HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1941 VIIIIMMINSIMMIIIIIIMMIIIII.....iliVIIMMIXIGUINAMMISIBSICOAS11.11.11111.319,32111.1011S131.41tIOSSIIIIIMMILUSLUIVISPOIMILUISIII..1111•11101111 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS DURING THE COMING YEAR ARE EXTENDED TO CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS AT THIS TIME, WITH THOUGHTS OF APPRECIATION AND THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS AND GOODWILL. 0 'SS(I, oat PHONE 8 m - NO privy PHONE 77 3 NEW YEAR'S R EDUCED RAIL FARES FARE AND A THIRD t,outi going: Friday, Dec. 19 to hursday, Jan. 1, 1942 inclusive. Return limit: leaving destination not later than midnight (E.S.T.) !C'ednesday, January 7, 1942. FARE AND A QUARTER ['owl going: Tuesday, Dec. 30, to ihursday, )an. 1, 1942 inclusive. Return limit: leaving destination not later than midnight (E,S.T.) Friday, January 2, 1942. APPF. ff. - M many thousands oF our Armed Forces will move during this period, the Railways appeal to the,, gem era! public to travel early and assist in avoiding congestion. For lams and Whet InfOrnotIon pply Ticket Masts CANADIAtilatIONg. pICOBAC Piime ToArtecO 11),, COOL, SMOKE Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent MONSTER NEW YEAR'S Daice In Seaforth Armories WED., DEC. 31ST Sponsored by the Seaforth Women's Institute Proceeds for War Work Horns, Balloons, etc. Come one and all and help a worthy cause Music by Murdoch'. Orchestra Admission 35c CHASING "SPOOKS" FROM CAVES NEEDED FOR BOMB-PROOPS How Itritishers, while seeking shelter from oh. raids, have been disturbed by "ghosts" in England's great prehistoric eaves, Is de- scribed in an article which is one of many features in The American 'Weekly with this Sunday's (December 28) (sane of The De- troit Sunday Times. Bo sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times Oils week and every week. I WI ANNV.‘1, CHRISTAIAS -A-N-C-E ! In Looby's Hall, Dublin CHRISTMAS NIGHT DECEMBER 25TH Admission 50e Dancing 9- 2 Sodality Dance! AT DUBLIN FRIDAY, DEC. 26 ADAM BROCK-. ADMISSION Cle MoKILLOP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL MEETING AND SOCIAL EVENING TUESDAY, DEC. 30 TN THE WINTHROP HALL Then, will be a guest speaker. Ladies please bring sandwiches EVERYBODY WELCOME THANKING YOU * Season's Greetings to All HAROLD JACKSON VO -t 20; ••0; 5-M.,04,WQW-)WQVR -WITH HEARTIEST GREETINGS To You and Yours for Ike Christmas tctason and beta wi,hes for your Health and Happiness throughout the corning Year 'lite Spirit of Yuletide again spreads its mantle over us. Clteery Greetings are being exehanged 4,0,2 lhtirt'IS Wallah expressed In voice and every handeltke, Family, relatives and friends will mato gather around inswing firesides and cordial good wlishos will abound. This is the Christ- mas 01)1111. It rills the very air, and genuine hap- piness prevails, and as we erase Into the happy faces of those near and dear to us, we aro reminded of and thankful for our many Meadows, particularly when we contract our state with that of so many unfortunate people- -dwellers in other lands -• weary of war's grim reali- ties. Let us all hope for that day when "Nation shnll not lift up sword against Nation," and there shall he universal melee. H. E. SMITH THE PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. Seaforth. Phone 122 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE GREETINGS! tit ,e4n(W84.0;;,...ktqAVA'A .4it0-;•VQ10,102 ,10QWC: A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR JOHN W. MODELAND Electrician —THANK YOU— And Season's Greetings to Everyone SEAFORTH MOTORS g Phone 111 Seaforth 7411Q, ,Qe.4k,50 4g4 -0Q, ..eitipier;450V-04, Regardless of world conditions one thing remains unchanged: Our message of Good Will and Good Cheer. And so to our many friends and business associates we extend ca HEARTIEST SEASON'S GREETINGS WATSON & REID M. A. Reid, Prop. 111N11tAL INSFR A N CE. Phone 211 NviiQwwwwowio4.egge "Merry Christmas" Th, sincere feeling of our Christmas Wishes for you in our community can't be fully conveyed by words, The best that we can say is that good phrase and true wish: A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ! H. M. JACKSON THE TANNERY .-owiQw5-ovA-0Q5-toQsf:A-ggimo-sweitoca WE WISH T() EXTEND -TO OUR FELLOW, TOWNSMEN AND FRIENDS OUR MOST SINCERE GOOD WISHES AT THIS FESTIVE SEASON ! SPENCE'S PRODUCE H. R. SPENCE & SON Phone 170-W Seaforth WE '1'AEE TIIIS oppowronn. 010 THANKING Mit MANY PAT- RONS POR THE tilt:NEW.WS SUPPORT -TENDERED US THIS THIS YEAR. ACCEPT OUR SIN- CERE WISH THAT YOUR YULE- TIDE 1!!' A IIAPPY ONE! J. WESLEY BEATTIE Butcher l'lrr)lli' !Hi Seale rtlr "Merry Christmas" WE EXTEND To Vol' (WIZ, BEST WISIIES A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! DICK HOUSE sEAFORTIT • ONT. GEO. A. SILLS & SONS HARDWARE, PLUMBING & HEATING We wish to express to you our very sincere appreciation of your bust - o that you have found in all our deal- ness during the past year and hope ings the respect and consideration that will warrant a continuation of our association for many years to come. T. all of you a very Merry Christmas! J. F. DALY Ford -Mercury Dealer SEAPORTH il ONT, W4VVWQ'WV-Q-1-0%ft.'UM0-0-D.q030,6. SEASON'S GREETINGS SUPERIOR STORES QUality—Service—Prices EXCLUSIVF•1 SELLERS: e.W . HILLCREST and ROYAL YORK SOIISOICS - BRANDS McKINDSEY'S DRUG STORE wwomer)?.70,zwowc- GALLOP'S GARAGE WISHING ALI, OUR CVSTONIERS THE SEASON'S GliEETINGS J. GALLOP SEASON'S GREETINGS TO EVERYONE ! S. T. HOLMES & SON ROSS J. SPROAT MISS N. PRYCE "Merry Christmas"oW As the soft light of Christ- mas Eve's twilight falls on. the homes of Seaforth, we extend our wish for a Merry Christmas and the hope that All's Well. - The TASTY GRILL C. M. Smith, Prop. Seaforth 10tVitISMOtqfnat'Ar-ai: X SEASON'S GREETINGS ELLIOTT'S QUICK LUNCH Make our Restaurant your headquarters dur- ing, your Xmas shopping and throughout the year Seaforth On ario Vii2VR5025tn,c02504WW4F450W4VganVA%-MOK803 "Merry Christmas" Maybe you think the expres- sion is a little threadbare, but not the way we say it ---and mean it! It comes fresh from a heart overflowing with good cheer for you and yours on Christmas. KEATING'S PHARMACY To you and yours we wish you all happiness and joy and A Very Merry Christmas! CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET Phone 18 : Seaforth 7.:;41--A.0oV;0Att.10 74P-z%O.A,AP-9-oft CW-01.Q,4V-4$7).e; SEASON'S GREETINGS We take this opportunity of extending to our Cus,- touters and the General the Season's Greetings! SMITH'S SHOE STORE TOWN TOPICS Mn and Mrs. Harold Nkholson of -Galt are spending Christmas and the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Art Nichoson, and at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lane, Mill Reed, Tuckeramith, who have been ill aro recovering nicely% Mr. and Mrs. John McNichol and son Aubrey, Of Blyth, visited their niece, Mrs. Thos. Carter on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerslake and little daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Purdy and Anne of Tor- onto, are spendin Christmas with MrS. W. E. Kerslake. Mr. W. E. Smith is visiting in Flint and Lansing, Mich, Inas with their parents, Mr, and Mrs Charles Brodie. Miss Irene Workman, Toroonto, is a Christmas visitor with her par - OAS, Rev. and Mrs, 11. V. Workman. Miss Doreen Regier, London, is a Christmas visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. Messrs. Roland Stewart, Univer- sity of Toronto, and David Stewart, Galt, are visiting their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Ian MacTavish, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish, has been pro- moted to the rank of Flying Officer at Camp Borden. sAs—k /-4,27 -4 A' Mr. Bruce Wright of Hamilton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mr, Ronald McKay of Toronto is a Christmas visitor in town. Mr. Percy Hoag of Hagersville- is spending Christmas at his home. Miss Gladys Thompson of Niagara Falls, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thempson, Lance Corporal Joseph Patton of Kitchener, visited his home here. mg., Bessie Grieve of Chatham and Miss Margaret Grieve, Dresden, are holiday visitors with their par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Grieve. Misses Jean and Annie Brodie of Kirkland Lake, are spending Christ - Oi BORN JANTZT—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Thursday, Dec. 18, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron jantzi, McNillon. a son. SCOINS—At Scott Memorial Hosp.tal, on SattirdaY, Dec. 20th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scotus, a sou. AUGH----Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Haugh of 1085 Bloor street west, are happy to announce the birth of a son at the Private aPtients' Pavil- Ian, Toronto Western Hospital, on Sunday, Dec. 21st, 1941,