HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-10, Page 7tNfethert SPORTS COLUMN E6xeZ etcgua-oa • When hockey's greatest scoring ma- chine, Maurice "Rocket" Richard of the Montreal Canadians whipped home his 400th League goal, he set a record that may never be equalled. A little chap named Guy Rousseau, who plays junior hockey for Quebec Frontenacs, came up to Canadiens on a three -game trial. A mere' 19 -year-old kid who, playing his first game with Can- adiens on foreign ice, and his second in the National Hockey League, it was Rousseau who slipped Richard the workman- like pass off which he scared the big goal with a lightning sweep of his stick in the third period of a game at Chicago on December 18 last. When the team left Montreal, Chicago -bound, Coach Dick Irvin said to Richard: "I want you to look after this little fellow Rousseau. I'm going to put him in to room with you. He's fast and ambitious, but he's shy, and it will help his complexes if he's with you." Richard put an arm around the little fellow's shoulder and said: "You're with me kid." Rousseau's eyes fairly popped out at this sudden intimacy with a hockey great, A broad grin of sheer joy split'his features. He and Richard palled around together, an oddly - assorted pair of buddies, from that time on. Irvin started Rousseau on the Richard-Mosdel, line and kept him there much of the game. And in the third period, he flipped a smooth pass to Richard, who was skating behind him, and like a flash, Richard blasted the :.punk deep into the Chicago nets. After the goal was scored, Canadieh players hoisted Richard high on their shoulders. They planned to carry him on a complete circuit of the rink, But Richard didn't want that at a11, and the players let him down. "If I had scored that goal in Detroit or Toronto or Mon- treal, I wouldn't mind the boys carrying me around," said Richard later. "But it didn't mean much, scoring it against the tail -end team, and I didn't like the parade idea at all. It seemed like rubbing it in." This, we thought, was nice sporting sentiment. But Richard, noted as a fierce and fiery competitor, has made similar gestures before and since. Not long ago, Richard and other Canadiens went to Ste. Anne's Hospital near Montreal to play in a softball garne for wounded war Veterans. They visited the wards afterwards. Many of the patients asked for Rocket's autograph. One who had his legs in a cast was particularly insistent. He had been badly wounded and his broken leg hadn't healed. Richard obliged, then asked for his. "I should be asking you who have done so much more than I," said Richard, quietly. The sporting circle of the 400 -goals feat was completed when, after the Canadien club presented Richard with $2,000, he promptly turned the complete amount over to two Mon- treal hospitals. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO PLAIN HORSE SENSE ae By F. (BOB) VON PILIS 1 Following up on a New proceeds of the stamp went to Year's resolution to bring order into our filing system, we found this, story taken from The Week, 11ay 17, 1933: Unprecedented and widely significant is a case, just com- ing before the Austrian courts, -tet arising out of the alarm of the Austrian National Bank over the financial revolution which has brought prosperity to the little Austrian town of Worgl, and which the bank fears is going to compete with its own monopoly powers. Worgl had been moving rap- idly to bankruptcy since the be- ginning of the crisis. Its factor- ies closed down one after an- other and unemployment rose daily. Nobody did any business and scarcely anybody paid any taxes. Then Unterguggenberger, Burgomaster of Worgl, propos- ed the following plan which was adopted. The town authorities issued to the value of 30,000 Austrian Schilling notes in denomina- tions of one, five and ten Schil- ling which were called tickets for services rendered. The spec- ial feati:e of these notes was the fact that they decreased in value by one per cent every n?Onth. Anyone holding one of these notes at the end of the month had to buy from the local au- thorities a stamp of sufficient value to bring the note up to face value. This he affixed to the back of the note, and the ltOOk A -HEAD -This intriguing l olydo was featured in a West Eeertin, Germany, coiffure son - feet. The tall sone of imitation kale le trimmed with rhinestones and teor•dy5p pearl% the poor relief fund. The result was that the notes circulated with unheard of rapidity. They were first used for the payment of wages for the building of streets, drainage and other public works by men who would otherwise been un- employed. On the day when the new notes were used eighteen hundred schilling worth were paid out. The recipients immediately hurried with them to the shops, and the shopkeepers and mer- chants hastened to use them for the payment of their tax to the municipality. The municipality immediately used them to pay the bills. Within 24 hours of be- ing issued .the greater part of this money had already been passed on its way again. During the first month, the money had made the complete circuit no less than 20 times. There was no possibility of anyone avoiding the one per cent stamp tax on any note he happened to hold at the end of the month, since without a stamp to bring it up to face value, the note lost its entire value. Within the first four months after the issue of the new mon- ey, the town had accomplished public works to the value of 100,000 schillings. A large pro- portion of tax arrears had al- ready been paid off and there were even cases of people pay- ing taxes in advance. Receipts of back taxes were eight times greater than in the past before the introduction of new money. Unemployment is now reduced enormously, the shopkeepers are prosperous. The fame of the Worgl mir- aele Spread. Irving Fisher, American economist, sent a commission of enquiry to Wor- gl, and the system has been in- troduced in a score or more of American townships. The Austrian National Bank however was highly disturbed by the whole proceeding. Now Unterguggenberger is being brought' before the courts to ex- plain himself and his plan. This isthe press report. Noth- ing could be found about the outcome of the court proceed- ings or the results of the Amer- ican experiments with the Wor- gl system. This column :welcomes critic- ism, constructive or destruc- tive, and suggestions, wise or otherwise, ;it will endeavour to answer any questione. Address mr'l to Bob Von I?hllie,:Whitby, .Ont. ONE SHOE OFF, ONE SHOE ON --Unlike "my son, John," of the nursery rhyme, Swedish ski jumper Toiro Lauren wasn't caught in bed in this predicament. He lost one ski "shoe" at take -off point of the ski jump at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, landed on one ski and finished the run on his stomach, unhurt. Long -lens movie camera caught this high -point of jump. HOW Call l? By ROBERTA LEE Q. How can I keep a child from biting his fingernails? A. Apply the following nail varnish: 1% ounce alcohol; ounce chincidin; '/4 ounce gum mastic; 1% ounce gum myrrh. Mix and allow to stand forty- eight hours, shaking the bottle occasionally, Brush on the nails, It can be removed with alcohol or hot water. * * * Q. How Can I clean leather? A. Add a little vinegar to warm water (not hot), rub over the leather with a clean cloth, then wipe dry. Grease stains can be removed with benzine or pure turpentine. * * * Q. How • can I soften brown sugar and make it easier to measure? A. By placing it in a fiat bak- ing can and placing it in the oven for a few minutes. How- ever, it should be watched close- ly to prevent burning. * * * Q. What is the proper way to care for meat? A. Uncooked meat should not be allowed to lie in its own juice or It may become tainted. Place the meat on a platter with a hollow centre that will hold the juice without the meat touching it. * * * Q. How can I make shoes waterproof? A. Apply a dressing made by melting together two parts of beeswax to one part of mutton fat Apply at night and remove the next morning by wiping with a piece of flannel. * * 5 Q. How can I make a good hand lotion? A. By mixing equal parts of glycerine and camphor; or equal parts of glycerine, rose water, and bay rum. One Goal "The Rocket" Always Seems To Miss Maurice (Rocket) Richard, greatest goal -scorer in the his- tory of the National. Hockey League—yet he has never won the league's individual scoring championship. Further than that. This man who has outdistanced all others. in the most vital of departments in any sport — scoring—has had to settle for second place on the NHL all-star team the past four seasons. It has been recorded that Toe Blake, Richard's teammate on the Montreal Canadiens' famous "Punch Line" of Blake-Lach- Richard, once said of The Rocket: "Maurice lives to score goals!" Truly the explosive Richard is an intense, fiery athlete whose pride of performance drives him to keep up his tremendous scor- ing pace. Hockey players are normally slow to unwind from the speed and excitement of a game. It helps' explain in part the more than $1,000 The Rocket has had to pay in fiines over the years. But back to the scoring. In his 12 -plus seasons in the National Hockey League, The Rocket has poured more than 400 goals past rival netminders. The almost unbelievable No. 400 came last Dec. 18 in a game at Chicago. You get an idea of the stature of Xticherd's' feats from- the fact ;/that only one other player in hockey history has passed .,the 300 -goal mark, Nels Stewart of the old Moxi- :areal -and Boston teams had 324. Yet because the scoring title is based on goals and assists — one point each Richard has never w ri that individual honor. During the years he has been in the league that honor has gone to Doug Bentley of Chi- cago, Montreal linemate Elmer Loch (twice), Herbie Cain of Boston, Max Bentley of Chicago (twice), Roy Conacher of Chi- cago, Ted Lindsay of Detroit and Gordie Howe of Detroit. Howe has won the title the last four years and also the Hart Trophy as the league's most valuable player in 1952 and 1953. This goes a long way' to- ward explaining why Richard has not been on the NHL ail - star team since 1950 Both Howe and Richard are right wingers, Now Comes Boom Boom A further look at the right wing situation unveils one Boom Boom Geoffrion — teammate of Richard's at Montreal who this year has been setting a goals - scored and total points pace well ahead of both Richard and Howe. The way the youthful Boomer is playing he may push both Richard and Howe off the all-star team, Over the last few years Howe has been setting a more blis- tering goals -scored pace against rival goalies than the veteran Rocket — with Geoffrion not far behind. There may even come a time when they, along with a player such as Detroit's Ted Lindsay, also will join the ex- clusive 300 -goal circle. Perhaps Howe and Geoffrion will some day even challenge Rocket's "400" pinnacle. But such an eventuality is still a lot of ice away. Richard is there and he made it in specta- cular, explosive fashion. With or without an official league "scoring" title he is still The Rocket — unchallenged "home run hitter" of hockey. MOONS It costs Tess than you think to enjoy dustless clean heat SAVE WITH COIL N4 OIL HE p;� Priced from $66,50 • ECONOMICAL YOU Neve money - on the IoW Purchase Woo anal you continue to .save because n Corona noes a minimum of oil. • 4 MODELS For cottages and email homes. there's a Corona model for hoot Inc 2 to 7 rooms, • MODERN CONTROLS Easily regulated heat that's sim- ple to net and maintain. Com- pletely fool -proof operation. • SMART DESIGN All - etas] construction combiner modern doelgn with rich Walnut tone !!etch — a bandnome addition to your borne. We have portsfor all Foos Waco heaters and Fess - merle mace heater°. Seo your 1'llate darter era voila 4oday The OTACO Limited OSILUA, ONT. A Real Service To Ail Motorists In the next few weeks, from a little upstairs workshop in Toronto, will go 1,320,700 minia- ture ear license key tags to the car owners of Ontario. Nineteen war amps, all of them minus at least one limb, have made the key tags. In the past nine years 10,500,000 minia- ture key tags have been made for Canadian car owners by War Amps. All the profit from the sale of the miniature key tags goes to the War Amputations Distribu- tion and Benevolent Committee. In nine years the net earnings of the War Amps Key Tag Serv- ice has been $207,844. Nearly 200,000 man hours' employment has been given to an average of 19 war amps, full-time. Every 36 minutes in the nine years the War Amps office has returned one set of lost car keys to its owner. That's the whole idea of the Key Tag Service. The owner fastens the miniature key tag to his car keys. If he loses them, they are mailed to the War Amps Office. There a record is kept of every car owner's name and address and car license number. In addition to restoring lost car keys to their owners, the key tag service also keeps war amps usefully employed, and all the profits aid war amps groups across Canada. In 1983, the Key Tag Service transferred to- the Benevolent Committee, $15,996. In 1954, $38,104. This year over two million key tags will be distributed. SOLOMON'S WAY A couple applying for a div- orce in Dallas had their request granted, and division of prop- erty went along quite smoothly until one item came up a bookcase. Both parties wanted it, The judge listened to their pleas and then made up his mind. The bookcase was, by or- der of the court, to be sawn in half, SALLY'S. SALLIES. "If the engine is missing, what do you call that thing there?" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BAnY. CHICKS "OXFORD" Approved. Cheeks Rye, lay and pay They aro the resulto of twenty- eight scare of careful selection and breeding. They have to he good, be- cause we want the very best kind of obinko for our With docks, — bis, vigor- one,and early maturing. We striae egg oize and uniformity. Columbia Rocks. White Legborna. Sussex, Barred Rocks, tramp X Rock Crossbreds, New Hemp X Sueoex Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Formers' Co. Operative Produce Company Limited, 484 Main Street, Woodolock, Ontario. YOU dairymen know it You were offered Angus or Hereford. for maximum pro- duction it would never pay you to buy them. The game thing applies to chlokono. You will see adverttnomonte offering meat and dual purpose palliateas low an 110 per pullet, but 11you got them for nothing they are dear compared with genuine egg breed.. We haVo 8 special egg breeds which will outlay and make you mora profit than any other breed. We otter. They are Shave, R.O,P. Sired White Leghorn., Shaver R.O,P. White Leghorn cockerels .reeved on Parmenter Rhode Island Reds, 22.o.r. Sired Parmenter Rhode Inland Reda. Buy them once, we know that You and your friends will be back for more. Also apectal broiler chicks, tur- key 500lta, Catalogue. TWEDDLE 01-110I5 HATCHERIES LTD. • FERGus oxTAftio PULLETS or cockerels? Or both? -Wo can supply the breed that beet suite Your purpooe. Canadian Approved. Plan for a good '66. Get new Illustrated catalog to -day. Bray Hatchery, 120. John N„ Hamilton. FOR SALE POT Holder Magnets, 8 for. 11,00, As - ;sorted Magnets, 6 for 81.00. Free book - lot and inetruetlono with order, Park Magnets, Highland Park, Illinois, U.S.A. BELLEVILLE • Trenton - Pleton area— Residential, Farm, Badness and Summar prOpertleo. A11 types, supe and prices. Writo J. D. Maoltonzle, Realtor, 172 Church Street. Belleville. Ontario. Phone 6622. DELAND'S automatic deck containing 12,000 secret mark., Instructions for many tricks. $1.60 post paid, Free catalogue included. Send money order to Wile» Magee, 31 Edith Avenue, Toronto. SCOTCH. Gln, Rum and Liqueur flavors. Send 11 for 2 bottlers, Postpaid. Flavor Producta, 62 Albert Street. Winnipeg. Man. Printed Labels PERSONALIZED gummed labels, print- ed In two colours. with name, address ate, 400 in plastic elevenses. 83.10. Don Thompson, Box 38. Lucltnow, .Ontario. MEDICAL NAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $135 Express Prepaid. NAMELESS Cold Remedy, an Ointment that relieve. SInua. Hayfever, Headeolda, In 10 day., or money back. Convincing Trial 81.10. Address: Purity Co., Exeter, Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Poses Eczema Salvo w111 not disappoint you. Itching, scaling. and burning eczema, gone, ringworm, pimples and f001 eczema will respond readily to aha stainless, ;donees ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRreE 52.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free on Receipt of Price 880 Queen St. E., Corner of Logos TORONTO SINUSITIS AND CATARRH RELIEVED with Rybaelivol, the Eng- lish remedy now available In Canada. 81.00: obtainable from Owen, Pharma- ceutical Chemist, 2141 Icing St. East, Hamilton, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN FARMERS, is your maple bush a money matter? Write for full particulars on modern evaporatoro end aceoaaories mold on credit. Gordon W. Olive, R.R. No. 2, Gananoquo, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOU could receive 100 letters per d0Y, each containing 26c, Start immediately.. Edith Ferris, Goodwin, Alta. SELL 5110125 DIRECT to consumer. Big commission, Make a steady Income In selling our Popular line of quality .shoes, Style• hoes and work shoes for the whole. family. Selling catalogue and outfit free. No experience needed. Concordia Shoo, Dept. 0.81, 228 Bay 5f., Toronto 1, Ont, HOOSE Milk Case Manufacturers and Repair°, ttidland Avenue, Agincourt, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER :0111 CANADA'S LEADL'(O SCHOOL Greet Opportunity, Learn. Halydresaing Pleasant, dignified profeanlon, good wage.. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. America's Greatest System Iliuetratod Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloor St. W.. Toronto, Brunches: 44 Ring St., Hamilton 711 Rideau- St.. Ottawa FOBS OVERSEAS CANADIAN engineers, draftomen, trades- men. eaulpment and office men are being paid high wages overseas. Our datings offer opportunities in 40 foreign coun- tries and U.S,A, Mail only 82,00 or 001 postman C.O.D. Donald Dickson and Aosoclatee, 226 n03 Street, Toronto. Ehfpire 4-7411. .PATENTS FETHERSTONBA UGH & Company, Patent Attorneys Established 18911. 000 Unlvoraity Ave. Toronto Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of Inventions and 0011 Inforniatlnn sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Potent At- torneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, PERSONA]. 81.00 TRIAL oder. Twenty-five deluxe personal requlreMents. Latest catalogue included The Medico Agency Box 124. Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario PUPS REGISTERED Trigg Foxhound pupa from ebamploo stock. E Stansbury, Brants, Ontario. WANTED JOB LOTS WANTED All types of earplug merchandise, for. oath. SURPLUS JOBBERS. 167 McCaul Street. Toronto. THRESHING Machine, Steam Engine, Tractor and implement °otaloguea, booka, Pictures. Give descriptions, state price. , Hilliard Twigs, Manton] Station, Ontario, IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER if life's not !worth living it cony be your liverl Lt's a local It !alto, op to two pante of live, bBa n da to keep your digestive tract in top chapel If your liver bile la not flowing freely your food may pot digest , , gas bloata np your stomneh ... you fool constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of tale. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. Those ismoue vegetable pill. help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Boon your digestion Marto functioning properly and you feel that happy dnye are hem again) Don't oast May sunk Almoye keep Carter's TAW. fiver Pile on band. 874 at your dmcrioEE SAFES Protect your BOORS and CASI[ from nen and THIEVES. We have a elle and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for aux vamoose. Visit 00 or write for !nice, ole. to Dent. W. I.&J. TAYLOR LIMITEI9 TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 145 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1850 ISSUE 6 — 1955