HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-01-27, Page 8h ► r C Ir- - o - 0, - • N HOCKEY NEWS Seaforth Midgets won 12-8 at Milverton Friday night. M1lYer- ton will play here this Thursday night in the last game of the round robin series,. The Bantams played at List- owel Monday night and lost a close decision by 2-1, Auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary Seaforth Memorial Arena WEDNESDAY FEB. 9th at. 8 o'clock CONSTANCE Mn Verne Dale is at present a patient.in Scott Memorial Ho- spital, Seaforth, suffering from pleuro -pneumonia. Reeve W; R. Jewitt was in Goderich last week attending the county council. Mr. Janes Moore was taken by ambulance to Scott Mentor- ial Hospital on Saturday. At time of writing his condition is much improved. Quite a number in this com- munity are suffering with sev- ere colds and in sone cases the flu. Ex -warden W. J. Dale attend- ed the cqunty council in Goder- ich last week and had the honor of presenting the Key of the council to the newly -elected war- den, Mr, Earl Campbell of Hay township. We are pleased to report a marked improvement in the con- dition of Mr. Reuben Jewitt in the Stratford hospital. The community was shocked to learn of the passing of Mrs. Jack Munro, formerly Janet Lindsay, in Florence on Friday,. Jan, 21st. Sincere sympathy ib extended to her husband and family, also to her mother, Mrs. Mary Lindsay and sister Hazel, The Lindsay family were form, erly residents of this commun- ity. CROMARTY The annual meeting of the congregation of ,Cromarty Pres- byterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon, The meet- ing opened with scripture read- ing and prayer by the pastor, Rev. S. Kerr, who was appointed chairman for the meeting, with Mr. Eldon Allen acting as secro- tory, and reading the minutes of the last annual meeting. A very satisfactory report was given by the treasurer, Mr. Lloyd Sors- dahl. Mr. )Ernest . Tesnpleman read the session report. Encour- aging reports were read from the W.M.S., Marian Ritchie Au- xiliary, Ladies Aid, Sunday School, cemetery conimittee, re- cord secretary, Mission Band, Trustee Board. Officers for 1955 are as follows: Secretary, Eldon Allen, treasurer, Lloyd Sorsdahl, auditors, Carter Kerslake and Eldon Allen, S.S. supt„ Mrs, T. L. ,Scott, with Mrs. Cliff Miller and Rev. S. Kerr as assistants. Record secretary, Mrs. Sam Mc- Curdy; Everyday see., Mrs. T. Laing; Cradle Roll sec., Mrs. A. McLachlan; library. committee, Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen and. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coleman; cemetery committee, T. Scott, 5; McCurdy, T. Laing, C. Mc- Kaig, J. Hoggarth and K. Mc- Kellar. Ushers, •Carter Kers- lake, Jas. Scott, Ken Walker, ' 'ttt'mai i f Se ,s f,,rl'`)lr� �>l PUBLIC NOTICE NATIONAL HEALTH WEEK Sponsored by the Health League of Canada in co-operation with Health Departments January 30 February 5, 1955 WHEREAS the healtli of all is of utmost concern to the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth, and we should all practice healthy habits; AND WHEREAS National, Health Week is dedicated to making Canadians ever more aware of the value of good health to them- selves, to their families, and to their communi- ties, and is an observance that depends for its success upon the voluntary support of every responsible citizen; NOW, therefore, I do declare the week of January 30 - February 5, as HEALTH WEEK in SEAFORTH, and urge all citizens to fully co-operate in this cause. E. A. McMASTER Mayor Seaforth, 20 January, 1955. John McDougall, Lloyd Miller, Phillip James. Managers re-elected for 8 -yr. term, Robert Gardiner and Wes- ley Russell with Wm. Harper el- ected in place of Sam McCurdy, wtho wished' to be released. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion by Rev. S. Kerr. HIBBERT The death took place at her home in Hibbert on Tuesday, Jan. 25th, of Mary Agnes Train- or, beloved wife of the late Wil- liam Hastings, in her 86th year. She had been ill for two weeks. Mrs. Hastings had resided in Hibbert all her lire. She was predeceased by her husband about ten years ago. Surviving are one son and one daughter, Mary and Joseph, at home. The funeral will take place from her late residence, lot 25, con. 7, Hibbert, on Thursday morning to St. Columban Church for Re- quiem Mass at 9 o'clock. Inter- ment will be in St, Columban Cemetery. PARR LINE The regular meeting of the Parr Line Forton was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Adkins with 24 members. pre- sent. A discussion was held on the topic, "Produce Marketing". (1) We believe that farmers can benefit through organiza- tion. It helps to stabilize the prices of these products, also, gives more bargaining power to the producer. ((2) This Forum thinks most farmers will agree to the regu- lations which govern the market- ing of livestock. Our Bean Board is working well, There were fanners who criticized the board when it was first set up but the majority of fanners are well satisfied with its operation. The consideration of the On- tario Hog Producers plan to col- lect for a fund to be used for marketinghogs when there is a surplus was brought up. Most members felt that this scheme would have to be collected and organized, Dominion wide and not just here in Ontario. Winners of euchre were: La- dies, Mrs. John Soldan. Gents, Carl Reichert, Lunch was served by the ladies. Next meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John l Fassink, WINTHROP The second meeting of the Winthrop Y.P.U. was held in Cavan Church, Winthrop, on Jan. 23, with 38 present. Mem- bers of the C.G.I.T. were also present at this meeting. To open the meeting the YPU and CGIT Purposes were repeated. Hymn 359 was sung, The roll call was answered after which the min- utes were read and adopted. Mary Dennis favored us with an aceo'dian selection. The invita- tion to a skating party from the Walton YPU was accepted. It is to be held in Seaforth on Friday evening, Jan. 28. Sandra Doig gave a reading entitled "A Wo- nsan of Mind". Hymn 164 was sung and the scripture was read by Audrey Godkin after which 11Ir. Livingstone led in prayer. The offering was taken, Murray Dennis gave the topic, "One Fel- lowship in, Christ". He pointed out that you are judged by your conduct in everyday living, not just on special occasions. Hymn 488 was sung. Benediction was repeated and the meeting was adjourned. A number of games and a sing song were enjoyed after which lunch was served. The W. A. and W.M.S. meet- ing will be held on Wednesday, Feb, 2, at 2 o'clock in the church. The roll call will be a thought from the Observer. Among the benefits of Branch Banking Your local bank is an essential link between your community and the whole banking world. ,sib As communities develop, banking services are made available to meet new and growing needs. In remote areas, Canadians enjoy the same broad range of bank services, the same sense of security. Banking in Canada works in such a way that your local branch manager brings you all the resources, knowledge and experience of the bank he represents. It has branches throughout Canada and provides contacts the world over. The benefits of this branch banking system, developed to. meet Canadian needs, are demonstrated every day by the quality and scope of your local banking service. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Shop and Save in Egmondville Fresh Pork Butts 49c 1b Delmar Margarine `2 lbs 55c Red Rose Coffee 1 lb bag $1.12 Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 for 25c Stewart's Raspberry Jam .. 24 oz. Jar 33c Mother Parkers Tea 1 lb 99c Aylmer Tomato Ketchup, 11 oz. , , 2 for 39c Holly Peas , 20 oz. 2 for 39c Chocolate Graham Wafers 1 lb 35c CLAIR HAN-EY Egmondville PHONE 72 FREE DELIVERY • FOR SALE 1000 bushels of feed turnips, 15c per bushel, Glenn Bell, RR1 Hensall. Phone 692r3 ARRIVED . One carload of "Cavalier Que- en" Stoker Coal , Phone 36112, Dublin. We deliver. Krauskope Bros. SALES HELP WANTED A SPECIAL INVITATION to enter the selling field Full or part time aggressive salesmen make large earnings selling household necessities. Wherever you may live there's an opening for you. Write now to FAMILDY, 1600 Delorimier, Dept 0, Montreal FOR SALE 38 Ford coach in good condi- tion. Cheap transportation for $50. Phone 6701-2 Seaforth ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Us- borne 1-C Hibbert Mutual Fire In- surauce Company will be held in Farquhar Hall, Farquhar, on Mon- day, February 7, 1955, at 2 pan„ for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Aud- itors for the past year, for the election of two Directors for a three-year term, election of Audi- tors, and any other business that may be in the interests of the Company, The Directors whose term of office expires are Wm. A, Hamil- ton and Milton McCurdy, both of whom ere eligible for re-election. 1,Vnt. A. Hamilton, President Arthur Fraser, Sec. -Tress, DUBLIN 'Mrs. E. S. McGrath of Mer- ton and Mr. Frank McConnell called on friends in town. Leading Seaman, Billie Cost- ello and Mrs. Costello and daughter left for Toronto and will later leave for Halifax where he has been posted. Mr. James Krauskopf has re- turned to his home from the hospital at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Malone loft London on Sunday evening by T.C.A, to return to Winnipeg. Rev, Father John McConnell 11f Maryknoll, New York, with Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart of Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. W. J Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichol- son, London, with Mr. and Mrs, Janes Krauskopf. Mrs. Dan Costello visited 611 Thorold for a few days. BRODHAGEN Skating and hockey are in full swing on the ice in the local church shed. Mr. Rudolph Fieache has ta- ken a position at Tillsonburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and fainly called on Mr, and Mrs. Albert Querengesser on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanek, Warren and Janet of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Woodward and girls of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mrs. John Elligson of Mitch- ell is with Mrs. Annie Elligson. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connel- ly of Sebringville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. The Voice Of Temperance "0f course the man who drinks so much tonight that he feels terrible tomorrow and will then repeat the process tomor- row night, is simply an ass. Not much can be done for him". We quote from a recent well known column in 'a metropolitan daily. True as can he, in part. Such a man IS a fool. It is possible too that not much can be done for him. But in dealing with this grave health problem-(a1cohoT- ism is the 4th most serious di- sease in the world today), why ignore, as so many columnists and other writers do, the preven- tion angle of this topic, "12 you drink don't drive, if you drive don't drink." That slogan, orig- inated first by the C.T.F., has been adopted far and wide with excellent results. Let's try this —"Never a drinker, never a drunkard." This is ABSOLUTE truth—Advt. MOM Annual • Meeting of McKillop- Seaforth - Tuokersm.ith Progressive Conservatives will be held in Town Hall, Seaforth, on WED., FEB. 2 AT 8 P.M. Officers will be elected Mr. Tom Pryde, M.L A., diner Bell, QC., and George Ginn, Rid- ing President, will be present h EVB RYBODLuncY WELCOME CARD OF THANKS we wish to thank all our nei- ghbors, friends and relatives for their many tonal acts of sympathy and help during our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Lane, to allthose who loaned their ears and for the many beautiful/floral tributes and to the Bonthron Funeral Hone. Mrs, Peter McKenzie and family CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank Scott Metre oriel Hospital, the superintendent and staff, Drs. illliott and Brady, for their kindness during Mr. MolCeuzfe's sickness and Beath. Mrs. Peter McKenzie and family CARD OF THANKS The fancily of the late Gordon Holmes wish to thanlr, friends and neighbors for Bind expressions of sympathy, cards and flowers, during their recent sad bereave- ment CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to thank my many friends and neighbor's for their cards and gifts, also their kind- ness shown to me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Special thanks to Dr, F2oulk. es, Miss •Dunn, Dr. Gorwlli and assistant doctors and the Hospi- tal staff. Mrs. Givlin - CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sty sincere thanks to niy many friends who so kindly remembered me with cards and gifts while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Also the nurses and Drs, McMaster, Bratty and Elliott. RALPH MURPHY in- Memoriam Watson -1n loving metllory of mother Annie Watson, who passed away J'an: 27, 1948: Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent. tear Thoughts return to scenes long past Years roll on but memories last. —Fondly remembered by the Family FOR SALE 600 x 16 Snow tires $16,95 in- stalled, Canadian Tire Associate Store, Seaforth FOR SALE Pair of boys skates size 11, Price $2; man's overcoat, size 40, dark green, ]mice $S. Apply to The News office WANTED TO BUY Young sow to butcher, with only one litter. .Apply The Sea - forth News FOR SALE A 28 x 42 Hergott grain thresh- er, one year old, on rubber, grain thrower and straw shredder. Reasonable, Wilbert Pratt, Lot 20, Cou. 14, Grey Township. Phone Brussels 43r7 The Ontario N,$0110 Association surroundingadistriictL ontlaac 3 DOUGLAS GARRETT, phone Senforth 59R. Now get benefits up as high as $4,000 for farm accidents. Phone between 7 and 0.30 11.m. for appointment SEAFORTH CONCRETE PPODUCTS Will be glad to give you a price if you are planning repairs or improvements to Mir house or barn in the spring. Con- crete floors, sidewalks, stairs or steps. New buildings and garages. 75 stock, tile, brick (colored), flagstones for patios and sidewalks, blocks, etc. Phone' 22 WANTED Would like to buy up to one dozen wire type "ice cream par- lour chairs". Apply Seaforth News RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and gunsaateed radio renoira to all kinds of radios, et TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R. Seaforth NOTICE Carpenter work -and house repairs. No lob . too small. Experienced on building work, BERT CHRISTENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth Old horses Ac NOTICE - per 1b„ dead cattle and horses ab. value. Imporiant to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANOH, Goderich, Phone collect 030r32 or 506,21- Complete line of NSA�LrE Stock—Flogle Nursery. Order now for spring delivery. Ken Powell, representative. CHIX diesisinel We are now taking orders for baby chicks„ started chicks, cock- erels, pullets and turkey poults. Be sure and purchase ,the right breeds for the job you want the chicks to do. Please place your orders three to four weeks in advance • DALE PRODUCE " Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, January 27, 1955 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595 W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5,W Seatos- h SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, Km, Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7.9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable Tmaimmmimpoe VETERINARY SURGEON J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S, Main St. Seaforth • Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Phone 751. Onto Matin St., .Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon. 9 to 5.30; Saturday to 9 PM. Wed. 0 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton—McLarens Studio. Mon. 9 to 5.30 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, J. H. Melwing, Blyth; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Sea - forth ; Manager and Seo.-Treas., M, A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth ; J. H. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander. Waltln ;. E, J. Trewartha, Clinton ; J. E. Pepper, Bruoofiold; 0. W. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich; R. Archibald. Soaforth ; Allister Broad- foot, Seaforth. .. Agents—Wm. Loipor Sr., Londesboro; J, F. Praetor, Brodhagen; Selwyn Bak. er, Brussels ; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact .other business, will bo promptly attended to by applipations to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. 41•1•MIZIMIILOMMEIMINIMe Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. S10AFORTI-I Phone 334 Res. 549 *`'blue coal' 101 SCUD FUEL FOR. SOLID COMFORT',_ WILLIS DUNDAS CHAmMPION STOVE AND FURNACE 01L DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R SALES AND SERVICE Now Viking electric cream separators and repairs for Renfrew sep,Fatore. BASIL O'ROURKE, phone CIiuM' ,1r21 i PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 0 samples 25e; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept T-79, Noy - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples o4 the earth in your fields and Have them analyzed. Call - Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 16 or 376, Seaforth For Sale For sale or rent, brick• residence, with all .modern conveniences, well located, immediate possession. Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences including 8 -piece bath, -hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good. garden. Reasonably priced and al - moat immediate possession. Brick dwelling very centrally located. Goderich St. West. New furnace. Could be divided for, apartments. $3.400. Asphalt covered dwelling on Victoria Street, 51,500 cosh, balance ar- ranged. Possession Nov. tat. Brick dwelling, Goderich St. East, beautifully located. (former residence -of late Mrs. R. - Bell). M. A. REID Seaforth USBGRNE & HIBBERT MUTUA7: FIRE INST7RANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER President, Wm. A. Hamilton, Cromarty Vice -President Martin Feeney, RR2' Dublin Director Harry Coates, Centralia E. Clayton Colquhoun, RRI Science Hill Milton McCurdy., iRR1 Kirkton Alex. J. Rohde, RE8 Mitchell Agents Thos. G. Ballantyne, R111 Woodham Clayton Harrio, 1081 Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochran% Exeter Secretory-Tre•Aurer Arthur Fraser, Factor