HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-05-26, Page 1IMO
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- - Authorized as Second- Class mail, P,a{h
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Biros., Publishers
The lawn bowling season was
opened on Wednesday evening
with a pot luck supper at the
club house.
A. welcome is being extended
to new bowlers, both young and
old, who would like to bowl.
Anyone interested is asked to
contact Dr. MacLennan, presi-
dent, or any other member,
Come out and try it—bowls
will be provided.
Cadet inspection takes place
Wednesday afternoon. The of-
ficers are;
Major, Joseph Williams; Cap-
tain of the boys, Bill Dinsmore;
Captain of the girls, Sheila Mc-
Fadden; Lieutenants, Wayne
McMichael, Hugh Gorwill, Ron
Johnston; Lieut. of Btigle Band,
Wm. Flanagan; Lieuts, of girls,
Joanne Beuenman, Arlene Die -
gel, Maja Roobal, June Ross;
Sgt. Major, Ron 'Scoins,
The Rebekah degree was con-
ferred on three candidates at
the regular meeting of the Edel-
weiss Rebekah Lodge, Tuesday
evening, by the degree team of
Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hensall,
with Mrs. Jessie Dougall as de-
gree captain. The candidates
were: Mrs. Ruth Eicknieir !of
Mitchell; Mrs. Dorene Hicks and
Mrs. Norma Hoegy of Brodhag-
en. Members were informed that
the annual church service will
be in First Presbyterian Church
on June 12 at the morning ser-
vice and that on June 19, the
annual decoration service will be
held at 2 p.rn. in the afternoon.
Mrs. Scott Habkirk presided
over the meeting and Mrs. Mary
McElroy was social convener.
On behalf of Edelweiss Lodge,
Mrs. Ila Dorrance presented a
gift to Mrs. Dougall and Mrs.
Chester Henderson presented a
gift to Miss Mabel Whiteman,
N.G. of Amber Lodge.
The WMS. of Northside
Church held their May Meeting
in the schoolroom. The presi-
dent, Mrs. P. Moffat, presided.
Mrs. James Scott, devotional
co. Luer, opened meeting with
a-tm,J,`We must Share". Mrs.
Albert Baker led in prayer. It
was moved by Miss A. Lawr-
ence, seconded by Mrs. Wm,
Ball to invite Rev. Ross of Lon-
don, formerly of Korea, to be
our guest speaker for special
meeting in June. The box of
clothing for Korea will be held
until the end of May so anyone
having a donation may leave a
the home of Miss A. Lawrence,
30 home and 6 hospital calls, al-
so 15 circle calls were reported.
Callers from ,Circle 1 will be
Mrs. •Garnham and Mrs. Roy
Lawson, Reports of the Presby-
terial in Wingham were inter-
esting, the morning delegate was
Mrs. J. Scott, and afternoon,
Mrs. C. Walden. Mrs. H. Snell
presided over the 2nd part of
+.ting. A. meditation ques-
t: ana`nre.•--those taking '+part were
Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Hay, Mrs.
Leeming and Mrs. :Sillery Sr.
Mrs. Lawson gave the topic on
last chapter of India. A record-
ing was .given by Miss Lulu
Rouse with a message of Trini-
dad ending with 23rd psalm.
Mrs. Snell led in prayer.
Mary Veronica Hicknell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Ilick-
nell and family were in Kitch-
ener on May 18th to attend the
graduation of their daughter,
Mary Veronica, of St. Mary's
Hospital School of Nursing,
which took place „at the Mut-
nal Life Insurance auditorium,
Waterloo. Miss Bicknell is a
graduate of Beechwood Separ-
ate School and of Sea.fol'th Dis-
trict High School,
Premier Frost Visits
Huron Riding
A number from •Seaforth and
district attended the meeting at
Clinton, Thursday night, when
Premier Leslie Frost addressed
a capacity audience at the town
Mr, Frost had flown by air
from North Bay during the aft-
ernoon to Centralia, and was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pryde
before motoring to Clinton.
Bannockburn pipe band led a
procession up the main street
to the hall. Mr. Frost referred
several times during his speech
to the beautiful countryside in
Huron. He said that anyone
driving through the county at
this time could see the story of
Ontario with its new school, new
hospital buildings, the newcoun-
ty home addition and new high-
ways. It is a cross section of
what is "happening all over the
province. Ontario is growing and
developing faster than any other
part of North America, the
Premier said. It is hard to real-
ize how rapidly Ontario affairs
have been expanding with the
growth of the province. As
treasurer for the past 12 years
he had seen these great changes
taking place.
The May meeting of the Sea -
forth 4-H Swine Club was held
at Win. Turnbull's on May 19
with 19 members present. The,
roll call was, give your age. T•he
secretary, Audrey •Godkin, read
the minutes of the last meeting.
We judged a class of Yorkshire
Sows, reasons were. taken and
Mr. Robt. McMillan gave the
official placings. Dr. De Pape
from the Top Notch Feeds in
Seaforth was the guest speaker,
who gave an interesting talk on
Feed and Management of our
pigs. We answered a quiz which
was corrected by Ken Stewart.
The next meeting is to be held
on June 17th at Robt. McMi1-
lan's. The chicken barbecue for
Huron County will be held in
Seaforth on June 11th. Donald
Dodds moved a vote of thanks
to our host, Mr. Turnbull. The
meeting was then adjourned.
The McKillop 4-H Grain Club
]net at the home of Stanley Hil-
len on Tuesday, May 17. Presi-
dent Bob Broadfoot opened the
meeting with the 4-H pledge. As
Bob Betties is going to be absent
during the summer months,
Wayne McMichael was elected
in his place as vice president, A
class .of timothy and a dlass of
oats were judged and everyone
gave reasons. Earl McSpadden
then showed some interesting
films. A most delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Hillen and
more films were shown for
those who wished to stay.
Mrs. J. L. Bell entertained the
ladies of the McKillop Branch
of the WMS at the May meeting.
Mrs. Helen McMillan opened the
meeting with a poem, "Help Me
To Smile". Hymn 567 was sung.
Mrs. James F. ,Scott gave the
treasurer's report. Mrs. T. W.
McMillan offered her home for
the June meeting with Jean
Scott's group in charge. The
minutes of the April meeting
were adopted as read followed
by roll call, there were 24 mem-
bers and three visitors present.
Mrs. R. E. McMillan then took
over the meeting opening with
hymn 140. Mrs. Thomas Apple-
by read the scripture lesson,
Luke 8: 1-16. Prayer by Mrs.
N. R. Dorrance. A short mis-
sonary letter from Formosa was
read by Mrs. Sam McClure. Mrs.
W. J. Thompson gave a very in-
teresting report on the synodi-
cal meeting held in Knox Pres-
byterian Church, St. Thomas,
where Rev. Harry Rodney is the
minister. She told us of the won-
derful work of Miss Beatrice
Scott, Miss MacMurchy and Miss
Kennedy in the Bhil Field, In-
dia. Mrs. R. E. McMillan took
the 8rd chapter of the study
book. Hymn 152 was sung fol-
lowed by Mrs. R. E. McMillan
closing the meeting with prayer.
M'rs. Sam McClure and Mrs. N.
R. Dorrance and their heipers
served a very delicious lunch.
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
10 a.m., Church School and
Adult Bible Clam
11 a.m., "Like a Mighty
Jr. Congregation and Tod-
dlers' Group.
7 p.m., Evening . Service.
"Be Thou Faithful".
• .Stewardship Sunday, : June 5.
Only a few years ago the
word "uranium" was unknown to
most people, now a 550,000,000
investment has been made in the
new uranium area of Northern
NIr. Frost mentioned how help
from the Ontario government to
the municipalities lead increased
in recent years; now for every
dollar raised for municipal pur-
poses by local taxes, the pro-
vince contributes more than a
dollar. This was compared to 81
cents, a dozen years ago.
The government of Ontario is
taking the sensible approach to
the problem of health and hos-
pital insurance, he said. There
must be hospital beds before
there een be any system of in-
surance, and this government
has been consistently helping to
expand facilities. The previous
government had never contribut-
ed one cent to any hospital, he
reminded Ms audience.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ISanuck
and girls of Kitchener with Mrs.
Loretta Molyneaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ackroyd
and girls of Toronto with Mrs.
Ellen O'Rourke and Frank.
Sgt. Jim Newcombe, and Mrs.
Newcombe and Jimmie of Port
Credit, and Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Stapleton, Galt, with Mr. and
William Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ryan and
Bobbie, Weston with Mrs. Cath-
erine Ryan.
Mr. Michael Hunt of Lavonia,
Mich., with Mrs. Hunt and child-
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Monaghan
of Kitchener with NIr. and Mrs.
Lloyd and John McCarthy.
Miss Joan Evans spent the
weekend in Cobourg.
Mr. Allan Butters of Mae -
Tier with Mr. and Mrs. -Tom
Mr. Gordon Costello, Ban-
croft, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gros-
eck and boy of London, Mrs.
Eugene Giroux, of Thorold, with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Miss Monica Byrne, Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Kelley, Nancy, Mrs,
Keith Kelly, Mr. Peter Ryan at-
tended the graduation exercises
of St. Joseph's Hospital Train-
ing School for Nurses in Hamil-
ton on Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Kathleen Byrne, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrne
was one of those graduating.
1VIr. and Mrs. Don MacRae
and family in .Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ganter and
daughter, Niagara Falls, Mr. and
Mrs. W.' Brennan, London, with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter •Carpenter.
Marie O'Connor was visiting
with Rosemarie Flannery.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flannery,
and son Terry, Mr. and Mrs, J.
Kellestine, Marlene and Eddy,
of Strathroy, spent Sunday with
NIr. and Mrs.. Jack Flannery.
Egmondville Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister.
10 a.m., Church School.
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
Mr. Kenneth Ashton of Clinton,
a church student at Victoria
College, will conduct the service'
and preach. Musical
Wed. at 8 min. The s
Neale from Caronport in Gospel
song and story. •
Deputy R. O.'s I Y.P.U. Softball
For June 9 Election Schedule Arranged
Jkmsall: 1A, Ernest Shaddicic;
1B, Geo, Pollick.
Usborne: Harold Hunter,
Lorne Oke, Gordon Oke, Geo.
Frayne, Joe Berkey, Ward
Bern, James Miller,
Hay: James Petty, Mrs. Ruby
Neeb, Mrs. Elda Wagner, Gord-
on Hess, William Zeiler, Charles
Snell, Stewart Blackwell, Avilla
Clinton: Mrs. Get. Walker,
Mrs. Mary Nediger,- Mrs. Jean-
ette Deeves, Bert Irwin,
Goderich Twp.; Victor Falcon-
er, Howard .Sturdy, John Deeves,
Oliver Welsh, Robt. G. Smith,
Bert Rowden.
Hullett: Robt. Irwin, Bert
Beacom, 'Howard .TJrewartha,
Emmerson Hesk, Iura Rapson,
Harvey Flunking, Mrs. Robert
McKillop; James' McQuaid,
David Shannon, Edward Godkin,
Allen Campbell.
.Seaforth: Mss. H. Ed. Smith,
Harvey Mason, Mrs. Ed. Case,
Mrs. Mae Watterworth, Mrs.
Audrey McLean, Miss Dorothy
Stephen: Wellington Skinner,
Thelma Boast, Preston Deering,
Murray Neil, Alvin Baker, Mrs.
Roxy Weber, Otto Willert, Ken-
neth Baker, Russell Brown, Ed-
ward Gill.
Tuckersmith: John Oldfield,
Roy MeGeoch, Mervin Falconer,
Erwin Sillery, D. E. Kyle, John
:C onsitt.
Goderich: John Vrooman,
John Cuthbertson, Mrs. Joseph
McNevin, Mrs. Thos, Legge, Mrs.
L. B. Graham, Eb. Ross, Jas. E.
Young, Mrs. M. McKee, Charles
Young, H. 0. Sturdy, Mrs. I.
McLean, Charles Rance, Mrs. NI.
Stanley: Mervyn Halley, John
Taylor, Alvin McBride, Anson
Coleman, Wm. Armstrong, Leon-
ard Talbot, Charles Rau, Ben
Advance Polls—June 2, 8, 4:
Goderich Town Hall, D.R.O.,
Henry. Leishman; Exeter Town
I3a11, D.R.O., Asa Penhale; Sea -
forth, Clark's Service Station,
D.R,O., D. L. Reid.
Mr. Frost was introduced by
Elmer Bell, Q.C. John Hanna, of
Huron -Bruce riding spoke brief-
ly and brought good, wishes
from Elston Cardiff, M.P., who
is recuperating at his home from
a slight heart attack.
Tom Pryde reviewed his re-
cord of accomplishment for
Huron, showing how financial
help from the province had made
possible the building of many
new schools. Only a few years
ago 110 grants were available for
the construction of new schools
or hospitals, Mr. Pryde stated.
The great road building pro-
gram in Huron had given this
riding almost more than its
share •of new highways. As an
example of some of., the little-
known benefits of this govern-
ment, he said that 88 young
farmers in Huron had received
assistance to get started in
farming through the. Junior
Farmers Loan Act. Mr: Pryde
invited ratepayers to study their
tax notices and see just how
much their taxes had been dir-
ectly lowered by government
subsidy. His own taxes had been
reduced by 25 mills and some
municipalities even more.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Law-
less and family of Simeoe with
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Turnbull,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall,
North Bay, withMrs. E. Marsh-
all and Barrie.
Mr. Jerry Dressell, Ingersoll,
with friends here.
^Mr. Ray Huether and Douglas
Kirkby with friends in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston
and family of Haliburton, with
Mr. and IVIrs..Silas Johnston.
Mr. L. McKay of Clinton
Mr. •and Mrs. Frank Kirkby.
Mr. Lorne Steins, of London,
at his summer home here.
George Ginn was chairman.
Mayor Agnew welcomed the
Premier to Clinton. Others on
the platform were Mayor Mc-
Master, Seaforth and Mr. 'Rus-
sell T. Bolton, McKillop.
The United Church YPU. in
Area B, will again operate a
softball league in this district.
At a meeting held in Clinton on
May 16, six unions decided to
enter teams. Five of the six are
back from last year with Bruce -
field being a new entry replac-
ing Egmondville. Others are
Bayfield, Turners' Church, Clin-
ton, Varna, and Seaforth. Geo.
Turner, R.R. 3, Seaforth, will
be convenor.
24th, Clinton at Bayfield
25, Varna at Brucefield
26, Seaforth at Turners'
30, Turners at Varna
30, Brucefield at Clinton
30, Bayfield at .Seaforth.
e 2, Brucefield at Turners
Varna at Bayfield
e 6, Seaforth at Varna
Turners at Clinton
e 7, Bayfield at Brucefield
e 20, Varna at Clinton
Turners at Bayfield
Brucefield at Seaforth
e 27, Clinton at Varna
Bayfield at Turners
e 28, 'Seaforth at Brucefield
e 30, Brucefield at Bayfield
Clinton at Turners
Varna at. Seaforth
y 4, Bayfield at Clinton
Brucefield at Varna
Turners at Seaforth
y 11, Varna at Turners
Seaforth at Bayfield
y 14, Clinton at Brucefield
Miss Jessie Finlsyson and
Billy Finlayson of Lorne Park
spent the holiday with Mrs. Jas.
Rev. W. E. Milroy and sons,
Grant and Hume spent Monday
with Rev. and Mrs. Lake and
family at Kincardine.
Mr. •and Mrs. Grant Houston
of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs.
Reg. Arlin spent the weekend
with relatives in Detroit.
Mass Laura McMillan of Tor-
onto, spent the holiday weekend
with her mother, MD's.' W:' F. Mc-
Millan, and Miss Alice Watson
of London with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Watson.
Mr. Ren Ashton of . Clinton
will have charge of the service
onSunday, May 29, at Egmond-
ville Church in the absence of
the pastor, Rev. W. E. Milroy.
Misses Margaret and Bessie
Grieve of Chatham spent the
holiday weekend with their fath-
er, Mr. Thos. Grieve.
The ladies of Seaforth and
district are invited to attend a
Cooking ,School Monday after-
noon, May 30 at 2 p.m. in Sea -
forth District High School Audi-
torium. Come and see new re-
cipes worked out and share in
the numerous prizes to be drawn
for, prizes donated by the com-
onpany presenting the Cooking
School and by several of the lo-
cal merchants.
The event is being sponsored
by the Women's Division of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society.
Tickets may be purchased from
any member of the society spon-
soring the event or from mem-
bers of the W. I. Anyone not
having already purchased a
ticket may do so at the door.
Those who have purchased ad-
vance tickets, even if not pre-
sent, will be eligible for the
major prizes.
Those in charge regret that
the event could not have been
held in the evening or on a
Wednesday half holiday, but
this was impossible as the after-
noon of May 30th was the only
date available due to the heavy
demands for these Cooking
.Schools throughout Ontario.
The C.G.I.T. held their Moth-
er and Daughter banquet in the
schoolroom of the church on
Friday evening, May 18 with 45
present. The tables were beauti-
fully decorated with narcissus
and for get-me-nots and the
room in navy and white, the col-
ors of the organization. After a
sumptuous dinner givenby the
W. A., the program followed
with Lois Ann Somerville, the
president, acting as-chairlady.
A toast was given to the Queen
and the National Anthem sung.
Joan Somerville gave a toast to
the church, replied to by Rev.
H. E. Livingstone. The words
of welcome were given by Grace
Doig, to which Mrs. Stanley
Hillen made the reply. A trio,
Shirley Dolmage, Georgina Lit-
tle and Frances Blanchard sang
"Mother, lover of my child." A
toast to the C.G.I.T. organiza-
tion was given by Mrs. Wm.
Dodds, replied to by Lorraine
Smith. Jean Hillen favored with
an instrumental. Shirley Dol -
mage proposed a toast to the
]pothers to which Mrs. Gilbert
Smith replied. Shirley Ashton of
Fordwich sang a beautiful solo,
"Mother of Mine". A toast to
the daughters was given by Mrs.
Robert Doig and Audrey God -
kin replied. The Boyd girls sang
a lovely hymn. A reading entit-
led Mothers Guarantee was
given by Dianne Bolton. Mrs.
E. Toll, leader of C.G.I.T. in-
troduced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Harold Pollock of Fordwich. She
is the Presbyterial 'Secretary for
Huron CGIT. She gave a very
inspiring address on CGIT work
under the heading `Adventuring
with God'. Sandra Doig expres-
sed in her gracious manner ap-
preciation to the speaker, sol-
oist, the leaders and W. A. for
the enjoyable evening. Nlrs. Jas.
McClure replied, A singsong
preceded the program with Lor-
raine Smith at the piano.
The June meeting of the
yy,, June l1,n in the church, held on Wednes-
t 2
p.m. Mrs. W. McVittie, Blyth,
will be guest speaker. The lad-
les of First Presbyterian Church
at Seaforth, and United Church,
Egmondville, are especially in-
vited. A 'bazaar sponsored by
the W. A. will be held in the
basement. Will Cavanladies
please remember to ring, a
mystery box.
18, Bayfield at Varna
.Seaforth at Clinton
y 21, Turners at Brucefield
y 25, Clinton at Seaforth
Mrs. J. E. Medd is visiting
with her brother and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson
of Pickering,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson
were in Goderich on Tuesday
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M.
McKee and Mrs. Allan.
Master Ross Cudmore of Clin-
ton spent the holiday with his
cousin, Lawrence Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke
spent Sunday in Strathroy as
guests of their aunt, Mrs. Pap-
ineau. •
Mr. Reg. Lawson left Tuesday
morning by motor for the West
Coast. He was accompanied by
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Nlrs. Wm. Webster of St. Hel-
ens, They will call on relatives
and friends enroute to B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tay-
lor of Oshawa spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Taylor and on Sunday visited
with Mr. and Mrs. William Web-
ster at St. Helens.
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Warren
and daughters, Linda and Helen
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Lawson over the weekend.
Cpl. K. T. Adams and Miss
Donelda Adams spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Adams. Cpl. Adams has
been posted to Winnipeg.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson at
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Earl Lawson included
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and
Andrew of Huron Road West;
Mrs. Alice Lawson and son, Rob-
ert, of Tuckersmith; and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Lawson of Sea -
Mrs. R. C. Banks of Hazen-
more, Sask., is visiting at the
home of her brothers, W. R. and
Wilber Jewitt.
Mrs. R. W. Jewitt, Mr. • and
Mrs. Wilber Jewitt and family,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jewitt and
family and Mrs. R. C. Banks vis-
ited on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall of Ethel.
Tuesday evening Mrs. It. W.
Jewitt, Mrs. R. C. Banks, 'Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Jewitt and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilber Jewitt motored
to Warwick where a supper was
held in the Warwick Church in
honor of Mrs. Banks. Mrs. Jew-
itt Sr., and Mrs. Banks remain-
ed for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jewitt,
Joyce and Janice, Mr. and Mrs.
William Dale, Wilma and Diana,
attended the laying of the cor-
ner stone at the new court
house in Goderich on Monday.
Mr. Cecil .Simpson is spending
sone time with his family in
Mr. and Mrs, C. Christie,
spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. E. Holland, at Sturgeon
Mrs. A. Patterson, Mr. and
Mos. D. Gray and family spent
the weekend in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Neale and
family spent the weekend with
Mrs. 'Stackhouse and Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Wilson.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead •and-
Mangy Zaphe spent the holiday
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Livestock Judging
Largely Attended
The Seaforth agricultural
grounds and community centre
were busy on Saturday when 206
bays and girls, members of the
4-H clubs of Huron county, were
here for the annual livestock
Judging competition.
William Taylor of Belgrave
with 634 points placed highest in
the senior class, followed by Ar-
nold Alton, Lucknow, 628 points;
Hughie Rundle, Exeter, with 604
points; Earl McSpadden, Win-
throp, with 596 and Frank Alton,
Lucknow, with 591 points.
Top scorer in the intermediate
class 'with 641 points was Ken-
neth Campbell, McKillop. follow-
ed by Kenneth Alton, Lucknow,
with 630; Murray Gaunt, Luck -
now with 623; Jan Van Vliet,
Brussels, with 621; Larry Wheat-
ley, McKillop, with 617 tied with
Douglas Keys, McKillop; George
Budd, Gorrie, with 597; Lavern
Godkin, Walton, 594; Jean Scott,
of McKillop, 593; Ronald Smith,
Brussels, 588; Jean Smith, Ethel,
585; Murray Dawson. Hensall,
582; Tom Easton. Exeter 577;
Frank Alton, Lucknow. 576; Ron
Trewartha, Winthrop, 576; Joyce
Little, Lucicnow, 569; Catherine
Campbell, McKillop, 561; George
Procto', Brussels, 556; Bob
Broadfoot, Brucefield, 539; Doris
Dinsmore, Gorrie, 531; Larry
Black, Brussels, with 526.
Standings of those in the junior
and novice classes and winners
of special prizes will be announc-
ed on Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickert and
Merle visited on Monday with the
fo'mer's mother, Mrs. J. Dickert
in Clifford.
Mr. Wilbert billing has sold
his fine farm to Mr. Itees Forrest
who gets possession in the Fali.
Mr. and Mrs. Joltli L. }lender -
Bell visited friends in Byron on
Mrs. Gordon. Wren, Mrs. L.
Clar•lc Sr., MIr. and Mrs. Frank
Forrest and Clark of 'Hensall
spent the week end with relatives
in St. Clair, Mich.
NIr, and Mrs. Good of Auburn
were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Dowson.
Mrs. N. Dickert spent Friday
in London.
Mr. and NIrs. A. Ashworth and
Carol were Sunday "visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride and
family of the Goshen Line were
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
E. McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and
Miss Verna Linden of Denfield
were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs, A. Parsons,
Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Jones
were Sunday visitors of Mn and.
Mrs. W. Ferguson of Thames Rd.
NIr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane
who have spent several months in
this district left. on Saturday for
their home in the Peace River
District of Alberta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ness of Osh-
awa spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper vis-
ited last week with relatives in
Mr, W. Coolc of Goderich vis-
ited on Thursday last with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKay of
Ilillsbttrg spent the week end
with Miss Margaret MacKay and
Mr. Oliver MacKay. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workmen
and Barbara of Oshawa visited
over the week end with the for -
mar's mother Mrs. Susan Work-
man. and brother and sister-in-
law Mr. and Mrs. Orville 'Work-
Week end visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. 'V. L. blellis were Nies. Mel -
lis' mother Mrs. J. Gibson and
her aunt Mrs. Win. Gibson of
Wroxeter, and. Mr. and Mrs. Chu -
mice Hutchison of St. Thomas.
Mrs. J. McGregor of Seaforth
and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Thomp-
son of Clinton were Sunday visi-
tors of bit'. and Mrs' Orville
Miss Merle Dickert of London
spent the week end with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. N. Dicicert,
Masonic Order March. To
St: Andrews' United Church
Sunday morning service was
well attended in St. Andrew's
United Church when member's of
No. 224 A,F & ANI were 111 attend-
ance under the direction of Wor-
shipful Master Rosa Love. Breth-
ren from several other Lodges
were present, Rev. McLeod del-
ivered a very fine serrlloln. on
Delegates Favor
Agency Marketing
Provision for agency market-
ing should be contained in any
wheat marketing plan, delegates
to the annual meeting of the
Ontario Federation of Agricul-
ture Wheat Producers Associa-
tion decided in Toronto this
The meeting studied a mark-
eting plan for Ontario winter
wheat, approved it in principle,
and left it to the executive to
put on the finishing touches to
bring it into line with the
amended Ontario Farm Prod-
ucts Marketing Act.
Last fall over 16 per cent of
Ontario winter wheat producers
signed petitions asking for a
vote on a wheat marketing plan.
It will be up to the executive to
call a general meeting of wheat
producers, present the wheat
marketing plan and recommend
the time for a vote.
Delegates from Kent County
expressed opposition to agency
marketing and said they favored
a negotiating board for winter
wheat, They were assured that
it may not be necessary to use
a marketing agency but that the
wheat plan would be much
stronger if it contained provi-
sion for an agency.
Officers were re-elected for
the coming year. They are: R.
S. Heatherington, honorary
President; Edgar Martin, Pain-
court, president; E. F. Metcalfe,
Petrolia, first vice-president; B.
I. Jennett, Ivy, second vice-
liS1 Hugh Metier, Welland;Dub-
lin; nR.
R. Stewart, Peterborough and
Murray Moore, Ayr, executive
The members of Amber Re-
bekah Lodge 319 were the
guests of Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge, 'Seaforth, on Tuesday
evening. The degree team under
the direction of Mrs. Sans Dou-
ai conferred the degree on sev-
eral candidates there. A social
hour was spent following the
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman
and family attended the gradua-
tion ceremonies at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, this week when
their eldest daughter, Shirley,
received her R. N. degree. Mrs.
Price of East Azora, N. Y. and 4 -
Mrs. Connors of Albany, N.Y.,
both graduate nurses, attended
the graduation of their niece,
The bowling team of the lo-
cal Legion, pleasantly enter-
tained their wives at a banquet
at the Dominion House, Zurich,
on Monday evening.
Miss Dorothy Parke of Sea -
forth was re-elected president
of the Woman's Auxiliary of
Huron Deanery at the annual
meeting held at Wingham.
On Sunday afternoon at 4 p.nri.
Rev, N. McLeod performed the
rite of Baptism for Thomas Will-
iam, infant son of Mr. and burs.
Orville :t'c'otk•ot:u.