HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS ' Pv ` `,W W5AY`t.`-(i+Y' �••'. 2 e=, `:L C': 1.6 04 SEASON'S (,REETINos 'P() EVERYONE SCOTT HABKIRK SUPF:RTEs'r SERVICE Seaforth, Ontario "Merry Christmas" OF TRUE FRIENDSHIP That's it's the thence of our season's message •to you For all aur business ---our business ----is built up on trust that' conies throtigh ftienclsbip. 'We hope that you will continue to• be out friends for years to conic'. SMITH'S GROCERY Oro series Phone 1Soaforth Wishing to set ve you in the, future as we slid in the past, and uuisliina you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS KERSLAKE'S FLOUR & FEED UUt. e�W Clothing Boots & Shoes Ladies' and Children's Wear GREEN FRONT STORES .00; •A �wQ.loaTQ,-eo yle e: c 5 e cce e .ooQ-.�pe THE SEASON'S GREETINGS ! el THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE extends greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the citizens of Seaforth and surrounding community, thanking them for their generous response tothe calls made on them for the furtherance of the Institute's War Work. Not in the sense of custom, but with a genuine appreciation of our pleasant association during the past year, we extend to you and yours our best wishes for an old- fashioned MERRY CHRISTMAS ! GILLESPIE'S CLEANERS & DYERS 1'Imite hili Seaforth c. A. BARBER TI'ippiutss is the ultimate that any ono can Wish. It is that we wish when we say to you- all— MERRY CHRISTMAS! THOMPSON'S BOOK STORE Seat ort.h Ontario There You Are- ! d We've been loo- �• kin for you So p 1 e ase accept ; Happy Christ- mas `Vishes;l.�,. from Seaforth Creamery Ltd. AND Seaforth Locker Storage THE STAR CAFE wishes Ono and All .t MERRY (•IIItISTMAS ANI:) A HAPPY NFAV YEAR ' STAR CAFE "Thorn ('hong. I -'reap. • Meals and Lunches at All Hours '1'obae005 C'on foct.lottery CHEERIO! I h ;cine err f,•, -ling of (food Cheer and Ilapp ne_ss and all rho pleasant associations with Christmas. is our wish to every one of you! PHILLIPS FRUIT STORE PHONE 63 SEAFORTH "AULD LANG SYNE" For Ohi Times' sake ---that's why the drink a toast to your valued fiiendShip and contin- ued patronage. • MERRY CHRISTMAS ! THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL sEAl''(_]it'l'l1. ()NT. LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS and COAL N. CLUFF & SONS Among our assets we number one Which cannot be measured in dol- d lars and cents -- your friendship and good will -- and so at this Hol- iday Season we extend to you and (J yours our best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS; JOHN BACH Electrical Supplies Implements PHONE 17 - SEAFORTH At C'hristnras it's a real pleas- ure for us to send old friends and patrons the SEASON'S GREE'T'INGS ! FRANK KLING di*T SEASON'S COMPLIMENTS P. J. DORSEY PLUMPING & SHEET METAL Joy to the world, "Noel," a -Merry Christmas and ev- ery other expression that means Happiness to you. This is our greeting to ev- eryone in the whole town! PLUMBING, ING, TINS.MITHING CARDNO'S GROCERY ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND BAKERY Phones: 61 & 128 Seaforth Phone 82 Seaforth WISHING YOU THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER FRED S. SAVAUGE \Visiting you and yours A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Eloy Ward, Prop. We extend a Sincere Greeting at Christmas time with an add- ed wish for your health, wealth and happiness throughout 1942 W. G. WRIGHT Dodge -DeSoto B -A Products At. ibis Cln•istinas Season the Commission and its employees thank you for your favors of the past year and wish you and yours a VERY MERRY' CHRISTMAS ! SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION e 64 EG NT NOW PLAYIN(, Xmas Day Matinee 3 P.M. \Villiatn Holden Martha Scott "Our Town" The screen's most tmu.u:il picture Added Pea Lure tte-., "Musical in Technicolor" MON., TUES., WED. Tyrone Power Betty Grable A Yank in the R.A.F. John Stiltotn Reghlald CtirQiurr An exciting romantic drama CO1\IING — "IT STARTED W'ITII EVE,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1941 i Seaforth Next Thur. Fri. Sat. Two Features— NEW YEAR S DAY, MAT. 3 P.51. �.,, cath `-/CESAR ROMERO . VIRGINIA GILMORE . MILTON BERLE CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD SIHELDON LEONARD • STANLEY, CLEMENTS • FRANK JENKS, BARNEIT PARKER 40eh CENTURY•FOX PICTURE Also: "A Very Young Lady" Nistainsesammir"soniciottmemosis.,-(v-NE4.N.q ,!%4 which lubricates immediately in weather as low as 30° below sera— and stilt Sows when most premium oils are solid. The fortifying agent in Airways Is the finest ingredient that modern science has created for the improve- ment of good motor oils, JOHN BACH, Seaforth SCOTT'S R.0, P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS AN EXCLUSIVE 5.000 -BIRD BREEDING ESTABLISHMENT 1941 Average Production of Certified R.O.P. Hens: 242.2 eggs, 25.5 oz. per doz. High Birds: ---302, 304. 313. 314. 322. 326 11:12 (Trick Orders arc being rapidly In)oketl. Order early to avoid disappointment, 'kers P J. M. Scott Aestuamagemignam ultry SEAFORTH, ONT, amoranimmowalm.i WALTON The U. P. W. 0. meeting was held at the home of Mrs. H. Kirkby on December 12th. Splendid reports of the convention in Toronto by the delegates, Mrs, Leeming and Mrs. Marshall. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Mc. Donald. STANLEY Stanley Directors Meet. -..- A directors' meeting was held at the home oi' John A. McEaan, It was moved by Mr. McEwan, second- ed by Mr. Reid, that the minutes be adopted. It was moved by Mr. Wright and seconded by Mr. Mc - Ewan that B1 r. Grainger and Mr, Webster be a ppointed d elegates.to vote at the annual m e e.ting to be held in Clinton, January 7 at 'L o'- clock. Moved by Mr. McI wan and amended by Mr. Peck that we put the minutes of the directors meet- ing in the local paper:. Moved by Mr. Reid and seconded by 31r. Web- stet, that we hold the third Monday CHRISTMAS DANCE! AT ST. COLUMBAN MONDAY, DEC. 29 SNEIDRR's cutenRSTRA ADM. 40c. LUNCH' S4:RVgn AUSPICES OF C. W, L. night of the month for directors' meetings. Moved by Bir. Mclwan and seconded by Mi': Reid, that each director canvass his own school sec- tion for new members for 1942. Moved by Mr. Reid and seconded by Mr. Wright, that each director start a radio forum in his section. Write to Mr. Harniond for information. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Elsner Webster on ,Tan. Itlth at h o'clock. The meeting Was adjourned. Born—In Clinton Public 1tospital. on Sunday, Dec. 21, to Mr. and Mrs, Russel Grainger, a daughter. Miss Mary Snowden has returned home after a visit at St. Thomas: ire Hzard! Your attention is called to the danger to life and property from Christmas decorations, such as draperies, scenery, cotton to represent snow, etc. Displays of this nature and the lighting ar- rangements in connection therewith add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. See that inflammable material is clear of and not hung over lighting devices, steam pipes, stovepipes, electric light bulbs, etc. See that elec- tric circuits are Properly fused and not overload- ed. Have all temporary decorations removed as soon as they have served their purpose. Remember, nothing can render these dis- plays absolutely safe, and that if accidents are not to mar the festive season, constant vigilance and care must be exercised. A. W. DICK, Fire Chief ',tax eziappenacarg,