HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-05-12, Page 7�wE CaLvcxt PUTS caLurIN a All the boxing experts seem to think that Rooky Murciano will knock out England's Don Cockell in a hurry when they fight in San Francisco, May 16. The bout has been termed by the experts a mss -match. Murciano is quoted , a 4-1 favourite, But old-timers remem- ber the mighty John L. Sullivan who was quoted at 4-1 odds when he met a slim, cocky, pornpadoured bank clerk named Jim Corbett one September night in 1892. Corbett was unim- pressed by John L's glares and roars, and systematically out the hero down to size zero. We recall that, back in 1914, the world middleweight title was held by a rugged warrior from Pittsburg, George Chip. He was matched to fight a rather nondescript boxer whose ring tag was Al McCoy. McCoy was supposedly out- classed. Chip walked from his corner and ten, seconds later, be wasn't champion any more. Then there was the Max Baer -Jimmy Braddock "mis- match" of 1935. Baer had everything, including the heavy- weight title. Braddock had nothing. He had just come off the relief rolls. And at the end of 15 rounds Braddock was world's heavyweight champion. Of course, scores of mis-matches have gone the way they were expected to go. Dempsey knocked off the slightly over- grown Georges Carpentier, though this mis-match drew the first silfllion-dollar gate. The records would not indicate that Cockell has much of a chance next week, He was knocked out by Randy Turpin and Jimmy Slade and beaten by the incompetent likes of Aaron Wilson. On the other hand, that happened when COckeli 'was fighting as a light -heavy. As a heavyweight Cockell has won ten in a row, four by kayo, Many strange upsets of isle favourite's applecart have occurred in the past. This could conceivably be one of them, though we're not predicting it. Your comments and suggestions for This column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto, c weld DISTILLERS LIMITED AMIIERSTaIIRO, ONTARIO al s rad Foo t rt Judy Canova is an expert deep sea fisherman. * e * The glamorous Betty Grable is maid to have been a mascot for the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team when she was a little girl, * * e George Raft in his early and unknown youth was a prize- fighter. When a boy he was the mascot of the New York Yankees. * * * A player named "Duke" Mor - Risen made All -America in 1929. He is dimly remembered as a 111,,football player, but everyone knows him today as that rugged Imre of the screen, John Wayne. * * * Pat O'Brien, who among many other star roles on the screen, played the parts of the famous football coaches, 1 nute Rockne and Frank Cavanaugh, was able to play those parts so realistic- ally because he was himself a 2ootball star at college. * * * Here is the story of Canada Lee, a story to inspire anyone who thinks that handicaps mean defeat and failure. For Canada Lee made every handicap a hurdle to success. About twenty-five years ago, he bobbed up as a jockey. He won many races, at Belmont, at Pimlico, Saratoga, New Orleans. The turf world acclaimed him 41a a great jockey, as good as any the track had ever seen. However, the time came when Canada Lee became too heavy to work as a jockey. His career was at an end. But Canada Lee Burned elsewhere. Strangely enough, he took up music, learned to play the violin. He did so well that the newspapers began to praise his concerts to the skies. - Then, one day, Canada Lee deserted his concert work. He suddenly blossomed out as, of all things, a prizefighter. He be- came one of the cleverest welter -weights in the world. Three times he fought for the world's championship. Then came a serious blow. The doc- tors told Canada Lee he would have to give up the ring. The sight of one eye had gone com- pletely. He was in danger of going entirely blind. Canada Lee was a washed-up prizefighter. But he wasn't washed up as a man. For one night, the amusement world was startled, Canada Lee be- came a great stage star with a superlative performance in the lead of "Native Son!" Later came another bombshell. He had a magnificent part in the mo- tion picture "Lifeboat" Other parts followed. Today, Canada Lee is an es- tablished star of stage and screen. The ex -jockey, enc-vi0- linist, ex -prizefighter had sur- mounted every handicap life could offer. He is worthy of the highest praise for his accomp- lishments. * # * Do you remember the once glamorous beautiful motion pic- ture star Carol Lombard? In a way, she was responsible for an exciting chapter in sports history. A few years before she lost her life in a tragic airplane crash while: flying on a war mis- sion for the U.S. Government, Carol Lombard, the famous mo- tion picture star helped salvage the broken career of a fine girl athlete. That girl was danger- ously ill. She had collapsed dur- ing a tennis match in Europe and had returned to America, THE BEERS'LL FLOW LIKE WINE — French beer -drinking champ Auguste Maffrey drinks a giant tumberful of you -know -what in Paris as a warm-up for a European championship match. Maffrey's capacity is about 12 quarts of beer in 52 minutes. an invalid. The doctors held out little hope for her recovery, cer- tainly none for her futur, in sports. Then one day, Carol Lombard came to visit that sick, heartbroken girl, and to inspire her to fight for her life, thee, famous movie star told the girl her own story, how once, she too, had been a hopeles. in- valid, but had refused to quit and went on to great fame and fortune in Hollywood. Inspired by Carol Lombard's personal story of courage, that sick girl athlete recovered and went on to become probably the greatest woman tennis champion of all time—Alice Marble. Years ago, in a town in Pennsylvania, two brothers, were all set to become profes- sional baseball players. But their father, a music teacher, turned "thumbs down" on the idea. He insisted they follow in his pro- fession, and to interest his two sons in music, he bought for them musical instruments to practice on. And so, America came to know two of its most famous band leaders, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. • * The beautiful Madeline Caroll can pilot a sailboat as well as, any man. in her native England, her pastime was raring boats. * * * John Payne was a track star and he had his heart set on winning the Olympic Games Javelin -throwing championship, until he became "the heart in- terest" for millions of female movie fans. The Older Worker The heads of most large cor- porations are often well along in years, a vigorous 65 or 70. Some have even reached 80. But, too often, these same cor- porations follow a policy of not hiring people over 40 or 50. Age discrimination has re- sulted in dumping thousands of healthy, a c t i v e, middle-aged men and women at the height of their skills on the 'unemploy- ment scrap heap. Forty and 50 has become the arbitrary gate- way beyond which a man or a woman shall not pass if unem- ployed and who seeks a new connection. Many women of 40, especially in business offices, are daily confronted with the same age barrier. By 1975, acording to the Cen- sus Bureau, the number of per- sons 45 and over will be snore than 83 million. No wages for these persons means curtailed spending power, lower stand- ards of living, no income taxes "to pay. Leading the fight against this age discrimination policy, poten- tially disastrous to the nation's economy, is the Forty Plus Club of New York City. "CAPTAIN COOK" formerly the ACCOMMODATION IS NOW AVAILABLE RATES FROM: $160 (off season) "CAPTAIN COOK" May 2, May 28, June 21, July 16, *Aug. 9, *Sept. 3, *Sept.27. "LISMORIA" May 31, July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 10, Oct. 15, Nov. 19. "LAURENTIA" May 7, June 11, July 16, Aug. 20, Sept. 24, Oct. 29. #Offtewon rates apply Soo your local agent • — No one can servo you better 0 AL s LINE LTD. CUNARD LINE, ispulcsr liner 11 NOW BACK IN SERVICE FOR DIRECT SAILINGS TO Li k el# h00i and Ging from Montreal Many Canadians will recall fondly the many pleasant hours of ocean travel spent aboard the former In pre-war days. With only one class, passengers travelling in the "Captain. Cook" have the complete run of the ship.' She now joins the "LISNIOR/.A" (tend "L4URENTIA" on direct and regular sailings to Britain. • General Agents Corner Day a Wellington Streets, Toronto, Oni.—•Tut. EMpire 4-3411 Melell The Fotry Plus Club is a co- operative nonprofit organiza- tion of mature men who work without compensation for one another, Their greatest reward, next to getting jobs for them- selves, is helping to get a job for the other fellow. Every working day of the year they are in the field, at their own expense, calling on employers to show that there is no substi- tute for the experience and know-how of the older worker. But why, in these prosperous times, is all this work necessary? First, prejudice against the 'aged' in business and industry seems widespread. Also, pension plans are formidable barriers. The premium paid by the em- ployer to an insurance company to .enable an employee of 50 to receive a pension at 6D is much higher than for a man of .30. A full-blown congressional probe is needed to uncover the extent to which the worker is discriminated against by reason of age and also by pension plans. Such an investigation would demonstrate that fair -employ- ment practices legislation is sorely needed .. . So far as The Star -Journal and Chieftain are concerned we have in our employ a number of men and women who are over 40 and 50 years of age and they are among our most efficient and valued employes.—Puebla (Colo.) Star -Journal. Loved Those Nits Ballplayers ere a queer lot and it is best for their wives not to mix to much in their baseball lives. Several baseball seasons ago, Rube Lutzke was a Cleveland third baseman. A ballplayer loves his base hits more than anything in the world. Lutzke was no exception. One day he played a whale of a game and hit four for four. That after- noon, he came home whistling, and happily kissed his wife as she met him at the door. "Well, honey, I got four hits out of four times at bat, today," he told his wife. "Guess that's smacking the old pill, eh?" A few days later, Cleveland played a double header and third -baseman Lutzke went to bat eight times and failed to get a single hit When he came home that day, his wife met him at the door and asked: "Well, honey, how many hits did you get today?" For a moment, Rube Lutzke was speechless, and then he barked at his better half: "Listen, you attend to the cooking for this family and I'll do the hitting." However, his wife had to have the last word. For she looked at her ballplaying-husband disdain- fully and snapped back: "What hitting?" Gardener's L'nsigo The nonsuburbanite, especial- ly if he is an apartment dwel- ler, is out of the conversational running these days. He can't boast of any radishes, lettuce and onions already in the ground, of any blooming daf- fodils or magnolias. He can't follow the cryptic discourse about mulches, perennials, lawn sowing, shrub moving. Worse still, he has to remain complete- ly out of the argument over whether it's better to plant early or late. He soon gathers that those addicted to early planting feel very proud of themselves as up and coming types who keep ahead in every race. They are confident of having the first ripe tomatoes, the first edible new potatoes in their neighborhoods. But the cautious late planters regard themselves as calm, sa- gacious turtles who will win the race in the long run. They will wait until the ground Is well CLASSIFIED •ADVERTISING BABY CHICKS _ wife feed 8 to 9 lbs, to produce a dozen eggs if 5 lbs, will do the same thing. If feed were a cent a poutld it would be poor business. Send for 1955 catalogue, it tells all about our three special egg breeds that will produce a dozen eggs on. 5 lbs. feed or less, Mao special breeds for broilers roast, ers, dual purpose, turkey poults. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED, FERGUS, ONTARIo S'T'ARTED pullets. Or dayold. Also mixed chicks. Get your order in for what you will certainly needfor the better markets. Ask us for price list. BRAY EIATCHIIRY 120 JOHN N., HAMILTON FOREMAN LEGHORNS Egg -famous throughout every State of the U.S.-A 1955 necessity for the Canadian egg -producer. Day -olds avail- able at $91.00 per 100. Started Pullets weekly: 5 -weeks -old, 73e; 8 -weeks -old, 51.10; 12 -weeks -ofd, 51.40. May, June, or uly delivery, ARBOR ACRES WHITE, ROCKS: lot generationfor the finest In Broilers. Some June, July and August available. THE LAKEVIEW POUTRY FARM &HATCHERY LTD. Exeter, Ont. S. D, Wein, Mgr. TUIISICEY GROWERS: we expect good prices for turkeys this Fall and Win- ter. Fewer turkey poults have been , sold In Canada and the United States which can mean butone thing, higher prices. Don't delay, order at once. We heve the following breeds — Broad Breasted Bronze, A. 0. Smith Whites, White Holland, Empire Whites; Thomp- son Broad Whites, large and medium; Wahkeen Whites, Beltsville poults, non -sexed, hens, toms. 1955 Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMMITED, FERGUS, ONTARIO FOR SALE FABULOUS LAS VEGAS! Souvenirs from the world's entertainment cap- itol. Send 51.00 to: Souvenirs, .Box 3287, North LasVegas, Nevada. LARGE stock used Outboard Peter - bore Boats, Johnson Outboard Parts tlhipped tinily. Currey Bulmer, 2919 Bathurst Street, TORONTO. PLOW POINTS Buy Hefter Plow Points Cheaper McCrae's duality points—for all makes of plows—have been made In our awn foundry for 45 years. Write for prices.. Buydirest or through agents who should contact us. The John McCrea Machine & Foundry Company Ltd., Box 26, Lindsay, Ontario. HOME PASTEURIZERS Raw milk can be dangerous. Safe- guard your family from milk borne diseases, Undulant, Typhoid and Scar• let Fever, Dysentry, Septic Sore Throat, etc, by pasteurizing all the milk your enmity drinks, with a Wet. ars Conley Home Health Milk and Cream Pasteurizer. Operates from any electrical outlet, 50-60 cycle, Two sizes. Prices 539.75 for 1 gallon, $49.50 for 2 gallon size. Enquiries solicited, MaOKelvles Limited, Canadian Agents, National Storage Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. FOR SALE: Used Power Chain Saws priced from 550 and up; Pioneer, Mc. Culloch, Clinton & Precision Saws 1n stock. A special discount On new saws. For furtherparticulars ripply; R, W. Jenkins, Bancroft, Ontario. GARDEN CULTIVATORS Special quantity clearance extra value garden cultivators. Complete with five teeth, twohoes, one plow, with instruction sheet for easy assembly and conversion to carrier or snow scoop. Made to sell at 912.95, special clearanue (express prepaid in Ontario) $7.50, or shipped collect. C. A. ltay, 1414 Glenbutnie Rd., Port Credit, On- tarlo. GENERAL Store for sale In small village in Lanark County. Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, . Gas Pumps. Liv- ing quarters in connection with store; also Post Office with good revenue, 515,000. Half cash will handle. Apply to Box 129, 123 Eighteenth Street, Sew Toronto, Ontario. THE KING OF ALL STRAWBERRIES British Sovereign produce the largest, sweetest, firmest berry of them all. One planting lasts up to seven years. Bo sure and start a patch this Spring. 10 Plants 51.00: 25 Plants $2.00 100 Plants - 57.00. TAYLOR NURSERIES Box 278 Timmins, Ont. TWELVE Giant Dahlias different, labelled, 52.50 postpaid. Mrs. J. Trigg, Buctouche, N,13, PASTURE MIXTURES Can you pasture 3 or 4 head of cattle per erre, from early Spring til late Fall? Year after year? Nianv farmers who planted Gro-ICoted Green Gold" Long Term Pasture Mixtures can, The seed costs only about $12,00 per acre. Ask your "Green Gold" dealer for the Mixture best suited for your land, or write for free booklet to: Hogg & Lytle Ltd., Oakwood, Ont. 1 only McDougall Pressure Pump Complete, with... 2 ILP. 25-60/3,550 Motor. Capacity 1600 gals. per hr., 50 lbs. pressure. Pressure Tank with valves and pressure switch. 1 .only Duro Mechanical Filter No. 80 complete. This alter has been used along with above mentioned pressure pump. 1 only Chrysler 6 Cylinder Industrial Power Engine Unit, 40 19,P•• 1800 R.P.111. reduced l0 1200 R.P.M.. Com• plete ready to run, new. Wlllacceptanyreasonable offerfor any of the above equipment. Apply to Hamburg Felt Boot Company, Ltd.. New Hamburg, Out. thawed out and the danger of killing frost is over, and then their beans, cabbage, pansies, morning glories, having gotten a good start, will shoot past the frailer ones of the early plant- ers. All an amateur caught in the middle of this debate can do, unless he wants to run the risk of choosing sides and losing friends, is to suggest that every- one plant as did his grandmother by "moon planting time."— Washington Post & Times Her- ald. The fundamental cause of trouble in the world today is that the stupid' are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt. —Bertrand Russell. FARMS FOR SALE 59,000 -Terms. 100 acres; 95 workable good location, close good, hydro .fes nice, water system. M. HENDRY Dundalk, Ont. W. Kelly Real Estate. HELP WANTED CAPABLE woman as kitchen helpin small resort. Pleasant conditions. Character references required. Apply Mrs,. Henry,. Halimar, Haliburton, On• tarso. LIVESTOCK SHOWY service age registered Hol. stein Bull. Grandson of Fond Hope from an Honour List twoyear-old. Also several- registered Yorkshire boars nearing service age. J. Gil- christ, Route 5, Guelph, Ontario. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDYFOR NEURITIS AND RHE=.6,IC PAINS. THOUSAN6.c stATISFIEb. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry -eczema rashes and weeping akin trouble,, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you, Itching, scaling and burn. Ing eczema, acne, ringworm, plmplee and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, re• Cardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. POST'S ctEMEDIES PRICE $2.50 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Receipt. of Price: 989 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LEARN to Type! Would you like to type? It is very easy. We teach you by mall. Write: Typing, P.O. Box 5303, Phoenbc, Arizona. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Mai'. vet graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS. 358 Bleor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St•, Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONI!AUGH & Cornering, Patent Attorneya. Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries. Alt OFFER to every inventor List. of Inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Pat, ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St. Ottawa. PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL oiler. Twenty -ave deluxe personal requirements. Latest eats - 'ogee Included. The Medico Agency, Box 124, Terminal ' A" Toronto Ont. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP All; grades, no Oracle 8 next year. Duties to commence Sept. 8. Apply, stating qualifications and sal. ary expected, to Frank Hayman, See.. Treas., R.R. No, 2, Brighton. P.S.S. 1, Mlssanabie, Ont. Grades 1-9, 30 pupils. Male preferred, Minimum 52100, and house free. APPLY W. J. Comerford, Sec.-Treas.. MIssanahie, Ont. WANTED WANTED — STEAM TRACTION EN- GINE, PREFERABLY WATERLOO. Box 128, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Optario. BEAR CUBS Wanted -1955 bear cubs. Send full particulars to DON McDONALD, 99 King Street E., Bowmanvllle, Ontario. WANTED, virgin old growth bard maple wood lot, 20 acres or larger, or farms containing such woodlots, Cash. Box 78. Exeter. ADVENTUROUS MEN! You are want ed for all kinds of high -paving work 1g184, lion-dranadian build- ing million-dollar including great St, Lawrence Seaway, Directory, with map,sent upon application, 51 post- psbdCanaadiean Constructio-a-B. Lake MERCHANDISE WANTED ALL types of surplus merchandise, Tor cash. SURPLUS JOBBERS, 157 McCaul Street, Toronto. AE' Protect your. BOOKS anti CASH from FIRE and THIEVES We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabins', for any purpose. Visit us or wrtla for price, etc, to Dept, W. J,fi&J,TJi L@ 'ns LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1.655 IT MY BE YOUR LIVER if life's not worth living It may be your liver! (We a moil 11 takes up to two louts of live, bile a day to keep your digtwarve tract is top taupe! U your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest , . gas bloats as, your stomnoch... you feel aomrtipated and all the Cue and epar0n go out of life. That', when you seed mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These lemons v,: stable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon you` digestion starts functioning praperlY and you feel that happy days ere here saainl Don't over stay sunk A5,oagg keep Carter Iilbis Liver P0Ie on hand 070 at emir drnesiet.. ISSUE 19 — 1955