The Seaforth News, 1955-07-14, Page 7it Animals Gatti More elli Are our domestic animals be - becoming more intelligent? Have our pets memories? Can At be proved that animals think? Three fascinating questions Sor the millions of animal lovers in Britain, Three questions which in 1955; professional ob- etervers of animal behaviour and , toayc]lology are trying hard to answer accurately. • Every year the results of ani - oral research seem to point mere and more to the possibility that domestic pets all over the World are gradually growing more intelligent. To -day experiments designed to test the intelligence of ani- mals are constantly taking dace. Only a short time ago four keen young university psycholo- gists in the United States spent weeks in a private zoo trying to find out the extent of animal •brainpower. They devoted many hours every day to matching their wits against those of monkeys, elephants, sea -lions and other t9reatures in earnest efforts to &uncover secrets of the evolution of intelligence in our dumb Mends, Dumb friends? They found that animals are not so dumb as :tome people seem to think. That *me animals not only possess brains but use them to good effect. One elephant, they discover- ed could always remember that am apple was tied to a string ghat terminated under a piece of black paper instead of white err green paper. A bison regularly escaped /rem his enclosure by lifting the padlocked gate carefully oft Alin hinges. A monkey systematically /iled up wooden boxes in a Our -storied structure in order 7o reach an objective. A bull performed the amaz- ing feat of taking a stick in his anouth and using it to scratch Ms back, thus coming near to aeon as a tool user. Two of the psychologists stay- ed all night in the zoo so that their research might be as thor- ough as possible. When a zoologist, in the eeurse of his investigations into the possible reasoning power of dmimals, was asked to list the ten most intelligent animals in the world to -day he did so with- out hesitation. Taking intelligence to mean Original thought, memory, rea- soning p 0 w e r, imitativeness end capacity for training, he mid he had found the chimpan- zee the most intelligent and brainy animal, The other nine followed in this order:: orang-utan, elephant, gorilla, domestic clog, beaver, domestic horse, sea -lion, bear and domestic cat. • The latest research into ani- mal behaviour, instincts and in- telligence has brought to light some astonishing instances of some animals' ability to think for. themselves. A monkey kept as a pet in a New York home acted with sur- prising "presence of mind" when the place caught tire. It dragged a sleeping child from a cot and carried the infant to a place of safety with the ut- most gentleness, It is obvious, of course, that some animals do many things instinctively and not by means of powers of reasoning, hut how can we account for the re- sourcefulness shown at the Lon- don Zoo by an elephant when a little girl offered it a bun some time ago? • The girl's nerve failed her suddenly and she let the bun fall out of the elephant's and her own reach. After stretching vainly for it, the elephant thought out its own solution to the problem. It moved its trunk to one side and blew down at and towards the bun which rolled a few inches nearer the girl. It continued to blow down its trunk until the bun rolled near enough to be grasped and thrown back to Jumbo. Says a famous naturalist who saw the lncldent: "It was im- possible to term the elephant's actions instinctive, to say they were clue to hereditary respon- ses, or to use any other of those formulae we are so apt to fit to animal actions." No, many animals' marvellous sagacity is certainly not all in- stinct. Horse sense is another phase of animal intelligence which is increasingly coming under the searchlight of science, In a Car- marthenshire mine a man named Stephens was conveying coal in a horse-drawn truck from the coal -face when his horse suddenly stopped. It only started forward again reluctantly, at the repeated urg- ing of its driver. As it did so a post supporting the roof, forced out of position by what is known as a "squeeze," was caught by the truck. It fell and let down fifteen tons of coal from the roof. Poor Stephens was buried by the coal, suffering injuries from IMP FATAL ACCIDENT — Injured boat racer Lloyd Maddock is pulled from the Detroit River by Dallas Kremer after Maddock's boat was involved in an accident during the Detroit Memorial Re- gatta, Maddock's boat sunk after being hit by another racer. Maddock died en route to the hospital. GENUINE "CLOTHESHORSE" — Owner Rachel Maltby introduces "Union Jack," right, to the aloof, best -dressed stand-in for the entrants in the Richmond Royal Horse Show, Richmond, Eng- land, Hood and blanket are only one of the many costumes which "Snooty" models for an equine accessory manufacturer. Like many real-life "clotheshorses," the haughty steed is a dummy. which he died. He might have escaped his fate had he given heed to the horse's danger signal. Pit ponies usually come to a standstill when they hear the dreaded "squeeze" movement in the coal or rock, or when in other ways they detect impend- ing danger. "They seem to rea- son," a pit inspector once de- clared. A horse which could "spell simple words, do mathematical calculations including square roots and long division," was mentioned by Herr Karl Kroll, of Munich, at an international congress in Paris in 1927. He said that nearly all ani- mals, especially horses and dogs, have a power of compre- hension and interpretation rare- ly appreciated, "Pet animals do not begin to exercise logical thought imme- diately, but they soon respond to thoughts that are transmitted to there by humans," he claim- ed. "Don't expect your animals to talk and converse with you, but they will understand and make themselves understood. "You must penetrate the very soul of the animal. Once he realizes you are his friend, he will use his intelligence to manifest it in remarkable ways." Official OK For Abominable Snowman The British Air Ministry has decorated the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas. In an official announcement, it has awarded this legendary creature — locally called the Yeti, when it is not in earshot — the accolade of credence. The Yeti, which has always been thought to be rather more than life-size, has been de- scribed as half ape, half bear, and half imagination. It lives in the snows at high altitudes and leads a pretty lonely existence, they say. Ac- cording to Sherpas, who are almost the only people to be able to claim having seen Yetis, it is covered in matted red hair and has a peaked head. An abominable snowman is certainly something or someone you'd recognize the next time you saw one. Which has always made it seen odd that almost nobody has personnally seen a Yeti for five or 10 years, or maybe more. But climbers have reported seeing strange foot- prints in the snow. And now comes the Air Min- istry with news of the clearest, most definite and biggest feet .ever printed. The feet were 12 inches long. They had sunk 11 inches in the DAVY CROCKETT RUNS WILD — Bill Staples, 6, better known to his cronies as Davy Crocl eft, glues his nose against the window of, a department store the better to ogle coon -skin hots, six- guns, ixguns, stage coaches and - shades of the Alamo - brief cases. Anything that remotely smacks of the frontier and much that doesn't — is riding the tail of Davy Crockett's legendary coon -skin cap during hisreign .over. the 'imagination of the nation's small' :fry;, FiNNY FASHION Symphony in styling for underwater fish- ermen is exhibited by Met's top basso, Jerome Hines, who "models" a striped sheepshead which goes well with his pat- terned sweater, as he comes from the water, snow. The feet of the men who found the prints only went one inch down into the snow. What- ever made the tracks was mighty heavy. Maybe it bad a chip on its shoulder. "The discovery was made in the Kulti Valley, where the Boyal Air Force expedition to the Himalayas are now explor- ing, climbing, and surveying, after having been forced by ab- normally severe snow condi- tions to switch their plans from t h e Kulu-Spiti-Lahoul water- shed, originally chosen for operations," the Air Ministry announces. "The signal, from Squadron Leader L. W. Davies, the ex- peditions transport officer, said that Wing Comdr. A. J. M. Smyth and Sgt. J. R. Lees were, on June 12 en route together from the expedition's base camp to its camp No. 1, and at 12,- 375 feet above sea level they came upon the tracks of an ex- ceptionally large animal in the deep snow. "Wing Commander Smyth at once dispatched a porter to the base camp to bring up Squad- ron Leader Davies with photo- graphic equipment, with which 110 subsequently took many still and cine photographs. He also drew a diagram. "There were many prints, each meastuing about 12 inches by 6, and indicating that the creature who made them was two -legged, with five toes a quarter of an inch wide on each foot," The animal had apparently swum three fast - running streams, it is reported. Its prints went up the steep east valley and disappeared. And that for the moment is that. And a pretty queer that, 10o. KEEP IT DAltE A scientist, visiting Charles F. Kettering, took exception to the famous inventor's observations on Diesel locomotives. "You say you're running these locomotives at about 100 miles an . hour?" queried the visitor, "Yes," affirmed Kettering. "And that you're taking tower on the front wheels?" "We are." "But all the formulas say i:hats impossible." "Heavens!" exclaimed Ketter- ing, with a furtive glance about him, "Please don't tell that to the locomotives'!" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ARTICLES FOR SALE. HATE To Wear A Thimble? .Try the new type tailored to fit your linger. Non -slip, Small medium, large, 15e. Rn -Co, No. 5 flus -Mar, Goleta, Call- fornla. BABY CHICKS OUR broiler growers like them, the knlingplants like them, the chain Mores like them and most important of all Mrs. Consumer la pleased and satisfied with our genuine first gener- ation meat type broilers. To Increase the consumption of broilers we must setisfy Mrs. Consumer. We know our lat generation Indian River Cross, Ar. bor Acres White Rocks, Nichols New Ramps will do the. trick, Send for new folders on these 3 top .broiler chicks. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS - ONTARIO HATCHING EGGS Would you like tosell hatching eggs every week in the year at a premium of up to 33 cents per dozen more than market price for your eggs? If you would, write us immediately, We are one of Canada's oldest and largest Canadian Approved Hatcheries, Apply Box 130, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. CHICK buying time is any time nowadays. We hatch chicks and tur- key poults every week In the year. We have special egg breeds that lay more eggs on less feed, the bestin dual purpose breeds, special 1st gen- eration broiler breeds, special breeds for roasters and capons, Turkey poults for heavy roasters, medium roasters, turkey broilers, also older Pellets 12 to 20 weeks. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS: ONTARIO FOR SALE MCCORMICK 12 ft. windrower. Cut 50 acres, $130 off new price. Carmen Bell, Route 4, Peterborough, Ont. "URANIUM Yearbook" all about how to find Uranium. build your own geiger counter. $2:00 postpaid, North- west Prospectors Supply, 312. Ivy Street, Nampa, Idaho. VITREOUS. China Basin, 18" x 15", complete 'With trap and faucets, $19.50. $5.00 with order, balance C.O.D. Clif- ford, 7161 Tenth Avenue, Montreal 38, Quebec. Hunters Chased A Human Fox When a convict escapes from prison he doesn't expect to be hunted down like a fox. So it was with a convict who, one day in October 1937, escaped with astonishing ease from the prison in Contra Costa County, near San Francisco. Some hours after his dawn break-out, believing himself safe, he sought the sanctuary of some bushes and began to de- liberate on his next moves. When and how might he get something to eat? He needed different clothes too. He was suddenly aroused from these thoughts by the sight of a cloud of dust in the dis- tance. As it neared he saw with fear that it was a large mount- ed party looking for him. He left his hiding -place and began to run. Though seen sev- eral times, by doubling back and by cleverly using the many clumps of trees, bushes, and rocks dotted over the rough countryside, he was able to elude his pursuers for some hours, But at last, exhausted and hungry, he was cornered. Weary though he was, he could not stifle a gasp of sur- prise as he saw how great was the party—and the fact that all were dressed for fox-hunting, There were even a number of smartly groomed women in the party, which was led by the sheriff, John Miller. Escorted back to jail, a fur- ther surprise awaited the youth- ful convict. Ordered to take a bath, he was presented with a clean civilian suit and told to dress. Then he was taken 10 the sheriff's quarters, to be the guest of honour at a magnificent dinner given to all of the 130 huntsmen who had successfully cornered the convict earlier ' Only after dinner, when the toasts and speeches were being made, did the convict learn the truth. The sheriff, of good family and with high social connections, had for some time been seeking for some novel way ofentertaining his friends—and especially his lady friends. So he conceived the startling idea of deliberate- ly "arranging" that a convict • should escape one day at dawn. The warders at the jail were consulted and a young convict noted for his endurance and strength was chosen. Then mat- ters were so arranged that the convict concerned could not fail to see that an unexpected chance of escaping bad suddenly pre- sented itself. So he "escaped" —and for best part of a day unwittingly played the part of a "human fox" for the benefit of the sheriff and his friends. At the end of the day's en- tertainment the sheriff passed an envelope to the convict and then had him taken back to his cell. The envelopecontained ten dollars, the cost, no doubt, Of the hire of one human fox for a day. STOPPED N A JIFFY or money back Very. Ore use of 'soothing. cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red Itch—roused by eczeina rashes. main kilt ation.rh ming- 0 her itch t roubles G llesl reaselese stainless, 30c trial Moils 11111.1 catieiy o, money liar! 11,11.'auffer' Xet vnm do i:aiv fm D D b 000 ttIPTInN MEQICAt PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOU1 fHE GOOD RESULTS FROM TARING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 733 Elgin, Ottawa. $$1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dryeczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itchingseating and burn- ing eczema acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, orderless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. POST'S REtr:E'1''''m PRICE $2.50 PER JAR Sent Pest Free on Receipt of Price. 589 queen St, 0., CorO,,er of Logan. TORONTO -e °rem:ruNI TIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DO You Like To Make Money? New booklet called "You Can Earn Rome Profits" tens how, rush 251 South- ard Box 3755, West End, Birmingham, Alabama. ATTENTION RURAL REAL ESTATE SALESMEN IF you are Interested in making extra: money, contact us re selling lightning rods throughout your territory. Lib. eral commission on leads and sales. Contact Phillips Lightning Rod Co., Limited, 200 Main Street, Toronto. Phone 03, 4-0273. RADIO -TV Service Course, New method, No theory. Learn by experi- ence. Guaranteed results. Complete course, 97.50. Radio Service Sahooi, 3502 Mills Avenue Austin,. Tekr s. MOTOR burning oil? Losing eompres. Ilion? Guaranteed "Overhaul" treat- ment, quick, positive remedy. Free amazing - literature, Full treatment, 3495. Alcan Chemical Products. Ft. St. Jonn, B.C. BE A HAIRDRESSER 30114 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL S HAIRDRloor EI Tor, to SCHOOLS Branches: 44 Ring St„ Hamilton 72 Rideau St., Ottawa GREY HAIR? Dont be embarrassed by prematurely grey hair. Look years younger with Kabul Brilliantine. Hes been success- fully used in Cuba. over 50 years; easily applied; Will bring haclt the natural colour of your hair. Kabul does not stain; Is not a dye. It is a Brilliantine, whose function is to get rid of grey hair. Results within two weeks. Neces- sary treatment, box 2 bottles, $3.50. Sufficient for six months. Money orders prepaid, or C.O.D. collect, Satisfaction 2Products tReg'd,P0.Box4, "N.D0.",,Monrea PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys. EstebUshed 1880. 600 University Ave.. Toronto Patents ell countries. AN OFFER to every inventor List of inventions and full informatics tent free. The Ramsay CO., Registered Pat- ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe. personal requirements. Latest cats- Iogue included. The Medico Agency, Box 124, Terminal A'' Toronto Ont., TEACHERS WANTED OTTAWA Separate School Board re- quires teachers for regular and special classes. Apply statingqualifications, experience and name of last inspec- tor to: Rime Arvisais, Superintendent, 159 Murray Street, Ottawa, .Ontario BISCOTASING — Teacher Wanted. Grades 1-8; state quafficatione, experi- ence. Inspector, Salary $2,400. Resi- dence, low rent. Write Mrs. Susan Espaniel, Secret a r y, Biscotasing, Ontario. IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your liver! 11', a taco 16 tekm op to two piole of lira bile a day to keep your digmtivo tract in top chapel II your liver bile is not flowing freely Yew food may not dieoet ... gne bloats op your 'stomach , .. you feel oonetipnted and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Cprter'e Little Liver PJlb. Three famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion darks functioning properlyand yon feel that happy days are here again! Doe't emt• airy nook Always keep Carter's Lithe Uver Pilin on Baud. arse et vo,n drogaint. Ili SUE 23 21)51