HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-05-19, Page 8T Yrrrrrlrr•rr MANUFACTURER'S EARANCE S its and All Weather Coats Values up to 65.00 .95 SUITS Famous "Poslun" Suits bought at a tremendous reduction, plus many from our regular stock that sold from 29.95 to 65.00. Forty-four sults in all, in the newest spring styles and fabrics. — Size range, 11 to 221/2. VERY SPECIAL a 19r95 You must hurry for these to get the best choice All Weather COATS Our entire stock of all weather coats that carried price tickets to 39.95, plus 24 coats from Poslun's Clear- ance, all grouped in one big sale event.— All colors and styles. sizes 10 to 20. A value you won't see in years. Special 19.95 'f's Stewart :'ros. FIFTH ANNUAL Hensall Feeder Calf Club Show and Sale AT HENSALL SPRING FAIR FRIDAY MAY 27th 100 Choice Hereford calves will be judged commencing at 1 P.M., and sold by public auction at 3 P.M. Duncan Brown. Shedden, Auctioneer, and the calves will be sold by the pound to the highest bidder. JUDGING OF HORSES AND CATTLE BABY SHOW Centralia RCAF Band and Exeter High School Band GUEST SPEAKER: Hon. F. S. Thomas Ontario Minister of Agriculture Admission Adults 500 'Children Free NOTICE CA Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1955 licenses for same,on or before June 30th, 1955, Licenses Will be issued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the. Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses All dogs must wear license tags. holidays from Waterloo College. Mrs. Elizabeth Morena of Kitchener with T. F. Prueter for a few days this week, BORN—In Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Friday, 11/fay 18, 1955 to Mr. and Mrs. : Lorne Wolfe (Phyllis s So e r) of Brod- hagen, la son, (Marcel Lavern). KIPPEN Mrs. Bessie Bond Mrs. Bessie Bond died 'sud- denly on Thursday, May 5, at the age of '71. A daughter of James Henry Edwards and Eliz- abeth Olive Petchel, she resid- ed in Chatham Township the greater part of her life. She at- tended Baptist Chureh. Her husband, Alfred Frederick Bond died in April 1948. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Har- land Elliott, Kent Bridge A -ma); Mrs. Lloyd Lovell .(Mar- garet) Kippen; and Mrs. Bei, trum Weaver ,(Bertha) Ridge town: two sons, Fred of ,Chat- ham and Stanley, Louisville, She also leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, seven brothers, 23 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. The funeral was lheld from John C. Stephen funeral 'horse, Chatham, Monday last at 3.30 p.m, Rev. Charles Burtch of Louisville conducted service. Mrs. Gladys Burtch rendered a solo, "The Old Rugged Cross". Interment at Arnold Ceme- tery, Louisville, with six grand- children as pallbearers; Leonard Lovell, Keith Lovell, Kippen; Bobby Weaver and Grant Wea- ver, Ridgetown • Larry Bond and Donald Bond, Louisville.t Word was received here by Miss Mabelle Whiteman and Mrs. Dinsdale on Saturday, May 14, of the death that afternoon in Ottawa of Mrs. 11. P. Mad- den, formerly Gertrude Hart, whose father, the late Rev. John Hart was at one time Pastor of the Methodist Church in Kip - pen. Her husband, who was with the Bank of Montreal at Hen- sel' for some years and also was manager at Brucefield, died in Toronto several years ago. Mrs. Madden lived in Hensel] for some years where she taught music and was choir leader of Cannel Presbyterian Church. She was also an Elocutionist of outstanding ability. She is sur- vived by one son, Murray, and one grandson, John Hart Mad- den, of Ottawa, and one sister, Mrs. H. L. Whiteman of Toron- to. The funeral took place in Toronto on May 17th. Mrs. Mad - den's many friends in this dis- trict will regret her passing. Mrs. Barbelle Thompson and Mrs. Goldie Graham visited on Sunday with Mrs, R. Dinsdale and Miss Mabelle Whiteman and attended both services in St. Andrew's United Church. Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich., spent a few days the end of the week with her father, Mr. Robert Cooper and other mem- bers of the family. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lloyd Lovell in the passing of her mother, the late Mrs. Bea. sic Bond, in Chatham Twp. Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Work- man of Tillsonburg spent the weekend with the former's bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Workman. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lovell were Mr, and Mrs. Ted Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lovell all of Thames- ville. Mrs. Alec McGregor and Mrs, John McGregor attended the Pohle-Kotchel' wedding in St. Clair, Mich., on Saturday. The groom's mother was the former Angela McMillan of Tucker - smith. Mrs. H. Bowerman and Lois of Listowel were Saturday visit- ors of Mr, and Mrs. W. Work- man. Mr. gild Mrs. Roy McBride were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs, B. Brightmore of Lon- don, is visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cochrane. Mrs. EImore Keyes and Grant of near Varna visited on Sunday with Mrs. Keyes' brother, Mr. Wm. Thomson and attended the evening service in St. Andrew's United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexan- der and family of Londesboro attended the evening service in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday and renewed old ac- quaintances. squaintances. Anniversary Service iHeId The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's United Church held their An- nual Spring Anniversary on Sunday at 11 a.m., and 7.30 p.m. The guest speaker in the morning was Rev, A. J. Bu- ohanan, B.A., B.D., of .Gorrie who delivered •a very fine mes- sage, 'Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hen- sall was the evening speaker, Mr. Rogers is soon leaving Hen- sall for his new charge near Toronto. It is with regret that the Kippen people say farewell to a man who has been such a good friend on so many occa- sions to the congregation of St. Andrew's. Special music was furnished by the choir under the leadership of Miss Jean Ivi- son. Mr. Hank Benindyk sang the ever lovely solo "Holy City". A young ladies' quartette sang in the evening, namely: Lois Mc- Lellan, Kathryn Anderson, Bon- nie Kyle and Ann 'Sinclair. The congregation of St, An- drew's United Church are to be hosts to the A.F., A,M. Masonic Lodge, Hensall, on Sunday morning next May 22, at 11 a.m. The W14IS of St. Andrew's United Church are cordially in- vited to Chiselhurat on Friday evening. BORN BROPHAGEN Mrs, Maude Leinweber, Mrs, ALDEROIOE — My and Mrs. Vernon Alderdice are hapity to announce the Visitors at the home of Mr. Margaret Close and Dennis birth of n d sten roils Carol uinn,l,on and Mrs. Wm. Diegel were: Leinweber of Stratford. MaY 10, i silttt 1 fie• ,Garry_ Mrs. ida Brunner, Sebringville, Mr. Calvin Diegel is ,home on IIELANEY—At Scott lvielns•ial I1sooitat MAY SPECIALS SMOKED PICNIC HAM , , . , .... , , 45c ib DEILMAR MARGARINE . ...... . .. . . . 2 ,lbs. 59c i INTDRLAEiD+ TOILET TISSUE 2 for 23c RED ROSE COFFEE , , , , ........ 1 ib bag 99c RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA , , % ib 67c HEINZ TOMATO JUICE, 16 oz. 2 for 29c JELLO JELLY POWDERS 3 for 29c TIP TOP PORK & BEANS, 20 oz. 2 for 32c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 2 for 49c CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY 0n May Mr. and Afr•s. James Delaneyy,, Dublin, a son ELLIOTT—At Scott Memorial kHospital on May 18, to Mit and Mrs. Fred Elliott, Dublin, a daughter FISCHER—At Scott Memorial hospital on May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer, RR2 Mitchell, a daughter GLANVIT.i,F,—At Scott Memorial IIospi- tal on Moly 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville, Rf22 Walton, a daughter RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, ori on May 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Olarenee Ryan, RR1 Dublin, to daughter FOR SALE 5 h. P. Simplicity garden tractor, in excollent yondition, 3 forward speeds and reverse. Counterweight, wheel - weights, lights, stand, plow, disc, culti- vator, seeder, scraper and snowblower. Reasonable. Phone 454w after 5 P.M. Max Carter, , Egmondv lle ' The annual me ngO o Welton Com- munity hall will bo held on May 25 at 9 o'clock DST. in Walton Hall. Pres., Norman Williamson, Sec., W. Humphries Eleven pigs FOR eekss I1? Also it York hog 2 years old, Angus Blewn, 8103 Seafeebh, 614112 Clinton POSITION WANTED Shorthand typist desires position — stenographic or 'Merlon'. Extensive ea oorienco, References. Full or part time. Apply to The News office NOTICE Wanted, a used ith rake in good condition, Also for sale, Ayrshire heifer calf, purebred, 3 months old, Wilbert Pratt, Brussels 11218. Phone 481.•7 TO RENT Available shortly, four room, ground floor apartment, with bath. Phone 5850. Mos A. MoNiohol, John Street. FOR SALE Ten pigs 9 weeks old. Also young Yorkshire hog around 200 lbs. Apply to; Wm. Livingstone, 847r31 Seaforbh Mason & niscchRPi no n good condi- tion. The Manse, Winthrop FOR SALE Pennsylvania's Best Coal double screened; William M. Iiart, office phone 734. Seaforth LIBERAL RALLY COME OUT AND HEAR Hon. Farquhar Oliver LIBERAL LEADER IN ONTARIO JAMES R. SCOTT LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON Public School .Auditorium, Goderich THURSDAY, MAY 26TH, AT 8.30 P.M. Inserted by Huron Liberal Association nlnnannuuunuwmluununluuuuuunuunneununnuu m „Inuuuceu„ 32 uueuuul JI Come out and hear 5 IN McKILLOP MON., MAY 23, Orange Hall, Winthrop 8.30 P.M. TUES., MAY 24, Manley School Everybody Welcomed Inserted by Huron Liberal Association Iaut1111 it1i1un11elan nnlinauuau, Intlqulauningnumueae hila iniatiull 1 numummmnunl➢ul VIII IIIItlllle MI tint t1lila ga Ott ltl11111, amI llllmatimain ti rem la Vlll mlllt„I,ellnim IIII,II itimI„IIt HEAR JIM SCOTT tie ;Ts Prove the Frost Govern nent neglects the riding of Huron Listen To All These Broadcasts CKNX, WINGHAM FRIDAY, MAY 20TH — 7.00 - 7.10 P.M. MONDAY, MAY 23 — 7.30 - 7.45 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 24 — 12.10 - 12.20 NOON (Keep this for future reference) THiS TIME ELECT A FiGHTER FOR HURON ! VOTE LIBERAL: VOTE SCOTT Inserted by the Huron Liberai Association o:. Stratford District Yorkshire Club 13TH ANNUAL YORKSHIRE SALE 27 Bred Sows - 2 open sows - 8 boars Selected for type and health ofthe herds by the Ontario Live Stook Branch All boars eligible for the Provincial Government Bonus Agricultural Grounds, Stratford THURSDAY, MAY 26 SALE AT 1.30 P.M., D.S.T. Catalogues on request— Jim Snaith, President R, I1, White, Secretary Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer arantastearecersaitermecesteasolt FOR SALE Good wagon team,bar', matched, 4 and 5 yeas old. Jseph Storey,Lot 2Bay- field Line, Goderich Tp. 702w2 Clinton WANTED A good and gentle working horse, not older than 10 years, Apply Sohn Hoyink, phone 28r& Blyth FOR SALE Two Shorthornbelle, serviceable age. Alden Ordah, Rhone Clinton 614013 FOR SALE Priced to clear. Broken sizes of foot- wear, at Jack Thompson's Footwear Service FORHSALE One 9. furrow I C leow on rubber. Also a drop head hay lolide,•. Apply Plume 610-82 Clin TENDtonER TOWNSHIP OP TUOEERSMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckorsmibh for the construction of approximately 415 square rods of cort Clete sidewalk in the hamlets of Eg mandrill° and Brucefield, Contractor to supply all requirements including labor and material. - Tender to state it. flat rate per square yard and to he in the Clerk's hands by June 711, 1950, at 8 P.M. Work to be done under the super. vision and direction of the Road Super, intendent,` Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E, P. CHESNEY, ()leek , TOWNSHIP TENDER OF Tenders are invited by the Township of '1'uokersmith for the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge, 20 feet by 8. feat by 48 feet, Lots 5 and 6, Con, 4 HRS, Township of Tuolcersmith. Township supplies cement and steel required and contractor to supply all- other requirements. Bond of. 10% of the tender in the form of a, marked cheque must accompany each tender. Plans may be examined et the Clerk's office end tenders must be on forms supplied ` by rho Clerk. Work to be completed by Aug. 20, 1955, and tenders must lee in the Cleric's hands be 9 P.M., June 7th, 1055. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 12,R..{L•4, Seaforth Auction Sale Of Property & House Furnishings on John St, Seaforth, Sat, Mny 28th. at 1 P.M. sharp. General -Electric enamel 4 burner range. Westinghouse electric refrigerator. 9 pes, desk dining room suite, buffet, china cabinet, table & 6 chairs, writing <leek, mantel radio. tele- phone table & bench. Chesterfield & two choirs. Also chesterfield bed, reuniter of occasional chairs, small tables, foot stools, rockers, magazine & end tables. Studio couch, urn porch furniture, drop leaf table, floor lamps, table lanes, electric toestes & other appliances, 2 furnished bed rooms including 2 walnut finish singlo beds with springs & inner spring mattresses, dressers, stands & chest of drawer. Large quantity of quilts, blankets & bed linens, bathroom scales, 1 Wilton & Axminster rugs, 10. seater mats & hall runners. Clothes hamper, folding ironing board, vneunm cleaner & nttachnlonts, ohitno mantel clock, drapes & curtains. Large quantity' of dishes including china, eat plass, vases. ornaments, flatware & table lin- ens. Kitchen utensils, electric washing machine, lawn mower, emery with mo- tor, vice. 2 step ladders, garden tools,. Sealers. Carpenter tools, clothes line, eolhnpsible. PROPERTY At the sane pfelocored, 3for saP„ theif not propertyprevioustvlllly be odf- ,Mc. The five room cottage and large glasaiss sun p01071 will iar offered for sale. 61ull basement with oil furnace, water soft- ener, 2 bedrooms, modern bath and kit- chen. Insulated, recently modernized, Terns -- Chattels cash. Property,. 10% down, balance 30 days. Reserve bid. Im- mediate possession. Estate of the tato G. A, Smith, For further particulars apply to A. W. Sillery, solicitor for executors, Hubert Smith and A. W. Sill- e1y. Harold Jackson. Aust. E. P. Oheeney, Clerk Auction Sale Of Property & Household Effects, in village- of Hensall, on No 4 Highway, Wed., May 2511,, at 1 P.M.White enamel Clare Jewel range. (new) Thor white enamel washing machine (like new). 7 ft. Frigidaire (like now). 9 pas, walnut dining room suite—table, buffet, china cabinet & 6 chairs. Philco radio, 3 pes. chesterfield suite„ Uphright Hein- tzman piano (small size). 8 pes, parlor suite, Chesterfield bed (new). Occasion- al chairs, rockers & smell tables. Sew- ing machine, vacuum cleaner, 2 furnish- ed bedrooms, dressers, beds, spring and. mattresses, extension table, kitchen chairs and cupboards, couch, clocks, mirrors, floor lamp and table lamps, electric iron, 2 Wilton & Axminster rugs, scatter errata & carpets. Bedding & linens, table silverware, large quan- tity of dishes, some antique pieces, kit- chen utensils. 240 Ib. scales, step lad- der, all kinds of garden tools, carpenter tools. 88 rifle. Sealers, crocks, & tubs. PROPERTY — At the same place, 3 P.M., the prepe,ty will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, I114 acres of chole° land. (more or less), 8 room 11,s, story brick house, hydro, good sized barn on cement block foundation, drive shed, hen house & garage. This is a very desireabls property. Telma, chat- tels cash. Property, 10% down, balance 30 days. Immediate possession. For fur- ther particulars apply to: Mrs. Marg- aret McLean, :Kippen; Robt, D. Bell, 752 Adelaide St., London, or E. B. Menzie, Clinton, solicitor for estate. Estate of late Ellen McAllister Harold Jackson Aunt. E. P. Mooney, Clerk A quantity Fo hard LE tope and some body wood to be sold cheap. Apply 698 ring 4 Henault central SA Gladiolus bulbsRi eseedL 60 large bulbs, $2.50: 50 medium bulbs, $1.50; not de- livered. Also a mans bicycle In good condition. Murray Tyndall, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 534x12 RENTAL SERVICE Roto Tiller, Chain Saw, Lawn Sweep or, Fertilizer Spreader, Power Lawn- mower, Post Hole Digger. CROWN HARDWARE, "Seaforth. FOR SALE Stainless steel clothes lines—the line that needs no pin, .does not reel, life time guarantee with every line. Alphonse Cronin, 22023 Dublin FOR SALE Potatoes suitable for seed or for eat- ing. Leo Kroonen, phone 77 Dublin OAbout an aro 08c SALE trees, from 4 inches up, at 255 each, all lengths. Phone Brussels 45r5, Leslie Holmes,: Blyth RR2. Gon, 7, Morris VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS All Electric, Cabinet Model The very latest design in Electric Cream Separators, with all now improvements. Electric and hand turning model on LOW STAND. This Gear -type model' is on the market for years. REPAIRS AT ALL TIMES Give ire a call and see what we've got We appreciate doing business with you. Thank you. JOHN BYERMAN WALTON RR2 Phone Sea£orth 8482124' THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, May 19, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. OORWiLL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W _ Seatorlh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster B.A. M.D. Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Sae. urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL,D.V.M., V,8,, W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V. Main St. Seaior Phone 105 e011:011Or JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St„ Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon. 9 to 5.30; Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9 AK 40 12,80 PM; Olinton—MoLarene Studio. Mon. 9 to 5.80. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers --President, J. H. MedOwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea. forth; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Sesdorth, Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; 3, $. MoEwing, Blyth; W, S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha Clinton; 3. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leon. hardt, Bornholm; H. huller, Goderieh; R. Archibald, Seaforth: Allister Broad. foot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiner Jr., Londseboro1 J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen 1 Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect ineure.nee or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offisesseeereeeeeseer.ectces.eceemeteeerear Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Claes Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto f • • Accident • Liability - • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue. coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL .DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE''n.- New Viking electric cream. tige.rators and repairs for Renfrew refaratbril. BASIL O'ROUR1OE, phone Clinton 624r21 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail.Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone -l5 or 376, Seaforth FOR SALE Surge Milkers. Lovell 11. Mc• Guire, Surge Service Dealer. Ph, Winglfam 593. New & used milk- ers. ilkars. We handle milking equipment only All types of br ckTand Wblock work. For general building and repair work call BERT CHRISTENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone 75. Also removing of ashes and garbage, town of Seaforth, $2 a load with pickup NOTICE Lawn Mowers sharpened, will pick up and deliver. John McLean, Egmondville, phone 649r3 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination cervico for all breeds of cattle. For service or infero;- ation Phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. onweek days and 7.80 and 9.30 A.M. on Sundays. RADIO REPAIRS Qulely inexpensive and guaranteed radio repaire to all kinds of radios, at TO,RRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 047R. Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER 'LTD. Phone 47