.EAFORTH Phone 334 Res• 540 'bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND. FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-11 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price Bet, 0 samples 26e; 24 sam- ples 31.00. Mali-ordor Dept. T-74.119( Rubhor Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Otff AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Ma HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, tato samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 976. Seaforth RENTAL SERVICE Roto Tiller, Chain Saw, Lawn Sweep- er, Fertilizer Spreader, Power Lawn- mower, Post Hole Digger. CROWN HARDWARE, Seaforth. RADiO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 397R. Seaforth CEMENT WORK Alltypes of brick and block work. For general building and repair work call BERM OHRISTENSEN, Railway St. Seaforth. Phone 76 after 6 P.M. SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. Repairs forall models. Authorized dealer for dU- triet of Seaforth, Clinton and Brumfield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. 634r21 Clinton NOTICE Waerloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Bettor Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination service for all breeds- of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 615 collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. on week days and 7.80 and 9.80 A.111. on Sundays, USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President - Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vice -President E. Olaytbn Colquhoun, RR1 Science Hill Directors Hari•, Coates. Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton MaG,miy, RR1 Mitten Alex. J. Rohde, RR3 Mitchell Agents SRee. G. Bailautyae. RR1 Woodham Clayton Harris, RIR Mitchel Stamp Hocking. Mitchell Solleltor,SWretaG.TCo,ecahrsn. Exeter Arthur Eraser, Exeter