HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-25, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE DRIES, VOL. 03, No, 51 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TI•IURSDAY, DPICEMjiJ r 26 -1941 "MERRY CHRISTMAS" As another holiday season draws near it is a real pleasure to extend to you the sea- son's Greetings. We want you to know that we sincerely ap- preciate your friend- ship, goodwill a n d continued loyal supp- ort. Please acceptour very best wishes for a "Merry Cliristnias." A. C. RoutIede AND STAFF *'blue coal' r THE SOLID. REL FOR SOtIa`OOA1i0RT I E. L. BOX PHONE 43 North Side United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "This Christ We Worship 7 p.m. Rev. Harold Vernon, Min- ister. and the Choir•of Mitchell Unit- ed Church, presenting the Christmas cantata, "Memories of Bethlehem." Come and enjoy these services. First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. ..... .....» Sabbath School 10 a.m. Morning eubjeet. "The Value of I eilection." Evening subject, "Between the }'ears, St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev. R. P. D. iiurferd, D.D. ('hristmas Day— S.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. "A. Christmas Message tend Holy Communion). Sunday - 11 a.m. "Thankfulness for the Past" 7 p.m. "Endurance." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin. 2.25 p.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Service. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B,D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "New Year's Expectations" 7 p.m., "Christ, Our Ideal For the Coming Year." MOSPADDEN-DENNIS A. quiet but pretty wedding was ' solemnized in the parsonage of the Baptist Churcb, Ingersoll, Saturday afternoon, December 20th, at three o'clock, when Miss Elsie Marie Dennis of Walton, daughter of Mr. Porter A. and the late Mrs. Dennis of McKillop Township, became the bride of -Mr, Samuel Arthur Mc- Spadden of Otterville, Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. McSpadden of Mc- Killop Township. The bride, who was unattended, was becomingly gowned and wore a , corsage of Talisman roses, The cere- mony Was performed by the Rev. G. A. McLean, pastor of the Baptist Church, Ingersoll, who with Mrs ( McLean, are lifelong friends of the e bride's family. After the. ceremony Mrs. McLean was hostess at a lunch- eon for the bridal party when the dining room and dining table decor- ations were in keeping with the Yule- tide season. After the luncheon the ltapy young couple left for a short honeymoon to points north and west followed by the good wishes of their many friends. On their return they will re- side in Ottervilie where Mr. Mc- Spadden is prllicipal of the public ochonl. Children Enjoy Christmas Concerts Suppers and Appropriate Pro.. grams and Visits By Santa Claus North Side United S. 5. The annual Christmas concert of North Side United Church Sunday School was held on Monday evening with a good attendance. The chairman was the minister, the Rev. H. V. Workman, The programme: Anthem. Carol by attion one, in0rl'tweedmarnle and Marilyn Hillis. Away in A Manner," Primary, Recitation by Marion Chamber- lain. Recitation, Lorne Gaulle. Piano sok. Michael Beehely.. Recitation, Blanche Nor- ris, Recitation, Bobby Knight. Where the Roads Meet—Primary, Solo,Douglas Ste- wart. Recitation by Betty Loin Goodie, Reel- Latton, Tommy Webster. Trio. Barbara HMIs, Gwen Christie and Marion Chamber- lain. Recitation, Domm Burke. BethlNumehember by. Junior Choir, O Little Tewn of , Christmas . story by Miss Fennell. Recita- tion, .lean Snell. Duet, Lois Hogarth and Helen Currie. Recitation, Mallory Knight. Number by Mrs. Hoga•tlt's class, Duet. June Snell and Mona Bennett. Quartette by Mr, Workman's Class. Christmas rending. Marguerite Westcort, Duet, Harold and Bobby Knight. Number by Mrs. Barber's Clans. Solo by Patricia Becitely. Santa Claus appeared and distrib- uted to the Sunday School pupile a generous treat provided by the con- gregation. S.S. No. 2, McKillop The following is the program of the Christmas concert at S.S. No, 2, McKillop, by the pupils and teacher, 'hiss Delphine Bisback. Miss Helen Britton is mnale. supervisor. 'rat l au showing the Nativity Group, niton n ami .h, Thertis. All pupils took part. :lel Word of welcomer by tht by ea lchairman, Mr. J".p1 Ila ll. Hippety-lh,p Girls. I+aur ttiris dressed in eilnn MOvia )bo ey, Dorothy Dodds, Gwendolyn IIugill ,std Doreen Carter. Th, girls sans Golden Slumbers, Mayor operation. A short dialogue, Jaye, Ruglll as nurse and Walter McClure as doc- tor. operate 00 Leveroe IIu,..B as the pat- ient. while Dorothy Dodds, the patient's wife. feels very badly. Recitation. A Welcome, by Gwendolyn Hugill, A piny, The Party Lite, with Arnold Storey J yee Mail!. Walter McClure. Gwen- dolyn. H»riil, Leverne Hugill, Mavis Storey. Recitations. Ivan Cater, Mavis Stitt»y. inrA'Iasang, nrti Brttop y.D poin igDint Dinah Danes, a darkie, thinks she ern bring Sam Johnston "tit the point." Arnold Storey pings the part of Dinah Banes, Walter McClure as Sam Johnson. another darkie. is the man Dinah wants, Leverne Murrill dressed as a Santa Claus gave a recitation, Santa's Visit to Bess. All pupils same an action song. Jolly Old St. Nicholas while Santa looked on. Dorothy Dodda gave a recitation New Dolly. A play "The Five -Fifteen." This takes place In railway station. Ticket Agent, Arn- old Storey: newsboy, Laverne IIugill, fussy grandma, Eleanor Storey: her grandchild, Dorothy Dodds. A negro, Rastua, Walter Mc- Clure. Self-important student from univer- sity, Harold Storey. Painted fussy flapper. Mavis McClure. Worried mother. Dorothy McClure, .1 S Doughty ebtldren, Doreen Car- ter, hl,mi, Conner, hon Carter. Bride. Juyre Hugel, groom. Mavis McClure, Tightwad fanner, Hill Storey; his T. i ft., Gwendolyn Huaill Recitation—Doreen Carter. "A Mitek W,,lding'Stc'wnrt Dolmage, the parson , t going to hitch ]Bram Hay, n fool at bit think, tato con live tw cheaply as ane. to Sodic Stutter's. Brhle. Sam McClure t groom Ilaudd Storey; bridesmaid. Lloyd tit Ore 1 111.8t man. Bert hle('lmv; bride's fatherNelson MrClur Roost er Parade. The roosters to',' Le. Teruo IlMOill. Doreen Cartel Dorothy holds and 11, ncl,lyn IIugill. Recitation by 1Flavis :aur, ;v Rt -h 1 Were A Lit ti Iky. t.aral Singer Pantomime, Dorothy Dodds. Mr. John H. Storey played on violin, A :1 minute ploy. "Advertising TT.a I/unhand Colonel Backup. Harvey ?dr( tore. who wants. a rich husband for his daughter hit ty Backup. Delphtne Distant. Tom Tra-it, Robert McMillan. who gets his friend to answer the advt. Wailir Watkin, Art And- erson, who pox's as Mr. tligpile. Katy Bray- ton, Edith McMillan, Kitty's girl friend wbn comes very handy and is made happy too. Don•na, 1lir, and M. J. H. Storey, hir. McMillan and Edith. Hensel' Public School The annual Christmas concert at the Public school was held on Friday afternoon with the principal, Mr. Claude Blowes. as chairman. Miss Beryl Pilaff's pupils presented their part of the program first as follows: Welcome by Dick Stapleton. A vocal solo "I'e, A Little Teapot," by Claudette Blower. Exercise, 'Christmas Wanda." Duet, "A Bi- cycle Built for Two." by Audrey Walsh and Gordon Moir. Recitation, Loin Henderson. Duet. Carol Sweet Carol," Claudette Blowes and Elaine. Beer. A dialogue, The Spelling Bee." A girls chorus. A recitation by Lloyd Buchanan and the closing chorus. Miss Ellis' room then presented their pro- gram. Dialogue, "Doing Away with Christ- mas," Ellen Bell, Eleanor Venner, Betty Mickle, Fred 'Taylor, Glenn Koehler, Joan Grant, Laura Sangster, }Iarry Stapleton. Charles Fee, Ronald McKinnon, Earl &M- an, Jimmie Sangster. A cooking sale dialogue by Betty Mtckle, Bernice Dolts, Eleanor Cook, Eleanor Ven- cr. Ellen Bell, Laura Sangster. Joan Grant mrd Lila Moir. Dialogue, "A Favourite See - on," Jack Lavender, Eleanor Cook, Bernice Jinks, Donald Mat(innon, Betty Moi•,Jim Stapleton, Charles Fee, Eleanor Venner, Laura Sangster, Billy Bushie. March of red, Otte and blue and V far victory chorus. Mr. Bltnves' pupils presented three playa, 'Hurrah for Aunt Julia," Dorothy Me- Narigh tan, Joyce Broderick, June I(ennedy, Helen Noakes, Mina McEwen. "Advice To ire Lovelorn," Douglas Cook, Billy Mickle, Doris Buchanan, Elaine Carlile, -Joan ;rant, Billy Campbell, Sandy McArthur, Id rlev Wolff . "The Time Sheet," by Gloria ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs', Martin Feoney an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marie Adele, to Leonard Bader, of Gray Ave., Detroit, Mich, The marriage to take place in St Mary's Catholic Church, Detroit .Jam. 77th, lwitthell Georgia Hancock, Donna Mc - Dud: Stapleton. After singing hte National Anthem Santa Claus. tu'rived and distributed the Rifts. RECEIVES WINGS— TO BE MARRIED FRIDAY, Serge: Pilot Frederick Leo' O'Leary, youngest son iti' Mr. and Mrs. A. O'- Leary. 1-Iu'on Itoaci east, who grad-' un.ted at St. Hubert airport last week,' will be married ort Friday in Toronto to Miss Margaret Agnes Hill, (Laugh -i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1-1111, of S. Monica's parish. Mt'. Arthur Devereaux of Seaforth will be groomsman. Mia and Mrs. A.1 O'Leary, Celestine and Andrew, wilt' attend the wedding. Sergi. Pilot O'Leary will report for duty in Nova Scotia early in January. Phone 84. u11nn,111111,uuuu,11luuunun1114,u,,ou11lnto,na,I,u,11an,ua,u.u11u11onnuuuu,11.11„on,1111n,,11o11,n.,,,,11,1, Keeping Christmas THERE is a better thing than the observance of Christ- mas Day, and that is keeping Christmas. Are you willing to forget what you have clone for other people, and to remember what other people have done for you;...to put your rights in the background, and your duties in the middle distance, and your chances to do a Little more than your duty in the foreground...? At'e you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and desires of little children; to remember the weakness of people who are growing o1d;,..to trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you?... Then yott can keep Christmas. Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world—stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death — and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love? Then you can keep Christmas, And 11 you keep it for a day, why not always ? But you can never keep it alone, —HENRY VAN DYKE d• r W1111111111111 .,111,.1111,1111, ,aa111111/11111 at1111111111111111 ttttttt 1111 ttttt 1111111ttttt1 tt1111I1111tm, nt11i„ttu, 1111/11111 d Mitchell and Northside WM Exchange Services Arrangements have been made for the minister, Iiev. Hartle Vernon of Mitchell, and the choir of Mitchell United Church, to have charge of the evening service at Northside 'United Church on Sunday evening next, when they will present the Christ- mas Cantata Memories of Bethlehem. The Senior awl Junior Choirs of Northside Church and Rev. H. V. Workman will conduct the services in Mitchell, when they will repeat the Christmas music so much appreciat- ed by the evening congregation on Sunday last. "GO TO CHURCH" End the year, 1941, aright by at- tending church. Begin the year. 1942, aright, by attending church. Go to the special services during the Week of Prayer. In fact cultivate the habit of church -going. Recently, it was found in one of the penal institutions, that only one nut of every hundred inmates at- tended church regularly before they were arrested. This certainly ought to lie food for thought. It is not the queatloo of 011e being oltt nn the mountain, and ninety and nine in the fold, but of the reverse. We should not only attend church, but attend in the right spirit. Cad's house s]iould he a ]louse of prayer I and praise and peace. All hearts should come ender the influence of this attnospbere, and by their own calm prayerfulness increase the beauty of God's holy temple. We should give ourselves no excuse for absence that we do not think a suff- icient reason to give our Lord. and when tempted to remain away from church, we must consider the ex- ' ample we are setting, and the use- fulness of going to church to pray for our fellow -members. Many ways of spending the Sab- bath have been tried, but no better way has vet been found titan that of chm'eh attendance. "A Sabbath well spent brings a week of content, and joy for the cares of to -morrow, but a Sabbath profaned, whatever be gain - el, is the sure forerunner of sorrow." SISTER PASSES AT MITCHELL A sister of Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, Mrs. Eliza Babb Tucker, widow of Thomas Tucker, died at her home in Mitchell in her 83rd year, after en illness of 10 days. She was born in Mitchell, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Babb, and was the eldest of a family of 13 children. She married Mr. Tucker in Moosejaw, Sask., and resided in Weyburn, Sask„ for 15 years. The remainder of her I life was spent in Mitchell. She was a member of the Methodist and later United Church. Surviving are five brothers, Wesley and Cecil, of Chi- cago; Richard, of Hamilton; Harry, of Island Grove, Lake Simcoe, and Norval, of Stratford; and two sisters, Mrs. Hutchison, of St. Catharines. and Miss Lillie Babb, with whom she resided. The funeral was held at Mitchell on Monday. MANLEY Our teacher. Miss Jones, gave the pipits of our School a euccessful Christmas concert 'Wednesday of Iasi. week which was very much enjoyed by all the parents and pupils. Ml. Vincent Murray, son of Mr. and Mrrs. Thos. Murray, who was en- gaged as a taxi driver in Galt, met with a painful accident on Tuesday or last week after he had unloaded his passenger and on his way back he lost control of the taxi on a slip- pery pavement and banged into a tree. The sudden stop threw ]tint against the cab, breaking his Jaw and suffering a severe shaking up. He was rushed to the Galt hospital for first sill and later brought to Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth; where he is now resting as well as can be expected. HIis many friends wish hint n speedy recovery, Huron Plowmen I ., Select 1942 Officers J. D. Thomas and Other Offi ials Returned for Corrin Year $1 a yetis. At this time of the year we like to withdraw our minds from the chaos and strife of a troubled world, and from the perplexing problems of a. very difficult business period, and to join with you in making the message of "Him" who said "Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men," be our united prayer for this coming year. And then in the spirit of this happy season to wish. the age old,and time honored wish A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS As front "Ong House to Your House" Fred S. Savauge AND THE ENTIRE STAFF The annual meeting of the Huron � CHRISTMAS VERSES. county plowing match committer, --- was held in the agricultural board rooms at Clinton on Saturday when a large representation was present from all parts of the county. Those elected to serve during 1942 are as follows: Hon. Chairmen, Gor- don McGavin and the warden for 1942; chairman, J. D. Thomas, God emelt• vice ehairnutn and finance commissioner, Hugh Hill, Goderich; secretary, J. C. Shearer, Clinton; assistants to the ucretary, Harvey Erskine, Goderich, 10. C. Boswell, Seaforth, J. M. McMillan, Seaforth; co-ordinators, North Huron, L. 1.. Cardiff, M.P., Brussels; central Hu- ron, W. L. Whyte, Seaforth' South Huron, Dr. A. R. Campbell, Seaforth; Chairmen for various committees, Teams, W. J. Dale; tractors, A. J. McMurray; billeting, Ross McGreg- or; publicity, Ilarry J. Boyle; main- tenance, J. M. Eckert; county exhib- its, Bert Hemingway, traffic, George 1'eagan; grounds, Wilmot Haacke; horse show, J. W. Gamble; lunch. Roland Williams' local day. Percy Passmore, A. W. Morgan; horse - shoeing, William Quinn, The chairman for the reception committee was not appointed. it was decided if possible to have the war- den for the coming year appointed chairman of the reception commit- tee. J. H. Scott of Seaforth tendered his resignation as chairman of the banquet committee and it was ac- cepted when it became known that he was forced to resign due to cir- cumstances over which he had no control. Each one of the co-ordinators wit have five committees under him. L E. Cardiff, ILP. has the chairme for county exhibits, traffic, grounds horse show and reception committee under his jurisdiction, W. L, Whyt will have the chairmen for the teams tractors, billeting, publicity all maintenance; Dr. A. R. Campbel will be in charge of the chairme of the banquet, lunch, local day Parking and horseshoeing commit tees. These chairmen in turn wil head =committees composed of fiv men. J. A. Carroll, secretary -treasure of the Ontario Plowmen's Associa tion, J. 13. Ketchum, of Fergus, who heads the Ontario Association, vice president Gordon McGavin, secret ary Clark Young and directors Geo Waldie and. Victor Porteous were al present. They took an active part in the discussion and gave helpful sag gcstions, Finance Commissioner Hugh Hil introduced the budget as drawn up by the .executive of the Huron county Plowing match committee for $10, 000. The budget was broken down to show the expenditures of the var committees and the grant to the Ontario Plowmen's Association. The intercountyy contests are pro- posed for Thursday, October 15. A huge military display would be held on Friday, the MILMILthe last day of the match. The entire affair would be wound up with a monster banquet for 1000 persons in Seaforth on the final night, The presentation of prizes would be made on this occa- sion and a guest speaker of renown would be secured for the banquet. Reports were presented showing that a groat deal of work has al- ready been accomplished. Do you think He may remember, When He was a Little child , The tenderness of Mary's arms, And the joy with which she smiled. And all the homey happenings, That made His life complete, As He played .among the shavings, That fell Clown at Josephs feet. How He gathered up the sawdust, And tossed it up on high, Pretending it was star dust. Falling gently from the sky. And He laughed aloud .and shouted, In Hie childish treble, (sweet, As He played among the shavings, That fell down at Josephs feet, How He liked to watch the dashingdashingSttW, And hear the hammer ring, And run, when Joseph asked Him, For to bring him •utything. He liked to watch the shining plane', That made things .smooth and neat, As He played among the shavings, That fell down at Joseph': feet. When Joseph fashioned toys for Him He watched with added glee, Climbing up. on the bench's top, That He might better see, For He never knew what Christmas was. Had no Christmas joys to greet, He just played among the shavings, That fell down at Joscph's feet. --Maty Wheatle; Adams, DUBLIN 1• The.Public School pupils held their closing concert on Thursday last. • The beautiful new piano was pat n into service by their singing teacher who accompanied rho songs. choruseses s and dialogue put on so excellently o by the pupils. Santa appeared and teams did ample justice to all. To Mr. John 1 Darling for the electric fire place and decorations the thanks of all the n audience was extended, Rev. Dr. Hur- ' ford, Seaforth, the chairman, conip- limented the singing teacher on the capable work by her pupils. e On Friday night the pupils of the Continuation School and the Sep - r arate School gave their closing con- - cert in St. Patrick's parish hall to a very large audience of parents and - guests of the children. The dialogues and pays were perfectly staged. The • singing was of an unusually high 1 order. The. chorus to the navy was rendered with the vim of young Can- - ada, The Birtb or Our Lord was very touching. The characters were so well 1 trained that even an expert found all flawless. Dr'. Ffouikes presented fourteen - 15110 had graduated from spltool in all snbjeetio with tbeir (Detentes. Miss r- 1,0. Millar, a graduate in music, was Early, Next Week Because of the holiday, all news and advertising intended.. for next week's issue of The Seaforth News should be seat in to reach' this office not later. than Tuesday noon. presented with her diploma. God Save the Bing closed a three hour program. John E. Molyneaux, Assumption College, Windsor, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Maloney. of Buffalo, with Patrick and Joseph Maloney. Iiev. Gordon. Dill, St. Peter's Se- minary, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dill. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpeter of Chatham, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Sturgis of Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs, P. Di1L Teddy Rowland, Kitchener, with his mother, Mrs. Lillian Rowland. Ryan Jordan, Kitchener, at his home. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kerr of near Seaforth. Miss Jessie Finlayson of Whalen is vi.iting her parents. Mr, and Mrs, ,Junes Finlayson. Many from this vicinity attended the annual Christmas tree in Hen - sail on Saturday. Mrs. little visited recently with relatives in Hensel]. Malty from here attended the school concert in Blake school on Thursday night last. Much credit is due the teacher. Mr-- Arthur Finlay- son of Kippcn. Miss Francis Elgie of Stratford -pent the week end with Iter parente, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Elgie. Mr. H. Desjardine of Zurich, who purchased one of the church sheds here, is busy taking it down and re- moving it to his farm near Zurich. Mrs Elgie and sou Robt. D. Elgie visited on Sunday in Seaforth with Mrs. Wm. Butt. Mrs. Kate Jarrott left for Toronto on Sunday and accompanied by her daughter Miss Etta Jarrott, they went by aeroplane to New York to spend Christmas with Dr. and Mrs, ,James Jarrott. Miss Wilma Kyle spent the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Venner of Hensall, Mr's. Alex McBeth spent a few days last week with her parole, see' and Mrs. Honking, Thames Road. Mr. Eldon Jarrott and Mr, Robt. Upsilall left this week 'for Toronto where they have secured good posi- tions. Master Don Kyle celebrated his eighth birthday on Monday evening, when a turkey dinner was served . to a number of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Sea - forth visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eisen Damson. PROCLAMATION 64 9 lly ,solution of tit (Council, I hereby proclaim A PUBLiC HOLIDAY FOR THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1941 Anal 1•equesi: the .11(151rants and Citizens to duly- observe the sa.1110: "COD" SAVE THE KING' JOHN J. CLUE F! Mayor e`tyOl'