HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-10-06, Page 4Bayfield Fall Fair Prize Winners HORSES Agricultural -All .c lass e s, 'Spencer 'Sinclair, Florence. (Heavy Draught -Brood Mare and 'Gelding +foaled in 1954, Au - fiery Toll, '(Myth; Gelding or filly (Foaled in 1952, Ken McDougall. ,Auburn; Aubry Toll. !Pereheron or Belgian, Gelding or Filly foaled in 1953, Elmo 'Pritchard, Lucknow; Pony clas- ses, 'Elsner Johnston, Atwood, and 2nd; Hackney pony, E. E. Schroeder, 'Hensall, and 2nd; E. Johnston, Baird 4; 'Hackney Tan- dem, E. E. Schroeder, E. John - ton; 'Single Roadster in harness, Ernest Little, 'Goderich, and 2nd; Team in harness, Ernest Little; Single Hackney or Car- riage Horse in harness, E. E. 'Schroeder and 2nd; (Hackney or 'Carriage Team in harness, Geo. Lougheed, Forest, IE. E. 'Schroe- der, E. Johnston; Belgian or Pereheron team in harness, El- mo Pritchard, Lucknow; Wagon team in harness, Bert McBride, Zurich; 'Single (Wagon Horse on halter, Bert McBride and 2nd; Agricultural team in harness, Spencer Sinclair, Aubry 'Toll; Heavy Draught team in harness, Ken McDougall, Auburn. Saddle horse, Harold 'Clark, Woodham'; Matched team, Elmer Johnston; Simpson's (Special, 'Spencer Sin- Clair. DAIRY CATTLE Holsteins -Cow, Wan. Boyd, Walton and 2nd; heifer, Wm. Boyd and 2nd; heifer under 2 yrs., Whitney Coates and Son, 1Oentralia, Jack Dunn, (Bayfield; Wm. Boyd; heifer under 1 yr., Whitney Coates & Son and 2nd, K. Potter, Clinton; Jack Dunn; herd, W. 'Coates & Son. Jersey -Hull, Lorne Carter, Seaforth; Tom :Rathwell, Cline ton; under 1 year, Tom Rath- well; caw, Lorne 'Carter, Tom Rathwell, L. Carter, J. 'Storey; heifer, 2 yrs, iL. •Carter, T. Ra- thwell, Jas. 'Storey, T. Rathwell; heifer under 1 yr., L. Carter and '2nd, J. Storey, T. Rathwell; ,herd, Lorne Carter, T. Rath- well; athwell; Eaton special, L. Carter. Ayrshires-03u11, cow, (heifer 2 yrs., M. Lobb and Sons, Clin- ton, and 2nd; heifer, M. Lab'b & Sons, Sian Harrison, Goder- ioh; Richard Harrison, Bay- field; heifer under 1 yr., Jim Harrison, iM. Lobb and 3rd, J. lHareison; herd, M. ,Lobb and Sons; special, W. Coates. (Best dairy tow -M. Lobb. BEEF CATTLE Shorthorns -Bull, Jack Peck, Hensall; Wm. Pepper, 'Seaforth; J. Ostrom, Varna; W. Pepper; bull, 1955, Wm. ,Pepper and 2, Roy Pepper, Jack Peck; cove, J. Peek, Wan. Pepper, J. Peck and Jack Peck; heifer calved in 1954 J. Peck, Wni. Pepper, J. Peck, Wm. Ostrom; heifer calved in 1955, Wm. Pepper, Roy Pepper and 3.•d, J, Peck; herd: J. Peck W. Pepper, Roy Pepper. Aberdeen -Angus: Bull, L. E. Hlopp, Zurich; 'bull, calved in 1955, L. ' Klopp; cow or hei- fer, calved in 1953, L. •, Klopp; heifer, 1954, L. E. Klopp and 2nd;. heifer, 1953, L. E. Klopp, Robert Johnston, Varna; herd: L. E. Klapp, Herefords; Bull, W. Coates & Sons, and 3rd, J. and M. Mc- Cullough, Clinton; 'bull, 1955, W. Coates and 2nd, J. and M. McCullough, E. Howatt, Bel - grave; tow or heifer, W. Coates, E. Howatt; 'heifer, 1954, W. (Coates & Sons and 2nd, E. Hew- ett, C. Cox; heifer, 1955, W. Coates, E. Howatt and '3rd, McCullough; herd: W, Coates & son, J. and M. McCullough, Ed- gar 'Howatt. Special 'Prize: Jack Peek, Klip- pen. 'Baby beef special, Joanne McCullough, Mary McCullough, Win, R. Pepper, Donald McCabe. SHEEP Leicester: Ram, W. Pepper, Seaforth; Don 'Graham Parkhill; Ram, ehearling, Don Graham, Wm. Pepper, D. Graham, Roy Pepper; ram lamb, Wm. Pepper and 3rd, Don Graham.; ewe, Won. Pepper, D. !Graham and 31d; Ewe, ehearding, Wan. Pepper, D. Graham and 3rd; owe, Win. Pep- per, D. Graham, Roy Pepper. Lincoln; e all •classes, A. D. !Steeper, Ailsa Craig. 'Oxford; all classes, shown, 0. Dearing, Exeter. Dorset: all classes, P. Dearing of Exeter. iSieffolk Ram, A. D, 'Steeper. 'Special prize: Pen, Wm. Pepper, Peter Dearing; Market Lamb 'Special: 'Wm. epper. PIGS Yorkshire; (Boar, A. 'H. Warn- er, Bayfield; brood sow and boar littered in1955: AIH. Warner and 2nd; sow, .1955, 3. and M. McCullough, 101inton, and 2nd, Jahn 'Ostrom, Varna. Market Hogs: A. H. Warner and .3rd, J. and M. McCullough. T. (Eaton Co. ,Special; Alf Warner. POULTRY Jersey Black 'Giants: 'Clifford. 'Pepper, Dashwood; New Hamp- shire Reds, C. Pepper, Eldon Laird, Thedford; Rhode Ieland' Reds: C. Pepper, Mel ICrioh, Clinton; Rocks, Barred, Utility: C. Pepper, Eldon Laird; 'Rocks, 'Barred, Exhibition; E, Laird; Rocks, White Utility: E. Laird, C. Pepper; Rocks, WD.ite,'Exhibi- tion E. Laird, C. Pepper; Wyan- dottee, Silver, C. 'Pepper, E. Laird; white, 'C. Pepper; Brah- mes, light, C. Pepper, 'E. Laird; Dorkings, C. Pepper; Orpington, C. Pepper; Sussex, E. Laird, C. Pepper; Leg'horns, Brown, E. Laird; Anconas, 0.Pepper; Min- oi•cas, C. Pepper, E. Laird; Leg - horns, white, C. Pepper, E. Laird; (lloudans, C. Pepper; Muscovy Ducks, Leonard Mern- er, Zurich; Pekin Ducks, E, Laird, L. Merner; Rouen Ducks, Ed Deeves, Clinton; L. Merner; Embden Geese, Merner; Tou- louse Geese, Merner; Turkeys, E. Deeves; Guinea (Fowl, Merner DAIRY PRODUCE Butter: F: MSCSymont; Cot- tage 'Cheese, H. A. Fuss; Lard, J. MeClymont; Ham, H. A. Fuss, Eggs, white, Mrs. 'Colcloug+h; Eggs, brown, Allan Haugh, Arn- old Rathwell. DOMESTIC SCIENCE 'Sponge cake; Mrs. Ed Welch, Clinton; H. Klapp, Zurich; bread: Mrs. W. J. Jewell, Mrs, H. Klopp; nut loaf, Mrs. R. Tay- lor, 'Mrs. Bzuce Keys; lemon pie: Mrs. W. Doupe, Exeter; Mrs. W. J. Jewell, Goderich; apple pie: Mrs. W. Doupe, Mrs. Robt. Tay- lor; raisin pie, Mrs. Bruce Keys, Mrs. Win. Clarke; white cake: Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. J. Aldington; chocolate cake: Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. J. Aldington; cherry cake: Mrs, Jewell; angel food: Mrs. R. Taylor, Varna; Snowden and Grainger; spice take: Herb Iflopp, Mrs. A:ldington; sugar cookies: Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Wm. :Clarke; drop cookies, Mrs. Tay- lor, 'Mrs. Wm. Clarke; scones: 'Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Sin. Keys; buns: Mrs. 'Bruce Keys, Mrs, Jewell; tea biscuits: Mrs. 'Clarke, Mrs. Jewell; muffins, Mrs. Ald- ington; sandwiches; Mrs. (Bruce Keys, H. A. fuss; fruit sal- ad: Mrs. Jewell; maple cream: Mrs. Aldington, Mae 'Coleman; fudge: Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Mrs. (Doupe; tarts: Mrs. Doupe, Snow- den. and 'Grainger; cocoanut tarts: Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Mrs. R. Taylor; baked 'buns: Mrs. Tay - "I wonder what's happened to Nancy ..." "Oh! I'm glad you called - 1 was worried." The telephone rings and everything's OK So many of the calls you make every day say "Don't worry"! When someone has to work late, or can't keep a date, or has to cancel an appointment, the telephone lets other people know. At times like this -- whether you are making the call or receiving it - the really reassurance provided by your telephone can be precious beyond words. This is just one of countless examples of how your telephone pays its way, as it makes life happier, easier, more secure. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA lor, Mrs, Clarke; strawberries: Mrs; Jewell, :Mrs. Ben Rathwell; reel/berries: Mrs. Jiml(eyis, Mrs. Jewell; peaches; Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Jim Keys; plums; Mrs. Jewell, Herb Klopp; prunes: Herb Klopp, Mrs. Jewell; pears:. Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. B, Rathwell; earn: Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Doug. Gemeinhardt; tomatoes: H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Jewell; pint green beans: Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Jewell; yellow beans: Mrs. Jim Keys, Mrs. Jewell; beets: 'Mrs, :Ben Rathwell, H. Klopp; 'pickles: Mrs. Keys, H. A. Fuss; chili sauce: Mrs Dong. 'Gemeinhardt, Mrs; Wan. Clarice; catsup; Mrs. J. Gibson, Mrs. R. Taylor; bee. products; Doug 'Gemeinhardt; strained 'honey; Doug 'Gemein- hardt; ,maple syrup: Mrs. Co1- clowgh, (Herb Klapp; strawberry jam: Mrs. Wen. Clarke, Mrs. B. Keys; tomato juice: Mrs. Sewell, Mrs. J. Gibson; grape jam: Mrs. E, Welch, Mrs. Jewell; apple jelly: Mrs. Wm. +Clarke, Mrs. B. Rathwell; 'currant jelly: Mrs. Wm. 'Clarke, Mrs, Jewell; pie contest: Mrs. J. Stirling, Fred McClymont, Mrs. Wan. 'Clarke; cake contest: Mrs. Bob Taylor„ &trs. Jin. Keys, Mrs. B, ,Keys. vegetable salad, Mrs. Doupe, (Mrs. Jewell. Domestic pie contest: Mrs. J. Stirling, F. McClymont, Mrs. W. 'Clark; Domestic 'cake contest: Mrs. Bab Taylor. Mrs. 3. Keyes, Mrs. B. Keys. GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall 'Wheat: H. A. Fuss, Zur- ich; White Oats: F. McClyanont, H, A. Fuss; (Barley: H. A. puss; Timothy seed; D'Arcy Rathwell, Brucefield; H. A. Fuss; corn: John Taylor, Brucefield; A. !Haugh; stalks; Ed. Grigg, A. Haugh. FRUIT Plums -Lombard, Fraser Stir- ling, Mrs. 3, (Stirling; Rene C., Harold Penhale, F. Stirling; prune, H. Penhale, Mrs. W. Met- calf; Bradshaw, Burbank, Fred 'McIClyment; Italian prune, Mrs. Metealif, ;Fred Middleton; other, F, McClymont, F. Stirling. Pears -Bartlett, F. MeCly- mont, cClymoat, Mrs. Edgar Darling. Duchess, Albert Woods, Beure iD'Anjou, F. Stirling, Mrs. Jim IS'tlrl{ng C1airgelat;, 3. Storey, Mrs. J. Stirling; Sheldon, 'H. Penhale, F. Stirling. Peaches, Mrs. J. !Stirling. White grapes, Mrs. Metcalf, Fred Middleton; blue grapes, H. Dresser; red grapes, Mrs. Met- calf, H. Penhale. (Basket of fruit, F. McClym- ont, Mrs. 3. (Stirling; Northern 1Spy hamper, 'Stewart Middleton, F. Stirling; hamper 'McIntosh, F. Middleton, F. 'Stirling; ham- per fall apples, F. Stirling, Fred Bell; hamper winter apples, S. Middleton, P. Stirling. Baskets -Spy, F. Middleton, S. Middleton; (McIntosh, F. Mid. dleton, Z. Middleton; fall apples, F. Stirling, F. Middleton; winter fipples, (Fred Ball, S. Middleton; coll. apples, F. 'Stirling, Mrs. S. Stirling; collwinter apples, F, Bell, F. 'Stirling; yellow crab, S. Middleton, Mrs. J. Stirling; Baldwins, F. Stirling, F. MoCly- mont; `Blenheim, F. Stirling, Mrs J. Stirling; Delicious, S. Middle- ton, Mrs. J Stirling; Golden Russet, F. Stirling, Mrs. J. Stir-. ling; Greening's, F. Stirling, P. Bell; Golden Delicious, F. Stirl- ing, Mrs. J. 'Stirling; Red Delic- ious, Ed. and Roy Wise; Tomp- kins, F. Bell, F. 'Stirling; McIn- tosh, S. Middleton, F. Middle- ton; Spy, S. Middleton, F. Mid- dleton; North Star, F. 'Stirling, Mrs. J. /Stirling; !Ontario, Hales Dresser; Snow, F. Bell, F. Mid- dleton; Tolman, G. Middleton, Fred Bell; Idilbston, F. Stirling, Mrs. J. ,Stirling; Wagner, F. Bell, F. 'Middleton; Quince, Mrs. Metcalf, Snowden & Grainger; Wolf River, F. Middleton, F. 'Stirling; plate ,fall apples: Fras- er Stirling, F. McClymont; plate (winter ,apples, (Fred Bell, Mrs. J. 'Stirling. Commercial production feat- ure, apple 'products 7 prizes to- talling '$140 Mrs. J. Howard, Bayfield; .Mrs. W. Doupe, Exe- ter; Mrs. Harry Torrance, Bay- field; Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Varna; (Mrs. Jim Keys, Varna. VEGETABLES Early Potatoes, Hales Dresser, Mrs. Jewell; ,late potatoes, U. Stirling, Mrs. S. Gibson; sugar umangels, Edward Grigg; inter- mediate ,mangels, Robt. Stirling; turnips, Snowden & Grainger, H. Penhale; long carrots, Mrs. Jewell, F. McClymont; short ca- rrots, Mrs. Bruce Keyes, Mrs. Jewell; parsnips, F. MeClymont; radishes, A. Haugh; cabbage, Mrs. Jewell; white onions, W. J. Metcalfe, Allan Haugh; yellow onions, Mrs. Jewell. D. Rath - well; red onions, Allan Haugh, Spanish onions, Mrs. John Gib- son; red tomatoes, 'Earl 'Schilbe, Mrs. Gibson; yell. tomatoes, A. Haugh, F. McClymont; small fruit .;tomatoes, A. Haugh, Fred MeClymont peppers, A. Haugh; sweet peppers, A: 'Haugh, Mrs. Jewell; pepper squash, D'Arcy Rathwell, Herb Klopp; muskmel- ons, IF..MaClymont; watermelon, Earl 'Schilbe. 'Robt, Stirling; cit- rons, Mrs. W. J. Jewell, F. Mc- Clymont; squash, Hales 'Dresser, A. Haugh; pumpkin, Mrs. Wm. Clarke, D'Arcy Rathwell; larg- est pumpkin, Allan Haugh. gher- kins. A. Haugh; cucumbers, Hales Dresser, Snowden and Grainger; garden herbs, Mrs. L. H. Bryant, F. McClymont; Mc- Pherson Bros., Clinton -Special, Allan Haugh. FLOWERS Cut flowers: Allen Haugh, Mrs. W. Doupe; small bouquet; Mrs. Doupe, Hales Dresser; ta- ble (bouquet. Mrs. 'Doupe, A. Haugh; wild flowers, Mrs. E. •Grigg, A. Haugh; winter 'bou- quet, A. Haugh, Mrs. J. Grigg. Potted -African Violets: Mrs Greig, Mrs. IColclough; 'Begon- ias, Allan '(laugh; (Coleus, A. Haugh, Mrs Grigg; 'Geraniums, A. Haugh. Mrs, Colclotigh; Cal- endulas, A. Haugh, Mrs. Doupe; Asters, Mrs. W. J. Jewell, Mrs. Grigg; 'Chrysanthemums, Mrs. Jewell; 'Cosmos, A. Haugh; Dah- lias, Mrs. 'Doupe, Mrs, ID. Welch; Dahlias, old Mrs. Doupe, MMIrs. Jewell; Gladioli, Mrs. Klopp, A. Haugh; Marigolds. Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. 'Grigg; Pansies, Mrs. Jewel, Mrs. 3. 'Sturgeon; Roses, Mrs. Bryant; 'Salvia, Mrs. F. Middle- ton, A. 'Haugh; Zinnias, Mrs. J. Grigg, IMi's. E. Grigg; annual or perennial, .Mrs J. Sturgeon, A. Haugh; 'Centrepie'ce, Fred Me- Clymont, Mrs. !Bryant. FINE ARTS Greeting Cards, Mrs. T. How- ard, Mrs. Fuss; pencil sketch, Mrs. (Howard, 'Mrs. (Darling; snapshots, Hales Dresser, Doug. Gemeinhardt; new craft, Albert Woods, Doug IGemeinhardt; painting in oil, ''ales Dresser, Mrs. J. Howard; country scene, Mrs. J. Howard; oil painting scene, Mrs. D. Gemeinhardt, Mrs. J. Howard; 'oil, any Bulb- jeot, Hales Dresser, Mrs. E. Darling; neater color scene, Steve ISeotchmer, Mrs. Howard; charcoal, .`Mrs. 'Howard, Mrs, Darling; poster, Mrs. Howard; water colors, Mrs. Darling, Mrs, Howard. LADIES' WORK Needlepoint, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. 11. Fuss; croch. centrepiece,. Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Jewell; ches- terfield set, Mrs. ,Darling, Eliza- beth Weber; table centrepiece, Mrs. H. Klein), (Mrs. Darling; cushion, lttrs. Fuss, Mrs. Klopp; tatting, Mrs. (Darling, Mrs. D. Gemeinhardt; cro'ch. tablecloth, Mrs. E. Darling; tea towels, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. Jewell; tea ,clot(., Mrs. Darling, Elizabeth Weiblber; centrepiece, .Mrs. Dar- ling, ,Mrs. J. Sturgeon; luncheon set, Mrs, Darling, E. Weber; buffet set, Mrs. °Darling, Mrs. Sturgeon; iunclheon set, E. Web- er, Mrs. Bryant; place mats, Mrs. Darling; pillow cases, Mrs. Sturgeon, ,Mrs, Darling; pillow cases, Mrs. IGemeinhardt, Mrs. Darling; vanity set, Mrs. Dar- ling, E. 'Weber; guest towels, Mrs. Darling, E. Weber; ehild's overalls, Mrs. Bruce Keys, 'Mrs. Sturgeon; girl's wool socks, H. A. Fuss, Mrs, Jewell; girls' mitts, Mrs, Darling, .Mrs. Gem- einhardt; sun suit, H. Iflopp, (Mrs. Darling; pullover sweater, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Darling; sweater, IH. A. Fuss, Mrs. Dar- ling; smocked dress, Mrs. Bruce Keys, Mrs. Darling; jacket, troch., E. Weber, jacket, knit, Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. Darling; crib quilt, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. J. Grigg; carriage cover, Mrs. Dar- ling; sport 'shirt, Mrs. Darling, Mrs.-'Bru'ce Keys' Apron, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. H. Klapp; dress, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Klopp; (bed jacket, Mrs. Darling; 'gloves, 'Mrs. Darling, Mrs. 13. Keys; ap- ron, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. 13. Keys; gloves, crech., Mrs. H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Darling; handbag, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Klopp; sweater, 'Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; skirt, Mrs. B. Keys, Mrs. (Fuss; stole, Mrs. F. 'Welch, M.'s. Darling; 'pyjam- as, Mrs. H. Klopp, Mrs. Darling; pullover, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; mitts, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Jewell; gloves, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. 31, Klopp; socks, E. Weber, Mrs. Darling; socks, heavy, Mrs. Dar- ling, Mrs. ;Co'lclouglh; socks, fine, Mrs Darling, Mrs. F. McEwan; sport shirt, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss. HOME MANUFACTURES Bedspread, eroch., Mrs. Dar- ling, Mrs. Bryant; bedspread, Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. Darling; quilt, applique, Mrs. Darling, E. Weber; quilt, patohed, Mae (Coleman, Mrs. Darling; quilt, cotton, Mrs. 'H. Fuss; iA'fghan, 'crock., Mrs. Darling, ,E. Weber; Afghan, knitted, Mrs. Gemein- hardt, Mrs. Darling; Hearth rug, Mrs. .Darling; rug, hooked, Mae Coleman, Mrs. Darling; rag mat, Mrs. Darling, E. (Weber; soap: Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. F. MoEwan; toy, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Darling; house slippers, Mrs. Darling. FIELD CROP 'COMPETITION ,Simeoe Oats: Ed and Ray Wise 171 pts. Grant Sterling 164 pts. Robt. Taylor 161 pts. Ed Grigg 151, Fred McClymont 154 pts. John Taylor 152 pts, Arnold 'Rathwell 149 pts. D'Arcy Rathwell 145 pts. John Keys .1138 pts. HAYFIELD 4-H .:SWINE CLUB Chub Leaders, Tom Penhale, John beeves. 400 pts. 'were awarded on pigs, 100 on show- manship respectively. Ken Fab- er, Kippen, 380, 86; Donald Johnson, Kippen. 367. 88 Don- ald Lobb, :Clinton, 375, 32; Jo- anne McCullough. Clinton, 383, 92; Mary McCullough, Clinton, 385, 90; Alex Ostrom, Varna, 372, 78; Reg Riehl, Goderich, 370, 80; Ronald ,Snub(., Bay- field, 366, 76. 4-H DAIRY CALF CLUB Arnold Rathwell;, Clinton 3, and Ted Dunn, Bayfield 3, ;Club Leaders. Junior Heifer -Ranking on calf and showmanship respec- tively: Jack Dunn, Bayfield, lst, 5th; Robt. Grigg, 'Clinton, 10th, 12th; James Harrison, Goderich, 3rd, 1st; Richard Harrison, Bay- field, llth, 15th; 'Reg Riehl, Goderich, '121h, 413th; Wayne 'Sterling, 'Clinton 6th, 8th; Jas. Storey, Clinton, 4th, 4th; Gor- don Tebbutt, 'Clinton, 81h, 7th; 'Gerry Wallis, Bayfield 7th, 11; Gerald Walters, Goderioh, Oth, 6th; Jack Zondag, 'Bayfield, 13, 14; Donald McKenzie, Bayfield, 5th, 3rd; Kenneth Potter, Clin- ton, 2nd, 2nd. Senior heifer - Bruce Lobb, 'Clinton, 2nd, 10th; Murray Lolblb, Clinton, 1st. 9th; John Rueger, Clinton, 3rd, 16, 4-H BEEF CALF CLUB Howard McCullough, Goder- ich; Lloyd Holland, 'Clinton, Club Leaders. Judge, R. Dennis, Dept. of Agric., Toronto. Steer (Section -Ranking on calf and showmanship respec- tively. Ralph Holland, !Clinton, 8411, Sth; Gerald Keyes, Varna, 4th, 6th; Ronald 'uclClinclley, Brute - field, 7th, 9th; Joanne McCul-; ough, 2nd, 2nd; Mary McCul- lough, 1st, 3rd; Neil McGlegox, Clinton, Gbh, 4th; 'Bert Pepper, Seaforth, 3rd, 1st; Do.iald Mc- Cabe, Goderich, 5th, 151111. 'Senior Heifer -Clam• Cox, Hayfield, 3rd, 10th; Alex Ost- om, 2nd, !filth; David 'Ostrom, 4th, 131111; Carol Pepper, Sea - forth, lst, 11th; Ronald 'Ssni'th, Bayfield, 5th, 112th; Charles Wayne, Barfield, Gbh; (Barry Wilson, Clinton, 2nd, 47th. Junior Heifer -Robert John- ston, Varna '5th, 7th; Larry Powell, (Clinton, lst, 1411h; Barry Taylor, 'Clinton, 3rd, 16th; Reg. Riehl, 41:h. CLINTON 4-H GRAIN CLUB (Based on 200 pts. .(lbs. per bus. in brackets). Norman 'Cart- wright, Londesboro, '(45) 190 pts; John 'Shaddick and Wan. iShaddick, Londesboro, field, 1(44) 188; Bert Pepper, Seaforth (43) 186; Kenneth (Gaunt, Lon- deJboro, (42) 1184; Bob. (Law- son, 'Clinton, '(41) '182; David Alexander and Jim Alexander; Londedboro, Lloyd Holland, Ralph Holland, 'Clinton, tied, (,(38) 176; Bruce Lobb, 'Clinton, <136) 172; Donald Lobb and Murray 'Lobb, tied, (55) 170; 'Larry (Powell, Clinton, '(33), 162 pts. WALTON- Somers -MacArthur Baskets of white gladioli and fern formed the setting at Duff's 'United 'Church, here, when Margaret 'Louise MacAr- thur and Paul Maxwell Somers exchanged vows in a' double -ring ceremony. The bride is the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. MacArthur, Walton, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Somers, Brussels. The Rev. M. Thomas o'fficiated. Mrs. Har- vey 'Brown, 'Walton, ,played tra- ditional 'wedding music and ac- companied the soloist Mrs. Her- bert Travis, 'Walton. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the ,bride chose a floor - length gown of white chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin. The taut lace ,bodice was fram- ed at the neckline by a nylon tulle yoke scalloped in lace and outlined in seed pearls, tiny pet- er pan collar, liy-point sleeves. The (billowing floor -length skirt swept to short train. A double crown 'trimmed with seed pearls and iridescent sequins held her fingertip length veil of French illusion net. ,She carried a cres- cent-shaped bouquet of white carnations and pink roses with silvered ivy. The anatron of honor, Mrs. Leona Armstrong, (B russet s, wore a ballerina -length strap- less gown of Morning 'Glory pink net with a lace bolero. Her headdress was a matching net 'bane. She carried a bouquet of white mums. Miss Barbara Pat- terson, 'Stratford, wore a gown of (Lotus blue styled identically to that of the matron of honor, She carried a bouquet of yellow mums. Miss Karen (Henderson, Seaforth, avas flower .girl. She wore a short dress of pink nylon and carried a nosegay of mums. Mr. 'Archie 'Holmes, of .Brant- ford, was ,groomsman for his brother. Ushers were Glenn 'Oli- ver, London, cousin of the (bride, and Gerald Cardiff, Brussels. Receiving guests in the Church parlours, the 'bride's mother wore a dress of medium 'blue crepe, with navy (blue ac- cessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Assisting, the groom's mother chose an Amer- ican 'Beauty Rose crepe dress with black accessories and a 'white gardenia. For a trip to points east and north, the (bride donned a ehar- coal'blaek suit with a dusty rose hat and 'black accessories, and a corsage of yellow mums. On their return the couple will re- side in ,Seaforbh. CONSTANCE Mr. Sid ,Springhall of Kin- caid, Sask., is visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William. Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Jewitt. There will he no service or Sunday ,School for the following two Sundays, 'Oct. 9 and 16th; and after that date church will resume as usual. Visitors at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Christine and Tom of Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Good, Helen and Sandra of Londesboro. TUCKERSMITH The Tuekersmith Ladies' Club gathered at the home of Mrs. W. Pepper on the evening of Sept. 26. Plans 'were completed for the bazaar and home baking sale in the council chamber, in Clinton, on' Sat., Oot. 8 at 2 p.m. Mrs. ltd Layton gave a humor- ous reading. .Mrs. Bert 'Garrett led in an interesting •game of Act Fast. Mrs. Howard Jolms gave a pleasant travelogue on their trip to the western ,pr'ov- inces this summer. A lovely lunch was served by the 'hostess and her helpers. CROP REPORT Due to extremely dry 'condi- tions fall 'w'heat is slow in sprouting and is coming up very uneven. Silo filling is now prac- tically all completed in the 'County and some grain corn has been picked. Yields of corn for silage and for grain 'will be down considerably (below other years. Thirteen 4-31 ,Achieve - men Day Programs were held at five Fall Fairs in the 'county this week. The survival of some of the Fall Fairs depends on how quickly they can 'build up their sponsorship of 4-1I pro- grams. 'Over 700 farmers at- tended an "Information Meet- ing" held by the (County Hog Producers' Association in Exet- er on Wednesday, Sept. 28th, THE ,SEAPORTH NEWS --Thursday, October 6, 1955 e " e nt T eatre THURS. FRI, SAT. ARENA Gig Young • Polly Bergen Gig Young, onetime world's champion cowboy and still a top rider, arrives in Tuscan, Ariz., to take part in the annual rodeo. He tries to ride a Brahma Bull and is saved from death when a rodeo clown sacrifices his life to keep the enraged bull from charging. MON, TUES. WED CELL 2455 DEATH ROW Wm. Campbell • Kathryn Grant, The tsub etory of a Man cheat. lug death. What makes a man kill ? lee haunted a city at night with a gun, He led a reign of terror that gripped a city in fear THTJR.S. FRI. SAT THREE HOURS TO KILL (Color) Dana Andrews . Donna Reed COMING EXECUTIVE SUITE NEVER! EVER! SUCH SMART SHOES for ladies At Such Prices $15545 SSo95 S6o95 °a JUST ARRIVED AT WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth ,,,,"n„nna„ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 l„ ,,,, , u ,111111111111111111111111111 uya,nauneuuwununnunme Dates Announced Of Film Showings The 'Stewardship and Mission- ary Film "In the Beginning" will be shown throughout 'Huron Presbytery United (Churches dur- ing the two weeks beginning October 9th at Ontario St. Un- ited Church, Clinton. This re- markably inspiring Film is in color and comes fresh to Huron frown a brief run in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick of the Mar- itime 'Conference. The Film will be shown at Eg- mondville United 'Church. at 8 p.m. on Monday, 'October 10 and at Winthrop United 'Church on Tuesday, Oct. 11th. There will be showings at Centralia on Oct- ober 12th, Varna United Church on 'October 13th, Brussels! bon October 14th and Hensall Unit- ed Church on Sunday evening, October 16th with Rev. 'Chas. Daniels in charge. Excellent display of inspiring books will be available suitable for study and for gifts. All friends in the above areas are cordially invited to he present and share in the 'Christian Fel- lowship thus afforded. HURON GIRLS TWIN RALLIES Two inspiring Rallies for Hur- on Teen -Age Girls were held this past weekend when over 100 girls met at Exeter, and nearly 200 met at Wingham. Mrs. Marquis from Durham, who is very active in C G.I.T. in Grey County and has directed over 20 camps forteen-agers, spoke to the girls in her winning way. She encouraged them to use their time wisely. "Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promisory note, :but today is ready cash -spend it wisely". Fordwich and Brucefield led in beautiful Worship services. Walton and Brussels gave spe- cial music, Various camp ewper- ienees were related by the girls 'who had .attended Goderich, 'Port Ryerse or Camp 'Council at Kwasind. Exeter and Winghaen led in rousing sing -songs and ,then directed the girls .in recre- ,r First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glom. Campbell Minister 10 A.M.-Church School and Bible Class 11 A.M. SERMON - WHY MEN GIVE THANKS 7 P.M. "To Savo Our Life" omuun',nanu,nu,wnrnnruu,err,"a,nwnv ation for half an hour, while the leaders talked over ideas with Mrs. Marquis. Each rally then divided into eight Buzz sessions when the girls discussed topics as banquet planning, Missions, Recrep'tion, Worship, Health and (Community Projects etc. The Rallies closed with singing the 'C.G.I.T. hl mil and Taps. This interchurch and interde- nominational Rally was attended by girls from Grand Bend Unit- ed, James St. United, Exeter, Ca's'e i Presbyterian, Exeter, Brucefield United, 'Centralia .Um ited, Winthrop United, Walton United, South Kinloss Presby- terian, Lucknow Presbyterian, 'Brusse'ls Presbyterian, Seaforth United, Gerrie United, Dungan- non United, Benmiller United, Union United, Whitechurch Un- ited; IBleebh United, North 1St. Un- ited, Goderich, Fordwich. United, St. ,Andrews Presbyterian, of (Clinton, Ontario 'St., Clinton, 'Bluevale 'United, and Wingham interchurch. WWWWWWIAWAPtAtIRAWNIfi Euchre and Dan' at St. Patrick's Parisi, Hall Dublin FRIDAY, OCT. 14 Muffin's Orchestra Auspices of the Altar Society Career Men in Khaki The Signalman "Get it there first; but first, get it right." Signals - nerve system of the Canadian Army - a high-speed, accurate combination of radio networks, telephone and teletype systems and motorcycle despatch riders. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, with other corps, offers hundreds of good -paying, life- timecareers" The opportunities for advancement, special training and travel are many. A visit to your Army Recruiting Station will soon show, without obligation, how you can fit in. Remember, in the Army you team up with men and leaders you can rely on - right down the line. To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled Tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away. Write,. 'phone or visit the Army Recruiting Station nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. - Telephone 9-4507 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington 5t., Kingston, Ont. -Telephone 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont.-Teelphono EM. 6-8341 - Local 276 No• 7 Personnel. Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford &-Elizabeth Ste., London, Ont. -Telephone 4.1601 -.Local 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W, North Bay, Ont. - Telbphono 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. Eest, Hamilton, Ont. -Telephone 2-8708 0n4W-0