HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-05-26, Page 8PrI•TYVY ,,, Our Greatest SALE of Summer IT values to 49.50 .95 for 10 days only Summer shades of Eng- lish worsteds, flannels, pick and picks, and gabardines, mostly one or two of a kind from our regular stook that we must clear out. Now's your chance to pick up a smart suit at about half the regular price. About 40 suits in all, sized from 36 to 42 TO CLEAR AT 24a95 Our Big Sale of SUITS & ALL-WEATHER COATS positively ends this week SUITS Regular 29.50 to 65.00 smartly styled wide assortment of shades and materials. Sizes 12 to 221.2 COATS Popular styles. New Fabrics. Many with matching hats. Wide choice of colors! Sizes 10 to 20. An outstanding bargain that you won't see again. 19.95 19.95 Stewart Bros. �:; rte.#•; . t•' �� .i By improving the appearance of your home, a garden b increases the value of your property. You will enjoy, too, the good impression it creates. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and son of Toronto were week- end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Manns. Mr. and Mrs. Petera MeN ugh - ton and Robert were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old •Scruton and family in Port Dover. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh McEwen Jr, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman spent a day in Port Huron, Mich,, recently. • Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of London was a holidayvisitor with l his mother, Mrs. .Alice Joynt. Mr. Thos. Chuter of Hamil- ton: visited with friends here over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Horton, Jane and Bruce spent the week- end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vickers in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr were weekend visitors wiith relatives at Hanover. •* Mr. and Mrs. Woelfle of Tavi- stock were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown. Rev. MacDonald conducted services in Cannel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Brown contributed a vocal solo entitled, "I may be in Heaven tomorrow." Mrs. H. C, Bell pre- sided at the organ. pegree Conferred The degree team of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 under the leadership of the Captain, Mrs. Jessie Dougall, conferred the degree on eight candidates at the regular meeting on Wednes- day evening. The N. G. Miss Mabel Whiteman, presided for the meeting. The candidates who joined the Lodge were Mrs. Ruth Clement, Mrs. Louise Wilkinson, Mrs. Pearl McClin- choy, Mrs, Irene Davis, Mrs. I11een MacLean, Mrs. Helen Dignan, Mrs, Dorothy Weido, Mrs. Jean Ferguson. Arrange- ments were made to attend a meeting at the Monkton Lodge on May 27th. Members wishing to go are asked to get in touch with Mrs. Inez McEwen or Mrs, Leona Parke, who are in charge of transportation. An in- vitation was received from the Brussels Lodge on June 14th At the close of the meeting a dutch auction was held with Mrs. Hazel McEwen and Mrs. Kay Elder in charge. The prize winners were Mr. John McEwen, Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mrs. Henrietta Brown. There was a arge attendance of members and a number of visitors from the Exeter Lodge. Mits. Irene Blackwell on behalf of the vis - tors congratulated the Degree team on their work. Refresh- ments were served at the 'close. Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar. Miss Viola Lemmon and friend of Toronto visited over the holiday with her sisters, Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Wm. Parke and with her father, Mr. Lenunon. CROP REPORT All classes of livestock are now out to pasture. Growth of hay and pasture fields and. spring grains has been retarded somewhat by the cool dry wea- ther. Rain is very badly needed all over the county. Due to the lack of moisture, corn, sugar beet, soybean and white bean land is working up very lumpy. Seeding of corn became general in the county this past week. Important Agricultural ltu1al v its and Meetings, May and June: Perth -Huron Breeders York- shire Sale, Fair Grounds, Strat- ford, May 26th, 1:30 ii.in. For catalogues or further informa- tion contact R. E. White, De- partment of Agriculture, 'Strat- ford. Hensall Spring Stock Show, Hensall, May 27th., Show and sale a of 100 Hereford Steer Calves by members of the Hen- sall Boys and Girls Feeder Calf Club, Ontario Agricultural Repre- sentative Conference - Ridge- town Agricultural School, May 30 -June 2nd. Livestock Week OAC Guelph, May 30th -June 3rd. Horses and Guernsey Cattle Field Day, May •30; Beef Breeders Field Day, May 31st;' Ayrshire Cattle Field Day, June lst; Sheep Breeders Field Day, June 2; Ontario Swine Breeders and Holstein Breeders Field Day, June 3rd. Huron 'County Holstein Breed- ers Bus Tour to O.A.C. to Hol- stein Field Day, Friday, June 3rd. Perth -Huron Junior Farmers Field Day, High School Grounds at Mitchell, Saturday, June 4bh commencing at 10.00 a.m. (dst). Huron County Fruit Growers Bus Tour, Burlington and Tor- onto District, Tuesday, June 7. Huron Holstein Breeders' Twilight Meeting, Farm 'of Ross Marshall, Kirkton, Friday, June 10, 7 p.m. (D S.T,), Huron County .Council June Session, Goderich, June 13-18. Regional Junior Farmers' Field Day, 0,A.C., Guelph, Sat- urday, June 18th. H u r on County 4-H Club Leaders Monster Chicken. Bar- becue, Fair Grounds, Seaforth, Saturday, June llth, 6 p.in:8 p.m. Tickets for supper $1.25 each; Dance, 50 cents, available from Huron County 4-H Club Leaders. FORTY YEARS AGO From. Tho Seaforth News May 1910 A sad accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon when the seven and half year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finkbein- er fell out of a tree on Goderich street east and received a frac- tured skull from which he died on Wednesday. He fell nearly 20 feet. Richard Perrin, foreman at the flax mill, was caught by a belt and thrown against a seutching knife, his leg being fractured in two places. He is recuperating at his home in Wallaceburg. Two packed houses greeted the Seaforth minstrels. The end men were Messrs. Daly, DeLac- ey, Sills and Cardno. A. feature was the playing of the piano by five-year-old Edward Rankin, who has never taken lessons 'but plays like a veteran. The sing- ing of W. T. Hays was excel- lent. Earl VanEgmond presided at the piano and. Reeve Stewart made an excellent interlocutor. Mr. T. Elder is erecting a nice brick residence ,on John Street. The wedding took place at nuuauununna,muaum,,,,,muannnnunnaununuuunauunuuu,unnuunnnununnunuuunuuu,. HEAR ... Jim Donnelly, Goderich FRIDAY, MAY 27, 6.25 to 6.30 Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth MONDAY, MAY 30, 6.25 to 6.30 Arthur Bolton, McKillop THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 5.55 to 6.00 speak on behalf of om Pryde CKNX 11111 lnuno111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111 lluau,u1111110uumn1111111.11 Bleakness gives way to beauty when you plant a garden around your home. The first step is to make a plan which provides for a garden of the right size and type for your property. f+04°:4 apeiMrsSgS'1 $1'' Get this new booklet "PLANT IT -ENJOY IT" from your local manager. N-275 Seaforth Branch: 0. C. Brightrali, Manager nuenam,uunumunnuu CARD OF THANKS I wish to thankmy many friends for their kindness in ,remembering me w111 sada, letters, gifts and visits since my accident. Special thanks to the friends and neighbors for their generous gift last Smturalay. It we, all very.much a,i- pr•eciated JISAN SCOT'l' FOR SALE Choice pure bred Yorkshire Boar, of serviceable age. Russell Bolton, 1R1 Dublin, Phone 840$. Seaforth 1048 Ohov bioOckR snd,on 000d finish, in Al condition, selling an account of own- er's poor health. 4Fred Hoegy, phone 28-25 Dublin FOR SAL Two registered Hereford bulls, service- able age Stanley Jackson I ippen RB Phone Seaforth 063t5- ''Twehe FOR SALE pigs, six weeks old, last weaned. Angus 14rown, phone 014r12 Clinton. 12.112 Seaforth TEACHER WANTED New school, iunior grades only, near town, requires teacher Sept. 1st. State experience, qualification, references. Apply to W. P. Roberts, Sec.-Treas., Tuthe smith School Area No, 1. Seaforth RR 3 WORK WANTED Dutch girl, 17, one year high school, wishes work two days a week. Phone 800r23, Seaforth LOST Monarch hub cap lost between south of Seaforth creamery and the 5201, con- cession, McKillop,. or 1 miles down. the 10th or 12th concessions. Phone 1397 Seaforth. L. Halley BABY CHICKS Want pullets? For the good Grade A large markets early fall 7 Bray has them, dayokl, started, or mixed chicks, immediate shipment. July ,broilers should bo ordered now. Askus for cur- rent prices. Agent -John Luber, R112 Seaforth rfghtFOR piano An upright 1 good condition. Also six dining room chairs. Marie El- liott, Brucefield, Phone Seaforth 659r2 FOR SALE' 10 suckers ready to wean. J. S. Barry; phone 6931.15 Seaforth FOR SALE Seed Benns. Bent .the weather by sow- ing the Clipper variety -yields high and matures early. Wilber Keyes, phare 6061.11 Seaforth FOR SALE Electric Renfrew cream separator, price reasonable. Frank Riley, Kinbuan. Phone 341x82 JUNE SESSION OF .. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Juno Session of Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, on Wehnecday, Juno 19t11, 1966, at 10.00 a.m. EUS'.. All accounts, notices of deputations or petitions should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than noon, on SnturdaY, June ilth, 1961. A. H. Erskine, Clerk County of Huron RAISE, NI UIIAUSER CHIC1KS These famous chicks now available for immediate shipment. Hatched from the best production strains in the U.S.A. and Canada. high quality' chicks at. new low prices. 20 pure breeds and 10 cross- breds to choose from. Also special broiler strains. Shipping twice weekly. Livabil- ity guarantee with every order. No order too large, none too small If it is chicks -we have them. Write to -day. NEUHAUSER HATCHERIES, ESSEX, ONTARIO Hensall on May 11 of Mary Jane, daughter of Mrs. Sarah 3. Coleman, to James Milton .Stew- art of Seaforth. The rivers were all lined with fishermen on the 24th, but few fish were caught beeause the water was low. Mr. Sam Dor- ranee caught a beauty near Constance weighing three and a half pounds. The veteran contractor, Mr. Robert Grieve, has made a com- plete job of the road from Lead - bury to Walton. Mr. and Mrs. John Landsbor ough, Winnipeg, arrived in town Saturday and are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Elcoat, Tuckersmith. Taking part in the annual president vs, vice president bowling on the 24th were: A. Glenny, J. M. Best, W. E. Broadfoot, J. McMillan, R. Mc- Millan, W. C. T. Morson, J. Wil- liams, W. Ballantyne, W. D. Bright, Dr. Grieve, R. E. Bright, W. G. Willis, Dr. Ross, J. E. Willis, J. H. Taman, H. Stewart, H. Jeffery, John Shine. For Sale 400-5 niontli old. Pullets, laying 60% now, E. kI (AL)CLOSE Seaforth TENDER - TOWNSHIP OF TUCIIERSMITI8 Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for 'the construction of approximately 415 square yards of con- arete sidewalk in the hamlets of Eg mondville and Brumfield. Contractor to supply all requirements including labor and material. Tender to state e• Flat ryardate per square and t be in the 1o Clerks hands byJuno 7t1 1055,at 8 P.M.Work' the super- vision to be done 1 vision anti direction of the Rood Super intendont Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, piers TENDER - TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the construction of a feiuforced concrete bridge, 20 feet by 8 feet by 48 feet, Lots 5 and 8, Con. 4 HRS, Township of Tnckeremith. Township supplies cement and steel required and contractor to supply all other requirements. Bond of 10% of the tender in the form of a marked cheque must aceompnny each tender. Plans may be examined Fit the Clerk's office and tenders must be on forms supplied by the Clerk. Work to be completed by Aug. 20, 1966, and tenders must be in the Clerk'shands by 9 P.M., June 7th, 1955. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk R,R,#4, Seaforth Auction Sale Of Property & House Furnishinga on John St., Seaforth, Sat., May 28th, at 1 P,M. ahem. General Electric enamel 4 burner range. Westinghouse electric refrigerator. 9 acs. cloak dining room suite, buffet, china cabinet, table & 0 chairs, writing desk, mantel radio, tele- phone table & bench, Chesterfield & two chairs. Also chesterfield bed, number of occasional chairs, small tables, foot stools, rockers, magazine & end tables. Studio couch, sun porch furniture, drop leaf table, floor lamps, table lamps, electric toasters & other appliances, 2 furnished 1)04 rooms including 2 walnut finish single beds with springs & inner spring mattresses, dressers, stands & chest of drawer, Large .quantity of quilts, blankets & bed lmens, bathroom scales. 4 Wilton & Axminster rugs, 10 scatter mats & hall runners, Clothes hamper, folding ironing board, vacuum cleaner & attachments, chimo mantel clock, drupes & curtains. Large quantity of dishes includingchina, cut glass, vases, ornaments, fletwore & table lin- ens. Kitchen utensils, electric washing machine, lawn mover, every with mo. tor, vice, 2 step ladders, garden fools. Sealers. Carpenter tools, clothes line, collapsible. PROPERTY --At the same place, 3 P.911., the property will be of Cereal for sale if not previously sold. The five .room. cottage and large glass sun porch will be offered for sale. roil basement with oil furnace, water soft- ener, 2 bedrooms, modern both and kit- chen. Insulated, recently modernized. Terms - Chattels cash. Property, 10%$ down, balance 80. days. Reserve bid. Im- mediate possession. Estate of the: late G. A. Smith, For further paticulers apply to A. W. Sillely, solicitor for executors, Hubert Smith and A, W. Sill- ery. Herold Jackson, Acct. E, P. Chesney, Clerk. Pcnnsylvanin s.o RBest L oal - double screened. William M. Hart, office phone 734 Seaforth FOR SALE 5 11. 21. Simplicity garden tractor, in excellent condition. 8 forward speeds and reverse. Counterweight, wheel - weights, lights, stand, plow, disc, culti- vator, seeder, scraper and snowblower. Reasonable. Photo 464w after 0 P.M. Mans Carter, Egmondville good andgentle working horse, not older than 10 years. Apply John Heyink, phone 231,5 Blyth FOR SALE Stainless steel clothes lines -the line that needs no pin, does not rust, life time guarantee with every line. Alphonse Cronin, 22r23 Dublin VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS All Electric, Cabinet Model Tho very antes: design in Electric Cream Separators with all now improvements. Electric and hand turning model on LOW STAND. This Gear -type model is on the market for years. REPAIRS AT ALL TIMES Give us a call and see what we've got We appreciate doing business with you. Thank you. JOHN BYERMAN WALTON RIM Phone Seaforth 8481124 NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1955 licenses for same on or before June 30th, 1955. Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date sununonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses All dogs roust wear license tags. T-: Help The Pe:-ple -�- " Pensions to Aged • Needy • Disabled e New Schools • Hospitals • Recreation Centres • Cancer Research e Polio Vaccine ;}.�.. a •3,`i e o St. Lawrence Seaway • Niagara Power Development o Largest Highway Building Program in History Y ■ ,". srye G v ` r e Lowest Provincial Taxes in Canada a No Income or Sales Tax ® 49% Total Levy in Grants to Municipalities • Road Subsidies o Schools • Federal - Provincial Conferences n June 9Vote --.Tom Pryde Inserted By Huron Progressive Conservative Association THE SI:AFORTH NEWS Thursday, May 26, 1965 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596 W 11011011111115 MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 00 ,9eaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., MD., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Homs, 1 pm. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7.5 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURN -BULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phone 791. Optometristat., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth-daily except Mon. 9 to 5.80; Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9 AM to 12.80. PM; Olinton-McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 8.80 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Jh�waBlyyt; Vice -Pres., forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. EgyMalone, Seaforth; Blt ;WSAxde. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Penner, Brucefield ; C. W, Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller. Goderich; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agonts-Wm, Leiner Jr., Londesboro; J. F. Pinder, Bradhagen ; Selwyn Bak. er, Brussels; Eric Monroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will bo promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SPIAPQRTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto e Accident • Liability o Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co, MATN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'bine coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE . New Viking electric cream separators 'a and, repairs for Renfrew separator. BASIL. O'ROUR13Tr7, phone Clinton 634r21 PERSONAL Hygionic Supplies (rubber mailed postpaid in plain sealed envo101opeo with price list, 6 samples 20e: 24 sem- plea 51.00. Mai1.Order Dept. T-74. Nor - Rubber. Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont, AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM .Mr HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 118 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don'twaste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth RENTAL SERVICE Roto Tiller, Chain. Saw, Lawn Sweep- er, Fertilizer Spreader, Power Lawn- mower, Post Hole Digger:. CROWN .'HARDWARE, Seaforth. FOR SALE Surge Milkers. Lovell H. Mc- Guire, Surge Service Dealer. Ph. Wingham 598. New & used milk- ers. We'handle milking equipment only GEMENT WORK: All types of brick and block wurh,. For general building and repair work call BERT CHR£STENSEN, Railway St„ Seaforth, Phone 75, Also removingofashes and garbage, town of Seaforth, 32 a 101,5 with, pickup NOTICE. Lawn Mowers sharpened, will. pick up and deliver. John McLean, Egmondville, phone 6401.3 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association fineAre eeArticialIne,ninr ahian iicfor all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- onn°1001 242 iet betweenBad.0A.M. collect, eedand 7.80 and 9.80 A.M. on Sundays. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio' repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 847R. Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD, Phone 47