The Seaforth News, 1955-03-24, Page 1The Seaforth Ne
$1.50 a Year
Authorized asficSeco
Ofe Dep , OleosOttaail, Posy
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Boy's Leg Broken .
By Car on Main St.
Paul Felker, 7, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Felker, 'Centralia,
suffered a broken left leg just
above the ankle on Saturday
afternoon when he was struck
by a car on Main Street. The
right leg was bruised. Paul was
here visiting his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tebbutt,
The accident happened near
the Goninloek Street corner. Ed-
ward Byers, of Dublin, driver
of the car, saw the boy as he
came out from behind a parked
truck, and applied the brakes.
The boy ran into the side of 'the
'No charge was laid. Provincial
Constable Ferris stated that
angle parking on Main Street
was partly to blame for the acci-
dent. He believes that parallel
parking would reduce the dan-
ger of aecidents.
The boy was not feeling well
on Tuesday, but is reported
much improved on Wednesday
Midget Player
Again In Stitches
Bill Roberton received a gash
over the eye requiring five stit-
ches, during Monday night's
Midget finals game here. Bill is
just getting over a "bad cut in
his arm, received at High School
which took nine stitches.
Variety Night
Staged at SDHS
The annual Variety Night was
presented Friday night in the
'high school's new auditorium un-
der the direction of the staff.
F. A, Dobson drilled the jun-
ior and senior boys in tumbling
and pyramid acts. Miss Florence
Elford directed a fashion show
presented by junior and senior
girls and also directed a one -act
play, "Our Dream House." Miss
Mary Ryan directed junior and
senior 'girls in square dancing,
the shuffle, modern and folk
dancing. Musical numbers were
given by Linda Siins, June Back-
well and Doris Johnston with
solos by Rose Marie Ducharme,
Alice Braeleer was anistress of
The cast for the play included
Kenneth Thompson, Joanne Beu-
ermann, Nora Reynolds, Arlene
Diegel, Margaret Stuart, Neil
MeGavin, Jim Axtmann.
Boys doing the tumbling act
were: Gordon Rowland, Bruce
McFadden, Joe Williams, Jim
Love, Win. Litowski, Wm. Dins-
more, Lawrence Eyre, Don Hem-
ingway, Jack Crozier, Ron Wil-
liams. Wayne Jessome, Frank
Girls presenting the fashion
show, with Betty Campbell as
commentator, were: Marion
Hemingway, Elizabeth Towns-
end, Helen Connolly, Mayda
Beuermann, Joan Somerville,
Lois Ann Somerville, Sheila Mc-
Fadden, D, Chomielci, Ann 'Sin-
clair, Elizabeth Habkirk, A.
Godkin, Rita Murray, J. Jack -
lin, Ruth Pinder, Sandra Sav-
auge, Rose Marie Ducharme,
Marie Pullman, E. Alcock, Joy
ffantzi, J. Miller, Elizabeth Mc-
Gavin, D. Fischer, June Smith, The Variety Night was he
Marion MaIlwain, Mar area last Friday and it was a huge
Ross, Dorothy Keys, Marie ntue, success both in the afternoon
J. Hart, Faye Love, Ruth Etue, and the evening performances.
J. Ross, Jean Scott. In the afternoon there was con -
Grade nine presented a Scan- siderable trouble with the micro-
dinavian folk dance with Sandra phone. The first act done was a
Savauge, Mayda Beuermann, D• tumbling and pyramids perform-
Chomicki, Helen Walters, Joan ante by the Junior and Senior
Charters, Merle Cooper, Ruth girls. Next came a fashion show,
Pinder, Marjorie Papple, M. towing dresses that the Junior
Coleman, D. Fischer, M. Roache, and Senior girls had made thein -
D. Bolton, Faye Love, Joan selves. After this there were
Dick, G. Pfaff, Alice Nixon talc- various dances by the girls. The
ing part. Linda Situs was the evening was topped off by a
accompanist. one -act play called "Our Dream
Knox United Church, year
•Bel- Tice Students' Council has
grave was the setting for the and ehascca ttipoials ofii of eolve i $200,
wedding of Mary Eileen Holmes, They are planning to buy new
A resident of Seaforth was
honoured in death in the person
of Ethel Elizabeth Finnigan
when the funeral service was
held from the Box Funeral
Chapel on Tuesday afternoon at
1.30 conducted by the Rev, John
Stinson of Northside United
Church, Seaforth, assisted by
Rev. H. E. Livingstone of Cavan
United Church, Winthrop. Dur-
ing the service Lieutenant Hun-
ter and Lieutenant Pyke rend-
ered "Beyond the Sunset".
Pallbearers were John Finni-
gan, Herbert Finnigan, William
Reid and Raymond Finnigan of
Dungannon and Gerald Neil and
atetrold Finnigan of London,
Flowerbearers were Clair
Haney, William Rollins, Bert
Reid, Gordon Finnigan; Bea Fin-
nigan and .Eleanor Elgie.
The deceased was born in
Ashfield twp. 69 years ago. Slie
had spent some years in the
West, returning in 1930 to reside
in Dungannon until 1936 when
she came to the Seaforth dis-
trict. Surviving are two sisters,
Mrs. Mabel Kilpatrick of Mack-
lin, Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Ro-
bert J. Elgie, Tuckersmith and
three brothers, William J. of Eg-
mondville, Robert E. of Ashfield
and Franklin of Seaforth.
Friends and relatives attend-
ing the funeral were from Mon-
treal, London, Goderich, Dun-
gannon, Sarnia, Galt, Kitchener
and Walkerton.
Hold Rehearsals
For Extravaganza
Miss Pauline 'Galbraith, a
member of the Stratford Shake-
spearean Festival Company for
the past two years has been en-
gaged by the Seaforth Agricul-
tural:Society to stage the dance
numbers for its monster extra-
vaganza, i Crossroads '65, which
Hi h_Se
the H
to ed n
will be s
Auditorium on April 13 and 14.
Special costumes for both waltz
and rhumba numbers have been
designed and are now being
made by the costume committee
under the convenorship of Mrs.
Paul Brady.
All the. dramatic and musical
numbers are now under rehear-
sal. Last Saturday night the
full cast had its first full-length
rehearsal and at that time auth-
or and producer, James R. Scott,
expressed the opinion that
Crossroads '55 will be one of the
biggest and most elaborate shows
to be staged in the Seaforth dis-
trict in many years.
Extra Grants 'Made I St. Columban Y.P.
To Municipalities Staging Play Friday
Tito special additional assist- One of the 'fastest and fun -
Tile comedies. •of the American
ance a by themunpPriniees, just an, sta a "Arsenio and 01d Lace"
flounced it Prime Minister, Jo eph Kesselring's farce of
is asar li affects dithn totrict, whol e s a l e manslaughter and
Tfollows, according to Mr. merriment, will be presented by
Thomas Pryde, Municipal a cast of St, Columba. young
Seaforth: grant,
$1,588.50; Public School, $1,- people under the auspices of the
464,00; High School, 11,068.00. Catholic Women's League this
Tuckersmith Township:. Muni- week (Friday, Vlarch 26th).
cipal •grant, 61,392.00; Public Louis McIver will play the
School, 1896.00. role of Jonathan 'Brewster, the
McKillop Township: Municipal ne'er-do-well nephew of the
grant,$1,288.50; Public School Brewster sisters,' and contender
696.0. ' for the title of America's big-
Hullett Township: Municipal gest Tnurderer."His assistant, Dr,
grant, 111,891.25; Public School, Einstein, played by James Flan -
$1,140.00. nigan, and a corpse named Spen-
alzo, Alfred Malone, arrives one
Former Resident of evening at the home of his
aunts in Brooklyn and set up
Egmondville Passes business as a face -lifter for fu -
Word was received by Mr. J. In the roles, of Martha and
S. Watson of the death of his Aold sisters whose Brewster,the
for cher-
brother in-law.
E. Clemmens, 79, a itable acts has taken an alarm-
former resident of Egmondville ing" turn, 'Mrs. Gordon Staples
passed away at the home of his and Mrs. Tom Kale will be
sister, Mrs. C. Powers at 'Orono, se part `March 16 following an illness The p rt of ;Mortimer Brews
of 3 weeks. In 1940 he was unit- ter, drama critic and nephew of
ed in marriage to Mrs. Geo. the most charming ghouls in
Coleman, (the former Alice Wat- the world, will be played by
son) who passed away in 1961. Louis Rowland. His brother,
Following her death he went to Teddy, who has spent his life
live with his sister at Orono, under the mistaken impression
During his stay in Egmond- that he is Teddy Roosevelt, will
vibe he made many warm friends be played by Louis Murray
and wasa faithful member of Elaine Harper, 1VIortimer's fian-
Egntondville Church where he cee, will be acted by Regina
held the office of Elder. Bowman. Officer O'Hara, the
The funeral was held on Mar. play writing policeman will be
18 with burial in Orono ceme played by Thomas Murray. Of-
tery. ficers Brophy and Klein played
by William Ryan and Clarence
HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Maloney, do their share to keep
law and order. Lieutenant Roon-
ey a very tough, dominating of-
ficer is played by Martin Mur-
ray. Mr. Gibbs, played by Louis
Coyne, coins looking for a
room but fails to get it. Rev.
Dr. Harper played by Arthur
Murphy, pays a friendly visit to
the Brewster sisters. Dr. With-
erspoon, Francis Bicknell, Su-
perintendent of Happy Dale
visits the Brewster home too.
Juniors Win Two
gitives from justice.
Midgets Tied for
Ontario Title
Seaforth evened their best -of -
three OIVIHA Midget C finals at
one game apiece here on •Mon-
day night when they scored a
7-5 victory over Cannington.
The deciding game in the ser-
ies will be played Thursday
night at Port Perry.
Ron Mason with three; Peter
Dale two and Irving Schenck and
Bruce McFadden with one each.
were the goal getters for Sea -
Ron Jewel scored two with
single tallies going to Ted Wil-
son, Keith Brown and Harold
Jenkins for Cannington.
A crowd of about 400 wit-
nessed the fast contest.
A diesel-electric locomotive
now pulls the daily way freight
on the Stratford-Goderich ONR
line. The main difference notic-
ed by citizens is the sound of
the Locomotive's horn, instead of
the steam whistle, when the
freight is shunting in the local
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
10 a.m., Church Sohool and
Adult Bible Class.
11 a.m., Morning Worship,
Sermon Theme, "The 'Compas-
sionate Face of Christ",
Jr. Congregation and Tod-
dlers' Group.
7 p.m., Evening Service,
Sermon Theme, "The Hidden
Heart;" illustrated.
R R 4, Brussels, and Willey flags for the gymnasium. Thos
Bray McLellan, London, Ontario. had already ordered new spealt-
Rev, Charles D. Cox officiated has for the P. system and.
at the ceremony before an altar the wereh in use at the d
adorned with ferns and basket Night last Friday evening.
of white chrysanthemums. The With the Easter exams just
1VIrs. JosephdaHo es htof R.R. and one week away everyone is
studying hard trying to get
the Brussels, anti the atiMcLellan
3s enough marks so they won't
the son of Mrs. Katie and McLLellan. have to write that particular
and the late Henry McLellan, subject in the final examination
dy,London, ham,Ontario. Mr.Roy Mun-nain June. A new rule this year is
wedding Wingham, played traditional that grade 12 has to write grade a all
hmusic. their exams in June and
The fathe given l mly ing a 11 has to tvrite both history and
by her father looked lovely in a physics.
white ballerina -length gown,
styled on princess lines of trip- Couples Club
tallette over satin, featuring a p
lace bodice, scalloped neckline
and lace sleeves ending in lily entertain Newcomers
points over the hands; a crown
of seed pearls held her veil of
French illusion edged with lace
and she carried a bouquet of
red roses. As maid of honor,.
Miss Alice Holmes, Kalamazoo,
Michigan, chose a gown of Nile
green satin with tulle overskirt•
and featuring a bustle back
matching headdress and gloves
completed her ensemble and she
carried a nosegay of yellow
chrysanthemums. The best man
was Mr. Harry McLellan, Appin,
Ontario, brother of the bride-
groom, and the ushers were Mr.
Grant Holmes, R.R. 4, Brussels,
and Mr. Ivan McLellan.
At the reception held at the
Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, the
bride's mother received wearing
a teal blue dress, pink accessor-
ies and a corsage of pink roses;
assisting was the bridegroom's
mother wearing a grey silk crepe
dress, black accessories and a
corsage of pink roses.
Mr. and Mrs. McLellan left
on a wedding trip to the south-
ern United States, the 'bride tra-
velling in a two 'tone beige suit
with beige and British tact ac-
cessories topped by a fur coat.
They will reside in London.
Egmondville Church
Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister.
10 a.m., Church School and
Adult Class, •
11 a.m., MorningWorship,
"The Almost Christian".
7 p.m., Evening Praise and
story time.
From March 28th to April 1,.
at 8 p.m., preaching mission in
The March meeting of the
Tuckersmith's Ladies' Club 'was
held at the home of Mrs. Frank
Walters with 8 members and 8
visitors present.
The meeting opened with the
Opening Ode -followed by'the
Lord's Prayer. Alt joined in
singing "When the moon comes
over the mountain". The roll
call was answered •giving an Ir-
ish joke. The treasurer gave her
report. A. bus trip is being plan-
ned in the future. It was moved
and seconded to send $10 to the
Chamber of 'Commerce and $10
to the St. John's- Ambulance
Fund, The program was enjoyed
with readings by M'is. Walte
Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Pepper.
"Believe' me if all those endear -
hie; Young 'Charms" was sung
and the meeting closed with the
Homemakers' Prayer, A lovely
lunch was served by the hostess
and her helpers.
The April 6th meeting is to
be held in the No.'4 School in
The March meeting was hel
in the schoolroom. The meeting Ericson Ziegler.
was opened by a singsong hod by Officials -Larry Lewin, Galt;
Lou Maschio, Guelph.
First Period
1-Seaforth, Mcllwain, 5:03
2 -Woodstock, Hatt (Uniae, Zie-
gler) 11:58
3-Seaforth, Vena (Chalk) 15.21
„ Penalties - )3 a r t o n, 4:15,
11:28, 14:36; McPherson,
11.28, Ravlich 16.03.
Second Period
4 -Woodstock, Thompson (Hatt,
Hull) 2;50
5-Seaforth, Stone (McPherson)
6-Seaforth, T. Salter i(Mcll-
wain) 10.32
Penalties -Bell 1:18, Blair
2.01, Muir 6.26, Hull 11.56.
Third Period
7-Seaforth, T. Salter '(Elliott)
8-Seaforth, Mcllwain (Muir)
9 -Woodstock, Hatt+(Hull, Rich-
ardson) 8.57
10 -Woodstock, Hull (Hatt,.Un-
iac) 9.30
Farewell Party
A very pleasant time was had
on Thursday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. El-
gie when the residents of the
2nd eon. •of Tuckersmith met to
honour Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc-
Clinchey and Nelson before
their departure for. their new
home in Hensall. Progressive eu-
chre was enjoyed, the winners
being ladies high, Mrs. Morley
Cooper; consolation, Mrs. J.
Lostell and. Mr. W. H. McLean.
Mr. Robert Elgie read an ad-
dress and Mrs. Ross Chapman
and Mrs. Roy Consitt presented
Mr. and Mrs. McClinchey with 2
end tables and matching table
lamps. Margaret Elgie presented
Nelson with a camera. They
made fitting replies. A dainty
lunch was served.
$t. Patrick's Tea And
Homebaking Sale
Straight in Playoffs
A fast skating crew of Sea -
forth Baldwins took a big stop
towards a berth in the 0.H,A.
junior "B" finals at Woodstock
on Friday night by edging
Woodstock Warriors 6-4. It was
Seaforth's second win in two
starts in a best -of -seven semi-
final series.
Jack Mcllwaini' and Tont Salter
each scored two' for Seaforth
with Gary Vena and Don Stone
netting singles. Carl Hatt star-
ved for Warriors and scored
twice while Bobby Hull and Clay
Thompson scored singletons.
SEAFORTB-Goal, R. Salter;
defence, Lockridge� Elliott, Bar-
ton, Bell; forwards, Chalk,
Vena, Larochelle, McPherson,
Shantz, Stone, Mcllwein, Muir,
T. Salter, Sawyer.
WOODSTOCK -Goal, Diotte;
defence, Ravlich, Richardson,
Thompson, Hause, Bezzo; for -
w a r d s, Coletti. McDonnell,
Blair, Hull, Hatt, Rogers, Uniae,
Audrey •Stevens. The devotional.
period' opened with scripture
read by Ellen Michels. Audrey
Stevens then gave a reading
and a prayer. Hymn 445 was
sung. Mrs. John Onbelet then
first Vers
Mr. John Stevens then intro-
duced 3 couples who had come
from Europe. They. were Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Christensen from
Denmark; Mr. and Mrs. John
Onbelet from Holland; and Mr.
and Mrs. John Michels from Ger-
many. The 3 couples .told many
interesting experiences of their
own country. Members of the
club also asked questions and
this made for an interesting dis-
A games period followed in
charge of John Michels and John
Stevens. The lunch was served
and proved to be unusual. Cheese
on molasses and rye bread and
pickles was served representing
Europe and then followed hot
dogs and coffee was served re-
presenting America.
A short business period•was
held at the oonclusion of the
lunch. The meeting closed with
the singing •of "Taps".
Egmondville Church. the form of a family night.
Mrs. Theresa Maloney wishes
to announce the engagement of
her youngest daughter, Loretta,
to Carl Hewitt of Stratford, son
of Mrs. Hewitt and the late
Percy Hewitt of Exeter. Mar-
riage to take place at St. James'
Roman Catholic Church,
forth in April.
Worst Storm of
Season Tuesday
High School busses did not go
out Wednesday morning because
of blocked roads. High winds,
with snow, Tuesday night, caus-
ed no serious damage in'this vi-
cinity, except to trees, barn
doors, etc.
Rev. J. H. Janes, who was at
Lions Head on Tuesday, had to
spend the night at a farm house
owing to the storm and was un-
able to reach home until Wed-
nesday morning.
The W. A. of St. Andrew's
United Church held a St. Pat-
rick's tea and homebaking sale
on Saturday last. The tea tables
and baking booths were prettily
decorated with Shamrock and
flowers. Eighty dollars were re-
Mr. Carl McClinchey held a
very successful auction sale last
week, having sold his fine farm
to Mr. Lorne Hay of Hensall.
The W. A. of Kipper Church
had a refreshment booth and re-
alized over fifty dollars.
Thirty members of the Cooper
fancily met on Sunday at the
home of Mr. Robert Cooper, the
occasion of his birthday. Rela-
tives from a distance included
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of
Caro, Michigan; Mrs. Norman
Coleman and Ronnie, also of
Cato, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs.
Bob lDalrymine and daughters
and Mr, and Mrs. S. Baird and
sons of Brucefield and other
members of the fancily from the
Kippen district
Mrs. Gibson of Wroxeter spent
a day last week with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Mollis.
Mrs. McClymont accompnaied
by her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. McClinchey of
Varna, visited on Wed. evening
with the former's daughter, Mrs.
Alice Cook in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert
and Elaine of Clifford visited on
Sunday with . the fornier's broth-'
er and sister-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. N. Dickert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewassack and
Mn. Stewart of Stratford and
Mr. Cook of Goderich were re-
cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Collingwood
of Hamilton and Mn. and Mrs.
and Mr.
Wm. Homey of Exeter
and Mrs. H. Gackstetter, Kath-
ryn and Henry of near Hensall,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Gackstetter.
A pleasant time was had on
Thursday evening last 'when
a number of neighbors and
friends gathered at the home of
Mrs. J. McClymont, the occasion
of her birthday.
We are pleased to report Mr.
n. M. Peek is able to be home
after his recent operation in
London Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec McMurtrie
have spent several days in Lon-
don with the former's father,
Mr. Hugh McMurtrie of Hensall,
who is seriously ill in St. Jo-
seph's Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coch-
rane spent a day in London last
Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClinchey
have moved to Hensall, Mr. Mc-
Clinchey having sold his farm
to Lorne Hay of Hensel), who
got possession on Monday.
Mr. Don McKenzie of Gran -
brook, who suffered a fractured
leg in a car accident near Wal-
ton some months ago, has not
been malting the wished for re-
covery and was removed to Vict-
oria Hospital, London, last week
for further treatment, his wife
and son are staying for the pre-
sent with his mother, Mrs. Hugh
McLachlan and Mr. McLachlan.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young
and family, recently came from
London, are getting settled in
the house belonging to Mt. Al-
vin Beaton of Detroit. We wel-
come them to our village.
Mr. Thos. Robinson has re-
turned home from a pleasant
visit with his daughter and son-
in-law, Rev, A. H. and Mrs. Mc-
Kenzie and family of Islington.
Mrs. Ivy Henderson visited
recently with her daughter in
Be sure to attend the Preach."
ing Mission in Egmondvilie
Church )next week., Monday, Mar.
28 to Friday April lst at 8 p.m.
Rev. II. Snell of Exeter will be
the special speaker. Music will,
be supplied by visiting choirs.
The Kippen East W. I. met at
the home of Mrs. R. Gemmell.
The president, Mrs. R. Peck
presided. Roll call, . A verse I
learned in my early years. Mar-
garet McKay gave the motto,
"Work makes the World go
Round, Fun keeps ,the axle
greased." 1VI's. Peck will attend
the Presidents' `Conference in
Guelph in May. Mrs. Barry Cal-
will gave an address on her trip
to the Coast. The group accept-
ed an invitation to be guests of
Glen Gowrie W.I. Plans were
made for a euchre and dance to
be held in the Town hall, Hen -
sail on April 1. Mrs. Winston
Workman conducted an Irish
contest. Lunch was served by
the hostess and the lunch com-
EN S h TU J b": S MAR,. 31
COMPLETE 94 pc. Dinner Sets as Iow as$29 75
(Service for 12)
Reg. 47.95
sale price 29.75
94 pc. "MAGNOLIA
Reg, 54.75
sale price 39.75
94 pc. "MONTCALM"
Reg. 64.755
sale price 49.75
STARTER SET. Reg, 9,75
94 pc, "MILAN" sale price $4.95
Reg. 34,95
Other attractive starter sets
sale price 25.95 front 6,95 up
A complete 66 piece set of lovely Royal Doulton "Sutherland"
pattern (Reg. 592.80) at $46.40 (while our present stock lasts)
DELL" & "WICKER DALE" (piecesin scock only)
Damaged & Defective China pieces clearing at a fraction
of their value
may be purchased at 1fl% discount during MARCH
Dickens designs
Reg, 2.00, Sale 1.29
Everyday Teapots
To clear at 49c
Smart designs
Reg. 3.60 SALIil $1.98
Large Glass Plates
1124" 39c
Glass Relish Trays
13" size 89e
For Your 010 Ball Point Pen
or pencil (regardless of
on the purchase of a new
Waterman, Sheaffer or Ever.
sharp Retractable Ball Point
pen at 51.95
(costs you just 1.45)
A new Parker "JOTTER"
at 2.95
(costs you just 2.45)
Novelty Brooches
Also necklets and earrings in
cloisonno enamel designs
Reg. 1.50 Sale 98o
Smart floral designs for every
day use. To clear at
29c EACH
1.59 for 6 2,95 per doz.
A large selection of necklets,
earrings, brooches and brace-
lets including pearl beads
and earrings
SALE 59c ea.
"Rye" Pattern Tumblers
A real buy in this spurt
design. 12 oz. size -29c ea.;
1.59 for 6; 2,95 doz. 101A oz.
size -290 ea.; 1.59 for 6; 2.95
doz..5 oz. size -250 ea.; 1.39
for 6; 2.59 doz.
SILVERWARE. All -For -One -Price Offer
(Stainless blades)
All items
while they
last at
the sante
low price
Boxes of 25 cards (assorted)
Reg. 1.00 SALE 490
Ribbons & SeaIs
Reg. 10e SALE 5o
Ribbons & Scotch Tape
Reg. 25c SALE 10c
Teapot, Coffee Pot,
Sugar Cream & Tray
Gleaming chromium Teapot
& Coffee Pot fully insulated
to keep tea & coffee piping
hot. Complete set, reg. 31,95
To Clear at $19.95
Watches. Half Price.
Excellency model
Reg. 32.50 $41,.25
Gents Calendar Watch
Reg. 58.75 $29.85
Gents Bulova Automatic
-Reg. 59.50 $29.85
Ladies Rotary 17J
Reg. 39.76. $29"75
Ladies Westfield 17J
Reg. 39.60 $19.85
All other watches at special
Sale Prices during March
At Half Price
Goblets, reg. 3.50 SALE 1.75
Sherbets, reg. 3.50 SALE 1.75
Plates, reg. 3.60 SALE 1.80
Cocktails, reg. 3.00 Sale 1.50
Waterman Sets
Reg. 17.50 SALE 8.75
Parker Sets
Reg. 16.25 SALE 8.12
at Half Price
Choice of Masonic, Odd Fel-
lows or Fishing designs
Reg. 5.00. SALE $2.50
Values up to 4.50
To clear at $1.00 each
MINUTE Specials. But don't delay
• Sale ends March 31st
Jewellery Gifts Fine China