HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-10, Page 8NEW Two -Pant Suits FOR BIGGER MEN These suits are for bigger men only from 39 to 44 size. All wool worsteds in greys and blues with 2 pair of trousers. Single breasted styles cut for stouter men, special at WITH 2 PANTS 59.50 New! Sanforized PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Here's a new cotton fabric with a soft feel like finest wool, smart- ly tailored in dressy sport shirt style. The cloth is fast in color and sanforized in Crawford, Fraser and Anderson tartans. Choose these new sport shirts for curl- ing, or all winter wear special 455 Deluxe Quality Shirts & Shorts Fine quality cotton in close elastic rib shirts and shorts. Shorts have double panel in front and back for extra wear. Very Special 95c ea. Sizes — Small, Med., Large, Oversize Stewart Bros. BORN Boll—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 8r,1, to Mr. and Mrs, Neil Bell, Seaforth, a son Rear—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Zack Ryan, R15 Seaforth. a daughter Segeren -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Segeren, Staffa, a daughter HOCKEY Seaforth Baldwins completed their Junior "B" OHA schedule here Saturday night with an 8-5 triumph over Blenheim Wild- cats. The same two teams will open their best -of -five semifinal series here next Saturday night. The Baldwins needed a third period scoring spurt to chalk up their win as the two teams bat- tled to a 3-3 deadlock up to the 4.56 nark of the final frame. At the end of the first the score was 1-1 with Seaforth holding a 3-2 edge to open the third ses- sion. Elio Marcon bagged his third goal of the night for the visit- ors tieing the score at 3-3 and touched off the Seaforth scor- ing outburst. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" The Use of Our Bulls Will Assure You That: - - Your young stock will have the inherent ability to pro- duce be they beef or dairy. The good producers make more dollars. Your young stook will not have inherent undesirable characteristics. Special attention is paid to this in the bull selection for Unit use. Freedom from the danger of handling a bull. Several( people are killed or hurt each year on Ontario farms by bulls. Inseminators are not dangerous. Freedom of the danger of spreading disease. Unit bulls are tested for many diseases and are under very strict health rules. A good way to spread infection is the neighborhood use of a bull. Inseminators are trained to disinfect boots between farms and use a new disposable breeding tube for each cow. Your total breeding costs will be lower. No capital in- vestment in a brill is required and there is no risk of death loss of sires. The estimated cost to keep a bull on the farm is $200,00 to $300.00 per year. You will have accurate breeding records. During January 1955, we had a 16.6% increase over January 1954 or 479 cows, For information or service, Phone Clinton 242 between 7.80 and 10.00 A.M. week days, or 7.30 to 9.30 A.M. Sundays. If you are interested in artificial insemination, send the eoupon below to the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, Clinton, Ont„ and one ,of our men will call at your farm to give further information. 11111111Ili 11111111111,tlltlIllllllllllllltllll,lllllIllllllll 1111llllllllltlllnll lllllllllnitllllllllalllenlnf 111111111111111114 Please call at my farm to give further inform- ation en your Artificial Insemination service. NAME ADDRESS Location of Farm Concession. Lot No. The homesters rammed in three quick goals to take the lead and were never threatened. Blenheim Came back with a goal by D. Hinnegan, ,but Tom Sal- ter bagged a pair to end the up- rising. Bev •Summers in the Blenheim net was forced to leave the game with two minutes remaining due to a side injury and was replaced by Corbett. Blenheim, Goal, Summers; de- fence, Millard,•Shillington• cen- tre, B. Hinnegan; subs, Emery, Corbett, 'Marcon, Cusinato, Pic- kering, 11. Pearson, D. Pearson, Butterman. 1Seaforth, Goal, R. Salter; de- fence, Lockridge, Bell; centre, 'Chalk; wings, Stone, ena• subs, McPherson, •Shantz, T. Salter, McIlwain, Muir, Larochelle, Bar- ton, Jessore Sawyer. First Period 1—Seaforth; Chalk (Vena, Stone) 1.04 2—Blenheim, Maroon (Cusinato, Corbett x(3.27) Penalties — Vena 2.55, Muir 7.52, B. Pearson 18.11, Bell 18.44. Second Period 3—Seaforth, Stone (Chalk, Ve- na) 4.15 4—Blenheim, Marton 14.05 5—Seaforth, McIlwain (Muir, Lockridge) 15.25 Penalties—B. Hinnegan 6.51, McPherson 7.39, 'Shillington 12.20, Bell 13,20. Third Period 6—Blenheim, Marcon (Picker- ing, Cusinato) 1.51 7—Seaforth, Muir ,(Mcllwain, T. Salter) 4.66 8—Seaforth, Vena '(C h a l k, Stone) 7.35 9—Seaforth, T. Salter 7.47 10—Blenheim, D. Hinnegan (A. Hinnegan) 13.20 11-Seaforth, T. Salter (Mc- Pherson, •Shantz) 16.06 12—Seaforth, T. Salter 1@Shantz, Sawyer) 18.36 13—Blenheim, A. Hinnegan (B. Pearson, 11. Pearson) 19.32 Penalties — LarochelIe 2.25, Emery 2,25, Barton 10.18, Butterman 1(mlatch miscon- duct 12.25 BRUCEFIELD Mr. Allan Haugh of the Ridge - town W.O.A.S. and Miss Anne Haugh, who has accepted a po- sition with the London Life at London, were visitors at their home over the weekend. Mr. Jack Dallas, who under- went an operation for appendi- citis at Scott Memorial Hospit- al, Seaforth, is convalescing at his home. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News of 'February, 1916 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ste- phens of the Queens Hotel cele- brated their ;golden wedding. Mr. John M. IGovenlock, Reeve of McKillop, was elected warden of Huron County for 1915.. Car licenses cost $6 for ears of 25 h.p. or less;' $10 for 25 to 35 h.p. Commercial trucks $5, over two tons $8. Fords were 2214 h.p. McLaughlin •33 4 h.p. Other makes mentioned are Cad- illac, Chalmers, Dodge, Hudson, Hupmobile, Maxwell, Overland, Regal, Reo, Russell and Saxon, John McDowell was elected president of Seaforth Agr. Soc. with D. Fotheringham, lst vice president and A. •Broadfoot, 2nd vice pres., M. Broderick, secre- tary. Directors were William Black, Thos. Coleman, .Geo. Harty, Geo. McKee, J. L. Brown, Jas. Evans, Thos. Livingstone, J. F. Daly, A, •Sutherland. No mail came into town for several days when trains were blocked by a severe storm. Mr. •Samuel Carnochan, Tuck- ersmith, has Messrs. R. Strong and L. Makin of Egmondville cutting down the row of willow' trees around his orchard. Mr. Thos. McKay, of Manley, has broken the record. He cut and hauled 80 cords of wood to 3. M. Govenlock's tile yard at Winthrop in eight days, Mr. Jas. Laidlaw of Sacramen- to, Cal. is spending a few weeks with his mother in Egmondville. Bread was being sold et 5c a loaf. Preparations were being made for a military funeral for a Seaforth private who has been ill at Victoria hospital with pneu- monia, when Lieut. 'Go]. Alex Wilson received word he had succumbed. Half an hour later it was learned that Private Roy B. Cook was alive and doing well. Cook was not told he had been erroneously reported dead. W. E. McLaren, Cromarty, whose house was (burned two months ago, has got it suffi- ciently rebuilt to move back in. Mr. John Murdoch, London Road, Brucefield, has sold his 100 -acre farm to Charles Clif- ton, Sunlmnerhill, The price paid was in the neighborhood of $7,500. The house of Harry Freeman, Constance, was burned during the storm on Friday. Centenary services commem- orating 100 years of peace be- tween Great Britain and the United States were held in Trin- ity Church, Hayfield. William Kyle, of Wilkie, ,Sask., is visiting at the home of his uncle, Thos. Kyle, Kippen. A double wedding was held at Kippen manse when E. L. Drake, Hensall, and Miss Grace Ander- soh, Kippen, were married and at the same time Percy 'Clarke, Hensall and Miss .Gaseho, Zurich. The young couple purchased the Commercial Hotel in 'Hensall. Mr. Robert Munn has re -open- ed his blacksmith shop on the Leadbury"Line. Mr. Frank Layton, Tucker - smith, purchased a fine team of horses for teaming purposes from James Archibald. • Child's eriO, staANnnnTEr.p size, in condition, 'Wanted. Phone 830r2 Seaforth Zi8-Grip uioobbes 8ALlnes heels no elothea pins Life time. guarantee. For home demonstration and information, phone .296. Harry Jeasonte, Seaforth SALES HELP WANTED AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN wanted. Be in business for yourself full or part time, selling daily necessities. Wherever you may live there's an opening for you. FAMILEII;, Montlrx! : 24 NOTICE soabbtehflply;Pr Custom reeanle, by the Ap Lyle Montgomery, RID Clinton, Ont. Phone 841-12-31 Seaforth The Sea£eth FallNOTICE Fair Public School adze list, Section G, Class 1, should read Best dressed dolt, open (at least. 10" high; hand sown), FOR or good SALEclean ant straw, J, Ryan, Dublin, Phone 40r6. DUBLIN Parent - Teacher Meeting In spite of a very bad snow storm, there was a good attend-' ance at the last P.T.A. meeting held at the Dublin High School. The meeting was opened by Rev. Father McCowell with the P.T.A. prayer. The president Mr. Tom Malady then conducted the busi- ness meeting. Reports of sec- tional meetings were given by Mr. James O'Connor, St, Colum - ban, by Mr. Lau Coyne, Hibbert, and by Jim Maloney for Beech- wood. Some 'pupils from Beech- wood and Hibbert schools then provided entertaining numbers. Mary Lou Coyne sang and recit ed, Anne Morris tap danced, and Don Coyne gave a recitation. There was a group tap dancing number. Catherine Ryan and Louise O'Rourke from Beech- wood gave amusing recitations. Mr. Frank Sills of Seaforth enter- tained the audience with a few vocal selections. The guest speaker of the even- ing, Rev, Father Bullbrook, C.R., of St, Jerome's College, Kitell, ener, was introduced by Rev. Father Ffoulifes. In his talk on "The Adolescent", Father Bull - brook stressed the importance of realizing that it is in the very early 'teens that young people need special help and guidance. They are facing problems of ad- justment which to them are very serious. Authority is needed, as they have not yet acquired a sense of responsibility, but auth- ority must be accompanied by a sincere interest in the young per- son, and a desire to help him, Mr. Tom Melady thanked the speaker for his talk on a subject of such great interest to parents and teachers. The meeting was followed by a social hour, and lunch was served. High School News Hearts and cupids, roses and valentines are to be seen every- where, and busy committee •mem- bers are plotting and planning, "How will the `Queen of Hearts' be chosen?" "What prizes and surprises will there be " Yes, the school dance is to be next Friday evening, Feb. 111 Valen- tine decorations are right in season. Everyone is looking for- ward to .a wonderful evening. Our monthly reports came out last week, Grade eleven high team came first with 80%. Grades 10 and 12 tied for se- cond place with 72% and Grade 9, who were first in December, came last this time, with 72%. Grade 11 low team also headed the list, with 65%, and Grades 9 anb 10 came next with 52%. Cleo iBowman had the highest average in the school, .89%. Congratulations to the winners. The weather man tried hard to give us some holidays, but there were always some students who managed to get over the drifts. We hope that he will be good to us next Friday evening, and that all our friends will be able to join us at our Valentine Dance. LOGAN A well-known resident of Mit- chell, Charles W. Leonhardt, died early Thursday evening in the Stratford General Hospital at the age of 58 years. He had not enjoyed good health for the past six months and was seri- ously ill for the past week. He had been a patient in the hos- pital since last Monday, suffer- ing a heart condition. He was born in Logan township, a half mile west of Brodhagen, on Jan. 17, 1897, a son of the late John Leonhardt and his wife, the late Elizabeth DiegeI Leon- hardt. On Feb. 14, 1920, he was married to Minnie Fischer of Lo- gan twp. and in 1921 they mov- ed to Brodhagen where they re- sided until coming to 'Mitchell in 1944. He was a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Mitch- ell, Before conning to Mitchell he was a member of the Logan twp. Board of Health, was caretaker of St. 'Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen for five years, and was also caretaker of Brodhagen school for three years. He serv- ed on the police force in Mitch- ell from 1944-46, and served many times as an assistant on the force on special occasions. He was chief of Police in Hen- sall in 1950 and part of 1951. Following this he was a salesman for the J. R. Watkins Company. He was a member of the Mitchell fire brigade, the Loyal Orange Lodge, Mitchell, and a member of the Mitchell Hunt and Fish Club. Besides his: wife he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Allan (Verna) Schneider, Toronto; three brothers, George, McKillop twp.; Henry, Logan twp,, and Chris., Mitchell; four sisters, Mrs. John '(Clar) Rock, Stettier, Alta.; Mrs. Adam (Elikabeth) Kistner, Mitchell; Mrs. George (Lena) Bennewies, McKillop twp.; Mrs. Henry 1(Annie) Stein. bach, Logan twp., and two grandchildren. One b'r other John, and one sister, Mrs, Fred (Minnie) 'Hoppenrath, died pre- vlously. Shop, and Save in Egmondville OGILVIE MINUTE• OATS .. 5 Ib Beg 49c ROYAL INSTANT PUDDINGS 2 for 23c TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.. 48 oz. 28c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. Tin 29c ATLAS WAX BEANS 20 oz. 17c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE 2 for 23c LIPTON PURPLE LABEL TEA % Ih 65c LILY BRAND CHICKEN HADDIES 14 oz. 28c NYLON HOSE, 66 gauge substandards 79c CLAIR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY PLAY OFFS O.H.A. JUNIOR B HOCKEY Seaforth Community Centre SATURDAY, FEB. 12th 9 P.M. BLENHEIM WILDCATS vs SEAFORTH BALDWINS This is the first game in a best three out of five series. This Seaforth team has ideas of going place• this year and are worthy of your support Annual Members Meeting Seaforth Community Credit Union LTD, FRIDAY, FEB. 1 lth, 1955 8.30 P.M. Town Hall, Seaforth Anyone interested is invited to attend. P. D. McCONNELL JOHN FLANNERY President Secretary CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to ell my friends for the gift, cards and visits during my recent illness. Also spemal thanks to the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and the doctors of Seaforth Clinic. Thomas Haley CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our neighbors and friends and relatives for their many kind nate of sympathy and help during our recent sad . bereavement: Special thanks to Rev, d. Stinson, Mr. Sam Scott, and to all those who loaned cars. and for the many floral tributes, and to the Whitney Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson and family Mr. and Mn,, Thomas Jarman and family, Climax, Sask. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Daniel Barry wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to their neighbors, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness and help during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Father McCowell and Father Weber, and those who sent cards and spiritual bo- (uete and to al] who helped in any way CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many .friends who kindly remem- bered mo while a patient in Scott Mem- orial Hospitalstair, Also Dr. Gorwill and hospital FORVerne Dale Woman's blck Beall oast, size 40, as good as new, 1 Viking cream separator, good working order. 1 chicken brooder, new.. Phone 66J Seaforth OR One York boar eBvn ALEmonths old. Joseph Ferguso//n�,,��.pThone Hensall 680R2 I have just -be'en 1 a pointed a local fashion counsellor. Dress beautifully at reasonable cost lw wearing North Am- erican Fashion Frocks, or Hartford Fashion Frocks. They are beautifully different. Let me show you this grand collection of spring and summer fash- ions. All sizes and colors. Drop in on your way by any afternoon or phone for appointment at my home. MRS. FRED SINCLAIR RR2 Walton On North Road between Seaforth and Walton.) Phone. Seaforth 842-14 TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Tenders for Cement Tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned un- til 2,30 P.M. Feb. 17, 1966, for four Car loads of cement, or 4,000 sacks, to be delivered by April 15, 1956. Two ears to be deliveredto lot 26, eon. 8, R. Me, Farlane. Two cars to be delivered to lot 2, con. 11, Henry Weitersen. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. No broken sacks will be accepted. W. 7. MANLEY Road Supt. R,R.2, Walton, Ont. TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for crushing and hauling approximately 10,000 cu. yds. gravel to township roads in 1956. % inchscreen to be used and a bond in the for,n of a marked cheque for $600 must accompany each tender or tender will not be considered, Contractor to suDD]y all requirements except gravel,. which will be supplied by the township. at three locations. Work to be completed by July 1st, .1956. Tender to state a flat rate per eu.. yd., be marked "Tender'', sealed and in the Olerk's hands by 4 P.M., March 1st, 1066. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. 4#4, Seaforth, Ont. TENDER Township of Tuckersmith Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for spraying cattle for Warble Fly Control in 1056 sublectto the Warble. Fly Control Act and. Amend- ments. Township will supply warbicide and controetor must supply all other requirements. Tenders to stateinsuraace coverage, and either must submit policy or certified letter stating coverage with the tender. Tenders to atate a flat rate per head per spray. Work to be started April 1st, 1965, and carried .put to the satisfaction.. of the InapectAr. Tenders to be in the Cleak's hands by 8 P.M. March let, 1956. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk APPLICATION Township of Tuckersmith Application/3'c° invited by the Town ship of Tuckersmith for a Warble Fly Control Inspector for 1965 to act under the Warble .Fly Co trot Aat and Amendments. Applicants to state a rate per head per spray expected and must be.. n the Clerk's bends by 8 P.M., Mareb Id, 1965. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Baby buggy. Tvhite. in Egood condition. Mrs. Ed McGrath,-RR5 Seaforth. Phone 46118 Dublin Glass cupboarrd, hOR andlwringer, Que. boc heater and small kitchen range; single bed; kitchen sink Roy Lawson, Goderich street west. Phone 669r16 NOTICE Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Where Butter Bulls Are Used" Artificial Inseminationservice for all breeds of cattle. For service or inform- ation Phone Clinton 242 collect, between 7.30 and 10,00 A.M. on week days and 7.60 and 9,90 A.M. on Sundays. HOUSE FOR SALE A one & a half story white house trimmed, with green, situated on the west side of (North Main St., close to community corner, eight rooms consisting of 3 bedrooms, a three piece bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room and attached garage. House is fully insulated and very easily heated. Property consists of two lots, and one acre of ]and adjoining. A real good insulated barn capable of housing 850 lay- ing hens, with water and hydro throughout. A good variety of small fruits. A real good family home. Apply to Glen Pryce, phone 302W, Seaforth WORK WANTED Dutch woman wants housework and office cleaning by the day or by the hour, Good references. Sewing and mending done at home. Mrs. Henry (haver, 8.113, Seaforth. Phone 647r21 after 7 PANCAKE SUPPER Pancake Supper at St. Thomas Church, Seaforth, Shrove Tues- day, Feb. 22, 6-8 p.m. FOR SALE Used washing machine in good condition. One Rogers Majestic car radio, nearly new. Phone 139- M, Seaforth. Ken Hulley SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS Will be glad to give you a price if you are planning repairs or improvements to your house or barn in the spring. Con- crete floors, sidewalks, stairs or steps, New buildings and garages. In stock, tile,. brick (colored), flagstones for patios and sidewalks, blocks, etc. Phone 22 RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive andguaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 8474. Seaforth NOTICE Old horses 30 per lb.. dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS, MINK RANCH, Goderieh. Phone collect 026r82 or 036r21 FOR SALE Complete line of Nursery Steele—Hosie Nursery. Order now for Boring delivery. Ken Powell, represontative. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and in- cluding Saturday, February 12, 1955, for the provision and instal- lation of a shower stall, a two compartment sink and certain other work, details of which may be obtained from the undersign- ed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LLOYD HOGGARTH Secretary, Scott Memorial Hobpital Hudson Sterling. Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, February 10, 1955 Funeral' Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful' Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady M.D., Surgeon Office Hours. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily. except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings:. Tuesday, Thursday sad Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. Tp•RNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phone 791, OntoMainl St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon. 9 to, 6.30; Saturday to 9 PM. Wed, 9 AM to. 12.80 PM; Clinton—MoLarena Studio. Mon. 9 to 6.30 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers --President, J H. McEwiag. Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Manager and Seo.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L, Malone, Seaforth; J. II. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. Peppor, Brucefleld • C. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; Puller, Goderich: R. Archibald. Seaforth; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak- er, Brussels; Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to tbelr rearactive post offices. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST.' SEAIFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STO E AND FURNACE DUNDAS & LO,NEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE New Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew aal)arators. BASIL O'ROURKE, phoneOlintonV,,fr21 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price -list, 0 samples 25e: 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov, Rubber Co., Box 91,Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone I6 or 870, Seaforth For Sale For sale or rent, brick residence, with all modern conveniences, well located. Immediate possession. Two bedroom stucco cottage, with air modern convenieneee including 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. Brink dwelling very centrally ionated.. Goderich St. West. New furnace, Could be divided for apartments. $8,400. Asphalt covered dwelling on Victoria Street, $1,500 cash, balance ar- ranged. Poeeeesion Nov. let. Brick dwelling, Goderich St, East. beautifully located. (former residence of late Mrs. R. Bell). M. A. REID Seaforth•. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RR2 Dublin Directors Harry Comm,. Centralia E. Clayton Colquhonn, RR1 Science WM Hilton McCurdy. RRI Kinston Alex J. Rohde, ass Mitchel Tho.. G. B*Thingnne. Rll1 Woodhea .Clayton Ham., RRI. Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell. Solicitor. W. Q. Cochrane. )xeNg, �Ci