HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-09-15, Page 8► ► •as •• 4 We've gathered up the finest showing of new fall suits you'll see anywhere, featuring the new charcoal shades of grey, blue & brown, plus a wide choice of new fleck pattern worsteds and new Scotch twists. -- These These suits are styled in popular single breasted mod- els for shorts, regu- lars and talcs. We make no wild claims that these are $7$ to $85 val- ues, They are just the best value that your money can buy at Choose now from Tip Top, Cambridge, Johnston or Cooks fine showing of new fall materials. Priced at 49.50 to 89.50 Stewart Amiummemeni HENSALL Mss Isobel Alexander of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Alexander IF YOU ARID AGGRESSIVE HONEST AMBITIOUS HARD WORKING Then we want to meet you. Public demand for our services necessi- tate ecessitate adding to our sales staff. Car an asset. Renewal commission basis for secure future. No off season. Full or part time. Write Box 817, London, Canada. ONTARIO AUTOMOBTTJ ASSOCIATION r 5 and attended the Corlett -Cook wedding on Saturday. Messrs Russell Moore and Donald MaeLaren enjoyed a weekend trip to Sable Falls and other points north. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander. Miss Etta Jarrett is spending a week at the home of her bro- ther Dr. G. Jarrett in :Strat- ford, Miss Ruth MacLean returned to London after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R;:bt. MacLean. Messrs Joe Flynn, Murray Venner, John Corlbett, Ross and Wesley Richardson spent a few days this week on a fishing trip at Sable Falls. Mr. Clyde Mock of Clinton was a recent visitor with his brother, Mr. Ron Mock who is Miss Bax(bara McNaughton'of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Mrs. Geo. Walker is holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. `Donald Walker ha Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould in London, ! garet Coyne, Lou Murray, Neil rlStaupleton and Jack Klinkhamer. The president of- the Mission 'Society is Phyllis Butters; work- ers are Marie 'Maloney, Joan Dalton, Rosemary :Lane, Jean McLaughlin, Beatrice Maloney, Ann Maloney, Marie Schunder- woerd, Nancy Kelly and Mar- garet MM1Garthy. Grade 9 is living in fear of initiation next week; tone in aaane time, same station and you will see what good sports they were. We would like to take this chance to thank all those who contributed time, energy, and money to the new paint job done on the school and all the reno- vations. DUBLIN 'Ten ',beginners were enrolled at St. Patrick's (School, Dublin, on Tuesday: (Christine Landa- burker, Nora Ann McRae, MarY Margaret Klinkhamer, Mary Bernadette Nagle, Diane O'Reil- ly, Tommy Krauskopf, Terry Hunt, jackie Stapleton, Billie Butters, Frankie Soontiens. :Gerald Doyle, Tenon, Ariz., visited relatives in this district. Kenneth Stapleton and Fergus Kelly are, attending St. Jeroane's :High School, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraus- kopf, Tilsoi burg, visited Mrs. ,Oatherine Krauslcopf. At the regular monthly meet- ing of Dublin C.W.L.:held last :week, :Miss Rota Ryan was appointed to replace Miss Then - sine Meagher as corresponding Secretary. 'Albert Jordan, Detroit, (with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan. Mrs. A. M. Looby spent a week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle, and Mr. and Mrs. :Bill :O'Rourke in Brookville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallington, Hamilton, -with Mrs. Joseph At- kinson and Mr. and Mrs, George Coyne. :Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. The following district teach- ers :began 'their duties at their respective schools: Miss Bhon sine 'Meagher and Miss ol4'ary Morrison at London; Miss Mary E. ,Stapleton, Miss hen Flana- gan and •Miss Mary 'Catherine Stapleton at Kitchener; Miss Margaret Flanagan at Kenni- cott; Miss Mary Murphy at Sud- bury; Miss Beatrice Murray at Ohat'ham; Miss Helen Horan at Brantford; Miss Regina Bow- man at Tuckersmith; Miss Ber- nadette Barry at London; Mrs. James P. Krauskopf and Mrs. John McIver at ,Seaforth; Mrs. Michael Murrayay at Beechwood; Mrs, Martin Purcell at Kitchen. er; Mrs. Joseph Melady at Hib- bert, Mrs. James Morrison at Sarnia; Mrs. Geo. E. Holland at St, •Clements; Mrs, Wilfred Krauskopf at Preston; Hugh Benninger at Logan; Leonard Maloney at West Montrose; Ger- ald Eckert at Bamberg; :Billie Murphy at Crystal Beach. Joseph P. Ryan spent a week in Toronto attending the C.N.E. and visiting his sisters, C. Me- Derinott and M. Ryan, The September meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Dublin met in the Continuation School on Wednesday evening with 16 in attendance. The pre- sident, Mrs. Earl Healy opened the meeting. The secretary, Miss Margaret Flanagan read the minutes and the correspond- ence since the last meeting. Mrs. Louis Looby gave the financial report. A very interesting read- ing from the League Magazine was given by Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Rev. Father Ffoulkes spoke briefly and conducted a quiz. 'The meeting was then adjourn- ed. High School News After getting settled down to work our first big job was to elect the new ;Student Council. We have as president, Margaret O'Rourke; vice president, Mar- vin Benninger; sec., -Cleo Bow- man; treas., Claire Malone, and class representatives, Mary Mar- McKILLOP Messrs Morley Koehler, Man- uel Koehler and Jackie Horan returned home Saturday after spending several weeks visiting in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Flood and Sheila of Brussels visited My. and Mrs. Irvin Rook on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Beuerman were at Caledonia attending the trousseau tea held for Miss Marie Berry. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert were at Milverton on Friday. Decoration services were held at the Evangelical 'Church here with a good attendance. Rev. H. L. Brox conducted a short ser- vice at the ceanetery tfollowed by a service in the ,church. He spoke on "Noah and the Ark". Mrs. llt'red Hoegy and Mrs. El - ruler Koehler sang a duet. Mrs. Harry Regele sang a solo. Friends were present from Stratford, ;Sebringville, Sea- ford -I, Blyth, Walton and sur- rounding district. On Thursday evening about 50 friends and neighbors gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy to bid them farewell before moving to Sea - forth. Mrs. Norman 'Beuerman read a very appropriate address after which they were present- ed with a studio couch. Mr. and Mrs. Hoegy moved to Seaforth on .Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert were visitors at :Sebringville on Sunday. During the •x severe wind an d rain storm in this vicinity on Saturday considerable damage was done to the home of Mr. and •Mrs. Wm. Flanagan, besides trees :being blown down across the roads, Mr. Fergus Horan had a cattle beast struck by lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gollnitz of Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiterson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beuerman accoinlpanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. •Durnirt of Auburn attended the- "Home for the Aged" Con- vention held in Parry Sound last week. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick, Sharon and Donald and Miss Lottie Phillips, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John. Wallace and family. Mr. Arnold Storey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey and other friends before leaving for Kingston where he has se- cured a position. Mrs. Sidney Brooks and son from Meath Park, Sask., were ;Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family and Mrs. Moore. Mr. Brooks is talc- •ing a special course at the Air Force School at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cock - well, Dashwood and Mr, Jack 'Cockwell and daughter Eva vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. • Mr. and Mrs. Will :Miller and Men, materials • a • and money When a business lands an order or a contract, it is likely to go to a chartered bank to arrange some of the financing. It may need bank credit to meet payrolls, to buy materials or to cover other costs that arise before it is paid. That's why businesses both large and small can take on many jobs they would be unable to handle if they had to depend entirely on their own financial resources... And why, every day and in every part of Canada, the chartered banks are lending money to producers, manufacturers; processors and other commercial customers. Commercial loans are only one of many banking services available at a branch of a chartered bank: You will find it is a convenient banking service -centre where you can attend to all your banking needs: Only a chartered bank offers a full range of banking services, including:: SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Keep your money safe; pay you steady interest; encour- age the habit of thrift. FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS Por many worthwhile purposes, adding to progress, effidency and the comfort of farm We. TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Protect you against theft as loss of cask Tiley ate readily negotiable anywhere. PERSONAL LOANS To finance your personal wag repayment In regular into* Inerts from your eseaio THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY '1 Week End Specials PEA ,:MEAL COTTAG +L`t ROLLS . , ...... , 55c ib CAN DIAN BEAUTY PASTRY9E"LOUR. , 7 Ib . 39c ROBIN HOOD OATS 5 ib 49c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 for 25c CHEESE WHIZ - LARGE 1 Ib 59c WEIITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 for .23 GIANT SIZE BLUE CHEER 69c CASH PRICE IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 70 x 90 PAIR ..5.59 CLAIR HANEY PHONE 72 Egmondville GENERAL MERCHANT FREE DELIVERY COMING EVENT Hospital Auxiliary Tag Day, Sat., Oct. 1. House to house can- vass COMING EVENT Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale Oct. 29 in Library basement. Will the public kindly lay aside suitable donations for this sale LE 200 Red FOR pullets 3 mos. old, $1 apiece. Also a Hereford bull 15 months old, weighing about 900 lbs., $140. Siemon Bros„ McKillop. 52117 Dublin FOR SALE 5000 Foreman Leghorn pullets, starting to lay. Andrews Poultry Perm, RR3 Seaforth. Phone 647r3 TO RENT A barn for storage, and a gar- age to rent, Apply to The Sea - forth News FOR SALE 9 -Pc. Walnut dining room suite in beautiful condition. Genuine leather upholstering on chairs, Also Singer (treadle) sewing ma: chine. Apply Mrs. Wm. Box WANTED Reliable man as dealer in Huron County, Experience not necessary.. .A fine opportunity to step into old profitable bus- iness where Rayleigh (Products have :been sold for years, Big profits. Products 'furni:ihed on credit. •Rrrito Rawleigh's Dept. I-364-163, Montreal, P.Q. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visit- ed on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning, Mitch- ell, FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News September 1915 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. H. F. Lawrence wishes to thank her many friends for their kindnesses shown in many ways during her illness in St. Joseph's Hospital, London HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring September honey with all the minerals, at 20c lb. In your own container. Wallace Roes Apiary, phone 135J Seaforth FOR SALE A few choice chunks, contain- ing two good gilts. Alvin R. Dodds, phone 833r14 WANTED TO BUY A cream separator, turned by hand or power. Ambrose Addley, 3rd house east of Kinburn, Phone 8331.4 WANTED Walnut trees, or logs, free of limbs that must be 7' long and up, 16" in diameter and up, 16" from ground, Good prices paid. Apply E. S. Thompson, Mt. Brydges. Phone 21 ESTRAYED Estrayed to Lot 4, Con. 3 HRS, Tuekersntitlx, a red steer with part white on face. Joseph Cooper TO RENT Lower 3 room apt., private bath, hot and cold water, self-contained and partly furnished. Reasonable, Contact Win. Feeney, Dublin FOR SALE 2 young dairy cows, recently fresh. Picone 849111 Seaforth. R. J. Daig FOR SALE A heavy dnCY4o 0h stove, burns wood or coal, with water front. In good eolltlition. James Cal'nochan, phone 6051.32 Seaforth FOR SALE Oalt ,boolc case, :1 sections with glass doors. Also round occasional table. Priced reasonable. Can be The flower show held one seen at Ross Montgomery's, Sett - forth door north of ;Cardno's store LOST Would the party who picked up a fork on Tuesday near our place on North Main st. kindly return, Hervey Mcilwain, Seaforth was certainly a success. Among the most prominent flowers were Mr. Finch's 'begonias. M, Southgate showed it large num- ber of cactus dahlias, 'while Messrs. Colson, •Cluff, Edge and Hartry had an exhibition of ro- ses which were wonderful for this time of year. Messrs, South- gate, Stewart and Burrows. showed the best asters. Mr'. J. Hablcirk has purchased the cottage at the north end of East William street from Mr. Robert Winters for $700. Miss Toms of Egmondville had the misfortune to be thrown out of a buggy and had her arm fractured. William Bullard has a sun- flower 13A. feet tall and still growing, Dr. Thomas Wilson of India is visiting his brother, Mr. J. A. Wilson. A farewell dance was held in Case's hall by same of the young people in honor of the departure of two of our promin- ent young ladies, Misses Ethel Grieve and Eva Holmes, who leave shortly to train. as nurses. Miss Holmes goes to Boston and Miss 'Grieve to Berlin. Mrs. A. Richardson of Hamil- ton and Mrs. E. Epps of Scot- land have returned home after visiting the former's brother, Mr. E. H. Epps, Varna. Mr. John Dinsdale and family of Kippen - moved from their farm to Hensall where he has purchased the Welsh brick resi- dence near the planing mill for $1700. Mr. and Mrs. D. (lay and family have moved from Kipper to IStrattford. Mr. J. Thompson is moving his store from •Goderich street 'to the store next door north of T. Daly's grocery on Main st. Mr. S. Somers is attending the Canadian Order of Foresters meeting at St. Catharines. ' W. R. Smillie has bought the residence on Market Street of R. E. Coates. MERCEIESSEIRIMEMIEEIREEEEMINEEEIN COME TO Exeter Fair Wed. & Thurs. SEPT. 21 and 22 Wednesday Night — Junior Farmers Variety Show and Beauty Contest THE SBAFORTII NEWS Thursday, September 15, 1355 BOX Funeral Service AMBULAi1SCE Prompt and Careful Attentlotc Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 D.m., delb except Wednesday and Sunday Evening,: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 Dan, Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. T•URNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phone 791. Ontome In St., Seaforth Hours—Sereforth daily except Mon. 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton —MoLarenb Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.30 FOR SALE Black coat, Persian lamb trim, size 40, worn twice. Binok coat, lovely, size 46 or 4S, Fawn spring moat, almost new, size 46 or 48. Apply 43 Bast William st. Phone 123M. Wilson Armstrong FOR SALE Sprayed apples; Macintosh, Tolman Sweet, Snows, Kings, Delicious, Russets and Spies. Or- ders filled in rotation received. Bob Archibald, phone 656x16 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, J. 85. MoEwing, Blyth; Vico-Pres., It. Archibald, Sea. forth; Manager and Sec: Treas., M. A. Reid, Silo -forth. Directors -1. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. 1T. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; Fl. J. Trewnrtha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brimfield ; C. W. -Leon.. bora, Bornholm ; Fl. Fuller, Goderich R. Archibald. Seaforth ; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiner Jr., Londeaboro l J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance oq transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applleations to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SIAFORTII ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R WANTED A companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home with modern fac- ilities, in Egmondville. Apply to Box 127K The Seaforth News Thursday- Sarnia Lionettes Band, $2,000 Horse Show, Parade, Midway, Big Livestock Show" Dance at Night HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST FAIR NOTICE Custom built kitchen cupboards, alterations, to suit your needs. Apply to William Parker, Bruce - field. Phone 625r15 Clinton VIKING Cream separators, all electric, cabinet models. John Byerman, Walton #2. Phone Seaforth 848r24 FARM FOR SALE 120 acre farm with hydro and water, 5 miles south of Goderich. Bank barn. House has red insul brick siding. Apply Seaforth News PROPERTIES FOR SALE Brick house on Goderich St. West, Seaforth 100 -acre farm in the vicinity Of Walton. Good buildings. 80 acre farm in Stanley Township. Modern home. 200 acre farm in the vicinity of Seaforth Modern seed cleaning plant in Seaforth. Large storage bins on railroad siding Have cash buyers for two cot- tages in Seaforth HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth Telephone 474 Seaforth Complete Line of Nursery Stock. Order now for fall delivery. Hogle Nursery Co. Ken Powell, Seaforth All our stock guaranteed For Sale • Frame cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession , Brick dwelling very centrally located. Goderich St. West. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. Two' bedroom stucco cottage, with ell modern conveniences including &piece bath, hardwood floors, .modern kitchen. Pull basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and el - moat immediate possession. Brick dwelling, Goderich St. East, beautifully located. (former residence of late. Mrs. R. Belli. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Can be used as two apartments. Immediate possession. 143 acre of land. M. A. REID PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber gpods) mailed postpaid in plain scaled et.,, •lupe with price list, 6 samples 25e; 24 sans. Isles $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nom Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth RENTAL SERVICE Roto Tiller, Chain Saw, Lawn Sweep- er, Fertilizer Spreader. Power Lawn- mower, Post Hole Digger. CROWN HARDWARE, Seaforth. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive amd guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R. Seaforth CEMENT WORIK All types ofbrick and block work. For general building and repair work call BERT CHRISTENSEN, Railway St.. Seaforth. Phone 75 after 6 P.M. SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electrio models andgear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seuforth, Clinton and Brucefield. Allowance made for used Soparatore. Basil O'Rourke, Brucelleld. 034r21 Clinton NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Whore Better Balla Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton- 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 A.M. on week days and 7.80 and 9.30 A.M. on Sundays. Hudson Sterling Coal SSEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Plioiie 47 USBORNE & HIBBEIRT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER. President Martin Feeney R112 Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Colquhoun, R111 Science Hill Directive Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Milton McCurdyRR1 I{irkton Alex J. Rohde, 11R3 Mitchell Agents ' ThoeG. Ballantyne, URI Woodhull" Clayton Harris, RR1 Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Exeteit Secrotery-Treasurer • Arthur Fraser. Exeter -.