HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-24, Page 7fT INECalvert SPORTS COLUMN g 3em{ji& iP%eo4 (This is the second of two articles on Canada's popular sport of curl- ing. In the first article, which ap- peared last week, Elmer Ferguson told about the early days of curl- ing in Canada,) Part fl: CURLING COMES OF AGE ® What the Grey Cup is to football, the Stanley Cup to hockey and the World's Series to baseball, is the Canadian Briar Tankard to curling. There are, as we remarked last week, some 200,000 curlers in. Canada; men, women and juniors. Of the senior male group, at least 20,000 entered the lists last fall in the fond hope of reaching a chance at play for the world's most sought-after curling trophy. But, as in other sports, only the cream of the crop sur- vives when, in the battle that starts at Regina in early March, forty-four good curlers and true, representing Canada from Newfoundland to British Columbia, fight It out for the Can- adian title in this sporting round robin. Last year, Edmon- ton had the Brier, the Grey Cup and the oil mullions—a rich' collection There's high drama 1n the Brier. Pounded in 1927, it was suspended for three years duringWorld War II, resumed in 1940 at Saskatoon. On the final cay of the meet, a three- way deadlock for first place developed„ necessitating a sudden - death playoff between rinks representing Alberta, Northern Ontario and Manitoba. Almost 5,000 curling fans, with nothing but their own red-hot enthusiasm to keep them warns, hung on grimly until two o'clock on a bitterly -cold morning to see the first post-war champion In Canada crowned. It was the rink skipped by Billy Rose from the tiny village •of Sedgewiek, Alberta. There. are 35,000 school students playing the game in Canada, grounding themselves in the inherently sporting character of the roarin' game. And the national school championship brings out some fine curling, as youngsters from every province in the Dominion compete. Women curlers have their tournaments in every province. In Quebec proince, there is, among other winter meet- ings, the Lieutenant -Governor's Trophy and the Seagram Bowl, Awarded annually to the province's international bon - spiel, the Seagram Bowl game is rated one of the classics of the curling world, attended by representative rinks from coast to coast. But perhaps it is the club matches, the hun- dreds of lesser 'spiels, that make curling great in a social and sporting sense. For it's a great game, a game devoid of inquests, where the skip's decision, right or wrong, is never questioned; the game of true sportsmanship. And the truly amateur game in the finest sense of the word, Your comments and suggestions For this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, cfo Calvert House, 481 Yonge S1., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AM/ERSTE/ORO, ONTARIO a�— CNR Announces 4.2ewy Fast Service The Canadian National Rail- , ways has just confirmed that It will fully dieselize its transcontinental passenger train services concurrent with the next timetable change on April 24. At that time a new fast trans- continental passenger train will considerably reduce the running time of the Montreal and Toronto section of the C.N.R, run to Vancouver. This decision was reached fol- lowing careful study which in- cluded a number of experiment- al runs with road diesels on transcontinental t r a i n s. The t sts conducted over the last 1ve months show that a sub- stantial reduction in the Mon- treal and Toronto schedules to the Pacific Coast can be made by switching over entirely to diesels from steam locomotives. Meanwhile the railway is studying how it can best use this time saving, having regard to the convenience of travellers and communities along its 2930 - mile transcontinental route, C.N.R. officials emphasized that the amount of time to be cut off the schedules would be determined largely by the ques- tion of arranging convenient ar- rival and departure times at principal cities, and connections with the other main routes ser v e d by transcontinental trains. Hauled by powerful new road diesels, the fast train will be made up entirely of new equip- ment. The consist will embrace asx a wide variety of passenger ac- commodation, both first-class and tourist, including dinettes, g r ill service and standard diners, Average French For years Paris dress de- signers have been telling the women of the world what they must wear. Yet it would seem that Messrs. Dior, Batman and the rest have been putting on a bit of a bluff in assuming a knowledge of the feminine figures of other countries. Up to now they cannot even have known the average measure- ments of the girls of their own country, for official statistics on this interesting subject have not been published since 1911. Now, however, a new scienti- fic study of the face and figure of "Miss France" has been pub- lished under the title "Research on the Anthropology of French - yeomen." It is a summary of a thesis recently presented to the French Academy of Sciences, and consists of 350 measure- ment -laden pages. "Miss France" is apparently five feet three inches tall, and weighs 123 pounds. Her bust is at least "medium to ample"; at most it is "magnificent" Her waist is narrow, her hips fairly broad. Her fingers are "long, slim, and aristocratic." Her finger -nails, in their na- tural state, range in colour from lilac -pink to deep rose. And it would seem that French- women are born mostly with the one colour of hair — brunette, only 15 per cent be- ing natural blondes. 'THIS ONE WILL REALLY SLAY YOU"—Dr. William A. Irwin eX- hlblts a prized item of his extensive gun collection: a violin that's nothing to fiddle with, A .44 -caliber pistol, barrel Is 'fitted into the scroll; trigger protrudes from underside of neck, and cocking hammer is fashioned to resemble part of the scrollwork. The instrument, at least 75 years old, is believed to have been fashioned in Pike County, Ky., heart of the legendary feudin° country. Here's a 'S6 O y pkk Previewe - Scenlc Cortina D'Ampezzo, agave, background, in the Dolomite Mountains of northern holy, will be the site of'the 1956 Winter Olympics. Below, workmen at Melbourne, Australia, tear down old grandstand at cricket grounds preparatory to enlaging seat- ing capacity to 43,000 for the 1956 Summer Olympics. Total spectator capacity of the grounds will be 104,000. Ear -Rings Getting More Popular Fashion scouts on the look- out for new trends predict that ear -rings will be more popular than ever this year. News comes from Cape Town that office workers there are wearing coloured buttons as ear -rings. Most popular are buttons with pictures of race- horses, dogs, yachts and leap- ing fish set in glass. Jewellers report that never before have so many women and girls owned and worn so many pairs of ear -rings. The "potent spell" of television is another cause of the ever-grow- ing popularity of ear -rings, for many T.V stars wear them. Mothers are even letting their little girls wear ear -rings at the early age of six or seven. Some are influenced by an old belief that ear -piercing improves the sight. A wealthy Spanish duchess whose jewels are famous has been seen wearing ear -rings of cherry -stones. Another woman wears ear -rings fashioned into tiny lanterns of platinum, the "light" being a solitaire dia- mond. Some of the largest and heav- iest ear -rings known are those worn by young women of the Loi aborigines in the interior of Hainan, an island in the China Sea. Made of brass, each ring is a foot in diameter. A "set"—consisting of twenty for each ear—weighs ten pounds. Women of the Garo tribe in India have long believed that the security of their souls de- pends upon the number of ear- rings they wear. IH'ow the Victorians loved ear- rings! When she was still very young, Queen Victoria wore long pendants hanging from her ears. Archaeologists have found beautiful and priceless ear- rings worn by long -dead queens which prove that the use of ear -rings for personal adorn- ment goes back thousands of years. Haggis Expert Margaret Walker must have the most unusual job in Scot- land. She is a haggis -sampler in a factory in Edinburgh that specialises in the making of this traditional dish. The factory has been making haggis for 120 years. Margaret has been a taster for 20 of them.. She knows every wrinkle in what Burns called the' "great chieftain o' the pucldin' race." She only needs to take a tiny bite to know whether it is good PLAIN 1-10kSE SB4 By F. (1801:) VON PILLS It was with a certain amount of satisfaction that we took note of the decision of the Federation of Agriculture to ap- proach federal and provincial governments and demand im- proved and expanded marketing legislation. We could never share the ' opinion' of so many farm leaders that the federal marketing act (bill 82) gave farmers sufficient power to control the marketing of their products on the nation- al level, not to speak of export. As long as two provinces, Quebec and Alberta, did not have provincial marketing legis- lation, the federal act for all practical purposes was useless as it provides only for the dele- gation 01 federal ,powers to marketing boards established under a provincial act. Alberta is expected to enact the necessary legislation at the coming session, but there are no signs that anything will be done in Quebec. Mutual Self Help What is needed is a federal marketing act which will enable producers of any given com- modity to organize orderly mar- keting of their product in all ten provinces and to enter ex- port trade if they so desire. Farmers want and need Sta- bilized prices, but so far they have been looking towards governments for action. Thelit- tle they got, wasgivento the* ISSUE 8 1955 I'' k n, .e not as their due, but as'a hand- out coming from the desire to catch the farm vote. More and more our farm or- ganizations are Losing the spirit that once united the farmers of Ontario and eventually drove them to form their own govern- ment. The annual cap -in -hand visits of unions and federations, farmer or labour, with govern- ments may be welcome for the self-confidence of these govern- ments, but are not instilling vigour into our organizations. Grandiloquent speeches at farm or labour conventions, preced- ing and following these visits, do not alter the decisions of governments. If we want to prevent pater- nalism and domination by party governments, and we do, we have to do the job ourselves through cooperative action. If we mutually help each other by working together, we help our- selves and at the same time we help to preserve freedom and democracy. The veterans of UFO are dying out, but once in a while you still meet the odd one who speaks wistfully of days gone by when farmers knew what they wanted and went out and got it.. • e a This column welcomes criticism,. consfiuctive or destructive, and welcomes suggestions, wise or otherwise; it will endeavour to answer any questions. Address !nail to Bob Von Pilis, Whitby, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY CRICKS O(11105HANDTWOMFOR EN WHAT' a dieappofnting costly business It la to buy ohlcko with claimed quality at a tow cents lower when you can be dol- lars ahead by invostlns to chicks with a proven heritage. Breeding costa money, but we know that you will make more money it you purehace chicks with R.O,P. breeding back of them. - Buy Tweddle R.O.P. Sired chicks and buy any of our three imeolal egg breeds they will lay more on lees feed than any other breeds we offer, also Broiler 01110110, turkey Vaults, Catalogue, -- TWEDDLE CH1012 HATCHERIES venous ONTAnuO MORE important than ever to get the right chicks. Our catalogue will guide yoor choice, Ask for price Net too. Wide oholce breeds and creases, including Ameo In -Cross. Pullets. cockerels, mixed. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N, Hamilton. (Limited quantity started pullets) TURKEY growerrh place your orders at once for your turkey vaults. Many dates titling up. We have the following breed, to offer, Broad Broaated Bronze, A. 0. Smith's Broad Whites, Thompson $tedium and Large Whites, Nebraskan, Empire Whites, White holland, Wahkeen Whites, Beltsville whtteo; nomsexed, hens, tome, Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES 1.TD, FERC US ONTARIO FOR BALE FANTASTIC Cynreoe /dumps (knees) from great swamps. Of Georgia, Happy ourprlee, new, hundred roes, Small 51.00. large $1.36. 11. Snyder, 1010 Watkino Avenue, Brunswick, Ocorgla. MEDICAL. ECZEMA sufferers can now get relief with Rerao. Eczema Treatment. Used internally and externally, it proven quickly beneficial, $0 and $5 sizes. Im- uarial Indu,tries, Box 471, Winnipeg, Man, People aro talking about the gobd results from tektite DIXON'S REMEDY for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE,. 33$ Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CONSTIPATION troubles? TIne Bu1ko, a new Dyne of laxative Effective in con meati constipation. 42.00, Imperial Industries, Box 471, Winnipeg. Man. SINUSITIS AND CATARRH RELIEVED with Rybaellvnl, the Eng. 'fah remed0 now available in Canada. $1.00; obtainable from Owen. Pharma- contleal Chemist, 2141 King St. East, Hamilton, Ont. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema realm and weeping skin troubles, Past's Eczema Salvo will not disappoint you, Itching, scaling, and burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainleou, odorleao ointment regardleee of how stubborn nr hopeless they seem. PRICE 52.60 PER JAIL POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Lire° on Receipt of Price Bao Queen St. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO quality. The colour of the hag- gis is her main guide. A good haggis is firm and has a healthy sheen. A bad one has a pasty green colour. Margaret is particularly pleas- ed with haggises this year. The factory is once more able to use sheeps' stomachs to hold them. That makes it the genuine article. Until recently a substi- tute receptacle had to be used as the stomachs were unobtain- able. Even after 20 years Margaret still thinks there is nothing like haggis. She always has one on her table on St, Andrew's night, Burns' Night, and New Year. And she often takes one home on ordinary days. Margaret sees over half a ton of haggis produced every week, but she would never give away to details of the recipe. These details are a closely guarded secret, more important to her than any atomic plans. Where is the recipe kept? In the vaults of an Edinburgh bank! Farmer Salesman Earn some extra money. Make $5 per 100 taking orders for World Famous Forman White Leghorn* Apply Box 124, 123 Elo,hteenth Street, Mitt/ Toronto. MAY BE YOUR LIVER If life's not worth living it may be your liver) 16', a taut! 11 tattoo up to two plata cl ova bile a day to keep your digestive tract in top shape! If your liver bile is not flowing freely Your food may not digest , . 105 bloats up your stomach , you feel constipated end all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That', whenou need mild gentle Curter's Little Liver Pills. Thee amous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver .bila, Soon you: dimities, starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days aro here again Don't ever stay sank Aarnlle keep Car1erb Little Liver PIM on hand. 871 at mar eiroccint.. �1 STOPPED tL l ' IN AJIFFY 12. or money back Very first use of meeting, cooling liquid 0.11.1), Prescription positively relieves raw red itch --.caused by eczema, rashes. scalp irritation, chafing—other Itch troubles, Greaseless, stainless. 390 trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for D. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. DO you love homemade. Dandy? You Sot three simply elegant, easy toMakerecipe° for $1.00. Please mind to E. Grimm, R. 6, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, FOR Men Only! who are dissatisfied by their hitherto racetrack results. If rota wleh to beat the races rush 42.00 for amazingly simple, ouocesstul new method, developed by former European Cavalry Officer, Who won huodredo of races him - dela. Satisfaction guaranteed, Summar Service, Box 888, Union City, Nen/ den 003, U.S.A. SONGWRITERS' Onpartanityl guaranteed Action on Exploitation of songs through Radio Broadcast and Tape 5nnmie'lort Service, National Songwrltera Guild, 1010 S. Atlantlo, Daytona Beach, Florida. AGENTS Waatedt Sparetlme work. bell- ing anpllanceo, watched, typewriters. Postal brings Free Catalogue, George Le. vette, P.0, Box 776, Greensboro, North Caroline.. GET rid of Gray Hair! Try Sturicltvl No bleach. 10.day supply, $1.602 Superior, Brix 2828, West Palm Bench, Florida. wan! Farmers! For Mastitis nee Olen*. coil. A few cents will buy a year's 0000 ply. Formula and instrantiona. Send $1.00 to; Earl Clemente, CardIngton, Ohio. PENNIES to Dollars In only seven years! Grow Christmas Trees. Write for fres . price hst. Cannle', Forest N000ery, Sboloeta, Pensvlvania, FARMERS, le your maple bush a money maker? Write for full particulars On modern evaporators and accessories eold on credit. Gordon w, Olive, RE. No. 1, Gananoque, Ont SELL SHOES DIRECT to consumer: egg commioelon. Make a steady Incomein smiling our Ocular line of quality alma. Style shoes and work ohnes tar the who's family. Selling catalogue and outat free, No experience needed, Concordia Shoe, Dont. 0.21, 121 Bay St., Toronto 1, 001. 5005E Mak Cane Manufacturers and Repairs. Midland Avenue, Agincourt, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER .8085 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Iinit'dreaola', Pleasant. dlgtlined pretension, s 0 0 4 wage0. Thousands of aucac0aful Marvel graduates America's greatest System Illuotl'ated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 558 !Door St. W„ Toronto, Branches: 44 King St„ Hamilton 72 Rideau St,. Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONIIAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys. P.atabltebed 1800. 800 University Ave.. Toronto. Patent, an countries. AN OFFER to every Inventor—Lies of Inventions and full information sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent At- torneys. 272 Bank Street, Ottawa, PERSONAL $1,00 TRIAL otter. Twenty -ave deluxe personal rodulremento. Latest cataloguer included The Medico Agency Bra 124. Terminal 5. Toronto. Ontario. It costs less than you think to enjoy dustless clean heat' SAVE WITH x 114 OIL HE T,T RS Priced from $66.50 O ECONOMICAL 1011 save mono, on the low mrrcbnsv ordee and yell enuthme Ca 81410 beennee 11 COrnna neem a minimum or ell. O 4 MODELS For enttages and Nolnll homer., there's n Coruna model for heat. Ina 2 t0 7 rooms.. O MODERN CONTROLS Easily regulated hent that's slur ole a0 Net and maintain. Coan• oletrlr rani -proof operation. ▪ SMART DESIGN A11 -steel ronstrnetIon combines modern design with riots walnut tone finish — 0 handsome addition to roar home. We hate porta for all Foss goner Craters and he08 • made soave healers. See your [Deco dealer or write today The OTACO Limited DRUM, ONT. IL YOUR OWN 6 uR CIG .f;; RETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO