HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-10, Page 4VARNA
The annual United Church
Sunday School meeting was held
in the church on Wednesday ev-
ening last with Rev. T. J. Pitt
in charge. Good reports were gi-
ven by the various departments.
Officers and teachers elected are
as follows; Superintendents,
Sherlock Keyes, Geo, 'Reid; sec-
retaries, Garry McAsh, Barmy
Taylor; treas., Anson Coleman;
organists, Lola Chuter, Jean
Pitt. Sr. Bible Class, Mrs. Sher-
lock Keyes, Fred 11IcC1ynront;
Jr. Bible ,Class, Mrs. Geo, Reid,
Mrs. T. J. Pitt; Int. Girls, Mrs.
Anson Coleman, . Mrs, Lee Mc-
Connell; Jr. Boys, Robt. Taylor,
Wm. MeAsh; Jr, Girls, Mrs, F.
McClymont, Mrs. Percy Johns-
ton; primary boys, Mrs. Wilford
Chuter, Mrs. Loris Taylor;,pri-
mary girls, Miss Rachael John-
ston, Mrs. Gladys Coleman, Mrs.
Geo. Stephenson.
The annual congregational
meeting of the United Church
was held on Wednesday evening
last. The ladies of the W.A.
served a bounteous supper in
the basement prior to the Meet-
ing. Excellent reports were giv-
en by all the various depart-
ments of the church. The offi-
cials for 1955 are as follows
Session — Sherlock Keyes,
John MeAsh, Geo. Reid, Fred
McClymont, Anson Coleman, Al-
fred Johnston.
Stewards—Louis Taylor, Nel-
son Reid, Mervin Johnston, (Gor-
don Johnston, Mervin Hayter,
Chas. Reid, Ward Forrest, Tom
Rathwell,-Melvin Webster, John
Trustee—john Ostrom, Ralph
Stephenson, Alfred Johnston,
Anson Coleman, Geo, Johnston.
Treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Reid,
Ass't Treas., Geo. Reid.
Auditors, Ralph Stephenson,
Gordon Johnston.
M. Wnr. McAsh and Mr.
Herb Stephenson loft last week
for Florida where they will
spend a few weeks.
S. S. No. 2, McKillop Farm
Forum met this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Ellwood
Clarke with an attendance of
24. Subject under discussion,
Public Relations. The Radio
Broadcast stressed the fact that
not enough information concern-
ing the Federation was getting
back to the individual farmer, al-
though the Rural Co-operator
does carry a good deal of the
activities of the Federation, and
can be read by any who so de-
sire. Then coming to our own
groups, we say, first, be sure we
are well informed ourselves be-
fore we attempt to present our
problems to others, then thor-
ough discussion by farmers and
urban people alike on all mat-
ters by which both may obtain
benefits; also continue report-
ing the activities of our farm
forum in the local papers and on
the radio. Three of our group
SOY we should give the Federa-
tion more support, while two
I'moups say that we have not got
alue for money already spent,
and regarding the change in
Broadcast time, we are in favor
of having the farm broadcast
during; the noon hour which is
more convenient to farmers.
Progressive euchre results: La-
dies winners—Mrs. Stewart Dol -
mage, Elsie Storey. Men: Wayne
Doimage. Sam McClure, Robert
McMillan. Next meeting will be
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Storey, and will feature
Farm Marketing abroad.
Cromarty Farm Forum met on
Monday evening with the larg-
est attendance this season. Fol-
lowing are the comments expres-
sed by the members on the dis-
cussion period. It was thought
that town and country people
should get together more in or-
der to understand each better.
We think our agricultural fairs
are a great help in getting town
and farm people together. Our
community Farm Forum Review
night are another way. We think
more town people should be ask-
ed to join our Farin Forum dis-
cussion, If daylight saving time
makes the town people happier
farmers will go along with then,
although it is of no use to the
farmer. We also think-C,K.N.X.
Radio Station, Wingham, is do-
ing a very good job with having
the interviews with the different
agricu lit u r a 1 (representatives,
Field Men, etc.
Winners of euchre were: La-
dies high, Mrs. Bert Riley; low,
Mrs. T. Laing. Gents high, John
1Ioggarth; low, Filmer Chapple.
Lone hands, Filmer Chapple. Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Riley were in
charge of the affair.
The Parr Line Farm Forum
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Robinson with 25
members present. A discussion
was held on the topic, " A Pub-
lic Relations Program,
(a) It was agreed by most
members that if we are to have
better relations with urban
groups, we, the farmer should
be well informed first of all,
then a public relations delegate
should be sent from every farm
organization to meet with the
various urban groups.
This Forum feels that there is
a better understanding between
the farmer and his local village
or town due to the closer con-
tact between both groups. But
the same vests not true for the
larger cities where much could be
done to enlighten and improve
misunderstanding especially in
relation to the problems of the
(2) In regards to getting a
better i u f or m e d community
through the local weekly, we find
that there is excellent co-opera-
tion on the part of the weekly
press. Farm Forums reports, Fed-
eration of Agriculture reports
and activities have been well
covered by the local press. The
local radio station has shared
in publicity and service for many
farm organizations, much of the
time is free,
Our township of Hay collects
2/6 of a mill for Federation
purposes. We think that it should
be raised at least another 1/5 of
a mill, This would provide the
extra money for a public rela-
tions program by the Federation
of Agriculture.
Euchre winners were: Ladies,
Miss Ruth Ann Jarrett. Gents,
Gordon Love. Lunch. was served
by the ladies. Next meeting at
the hone of Wilfred Mousseau.
On Feb. 7th 22 members of
the Fireside Farm Forum met at
the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Man-
sell Cook to discuss public rela-
tions. These relations could be
improved by meetings held with
producers and consumers, Farm-
ers should avoid going to town
with dirty clothes and shoes as
it gives a lower impression of
country people. We should in-
vite more town people to our
meetings. Radio Stations give
much talk of interest to farmers
and we think urban people
should listen. The hour for these
farms broadcasts should be at a
time when the majority of farm-
ers, and urban people would be
in the house to listen. Farm
groups. should report their find-
ings to local newspapers. We
thank the radio station and our
local papers for the time and
space they give us. The groups
were divided in opinion as to
their willingness to provide
more funds for a more adequate
public relations program. Many
believe if we spent more for ad-
vertising we would have more
interest in the cause and reap
more benefits, while others
thought if there were a large
sum of money available it might
not be used to the farmers' ad-
vantage, If all local forums and
farm groups made an honest at-
tempt to promote public rela-
tions it would eventually influ-
ence the provincial and dominion
relations. This would be more
effective than money received
The SaIvatio Army
This week ! February 13, 1955
We welcome to Seaforth, from London, Ontario,
Major and Mrs. J. D. Sharp, and fancily.
Meetings will be held and conducted by this
talented group at:
11.00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting
3.00 p.m.—Sunday School. We welcome all the
boys and girls .'
7.00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting,
Corrie along to the "Army" this Sunday with your
family! You will enjoy Gospel Music, and Gospel
The Huron County Jr. Farmers
Drama Festival
Will be held in the Seaforth District High School
Auditorium on
At 8,15 P.M.
3 one -act Plays will be presented by the Seaforth,
Exeter and Clinton Clubs. Drama, comedy and
musical entertainment will be supplied.
Everybody Welcome
Admission: 5Oc. Tickets may be obtained from
Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute members
for advertising.
Winners of the games, most
games, Mrs, Geo. Carter and
Harry Tebbutt; lone hands,
Mrs. Geo. Carter, Bert Hoggart;
consolation, Mrs. Oliver Ander-
son, Douglas Riley. Don Buchan-
nan invited the group for next
W.A. and W.M.S.
The W.A, and W.M.S. of Cav-
an met on Feb. 2nd in the
church. Mrs. J. McClure presid-
ed for the W.A. and opened the
meeting with a poem followed
with the singing of hymn 2.
Psalm 71.9 was read responsively
followed by prayer. Mrs. W.
Dodds president of the W.M.S.
opened the meeting with a
thought on "Time", followed
with prayer. Mrs. W. Church
gave two readings entitled, "MY
self as a Christian Citizen of my
Connnunity", and "The 'Great
Need of the Church". The devo-
tional service was conducted by
Mrs. J. Boyd using for her
theme, Discovery and Missions.
Psalm 714 was read responsively
followed with prayer. The scrip-
ture lesson taken from the book
of Acts, and chap. was read by
Mrs. G. Smith. Mrs. E. McDoug
al led in prayer and hymn 388
was sung. The topic "The Church
Universal in India" was taken in
part by Mrs. J. Boyd, Mrs. W.
Alexander and Mrs. G. Smith.
Closing hymn 239 was sung and.
the benediction pronounced.
Lunch was served by Circle 2.
Miss Isobell Alexander of Tor-
onto spent the weekend visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wim. Alexander and sister Miss
Ruth Alexander.
Amber Rebekah Lodge to
Ob'aer•ve Anniversary
Miss Mabelle Whiteman N. G.
presided over the regular meet-
ing of Amber Rebekah Lodge
349. Mrs. Leona Parke reported
re the committee who were in
charge of the booth at the arena
for two weeks. An invitation
was received from the Monkton
Lodge to attend their meeting
on Friday, Feb. llth. Arrange-
ments were made for the 6th an-
niversary of the Lodge to be held
on Wed. Feb. 16th when the
members of the Clinton Lodge
are to be the invited guests. Ar-
rangements were made for the
Degree team to present the de-
gree in the near future.
Annual Meeting Held
At the annual meeting held in
the Hensel United Church the
following were elected to the
board of stewards: Walter Spen-
cer, Howard Seine'
Dr. D. Mc-
Kelvie, Ross Forrest, Albert Al.
exander; Missionary and Main-
tenance Committee, Edison For-
rest, Ron Mock, R. J. Drysdale,
Miss Mattie Ellis, Mrs. Dave
Kyle. A letter of appreciation
will be sent to Mr. G. M. Drys-
dale, church treasurer for the
past 30 years. His son R. J.
(Drysdale has taken over this po-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexan-
der of Londesboro were recent
visitors with the termer's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alexan-
Heavy snowfalls coupled with
high winds completely blocked
most country roads on January
27th. Agricultural activities were
consequently curtailed for the
remainder of that week. How-
ever roads are now open as in-
dicated by the attendance of
200 at the Annual •County Hog
Producers Meeting on Feb. 3rd.
Seed cleaning plants report
increased activity and numerous
inquiries are being received re-
garding sources of seed supplies.
A. record number of 4-H Club
memberships have been received
for this season of the year.
Important Farm Meeting Dates
Friday, Feb. 11, Huron Coun-
ty Junior Farmer Darling Bon -
spiel, Curling Rink, Seaforth, at
1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 15, Jr. Farmer
Drama Festival, Seaforth Dis-
trict High School, 8.16 p.m.
Three one -act plays by the Sea -
forth, Clinton and Exeter Junior
First Presbyterian
Rev. D. Glenn Campbell
10 AM—Church School and
Bible Class
11 A.M.
7 P.81.
Farmer Clubs. Admission 50c
per person.
Thursday, Feb. 17th, Junior
Farmer Drama Festival, Com-
munity Centre, Blyth, 8:15 pan.
Three one -act plays by the
North -Huron, Colwanosh and
Howick Junior Fanner Clubs.
Admission 50e per person.
Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, Junior
Farmer Drama Festival Finals,
High School, Clinton, 8:1.5 p.m.
Two winning plays from Febru-
ary 15th and 17th and suitable
musical entertainment. Admis-
sion 50c per person.
Friday, Feb. 18th. Annual
Meeting Huron County 4-H Club
Leaders Association, 10.30 a.m.,
Agricultural Office Board Room,
Clinton. Luncheon, Hotel Clinton
at 12:30 p.m. Guest Speaker, Mr.
George Gear, Bruce County Ag-
ricultural Representative.
Friday, Feb. 25th.. Annual
Meeting, Blyth •Cheese Co-op,
Community Hall, Blyth, Guest
.Speaker, Mr. E. M. Biggs, Dairy
Commissioner, Ontario Depart-
ment Agriculture, Toronto.
Thursday, Feb. 17th. Huron
Hereford Association Tour of
Hereford Breeders' Farms in
Huron County. Hosts of a group
of Hereford Breeders from
Western Canada.
Friday and Saturday, March
4th and 5th. Huron County Seed
Fair, High ,School, Clinton.
THE SEAFORTH NEWS'—Thursday, February 10, 1955
Regent Theatre
Alan Ladd - Shelley Winters
The saga of the conquest of the Saskatchewan territory
Filmed in the Canadian Rockies
Lana Turner Ricardo Montalban
M.G.M.'s Musical of Tropical Ecstasy
Ricardo Montalban Botta St. John
Boys, reg. 4.95 Oxfords, sizes 1 to 6. Only 3.45 a pair
Ladies Brown Leather Pumps, sizes 5 to 9.
6,95 and 7.50 values. A REAL BARGAIN
at $3.45 a pair
only $1.00 a pair
The Little Store with the "Big Values"
,,,,,, uup„1111,,,,,, I a,,,,, 1„1,111, I„V,,,, O„ Iueup,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,all„OO,U„1uY
The prospective drillers who
have recently sunk wells on the
farms of E. Heideman and 1;. J.
McKinley of the Goshen line
north have moved their equip-
ment to the west of town on the
faun of Mr. Delbert Geiger,
where they will make similar
tests. The two last wells did not
prove of any value.—Zurich
Corning Events at
Community Centre
Friday, Feb. 11
Skating 8 to 10
Saturday, Feb. 1a
Skating 1.30 to 3.30
Blenheim vs Seaforth Jrs.
9 P.M.
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