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The Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 3
1lickai,a Field, U.S. ,Almy bomber base near Honolulu --one of the first target.s hit by Japanese bombers ir, madden attack. Pictured above are U.S. Autry bombers lined up oi1 the field. The Book Shelf I What Has Become SPENLOVE IN ARCADY by William McFee enter /memo.," Sponluve. a-: the edge of Yttte eight, retires teem sr:any yeare we sea to a little term in neeeneetMut, there to spend the rt a:ri ler of him days quietly mei alone Itis adventur- e ns life t oily sea -faring life :meet be, ov ee so 1.e •h•entghl, leo he fell in love: ...- sad for tee inlet time. meree 1, ,,;eelf an u11 same. r;ith a is1 •1oeg knowledge end levo of tik, eete Unfolds tiny tale ef Spentc , greatest adventure teeth ober; t dee master craftenlau- 'blp and i,rla„s this lovable char raster titr tar,,. er%in.tnce to a happy 'inn n of ala L:.--. and c0!nhlit enmett?,'e. Spenlove le Arcady ... by Wil- liam MoFee . . The Macmitian Co. of Canada . , Price $3.00. Of Secret Weapon? Ernst iidet, second only to Goering in Nazi aviation, was killed while experimenting with a new type of firearm, oommen',e The New York Times. It sennet the mind back to Hitler's secret weapon. He announced it more than a year ago as the trick that would settle England's business, What has become of the secret weapon? What is its nature? Speculation at the time ineluded flying tanks for the invasion of England, new bombs, new T./ - heats, gas, microbes, practically everything. Is it conceivable that Hitler',( secret weapon, upon which he has been experimenting se long, could he something in the nature of re- pentance, truth, honor, mercy, or in that general lino? It might explain his failure to make head - Way with it, CHECKING ZERO HOUR? Japeen epeeial envoy, ezz.nerti iiuresu, right, broke -at his Wateir at ahem 1' time Japare. embers were attackiug Pearl Harbor. :1.awaii, He h pictured e i:: •lapal,ese Ambassador Nomura, as they .:aiteid •, ,.. ,nr.' with *.rete _.try of State Buil. MODERN HOW CAN I? ETIQUETTE 8Y ROSEP.TA LEE n. Whet ie elle of the:1• at i !.t e ;.per teens of r(N(h(rseet _ + It er,Teet to leave e l :'1, in tee tar, where dri `,e.'g tee or col"ee Who :; ests retiring, the at e might • sii, r or 1110 Itmt't�c'. 1. When nreepting 011 invita- n to a daore. ioaya g rl ask ner bests a l eritlissiau to invite a. young nen with whom the 1110- tess is rel aeynahlt,.,1:' Isn't l 1c1'e a dIsi101•tit r, be- tween a pers'em who is persevering and one wie. obstinate? - l:, Ts it permissible to tv ,te "(ity" whet? addressing a 'iter to a person who lives in the emote City Answers i.. Discussing iiincsa, Ti a h1'•ight of t•o 't,! misconduct is to talk of sorry pus, ulcerated teed:,. mucus i 1113, c0008, eczema. nr all util( physical ilnpoa!'e•c- tions. It is much better to dis- e080 these suhject:0 only with your doctor. O. No; the spoon should be placed in the e,auccr after the contents of the cup are stirred. 3. The hostess. 4. Yes; but do not invite flim without this per- m alou. , Yea, there is quite astrong distinction, u It has been said, ;'hi' difference between perseserauee and obstinacy is that one often comes from -a strong Feil;, ruin the other from a strong Won't," (i: No; the name of the 10W 0 should he written, London bas collected sufficient tueta' scrap to make 3,000 tanks. BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. Holt ran I keep the hewer (.!ants in cpoal condition? A. Now life often can be giveu to ti.e house plant by applying a teaspoon of castor ail around the loots. Q. How tau I remove cigar- ette ;tains from the fingers? A. Ob tinate cigarette stains on the fingers Dan be removed by Intan1 of well -soaked pumice 'inns and -hot water, Plain lemon juice will remove lighter stains. Q. How can I avoid scrutc_ling the table schen cutting out mater- ial from patterns? A. -Before cutting the mater- ial, 7t is a wise plan to •spread out tlie fable neat on the surface of the table. If cut on this sur- face, the scissor, will slide along 'Meth easier and will not scratch the table. Q. How can I be sure drat flowers will stay !twit when send- ing theta to eonmone in another tomo? A. • One way to keep them fresh is to cut small 1lvles in a ;piece of raw potato and insert the stems, Cats Get Milk If They Get Raab Cats may nave a milk ration chly if engaged iu vitally itnport- ant work—catching rats and mice --tile British house of Commons was told by Major Gwllym Lloyd Cieorge, Parliamentary Secretary to the Food Ministry. Even on this basis, supplies can- not be guaranteed, ho aald in an. flouncing the Ministry's ruling, so It may become a question of less nh!ilt and more rate. Have You Heard ? After examining the private's damaged leg, the M.O. diagnosed a dog bite. Then, as a legpull, ho prided: "Perhaps the dog had rabies," 'All right," said the patient; "hand me a pencil and paper, please." "Oh, there'e a good chance, You needn't make a will yet" "I'm making no will," replied the private, with fiendish grin; "lis a list of the sergeants I'm going to bite!" Newspaper Contributor (le letter); "1 am a speedy work- er. I finished the enclosed ar- ticle In an hour and thought nothing of It." Editor (replying); "I got through your article in a free. tion of that time and thought just the same." A certaln famous flint staff vise ited the Highlands and stopped for refreshment at a farmbouso. She was given home milk in a little howl and while oho was drinking it a p1g trotted up ts1 her, "See," she explained, delighted, "even the little tome he recognize me." "It's no' you ho recognises," gold the farmwife, "it's his wee bovine:* A schoolmaster wan trying to explain the word "widower° to Ills class. "What would yen call a man who had just lost his wife?" ho asked. "Very careless," wee the re- ply of n bright boy. "Flu emu really love Ino, Alfred?" aske,l the girl. "Ethel, I rotor you to my last ;Otter" replied the young man. " 'Ibevotc-elly' 1a on the first page, 'mealy-' on page three, 'passion- ately' on leases foto' and tiro, and 'til tieath do us fart' in tho poste cri,'t. I cannot be 'metro explicit, taell ' Domestic: "1 hear that you need a cook:" Mistress,; "Thank you, but 1 have just hired one," Domestic: "Very welt, I'II call again tomorrow. ?.ire. Jenee tshoteingfiler guest .t home-ui.etle radio' "My hnaband made the t'•(teillel as well." "Oh, did be week to a design?" asked the „Heist. 'No," :;midi Mrs. leen. "He mode it oat of hie head ,inti bets got ,:•nonp eeo,i 1?,n1 tr. ce, Incia email , ole.' Lace of Four Queens fleautiiel OM rum evitieia once belonged to fool. Gamete of Eng- land is part of the collection flown by boutieee to rite Plated States for the n e ne.fit of a alt ieisiu war charit.e. The Queen Itert4,ii pr"osnted to it a bridal veil helloed to be worth £4,000, Queen Mary scant some lovely pi'.ces, including examples of the lace wor which ilugland la renowned and a deep flounce of point de gaze which belonged , to Queen Alexandria. There were gathered for the collection rare Valenciennes, epee Warn by Queen Charlotte, Venetian point lace that graced the gowns of Marie Anton imam beautiful pieces of point de rlandres, Brussels, Irish, Chantil- ly, point d'Alencon mud .Englantl'a own hloniton, Moutholatum ea tomplesandhroct brines quick re. lief. Also formai. ral.gia, Road colds, cuts and chapping. Jars and tubes 800, uta You GIRLS WHO SUFFER YMIIItJ4EA If you suffer monthly cramps, back- aoho, d stress of irregularities," nervousness—duo to 1unattenal monthly disturbances—try. Lydia E. P(nkham'e Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added Iron) Made especially for *Donlon. They also help build up red. blood, Made in Canada. Wh t Science Is Doing. SHEEP'S LIFE Icor the average sheep, fame 10 only skin deep. The best bo can hope for, after parting periodically with Ole wooly shirt, is a fleeting hereafter In the form of a framed diploma. But Billy Wassermann and Is different. He Is a sheep with a (ait.t+, nor four years he has lived in honored cunnfort at the Montefmro hospital for Chronic I)laeesca. 01 a summer be grazes en the hospltal'a laWo, an object of admiration far the eb!lrlren of the northern Bronx. Fo" the win- ter he la rI'"(1led in a pent- house apartment atop the bosoltal, with all the Fray and mate he can oat. The reason for this epeela1 at- tention is that Billy fulfils a vital function. Every fortnight 1.r €o he graciously permits a doctor to draw from (1s veins a small am- ount of blood. Ite red corpuscles serve to diagnose hftmau syphills in the well-known Wassermann test. Nearly 10,000 sueh testa have been made routinely with the cor- puscles supplied by this one sheep. This particuThr annual happens to have come into the news. 13ut there are many other creatures of the laboratory to whom a debt 1s owed for their role, involuntary though it be, in maintaining and advancing human health, and malence need not be sheepish about acknowledging that debt. Cows provide 'Meaihe, home manufacture anti -toxin, ebiekenet indicate the value of hormone Pro- ducts, rats respond quantitatively to doses of newly discovered vit- atmine, slice run through mases and nnr.zvel the fundamental ;springs of animal behavior. Some of these test animate must insult• ably he martyrs to tho programs of physiological knowledge. It le comforting to know that the apeet- meno used aro invariably given tho fullest consideration conelatent with their function and that, in the ease of euch stout veterans as 01111y the sheep, they become trsil• loved pees of the laboratory. MALAYA CHIEF The eumhhander of empire troops in British Malaya, Maj. - Gen. A. E. Percival. • Calling Norwegians In North America N'r,rwegian male sui,J' cos from 30 to 37 ;rel•$ old in the United States and Canada soon will he military serviee..1,Inai Col. Arne 1). Dahl of the No;•,veg- fan Milituly 1Tieoton to Nr Oi :int tenets st is c'. -With ebout u,ie0 S.;r,1hl dor• wegiatis Canada awl th :naafis more bi 1„w tilt hoyden (e ea.ld there mayn lee et u5 h to,.s divis- eeneenen5'' 1t, 1a,Um' midi:. Dixie is ©Om sal — you cut it 88 yea use it f7 i e9[1 e's t© male... Bennett Stays; Night At Labor Hostel Viscount lennett recently lived overnight the lives of factory workers occupying a North Mid- iande war we,rkera' hostel After ((0 address in whish he impressed on workom tho neces- sity of a speed-up in production, the n_ormer Canadian prima min- ister went into the big communal dining room, loaded his tray with food and later carried the dishes to a washing-up hatch. Lord Bonnett slept in n cubicle - typo bedroom containing two bade and running hot and cold wator. Ho said he found the hostel clean - mono convenient and more r:omtortablo than many up-to- date hotels ho had stayed in dur- ing him travail: around Britain on behalf of tete mink:try of supply. Plumb -bob The Cat Solves a Problem; The Todd -California ShiphuUd- ing Corporation was in a dither. The engineers more stumped. The electricians were dismayed. Tho problem ruing them was to run a cablo through the 12-lnch ".ondult pipe wieloh ran from the 'British Purchasing Commioeion to the fitting -cut dock—et distance o2 300 feet. The pipe wive two foot :eliderground and too email for n elan Or .'reetisalty attathitof oleo to go through, Suddenly an ilea vette conceived. A solution was brollgiit to tho scene. The 'eoletr:ni" was 1'lureb-13ob, ;Fran Teddy, the shipyard cat. A chalk lino wars tied around Piulul,•ltob'a neck, and he was placed at Ito end of tho p1:po, witlielit a: moment's healtatlon ho aleapperred. An anzio,ia crotid of ent;ino3rc, electricians, and tnatatenanee men wait at the other end of tbo rondult. in a few minutes Plumb. Bub wailed nsnshalantly out Into the sunlight again,pulling the e4lalk line. Tee ;hero had done hie Bart. The ':able aaa hooked to tea 'se and palled through. The tingi- eeees got ,,;,,'an tit their stumps; the eiectr1rtana stopped sweating, and gears was restored. Plumb -Bob's genius Was reward - e.1 with a :neon dues. SAFES Iti'a'ls0 :..,., 4 .so from 511lU and mitten Its. Ste have 0 0110 and type 1,f Safe, or Cabinet, for any purview. Vials acv or gTlt0 for prlrea. etc, 00 Dept W. (15 Front St. r:., Toronto Est abllabed t 51.:0 J.&CJ.TAVLEIR LIMITED TORONTO s' FE WORKS Locomotives Travel Extensive Mileage Locolnotit•s epe ated 'ray ;he Canadian National Itailwa,a, in- cluding passeugec, freight snit work classes: travel mote than 81,000,000 mite0 lo=ot a yaar'm service, tem -online to the Stance tical Depertmene of tiho National Railways. In terms of triers around the equatorial girth of the world, this represea.s 8.260 ouch Jour, neya in a twei= a month parted, at an average of 271 taloa 87017 thirty days, or approxletatete pia+➢ nett 'loo per day. Seagull Nearly Wrecked 'Eagles' A seagull 0090 close to ending the fighting career of en Aeaertcaa pilot tieing against the Germano —that and a storm of bullets wittcla somersaulted and %battered hire plane. Sergeahtt Pilot John J. ilooneg of East Hempstead, Long Aland, en Eagle Squadron fighter, ;old him own etn-ry ref near aacapas on an offensive petrol along the Nth• orlands comet: "I we; fly'ng low oval. sews Aghttng boat" near the Dutch coast when I flew among some seagoing and saw ono go apparently through my r eopeiler. "Lata:•, when I attacked .gun. hosts,- m,y efl l: o cut Out and gav'p off black amt' ke every time 1 pu'3 the net, newel. I couldn't figure It out until I got hack and tn,nd .a gull --or earner feathers, for that: les all chat -nee tett of !t. -.,am, al xl !n 515 etc tulalle, "Durlr.e tiro attack, the piano teats 5(h'Wn over on !to baht by ack otic (l.nti-alrcreft tiro, tee radio u.'451 smashed and the e:re,fl was riddled. I got bask h; rktni. ming tits waves all the way" Jlootloyb Spitfire was Y, by three cannon shei'.a and. 11171 .Q machine gun bullets. uaaMASSUF D ADVERTISEMENTS n-AnT ('IiIC'l(E 91tt05IC AL ztAuniTs NOW IS .1 (anti' TIME Til SIZE on Your Poultry -- rilielcs you'll 1).rt1 --- and when (td'r wolf 1r. alsov.>m0 pullets. The right kind of a start is golf - 1" he more important than rye this 005000. Write for particulars Bray ('hick (. t toet Bray A 1t h.-ry. lot John N., Ham- ilton. Ont. 1L1I1t DI11500121f 0(11001, LEARN .HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson Method, Information on request regarding fall classes, now beginning-. Robertson's Hair- dressing Academy. 127 Avenue Road, Toronto. CA1LS — 15.558)�.11D 111;]8 MOLUNT PLEASANT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; throe locations, 001 Mt,. Pleasant Road 2040 Yonge fit. and 1060 Danforth Avenue, Out Used Cars make us many friends, Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an« alysed used cars, FUR ..t TRAPPING +t HARING TRAPPING R PING AND FTJR Marketing tips, particulars on Indian secret trapping u methods, lures, , 13(11. fol Fur catches Man. ,30 'red, Bill Hoffman, nueaelt. LEGAL .. N. LTNDSAO, LAW 010510E, CAP. Rol Theatre 8u!lding, St. Thomas, Ontarte. Special Department for farmers collections. ISSUE 51—'41 IT'S t• X(_ 1 1 t ENT REAL AL R1 SULTS • fter (o Iu _. (' x , x r s Remedy for after 1" 1 and tieurltla. Manroa Drug' Shire. 30; E1gIe, Ottawa, Ito,!paid 0100. s Ol1'1:11 T4i 1e: ll1'rURS AN (,,1'i''IiR TO 150151;] INVMNTOtt List (.t inventions and full infor- mation ,,eat (lee. The Ramsay Co, Registered, Patent Attorneys, 272 Batik Street, Ottawa, (lanade, PATEATS PLT73ER`eTt+\ 1i11:GE ex ('OML'ANY Patent Solie iters. .Established 1890; 15 if.lug Wear, Toronto. Booklet el' l.,t°rmntion on re- quest. POLLTRY SILVER PEN(SLLED WYAN- dottes and Rocks, Cockerel and Pullets :11.60 each. Erhard Loehr. New Hamburg, Ont., Bos 523. PERSONAL ELIJAH (1 0 Ad I N G B10FORE Christ. Wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mlsslon, Rochester, Noror York. $2 -- Quilting Outfit — $2 VIAICE B1IAL:'r.1('131. t'AT011•WOIUIC quilt (tot Ow uuatt batt, 2# lbs. cotton print quilting. patches, enough while cotton to back double ted size quilt, and 1 pair 8 Inch 01(>53 t11 (valno 59u) --all for only 22.es 0001(•aid. Dept. W.. Textile Iohhers, ui6 („peen 8t. W., Toronto. WANTP;t, 5.01t(IE LIVE 110- 051800 rabbis, Any Quantity, l't'lee 10c per pound You 1515 00 - press. Lightfoot. St Lawrence 3LarkPt 0(11E1'41 A.TIC PAINS 1.1:''r I S: A It 1,1 TALICING AnOt(W the ci,t results from tek'.t Idiot's 150100015 for Rtheumatic. Pains t,41. 111 ur:tl5. Mtinro's Drug Stare, 3111 1,1. 1n. Ottawa. Postpaid Sz.00, 0,1 (')t1Yr rtizen WE CORRECT STAMMERING ON a "(So Cure No Pay" basis. Write Aurum-Speee3, Clinic, Orton, Ont, Tl']t dib:Y9 WHITE HOLT ANDS, GOV'T. IN- apected flock Pullets $6.69, Totno 011. Bert Irwin, R2 Sealarth, Ont. WOMEN WA:11TER WANTED: OV'OII''.N TO DO 16014I6 sewlnw hest pay. Postage paid on all 51,,110 Sent anywhere, Ban teen , ,ec• ittl <' i t S FORChase, It.i QUALITY QUALITY SERVICE 111). 0111 1'l(f(ON '1'111 t\tl'rhttlAl. -. 6 01' s (0115.>).films, ae eliVpaal and prila..r1, or 8 ',prints. r 255: Both with 511,0vela rgelneat, RIIPEtulAt, 15(0'50 steno:((( Sialiru. d. Toronto.