HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-08-18, Page 8KIPPEN Weekend visitors df Mr, and Mrs. Sam •Cudniore were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pinkney and gamily of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Cudm'ore and fam- ily, Kitchener, Rev. and Mrs. N. McLeod left on Tuesday Tor a holiday with relatives in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Anderson, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett and girls and Mrs. W. Wendor at- tended the Anderson family re- union which was largely attend- ed, at Pine Grove Park, Pt, Huron on Sunday. Mrs, Wendor left from the picnic to visit relatives in Marlette, Mich., for a few weeks. Recent visitors of 14Irs. Dins - dale and Miss Mabel White man were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dinsdale and family of Bran- don, Manitoba, Mr. Dinsdale is member of Parliament for Man- itoba, and has been attending sessions in Ottawa. Miss Gladys Harrison of Parkhill also was a visitor and a cousin, Mrs, 'Chas. CE SALE TICKETS c ticket admits one adult or two children. Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders sire eligible for drrlw on: x955 . RS * DODGE REGENT SEDAN * CHEVR®LET 210 DELUXE Al tickets must be in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept, 17th to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:15 p.m. on same date, in front of Grandstand, BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY! THERE'S A WESTERN AIR AT... -/;•N i SEPTei itol17 FER LONDON, 1.1 s W. D. JACKSON, Manager iL �FAH) Tickets Available At Baldwin Hardware IKI '•55 W. H. Elliott Restaurant We are pleased to announce that Mr. P. F. CAREY has become associated with our firm with Headquarters in OODBRICH Office: 46 West Street Telephone 259 Mr. Carey has been engaged in the Investment business for many years: NESBITT; THOMSON AND COMPANY; LIMITED Members of The Investment Dealers' Association of Canada, NOW! HUDSON "= Ir/: s , ; i mg COAL icy rye,' AT ATTRACTIVE SPRING -SUMMER PRICES Luxury heat at big savings! Fill your bin nowt SEAFORTH LUMBER LIMITED PHONE 47, SEAFORTH Whiteman of Birmingham, Mich., is spending this week at the Dinsdale hone, Miss Joan and Michael .Smith of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and Laurie of Mount For- est were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Miss Joyce Schnell of Cain - rose, Alberta is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. R. McBride, Miss Joyce Hood has return- ed Mame after a pleasant holi- day with her cousin 'Miss Diane Perkins in London. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and family of Wingham spent the weekend with Mrs, Beattie's another, Mrs. Rabt. !McBride. Recent Visitors of Mrs. Me- Olyniont were Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Kalfliesch of Zurich; Mrs. Harvey H•urlbnrt, Zurich• Rev. and Mrs. Robt. 'Schnell and family •Saskatoon, Miss Joyce Schnell, •Camrose, Alberta; Mr. ' and Mrs. Mel Reath, Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsons and family and Mrs. A. Gaokstetter 'and girls attended the Ferguson Reunion at .Springbank on Sun: 'day. A number from here attended the closing program of The Bible School atCromarty on Friday evening. The School has been sponsored by the 'Zurich Mennonite •Church. Mr, Harold Parsons is visit- ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Linden, Denfield this week, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of 'Caro, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr, Robt, Cooper. Quite a In -amber from there attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Patterson of Toronto which was held from the Bon- thron Funeral Home on Satur- day. Mrs. Patterson is a form- er Kippen girl KIPPEN EAST The July meeting o8 the Kip - pen East W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Glenn Slavin with Mrs. Campbell Eyre as co -host- ess on July 29th at 8.30. The meeting opened with the Insti- tute Ode, Mary .Stewart Collect 'followed by the Lord's Prayer, The roll call, "What to eat for Beauty and good temper", fol- lowed by music from Nancy and WESTERN FAIR ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE Advance sale admission tick- ets for Western Fair, London, September 12 to 17, are the same price as last year, three for one dollar, and are 110W 0n sale in Seaforth and throughout Western Ontario. Only purch- asers of advance sale tickets are eligible for the draw for two se- dan cars on the last night of the Fair, Saturday, September 17. General admission at the gate is a straight 50 cents, with no chance of winning either of the beautiful sedans. In addition, the purchaser of advance tickets saves 50 cents on every three admissions. One admission tick- et will admit two children to the Fair. Just make sure your name and address are plainly written or printed on each ticket. Western Fair has more attrac- tions than ever this year, includ- ing the re -opening of the Art Gallery. There will be a gor- geous stage revue each night with nine terrific acts, as well as the famous 'Grandstand Fol- lies. Monday and Tuesday after- noon, 'Sept. 12 and 13, will fea- ture the J. E. Ranch Rodeo. Wednesday and Thursday after- noons will be devoted to har- ness racing, featuring the fa- mous futurities. Friday and Saturday afternoon there will be a brand new rodeo, the Cher- okee Ranch rodeo replete with bucking bronchos. Donna Mae Borger of Seaforth which was much enjoyed. Mrs. E. A, McMaster of Seaiforth told' of her recent trip to Hawaii and illustrated with sh'owin'g of pie - tures which were excellent. Mrs. W. H. McLean gave the motto, No woman is a slave to house work, but rather to the way she does it. She stressed a few rules that women should remember. Don't do heavy lifting, carry' heavy things close to 'the body. Remember a good posture, al- ways use a knee pad when kneel- ing. Sit down at your work as much as possible. The secret of good house keeping is planning your work well. Everyone join- ed in singing, Stars of the Sum- mer night, with Mrs, J. Sinclair at the piano. Current events were given by Mrs. Ernie White- house. A poem on The Life cif a Nurse, by Mis. W. •Br'oadfoot. Mrs. R. Peck gave an excellent report of the officers Confer- ence held in Guelph in May. Discussion period followed on Float for Old Boys Reunion and Bean Festival and booth. It was decided to have group leaders look after same and each mem- ber to he responsible for 2 ap- rons to :be sold in booth and al- so homemade candy. It was de- cided to hold a dance in Bay- field on Aug. 10. The meeting closed with the :Queen and a de- licious lunch was served by the lunch committee. H ENSALL Bride -Elect Honored A number of friends were pleasantly entertained - at the home of Mrs. .Stewart Bell on Friday evening in honor rof Miss Marlene Petzke bride -elect. The evening was spent in games and contests after which a 7nock wedding was performed. The bride was the recipient of var- ious gifts and refreshments were served. Misses Jean •Soldan Lola Volland and Mrs. Guy Bedard assisted with the ar- rangements. Mrs. Little of London is spending several days at the home of her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little, Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith Lindsay of •Chatham spent the weekend at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hend- erson, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McNaug- hton and family of Toronto visited during the past two weeks with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Naughton. Mr. Ron Passmore of London spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Passmore and sister Norma. Mr. Rebt, Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Kerslake and Bill spent the weekend at Point 'Clark. Mrs. Drysdale, Jerry and Paul accompanied then home after spending a week with Mrs, Ed Fink and Bryan, DUBLIN A post -nuptial reception hon- oring Mr. and Mrs. Phonse Meagher, recent newly-weds was sponsored by Frank Kist- ner and Joseph Delaney and held in Dublin Parish Hall on Friday night. A large group of friends were present to extend congratulations, An a d d r e s s was read by Frank Kistner and a purse of money was presented by Joseph Delaney. Music for dancing was provided 'by the Norris Orchestra. Lunch was served by the sponsors and a group of volunteer helpers. Miss Anne Macaleer, Detroit, Miss Teresa Ryan, London, Miss Mary Margaret Ryan, Kitchen- er, Captain Edward Tozier, Mrs. Tozier and son Edward Jr. who have recently returned :from Germany, with Mr. and SWIMMING MEET ,A*. Seaforth Lions Club Park COMMENCING AT 2 P.M, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24th A full program of Junior, Inter- mediate and Senior Events, including Races and Diving Junior 10 and under Intermediate 13 and under Senior 17 and under Entries received up to 2 P. M. on day of Meet For further information, see GORDON ROWLAND Swimming Instructor at the Park Free Admission 'FOUND Pig strayed to NIS Lot 82, Con, 14, McKillop, 8 or 10 weeks old, Thomas Shortreed, Brussels 901.14 FOR SALE Tomatoes, 6 cite, 40c, 11 ate 50e, bus, $1 at garden in own con- tainer; also Glad Blooms 25c doz. B. Purcell, Market st. Phone 8597 WANTED One or two roomers, or accom- modation for a couple. Phone 23 daytime, Miss L. Faulkner, George street WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Hu- ron County. Experience not neces- sary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Pro- ducts furnished on- credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. H-364-163, Mon- treal, P.Q. Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gallant and family, Windsor, Edward and Frank Rowland, Toronto, with Mrs. Winnifred Rowland. -Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stewart are on vacation. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney has re- turned from a motor trip to the Maritime Provinces. . Mrs. Frank 'Evans spent a week in Montreal, Quebec and Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim Jordan, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Al Young and children •St. 'Catherines, with Mrs. Mary E. O'Rourke. Joseph .Carbert, Royal Oak, Mich., and Mr. and Mgrs. Ed- ward Holland, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland. Leo Bristow, Miami, Florida William Bristow, Sarnia, and Dr. Russell Bristow, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dill. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Flannery in Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Rey- nolds, Detroit, with Mrs, Jo- seph Carpenter. Mm. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Pherson and children, Essex, visited friends there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David McCon- ne11, Florida, Miss Adeline Clark, Alliston, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell, William Cook, Toronto, is visiting friends here. Gordon Pirie Will Run at Track Meet The eyes of the Track World will be on Exeter next Wednes- day, Aug. 24th, when Gordon Pirie, famed British runner will make an attempt at the World Three Mile Record. Pirie, who now ranks fourth in the world at this distance and holds the world's record at the mile -and - one -half, will race at 6:30 p.m. on that date. Site of the race will be the South Huron High School Track and enthusiasts are invited to attend and watch the attempt. Racing with Pirie will be his brother Peter and uoutstanding fo i of Canada's three milers. Gordon Pirie, wide- ly famed as a middle distance runner is a member of the Lon- don South Harriers Track Club of England and is being brought toCanada byKen Thompson, n , Canadian Track enthusiast. Pirie will participate in a Dream Mile at Toronto's Varsity 'Stadium against top American competi- tion on Aug. 20th. at the an- nual Legion Day Track Meet in aid of disabled veterans and the 'Canadian Olympic Training Plan. The Exeter race will be Pirie's only three-mile race in this continent during this visit. A slim six-foot two, 148 pounder, Pirie lastyear cap- tured the inter -counties three mile championship, the Surrey one -mile title, set a United Kingdom grass track mile rec- ord at 4.05.2 and won several •middle 'distance races against International competition. Brought to Exeter by local authorities, Pirie will conduct a clinic as part of the Lake Huron Zone Recreation •Council's Track and Field development program. The Zone Council's Track Meet for any participants in the counties of Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth will be held at the Walkerton High School on Sat- urday, August 27th, starting at 10 a.m. Entries are invited from any community in the Zone. FORTY YEARS AGO August 1916 Huron County is again well represented In the scholarships awarded by the University of 'Toronto. Miss E. E. Scott, Sea - forth, won the Edward Blake ,Scholarship in mathematics and F. L. Hutchison, Seaforth, sixth Edward Blake Scholarship for general proficiency. Ernest Keating, 26, a former Salvation Army officer at •Sea- tforth, was drowned, at London while swimming. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Henry Ma- son, Egmondville, on Saturday morning, Aug. 15, 1915, when her daughter, Miss Tena, be- came the bride of Mr. William. .Smyth, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 'Smith of ,Seaforth. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. F. H. Larkin. James Staples died at Regina. He had been in tihe barbering business with his brother in .Seaforth unt'i'l going west six years previously and was born at Constance. He gained con- siderable fame as a lacrosse player being a teammate of the renowned Jackson brothers. IVlr. McFarlane, Winalhrop, has got the cement ,foundation corn plated for his bank barn. Mr. L. H'oegy has the contract for er- ecting the frame. Mr. Stephenson has this abeam dredge at work enlarging the Win'bbrop ditch. Master Lockhart Johnston has returned home to Varna after visiting friends at Seaforth. CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Joseph Melady wishes to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation to friends, relatives and neighbors, for hind assist- ance shown since her recent sad bereavement CARD OF THANKS we wish to thank our friends and relatives for the many exp- ressions of kindness shown the late Hugh Alexander during Ills illness and to us in our bereave- ment. Mrs, Hugh Alexander and family CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Walton Kerslake wishes to ex- press their thanks to neighbors, relatives and friends who were so kind during the recent death of their mother. Special thanks to Rev. S. Derr, Mrs. Learn, Oro- marty Male Quartette and eel oompanist, Hopper - Hockey Fun- eral Home. Everything was deep- ly appreciated Private Sai4 Chesterfield, dieing room suite, walnut rocker, platform rooker, 2 occasional chairs, bedroom suite, walnut drop leaf table, 7' x 9' Wilton rug, library table, 4 chrome chairs, 2 floor Lamps, sealers, dishes, occasional table. C. M. Smith, Goderioh street west, Phone 484W. Evenings 7 to 9 and Saturday afternoon ROOM WANTED One room in private home, with bath, by young lady. Apply to Box 127W, The Seaforth News FOR 250 Red x RockSALE pullets , six months old, laying good. Apply James Barry, phone 6681.15 FOR SALE Dining room suite, 8 pieces, walnut finish, good condition, Phone 30x2 Dublin PIANO TUNER Jos. Smith of Loudon who has been coming to Seaforth for the past several years will be in town phoweelcne ofSsJ Aug, 22. Orders taken, FOR SALE Cheap, five storm windows 5'2" x 2'10". Also 3 window screens same size. Roddy MacIrean, 649r3 FOR SALE 125 Red x Rock pullets, laying, Ken Beattie, Walton, phone 884r6 FOR SALE Entire herd of Registered Her- efords consisting of 6 females and a bull calf, Apply to Harry Cald- well, Kippen 90 Red FOR SALE d pullets 5 months old. Apply Ken Stewart, rr5 Seaforth FOR SALE Good work team about 1400, would sell one or both, Apply Roy Lawson, phone 669r16 HONEY FOR SALE Now pouring white clover hon- ey at 25c Ib. in your own con- tainers, 1 lb. comb honey sec- tions 50c. Wallace Ross Apiaries NOTICE Will care for children, from infants up, while mothers '3vork. Nurse's home. Apply to Box 127L, Seaforth News FOR SALE Two outside toilets, Phone 4413 Seaforth FOR SALE 300 Red Rock pullets ready to lay. John L. Malone, Seaforth rr5. Phone 641.4 Dublin Pullets, 800 ofSFisher's Hemp. Wyandots. 95c each this week. George W. Stone, 835.3, RR1 Sea - forth Clean, brigline9 Oi1E Sarnia's beet from - top of Vat No. 1, and govern- ment tested Coal. soreened each delivery. William M. Hart WANTED TO BUY Implement shed wanted, any size. Phone 56r3 Dublin NOTICE Auction Sales every Monday night at Stratford. Anyone wish- ing to put in furniture contact T. W. Kelly & Son, Auctioneers, Stratford. Phone 2092 M TO RENT Lower apartment 3 rooms and bath, hot and cold water, stoves supplied, reasonable. Apply at News Office Complete Line of Nursery Stock. Order now for fall delivery. Hogle Nursery Co. Ken Powell, Seaforth All our stock guaranteed VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS All Electric, Cabinet Model The very latest design in Electric Cream Separators with all new improvements. Electric and hand turning model on LOW STAND. This Gear -type modal is on the markot for years. REPAIRS AT ALL TIMES Give us a can and see what we've got We appreciate doing business with you. Thank you. JOHN BYERMAN WAItrON Phone Seaforth 9480124 RR2 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER 'LTD. Phone 47 For Sale Brick dwelling very centrally located. Goderich St. Worst. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all. modern conveniences including 8 -piece. bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. beautifullyck wlocateed, former residence of late Mrs. R. Bell). Frame dwelling on Louisa St. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Can be used as two apartments. Immediate possession. % acre of land, M. A. REID THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, August 18, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention, Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seatorth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorlh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist: P. t Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hour:, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m„ daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance ar•, desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M.,V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phone 791, ootomMain t Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon. 9 to 6.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM; Clinton, —McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.30 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea. - forth; Manager and Seo.-Treas., M. A.. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; i 8. MaEwing, Blyth ; W. S, Alexander... Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Erucefield: 0. W. Leon-. hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderlch:. R. Arohibald, Seaforth; Alllater Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiper Jr„ Londesbono 1. J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bek. en, Brussels ; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of tho, above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFOR.TH. ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First- Class irstClass Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather . Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort: WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber -goody mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelops with price flet, 6 samplers Ho; 21. ,Aym- plea .11.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-74, iov- Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyze,. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth RENTAL SERVICE Roto Tiller, Chain Saw, Lawn Sweep- er, Fertilizer Spreader, Power Lawn- mower, Post Hole Digger. CROWN HARDWARE, Seaforth. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, .t TERRY'S RAMO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R. Seaforth CEMENT WORK An types of brick and block work. For general building and repair work call BERM CHRISTENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone 76 atter 6 P.M, SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All eleotrio models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and ilrucefield. Allowance made for used Separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield. 624r21 Clinton NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination' service for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 616 collect, between 780. and 10.00 A.M. on week days and 7.80 and 9.80. A.M. on Sundays. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL PIKE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Vica-Presldent E. Clayton Colquhoun,RRI Science Hill Directors Harry Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Hilton Me€urdy, 15011 Kirtton Alex 3. Rohde, 0188 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne. RR1 Woodham Clayton Harris. R111 Mitchell Stanley Hocking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, Heats Serntery-Tre rarer Arthur Fraser, Exeter