The Seaforth News, 1955-03-31, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 77 The, e aor Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Dept., anima Snowdon Bros., Publishers SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 g1,e0 a Year Tea and Showers For Bride - Elect In honor of her daughter Mar- garet, a :bride -elect of early April, Mrs. Joseph Grummett en- tertained at a trousseau tea with over 80 friends and neigh- bors in attendance. The trous- seau was displayed by Miss Shirley 'Cooper of Clinton while Mrs, D. W. ,Grummet:: of Wing - ham was in charge of the gift room. Miss Gladys Collins was in charge of the register and Ann Sharp conducted the guests. Mrs. Ed Andrews and Mrs. Keith Sharp served while tea was poured in the diningroom by Mrs, Harry Pain, aunt of the bride and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Spring flowers were used to de- corate the dining and living rooms. On Tuesday evening a miscel- laneous shower arranged by Mrs. Ed Andrews and Mrs. K. Sharp, in Margaret's honor, was held at the home, of Mrs. Andrews. Scot- tish dancing by Betty Jean And- rews and Sally Fox and solos by Betty Simpsqn, with Gladys Col - ins as accompanist, were enjoy- ed. A mock wedding caused much merriment with Mrs. J. F, Scott, Margaret Collins, Sally Fox, Betty Jean Andrews and Gloria Carter taking part. A Ina- trimonial contest ended up with the guest of honor being the re- cipient of the "jack pot". Num- erous beautiful and useful gifts were received. The staff of the Bell Tele- phone Company .office at Clinton where•Margaret is employed, held a surprise party in her hon- or and presented her with a tri - light table lamp, the presenta- tion being made by Mrs. Ruth Knox, chief operator. Diamond Wedding Of Walton Couple Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, formerly of Walton, are cele- brating their 60th wedding an- niversary on Sunday, April 8rd, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kernick, Watford, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Harris have , lived all their lives 'at Walton until going to Watford last Octo- ber. Mrs. Harris was formerly Miss Flora Campbell. They were married at lot 3, con. 17, Grey twp., where they ` continued to live until last fall. They have three daughters: Mrs. Lena Mc- Gavin, Kitchener; Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Walton; and Mrs. A. L. Kernick, Watford. Holy Week In District Churches Holy Week will be observed in the district churches with the following ministers preaching: Monday, April 4th, Egmond-, ville, Rev. J. W. Stinson. Tuesday, April 5th, First Presbyterian, Rev. J. H. Jalhes. Wednesday, April Oth, Salva- tion Army, Rev. W. E. Milroy. -*Thursday, April 7th. North; side United, Rev. D. G. Camp- bell Friday, April 8th, St, Thomas' Church, Lieut. Hunter. Eastern Star Euchre Winners The Order of the Eastern Star sponsored a euchre in the TOOF hall on Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by the following: La- dies first, Mrs. SYd Pullman; lone hands, Mrs. Peter Bethune; consolation, Mrs. Charles Dun- gey. Men's first, Harvey Beuer- mann, lone hands, Wm. Murray; consolation, Carl Dalton. A de- licious lunch was served. The evening closed with the national anthem. Junior D Hockey For Seaforth ? Hard luck dogged the Sea - forth Midgets in their bid for the Ontario Championship at Port Perry on Thursday night last and they lost to the Cann- ington team 7-4. Early in the first period Bruce McFadden hurt his leg and was off until the third period. This broke up the main forward line. The score by periods was 2-2, 5-3, 7-4. The Midgets are the first Sea - forth minor team ever to go up to the Ontario finals, and they ::vrve a lot of credit. As only three of the players will be eligible for Midget hock- ey next year, it is expected that the teen will play Juvenile hoc- key next season, or possibly Junior D if Seaforth reverts to that category. W. I. COMMITTEES Committees for the W. I. eu- chre on April 1st are: Prizes and tallies, Mrs. Ross Gordon' Tables and chairs, Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs. John Kerr; lunch, Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs. James Doig; punchers, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie, Mrs. Leslie Pryce, Mrs. James F. Scott, Mrs. R. M. Scott, Mrs. Robt. McMil- lan, Mrs. James Aikenhead. RED CROSS TO MEET The regular meeting of the Red Cross will be held in the li- brary rooms at 3 p.m. on Fri- day, April 1st. ROBERT BOYES Robert Boyes, 79, of Egmond- ville, :who died in Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Monday, was born in Stanley twp. He farmed there for a time, and operated a saw mill near Huntsville for many years. In October of last year, he re- tired and came to Egmondville to live. He was a member of the United Church. Surviving besides Ms wife, the former Nellie Stobie, are three sons, Alex, Seaforth; Edward, Egmondville; Robert, Orillia, and two brothers, Edward, Clinton, and Norman, of Westminster Hospital, London. Funeral services were held on Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Whitney Funeral Home, con- ducted by the Rev. W. E. Mil- roy. Interment was made in Bay- field Cemetery. The pallbearers were John Modeland, Alex Chesney, Roy Mc Geo c h, Wm. Forrest, C. Thompson, Mervin Lane. Cranbrook Plans Centennial On July 3 and 4 The community of Cranbrook, northeast of Walton, in Grey twp. has made plans for a cen- tennial celebration to be held Sunday and Mon., July 3 and 4. Committees were arranged at a meeting held in Cranbrook community centre on Friday night, with president Glen Hue - then presiding. Mrs. Gordon Knight, is secretary and Gordon Knight, treasurer. Anyone having names and ad- dresses of ex -citizens of 'Cran- brook is asked to notify someone on the invitation committee: Convener, Miss Alice J. For- rest, Mrs. Mac Engel, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knight, Miss Lena Noble, Mrs. Lyle Gordon, Mrs. Calvin Cameron, Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mr. John Schnook Finance Committee: Russell Knight, William Peiny,_ Fred Kirkpatrick, Gordon Knight. Publicity Committee: Mrs. Maurice Cameron, Mrs. Lloyd Michel, Mrs, Mac' Engel. Entertainment Com mit t e e: Mrs. ,Glen lluether, Mrs. Maurice Cameron, Mrs. Lloyd Michel, Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mrs. Murray Huether, Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald, Mac McIntosh, Charles Lake, Harvey Smith, Mrs. Mac McIntosh.' Dance Committee: -Ken Mc. Donald, Maurice Cameron, Ralph Noble, Ross Knight: Sunday Servllce: Gordo n Knight, Miss Forrest, Rev. Wil- liams, Mrs. Mac Engel, Stan Campbell, Wilfred Strickler, Stewart McNair, Alfred Knight. Parking .Committee:' Fr ed Smalldon, Harold Jacklin, Earl Dunn, Cliff Bray, Alex Steiss, Stewart Evans. Booth Committee: Mrs. Stan 'Campbell, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Fred Kirkpat- rick, Murray Huether, Mrs. Al- istair Bird. Lighting Committee: Stan Campbell, Maurice Cameron, Murray Huether, Ross Knight. Decorating Committee: Mrs. Ross Knight, Mrs. Mac McIn- tosh, Alfred Knight, Gordon En- gel, Maurice Cameron. Historical 'Committee; Mrs. Clem Steffler, Mrs. Gordon Knight, Mrs. Calvin Cameron, Mrs. Wm. Perry. Welcoming and Billeting, Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mrs. Dan Huether, Mrs. W. A. Williams, Mrs. Geo. Menzies, Mrs. Flor- ence Michel. Grounds Committee: Clem Steffler, Calvin Cameron, Jack Knight, Mac Engel, Stewart Mc- Nair, Ralph Noble, Alistair Bird, Emerson Mitchell, Mac McIn- tosh.. Monday Afternoon Parade: Ferg Connelly, Mrs. Ross Knight. Mrs. Murray Huether, Clem Steffler, Mrs. Stewart McNair, Ken McDonald. Games Committee for Monday night: Harold Keyes, Alan Mc- Taggart, Stan Campbell, Graeme McDonald, Murray Huether. .1 Co -Op Business Nearly $600,000 In Past'•Year The 13th annual meeting of Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative was held in Egmondville United Church basement on March 24 at 7 p.m., when the church ladies catered for a banquet. Co -Op' Fieldm a n, 'E d w i n Schenk presented the financial statement and auditor's report M absence of representative for G. F. Ward Auditing Services, Toronto. The 1954 statement revealed a record volume of business for the two Co -Op departments of $589,591, wiith departmental savings of $13,7.77.00. Allocation for patronage dividends was $5,4Q0 or 1/3 cent a doz. on eggs sold and 13/4 per cent on patronage business at Feed Mill Services. Payment in cash of member patronage dividends earned in 1946, was anticipated also. President R. W. Campbell presided and commended' the two managers, C. A. Reith and Walter Stuart, on the record dollar volume obtained despite the abnormal low prices for poultry and eggs and the declin- ing purchasing power of farmers. Finance •Committee chairman, R. S. McKercher discussed the building and expansion program carried out during the year to the tune of approximately $45,- 000. The m a j or alterations would be completed as soon as spring weather permitted and all costs had been paid to• date. Mr. McKercher also led a question period discussion aided by the Co -09 management, and Mr. Schenk, fieldman, Ross MacGregor thanked the lathes for the excellent ban- quet. Mr. Alden McLean, vice-presi- dent of U.C.O. Board, Toronto, and a farmer, and Co -Op mem- ber of Muirkirk, was guest speaker. Mr. McLean pointed out that farmers made up only 13 per cent of population in 1954 and obtained only 8 per cent of nation's income, whereas investments realized 18 per cent of national income. He stressed the .major role played by and importance of Federation of Ag- riculture operating on a present budget of 50 cents per 100 acre farm, but recognized and re- spected in government and other circles as the official voice of Agriculture. He pointed out the importance and rapid growth of commodity groups and the part Co -Op development was playing in assisting underprivileged na- tions in the world. Mr. McLean revealed the position of Co -Op enterprises in the field of in- surance, feeds, fertilizers and oil. Alex McGregor moved a vote of thanks to the guest speaker. Two new directors appointed for three year term to board of directors were: re-elected direct- or, Art Devereaux and a former director, Peter Simpson. Alex Smith and John Davidson were also nominated. About 80 members attended. The meeting closed 'with 0 Can - ENGAGEMENT Mr. Joseph Roach, St. Colum - ban, announces the engagement of his daughter Marion Ann, to Mr. Fergus Feeney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Feeney of Dub- lin, the wedding to take place in St. Mary's Catholic Church, at Kitchener, the middle of April. Northside United Church Rey. John Stinson, Minister. 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Palm Sunday Service, "The Victorious Face of Christ". Jr. Congregation and Tod- dlers' Group. 7 p.m., Evening Worship. The Couples Club service. Friday evening, April 1, Len- ten film, "The Messiah", at 8 p.m. E g mon'dville..Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Class. 11 a.m., Morning Worship with Holy Communion. 7 p.m., Evening Praise, and story time. McKillop Charge Services at Cavan at 10 a.m. Sunday School following .Church Service. Duff's Church 11.15 a.m. Bethel Church 2 p.m. Rev. H. E. Livingstone, Min- ister. NORTHSIDE WMS The W.M.S. of Northside Un- ited Church held their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. Moffat, president was in the chair. Mrs. Aikeilhead read a scrap book clipping entitled, "Way to kill your Organization" donated by Mrs. Laing. Hymn 261 was sung followed with a prayer read by Mrs. B. 'Christie and composed by two former members Misses Annie and Maud Ferguson. A business dis- cussion followed. Mrs. R. Sa- vauge and Mrs. Traviss were ap- pointed callers from circle 3, on the sick and shutins. Mrs. J. M. Scott conducted the second part of the meeting choosing "Let us adjust our attitudes". She was assisted by -Mrs. Ball with a reading from the Missionary Monthly and Mrs. Beckley, the scripture lesson. Hymn 165 was sung and Mrs. Scott led in prayer. Mrs. Stinson gave a most interesting address on the chap- ter "Missionaries in 'India" tak- en from the study book. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Plan Chicken Barbecue Here In June Huron County 4-H Club Lead- ers attended a special school on Monday in Clinton arranged by the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture officials to guide lead- ers in the 4-H club program for 1955. William Turnbull, Brussels, per- iod, which presidedduring the discussion arrang ng of several projects. In a money -raising project, plans were amide for a chicken - barbecue to be held on June 11 at the fair grounds, Seaforth. The event, which -will he open to the public, will include a pro- gram and a dance. The., possibilities of chartering a train to Toronto July 19, for 4-H club members and leaders was discussed. The tour would be of educational nature—with visits being made to the parlia- ment buildings and • industrial centres relating to agriculture. Leaders decided to purchase a new type 'of sweater, of lighter weight for club members. "A leader is not one who achieves by his own personal powers, but one who inspires, those whom heis leading to achievement" - so said Padre W. A. Young of the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, who was the principal speaker at the school. Padre Young told the leaders that harmony and high morale is the result of good leadership. MRS. N. BANCROFT Mrs. Norman Bancroft, 57, of Milverton, who died at Hunting- ton, Indiana, while returning from a vacation, was born in Mornington twp., and was the former Alice Whitney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Whitney, of 'Brunner. She was a member of St. Paul's United Church, Milverton, and was a former school teach- er for several years. Surviving besides her husband are three sons, Neil,'Murray' and Ewart, Mornington; four broth- ers, Gordon, London; Albert, Seaforth; Emerson, ilverton; Maurice, Glanworth; two sisters, Mrs. Kenneth Cu is and Miss Helen Whitney, Kitchener; and her father, T. J. Whitney, Brun- ner. The funeral took place from the home of her son, Murray Bancroft, lot 10, con. 5, Morn- ington twp., on Mon. afternoon. Rev. Dr. Wright; Milverton, of- ficiated and interment was in Greenwood cemetery, Milverton. Spitfires, Canadiens Lead Legion Finals The Spitfires beat the Must- angs 8-4 Saturday morning in the first game of the Legion hockey finals. Canadiens won by 5-4 over Bruins in the Peewee series. Next Saturday morning will see the finish of the two -game goals to count finals. The win- ners will be presented with crests by the Legion. REAL ESTATE CHANGES Recent real estate changes through the office of W. C. Oke include: Ronald Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale, purchased the residence of Mrs. Sol Williams, Railway Street, on Saturday. Mr. Dale is employed with Top Notch Feeds. Harry Chesney has sold his farm on 3rd concession of. Tuck- ersmith, just east of Egmond- ville, to Eldon Hulley of Sea - forth. Mr. Hulley has been em- ployed with F. Kling, Mr. Ches- ney plans to move to Egmond- ville. Earl Papple has bought the Love grass farm in Tuckersmith. Figure Skaters Hold Carnival. The annual carnival of Sea - forth Skating Club was success- fully presented on Friday night before a large crowd in the arena. The program was in two acts, "Peter Pan" and "A Trip A- round the World." The local club was assisted by guest stars from Wingham, God- erich and Toronto skating clubs, under the direction of the in- structress, Mrs. Isabel Hugo Johnston. Club officials were assisted by a number of the mothers in preparing the cost- umes and putting onthe affair. Gifts Presented After the carnival the child- ren were treated to sandwiches, cake and chocolate milk, and coffee was served to parents and visitors. Skating Club president, John C. Crich, thanked Mrs. Isabel Hugo Johnston, the skaters from Toronto, Wingham, 'Goderich, and all who had helped make the carnival a success. Mrs. Johnston responded, thanking all for their co-opera- tion. Mrs. Lois Hamilton, club sec- retary, presented Mrs. John- ston with a gift on behalf of he Skating Club, a black patent leather purse and white gloves, A red leather shoulder bag was also presented to Miss Patty Montgomery of Toronto. The cast of "Peter Pan" was as follows: Peter Pan Mr. and Mrs. Darling, John Wilde, (Wingham) and Faye Love; Wendy, Margaret Ann Stapleton; The Nurse Dog, Den- nis Smith and Doug Hamilton, (Wingham); John, Tim Sale, (Goderich) ; Liza, Ann Kling; Michael, 11 e n n i s Duckworth, (Goderich); Peter Pan, Paul Wilson, (Goderich); Tinker Bell, Pani Stapleton. The Lost Boys—Judy Crich, Margaret Elliott, Pearn McLean, Catherine Eckert, Joan Reyn- olds and Connie Eckert. The Animals—The Pet Wolf, Joan Teall; Frog, Elaine Oke; Bear, Linda Lane; Rabbit, Shir- ley, Dinsmore; Cats, Mary Jenn McLean and Susan McLean; Penguin, Mary Ann Snowdon; Tiger, Katie Scott; Robin, Gail Edler, Lynn Somerville, Mary Eckert, Elaine Eckert. The Indians—Corinne Smith, Mary Crich, 'Emily Elliott, Karon Nicholson, Catherine Boshart, Gerda Christenson, Nancy Dale, Barbara Holland. The Papoose, Elizabeth Grant. The Pirates, Joan Bach, Devine Hubert, Ella Vanderson, J ane Somerville, Catherine Doig, Ann Troutbeck, Janet Rowcliffe, Phyllis Bryans, Susan Snow, Sandra McGonigle, Mary Jean Boshart. Princess Tiger Lily, Ruth Teall; Great Big Little Panther, Robert McClung; The Crocodile and Captain Hook, John Wilde, (Wingham), Jack Alexander, (W i n g h a ni). The Mermaids, Ruth'Teall, Faye Love, Corinne Smith, Catherine Eckart, Pearn McLean, Margaret Elliott. Lead, Isabel Hugo, Club Professional; The Bird, Gloria Taylor. ada. Present Board: R. W. Camp- bell, Pres., R. S. McKercher, Vice -Pres., Robt. McMillan, Sec., Ross McGregor, Alex McGregor, Art Devereaux, Peter Simpson. Rebekahs Entertain Visiting Lodges The members of Goderich Re- bekah Lodge and Huronie Lodge of Clinton, and a visitor from Owen Sound and one from New- foundland, -were guests of Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge here on Monday evening with the noble grand, Mrs. Scott Habkirk pre- siding. The C. P. and T. Com- mittee of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are holding joint pot- luck supper Wednesday night in the I.0.0.3'. hall when Brother is to addressli the Williamson meeting the work of the C. P. and T. Com- mittee. Miss Mae Smith reported almost $50 had been realized by the C. P. T. Committee from a recent euchre and draw. Miss Mae Smith and Mrs. Leslie Mc- Clure were named representa- tive and scholar respectively to attend assembly sessions in Tor- onto in June with Mrs. J. Grum- mett being named alternate. Mrs. Chester Henderson, district deputy president, will nay her official visit at the April 11 meeting. An invitation was ac- cepted to attend the 25th anni- versary of Huronie Lodge, Clin- ton, on Mav 2.aMrs. Wire. .Meta Duna n- das. London, Priestly, assembly president are to be guests at the :anniversary meeting and the degree is to be conferred on candidates by a London lodge degree team. Mrs. Keith Sharp was named acting secretary during the absence of Miss Jean Scott. Mrs. Mary Mc- Elroy was named convener of a committee for. April, May and June with Mrs. Adin Forbes, Mrs. Marearet Messenger, Mrs. Everitt Smith, Mrs. Andrew Moore, Mrs. Alex Boyes and Mrs. Robt. Dodds named to the committee. Mrs. Hugh Thomp- son and Mrs. S. Habkirk volun- teered to canvass in aid of the cancer society. Several visitors spoke briefly and a lunch was served with Mrs. Ed Andrews and Mrs. K. Sharp as convenors. A Trip Around The World FRANCE—The Can -Can Dan- cers, Gaite Parisienne: Judy Crich, Catherine Eckert, Mar- garet Elliott, Faye Love, Pearn McLean, Ruth Teall. Comedy, Along the Rivierra, Classical Jute Box: John Wilde, Jack Al- exander, (Wingham). Ooh, La! Lai: Patty Montgomery, Toron- to Figure Skating Club. SPAIN—Latin Love Song, Gypsy Love Song: Paul Wilson, (Goderich). The Matadors: Joan 'Bach, Corinne Smith, Mary Crich, Emily Elliott, Connie Ec- kert, Davina Hubert, Catherine D g, Ella Vanderzon, Joan Reynolds, K or en Nicholson, Catherine Boshart, Ann Trout - beck, Janet Rowcliffe, Jane Som- merville, Phyllis Bryans. Tango Moods, Ramona: John Wilde and Irene Saint, (Wingham). Gypsy Dance: Isabel Hugo. HOLLAND—R. McClung, Ka- tie Scott, Mary Jenn McLean, Gail Edler, Mary Ann Snowdon, Susan McLean, Linda Lane, Mary Eckert, Elaine Oke, Eliza- beth Grant. The Little Dutch Children: Gloria Taylor, NancY Dale, Sandra McGonigle, Elaine Eckert, Mary Jean Boshart, Bar- bara Holland, Gerda Christen- sen, Susan Snow, Joan Teall, Ann Kling. Click and Clack: Pamela and Margaret Ann Sta- pleton. ENGLAND — The S wing Dance, Ballroom Dancers, The Dutch Waltz: The Seaforth Girls` THE UNITED STATES — From The Kentucky Hills, Black Bottom; The Hillbillies: Penny Gerrie, Sharon Thompson Jack Alexander, Bill Crawford (Wing- ham). To a Gay New York Night Club: The 'Blues, Sylvia Bullen, (Goderich). The Mannequins: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Cath- erine Boshart, Karen Nicholson, Jane Somerville, Corinne Smith, Catherine Doig; Ellie Vandereon. Rosemary Dignam; Toronto. Guest Artist, Patty Montgom- ery, Toronto. BACK TO SEAFORTH, Hot Scotch Polka: Judy Crich, Pearn McLean, Catherine Eckert, Mar- garet Elliott, Margaret Ann Sta- pleton, Pamela Stapleton, Joan Bach, Gerda Christensen, Mary OWING TO STORM CONDITIONS LAST WEEK a. .. Savaug :. s ...arch inncrwarG Sae WILL BE CONTINUED UP TO AND INCLUDING SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd • Store will be open until 10 P.M. Sat. evening SAVAUGE S Jewellery Gifts - Fine China Seaforth Crich, Emily Elliott, Connie Ec- cert, Davina Hubert, Joan Reyn- olds, Ann Troutbeck, Janet Row- cliffe, Phyllis Bryans. FINALE—Entire Cast. BUSY BEAVERS The McKillop Busy Beavers held a social evening with their parents and friends in the Sea - forth District High School on Monday, March 21st. The meet- ing was opened by singing 0 Canada. Our president, Betty Campbell welcomed our guests. The program consisted of a piano solo by Marjorie Smith, stepdancing by Helen and Lor- etta Connelly, and Bill Caulk - bell, Ken Papple and Mac Stew- art sang and played the guitar. The highlight of our program was Bob Allen showing his pic- tures •of his trip overseas. He was introduced by Jean Scott and Dorothy Keys thanked him for his very interesting talk and pictures. Catherine Campbell led in a community sing song which was followed by games and contest that were enjoyed by all. On behalf of our guests Mrs. Gordon McKenzie thanked the girls for the lovely evening. Ev- elyn Storey drew the lucky tick- et for the cake which was held by Joe Connelly. The meeting was closed by singing "God Save The Queen" and lunch was served by the club girls and leaders. The fourth meeting of the McKillop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Jean Scott on March 9th. The meeting was opened by singing the 4-H Club song. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Catherine Moylan. The roll call for this meeting was to bring a baked custard. The business was dis- cussed and it was decided to hold our social evening on Mon- day, March 21st in the Seaforth District High School. The pian- ist for the next meeting which will be held in'Easter Holidays, will be Mrs. Les Pryce. A discussion on "Milk in the family Menu" was followed by a demonstration on how to make a cornstarch pudding. The junior members, Grace Doig, Marjorie Snaith, Loretta Moylan and Loretta Connelly, judged some custard and gave reasons to the senior members. The roll call for the next meeting is to be "My favorite milk dessert dish and the re- cipe." The home assignments are to:, make one milk dessert for the family and put the recipe in re- cord book, and list six other ways which milk may be used and give the recipe for two of these. The meeting was closed by singing God Save. The Queen. Our hostess then served lunch. WINTHROP The W.A..' and WMS..•Easte Thankoffering meeting will b held on Wednesday, April 6 i the 'Church, roll call will be o Laster. A three -act play, "Where' Grandma" is going to : be pre sented in Cavan Chu'ch, Win throp on April 14. Watch fo further notice next week. e n' n s i• Farm Forums Close For Season S. S. No. 2 Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage with an attendance of 26. The radio broadcast depicted the laying' of plans, and also the Completion of a community cen- tre through the efforts of sev- eral Farm Forums. This being our last meeting for this sea- son, we appointed our secretary and news reporter for next sea- son. Our secretary will be Alvin Dodds and news reporter, Wal- ter Scott. We had a short ses- sion in progressive euchre. Win- ners, ladies, Elsie Storey, Airs. Ellwood Clarke. Airs. Sam Stor- ey. Men, Ellwood Clarke, Wm. Storey, R. E. McMiilau. Following e u c hr e, Joh n Thompson showed pictures on. his recent trip down south. These slides were very colorful and instructive and were pro- nounced a real success; and now with the women supplying the pie and hien, the ice cream, we wind up our evening and season saying, that we will miss our meetings during the summer, but will be looking forward to November next when we will again continue with our Forum programme. FIRESIDE On March 28th 25 adult mem- bers of the Fireside Farm For- um met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook. The quest- tionaire was answered. Mrs. Jo- seph Babcock is the new presi- dent and secretary, Mrs. Win. Dolmage, Mrs. Babcock and Mrs. George Garter are the press sec- retaries. Mrs. Bert Hoggart and Don Buchanan are the commit- tee to start the forum in the fall. Mrs. M. Cook, Mrs. Bob Dalton and Mrs. Alex Riley are the social committee. Mrs. Dal- ton offered her home Saturday evening, April 2nd for •a social evening which is to include all the children. Most games, Mrs. Joe 'Babcock and Eric Anderson. Lone hands, Mrs. Harvey Taylor and Oliver Anderson. 'Consola- tion, Mrs. Alex Riley and Mrs. George Carter.PARR LINE The Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrett, with 20 members in attendance. As there was no regular topic for discussion members spent most of the evening in a social way. WM- ners in these events were: La- dies, Mrs. Gordon Love; gents, Wilfred Mousseau. This meeting being the last of the season we would like to say that it has been a very successful one, especially, in regards to attend- ance which averaged 22 mem- bers per meeting with member- ship of 27. This forum wishes to express its thanks to the local weeklies for their excellent cov- erage of the forum's activities. Wp would like also to thank Bonthron's Furniture, Hensali, and Westlake's Furniture, Zur- ich, who so kindly loaned chairs for the season's .activities. The evening was roundedout with the ladies serving lunch.