HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-24, Page 5THE amoral- NEWS—Thursday, February 24, 1955 The Wright ecial s McCormick Jersey Cream Sodas ,. 28c (4 In 1 Paok) Plain or Salted 1 lb. Box Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 23c Libby's Pineapple Juice . , , , , 48 oz tin 29c Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee 2 oz. Jar -59c 4 oz. Jar -1.15 New Instant Milko 1 lb Box 37c 3 LB. BOX -97o Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, Double Size .. 77c Free Light Bulb in each Pkg. Stockleys Fancy Cream Corn , . , . 2 for 29c 15 oz. Tins Aylmer Pork & Beans, 10 oz. size. 2 for23c Aylmer Garden Peas, 15 oz. Tins Choice Quality. 2 for 33c Quaker New Instant Oats .... 3 IbBox 39c Makes a Delicious.. Breakfast WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT PHONE 77 FREE DELIVERY Euchre & Dance Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, FEB. 25 1FROM 9 TO Wilbee's Orchestra TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Thomas Flynn suffered a double fracture of her ankle on Thursday evening while at- tending a wedding at Londesboro Dr, and Mrs. McMaster left on Friday on a two -weeks trip to Hawaii. Mrs. A. W. Mooney, of Mas- sey, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. F. S. Savauge. ee USED CAR VALUES AT Seafort/i Motors Notice TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH facilitate snow removal operations the public is requested -not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months. And notice is hereby given that the Township will not be responsibe for any damages caused to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing operations. E. P. Chesney Clerk Twp, of Tuckersmith 5" NthE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP NOTICE All car owners in the Township of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prose- cutions may follow. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent neme„as„r,u, uuNtttttt man,ran,a,rr,11ttttr,",„Wnnuun,rr,e„rannuau,1Ua,rnnaaaarastam tttrr,p �. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARFIIN6 By order of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act Section 43, Subsec- tion 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Munici- pality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations . TOWN TOPICS Mrs, C. A. Barbar was a visit- or with relatives at Hickson. Mrs, J. A, Munn received a beautiful Valentine from her son, Dr. Donald Munn, from Hawaii, a huge and very lovely orchid arriving at the weekend, having come by aiz'. Mr. Donald MacTavish and Mr. Napier Simpson of Toronto and Mr. Oban MacTavlsli of London, spent the weekend with Mrs. John Ma eTavish. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Scotch - mei. and Mr. and Mrs, 'ilMyron Butler of .Bayfield; also Mrs. Jas. Porter of Goderich, were recent visitors with their brother Mr. Wm, Scotchmer. Mrs. Porter remained for a longer visit, Mr. Wm, Heard of. Bayfield visited with his uncle, Mr, WM Scotehmer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, G. De Jong of London, spent the weekend with Mrs. C. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. T. De Jong. Mr. and Mrs. J. McQuaid, St. Thomas, were weekend guests of Mrs. Joseph McQuaid, Mr. Edward McIver, Port Col- borne, was the guest of his moth- er, Mrs, H. Mclver over the weekend, Mr. Lionel Fortune, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fortune and Richard. Miss Dorothy Enzensberger, spent the weekend with Miss Penny James, Kitchener. Mr. Archie Hubert, Oshawa, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and •Mrs. N. Hubert Miss Yvonne Bolton, London, was a weekend guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. Bolton, Miss Mary Hagan, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. C. Hagan. Mr. Joseph Laudenbach, King- ston, and Mr, Michael Lauden- bach, Toronto, were 'weekend visitors at the home of their. parents, Mr. and Mrs.' L. 'Lau- denbach, Mr. Jim Flanagan, Toronto,. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Flanagan. Mr. Joseph Sills, Baltimore, is sere visiting his brother, Mr, F. S. Sills, who is a patient in 1 t Scott Memorial I3ospital, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Elliott have returned from a two -weeks vacation spent in Florida. e Dr, and Mrs. 'L. J. Matthews and daughter of East. Detroit h spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Cleary. McKILLOP TELEPHONE Continued from Page 1 chairman said if a subscri gave them a written eompla and would stand behind it could do something about it, a fine of five to six hundi was attached, Answering a question • whe er there is anything left over Che average out of subscribe levies, the treasurer said if B hadn't hit the system at Clint for extra phones they would all right. "We have to be rea by May 1956," he said. T lineman felt they could s'eco through salvage from the Cli ton end. "We are throu buying magneto phones," said. He felt it was one of best years financially if you di regard the cable. Mr. Sco added that they would have ha ten thousand dollars to the goo adding the $7,000 for cable pl the $8,000 they still have. M Eckert commented "We nee five years to get back financ ally, we need one anon year t get out. We won't go down an out this year," Mr. Kellar stated the Commi sion got the cable at the pri ordered and sold the .old cabl in November for more than the could have in the summer. Th cable is now worth $150 to $17 more than in the Spring las year. They had made $300 0 the deal. 'Chairman Campbell said th Commission wanted to thank all the people north of Seaforth fo their cooperation with layin the cable, 'Errors in charging long dis ante calls at the Clinton err were queried. Some were wrong ly billed for calls for taxis. Mr Mr. Campbell explained: "W pay Bell every month bet yo pay us only every six months Mr. Eckert said there wer about 18,000 original state- ments this year and they would need about 25 cents if they sent therm out. He recalled variou °occasions hunting up the infor- mation before 'the subscriber could remember the call. He said the independent telephone sys- ems have been trying to get a commission for collecting tolls on other systems in return for what is charged them but ae- ording to a letter he received recently, the board in Ottawa ad turned it down after a two - ear fight. Mr. Eckert said there will b her int they as red th- en 1.5' ell on bo dy he ver n - he the 5- tt d d, us a i 0 d' s- ee e y e 5 t n e 1 g' d e • u a ou b s EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Thachuck and family and Mrs. Pierce of Tillsonburg were weekend visit- ors with 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dalrymple. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hey of Thames Road, Mrs. Wilber Ma- haffy and Bert, Mrs. Freeman Mahaffy and Ross were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- 'ymple. - Mr. James McNairn is in Westminster Hospital in the in- terest of his health. Mrs. Ross Nicholson has re- ceived word that her father, Mr. Nivens, of Auburn is very ill and is at present in the hospit- al at Goderich. McKILLOP We are sorry to report Mr. Fred Hoegy is in a critical con- dition after suffering a severe stroke on Saturday. Master 'Raymond Horan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan, rad the misfortune of falling on ice at the school on Thursday. He was rushed to Seaforth Hos- pital. After undergoing a serious operation he is now recovering fairly well. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Regele were at Auburn on 'Saturday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Regele's uncle, Mr, Wm. Taylor of Brussels. Mrs. Regele sang a solo. Messrs Wm. Koehler and Clar- ence.Regele have been at St. George cutting timber. McKI LLOP S. S. No. 2, McKillop Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott this week. Topic for discussion, "The Farm- er and the Urban Worker, which is the better off?" The radio broadcast presented both sides of the picture fairly well. Turn- ing to our local groups, question. 1A, What factors do you think should be considered in deciding which is the better off, farmer or urban worker? We list, secur- ity, health, happiness and con- tentment, steady employment labor union headaches, cost of living, working hours, family life, fluctuating prices, and pride of occupation. Taking these factors into con- sideration, which of the two groups do you feel is the better off? We say the farmers are the better off. Question 2. H,ow do you think farmers and urban workers might get to understand each others viewpoints and problems better. One -group suggests through the Federation of Agri- culture and the Labor ,Unions,. another says, intelligent discus- sion .between individuals, and another says exchange •of occu- pation for a short period to get the actual facts. Summing Tip. we say that in the larger cities, especially in the factories mis- understanding is still quite pre- valent, but in the towns and vil- lages such is not the case. Our social hour was spent in progres- sive euchre: Prize winners were ladies most games, Mrs, Ellwood Clarke; lone hands, Mrs. Sam Storey; consolation, Mary Thom- pson. Gent's most gains, Tom McMillan; lone 'hands, Sam Storey; consolation, William Storey. Next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Se- eord McBrien. e less operators with a dial sys- tem. Returning to the selling question he said, "If we have to go to $38 and Bell can give it to us for $33 I think we should sell out. Hon. Mr. Challies said the Ontario Government is going to buy out the small phone com- panies; I think that may be up to 200 phones." Mr. Kellar sup- plied the information that there are a lot of systems with 25 or 30 phones in the province. Mr. Eckert said it was easy 'to see now that our forefathers should have been farsighted enough in 1908 to have taken in Seaforth in the McKillop sys- tem. n1i;;. A 3tion by, Lewrs?olton and Stewart IDolmage that' commis: sioners' salaries 'be the same as last year, was carried. Mr. Eck- ert said that according to new regulations they could' now have five commissioners instead of three but those present did not believe more were needed, A .motion by L. Bolton and Gordon Elliott that Allan Camp- bell be reappointed a Commis- sioner for a three-year term was carried. The terms of Walter Scott with two years to run and George Campbell with 1 year, as the other two 'Commissioners were confirmed. At the close of the meeting the Commissioners met and appoint- ed 'George Campbell as chairman for 1955, and reappointed J. M. Eckert as secretary -treasurer. WALTON The February meeting of the McKillop Group, Walton United Church was held at the home of Mrs. N. Reid with 14 present. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Fox, assisted by Mrs. Gordon MdGavin and Mrs. Dave Wat- son. Mrs. E. McCreath and Mrs. Gordon McGavin were appointed program committee for the so- cial. The McKillop Group is to serve the Lunch at the social and has charge of the -topics for March meeting of the WMS. Old Christmas cards are to be brought to the next meeting. A topic on Dr. Ida Scudder was given by Mrs. McMichael Six boxes of homemade goodies were packed for the shutins, 'Mrs. Dave Sholdice conducted a Val- entine contest while lunch was being prepared. Mrs. W. Bewley presided for the Feb. meeting of the Walton W.M.S. group of Duff's United 'Ohureh at the home of Mrs, E. Marshall. "Blest be the tie that Binds" was the opening hymn and this followed with prayer by the president. Mrs. F. Walters read the scripture lesson from John 15: 1-17, and comments on the passage were given by Mrs. 'Bewley. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were given by Mrs. Bewley. Mrs. D. 'Ennis read the minutes and called the roll which showed 27 members pre- sent. The treasurer, Mrs. F. "Miss ollyf9 AN EXCELLENT LITTLE COMEDY To be presented by, Turner's Church YPU in Northside Church Sunday Schoolroom MONDAY, FEB. 28 Kirkby reported $4,90 offering at January meeting and $18,18 in the Sunshine Gift fund, Mem- bers of the group were asked to bring their used Christmas cards and stamps, and also provide sandwiches and tarts for the W. A. social to be held in the church Feb. 28. Plans were discussed for the bazaar to be held in the church Mar, 30th. A committee to mark articles, plan lunch and decorate for the bazaar includes: Mrs, H, Travis, Mrs. It. Bennett, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. F. Kirkby, Mrs. W. Bennett, Mrs. T. Dun- das, Mrs. E. Stevens and Mrs. Bewley, It was decided to invite Union, Bethel, Anglican, and Monerief, and Winthrop Socie- ties. An interesting topic, "Things we hear said", was given by Mrs, Don McNeil and Mr;, E. Watson. The regular March meeting is to be held in the church when the committee, Mrs. Pete McDonald, and Mrs, J. Shannon will have -.. two quilts ready. The meeting closed .lith the use of hymn 78 and the Mrcpah Benediction. The hostess assisted by Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. F. Kirkby and Mrs. R. Bennett served a delicious lunch. TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmith Federation of Agriculture enet in S. S. No. 9, Wednesday evening, 19th with Erlin Whitmore, Elmore Towns- end, Wm. Broadfoot, Alex Mc- Gregor, Robert McGregor and Gordon Richardson present. Er - lin Whitmore acted as chairman. Minutes of the last meeting were read. A motion was passed that each director make a list of the farmers in his own section so thatc ea hne o would' receive a copy of the Rural Co -Operator. Donald 'Cayman gave a report on the Annual meeting of hog producers held in Clinton. A grant of $20.00 was given to Donald Dayman to attend the annual meeting of Hog Produc- ers in Toronto. It was decided that as many directors as possible attend council meeting in March to ap- ply for the Federation Grant, Erlin Whitmore gave a report on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture held in Toronto, Jan. 4 to 7th. The meeting ad- journed. HENSALL The Hcnsall Women's Institute held a social evening in the Le- gion rooms, when their husbands were the special guests, Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. Harry Hor- ton were the hostesses. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, President, op- ened the meeting and the mem- bers answered the roll call with "Something good about the per- son on my left". The President voiced thanks to the ladies for their efforts in connection with the bake sale and tea held on January 29th. Mrs. P. Graham, who plans to leave soon for Orlando, Florida, was wished 'bon voyage". Beau- tiful knitted wear was turned in by Miss Greta Lammie and Mrs, Albert Alexander for the Child- ren's Aid Society in Goderich. Volunteers were asked to help at the arena booth with the following. � volunteering, Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mrs. Lorne Chapman, Mrs. Albert Shirray, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Elsie Carlisle. Program conveners: Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. C. Cook made attractive Valentine decorations and under their direction enter- tainment in the for of euchre was played with,12 tables in play. Winners: Ladies, Mrs. E. Sproat; Gent's, Mr. W. R. Doug - Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN "FREEDOM" INSURANCE In the trained skill and cour- age of Canada's soldiers Iles a wealth of insurance . , "Freedom" insurance ... for peace . , , against aggression. The opportunities for young men with the right tempera- ment and intelligence to make a career in the Army are excel- lent. As a modern, progressive organization, the Army is equipped to offer top rate schooling and training to career soldiers. There is a place in the Canadian Army for young men who can meet the challenge. The Army has a continuing need for good men ...-men like you, who want to make a career of protecting Canada's freedom, and your own, in the Army, Serve Canada and Yourself In the Army To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years ofage, skilled tradesmen to 48. Whenapplying bring birth certificate or other proof of ago. Applyright away—For full In- formation write or visit the Army Recruiting Centrenearest your home. No, 43 Personnel Depot, Wallis Rouse, Rideau 6 Charlotte Six, Ottawa, Ont. — Telephone 9.4507 Canadian Army Roorulting Mallon, 164 Wollingtpn,14. ,Ningslon, 0,0 — Telephone 4738 Canadian Army RecrultIng Centre, 90 Richmond. St. W, Toronto, 0 4 — Telephone Fm. 6.8341—local 276 Tim 7 Personnel Depot, Wolselay.Barracks, OMord 6 Elisabeth Sis., London, -Ont. — Telephone 4.1601—foal 135 Army Recruiting Contra, 230 Main kW., alt Bao, 0,4,—Telepho,o 456 Canadian Army Rew14,2 Stenon, 1841 {Ing SI. East, Hamilton, Onh-Telee hone 28706 •ADDRESS • all; lone hands, Mrs. Elsie Car- lisle. The congregation of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensel', held a special meeting and unan- imously decided to extend a call to the Rev. Donald MacDonald of Tara. The pulpit was declar- ed vacant last October, It is ex- pected the Rev. MacDonald will move to Hcnsall in the course of a few weeks, Noble Grand Miss Mabel Whiteman presided over the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 341) on Wednesday evening, the occasion being the sixth anniversary of the Lodge. The members of the Clinton Re- bekah Lodge were the guests. Lodge opened in .regular form and following the business, bingo was enjoyed with the entertain- ment committee namely: Mrs. Mary Jacobi, Mrs. Pearl Shad - dick, Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs, t.5, 0 Harold Bell In charge. Mrs, Mac- Pherson; Noble Grand of Clin- tonl Lodge expressed thanks to the Lodge for the invitation to Celebrate with them, Mrs, Cook, who was present when the Lodge was initiated spoke briefly. Lunch was served when Miss Annie Consitt, Past Noble Grand cut the birthday cake which was arranged on a beautifully set table, where Mrs. Anna Walker, Past Noble Grand and Mrs. Bea- trice Richardson, Jr. Past Noble Grand poured tea. Mrs. Knights of Clinton expressed thanks on behalf o1' the Clinton Lodge. Mrs. Edna Corbett of Exeter visited during the past week with her daughter, Mrs, Edna Jones. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse - in -training at Victoria Hospital, London, was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. IMMSMIWPATOST o hkk er Seaforth Community Centre SATURe FEB. 26th AT 9 P.M. WINNER OF LONDON-SARNIA SERIES vs SEAFORTH JUNIORS This is the first genre of the group finals and promises to be a thriller AT 7 P.M. MT. FOREST MIDGETS vs SEAFORTH MIDGETS This is the semi-finals for the W.O.A.A. Midget Championship This is your opportunity to see two play-off games for the regular admission price, Admission 50c Children 25c 1 SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Old Boys' and Girls' REUNION JULY 30-31, AUG. 1, 2, 3 Let us have the names and addresses of former residents of the district The OLD BOYS can't come to the Reunion if they don't know about it Prepare your list now! Send it to MISS HAZEL REID, Chairman Invitation Com- mittee, Phone 121 Here Are Some Names: NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prcpayment Receipts for 1955 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1955, on all prepaid 1955 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be ob- tained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 .T. PRYDE AND SON . Enquiries Are invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 41 J Phone 103