HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-17, Page 5THE SPA3'ORTH NEWS -Thursday, February 17, 1955 411111.1111111=1,146112.121111~.01. 46101391E12%.51:1519.4....1.0.1.MINIIMNIN Your Superior Specials CROWN CORN SYRUP 2 hl, Tin 28c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX Pkg. 19c GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE, SALMON Tin 39c HENLEY'S CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 28 oz. Tin. 2 for 49c PANCAKE TABLE SYRUP .... 10 az13oltle 340 APPLE PIE READY 20 oz. Tin: 32c CHERRY PIE READY 20 oz. Tin 32c GOOD LUCK INSTANT PUDDINGS Vanilla, Chocolate & 13uttorscoLch .... 2 pkgs. 25c CLUB HOUSE PANCAKE SYRUP 34c RED BIRD MATCHES 3 for 25c JOHNSONS HARD GLOSS LIQUID WAX .. pt. 59c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT PHONE 77 FREE DELIVERY One for The Road The origin of this veiled refer- ence to drinking and driving is obsem:e. Probably it came down front Old Dobbin days in Eng- land. If this last one tor the road topped off several previous drinks it didn't matter much in those days. Horse sense would very probably carry the maudlin driver A BRIDGE Friday, Feb. 18 Auspices of the Hospital Auxiliary Nurses Residence 2.15 P.M. safely 111)010. 110w differeet to- day. Tiro "one for the road" might so easily be one for the ditch, the hospital or the morgue -perhaps all three. Conclusive scientific proof has shown that a driver having 1% pints of 6% beer ,rill be affected as follows: 1. Selective reaatious e.g. mak- ing decisions, slow down 10%. 2. Muscular reactions e.f. mov- ing hands and feet, slow down 3. Mental concentration e, g, watching his driving, loss up to 35%. The problem fact is that the "one for the road" is fraught with tragedy, -Advt. Seaforth Chamber of Commerce GENERAL MEETING Monday, February 21st - 8 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Everyone is invited moroonssrumeasmamaseantreeitir Postponed Annual Meeting Seaforth Community Credit Union LTD. MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 8.30 P.M. TOWN HALL Everybody Welcome P. D. McCONNELL JOHN FLANNERY President Secretary rd111111111"10111111"1111,11„1111,111111111„1111111,1 i„1111„i 11111111111111 lllllll 111111111111111M lnnII lllll fill 111un"UUn, 3 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP All car owners in the Township of McKillop are requested not to park their cars on the roads of the Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow plows. Please note that Provincial Police will take the necessary action to see that cars are not left on roads, and prose- cutions may follow. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs, Don Stewart of Toronto were guests over the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Dr, and Mrs. E. A. Me- Master. Miss Mavis Oliver, Reg. N., has returned from Bermuda where she was for the past six .months. Miss Phyllis Boyes is still in Bermuda, having gone there in November, Mill. Ernest Toll and Mrs. Bed- ford Dungoy have returned home after apehding :n few days In Col lingwood with. Mr. and Mrs. Anima 1-Iogg and also attending the ;E[ogg-Wahnstey wedding. Miss Mary Hagan, London, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. C. Hagan. Miss Marion Laudenbach, Tor- onto, will the gueat of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauden- bach over the weekend. Master Peter Stiles spent the weekend with Misses Margaret and Josephine McIver, Kitchener Miss Mary Lou Sella, Chat- ham, was a weekend guest of her mother, Mrs. 1C. P. Sills. Mr. Len 'Gillespie, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends here. Miss Peg Quarrie, Kitchener, spent the weekend with friends in town. Mrs. Wallace Haugh and Mr. Earl McSpadden were, in Toron- to last week as delegates to the annual meeting of agricultural societies. Mr. Robert Scott, of Harpur- hey, is a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospital Paul McMaster broke a small bone in his foot while skiing this week. The rural fire truck answered a earl to the home of Joseph Grunnnett, iiarpurhey, on Sun- day morning owing to a chimney fire. Mr. Wilbur Keyes, accompan- ied by his brother, Stewart Keyes, have returned after spending a month in the South- ern Southeru States, including California, and Mexico. They visited friends in Los Angeles, and many inter- esting points a interest en - route. BORN Bannon -At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Feb, 9th; to Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Bannon, Seaforth, a daughter. Stone -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Feb. 11, to Mr, and Mrs. George Stone, nal Seaforth, twin sons McKaig-At Scott Memorial hos- pital, on Feb. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoKaig, Seaforth, a daughter Clark -At Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, Feb. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Wal- ton, a son NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARISING By order of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the -Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act- Section 43, Subsec- tion 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Munich: pality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations TOWN COUNCIL complete town plan at $450. Continued from page 1 Council thought ,this much more than expected and decided to in - Reeve Seoins stated, stating she ve Coufurther,te Council decided to join the Ontario Mayors and Reeves As- sociation for $10. It meets at North Bay in June, Five voted Council decided to adopt a yes and Councillor Close no. phone system to make it easier The Mayor said if we are go - for central to contact police. ing to move the police office This would consist of 'having the over to Victoria street now was police office phones and house the time to gdt a carpenter. Ma - phones on the same circuit so terial would be needed to line it that by means of a switch at the with plywood and lower the cell - police office calla may be dir- ing ectecl to the house of either of- ficer as desired. Councillor Kellar said at pre- sent an operator's time is taken up too much trying to get police. The new extension system will cost $6.15 more, making the tot- al cost $18.95 a month. wished to go on full relief. Police Phone Extension McKILLOP Two Nurses Receive Caps A capping ceremony took place at South Huron I'Iospital, Exeter, last Monday evening, when Miss Jane IDykeman, Zion, and Miss Olene Godkin, Walton, nurses -in -training, received their caps and pins. A Valentine party With the hospital staff was en- joyed after the ceremony, Pancake Supper Debenture Rate Discussed A representative of the Bell, Gouinlock investment firm was present and offerers to give a firm bid on the Town of Sea- forth bonds. Council were re- luctant to do business as formal' approval had not yet been re- ceived from the municipal board. However he did make an offer which was off the record. He al- so gave council information how the bond companies go about disposing of these issues. He showed what things buyers looked for in a municipality's credit rating. Seaforth's deben- ture debt is getting over $200 per head, he said. Council look- ed this fact up and discovered the town's debentures now gross around $275.00 per head, Lon- don Life won't buy any munici- pal debenture where the debt is over $100 per head, he informed council. Others won't buy from any municipality under 5000 pop- ulation, and so on. Tax arrears are another consideration, he said. Seaforth's tax arrears amounted to $14.00 a head last year, while same bond buyers look for as high as 98% tax col- lections. The representative claimed he was making a very good offer, but council were not altogether satisfied, and felt the issue should be let by tender. Asked if this would complete Setiforth's borrowing, Mayor McMaster said yes, unless possi- bly a small issue to complete the sewer up Goderich street this year. This might amount to $25,000. Council asked why towns in the Niagara Peninsula got better rates than here, and the repre- sentative claimed it was the fruit belt, We are between beef and beans :here," Councillor Kellar remarked. Council wanted to know why towns in Quebec province get more favorable rates. Tse bond man claimed this is because of a law keeping interest rates not over 4%. Firms pick these is- sues up below par and retail theme locally at par. "Our business is -wholesale, not retail," he said. He offered to try and peddle the 'Seaforth bonds at a better late if council would give him an agreement for one week. This council was hesitant about doing and finally at the close of the meeting de- cided to wait and call for tend- ers- to give other firms a chance. K. I. McLean and Eric Mun- ro laid before council their re- spective plans for group insur- ance for employees. Both called for a minimum of ten entering the plan, and total cost would be in the neighborhood of $1000 per year which could be divided with the employees or not as decided. Councillor Kellar and Reeve Scoins said this would mean pay- ing twice as the town comes un- der the Workmen's Compensa- tion. Mayor McMaster said this covers other things and while employee is not working. Em- ployees would rather have this than a pav increase, he said. De- cision was left over to another meeting. at St. Thomas Church Seaforth Shrove Tuesday Feb. 22 (i to 8 P.1VI. Admission. 75c. Children 35c EUCHRE In the L. 0. B. A. Hall, Seaforth Monday, Feb. 21 Under auspices of the L.O.B.A Euchre & Dance Friday, Feb. 18 At St. Patrick's Parish Hall, Dublin Mullins Orchestra Auspices of the Altar Society The town clerk said permis- sion would have to be obtained from the P.U.C. as they own the building, Iteeve Seoinis objected that the move had never been discus- sed before the property commit- tee who should study it. Euchre & Discuss 3 -ton Truck Councillor Close said the council gives a lot of money to things the town gets no benefit from. "If you want to spend money I think we should have a new three -ton truck and snow- plow." Cost for a truck complete with equipment is around, $8786, he said. ' A,. grand outfit could be had for 05000 which would do the plowing in a quarter of the time. 'Councillor Habkirk was dele- gated to see what could be had in a good used three -ton truck. Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute in the Community Centre FRIDAY, FEB. 18 Euchre to commence sharp at 8.30 Admission 50c per person All ladies bring lunch Murdoch's Orchestra Finance Report The report of your Finance Committee is as follows: Receiver General of Canada, 311.88; D. L. Reid, wages, 392- 40; Public School, Adv. $80.00; B. C. Construction Co., 51180,- 29; Separate School Board, Adv. 0500.00; A. Miller, wages, $22.- 50; Ontario Municipal Board, re Sewage Bylaw, $10.00; Bell Tel- ephone Co„ $80.60; Workmen's Compensation Board, 312.18; Municipal World Ltd., 324.00; Treas, of Ontario, Pa .$030.16; H. Glenn Hays, $7.00; W. E. Southgate, $7.92.928 Provincial Treas., 33.11; `County of Huron, 392.00; Seaforth Machine Shop, 322.10; P,U,C., $92.02; Cleave Coombs, '35.38; Anson iGilbert Motors, 34.50: Scott Habkirk, $30.00; Roweliffe Motors, 34.11; Canadian National Railways, 380.89; Canadian National Rail- ways, $5.00; Crown Hardware, 311.58; William M. Hart, 310.; Geo. A. Sills and Sons, 353.25; 0, H. Miller, $5.25; Seaforth Motors, $1.70; Ball -Macaulay, 310.05; Seaforth Lumber Ltd., 38.00; M. E. Clarke, 349.38; Receiver General of Canada, 310.00; OMalone , 3187.50. H. ; A Pce, $166.66;' Jy Cummings, '320.00; A. Bushie, 3137.50; W. H. Hoff, $86.64; Huron Expositor, $155.- 22; 155:22; A. Bushie, $13.70; Graham Oil, $18.50; Frank Maloney, $20.00; Ken 'Smith, 320.00; H. Mcllwain, 452.00; E. Boyce, 359.50; A. Miller, 49.90; H. Ma- loney, 350.00; A. Price, 09,00; Mrs. T. Griffin, $31.95; Sparton Contracting Co. Ltd., $700.00; Association •of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, fees, 010.00; Salva- tion Army, grant, 340,00. Communications Communications included a protest from Jos. Little, McKil- lop, over a parking fine of $1. He claimed he had double park- ed on Dec. 14th opposite the Co- op egg grading store for two minutes while carrying a crate into the store. He asked where was he supposed to park under the circumstances. Councillors Kellar and Hab- kirk said they had heard Mr. Little complain he got no re- ceipt. Town Clerk Wilson said this would be because he paid it before the duplicate card was turned in. Mrs. Sarah Swan wrote pro- testing ,that she had been asses- sed for two years for a lot sold to Mr. Dillon, but council de- cided it should have been ap- pealed at court of revision. As- sessment on the lot was $25.00. A request front Clinton seed fair for a $25 grant was tabled as council felt "Seaforth gets no benefit from a fair which is al- ways held in Clinton. If it is a county fair it should be passed around to the different towns, council thought. The usual grant of $40 was made to the 'Salvation Army home. A letter from Seaforth Old Boys reunion asked that ,the $1000. credit be made available. Also another letter asking that the Department of Highways .be asked not to have any highway work in progress at reunion time. Councillor Kellar said pre- liminary plans are being made for rebuilding No. 8 highway east of 'Seaforth. The Mayor said he and Councillor Close would be interviewing the department at Stratford and would enquire, on Sunday with Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. R. Dinsdale and aunt, Miss Mabel Whiteman, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hender- son spent a day last week in Stratford. Quite a number from here at- tended the Co-op banquet in the community centre in Zurich on Thursday night, Mrs. Earl Sproat of Hensel). entertained a number of Kippen friends on Monday evening. Mrs. A. 'Gackstetter, Lynn and Karen, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Mi's, Enos Herdman in Exeter. McKILLOP S. S. No,' 2, McKillop Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Samuel Storey, Topic, Farm Marketing Abroad. Question 1, Do you think farm price supports should be designed to protect the farm- er against disastrous drops in price, or should they be high enough to encourage increased production, or should they be in between. Support prices should be set to protect the farmer against drastic drop in prices, but not high enough to cause over production. Question 2. Do you think we in Canada should set support prices higher than prices in the available export markets? Sup- port prices whether for home or export markets, should if possi- ble cover the average cost of production, plus a reasonable profit, or else the economy of the country on a whole will suf- fer. Question 3. Can we have an effective price support program without ancreasirllg barriers to international trade? A price support program may increase barriers to trade, but we see no reason why this difficulty cannot be overcome by means of inter- national co-operation. Conclud- ing discussion period a social hour was spent in progressive euchre. Results: Ladies, most games, Mrs, R. E. McMillan; lone 'hands, Mrs. Stewart Dol - mage; eon., Mrs. T. W. McMill- an; men, most games, Ellwood Clarke; lone hands, Arthur An- derson; con., Stewart Dolmage. Next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. EGMONDVILLE Miss May Stobie of Detroit is visiting at present with her sist- er, Mrs. Robt. Boyes. Mr. A. T. Douglas and daugh- ter of Hyde Park, (former resi- dents of Stanley) called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Boyes. Mr. Lorne Finlayson and sons of Cromarty visited on Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson. Mrs. Patterson of Walton is visiting at present with her sist- er, Mrs. Ivy Henderson and Mr. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyes Jr. of Orillia, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Boyes Sr. and with his brothers, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Boyes and Mr. and Mr's, Ed Boyes. A film, Beautifying Canada by landscaping your home, will be presented by the H. C. Downham Nursery of Strathroy, in the schoolroom of the Eg mondville Church on Monday Feb. 21st at 8:15 p.m., under the auspices of the W. A. WALTON The Bethel women held their joint W.M.S. and W.A. meetings at the home of Mrs. Wm. Roe. Mrs. Glenn McNicol presided for the worship service. Hymn 2 was sung followed bya prayer read responsively._ A. bible reading was given by Mildred McNicol. Mrs, Alex Dennis and Mrs. Ralph McNicol gave readings on the people of India, A Christian Stewardship reading was given by Ethel Dennis, The topic was taken by. Mrs. Stanley Hillen, with Mrs, Don Dennis and Mrs. Roy Wildfong taking parts re- presenting India and England. We have accepted an invitation to Duff's Church, McKillop, to attend the World Day 91 Prayer Service with thein. The meeting closed with hymn 239, followed by prayer. Mrs. Wm, Roe opened the W. A. meeting with a , prayer. 16 members answered the roll call.. The business meeting was con- ducted by the president, Mrs. Win. Roe. A valentine social to he held in the school on Wed., Feb. 16. Admission price 40o and children school age 25e. The treasurer gave each member 50c for talent money. Mrs. Roe thanked those who sent cards. The meeting closed with hymn 378 after which' a social half' hour was spent. A FRIENDLY CHAT I had a chat the other day, My friend was William Murray. We talked of course about the world With all its fear and hurry. In memory we scanned the years How long we had been living, And recognized with gratitude Good reason for thanksgiving. We talked about our early friends While we were reminiscing, And silently we realized Many today are missing. Our boyhood days were happy days, No care, no want, no worry, I said they surely were the best, And so did William Murray. It's grand to live a long, long life, Providing you are healthy, Some sacrificed this priceless gift In striving to be wealthy. We both were blest with merry hearts, Good friends, good health and a' that. We had our sorrows, ups and downs, We're living yet for a' that. We'll meet again, exchange a smile, Have friendly conversation, And from experience reeom,nend A life of moderation. -John Beattie Notice TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH To facilitate snow removal operations the public is requested not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months. And notice is hereby given that the Township will not be responsibe for any damages caused to such vehicles as a result of snowplowing operations. E. P. Chesney Clerk Twp. of Tuckersmith KIPPEN Recent visitors of Mr. Robt. Thomson were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stokes and Larry of Lon- don and Mr. and Mrs. Priestap of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert visit- ed recently with relatives in Lis- towel. We are pleased to report Mr. Wm. Workman is slightly imp- roved in health. Mrs. Garth Mosher of Tren- ton spent the week end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. N. Mc- Leod at the manse. Mr. Bob Love oftheUniver- sity of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr, Emerson Kyle is 'making extensive alterations to his' gen- eral store in the village. Mrs. J. Dueharmc of Dash- wood ashwood spent a day last week with her mother, Mrs. J. MaClymont. Mrs. Wm. Winder, accompan- ied by Mrs. Sheffee of Goderich and Mrs. Franks of London left last week to have a holiday in Sarasota, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke and Mrs. Gibson Sr. recently visited with the latter's daughter and. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Mellis. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins of Exeter spent an afternoon and evening last week with and Mrs. Sam Cudinore. (Gail Ann Gackstetter spent Monday night with ,her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and family in Hensall. A letter from Engineer Ross Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor of Goderich' offered the town a and Terry of 'Stratford visited See USED CAR VALUES AT SeaforthMotors TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax .Prepayment Receiptsfor 1955 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1955, on all prepaid 1955 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be ob-- tained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer SEAFORTH ' MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON .Enquiries Are Invited EXETER CLINTON Phone 41J Phone 103 .asJasssussss►asel►l►l►llll►►11►►►sullllllsl,►