The Seaforth News, 1955-03-10, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, March 10, 1955 Your Superior Week End Specials ELLMAR PURE PEANUT BUTTER.. 16 oz, jar 32c GOLD SEAL FANCY Red Sockeye Salmon .. , 37c 1/s Size CAMPBELL'S SOUPS, all Chicken Varieties, 10 oz, Tins. 2 for 33c CHEERY MORN COFFEE , . ... . ,1 Ib Bag 95c None bellr:r at any prico BRUNSWICK'CHICKEN HADDIE, 14 oz• Tin 23c GARDEN PATCH PEAS, 15 oz. Tin . . , .. , . 15c 0 Tins for 87c KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 oz, Tin 39c BLUE CHEER Giant Size 62c CRISCO VEGETABLE SHORTENING .. Ib 360 PURITY OATS 5 Ib Bag. 490 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT PHONE 77 FREE DELIVERY '1 TUCKERSMITH Messrs Allan Haugh and Bruce Coleman of the Western Ontario Agricultural 'School, Ridgetown, spent the weekend at their respective homes. - Euchre Dance Hensall Town Hall Friday, March 11 Sponsored by Kippen East W. I. Ladies please bring sandwiches Lucky Lunch Prize Music by Norris Orchestra Admission 50c ST. COLUMBAN The C.W.L. meeting was held and Mrs. John Moylan presided and opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. Wm. McMillan and ad- opted. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Michael Doyle and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Mi- chael Murray. A donation is to be sent to Sacred Heart Radio Program. A bingo and tea is to be held on March 17. Mrs. Mich- ael Murray was appointed con- venor of Nominating 'Committee with Mrs. Jos. Kale and Mrs. Angus Kennedy assisting. Rev. Father MeCowell then spoke and congratulated members on their achievement during 1954. A. cushion was won by Mrs. Michael Doyle. The meeting adjourned and closed with prayer. wnnnmunww,auuaouaa,aaaa"...... unWnmannwunon. 1111. ...... I ..... 1W, Rur x I Co punt, Night School Open House THURSDAY, MARCH 17th Seaforth District High School Commencing at 9 P.M. The Public is cordially invited to attend Open House on. the final night of the School P,iojects as completed craft courses such as leather work, oil painting, etc., will be on display in the class -rooms. Programme, Lunch and Dancing Everybody Welcome NO ADMISSION CHARGE TOWN TOPICS Miss Blanche Westcott spent the weekend in Weston. Miss Lorna Ellis, Toronto, spent the weekend with her lam- ily here. Mrs. Jas. Taman is spending a few days this week in Pt, Huron. Mr. Ted •Savauge, Toronto, visited at his home here over. last weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Bryson MeQuirt- er and family, Midland, spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Stere,. Miss Barbara Hillis visited in London last week end. Dr. and Mrs, Frank Norman intend moving to the property on Goderieh St. W., recently bought by Mr. Roy Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Don, 'Giffin, Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mrs. Grace Hoggarth and Miss Marian •Scarlett. F. 0. Howard Carbmill, Win- nipeg RCAF. Station is spend- ing two weeks with Mrs. Cart- mill (before being transferred to •Summerside, P.E.I., Mrs, Cartmill will follow later. Mr. -Ken Larone spent the weekend with his parents here. Mr. Jim Fiannagan, Toronto, spent the weekend with his fam- ily. Mr. Gordon Wilson was home from Toronto for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W, Teall return- ed from Florida on •Sunday. Mr, Anderson Scott is visiting in Paris, Ont. Miss Shirley McPhee spent last weekend in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna, Wingham. Mr. Fergus Rowland spent weekend at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster returned on Sunday after a very enjoyable two -weeks' trip to Hawaii. Mr. William A. Wright is a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital, having had a slight stroke Monday evening. Miss ,Catherine Feeney, Dub- lin, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Frank Maloney and Mr. Maloney. Mr, Michael Laudenbach, of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. klogg,_ Got- Lingwood, spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. E. Rowland, Windsor, was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs. J. Rowland. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE in Community Centre MON., MARCH 21 AT 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by the Ladies Aux. , of Seaforth Legion Admission 35c. Lunch served Everybody Welcome McKILLOP The Manch meeting of Bethel WMS. and W.A. was held at the home of. Mrs. Roy Wildfong on Thursday, March 3rd, with 17 members and 2 visitors. Mrs. Livingstone conducted the wor- ship service taken from the Mis- sionary Monthly. The theme "Let This Mind be in You". Scripture readings wore given by Mrs, i3irch. Hymn 155 was sung, and prayers by Mrs, Liv- ingstone and Mrs. Earl Mills, Mrs. Chas. Boyd was in charge of the study book, She spoke on Mass Evangelism. President of the WMS. Miss Teenie Dennis conducted the business part. She asked all members to remember the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Wingham on Thursday, April 7th. The Easter Thankof- fering meeting will be held at the home of Ethel and Teenie 'Dennis on Thursday, April 14th. Hymn 261 was sung and Mrs. Livingstone closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Win. Roe, president of. the W. A. opened the meeting with prayer. A pot -luck supper is to be held at the school, No, 9, McKillop, on Thursday, Mar, 17. A committee is in charge of a program. Admission is 50c, time, 7 p.ii. Hymn 394 was sung after which Mrs, Roe pronounc, ed the Benediction, Mrs. Chas. Boyd then gave an interesting travelogue on her trip to Florida. She showed snapshots taken along the way and Souvenirs she got when in Florida. WINTHROP The regular meeting of the W.A. and W.111,S. was held on Wednesday, March 2 in the Church with Mrs. J. McClure presiding for the W. A. The meeting was opened with a poen. Hymn 86 was sung. Psalm 740 was read responsively followed with prayer. With Mrs. W. Dodds presiding, the WMS. meeting was opened with hymn 178 in memory of the late Mrs. J. Driscoll, followed with pray- er. A reading entitled, "Why stand yo gazing up into Heav- en?" was given by Mrs. G. .smith. Mrs. G. Case was in charge of the devotional pro- gram using for her theme, Evangelism". Hymn 258 was sung followed by prayer. A reading of the Mass Movement in India was given by ,Mrs. W. Church. Hymn 376 was sung followed with the closing pray- er, Lunch was served by Circle 3 A box social will be held in the S. S. room of 'Cavan Church, on Friday, March 11 at 8.15 .p.m., sponsored by Win, throe YPU. TAKES,'HENSALL POST Frank Ellwood, C.N.R. agent at Beachville for the past 19' years, has been transferred to the C.N.R. at Hensall..and has taken . over his new duties. He served at Fergus and Seaforth previously. How do you choose a Probably because you find it convenient and like the people there. Both The Bank of Toronto and The Dominion Bank grew in Canada through many years of close, personal service to their customers in all walks of the nation's life. ani ? That familiar, friendly service will continue to be a dominant feature of The Toronto -Dominion Bank. The experience of the men and women who contributed so much to the progress of the individual institutions is now combined to serve you better. You'll like the Toronto -Dominion people -and you'll like the convenience of over 450 branches across Canada. E TORONTO - S I OMINIO THE. BEST IN B.ANKI NC SEJ V ICE., A3 -ACT PLAY "Ready Made Family" Put on by Mitchell Junior Farm- ers will bo presented in Cavan Church, Winthrop, on Tuesday, March 15 AT 8.15 P.M. Sponsored by Winthrop Y.P.U. Admission 50c and 85u ST. PATRICK'S Tea & Bake Sale Friday, March 18 3TO5P.M. In Northside _ S. S. Room Sponsred,by Group d of'ihe W A. BRODHAGEN The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church was held on Wed- nesday afternoon. The devo- tional part of the program was taken by Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs, Chris Leonhardt and Mrs. Her- oic' Mogk. A hymn was sung "0 Word of God Incarnate", The topic was "Bible and Missions". Mrs, Harold Mogk read a prayer and hymn "Where cross the crowded Way", was sung. Mrs. Fred Young presided for the business. It was decided to buy two Easter Lillies for the church Mrs. Les Heileman gave report on the redecorating of the par- sonage and there is to be quilt- ing every Thursday during Lent. The next meeting to be held Wednesday, April 13. Birthdays were reported by Mrs Toledo Beuerman, Mrs, Idora Diego", Mrs, Hilda Vock Mrs Chris Leonhardt. Hymn "Saviour Teach me day by Day" was sung in their honor. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harrold Elligson, Mrs. Martin (Dietz, Mrs, R. Franeck, Mrs. Annie Elligson, Mrs. Jonas Ditt- mer, Mrs. Mary IDittmer. Mrs, Kenneth Smith and baby daughter returned home from Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks and Alvin are visiting their family in Tor- onto and Oshawa on Monday. Mrs, Ralph Hicks and Alvin re- maining in Toronto for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Donald with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly, Sebringville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Sebringville, on Sunday. .Mrs. Chris Leonhardt and Mrs.. Dalton Hinz spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Rose in Sarnia. Films will be shown at the school on this Friday evening. Mr. Gus Eisler fell and broke his hip and is now confined to Stratford Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Wilson, Janice, Carol and June of Neu- stadt with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leonhardt. H ENSALL Misses Alma and Margaret Bell and Mr. 'Donald Bell of Toronto visited last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Bell, coming here to attend the funeral of their grandfather the late Mr. ;John Zuefle. Mrs. Letitia Sangster is visit- ing in London with Mr. and Mrs. John ;Peebles. Mr. James Taylor and Mr. Ed Funk motored to Calgary with a trailer product of General Coach Works. Mr. Elton Fairburn of Lon- don visited recently with his father, Mr. Wm. Fairburn. Mrs. Howard Scene, teacher of the Hensali Kindergarten, has been confined to her home ow- ing to illness. Mrs. Glenn Deitz and family visited last week with relatives at Seaforth. WALTON The W. A. of Walton United Church met on Thursday after- noon with 18 ladies present. Mrs. Love presided over the meeting with Mrs. Cuthill at the piano. Opening hymn was 86 followed with scripture reading, Isaiah' chap. 63: 32-42 and 49-50. All repeated the Mary Stewart Col- lect and W. A. Theme song, fol- lowed by prayer. Secretary's re- port was read and approved, also Thankyou cards were read. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. A. Coutts. An invitation was extended to all the ladies from the Walton group to their bazaar on March 30th. Hymn 107 was then sung. The meeting closed with prayer. BORN Murray—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mar. 8, to Mr, and Mrs, Frank Mur- ray, Walton RR0. a son Houben—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mar. 5, to Mr.. and Mrs, John Houben, Saila, a son Devereaux—At Scott Memorial 'Hospital. on Mar, 5, to Mr. and Mrs, James Devereaux, Seaforth RR 4, a daughter McClure—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mar. 7, to Mr, and Mrs. Walter McClure, Seaforth RRA, a son (Diels'. March 8) Junta—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on . Mar. 8,. to Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Jewitt, Clinton-RR1, a son Seaforth Figure Skating Club PRESENTS "Peter Pati:' FRIDAY, i12 R,CIi 25TH Seaior•th "Centre Adults 75c. Students 50e ,________ Fresh l fu .xr'' ,r: v > '`', kyr i in Stock Seaforth Lumber Phone 47 „ �: 3n '. Ltd. U . ... .. ..a ,d,9.a:',i. SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Old Boys' and Girls' I.�, Ri .. "` ,<"r t� s JULY 30-31, AUG. 1, 2, 3 Let us have the names and addresses of former residents of the district The OLD BOYS can't come to the Reunion Ll o if they don't know about it Prepare your list now! Send it to MISS HAZEL REID, Chairman Invitation Com- mittee, Phone 121 Here Are Some Names: NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepdyment Receipts or 1955 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1955, on all prepaid .1955 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be ob- tained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PMthIN6 By order Of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act- Section 43, Subsec- tion 9. Notice is hereby given that the said IVlunici- pality will not be responsible for - any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations N�lice TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMIITH To facilitate snow removal operations the public is requested not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months. And notice is hereby given that the Township will not be responsibe for any damages caused to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing operations. E. P. Chesney Clerk Twp. of Tuckersmitli ..��rs��1�e�Is