HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-07-21, Page 4Lakeview Casino
Grand Be d
Bill Jupp
and his
New Hit Orchestra
Mr. George MacDougal Rant -
say, well-known' farmer on the
17th con. of Grey died sudden-
ly Friday afternoon, July 15th
in Brussels with a heart seizure
in his 54th year. Mr. Ramsay
vas the son of the late Ilugh
Ramsay and Annie MacDougal.
He was born on the farm where
he resided at the time of his
death. The deceased atteuded
Walton Public School and was
a member of Duff's United
Church. He is survived by his
• step -mother, Mrs. Eliza Ram-
say of Seaforth.
The funeral was held from
the Rann Funeral Parlors, at
Brussels on Monday afternoon
at 8 pan. with Rev. W. M.
Thomas officiating. The pall-
bearers were Mr. Donald Bus
chanan, Mr. Harvey Craig, Mr.
George Williamson, Mr. Nor-
man Williamson, Mr. Roy Wil-
liamson and Mr. Herbert Wil-
The flowerbeu'ers were Mr,
Stewart Humphries; Mn." Clare
Long, .lir. Janes Souter and Mr.
Fred Smalldon. Interment was
made in Brussels cemetery.
Relatives who attended the
funeral from a distance were
Mr. and Mrs. James Esson of
Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey
Walker, Winona, Mr. and Mrs.
William Boult of Collingwood
and Mr. and Mrs. John Hlnch-
ley and son Edward of Owen
Mr. and Din's. Fred -Routledge
have returned to their home in
Ottawa after spending their hol-
idays with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bennett and visiting old friends
and neighbors in Walton.
We are sorry to report the
sudden passing of Mr. George
Ramsay on Thursday last. Fun-
eral services were conducted on
Monday from the Rann funeral
home in Brussels,
The Sunday School picnic of
Walton United Church Sunday
school was held in the Lions'
CIub Park at Seaforth, Thurs-
day afternoon, A large num-
ber took advantage of the fine
day and a delicious supper
brought the day to a close.
Reunion Notes
Charles A. Hammett. of 175
Stuart St.. Sarnia, writing this
w..•ek, asks for information con-
cerning billetting arrangements.
He and Mrs. Hanniuett are plan-
ning; to attend the Reunion for
several days It is 41 year,, since
the Hammett family moved from
S..aierth Sarnia. Mr. Hare -
metes grandfather. 1 Bithard Ham-
mett. was engine,tr 1t the old
R .t. r1t e ks. will li was situated
on Siler Creek many years ago.
For Mr, and Mrs. John
Krauskopf in Seaforth
Community Centre
Harburn's Orchestra
Ev.•ry, ne welcome. Lunch served
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane
Seaforth Community
Everyone Welcome
. Silas
Alt' JULY 30th to AUGUST 3rel
Indicating the wide interest
which the Seaforth Reunion is
arousing is a letter received
this week by Scott Habkirk,
i'ronl Lt. Col. John C. Habkirk,
of Hamilton, Col. Habkirk says:
"Seeing you have the same
name as myself, I thought I
would write -you instead of
some other member of the com-
mittee. I have received a little
information, via Honolulu, in
reference to the Seaforth 011
Boys Reunion, but I would like
to know something - more about
it, in the event that it alight be
possible for me to attend, so if
you would pass this letter on to
someone who could give me the
information desired, I would be
"By this time you may be
wondering who I am, as I have
been wondering- what branch • of
the Habkirk tree you belong to.
Well, my father was John Hab-
kirk, and lay mother was Mary
Coe an, sister of Jim Cowan,
who farmed close to Seaforth
for years. I was born on the old
Habkirk farm. one and a half
miles north of 'Seaforth, in 1873
I became an officer in the 'Sal-
vation Army and have not been
back to Seaforth very mucin for
many years, l 001 retired now
and living at present with 11»
daughter in Hamilton, as Mrs
Habkirk has been very poorly
for some time.
"When I heard there was to
be an Old Boys' Reunion, I
thought it alight be nice if I
could run up i'or two or three
days, hence my request for fur-
ther information, I would like
to know what arrangements are
being made for accommodation
etc.; etc. Then, of Course, it
would be nice to renew some
old friendships and, if possible
meet some of my relatives."
Dr, George K. Rogers, of 105
West McDowell Road, Phoenix,
Arizona, and a son of a former
principal of the Seaforth Colle-
giate Institute, had planned to
return for the Reunion, but be-
souse of the illness of his wife,
finds this will not be possible. In
expressing his regrets, he sends
along a picture of the parade
during the 1914 '01d Boys'. The
picture shows a float which had
been prepared by his aunt, the
fernier Grace E. Stevens, and
on whieh he is a passenger.
There continues to be a re
quneinent for accommodation
for Visitors expected during the
Reunion. The billeting commit-
mittee, headed by B. F. Christie,
is seeking rooms which will be
available during the reunion
period, Citizens who have ac-
commodation available are ask-
ed to get in touch with Mr.
Christie as soon as possible.
Writing from Edmonton, Mrs.
Irene Farquharson Laubman, of
11748-9Oth St. says: "I was
indeed very pleased to receive
an invitation to the Reunion.
How I wish I could go! Al-
though I was nine years old
when I left there, I still think
of my many school friends I
lett behind, and would like to
return to see the changes that
have taken place,"
Mrs. Laubman goes on to ask
that an invitation go forward to
another Seaforth resident, bliss
Mary -MacGregor, of 10650 —
"Sth Ave., Edmonton. Alta. Mrs,
Laubman and Miss MacGregor
attended school together in Sea -
forth in 11108. she says:
Despite the fact she is in her
''"th year. Mrs. Etta Dunsmore
Lawrence writes about the reun-
ior.. ir. -her letter she says;
"I am pleased indeed that my
name was given in by some un-
known friends, as I would not
have heard of the celebration.
Now I will have something to
think and talk about, but will
net be one of the happy crowd,
If weather is not favorable, will be held
Wednesday. August 3rd
Auspices Egmondville United Church
Tickets $1.50 Each
Open Daily
Phone 573
Enquiries Are Invited
Phone 41J Phone 103
as I have reached the advanced
age of 97',, years—born in
1858, But I am an old resident
of the Mill Road and knew Sea -
forth and spent many years
there, till I left for my home
near Sarnia. I am sure there are
no friends left now to greet the
Etta 'Densmore who left the
clear old 110111e and friends Oti
years ago. All are gone. Of my
own family, my brother, Bob
Densmore, is not well enough
to travel, but I know would love
to. I hope the weather is fine
and a happy time spent by all,
and my thanks for being in-
ant writing this from
my niece's hone. She is a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.
Carnochan, Mrs. Carnochan was
Marg. Dunmore, my sister. I
spend some time every summer
at .my niece's. on a lovely farts
near Caulachie, but my home
address is 903 May Ave., Wind-
Mr, and Mrs. J. 11. Archibald,
for 11111113, years well known Sea.
forth residents, will not be able to
rope to the Reunion, Mrs. Archi-
bald, writing from 1:37 'Vater St..
Kitchener, says: "How m3' 11ns
baud 011d I would love to be with
you all during the conning Olcl
Boys' Reunion. however, it will
be impossible, as Jack has been
in Kitchener- Waterloo IIospital
for a long time. We will be think-
ing about it and wishing we could
have been there. Some of our
family hope to attend,"
Thomas Miller, who more than
50 years ago led the Seaforth
Band and is now living retiredin
Orillia, plans to be back in Sea.
forth for the Reunion. He is 1111
uncle of Andrew Calder, Seaforth,
and left here before the turn of
the century, going out West,
Lockett Johnston says: "You
bet I will be attending the Old
Boys Reunion come July 30. Have
been looking forward to it since
receiving your first letter in May,
and just a little clow in answer-
ing it." He goes on to ask con-
cerning accommodation, and asks
that arrangements be made for
Seaforth merchants knowing
that the Reunion is but a week
away, are going all out in having
their stores repainted. It is ex-
pected that merchants will have
decorations for the reunion in
place within a few days on many
of the Main Street stores and
public buildings, A special com-
mittee of the council met on
Monday night to arrange for dec-
orations fon' the Town Hall.
The Chamber of. Commerce is
sponsoring a contest for the best
deeo'ated home and is anxious
that there be a great many homes
ready for judging on Civic Holi-
day. Any who require material or
floodlights for decorating, or wish
to rent lights, are asked to con-
tact Keitlt Sharp of the decorat-
ing committee.
The women of Northside Unit-
ed Church are planning to serve
meals on Monday—Civic IIoliday
—at noon.
Writing from his home at 10
North Lafayette St., Valparaiso,
Indiana, W. A. McCallum Com-
ments on the invitations which
he has received to attend the
Reunion here, July 30 to Aug-
ust 3. He goes on to say: "At
first I thought it possible 1
might he able to spend perhaps
two days in Seaforth during the
reunion, but now it appears that
it will be necessary for ale to
attend a business conference in
Lexington, Kentucky, during
the week of July 17. It would
appear, therefore, that I will not
be able to attend the reunion,
but I sincerely hope that you
have fine weather and a good
Considerable work is being
done about Agricultural Park,
so that it will be in readiness
for the events which will be
staged there, Added features for
the Monday afternoon program
inuclde numbers by the Strat-
ford C.N.R. Band, displays and
numbere by the Durham Boys'
and Girls' Bugle Band; air
craft from R.C.A.F, Station,
Centralia, will provide aerobatic
displays during the parade and
So that there can be no ex-
cuse for anyone staying away
as far as admission prices are
concerned, the association at its
Monday night meeting establish-
ed minimum prices for all events.
With the exception of the CKNX
Barn Dance which will be 75c,
the horse races which will be $1,
and the closing Centennial
dance on Wednesday night
which also will be $1, all admis-
sion prices are 50c, students are
25c, and children, under 12, are
There continues to be a re-
quirement for accommodation
for reunion visitors, according
to B. F. Christie, chairman of
the billeting committee. Per-
sons who have rooms available
are asked to contact Mr. Chris-
tie or Dr. J. C. MaoLe*rar,, as
cin rx c asp e.
While - organiz-
ation r
varioui kintit...0'' Re`s T.
ion .and Ce : ....:a. ..
ratters W:0 0 nave
matter ava not made r-
rat en en ..5, 80 t..at the
mittees may- know tier nature
the accommodation -s—Seth • :1:i
be neee- ary to arrange AP -a's-
are interested In CenCessirino '
are requested to complete ar-
rangements with the concession
committee immediately. They
should contact Frank Kling,
chairman of the committee,
Arrangements fcr the big par-
ade ou Civic Holiday are well in
hand, but there is a shortage o1'
rubber tired wagons, according to
parade` chairman 1)'Ot Sills. If
any in the area have wagons of
this nature, and weulcl be prepar-
ed to make them available to the
committeefor the few hours of
the parade, they are asked to con-
tact :lir. Sills, It may be, too,
that some who are taking part in
the festivities would desire to
rent costumes. :These can be
made available, and those inter-
ested Ore also asked to .contact
Mr. :ills.
A number of special events and
contests are being arranged, par-
ticularly on Tuesday, when a,
program designed for the child-
ren, will he under way. A number
of residents tuna former residents
have indicated that: they would
like to slake donations or offer
pt'izes for Particular events, and
any who are interested in this
connection should advise pro-
gram cotumittee chairman. Frank
Joseph .b. Brown, 101 West SOth
Street, New York, is interested in,
the reunion arrangements which
are being made here, and forward-
ed a contribution to assist in fi-
nancing the reunion,
Jolut M. McLean, of Alameda,
California, plans to return for the
Mrs. Irving Sutherland, of 236
Fifth St. East, Owen Sound, and
her sister, are planning to return
for the Reunion. In 101111ng to
Miss Hazel lteid• Mrs. Sutherland
asks that an invitation go for-
ward to Mrs, J. E. Smith, the for-
mer Minnie Beattie, who also
lives re Owen Sound, and who,
too, is pl(11111ng to return,
The historical and log cabM
committee is making arra.ngv
meats for equipping the cabin
which is being ereoted in Victoria
Park as a reunion feature. It is
hoped that the cabin will be
equipped with articles represent-
ative of conditions in existence
100 years ago in this district. If
residents in the district have his-
torical Items which they would
be willing to loan, it is requested
that they communicate with Dick
Box, phone 43.
Mrs. Joseph Pinkney, the form-
er Annie Clarke, of Seaforth., and
her daughter; Mrs. Homuth, of
Stratford, are planning to return
for the Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Mc-
Qttirter and family of Midland
spent the weekend with Mrs,
Frank Storey, -
Mr. and Mrs. Do; Giffin of
Sarnia, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Grace Hoggarth and Miss
Marian Scarlett.
Karl and Kerry Campbell aro
holidaying in Midland,
IMissee Betty Campbell and
Helen McGonigle who are at-
tending Summer School in Tor-
onto, spent the weekend at
their hones here.
Mr. Bob Norris, Toronto,
spent the weekend with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Rev, and Mrs. R. Williams
and family of Detroit 01'0 spend-
ing their Holidays with. Mr. and
Mrs. M. McKellar,
Miss Helen McGonigle has ac-
cepted a teaching position near
Miss Jessie 'Finlayson spent
the weekend at Wingham.
Miss Jean Brown of the Can-
adian Banc of Commerce has
accepted a position with The
London Life insurance Co.,
London, and begins early in.
Misses Marian Dick, Joan
Charters and Marilyn Kling of
London, spent the weekend at
their homes.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. MacLennan
returned on 'Saturday from a
.week's holiday spent in Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Mason
are visiting in Ottawa and Mon-
Mr. Sams McQluarrie, Pilot
Mound, Man., called on Mrs.
Frank Storey and family on
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Campbell
were in Toronto this week
where Mr. 'Campbell's horse,
Peter Bars is entered in the
Woodbine Races,
Miss Joan Roberton is holi-
daying in Goderich.
Miss Verda Watson, McKillop
is convalescing from an appen-
dectomy in Scott Memorial hos-
Mr. James Sims Jr., London,
spent the weekend at his home
here. He has succeeded in se-
curing an apartment, and Mrs.
Sims and Linda are moving
there in a short time.
Master Garry Millson, of In-
gersoll is visiting his aunt, Miss
Laura Mole.
Mrs. Chas. LeRiche, Toronto,
is visiting Mrs. Frank Storey
this week.
500 Huron 4-H Club mem-
bers visited Toronto by special
train on Tuesday.
THE SEAFORTH NEWS— Thursday, July 21, 1955
Regent Theatre
hock Hodson • Arlene Dahl
India, mysterious, turbulent land of conquest and adventure,
Born in battle, famed in legend, This is the story of their glory
Maria Montez • Paul Christian
Adventure and excitement swoop the scleon in the race of the
galley slave and numerous other spectacles of the screen
James Cagney . Viveca Lindfors
,ruu1111111111u111111111111m11u11au1111a11unumanulla1011,1 11,,,1,,,Inn1111111,11111I,I,IIIu111111aunumale
There is a Ulan who doesn't know a rabbit is a bun
ny . . . yet lie is wise enough to know
P.S.--Wo would like to borrow several pairs of Ladies Button
Boots and Ladies high Lace Boots,
Also several pairs of Men's Long Loather Boots, preferably
made by Robt. Willis. And also a "Boot Jack."
For our windows during the Old Boys and Olcl flints Reunion
The Little Store with the "Big Values"
How Would You Like To ' e
ass Seaforth Centennial
Entries are being accepted until Wednesday midnight, July 27
Write or Phone:
ERIC MILNER, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce
No talent is required, but contestants are to appear in bathing
suits and evening dresses on Monday, August 1st
Contestants, please report to the Seaforth Com-
munity Centre by 12' noon, August 1st
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So easy to serve in its own frosty
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