HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 8P [, BOXED (New Arrivals PAGE EIGHT ;" 3 t 0rlh •; .aVttnleek\s+' a�4etsa to F, ur rhr -ad Cl r r. & sent-servicese:tit-service ttetgLi, limbetli and Ra7.011 13 by Orient :ud Kayser, 11: are he•e'r.r 2- . and closely eiblu,, silk. .eters at, Firs, !'tile•", Silt, ittl_, u:,.f•- rush . 1'11 1 I':AlIt la _i'•,i'l, ToeI Sets "An ideal Gift For Her" Beautifully boxed -or wrapped in a striking eelnphane package. these Sr,., Towel sets make a very acceptable gift, and a sensible one too. See our ,penial display of gift sets.. • Towel and Wash Cloth Celaph ins past kage $1.00 Towel and 2 !Wash Cloth. C`claplrane Package $1.39 Novel Towel, trash . (:`liths. Christmas boxed $1.50 4 Towel. 2 Wash Cloths, Nivel (daphane Package ._ $3.00 3 -Towels. 2 Wash Cloth, Heavy Celophane 'Box $4.50 �1,ttq Other Ton els 39e to 1.50 aAaP (? (' P Children's one and 2 - piece Snow Suits, Wine Green, Itlue and Navy; 2 to10yc.us. 5,75 to 8.75 Misses' Coat and Slack Snow Suits, in Wine, Blue, brown and Rlack. Sizes to 20. 7.50 to 12.75 New Gabar- dine Ski Jackets, with attached Par- ka; I311ae, Gold,.Green and Sand,- $5.00 ancl,$5.00 THE SEAFORTH NEWS htP enwoo Blankets Kenwood S 'tin bound. all- 'CITE wool } Lanketo• in Peach. Blue, (seen. Rose, Cedar and Wine. Each blanket !nixed. $6.95 nwo,�+i l v,•rsibic, six dill- tiorzti t'nrt Lotti with i in;t eoler ro• r, let -e sid.s. a;trt, $10.50 • ' rel Ac a'whit(' 1l:,.ih r- yttth assorted eibers. 113%1' $11.95 to $12.50 GIFT E [Eta,' (14. 2: to 15.5 O 31. i r 1 nli.cn ..nel • �,'y indies an4 iens s 'new ..r.; icon' Yltt, 2 to $Sn50 CIV'E HER LEP ie 'ePANTIES 49c to $1.95 SLIPS $1.19 to $2.95 PYJAMAS $1.19 to $4.95 .GOWNS 59e to $3.95 HOUSE COAT:$3.39 to $12 STEWART BROS. Will remain open on the following nights as a service to Christmas shoppers: SATURDAY, DEC. 20 MONDAY DEC, 22 TUESDAY, DEC. 23 WEDNESDAY, DEC 24 day Hat SHIRTS GIFT FOR THE HOME im! th He'll Appreciate Things To Wear 1t11ndr.,,d- ripen 1111n00.,(5 of 11115 5 -ti I in any ,slur Pt 1, taps=. cheek,- 1, in r Plain Shades. l'ooke, Arrow and 1 tsyth makes. Each shirt in a ,gift now. Sizes 11 to Is $1.65 to $2.50 PYJAMAS I r ai lora, Y;01111 (loth or Flan- nelette. lan- ne lett . in a wide assortment of patterns and colors. ::ire;: A to Is. Each hair boxed. $1.50 to $3.50 TiES 1, t, Irnin has 100 many Ties ospe- cially of the kind we're showing this Christmas. Each Tie boxed. 50c, 65o, $1,00 HOSE U GI All -Wool, Silk and Wool and Mixtures. in plain or fancy pat- terns. Each pair in it gift. box, Choose from our hig stock at 39c to $1.00 Pair MUFFLERS elks. Wools ,Ind Cashmere, in plain shades. Plaids and Paisleys. $1.00 to $2.50 Scarf and Glove Sets at $2.25 to $3.50 For The Boys In The Service KHAKI AND AIRFORCE SHIRTS $2.25 to $3.00 KHAKI AND AIRFORCE TiES 50c to $1.00 KHAKI AND AIRFORCE HANDKERCHIEFS 1Dc to 25c KHAKI AND AIRFORCE SUSPENDERS .. $1.00 KHAKI AND AIRFORCE MONEY BELTS $1.95 KHAKI OR AIRFORCE BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS 75c box d d' el atm' e I�(04A� He can choose his own hat when you give him. a "Gift Certificate .5 39 gen A miniature hat in a box d°T and a Gift Certificate will be given with each O paid order for a hat. He can choose his hat after Christmas. Save your- self a lot of worry and buy a Gift Certificate at 'r- 4. a Listen tc i-(aate of Dreams," CKNX. Every Friday, 9 o 9.30 sponsored by Stewart Bros. HENSALL Christmas Sunday, Dec, 21, w be observed in Hamaall Unite, Church by two special services. L the morning at 11 Iran. the chop wil present three inspiring Christina anthems and the Minister, Rev. R A Brook will spook on the theme 'The Fulness of Time," The evening ser vice commenting at 7 pan. will In a "White Grit Service" when the members of the Sunday School wil join the Congregation in worship T rnughitt beautiful ceremony the c l tsps of the .Sunday School. wil present their gifts intended to bring Christmas Cheer to the thousands o boys and girls who have been mad homeless through the enemy bomb ing in Great Britain The congrega lion also will bring their free wil offerings for the British Children' War Victims Fund. The public an cordially invited to worship at boll these services. Engagement. - Mr. and Mrs..14. W. Carlisle, Lien call, Ont., wish to announce the en gagement of their second eldos daughter', Martha Agnes, to Sgt H. J. Stokes, C.D.C. Canadian Pield Ambulance fi.C.A.DI.C., Sus sex, New Brunswick, youngest so of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Stokes, Lon don, Ont. The marriage to talc place early- in December. Rev, R. A. Brook conducted ser vices ;in the United Chnreh en Sun day and the choir sang two anthems "Blessed be the Lord" with Mis Mary Goodwin, Mrs. Hedden ant Mr. W. O. Goodwin singing the trio and "Sing Unto God Our Strength." The annual Christmas concert of Carmel Sabbath School will be held on Monday, Dec. 22, at $ o'clock. A good program has• been prepared and all friends of the children are cordially invited to be present. Mrs Fred Corbett and Miss Eve- lyn] Corbett u e oni inoir'd by friends Mrs'.visited with Mrs'.Isla Harding' in 10101"1 on Saturday. Fine. Concert.-- The amoral Christmas concert at S 5 1. Tush, i Huth a as held on Friday evening when a most credit- able program was presented. Muchcredit is due the leacher, Miss'Haul- ilt ul ,t I-llue y al and to the musical instructor, Ili S. G Ketosis of lieu - 1.1,,v. 141011 o hipped tau tits chairman for the evening. '!he pro- n.:t sera d by patriotic otic son •s by theschool ! id by Mr. Bennie, ''0 Canada" l'he T Mg is still in Lon- don" and "Mr. Churchill:" address of welcome by Harold Milling; vocal dant Norma Greene and Hannah r• 1'optic ; droit ice "Father's Christ- mas .!oke;" recitation. Hannah Popper; singing game "1 Se,. You" by four girls; recitation by Robby Traquair; piano sola Bernice 0111- irl dialogue,. 1r a 1ogue "Ain! Serena for Xmas Presents," recitation ation by Mar- jorie Dalr•tmple; 1hristina carols by the school; recitation by Fernice Dilling; pantomime 'Silent Night;" twit at ion , K eitli V olland; dialogue, Hasty a•ty Cure;" recitation, Don- ald Greene, Irish lilt" by two girls.. recitation, Patsy Mitchell; "Good King Wenc•eslas" by the school; dia- logue -The Wedding at Weyback;" recitation, Norma Greene; song, 'Playmates," Bernice Dilling and Hannah Pepper: recitation, Billy Greene; piano solo, Doris Eereher; tap dancing. Patsy Mitchell and Marjorie Dalryinple; recitation, Ce- cil Pepper; solo, Mr. S. Rennie; reci- tation, Kill} Clarke; dialogue "An- noying Interruptions;" recitation by Kobby Kell; songs by three boys in nigger costume; pantomime by five girls; recitation, Lennard Clark, A very humorous and interesting ad - /ruse 00110 given t n by the chairman. Dialogue "Marc than he Bargained For;" song I'm a Little Teapot" monologue by Harold Pilling; dia- ogue "3 Suitor Bold" 'The Sail- or's Hornpipe." The program con- cluded with two choruses by the chool; "V for Victory'" and '`Men of the Air" followed by the closing address by 'mallard Clark, after which Santa Claus arrived and dis- ributed the gifts from the heavily adert tree. The message and spirit of Christ- mas will be very much in evidence at Carmel Presbyterian Church next Sunday at the morning service when he members of the Sabbath School will bring gifts to be sent to the War Memorial Sick Childrens Hospi- al in London. At this white gift ervice the older members of the ont;regation are invited to -bring onations for the Evening Telegram Christmas Cheer for British Child - en Fund. A generous response to his request -is expected. The fumi- ng service will also be the occasion f the presentation of awards for memory work and regular attend nee at Sabbath School. 'Some fi£- een scholars will be honored at his time. 88th Birthday.- Mrs. Robert Bonthron observed ter 88th birthday at her home here n Friday. Many relatives and fiends called during the day to wish Mrs. Bonthron many more appy birthdays. She was the re- ipient of. beautiful flowers, cards nd gifts. Mrs. Bonthron is enjoy - ng her usual good health and is al- ways delighted to receive her visit- rs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Detroit visited with her, anti Mrs. Lou Simpson on this happy occasion. The Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring a picture show in the Town Hall on Friday night featur- ing "The Lion Has Wings" and "Snow Thrills." Following the visit of Santa Claus at the community Christmas tree on Saturday at 2.30 nt p. , the children will be treated to a free picture show in the town hall,featuring Mic I ey's Wild Capers, Circus Hays and Jungle ,litter's. At 'i p.m, the draw for the five prizes: $5. 1, $2, $S and $1 for• the mar- ried lady -with the lucky ticket, will be made at the town hail. The last regular meeting of - the 1941 village council wits held on Monday evening at 8 -p.m. in the Council- Chamber with nil memberspresent. Minutes of that previous meeting :were read. Kerslake and - Horton, that. the inintites be adopted •1 1 Math n u THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941 Saturday Cash & Carry Specials IT PAYS TO BUY IN EGMONDVILLE 3 lb. Sothis 23c Finest Shelled Walnuts tie Ib. 30c itecleaned Currants, 2 Ib 25c AVhytes Pure Lard, 2 lb.- .27c Red Itose Tea, Ib • 75e Tender Leaf Tea, pltge ..371' American Blend Coffee,- lb 390 Fresh Cocoanut, 1b. 23e (,ran Stigar, 10 lb. 79c Roilcti•Wheat, 5 lb. hag -22c Soppy Flour, 08 Ib. bag 2,:15 bats Camay Soap & 1 pkge Large (lhipso 24e 2 bars Ivory Soap & 1 phcge Large OxYdol 34c with coupons Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 6 cakes 25c Super Sada, per pkge .. 19c 1 pkgo. Post Toasties & 1 pkge, Grape Nut Flakes 15c. Pig Starter, per cwt. .2,49 Hog Grower, poi cwt. ....1.79 3 10, first grade creamery Bit(en-_$1.07, witia an order for $2 WORTH OF GENERAL GROCERIES J. 7: n Now Is The Time to Purchase a NEW RADIO P ti.. • JLCO MA . C N1 VA. c chic ;y nd attery odds A fill line of radio tubes and batteries 'always in sioelt. J. F. DALY, Seaforth -x�cnJ-'r COME TO TO BUY XMAS CAN JP) Xmas Mint Juleps Globe Chocolates ... Orclumd Fruits .. Crystal ysttal !.ream Hells Nougat), Rolls . ('reams & Gunn Bells Dtandee Mix _ Lady Kon Puns . Rosedale things .. . _ . Holiday Mis Fruit uit Cnoli rs . Special Mix Chocolat,. Snowballs I'etnrut Brittle . .. 35c ib 300c lb. 30c 1b. 28c lb. 35c lb 25c Ib. 5c 42c lb. :15,0r dh. 30c ib. _ 2.;11:111(,:e!•: S(s.s. 1ll1bb..•. Peanut Taffy Toasted Marshmallows 25t'. 1b. Neilson Chocolate .... 25c, 50e, $1. ire ho♦ •s 'Pattersons bresh pack Chocolates in boxes. 25c, 50c, 1.00, 1.50 Annie Ieaura Chocolates in bole: 25c, 50c, 1.00 McCormick's, 3 lb. box .1.25 Flowers i=10 Cyclamen Pots ... $1.00 Begonias SOc and 1.00 Painscttas ..... .. .. . 70c up Pans $1.25 and up CET FLOWERS - Mums, Mums, Carnations, Spring Bouquets._ .1.50 and up Please order Flowers in advance Cigarettes in flat 50s 60c Tobacco in sealed cans ...65e up Special FRUIT CAKE 40c 2b Our Best Fruit Cake..60c Ib This store will be closed all Christmas Day (RICH'S BAKERY Phone 34. Seaforth as read. Carried, Thos. Kyle re- ported re the rink asking about put- ting in a bottom, instructed to see 1i.. Dick; also reported having col- lected the poll taxes. Jas. A. Pat- terson reported having received the municipal subsidy of $383.28. R. J. Patterson, tax • collector, reported having collected $11,380.45 to date and the outstanding taxes $1242.30 being to collect yet. Horton ai Ca- meron, that we strike off the tax roll, the following: M.. Love Stock Scales $,6.00; K. Hicks, transient trades, $8.25; E. Doors, business tax $3,30; R. Webber, business tax; $9.00; total $28,05. Carried, Correspondence read: Provincial Treasurer, City of Stratford, Relief Dept., A.C. 1. Brook, R. S., Cpl. E. 0. 11 rook, County Engineer, a Co. Treas., War Memorial Children's Hospital, Dept. Municipal - Affairs, Loll Telephone,. same tiled. Bills and. aernu1(111 rebid: 5Ivo. R. Me faren, adv.. .`±5; C'hras. Moore, supplies a41,50: 0: Gh n 3301.1,ean ravel $1.801 AV C. Pa more: supplies C rep. $12.32; Cu. Huron, t.ax collections $0.73; Orville Twitchell. mal t 1•'ii•e adept.. $35.60; Jas. A. Patterson. registrations. 1.O.H., O.A.P. $23.75, I0•, 1, (4, Smilbc, 111A.H„ $0; L. E. Shaddick, do. ?0; Thor,. Lyle, do. 50, Rank of Montreal, interest (12.35; School Gid., school rates $4800.00; MCLONNLLL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. atrick D. IVIcConneli, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron lf0ct m the Dominion Bank Build ug, Staiorth. Office hours: - 1 ice 1n 1"i orsilat and Saturday I:30 p.m, to p.m. - Saturday evening, 7:30 0. m to o p. an. ANNUAL. MEETING Township of McKillop The Annual Meeting of the rate• payers or the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall on Monday, December 2011x, 1941, at two o'clock in the afternoon for the con- sideration of the finanel l report and other business JOHN. 3IcNAV. Clerk. MAN WANTED Rclueble man for general farm work, by 1h0 y u•. Apply to A. 11. Bell, R.It'.2. hippe•0, 93x2. H,:-nsali. NOTICE :All i ooh:a 111et51 he r,•t(1:-recd to the Scafur)h T'ublic 1 ib nary on 00 before Tuesday. deer( 1 er tw,sth-third. Creta Tlnnnls on, 1 ibr oian. DOG FOR SALE Fox hound, eSre11ant- worker. •ker_ Ap- ply :11r,. ,. N, .1. Niche/1s. blah street. PIGS FOR SALE 11 (is•', 7 weeks old A!rpiy 'feel Brown, 60.2r:d. FOR SALE Quebec nook stove in good condi. r ion. Wi11 .ell reasonable. asonable. Frank 'Onalb, Centre street. WANTED A second hated guitar, in uami condition, Phone Mrs. Ed. ltowland. et. (ohanrhan !Dublin. phone). HORSE FOR SALE Driving' horse r, years (dd. Sloan or double. Excellent horse for mail mote. sound and right. (Ye•ry Russ Love, phone 100r10, IL�usa]l. WANTED A second hand tricyels. Must he in :;nod e•on,Rti"n. Apply to The News. Card of Thanks Mrs, Francis 15.900y and family wish to thank their friends and neiehhots for expressions of symp- athy and kindness during their ri - cent hoz oavement - for the spiritual offerings; •and the ,' who loaned cars; also the employee:, .f the Pio- »Her Luinc1ry in Detroit. Mich., and Rev. J. R. PIoulkos, In Met'noriam BRCJDRAGEN-Tn Tnvfnz^, mntnory of Mary Thornton. the beloved wife of Harmon Brodhagen. who passed away one year ago. Pee. 19, 1940. T have lost my soul's companion. A life linked with my own: And day by clay T miss her more. .4s i watked through life alone. Sadly missed by Husband. In Memoriam BROPIIAGTIN-- Tu having memory of a dear mother, Mary Brodhagen, who passed away one year ago to- day, December 19, 1940. Just one year ago to -day. Our door mother was called away. Forget her, no we never will, As year's roll by, wo love her still. -Fondly remembered by daught- ers and son. do Memoriam BROWN -In loving memory of a clear husband and grandfather, James S. Brown, who passed away Dec. 14, 1938. Deep in our hearts you are fondly remembered. Sweet, happy memories cling 'round your name: True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death the game. ---Ever remembered by wife and grandchildren. Co, Huron, county rates $1973.82; Public Library, lihrary rates $191.- 64; Hydro Commission, street lights, $1,008, Total $8,091.70. The trea- surer was instructed to offer the stock scales for stale, also to change the school board the sum of $150.85 in trust on hosts Council adjourned to meet Jan. 5. --•Jas, A. Patterson, Clerk. - Continued on Page 1•'ow• INSURANCE 1,ife Fire. Auto. Sickness & Acciel. ent,Windamrm & guarantee hind: Rates reasonable, All risk. Mar: t in first class eomL•aanie' Information cheerfully pier+ rt; C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES