HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-05-05, Page 8• ► ► • • DAY, AY 8th 91 'S D Y" WE SUGGEST THESE LOVELY GIFTS TO PLEASE ANY MOTHER ON HER DAY ALL MOTHERS' GIFTS SUITABLY GIFT BOXED NEW DRESSES 7.95 to 29.50 LUGGAGE FOR MOTHER 4.50 to 22.50 NYLON SHORTY COATS 15.95 to 25.00 GIFT TOWELS 59c to 1.50 GIFT HANKIES 25c to 1.50 "ORLON" SWEATERS 4.95 to 8.95 W00L SWEATERS 3.95 to 6.95 NEW BLOUSES 1.95 to 4.95 SUMMER PANTIES 59c to 1.95 SMART SLIPS 2.95 to 7.95 KENWOOD BLANKETS 11.50 to 16.95 NEW HANDBAGS 4.95 to 10.95 SUMMER GLOVES 1.00 to 2.95 NEW SEAMLESS NYLONS 1.65 to 1.75 NEW STRETCH NYLONS 1.95 GIVE NYLONS SPECIAL PRICES ON TWO PAIR FOR MOTHER it's real economy to buy two pairs of match- ing nylons at any time, and It's still greater economy to buy them at these special prices for two, and mother will appreciate the lux- ury of the spare pair. 1.35 2 FOR 2.50 1.50 2 FOR 2.75 1.65 2.FOR 3.00 1 g75 2 FOR 3.25 1.95 2 FOR 3.75 \LE NYLONS Pr' AT i si C r ST WART os. BEEZIMENIVEINEMOMINEEMEMMEO CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Coates, Exeter, visited on .Sundy with Mr, and M3•% Calder MciKaig. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. McKellar and children spent the weekend with Mr. and Mi's, Lindsay Mc- Kellar. Mrs. M. Houghton visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, Wingham. Mrs. Walter Cole, St, Marys, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Brooks, Brampton, and Mr. and Mrs, William Hockifng, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Hocking. Mrs• Ford, Stratford, con- ducted a brush demonstration at the home of Miss Olive Speare on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Anita Sorsdahl presided at the Y.P..S. meeting on Sun- day evening. Rev. S. Kerr read the scripture lesson and the topic was given by Miss Mar- garet argaret Walker. Miss Toy Vivian played an in- strumental number. CONSTANCE The Constance W. A. intend to hold a baking sale in the town hall in Clinton on May 14. Grace Riley and friend of the Teacher's College, Stratford, spent Sunday in Listowel.. Sunday is being observed as Mother's may in Constance Church. Special music by the choir and young people. The WMS are invited to Londesboro on May 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Reg were in London on .Sunday. Mrs. Elia Shurry of Brussels spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Rog -garb. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Riley of Toronto spent Sunday at Fred's parents, My. and Mrs. Chas. were recent visitors with Mr, . CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Tom Reale .end family wish to thank all their friends and relatives in their recent sad bereavement, Speein) thanks to Dick Box, Mel Clarke, Miss Mary Hagan and Mrs, Ada Reid CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of the late neighbors friends and urke i relativesnk foreir the Mass Garda, symp,rthy and help receiv- ed during their recent bereavement. Spe- cial thanks to the Sisters and Stair of St. Marx's 13o13pital London and the W. J. Cleary Frmeral. FTomo. 11 was all very much appreciated CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph h'ly,m wish to thank theirmany friends and neighbors for making their 25th wedding anniver- sary a 'happy occasion,. Special thanks for all the wonderful gifts and cards TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are .invited by the Township af Thokersmith for spraying for weed. control on Township roads in 1956. The Township will supply spray material re- quired and contractor must supply all. other requirements.. Tender to state a rate per hour and worlc to be completed by June 10th, 1955, Tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 9 P.M., May 14, 1955. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. P. CFIESNEY. Clerk KIPPEN EAST The Kippers East Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Bruce McGregor on Wednesday, April 20th with Mrs. Robert Gemmell as co -hostess. The roll call was, My definition of a Friend. Mrs, John Henderson gave an inspiring paper on the motto, The fellow who pulls the oars hasn't time to rock the boat. A report on the executive meeting held at Hensall was given by Mrs. J. McLellan. The district annual is to be held at Thames Road in June. Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. W. Kyle were appointed delegates to the district animal. Mrs. Ivan For- sythe rendered a very pleasing solo, accompanied by Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mrs. J. McLellan gave the current events. Mrs. J. F. Scott, the guest speaker,gave a talk in her usual pleasing and humorous planner. A 'donation of $25 was donated to the Can- cer Fund. Mrs. R. Upshall con- ducted a contest. Lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and Jane have proved into the resi- dence on Main Street, which they recently purchased from Mrs, A. W. E. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Neeb and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Wett- laufer and Jimmy of Tavistock FLAX CONTRACTS 1 AM CONTRACTING FLAX FOR A TORONTO ELEVATOR LOOS LECHNER PHONE 298, SEAFORTH EUCHRE AND PROGRAMME ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, MAY 6 Cards 9 P.M. Lunch served, Admission lice. Auspices C.W.L. HURON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION MEETING HENSALL TOWN HALL Thursday, d ay 8 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER - - THE HON. JAMES ALLAN MIinister of Highways Ladies Especially George Ginn, Pres. Welcome Jim Donnelly, Sec. SPRING SPECIALS 1952 METEOR HARD TOP - Radio, Automatic, lovely condition 1950 CHEVROLET COUPE, Very Low Mileage 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN, Excellent 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Outstanding at Seaforth Motors PHONE 541 Never before a tire like this! 694 TUBELESS Super -Cushion by GOOD,EAR Costs no more than an ordinary tire and tube) e More blowout protection o Fewer puncture flats e Fits standard rims • Quieter, easier riding FORTH MOTORS PHONE: 541 • YOUR CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE DEAL, R _;- and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Billie and Carol, Miss Isobel Alexander of Toronto was a weekend visitor with her mother, Ml's. Wm, Al- exander and sister, Miss Ruth Alexander. Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter visited over the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Edna Jones. Mrs. A. W. E, Hemphill left last week to take up residence in London. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder re- turned home after spending the past several weeks with rela- tives in St, Clair Shores, Mich. A large representation of the members of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, Hensall, attended the 25th anniversary of Huron - lc Rebekah Lodge 806, Clinton, on Monday evening. Duncan McEwen Word was received here of the death of Duncan McEwen, 79, hi Vancouver, following a heart attack, The deceased was a retired railroad employee and is survived by his wife, the for- mer Jean 'Cameron of Lions' Head, one son John, and one daughter Jean of Vancouver, also one brother, Mr. Hugh Mc- Ewen Sr. of Hensall. The T.o.O.F. members and the Rebekah Members of Hen - salt Lodges attended Church service in the Hensall United C h u.r c h on Sunday evening when Rev. W. J. Rogers deliv- ered an inspiring message. Mrs. Hugh McEwen Jr. sang a pleas- ing solo entitled `Bless This House". Mrs. E. Sproat was a recent visitor with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Dr. and lMrs. Wm. Sproat in Windsor, 1 L r .I IJ' Whether you are building one home or a hundred, you may benefit by .using mortgage loans under the National Housing Act 1954. See the manager of our nearest branch. He'll gladly tell you how such loans are arranged. Mortgage loans are only one of the many services we offer our customers at any of our more than 680 branches. - NW245 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch`: G. C. Brig'htrall, Manager HULLETT Ladies of the Burns' Wo- man's Missionary Society and the Woman's Association met at Mrs. White's home in Londes- bora for. their April meeting on Thursday, Apra 28. Mrs. Harry Tebbutt conducted the worship service and Mrs. George Carter read the scripture. The meet- ing opened with 'hymn 267 and Mrs. Tebbutt gave the study book on India followed with prayer by Mrs. White. Mrs. White took over the business session, and Mrs. Roe gave an interesting report on the Pres- byterial at Wingham, An invita- tion to Londesboro Missionary meeting on May 12th was ac- cepted. Mrs. Ernest Knox took over the W. A. meeting in the absence of the President, Mrs. John Riley. It was decided for the group that was in charge of the monthly meeting to he re- sponsible for flowers in the pul- pit for that month. The auction basket brought $10. Meeting closed 'with hymns 214 after which a dainty lunch was served by group 2. SEAFORTH DAIRY MAIDENS On Saturday, April 23rd the Seaforth Dairy Maidens visited Stacey's Dairy in Mitchell. The girls saw the milk being made into pasteurized and chocolate milk, butter, and skimmed milk. The girls returned to Mrs. D. Nixon's and had - dinner. The 6th and 7th meetings were then held. The roll calls were answer- ed by "the children's menu - planned" and "a sample of milks and one way to use it". The min- utes of the last meeting •were read and adopted. The girls then helped plan the demonstra- tion for Achievement Day. Fur- ther preparation for Achieve- ment Day was made. It was de- cided an extra meeting be on Saturday, April 30. This was to demonstrate the making of cot- tage cheese and practice the demonstration. Horne Assignments: Make 3 milk dishes at home. Record re- sults in book, 2. List your menu for a day following this meeting and estimate your daily milk consumption. Compare it with your previous record. Enter in record book. WANTED Furnished or partly furnished apart- ment in Seaforth wanted. Apply _ to the News Ounce FOR SALE Petr grass steers. Mrs Alex Wallace, phone 652515 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, May 8, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 43 Night 595 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 20 Seaforth FO 5 good obwilcs;R alsoSA'LLE FTereford•BeiP• ors (one fresh with calf at Loot, other one to freshen soon). Phone 667114 Gordon Reynolds FOR SALE 18 flood young pigs 911(1 19 chmnks. Jack McIver, $t. Columben, Dublin 2201 Large paintFOR spraySALE :mrd compressor. Cheap for quick sale. phone 6821 O Potatoes, sviFtabIs a LorSALE seed or eating: Alf .Byormsn, South Mahn $t., Seaforth FOR SALE Gladiolus bulbs mixed, 50 large bulbs, $2.60; 60 medium bulbs, $1.50; not de- livered. Also a span's bicycle in good condition. Murray Tyndall, Brumfield. Phone Clinton 6340.2 F9 .o SALE ...A quantity o and. wood taps a5x1 some body wood to be sold cheap. Apply. 098 ring 4 Hensall eentrel ESTATE Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Machinery, Grain and Household Effects. At lot 29, Con. 1 LRS, 16 mile south of Bruce - field, on Wednesday, May 11 at 1 P.M. Machinery - DS Case tractor fully equipped (like new),. Massey Harris 7 ft binder (new) ; 9 rt. 3 ch'tun steel roller, Dean threshing machine and drive belt (threshed 00 (Itn•ea). John Deere spying tooth cultivator on rubber (new). McCormick Deer- ing oulti packer; Kissel tractor disc; 3 furrow Case tractor, plow; circular saw on wheels. Set sloop sleighs; walking plow; set dia- mond harrows; 'Massey Harris manure spreader; Cockshutt side rake; Massey ITarris bean scuff - ler & puller; cement mixer; snif- fler, 32 ft. extension ladder. new, Sulky rake, fanning mill. pig crate, steel posts. colony house 10x12, 4 shelters. Electric brood- er, steel water tank, number steel barrels, forge, Renfrew 2000 lb. scales, log vise, double rope wire stretchers, wheel barrow, power rip saw and emery; Power post drill. 31 and 195 h -p motors, Woods 3 hp motor grinder, also a roller. Renfrew electric enamel cream separator (like new), Hay loader, hay tedder, 2 wheel trail- er and rack, rubber tired faros wagon. Combination 4, ft. bay rack and grain box (new). 2 bag trucks, root pulper, quantity wood. Feed cart, wood lathe. 400 bus, oats, 50 bu. wheat. Cattle - Brindle cow fresh with calf et foot, Household Effects, includ- ing kitchen chairs, extension table, modern dining room buffet, rocking chairs, occasional chairs, Quebec beater, bedroom furniture. Dishes, forks, shovels, garden tools, chains, Other articles Terms cash. Prop. Estate of late Alton Johnston. Auct., Har- old Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Ches- ney. Solicitor for Estate, A. W. Hillery FORTY YEARS AGO From Thr. 9eafor•th N..wv May, 141 The recent fearful fighting near Ypres was brought close to the citizens of Seaforth and vicinity when word was receiv- ed that. Scout Harvey Dorrance and Pte. Alex. McLellan, son of John McLellan, were wounded. Mr. Fred Smallacombe, Hen- sall onion grower, mads $800 clear of all expenses from his Dutch sets. He hired all labor and paid Mr. Kyle, Kippen, '$50 Mr. D. Sutherland has had to give up his blacksmith shop at Constance owing to ill health. This leaves only one blacksmith shop in the village now. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gillies have moved to Stratford where he has secured -a position with J. Pink- ney. Real estate sales through the office of John Rankin include Mrs. Cuthill, Brussels, has pur- chased Cyrus Atkinson's resi- dence, James Street; M. McKel- lar has purchased the residence he has occupied the past two years from Miss Campbell of Nashville, Tenn.;• Wm, Smith- ers has bought from Mrs. •G. Murdie, the residence now oc- cupied by Dr. Hodgins. There are twenty autos in Hensall at present, which does not look like hard times, the most recent purchasers being Milton Ortwein, merchant, and James -Carlin. Mr. Porterfield of Harriston hal bought Thos. Dickson's house on North Main Street. Last Saturday the Canada Temperance Act came into ef- fect. The vote was held in Jan- uary and carried with a majori- ty of 2600 in Huron County. Centre and South Huron have actually been dry since last Au- gust except where local option prevailed. NOTICE Lawn Mowers sharpened, will pick up and deliver. John McLean, Egmondville, phone 649r3 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6=W Sesfor*h FOR SALE 1939 Dodge Sedan, $200, terms arranged. In perfect running or- der. Dave McConnell, Dublin FOR SALE Good China cabinet, dresser with mirror, extension oak table with boards, brass bed with springs, single bed and mattress (new), few other small articles. Wilfred O'Rourke, Dublin RR1. Phone 37x9 Dublin SHUR-SHOCK FENCERS i am again keeping repair, parts for above fencer. Bring in your machine and have it put in order. W. J. Clark, Goshen Line, Phone Hensall 087R12 - SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady M.D., Surgeon Office Hours 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat• urday only .7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advancearo desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. 'Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon, 9 to 6.80; Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM; 011nton-McLaren Studio, Mon. 9 to 5.80 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, J. H. MoEwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R, Archibald, Sea - forth ; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. L. Malone, Seaforth; 7 H. Molwing, Birth; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton; 7. E. Pepper, Bruoefield ; 0. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. huller, Goderieh; R. •Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broad - toot, Seaforth. Agents -Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesboro; 3. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels; Eric Munroe, $eaforbh. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by appllontions to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SPIAFORTII ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co, MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540. 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SE10VICi; Now Viking electriccream s,. store and repairs for Renfrew se orator.. BASIL o'ROURltE, phone Clinton 6841.21 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 260; 24 MM. pies $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. 5--74, Nor - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. GOAL Place your orders for Spring delivery of coal. Very attractive prices. Phone 36113 Dublin PASTURE WANTED Pasture wanted for a number of cattle and also two horses to let out for the summer. Kraus - kept Bros., Dublin. Phone 30113, FOR SALE 6 room frame dwelling on cor- ner of George & Chalk streets, south of park. hath, toilet down- stairs, centrally located, immedi- ate mmediate possession. Mrs. Chas. Hagan, Zurich, or phone 240, Zurich TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher wanted for SS #7, Hallett township, 12 pup- ils. Duties to Commence iu Sep- tember. Apply stating salary, qualifications and experience to Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Sec.-. Treas., RR1, Blyth NOTICE For General Contracting and Repair Wolk contact Seaforth Concrete Products, Seaforth. We do any ldnd of repair work, erect new builflinga, remodel and re- pair barns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or colored. Ask us. for an estimate. There is no ob- ligation. Seaforth Concrete Pro- ducts. Phone 740 or after six P.M. phone 02 Seaforth, Ontario AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 976, Seaforth FOR SALE Surge Milkers, Lovell H. Mc- Guire, Surge Service Dealer. Ph. Wingham 593. New & used milk- ers. ilkel•s. We handle milking equipment only SEAPORTH CONCRETE 'PRODUCTS Will be glad to give you a price if you are planning repairs or improvements to your. house' or barn in the spring, Con - orate - floors, sidewalks, stairs or atoms. New buildings and garages. In stock, tile. brick (colored), flagstones for patios and sidewalks, blocks, etc. Phone 22 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association 'Where Bettor Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of. cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Minton 242 collect, between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. on weep days and 7.80 and 9.50 A.M. on Sundays. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, Inexpensive- and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at 51141Y'.S' RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84751. Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal' SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47