HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-02-10, Page 119
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Seaforth News
;1.61) a Year
Authorized as Second Class mail, Post .,
Office Dept„ Ottawa
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers
The annual meeting of the Di-
rectors of McKillop School Fair
was held at S.S. No. 6 on Thurs-
day, Feb. 3rd. Mr. Louis Bolton
was chairman and Mr. Don Den-
nis, secretary. Mr. Foster Fow-
ler, sec.-treas., in his financial
report, showed a steady growth
of the fair. This year again there
is a surplus after paying prizes
and expenses amounting to
around $800.00. It was decided
to hold the fair this year on
!Sept. 15th. Officers are: Past
Pres„ Louis Bolton; Pres., Ken
Stewart; Vice Pres„ Wm. Boyd;
2nd Vice, Harold Pryce; Sec.-
Treas., Foster Fowler.
At First Presbyterian Church,
the annual Father and Son
Banquet was held on Tuesday
night, Feb. 8 with an attendance
of over 100 guests. The speaker
of the evening was Inspector
Witts of Provincial Police head-
quarters', Toronto. His subject
was, Traffic Problems in On-
tario. The chairman of the
evening was James Murray. The
speaker was introduced by Scott
Cluff, and Bob Wright voiced
the appreciation on behalf of all
the sons present.
Officers were named at a
meeting Wednesday evening at
the home of Dr, and Mrs.
M. W. Stapleton, of the newly
organized Women's Aux:
iliary to the Huron County Med-
ical Association. The auxiliary
will co-operate with the Ontario
Medical Association for the bene-
fit of the medical society of
Huron County.
Mrs. X. C. Fletcher, Exeter,
was named honorary president
'of the new group; Mrs. Walter
A. Oakes, Clinton, president;
Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth,
vice-president; Mrs. R. M. Aldis,
Gode r i c h, secretary -treasurer.
.Atss'members of the group are
the wives of doctors in Huron
Provincial Constable Helmer
Snell was called to investigate
the theft of a tractor battery,
three wrenches and a quantity
of gas from the farm of Louis
Deer, of Blyth. The theft occur-
red Saturday night. Mr. Deer
lives in Blyth, and his farm is on
the county road west of the
- village, opposite the police radio
Winner of the drawing for a
basket of groceries at Tuesday
night's hockey match was Wil-
lje 1, ,Smith Jr., of Smith's Gro -
ro-ee. Bill decided this was like
the proverbial "Coals to New-
castle", so he has offered the
groceries to Leo Stephenson to
be put up again. •
The large L-shaped bane barn
at Archie Smith's farm, on the
fourth concession of McKillop,
three miles northeast of •Sea -
forth and half a mile east of
Grieve's bridge, was completely
destroyed by fire around three
o'clock Wednesday morning.
The livestock was all burned,
including a team of horses, 18
cattle, 25 fat pigs, 5 chunks, 7
bred sows and a sow with a lit-
ter of 9 pigs, also a number of
laying hens.
Seaforth Fire Brigade answer-
ed the alarm and succeeded in
saving nearby !.bAildings. The
machinery was all in the driving
shed, which was not burned.
Some insurance was carried.
The loss is estimated at around
Provincial Constables 'Snell of
Seaforth and Andrews of Gode-
rich on Wednesday are investi-
gating the cause of the fire.
At time of writing, George
Ogglesby, of no fixed address,
is being held by police as a wit-
ness. He was in conversation
with Provincial Constable Ferris
in Seaforth when the fire siren
sounded at 3.05 a.m. Police say
he told the officer he had just
reached •Seaforth after walking
the three miles into town.
It is understood the fire was
first noticed by Don Wallace of
Seaforth, who was a guest at
the Smith home where friends
were being entertained. The
fire had made so much progress
it was impossible to save any-
Mr. Smith summoned Provin-
cial Police, It is understood an
investigation will be made by the
Fire Marshall.
Ogglesby had been working at
the Smith farm,
Group 2 of Northside W.A.
held their February meeting at
the home of Mrs. 'Bechely on
the 2nd with 22 members and
two visitors present. Matters of
business were in charge of Mrs.
Shannon. Menu for the Valen-
tine ,dinner was read by Mrs.
Walters and plans for this were
completed. A committee was
appointed to get information
about materials and printing of
birthday calendars. Mrs. Stev-
ens presided for the devotional
period. Prayer was offered by
Miss Laura Mole and Scripture
reading was given by Mrs.
Walsh. Topic for the evening
was on CGIT work, on which.
Mrs. Stevens gave a very ex-
planatory and interesting talk.
It was organized in 1915- for
girls, ages 12-17. Ours is one of
3000 groups in Canada with a
total membership of 30,000. It
is interdenominational. Its pur-
pdse is to cherish health, seek
truth, know God, serve others;
all of which is to develop char-
acter in making worthwhile citi-
zens and the world a better place
in which to live. A social half
hour followed and tea was serv-
ed by the hostess.
Seaforth Old Boys' Reunion
will be held on July 30, 31 and
Aug. 1, 2, 3. The date was set at
an executive meeting in the
town hall on Monday night. Mr.
A. Y. McLean was chairman and
the meeting was attended by
Miss Hazel Reid, Jim Stewart,
Scott Habkirk, William Hart,
John Crich A. W. 'Sillery, F.
Kling, B. :Christie, E. !Daly, W. E.
Southgate, D. Sills, and Mayor
McMaster. The executive have
planned to meet every Friday
night. The committee would ap-
preciate help from every and
any citizen, such as providing
names of former residents with
addresses. They will also need
the help of people willing to ad-
dress envelopes and also such
work as typing. The committee
is now looking for -a permanent
office on Main St.
Northside United Church
Rev. John Stinson, Minister.
10 a.m., Church School and,
Adult Bible Class.
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
Sermon, Fending God and Our-
Jr. Congregation arid Tod-
dlers' Group.
7 pm., :Sermon Theme: "I
ani a Protestant". Third in a
8:15 Y. P. U. ' •
Egmondville United Church
Rev. W. F. Milroy, Minister
10 a.m., Church School and
Adult Class,`
11 a.m., Morning Worship:
Sermon—"God's plan for renew-
7 p.m., Evening P r a is e:
Theme, "The Righteousness of
7:30 Wed midweek service.
The annual meeting of the
Progressive •Conservatives of
Seaforth, McKillop and Tucker -
smith was held in the town hall
on Wednesday evening of last
week with a good attendance.
The first speaker was Elmer D.
Bell, Q.C., of Exeter, who said
a nominating convention would
be held in April,
If an election was held this
year, it would probably be in
either June or October, it was
Mr.George Ginn of Goderich
twp., president of the riding As-
sociatien urged that each muni-
cipality should be ready for an
A general discussion of the
organizations in the three muni-
cipalities was held. The town-
ship organizations are all filled
and :Seaforth will hold a further
Mr. Tom Pryde, the member
for Huron, said he would be a
candidate for the nomination.
He expressed full confidence in
the Hon. Leslie Frost and the
record of the provincial govern-
ment. He reviewed the financial'
income available to the govern-
ment, Mr, Pryde said he was not
offering any criticism of the
Liberals, they had announced no
platform yet. A comparison of
1954 grants to municipalities by
the provincial government and
those paid in 1943 would, speak
for itself. Amount paid in
grants to the municipality last
year was printed on your tax
notice. The provincial grants in
1943 were negligible, he said,
Mr. Pryde said four highway
contracts had been underway
during the past year in the rid-
ing, Seaforth to Clinton, 'Clin-
ton to Helmesville, Holmesville
to Goderich and one in the south
east. They were totalled about
$1,400,000. The surface of No.
8 highway still has to be paved,
at an estimated cost of $200,000.
At the close of the meeting
coffee and doughnuts were serv-
On Thursday afternoon last
fire destroyed the frame house
on the fifth concession of 'Tuck-
ersmith on the old Ward farm
owned by Wm. M. Sproat. The
house had been occupied for the
past year or more by Mrs. Annie
Arnold. She was unaware of the
fire upstairs until the alarm was
given by Grant Chesney who had
noticed the smoke from his home
across the road.
:Seaforth rural truck respond-
ed to the call but owing to lack.
of water the house could not be
saved. Some furniture was saved.
While this fire was in pro-
gress, a second call came in
about 3 o'clock, from the home
of Reeve James Doig for a
chimney fire. The Seaforth town
truck went out and the fire was
brought under control without
serious damage.
Thursday was one of the
coldest days of the year with
zero temperatures, and before
the day was over the fire bri-
gade answered a third alarm
when fire was discovered in the
boiler room of Bell Industries
Ltd. plant. This was around 9
p.m. Damage was estimated at
$100. Cause of the fire was not
Dr. Earl Zeigler, professor of
physical education at Western
University, will be guest speaker
at the home and school meeting
at the public school at 8.15 on
Tues. Feb. 15th in the auditor-
ium. Everybody is most wel-
come and a cup of tea will be
The February meeting of the
Ladies' Legion Auxiliary was'
held in the Legion Rooms on the
first Wednesday of the month.
President Taylor opened the
meeting with creed and prayer.
Twenty-seven members answer-
ed the roll call. Minutes were
read and' approved. Treasurer's
report was given and approved.
Business was then discussed.
Dues and Fees • were paid
amounting to $16.90. Comrade
McGrath gave her report of our
Veteran in Westminster Hospit-
al and the lovely box which was
sent. Thankyou notes were read
from Mrs. R. Morey. Mrs. J.
Eisler :and Don Taylor. Plans
were completed for a pot luck
supper to be held Feb. 14 for
members. Supper to be served at
6.30. Three new members were
installed by . President Taylor:
Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. C. Coombs
and Mrs. D. Love, The meeting
was then adjourned. Mystery
Box was won by 'Comrade Nes-
bitt, Lucky Chair, Comrade Frai-
ser. Lucky birthday,
Muir. Contests, Comrade Barry
and Comrade Muir. A delicious
lunch was served.
Word was received of the
death of Mrs. Jonathan Merner
at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. A. R. Atkinson, Norwood,
on Tuesday, Feb. 8th. Formerly
Claire Edith Graham, she was
the beloved wife of the late
Jonathan Merner and dear meth-
er of Minnie, Mrs. W. K. Fergu-
son of London; Dr. E. G. Mer-
ner of Windsor, Clair Merner,
and Greta, Mrs. Robert Rus-
sell, both of Detroit; Beatrice,
Mrs. :George Jeffery, of Fort
William; Dr. B. T. Merner of
Minneapolis; Helen, Mrs. A. R.
Atkinson of Norwood. The re-
mains are resting at the resi-
dence of her daughter, Mrs. A.
R. Atkinson, Norwood, until
Thursday morning, thence to the
H. S. Anderson and Son Funer-
al Home, Windsor. Burial will
take place at Windsor.
meeting At
a of
dire tors of
the Seaforth gricultural Soci-
ety on Friday night, Russell T.
Bolton; • an •ea:;ipresident, was
again named president, replacing
Arthur Nicholson;, who automati-
cally becomes aimember of the
executive. Robert W. 'Campbell
and Robert E McMillan will re-
main or the board as vice-presi-
dents; and Earl 'McSpadden will
continue as secretary -treasurer.
Directors representing the
town and surrounding munici-
palities are: McKillop, 11, Bolton,
R. Campbell, R, McMillan, Irvin
Trewartha, Kenneth Stewart;
Tuckersmith, A. Nicholson, All-
ister Broadfoot, Andrew Moore,
Joseph Devereaux, jr.; Hullett,
Elgin Nott, Oliver Anderson;
Seaforth, J. M. Scott, R. B.
Holmes; Hibbert.Percy Wright;
Stanley, Bob. Allan. The current
president of the Junior Farmer
organization is automatically on
the board of directors as its jun-
ior member.
A committee headed by James
M. Scott is planning a series of
events in aid of : the society's
110th anniversary, which is to
be observed at this year's Fall
Fair, Sept. 22-23, with a special
ceremony. The first event plan-
ned in its benefit is to be a var-
iety show, and a play with hist-
orical significance. James R.
Scott is to write the play, which
will be presented in - March or
early April.
R. B. Holmes, R. Campbell,
and J. M. Scott were appointed
a committee to investigate the
erection of a suitable memorial
to mark the 110th anniversary,
which will be unveiled in con-
nection with this year's Fall Fair
The death of Albert Francis
Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin, occurred
at the Thamer Nursing Home on
Monday, Feb. 7th, after a short
illness, in his 51st year. He was
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Feeney, R.R. 2, Dublin, and was
born in 'Ribbert, He was a mem-
ber of St. Patrick's Church, Dub-
lin, and the Holy Name Society.
Surviving besides his parents
are five brothers: Joseph, R.R.
2, Dublin; Thomas, London;
Louis, Jerome and Elmer, R.R.
2, Dublin. The funeral will take
place on Thursday morning at
9.30 o'clock, from the Box Fun-
eral Home, High St., 'Seaforth,
to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin,
for Requiem Solemn High Mass.
Rev. Fr. Ffoulkes will officiate.
Interment will take place in •St.
Patrick's Cemetery, Dublin.
The regular meeting of the
Seaforth Junior Farmers was
held on Tuesday evening, Feb.
1st in the Seaforth District High
School. The meeting opened with
the roll call which .was "Give
your definition of a Credit Un-
ion". The minutes of the last
meeting were adopted on motion
by Ken Moore and seconded by
Lloyd Cooper. Moved. by Merton
Keys and seconded by Jim Mc-
Gregor that the Seaforth Junior
Farmers sponsor the "Seaforth
4-1I Swine Club",
The Seaforth Curling Club
have donated their rink for a
Junior Farmer's Bonspiel to be
held on the afternoon of Feb.
Earl McSpadden reported on
the Short Course he attended at
Guelph, followed .by a general
discussion. Ken Moore moved
the meeting be adjourned.
The Seaforth Junior Institute
held their Feb. meeting in the
Seaforth District High School on
Tuesday evening, Feb. 1 with the
Vice Pres., Catherine Campbell
in the chair. Fifteen girls an-
swered the roll all by giving,
"A Cure for the Blues". The
girls decided to donate $3.00 to
help sponsor the Walton "Milky
Way" Club. Four girls, namely,
Catherine Campbell, Joan Som-
erville, Betty Campbell and
Marg. Stevens were nominated
to meet with Mr. Baker to help
choose the new executive for the
County. Everyone is urged to at-
tend the Huron County Junior
Farmer Drama Festival to be
held in the Seaforth District
High School on Tuesday even-
ing, Feb. 15th. Tickets may be
obtained from any Jr. Farmer
member. Joan Somerville, Lois
Ann Somerville, Betty Camp-
bell and Doris Johnston were
chosen to participate in the choir
which is being organized in the
County of H u r o n. :Current
Events were given by Joanne
Beuermann. April 15th is the
date set aside for the Jr, Farm-
ers' formal dance. Doris John-
son read a poem on, "Keep Smil-
ing". The guest speaker for the
evening was a senior institute
member, Mrs. Jas. F. Scott, who
had a very educational and in-
teresting address. She stated
that it is "Better for everyone
to try and fail, than to not try
and succeed".
"In order to be the girl God
would have you to be you must
make a lot of decisions through-
out your life such as:
1. Choosing the proper books
�to read,
2. Choosing friends who are
thought a lot of in the commun-
3, Watching your manners and
4. Keeping close to God.
6. Keeping in close touch at
all times with your family.
Besides these, many others
will have to be made. However,
life can be . a happy one if you
makeit so. If you become dis-
couraged at some time think of
the following line: "Underneath
are the everlasting arms".
A vote of thanks was extend-
ed to the guest speaker by Betty
Campbell. A sing -song brought
the meeting to a close.
Joint Meeting
The joint meeting opened with
the singing of the Junior Farm-
ers' song. Larry Wheatley read
the Club paper and a poem was
read by Marg. Stevens.•Mr. W.
V. Roy of Clinton spoke to the
members about "Credit Unions".
A discussion followed. Lunch
brought the meeting to a close.
Miss Mabel Turnbull was re-
elected as chairman of the Sea-'
forth Public Library Board, at
the annual meeting of the Board
on Feb. 7. The Rev. H. Glenn'
Campbell is secretary -treasurer,'
succeeding Mr. F. G. J. Sills.
Miss Greta Thompson was re -en-'
gaged as Librarian. Members of
the book committee are Mrs. Jo-
seph McConnell, chairman, Mrs. !
J. Ellis, Mrs. C. E. Smith and.
Miss Rose Dorsey.
The property committee mem-
bers are Mr. War. Hart, chair-
man, the Rev. H. Glenn Camp-
bell, Miss M. Turnbull and Mrs.l
J. A. Munn. .
Appreciation for -their excel-
lent work was expressed to Mr.
F. C. J. Sills, who is retiring
from the board, and to Miss Gre-
ta Thompson, Librarian.
Two new members were wel-
comed to the Board, Mrs. J. A.
Munn and Miss Rose Dorsey.
The total circulation of books
was 10,391, an increase over the
previous past year. The number
of members has increased also,
the most notable increase being
among the younger age group
of readers.
The monthly meeting of the
Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas'
Church was held on Tuesday at
the home of Miss Dorothy Parke.
Meeting opened with scripture
reading by Mrs. James. New.
business was discussed and a
special feature of the bazaar
this year will be Christmas cake,
mincemeat and puddings. Meet-
ing closed with the benediction
and a social half hour enjoyed,
Seaforth Midgets trounced
the Milverton Midgets 8-0 in the
Seaforth arena. The Seaforth
team can thank their goalie, B.
McGonigle for his tremendous
game in all his saves. The Mil-
verton team put up •a good fight
and were good sports in the loss
of the group finals. Mason and
McFadden were outstanding
goal shooters throughout the
game. The fans of Seaforth are
beginning to realize the import-
ance of supporting' these young
The Clinton basketball teams
last Wednesday won three of
the four basketball games played
with the Seaforth Junior boys
winning the only game for Sea -
forth. 'The seniors played the
first game and were en the los-
ing end of a 19-10 score. In the
second game the Seaforth Jun-
iors opened the scoring and were
never headed, winning the game
in a 23-20 score. While the boys
were playing in Seaforth, the
girls lost both games inClinton.
The seniors went down to a 26-
13 score, while the Juniors lost
in a close scoring 10-6 game.
The Valentine dance will be
the next dance which will be on
Friday Feb. 11. Bob Scott and
his orchestra will supply the mu-
At the annual meeting of the
Huron County Children's Aid
Society, held Feb. 2nd in Gode-
rich, the following officers were
elected: President, Rev. R. G.
MacMillan, Goderich; 1st vice-
pres., Dr. Kenneth Taylor, Cede
rich; 2nd vice-pres., Hugh Ber-
ry, Woodham; honorary secret-
ary, A. M. Robertson, Goderich;
secretary, A. H. Erskine, Gode-
rich; treasurer, John G. Berry,
Goderich;• directors, Mrs. A. Tay-
lor, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Miss
Etta Saults, Mrs. J. B. Reynolds,
Mrs. H. Palmer, Mrs. Chas. Rob-
ertson, Mrs. Frank Donnelly, all
of Goderich; Mrs. Kenneth
Johns, Elimville; Mrs. Frank
Fingland, Clinton; Arthur Cur-
rie, Goderich; Fred Davidson,
Winghaam; John Winter, R.R. 2,
Harriston; Frank Sills, Sea-
forth; Harry McCreath, •Salt -
ford; Roy Cousins, Brussels; W.
M. Prest, Goderich; associate
directors, Miss N.Cunningham,
Public 'Health Department;
Lieut. Mayo, Salvation Army.
The staff members were all
re-engaged for the year, and are
as follows: local director,. Mrs.
Mary P. Chaffee, Goderich; as-
sistant local director, Miss Clare
McCowan, Blyth; social workers,,
Mrs. Ewan Ross, Holmesville,
and Miss Gertrude Wilkes, God-
erich; secretary, Mrs. Mildred
Simpson, :Goderich; stenograph-
er, Miss Marie Lyddiatt, Blyth.
eti n, N°w
A Lovely! The Veri-ihin "Wand" 537.50
Express your devotion more
eloquently than words with a
B Distinctive! The Veri-thin "Knox" $45.00 beautiful GRUEN, Canada's
most treasured gift, See our
C New! The Veri•thln "Portia" $45.00 fine selection. From $,j9.75
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
Hanover on Saturday evening,
Jan. 29th, given in honer of Mrs.
Brown's father, Mr. Thomas
Brigham's 87th birthday.
'There were 45 guests present
including Mr. Brigham's Imme-
diate family and grandchildren.
Also one brother, one sister and
a sister-in-law and her husband
and the Anglican Rector.
Mr. and :Mrs. Earl Lawson
and Mr. Reg. Lawson were
guests for dinner on Wednesday
evening with Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Sincere sympathy is extended
to Mr. J. H. Scott and family in
the passing of Mrs. Scott.
The Constance Golden Links
Mission Band will hold their
meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. in the
Sunday School class room. All
the children are welcome. The
roll call will be answered by
paying mission band fees.
We are sorry to report an-
other case of mumps in the
neighborhood, this being the
second outbreak this winter.
Sympathy goes to Miss Marilyn
Mr. Borden Brown is in Tor-
onto attending the hardware
convention being held in the
exhibition buildings.
Mr. W. J. Dale was in Toron-
to the greater part of last week
attending the convention of the
Horse Breeders' Association of
which he is the president. Mr
Dale was appointed a director of
the Canadian National Exhibi-
Mr. Reg. Lawson and his
mother, Mrs. Earl Lawson were
in London on Tuesday, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren.
Corporal K. T. Adams, of the
RCAF Station, Centralia, spent
Thursday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Adams.
Mrs. W. J. Dale and daugh-
ters were guests on Sunday with
Mrs. Dale's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. )McMichael.
Mr. Reuben Jewitt has been
removed from Stratford General
Hospital to the home of his son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt. At time of
writing Mr. Jewitt is not so well.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
were guests at a banquet in the
Hotel London sponsored by the
Libby McNiel and Libby Co.
There were 200 merchants and
their wives in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt
and Mrs. George Leitch attend-
ed the funeral of the late Thom-
as Jarman on Saturday.
Mr. W. J. Dale is in Toronto
this week attending the eonven-
tion of the Canadian Agricultur-
al Society.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
were hosts at a turkey dinner
in the L.O.L. Lodge rooms in
The February meeting of the
Tuckersmith Ladies' Club was
held at the home of Mrs. Brown
with ten members and four vis-
itors present. Meeting opened
with the opening ode. "Love's
Old Sweet Song" was sung, fol-
lowed by the Lord's prayer. Sev-
eral reports were given. It was
moved and seconded to do some
quilting in the church basement
in the near future. Plans were
made for Bob Allan to show pic-
tures of his trip to the Old
Country. These will be shown in
Turner's Church on Friday, Feb.
11th along with some other pro-
gram. A reading was given by
Mrs. Johns. A contest by Mrs.
Don Crich and a knitting contest
by Mrs. Ernest Crich. Meeting
closed singing "Good 'Night La-
dies" followed by the homema-
ker's prayer. A lovely lunch was
served by the hostess and her
group members.
her report of the Huron Presby-
tery Fall Rally at Centralia,
which proved very interesting.
A social evening to be held on
Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, variety
program and social time after.
Closing hymn 128 followed by
The Feb. meeting of the Unit-
ed Church W.M.S• was held with
Mrs. W. Cuthill presiding. 23
members were present. Devo-
tions were taken by Mrs. C. Rit-
chie, Mrs. A. McDonald, Mrs. W.
Cuthill. A film on India is to
be secured for the reaffiliation
service of the 'CGIT with the
W.M.S. Each group is to
send away their used Christmas
cards. Study period was taken
by Walton group led by Mrs. T.
Dundas assisted by Mrs. Ron
Bennett, Mrs. H. Travis and
Mrs. N. Marks. The topic, was
the growing of the church in
The February meeting of the
Walton Women's Association
met on Thursday afternoon - in
the ba ement with 23 ladies.
present. Mrs. Love presiding,
opened the meeting with hymn
502, scripture reading, Matthew
25th chap. and': St. John the 15th
chap. verses 1-9. Secretary's re-
port was read and approved,
Treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. A. Coutts. Mrs. Love gave
The annual meeting of the
Kippen East W. I. will be held
at the home of Mrs, Harry Cald-
well on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at
2 p.m. with Mrs. W. Workman
co -hostess. The roll call, payment
of fees, reading of reports and
election of officers. Reading by
Mrs. Campbell Eyre, music.
Lunch, Mrs. E. Jarrett, Mrs. R.
Upshall, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot,
Mrs. James Drummond and Mrs.
Arthur Finlayson.
Mrs. Win. Wendor left the
village this week for a holiday
in sunny Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstet-
ter, Katherine and Henry of
near Hensall visited on Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. A.
We were pleased to see Mr.
Arthur Anderson was able to be
in the village last week after
several weeks of illness.
Miss Marion Thomson of Clan-.
deboye spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Westlake
and Elaine of Zurich visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Miss Merle Dickert of London
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman
A social evening was held in
the Odd Fellows Hall on Thurs-
day evening when the Order of
The Eastern Star sponsored a
progressive euchre with prizes
being won by the following:
Ladies' most games, Mrs. John
McGregor; Ladies' lone hands,
Mrs. Hazel Scott; Ladies' conso-
lation, Mrs. A. Chambers; Mens'
lone hands, Aub Baker; Men's
consolation, Wm. Murray.
After the prizes were present-
ed the' lunch committee served
refreshments. Then the Worthy
Matron, Norma Jeffery expres-
sed her appreciation to all pre-
sent, hoped each one enjoyed
their evening and then closed
with the National ,Anthem.
Spitfires 7
Mustangs 7
Heavers" 6
•Blackhawks 6
Red Wings; 9
Canadians 8
Rangers 7
Boston 6