HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-04-14, Page 3Fashion Hints It has recently been estimated that 92 per cent of the oat crop, 70 per cent of the barley crop and 77 per cent of winter wheat crop in Ontario are produced from varieties introduced with- in the last ten years. With the present increase in cereal di- seases, particularly cereal rusts it is now necessary to revise the list of these recommended vari- eties in order to provide the farmer with more adequate in- formation. This is necessary in order that he may select and grow suitable varieties with suf- ficient disease resistance. * * * Based on the results of nine years' testing on Illustration Sta- tions in eastern a n d northern Ontario, the following cereal varieties are recommended for 1955: * a OATS 1, Rodney -a pie -um -late vari- ety of good straw strength yielding ability, kernel type and resistant to most races of rust. 1. Abegweit-A mid-season vari- ety, later than Beaver but generally higher yielding. Adapted to areas where Bea- ver has been satisfactory. It is semi -resistant to rust. 1. Lanark -Recommended as an early variety with consider- able rust resistance. * * * Other varieties that are worthy of mention; ;. Beaver -A medium early vari- ety with semi -rust resistance. It h a s medium strength of straw and good quality grain. 2. Clinton -An ear 1 y variety with strong straw, grain is yellow, fair resistance to rust. 3. Siulcoe-A new early variety with resistance to the rust races that damage Clinton. * * * BARLEY 1. Iilontcalm A smooth awned malting variety with satisfac- tory yielding ability. * * * Other varieties that are worthy of mention: 1. Brant - A high yielding smooth awned mildew resist- ant feed barley. 3. Fort -A smooth awned, strong strawed feed barley. INCOGNITO -This .pelican at the London, England, zoo must have seen too many melo-a dramas on TV. How else can you explain the villain -like pose he assumes by hiding his beak in his feathers? 3. Husky -A s in o of h awned, strong strawed feed barley. * * * SPRING WHEAT 1. Cascade -A fair yielding white kernelled variety, pro- duces fair household flour. 2. Acadia -A fair yielding vari- ety, produces fair quality flour, FALL WHEAT 1. (Rideau -A fair yielding feed wheat. w Can 1? By ROBERTA LEE Q. clow can I make a varnish remover? A. If the varinish is not old enough to begin flaking it can best be removed with strong lye water or a commercial remover. Apply the solution with an old brush, allow to stand until var- nish is softened, then scrape off with a dull putty knife. Q. (low can 1 prevent bleed- ing of the gums? A. When the gums bleed every time the teeth are cleaned, con- sult a good dentist. A tonic to build up the gums .is probably needed. Q. How can I renew rugs? A. Sprinkle some ammonia powder over the rug, dampen the broom, and sweep well. The rug will look almost new. Q. flow can I bring shrunken woolens back to their normal size? A. By rinsing in fresh soap- suds instead of clear water after washing. Repeat each time the garment is washed until the cor- rect size is obtained. Q. Row should bath towels be darned? A. Use white darning cotton, instead of ordinary thread, to mend the bath towels. The mended place will not be so conspicuous, and the repair will cast longer. • Q. How can 1 remove white- wash stains? A. Wash them in strong, hot vinegar. A few drops of hot vinegar removes obstinate spots from walls or furniture. Q. flow can I make use of leftover starch? A, If there is any starch left over on washday use it instead of water for scrubbing hearths and tiles. It will keep them clean longer and make then look like net. Q. How can 1 make window panes sparkle? A. The windows will sparkle if a cloth dipped in ammonia and whiting is used instead of plain water and soap. Polish with a chamois. Q. How can I remedy food that has become too salty? A. Place a wet cloth over the top of the vessel in which the food is cooking, and the steam will draw the salt into the cloth. Q. How can. I bleach linens and bedding? A. The sun is better for bleach- ing than anything else. Lay the washed article to be whitened on the grass without wringing out the water. The most obstin- ate article will be beautifully white after a few soakings and dryings. Q. How can 1 remove iotline stains? A. Old iodine stains are very difficult to remove. The best thing to do is to try sponging repeatedly with diluted am- monia. THE MAGIC OF FIRST LOVE. At the touch of love every one becomes a poet. -Plato. �y-- 11. lueruu, u.�. ,n Sit, A. CRI SWORD ilt•Smalt marks 41. Budge J 1R, ACreeh 43, Russian 21, Madness, adne dictator 22. Mature 40, tlutlonal 23. Heavens 46, Small rube 4. Squeak A oltOSS . 6. Trutt drink 25. Pays ai.tention 47. Vase 1. Dry2R. Meek nut 48. Vigor 4. Mike 7. 611•selt 31, Stumbled 49, Old trench 8, Enemy R Force 33. Word tor word cols 12. Age 9. Pried cake 36. Mythical 50, Steep 13. Roundup 10. Drain monster Ell, Sun god 14, .Satter 32. ].earned 17. Lingers 19 Turfs 20Disnatched 21 61edlterrauenn island 23TBlongnte 26. Smallest state lab.) 27 Serpent 21. axistnd 30. Quirk to teat n ed. Test 34 Sandpiper 10'Manse egg" 37 Forgive 50 Public notice 40 Pussies 42 Addresses 41 victim 46Withered. 40 Swindled 48Associate 61 wi.atlt 62 )losing ring 64. Frozen dessert 55, Conclude 68, Part. of a coat 67, Fastener DOWN 3. witness' 2. Sin 2, Reason 4. Three -pointed PUZZLE spear 4, Decays di a 4. I f •1 15 a 7 17 le is 11 21 �MINIMA ■■ illill 17 rime® ■ Ili Mall Mit r. NIL ii, amailia v • Mn•. � Q '`fin 1111 ` ' *rim xxoniom s i:. a 3as;:. *1 Answer elsewhere om this page YOUR R.S.V.P. DRESS to a wedding or tea, is this soft as a pussywillow acetate frock with its swirling floral design. The portrait neckline is partially filled with pretty pleats and finish- ed at the base with a bow. Smaller bows trim the edge of the short sleeves. Inverted pleats give added fullness to the skirt, GRr L; T1x.�1 N GordonSheltie Cut Flowers in Special Place For bouquets for our own table and for giving to friends, gar- den authorities urge a. special row or two of flowers in the veg- etable garden. Given regular cultivation these will grow vig- orously and the blooms can be cut often without marring the beauty of the regular flower garden. Almost all fair sized flowers will do well under these conditions, and some like gladi- olus and sweet peas are best grown here in any case as their foliage is not particularly attrac- tive. It's a good plan to save a little seed in each packet from the regular planting and sow in one or two long rows in the veg- etable garden or along the edges. From this row there will be plenty of bloom for bouquets Building Good Soil. ideal garden soil is a rich, well drained loam which never bakes or cakes, holds moisture well but its not muddy. Unfortu- nately few of us are lucky enough to find that right at the door. But so long as we Have not pure rock, it is amazing what one can do. The best medicine for any soil, light or heavy, is a liberal application of old fashioned barnyard manure But manure is hard to come by in these mod- ern odern days and it is liable to be filled with weed seeds. And so most of us will have to turn to something e i s e. Fortunately there are many substitutes, com- mercial of chemical fertilizer, special soil conditioners, sand where the soil is heavy clay, lime where it is sour and humus anywhere, The latter we can make ourselves. It is simply rot- ted down vegetable refuse, like leaves, grass cliropings, weeds and even clean garbage. This can be dug directly or piled in a corner, covered with layers of earth, watered occasionally and allowed to rot anti then slug in. Try Something New Usually on a special page of the seed catalogue will be listed brand new varieties and novel- ties. Among these will be the All -America winners for this year, These are new flowers and vegetables that in the North American field trials last year were awarded the most points. A few of these will certainly add colour and interest to any bor- der. Last year there was a new violet alyssum and a new pet- unia, Comanche, that is red and stays that way. In the vegetable lines there are a whole lot of improved pro- ductions. New; faster growing and crisper radish more tender carrots, new beaus. beets and corn. Over the' years plant breeders have given us tremen- dous improvement in all veget- ables.'Not only are the varieties grown today far more tender than those of a generation ago, but they are also much earlier and more disease resistant. With these it is possible to have a good garden with much variety in areas where it was hardly safe to risk anything but the toughest things before. This progress has meant more to Can- ada than most countries because our growing season is so short. Cogoa,gred Rine'1dts To Md Traffic Something brand new in the line of highways is to be tried out in Southern Rhodesia - col- oured roads. The municipal association has asked the government to try out a "colour with number" scheme. The object is to arrange a col- our and mark for each route through the towns and cities. Lamp posts throughout the towns and cities will be num- bered according to the town where the read terminates. Large boards with the approp- riate colours and numbers at the entrances to towns will in- form motorists which colour to follow to get through the town quickly, It was many and many- a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you inay know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. Edgar Allen Poe.. are Stamps That Brought Wealth Some of the rarest postage stamps in the world still lie awaiting discovery amid old family papers, according to an expert. He says that this philatelic treasure trove is being sought more ardently than ever by keen collectors. They do not forget that many old stamps, with values ranging from $1,500 to $15,000 apiece, have been found in the pastin desks, trunks and boxes stuffed with old letters. A small boy was once rum- maging through an attic in Georgetown when he found a bundle of letters. A British Guiana one -cent stamp of 1856 caught his eye. He didn't know it's value -so he exchanged it with another boy for a more gaily -coloured stamp. Later, the British Guiana stamp was bought in 1878 by an Austrian collector for $450. The collector died in 1917. The stamp was then sold for the amazing sum of $22,000. A Tyneside miner was turning over some old family letters when he spotters a fault in a stamp on a letter from his West Australian grandfather. A swan was floating upside down -so he sold the stamp next day for more than $1,500. A Los Angeles' millionaire paid $30,000 for a black on ma- genta stamp issued by New Guinea which 94 years earlier was worth only a cent. Original finder of this rare stamp was a boy of nine who sold it for six shillings. It was sold again at $75, then $21,000. Its present value is 'at least $40,000. Another superb stamp was found in an old exercise book in a North London house. It had lain in a cupboard from 1865 till 1904. The stamp fetched $4,500 and later found its way into the collection of King George V. A waste paper firm in Phila- delphia bought the whole of the old account books and ledgers of a banking firm in 1912 for $35 to convert into pulp. But many of the documents bore old stamps. These were saved and later sold for $00,000. The man who had noticed the stamps receiv- ed $15. A young Swedish forester wrote his sweetheart a letter every day, buying his stamps at the local post office at Guli- ksberg without noticing that the surcharge on each appeared upside down. A stamp enthusi- ast discovered the mistake, and got in touch with the forester. Fortunately his sweetheart had kept thirty of the letters, and for each the forester received fifty dollars, sufficient to fur- nish a house and pay for their wedding. MERRY MENAGERIE NtiRATiib IOW . i 4rT)' uiMsN .p.> 46 -a "�.,�+ sae "You can't imagine how fruit trated 1 am -a perfect gentle man, yet I can't tip my hat!" The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end. Benjamin Disraeli. SCIIOOL LESSON Rev. R. Barclay Warren, B,A., B,D. Obligations of Leaders. 2 Chron- icles 10:6-17, Memory Selec- tion: If any of yotlack wisdom, Iet him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and up- braideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5. Young King Rehoboam cer- tainly didn't have the humble spirit of his father Solomon when he ascended the throne. He made his first great mistake when he rejected the advice of the older and experienced counsellors who said, "If thou be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them, they will he thy servants forever." But the yqung men flattered the ego of Rehoboam. They urged him to declare his authority in a threatening attitude. As a result 10 tribes broke away and set up a separate kingdom under Jero- boam. We are told that the way to win friends and influence people is to tell them the things they like to hear. It is more impor- tant to tell people what they ought to hear. It is only thus that we really prove ourselves a friend. Modern leaders never make the mistake of Rehoboam - especially just before election day. They speak good words. Some carry this too far, Promises of lower taxes and more services to the people are the order of the day. Some would-be leaders carry this so far that we are led to believe that either they are grossly ignorant of the economy of the country or they are simply using the promises to get votes, But people are wary. The man who promises too much is heav- ily discounted. Let us pray for our leaders! The division of the kingdom had been predicted some years before. It happened now but not in order to fulfill the prediction. Because God understood perfect- ly the character of Rehoboam and foreknew exactly what he would say, and the results that would follow, he could make this prediction through his pro. phet. Rehoboam was a. free moral agent and was following the desires of his own vain heart in his conduct, The fulfillment of' prophecy is another evidence that the Bible is the inspired word of God. Blessed is the man that hath a virtuous wife, for the number of his days shall be double, A virtuous woman rejoiceth her husband, and he shall fulfil the years of his life in peace. A good wife is a good portion. -Apocrypha: Ecclesiasticus, Upsidedown to Prevent Pee ting 1. d V"1'0''GN� ©lea c7r� e ty 3 5 >i a d 3 5 .L .L dKiniVb ia9 V 5 DOG'S BEST FRIEND - Lewis Kay, University student, cuddles the pet puppy he risked his life to save from drowning in a well. Kay was lowered into the 45 -foot well. Getting out, 15 minutes later, was harder. He had to brace his feet against thw sides, which started to crumble away.