HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1955-01-20, Page 3TIIFFARM FRONT JOk2''QI2s e11 FJ'Y Writing in The American Farm Youth the noted consult- ant on Food and Nutrition, Francis Joseph Weiss, I h.D has an article entitled, "The Farmer and the Fisherman" which 1 found so interesting that 1 am passing it along to niy readers. I'm sure you'll find it well worth reading from start to finish. w w a For billions of years water has been leaching out the soil carrying mineral matter into the sea. To be sure, this has been a one-way voyage as far as mineral salts are concerned; for while the water evaporated and was carried back to the land to continue the age old cycle of t erosion and precipitation, the minerals remained in the oceans; thus while the land be- came poorer and poorer in min- eral matter, the oceans got rich- er in the same measure. We all know how important minerals are for the growth of plants and the development of animals, including man;. but it was only very recently that the vital function of formerly ne- glected mineral elements, also called "trace elements," such as iron, copper, cobalt, iodine, man- ganese, zinc, and molybdenum, has been ascertained and it ap- pears now pretty sure that heal- thy growth and reproduction requires the presence not only Of adequate amounts of potash, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen, but also of all aforementioned trace elements, although only in minute a- mounts. It might well be that of the about hundred existing elements still more are needed, although in traces that elude even .the finest analytical meth- ods. The more intensive the land is utilized for growing plants and raising animals, the greater is the depletion of its mineral con- tent and even the adequate use of fertilizers is no assurance that all needed trace elements are restored to the soil. The only sure way to bring them back where they cane from would be to collect them from those organisms that now enjoy the benefit of abundant mineral supply in their profuse growth and fertility and in addition have the extraordinary capacity to accumulate mineral matter in their bodies far beyond the con- centration of their surrounding medium -namely aquatic plants and animals. But long before the mainten- ance of a proper mineral bal- ance of the soil has become. so essential for the welfare of the world's rapidly increasing popu- lation, man discovered instinc- tively rather than by scientific reasoning the advantages of us- ing the aquatic fauna and flora for direct consumption or for improving the soil or fodder of domestic animals. Actually fish- ing and consumption of water plants preceded by millions of years hunting and the domesti- cation of wild plants and ani- mals and many prehistoric finds of fishinghooks and fishing spears indicate that we need not not think of ancient man as a vagrant endlessly drifting a- bout, moreover as a skilled fisherman who lived happily on the shores of rivers and lakes and at the ocean beaches where food was abundant. His meat came from fish and shellfish and as vegetables he used aqua- tic plants such as are growing in lakes or cast at the ocean shore by the high tide. Nutri- tionally it is an excellent diet rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins, especially the growth promoting factors; it was also a fairly reliable and easily ob- Let F } 1; f ly Discover This Treasure of a Dessert Cake BY DOROTHY MADDOX Here's a recipe for a really beautiful white cake which is a "treasure" of a treat for your family, or to give as a gift. For this feathery, moist cake use butter, and be sure to use cake flour. Here's a tip for egg whites, have them at room temp- erature for quicker whipping and greater volume, You'll want to save the yolks for a custard, gold cake, or possibly for salad dressing, White Treasure Cake One half cup butter, 11/2 cups sugar, 3 cups sifted cake flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk, 1 tea- spoon vanilla, 3 egg whites. Cream butter, add sugar gradually and cream well together, Add dry ingredients that have been sifted together, alternately with the milk, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Add the vanilla, Beat egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Electric mixer can be used up to this point, with low speed when you begin to add the flour. Then, with a rubber spatula or a spoon, fold in the egg whites With an up -and -over motion. Pour batter intb 2 lightly oiled 9 -inch layer -cake pans lined with waxed paper. Bake in 375 degrees F. oven for 20 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Place on racks until cake is cool enough to handle. Turn out and cool before frosting, Fluffy Frosting Two egg whites, 11/2 cups sugar, 11/2 teaspoons light corn syrup, 1/2 cup water, 1/2, teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla. This luscious White Treasure Cake is a festive dessert to serve any time of the year Mix ingredients, except vanilla, in top of double boiler, Cook Over boiling water, beating constantly, for 7 minutes or until frosting is desired consistency. Add vanilla. Sprinkle frosted cake with shredded cocoanut. tainable food supply. It is, therefore, no wonder that all great civilizations sprang up in the river valleys and at the sea- shore starting with the domesti- cation of wild plants and ani- mals. However, man by his very nature is more a land ani- mal and so we must not wonder that in spite of well stocked lakes and rivers and tremendous food resources in the ocean he rather risked the hazards of agriculture, hall and storm, drought and inundation, insect pests and :e-edetory animals, than the dangers of the open sea or the turbulent rivers. Con- sequently, while he became .. '- more proficient as a farmer and husbandman, fishing had been until very recently at about the same stage as it was when land was cultivated by the hoe. While about 71 per cent of the surface area of the globe is covered with water, only about 2 per cent of our food is of aquatic origin and, while the growth of plants in the ocean is estimated at about ten times the magnitude of all wild and cultivated plants growing on land, the consumption of water plants, especially seaweed s, though widespread, is practi- cally negligible. Now it would be foolish to try to change the essential nature of man or his ingrained food hab- its; for we must not forget that eating is not only a means of survival but also a way of en- joyment of life. But what we ought to do is to make the food ever better tasting and ever more nutritious simply by re- storing the lost nutrients to the soil and feeding farm animals cells of the aquatic plants and animals. (To be concluded next week) World's Greatest Starvation Threat During the 1914 war an army chaplain was riding across the Mespotamian desert with his batman. "All this," he explain- ed to the soldier, waving his arm to embrace the vast, burnt - up expanse, "was once the Gar- den of Eden." "Was it?" exclaimed the as- tonished man. "Well, sir, it wouldn't take no fiaming sword to keep me out of it!" What is supposed to have hap- pened to the Garden of Eden is taking place with alarming speed all over the world. About twenty years ago reams were written about the menace of the Dust Bowl -a vast arid -. - 6. Defoe sten 7. Diminutive ending .8. Griefs 9, Brag 12. Printing tnaterlai 11, Period of time ACROSS 69. Note of a 16, Strong wind 1, Person mcalcnl scale 18, Age addressed Dowty 21. p'!rs finger 4..Is In I. mon the 8, R'nget' expectation 24,:rea1 2, Creasy 26. black 5, Swiss canton 27. Annoys 4. Reddish- 28, 16Xp olt brown color 26.. /ellen le and 5, Conjunction fine CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9. Offer to bay 12. Goddess of, healing 12, Mune of lyric poetry 14. So, American Indian 16, Straighten 17. Not nnifeim 19. Railway (ab,1 20. Cuckoo 22. Blunders 23 Mild 26, Made of oats 23, Run away 30 Puns 72 College degree 83 Devour 84. Bobbins 25, Mist 99. Type of electric Durrant (ab.) 87. Largest state 88. Open dishes 89,'Kinds 41. 19ndowment 42. Speed 95.181uality 49. Myself 48. Lengthen 81. Metal fastener 62, nein 64, Course of travel 98, Caello form of John SI. Kind of • lettuce fes - ‘40. Serfs 11. Early American poet 24. Put bnclt 36. Distant 87. BIver dilelc 28.Persian fairy 99, Pokes 42. Merchand,se 44. Son of Seth, 41. Repast 41. Volcano 43. Lumberman's boot 42, River (Sp,) 50, 1eh'earm 97. Strive 65, Symbol for tellurium 1 2 3 ,r 'p4 5 6 7 0 • '} d 9 10 II 12 .LVa'Fire • 13 r't'aam 5 N V 7o d SVX®7t&gv r s1aa2l a,ngd/.J. ..I.►1a 14 V9 smvaQ 15 ,nal 16 N 31v 77 Ft 1 ao.T}i i5 s?J?! a 19le: - 6! ■2Iµ A>IVaa19 22 `;Ne l al ala iv at? ., , A i MIN 019 S adOH ? .425 w°noA 26 27 23 29 $$ $5l .t' }, 32 33 4 vi 34 36 39 ,x?+`• •.,, `.i\'e4 49 55 gill $ 7 3A. A. Answer e *where en We page MOTORMAN -Man in rear of this English bus isn't pulling the taxi; he's taking refuge from torrential winter rain which stalled his cab near Bray, England. Luggage compartment pro- vided an ideal place from which to keep- tabs on the towing hitch. area along the western edge of the Great Plains in the United States. Because of the publicity it received and the effect of dust storms on world bread prices, people were scared. Once again, dust storms such as you could never imagine in the U.S.A. are threatening ruin to almost a million homes in America. Powerful winds whip up thousands of tons of fertile topsoil; and after the storm is over, they settle as use- less particles of dust. Childre: can't go to school in parts of Kansas because they get lost in storms and die. Dur- ing a "duster" it is impossible to cross your own garden without muffling your entire face. Doors and windows have to be closed day and night, but dust seeps through all the salve, and in the morning lies piled in every room. Entire small towns have been evacuated, Mrs, Alice Towner of Field Cha, New Mexico, went to post a letter 100 yards from home. She was lost in a dust storm and died. A man driving a twelve -cyl- inder car from the eastern sea- board, who had never seen a dust storm, ran into one in nor- thern Texas. Suddenly his car came to a stop and refused to star`., The owner locked the door and windows and lay down, covering himself with a rug. When the storm subsided he was found nearly suffocated un- der a mound of dust. His car was towed to a garage where they found the air filter packed solid with dust, which had also been drawn into the upper por- tions of the cylinders. The abrasive power of the dust had scoured the paint from the sides, even down to the glistening steel! In one car park in Kansas dust packed the ignition system of cars, so that none could be started, and it piled so high on the rail track that all train ser- vices on one section of the Sante Fe railway had to be cancelled. The wind that accompanies dusters is so violent that it forces. dust through the tiniest crevices. In Oklahoma it was once so fierce that it produced static electricity in all metal fittings, and people who touched them reeled back with their hair on end. Telephones, telegraph, and even radio stations were put Out of action. A contractor in Missouri had the job of moving 100,000 cubic feet of earth. A duster struck his town that evening, and when men arrived to carry out the job next morning, they found that not only had the storm done their work for them, but it had carved a hole where the mound bad previously stood. Apart from the danger of these storms to life and limb, no one knows where the soil erosion will stop, At the height of the Dust Bowl scare powerful gales whipped 300,000,000 tons of top- soil two miles into the air and a cloud 1,500 miles long and 1,000 miles wide traversed the coun- try and was dumped into the Atlantic. This mass of fertile earth would have covered Great Britain as well as Ireland. Already 156,000 once -fertile square miles in the United States have been transformed into des- ert; 219,000 square miles have lost three-quarters of their fer- tility; aid 1,406,000 square miles have last from one-quarter to two-thirds. The fertile topsoil almost ev- erywhere in the world was never more than two feet deep. According to geologists it takes from 400-600 years to create just one inch of it. Once that topsoil is exhausted, death in the form of starvation faces the human race. In Australia the first cause of erosion has been over -grazing and rabbits. The soil becomes light and dry, a ready customer for life -destroying dust storms. One station that grazed 100,- 000 sheep before the war can now feed only 30,000. In 1936 the Report to the Royal Society of South, Australia stated that 1,000 square miles of good pas- toral soil in the state had been turned into desert in a few years, In China and Italy deforesta- tion (cutting down of trees without replanting)' has achieved the same result. Once -great cities in China lie buried' in sand. The Sahara Desert was a fertile area centuries ago but it now supports little life ex- cept in a few oases. What is more, it is advancing on a front of 2,000 miles and threatens the rich country of Uganda. In Australia a dust storm not long ago packed the fleeces of sheep so thickly with fine earth that it could not be shaken free. A heavy rainstorm followed, which- turned the caked dust in- to clay. The weight of this forced the sheep to lie down; m they were unable to rise, and died of starvation. Bagdad had what is thought to be the worst dust storm ever experienced, It was ten times worse than any American dust- er, shedding 2,300 tons of dust over every square mile. Man has carelessly contribu- ted deliberately to this form of suicide ever since the world was young by over -cultivating the soil, either through ignorance or greed. Countries affected are not only those mentioned, but Canada, India, Russia, the Dutch East Indies, British West Indies, and even a large area in Moray- shire. In the U.S.A. the tragedy has been widely publicized. Their scientists say that if erosion con- tinues at the present rate in fifteen years only one quarter of the fertile soil will remain. The fertile layer in every country is held together by grasses and the roots of trees. Grasses and roots form a thick carpet that absorbs moisture and retains it in a natural reservoir when rain is scarce. If this ab- sorbent carpet is destroyed by cutting down trees and hedges and digging up grasslands indis- criminately in order to plant wheat and corn, there is nothing to bind the rich topsoil. Rain eats it away and wind lifts the brittle surface. The problem of erosion is more urgent than that of the hydro- gen bomb. Millions of acres of grassland must be planted, and many miles of trees in the form of windbreaks must be cultivated. And then only if man is ever - watchful will the desert be pushed back, inch by inch, See -Sting Cure In the last three months Mr. McManus, of Argyle St., Glas- gow, has had more than 200 bee stings on her shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, ankles and knees in a desperate attempt to cure her rheumatoid arthritis, Her legs, arms and hands were all affected. She could not, get out of the house. Then she read Of a Devon woman who had got relief from arthritis by submit- ting to bee stings. A local bee -keeper offered Mrs. McManus his bees. The pain was at times almost un- bearable, but gradually she be- gan to feel the benefit, Now the pain and stiffness have left her shnnlc7ers, and the swellings on her hands and fingers have dis- appeared. Her arms and fingers are all flexible, Mrs. McManus says MAY SCHOOL LESSON Rev, R. B. Warren, B.A., B.D. The rower of the Holy Spirit John 16:7-11; Acts 2:14; 4:8-12 Memory Selection: Xe shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Act 1:18, The disciples were lonely when Jesus spoke of his im- pending departure. However, He gave them a great promise. He would send the Holy Spirit, the. Comforter, Onthe day the Pentecost that promise was ful- filled. The Holy Spirit came up- on the 120 disciples in the upper room, purifying their hearts by faith. (Acts 15:8,9.) and enduing them with power. Under their preaching thousands were con- verted to Christ and the church grew rapidly. The Holy Spirit is not an in- fluence of God but a person of the deity co -equal with the Fa- ther and the Son. The Spirit is the executive of the Godhead. He has not a body as Jesus had, but He dwells in the believing hearts of those whose lives are fully dedicated to Him. As he has control of people's. lives, He works through them on the hearts of others. He reproves the world of sin, of righteous- ness and of judgment, If more people would make this cotn- plete consecration to God, we would have a much better world. Billy Graham attributes his phenomenal success in win- ning men to Christ to the power of the Holy Spirit given in an- swer to prayer. How different the apostles were after they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Peter who had denied his Lord when questioned by a little girl now faced the rulers of the people, and elders of Israel boldly. Hear him say, "Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Is- rael, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole." Brilliant talent or clever pro- grams are not sufficient to win souls for Jesus Christ. We need God, the Holy Spirit. Much of the church senses this need to- day. What will 0e do about it? May we acknowledge our need and earnestly pray until eel Spirit be poured upon us from on high. she feels ten years younger. She can work away now with free - dam of movement. Her knees and ankles are still swollen, but they are much more flexible than they were a few months ago. But she warns other sufferers not to experiment unless they have their doctor's permission, Bee stings can be dangerous, and on some people with arth- ritis they have no beneficial effect. The common toad eats about 10,000 garden pests a year. Its work is worth about"twenty dol- lars annually. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking W�(]q,:,SSNSa'rtso5 00.a1noa ,:cl IV pan I i e N O 1(► itd QmZ LIV .LVa'Fire r't'aam 5 N V 7o d SVX®7t&gv r s1aa2l a,ngd/.J. ..I.►1a V9 smvaQ ,nal N 31v O°`y`.Q.NV 1 ao.T}i s?J?! a I N`dyt'A?J A>IVaa19 `;Ne l al ala iv V N O. 0 1 v a 019 S adOH w°noA ENGAGED -Arthur Godfrey fired producer Larry Puck (left) from his Wednesday night TV show, reportedly because Puck had become engaged to Marion Marlowe (right), a singing star of the show.