HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-08-25, Page 4This is another picture taken during Sea -
forth reunion. These girls were checking on
holrsekeeping in the olden day::, in the log
cabin exhibits at Victoria park, From left to
right are: Lois Hamilton, Seaforth; Beverley
Nethei'y, Wingham; Sandra Savauge, Sea -
forth; and Shirley Boucher, Wingham
Mr. Donald Eyre and sisters
of - Athens, Dorothy and Ruth
.spent a few days with Mr. and
Mr:. Lindsay Eyre.
Mr, and Mrs. Vietor Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie left
on Tuesday horning for Moose
Jaw where they will attend the
wedding of Mrs. McKenzie's
Mr. and Mrs. Don Pentney
are visiting Mrs. Pentney's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rath -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith
and family, Stratford, spent a
few days with relatives in the
vi lage.
Mrs. H. Berry attended the
wedding of her nephew, Ross
Smith to Shirley Chapman in
the United Church at White-
church on Saturday.
Lakeview Casino
Grand Bend
Dancing Nightly
and his
Mr, and Mrs. W.in. Elliott,
and fancily, iCartwright, visited
with Kaye and Marie Elliott
last week.
The. many friends of Mr. Trio.
Cairns are sorry to hear he suf-
fered a slight stroke and is con-
fined to Seaforth Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert
attended the Tremeer family re-
union held at Ipperwash on
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele
were Sunday visitors at Blyth
with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gross.
Mr. Willard Bennewies has
been confined to his bed with a
severe attack of poison ivy.
Decoration Services will be
held at the Evangelical Ceme-
tery on Sunday Sept. 4-th at 2
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Ben -
newels, Stratford. visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eggert on
Water problems have become
troublesome as wells are going
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock, Di-
ane, Paul and Karen are on a
trip to Manitoulin Island this
Messrs Morley and Manuel
Koehler and Jackie Horan left
en Monday for a trip to Sa-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kleber
and Mr. Alan Kleber were re-
cent visitors with her sister in
A fancily gathering was held
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Pose on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Beuerman
were at a fancily gathering at
Bayfield. on Sunday.
At the Town Hall
Your attendance and helpful suggestions are urgently
needed at this meeting if Seaforth is to have hockey
this winter.
Every Good Sport please conte out.
This ad paid for by the
Seaforth Memorial Centre
A number from this vicinity
attended the Brodhagen Band
picnic at Hayfield on Sunday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Weitersen last week were
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weitersen of
Florida; Dr. Fred and Mrs, Wei-
tersen of Detroit; Mrs. Jennie
Fletcher of Stratford; Mrs. Lou-
is Hoegy of Seaforth accomp-
anied by ;her granddaughter,
Miss M. Hoegy and ;friend from
Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fischer
and fancily, Carlingford, with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sadler.
1VIr. and Mrs. Aubrey Geiser,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dar-
rell Parker.
Mn, and Mrs. J. Scott and fain-
tly are holidaying at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. George Boa and
family attended the 25th wedding
anniversary celebration of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Riley, Brussels, held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Riley, Cromarty.
Mr. and Airs. Ray McGee, Gail
and Connie, Mrs. Tom Young and
Miss Helen Currie with relatives
at Bancroft.
Wilfred Elliott at Woodeden
Bob McPherson, Port Elgin,
with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Agar.
A 1950 car was totally destroy-
ed about 2 o'clock last Thursday
morning at the Sullivan farm
on No. S highway. A passing mot-
orist saw the burning vehicle and
awakened the family. Seaforth
Fire Brigade was called to put
out the blaze.
SMITH At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on August 18, to Mr, and
Mrs. John Smith, RR3 Kippen,
a son
JEWITT—At Scott Memorial hos-
pital. an Aug. 20, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, Clinton RR
1, a son
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Smyth were: Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Siilick, Larry
and Sheila; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Huffman, Mrs. Jack Sillick, Mrs.
Midford Bannerman and Sharon
all of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs.
, we will FREE'
old Letter
Your Name
on any New Binder you buy from us
All Binders are equipped with a refill and index.
Buy your School. Supplies Early and avoid the
big rush. We carry a complete line
E. Larone
Here is Priscilla Wright, Can-
ada's 14 year old singing sensa-
tion, who will be a featured at-
traction at four evening perform-
ances of Western Fair's outstand-
ing grandstand show this year,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday only, September
12, 13, 14 and 15. Priscilla wilt he
directed by her father, Don
Wright, London, founder and di-
rector of the Don Wright chorus
of international, fame.
Robert Gibb and girls of Glen-
coe; Mr's, Caroline "tYliller visited
at the same home.
iVtr, and Mrs, Earl 'Dickison,
Diane and Marlene with Mr.
and Mrs, Ford Dtckison.
Mrs. J. Dickison of Teeswater
spent the weekend with her son
!cord Diekison and MVIrs. IDicki-
.itr. and Mrs. Jod'rn L. Benne-
wies aeeoinpanied air. and Mrs.
Ernie 'liart,1i and family at De-
troit on a trip to Tobermory,
last week and also visited. Mr.
and tars. ir'win Bennewies in
W o odstook.
Ilvtr. and Mrs. Russell .Sho.dice
and Beverley visited with 1V1i.
and lair's. Clifford Brown. of St.
Louis, Missouri, at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Brown in Brus-
sels on Thursday evening. -
tYir, and Mrs. Clarence Prue
ter orf 'Mitchell, Mr,, and Mrs.
;toy jylilier of Australia calleu
on tyle. and 1Vlrs. Ld Prceter and
J. O. kruetor.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morton
of Oshawa have been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Messrs. t{eitib and Donald
MVlinler of Galt visited friends
nere on Sunday.
:antis, Darrel Adams 'an'd boys
of Mitchell have been at the
hoarse of her parents, Mr. and
airs. Dalton liinz this week,
Mr. Gary bnoldice accompan-
ied his uncle iloward Queren-
gesser of dViitehell to Windsor
anis week.
ivliss l hyllis Hinz, rind Mast-
ers Caayton, Robert and lien-
1105A Ahrens and 'Richard Leon-
hardt grave been receiving'Swim-
nrin'g lessons at Mitchell Lions
Visitors with Ilr. and Mrs,
Lavern Wolfe were N,te Jack
(rnarton, bort Churchill, 1Vian.,
Mrs. June Beuerman, 'Detroit,
eerporal Bob Wolfe, Bunny
Brook hospital, Toronto.
Vleniuer's of the Brodhagen
Band and families enjoyed a pic-
nic at Jowett's Grove l'ark at
Baylreld on Sunday.
.cemetery Decoration Services
will be held at St.' Peter's Luth-
eran Church here an ,Sunday
afternoon, Aug. 2811n at 2.30
Jur. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce and
family of Kitchener at the
home of Mrs. Edith Beuerman.
Mrs. Beuerman returned 'home
with them after spending three
weeks there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood-
ward and girls of Toronto holi-
daying with. Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Querengesser.
Mr. George Higenell of Ham-
ilton caned on Mr. Chas.
Ahrens last week.
The Brodhagen Band will
hold their last band concert of
the season this Sunday evening
at 9 -o'clock.
(Mrs. Ernest Elligson accent -
partied Mr, and 'Mrs. Carl Ei1ig-
son and family of Windsor to
Kitchener, Guelph and Eden
Mills to visit relatives.
The family of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Elligson gathered at
their home on Sunday. The cele-
tbration was in the form of a
picnic. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Elligson and
family, Logan, Mr, and Mrs,
Carl Elligson and family, Wind-
sor, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ellig-
son and family, Kitchener, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Elligson and
.family of McKillop.
4-H Tractor Club Meets
Fourteen members of the Hay
Stanley 4-H Tractor Club met on
Monday evening in Boyce's gar-
age, Varna. The meeting was un-
der the leadership of Mr. Hank
Hellman. The Cooling System of
Tractors was discussed and de-
monstrated. It was decided to
place a float in the Labor Day
parade' at the Bean Festival in
Miss Heidi Shroeder of Dash-
wood is visiting Miss Sharon
Miss Kathryn Gackstetter of
Hensall and Miss Joanne Horsey
of Ridgeway, who spent a couple
of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Gackstetter, returned to their
homes on the week end,
Mrs. 3. L, Henderson and Mrs.
W. L Mellis spent a day recent-
ecently with Mrs. C. Cook at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
and Mr. Robert Thomson visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Good
in Auburn.
Miss Marcia Little of Hensall
visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Long.
Miss Eleanor Fisher who has
spent several weeks visiting rela-
tives and friends returned to her
home in Winnipeg this week,
Miss Fisher i5 a niece of Mr, Ro-
bert Thomson of the village and
Mrs. Hannah Workman, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bell have re-
turned after a pleasant trip to
Northern Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander-
son returned on Tuesday from a
pleasant trip to the Canadian
Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance
of Mitchell visited friends in the
district on Sunday.
Mr. .and Mrs. John Sinclair
and family have returned from
a pleasant motor trip to the Ca-
nadian West. -
Miss ItIarie Carter of O.11ande-
boye, visited last week with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dyer -Hay-
den of Detroit visited recently
with -Mr. and Mrs. W. R. - loop-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Groves,
Billy, Lois and Laurie, of Det-
roit, visited last week wijHli ;Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Morton.
Mrs. Dickert of Clifford visit-
ed lag week with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Diekert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooper and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Cooper and family of Exeter
were recent guests of Mr. and
Mr's, W. R. Cooper,
Mr. Ilugh McMillan, Sr., suf-
fered a stroke at the Heuse of
Providence In London last weep.
Mr, and Mrs. David McDonald
and Peter visited on Wednes-
day with Mr, and Mrs. Norman
'Miss Lynn Gackstetter spent
a few days with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. .and Mrs. Henry
Gackstetter near Hensall.
Twilight Meet Held By Club
Close to 90 people attended
the first twilight meeting orf the
Huron County Fruit Growers'
at the farm of Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clin-
ton. The group is the oldest
:farm organization in the county,
Following a tofu- of Mr. Mid-
'dleton's 20 acre fruit orchard
and a visit to his new farm pond
site, a speaking program was
Prof. H. W. Goble, provincial
entomologist from OAC discus-
sed fruit insects and their con-
trol. Prof. C. B. Kelly, of the
botany department, OAC, dis-
cussed fruit diseases 'and their
control, J. J. Johnson, supervis-
ing inspector, Canadian Depart-
ment of Agriculture, London,
spoke on crop and market pros-
pects, and W. B. Fox, Vineland,
associate director of fruit and
extension for Ontario, told of
the general outlet for fruits and
vegetables for the province.
From The Seaforth News
August 1515
Customs Officer Neelin as-
sumed the role of auctioneer to
dispose of an animal, described
in official documents as "the
celebrated race horse known as
Blue Laws." The story of Blue
Laws was long and grievous
He had :been imported from the
U. S. under $2,000 bond to race
at the Woodbine track in Toron-
to. Stolen while in Canada, the
owner claimed return of the
bond money from the govern-
ment. Later the horse was trac-
ed to a farm near Monkton, and
was in badly deteriorated con-
dition. Placed in charge of
Customs Officer Neelins at Sea -
forth, the animal was well oared
for until presentable, and then
offered to the highest bidder.
Mr. Neelins mounted the buggy
to which Blue Laws Was harn-
essed, and after an hour of ef-
fort and much good natured
bantering, sold the horse to Mr,
Dan Shanahan for '$49.50, Can
Blue Laws make a come back?
George Rankin, of Philadel-
phia, has been visiting relatives
here. IIe has been away from
Seaforth for 40 years and sees
many changes.
Mr. Howard 'Crich has purch-
ased a fine six-year-old chestnut
driving horse from Jamieson
Bros, of the Huron Road.
The telephone trunk line is
now completed between Sea -
forth and Brussels. Brussels ru-
ral telephone now has a 10 -cent
rate to McKillop and Seaforth.
A rink of Hensall ;bowlers in-
vaded the slumbering quiet of
Seaforth Friday night about 11
p. m. and challenged all comers.
John A. Williams picked up a
rink to do battle for the honor
of Seaforth and the visitors
went home sadder and wiser
Frank Mulcahy has returned
to his home at !Seattle after
visiting his mother, Mrs. Ed-
ward Mulcahy.
Sixty nine Seaforth citizens
including the firemen and band
Left on Tuesday for Thorold to
attend the firemen's tourna-
ment. A special train was run
from Kincardine to take the
delegations from the towns en -
route, Kincardine, Wingham,
Clinton and 'Seaforth,
Mr. Wm. Bristow of town
has the contract for erecting
Mr. T. Elder's modern home on
John Street.
Finlay Ross, son of iDavid
Ross, MoKillop, was kicked by
a horse, breaking bis arm and
dislocating the elbow.
Mr. Frank Arnold's truck
from Seaforth conveyed a num-
ber from ,Staffa line west, to
Grand Bend on Saturday.
John Porter, of near 'Goder-
ioh, a Huron pioneer, died. He
had settled eight miles from
Goderich in 1842 and lived
there ever since. At that tune
he did teaming to London on a
blazed trail, the round trip tak-
ing nearly a week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchi-
son of ,Staffs are spending two
weeks 'at Port Arbhur with: Hal
Bryan, a former clerk at Sta£fa
who has a prosperous drygoods
business 'at the iakehead. They
made the trip on the IS. 8. Mor-
Bert Mitchell of Manley is
taking lessons from Henry Ben-
newies in constructing our tele-
phone system.
E. C. Munro, a public school
THE SHAPORTII NEWS—Thin lay, August 25, 1955
gent Theatre
Amite Murphy Susan Cabot
The law of the last Frontiot'--fl'ig'ht or Die, as Honor, Pride and
Greed clash in flaming fury while a woman waits—every trail an
ambush, every bullet marked with Death
MON. TUES. WED. PHFFFT Judy Holliday- Jack Carson
Judy Holliday and Jack Lenunon together again as the quarrel-
ling couple who can't stay apart, Don't try to say it,—Just see it.
It's fast, furious and funny
Dean Martin - Jerry Lewis
,,,,,, 111,111,1111110.111111.1”11111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111,1,.11I,.III,uuuu,u,O111111111111,1,111111,1,,,,,,ll„II,III„II,II,It,
Don't Read This
Unless you want to know where you
get the
--IT'S THE ---
The Little Store with the "Big Values
principal of Saskatoon, Sask.,
spent the weekend with his par- H.F.A. FOOTBALL
ents-m-law, Mr. and Mrs.. T, E.
Hays and is visiting his parents
M London,
In a letter from Shorncliffe Ethel vs. Winthrop
"The Holmes boys, Jerry Case
and I hilted across country Thursday Aug. 25
eight miles to see Miss Edith At Community Pani,
Game time 6,45 sharp
Neelins, that made a sixteen
I mile round trip and we had a
real •Seaforth holiday together.
It is great to meet anyone from
A ?I 01 1111
JULY 30th to AUGUST ars!
Persons having accounts with the Seaforth and
District Old Boys Association are required to have
such accounts in the hands of the
Treasurer, C. M. Smith
on or before Friday, August 26
Notice is given that the Association
cannot assume responsibility for ac-
counts that are received after the
above date
McKillop School Fair
Thursday, Sept. 15
Extensive preparations are going
ahead for this great school fair.
Good prize list - bigger than ever
Beauty Contest Baby Show
SAFE • o •
Our safety deposit boxes will keep your important
papers and valuables safe for less than 2c a day.
Rentals from $5 yearly. Inquire at our nearest
branch—we have more than 680 to serve you.
NW -135