HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1941
—SpeClal Attelit1011, These prices good till Sat., Dec. 27thrtk9ry
TOMATO SOUP per tin 8c
PICKLES large 27 oz. jar
Royal.. York Coffee 1 lb. tin 43c
JUMBO PEAS a 16 -oz. tins 25c
Pork & Beans 2 20 -oz. tins 19
Libby's Moist Mincemeat
Crystallized French Creams
9 lal ui ('olnst 4r, li --
1 •r. - per pkg. 11.1
Mr I al, n e invincible Jelly Powders, pkg. 17c
live hive Corn Syrup, 2 ib. tin 27e; fl Ib. tin lite
Shirrifrs Pettit Pudding 15 oz. tin 27c
Libby's Catchup large bottle 18c
My T Nice Wheat 1-lerrios large 5 11). bag 25c
{'risco, 1 Ib tin ---291: 1 ib. tin 730
Pearl Soap 4 bars 17c L
9 rte d Itiv,•r ('e11811 large' 2 lb, pkg 25c
,Ivory Flakes large pkg. 25c
I rix Toilet Soap 1 bars 20c
Sage, Savory, Poultry Dressing. 'rhyme, Mini, err
tanf 9ttnleMes,A 'ARHXSVOR 4 4'09
Ilan hold Mixed /Our Best Mixhu•ea, per lb. 23c
Cher ,lair Dthps per 111. 23c
Prent 11 Creams, best quality.' ie • b. 23e
per 1
Scone 1)1tv'd Candles
d1}es per 11). the
\\ rtpp„•d Xmas I(is•r s per 111); 17e
Font ul Cum, iMi then 1)r1)1t, PVT 11,. 19e
Jelly hii per 11). lin•
Mon -1 `31144 3. sorted Chocolates, 1 1b. box S`;c
Bong:d 55 1 hoe olatn•4 1 lb, box 33e
VH'R;. V'"fU-.7{1(.itanAMlVkir'1W�V't'b.//tY,17'SJ
Superior Raking Powder, 8 oz, tin -14c; 16 oz. tin 23c
Cardinal Molasses per tin tic
Icing Sugar per Ib. 111
H(LLCREST SHORTENING, 1 Ib. carton 181
SHIRRIFF'S TRUE VANILLA. 112 oZ. bottle 25c
ALMOND FLAVOURING, 2 oz. bottle .. , .. 100
NEW CLEAN CURRANTS. 2 lbs. ., ... , 27c
LEXIA SEEDED RAISINS. 16 oz. pkg. ....... .,...... _17c
PITTED SAIR DATES, per Ib, ., 180
WHOLE RED CHERRIES, 4 oz. . ,.-........ 13c
CUT MIXED PEEL. Lemon. Orange and Citron ! Ib. 15c
1 SHELL, D ALMONDS . . .... ..... .. .. . 4 oz. 20c
AYLMER PEACHES 2 -15 -az. tins 25c
•,' Niblets Corn, fresh corn off the cob.... 2 tins 23c
Z. Royal York Cheese, spreads or slices, 1, Tb pkg 19c
to NABOB COFFEE 1 lb bag 49c
Weston's Batter Cream Tart Biscuitsper 115 19c
GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 -16 -oz. tins 23c
Ross J. Sproat
I e
C3' 0 rya
Word lias, here I'veei,di,1 .4 tb1
1 •elle of ?Ars.. 44'e i .and to Jersey
City In her ;$;rd year. H. r kntsbeml,
Bev. Weigand, predeceased her five
ears aro. Hr• was a t'oru,.•r minister
of St. 1''4er's Lutheran 1'tnrh here,
Mr. Howard 1111i55ee of Stratford
and 111. Howard. t,uereu5 51er of
,•teener with Air. and. Mrs. W. I,
lii•s ('lure.• Mittal et Stratford,
with her paents, Mr. anti Mr_. liar-
eld I)ie el.
The ladies of the congregation suet
last u••••••1: in the se hoot room of the
church and quilted several whits for
the Red ('rose.
On Sunday evening a special Young
People's service was held when the
pastor spoke nn "Ohnngicinlg in War
Time,' il1n,h'at,'d with beautiful
coloured slides
The Christmas service will be eon-,
dueled on Sunday morning, Dee: 21,
+,y the minister who will deliver the
c hristmas niessage. The choir will
protide special Christina mush..
The :<e•bnol (1nrert kill 1s, held to
the u•I1001 on Monday. Dec. 22nd.
The regular meeting of the W.A.
was held in the basement of the
church Thursday afternoon. Dee, 11.
viec president, Airs. J. W. Car-
ter, presided. 't'hc meeting opened
by singing; 111e national anthem 111 fn -
lowed by hymn 2110. The Lord's
etyer, was repeated in unison. The
Scripture lesson 15118 taken by Mrs.
John Nottingham front 110th Psalm.
1'h., miwut of tlte• least tn4•etln5 were
tend and approved. The roll call was
answered b5 ,t verse of Scripture.
The busini•ns part of the meeting
closed with hymn :308. Mrs. 1'. 1.}nd-
, ly led in prayer, Mrs. ('Inas. Dexter
Olen took charge for Grotto 4, hymn
t was snug, i'ollowed with prayer
by Mrs. Lobi. Lawson. Jean Wakes
field gait t -reading ''I''he inn that
Missed Its Chance.” Mrs. Rr•itton and
Edith favored With a duet, "No
Itoonl in the Inn." A rending was
;riven by Mrs. Chas Dexter, "Let
Not Your Heart Be '1'roubicd." Mrs.
1'. Lindsay gave a short tall:
Cate lia�=ol s� .' -0uit S �t
..s Year's
Mr. John Moore, Egmondville, of
the Boshart, factory, is reravering
after an attack of imeumonia.
Miss Lula 1-Iastle spent the week
end in Guelph.
Mrs. Lorne Wessman is assisting
in the Post Office this 'week.
Muni sympathy Is felt for Mrs,
Con Fekart on the death of her bro-
ther Frank Kenny. of Dublin, who
died in leis 75th year.
jean Dais - of Kitchener spentthe
week end with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Dale.
rifr. Norman klahklrk of Detroit,
Ntieh., visited lits mother, Mrs. Rohl, ie•11 and 1rartuted 1111 ,(Stet wast;
Sympathy is extended to Mr,
Wm. Henry in the passim" away of
his wife Isabella Henry, whose
death occurred at their home in
Brumfield early Saturday morning,
Funeral was held from her late re.
siden.e on Monday afternoon. Ifer
paster Rev, Mr. Atkinson (rotuluited
the Si -Mires. ices. Interment. in I ai'd's
11ro-., Ales. Mustard .Sr'., while tit
the home o1' lea. -(stet ',lis. Mont...
tnmu ry of '1'it„Inn, we ere stirry..
pl,tatizn C...04
I[ahlurk, over the week cert, Mrs. Mustard returned to her home
1414 John Murray of lh•e•st10 is iu ,u,,fi•-Id ib< liri-a of ltl;t ivec•k.
attending the thurr:tl e,t' his titer w:as 1o•ronll,(uiicd be 1r4•r i,t,•4.
s;st,•r. Miss Murray. 111 Ernest W. 31rs, Mantannua
Murray of Regina is expected home
airs. S. Rims hug r. 01111rd from
&Ir ,ted Niru. \4'. A. 'Wright, three Ceti, rich where she was visiting'
with her people,
Mr. Jas. McCully of Hamilton
.peel the week end 1(1 his hone
Next. Sunda white gifts will he
brought to the ehureh irt the morn-
ing service. These will be sent to
the needy.
The W. M. S. held their monthly
meeting on Wednesday, Yee. 10th,
when a Canadian Friendship Carol
servlet was held. Above the table
on the platform was hung a picture
of the Madonna and child, to the
left was another table nn which
were six tall white candle s in silver
candlesticks. The president Miss
Ilowey opened the meeting with
prayer for pence after the business.
Mrs. 11. Dalrymple took the chair
for part 1 of the prop•ram, which
opened with (1111, 1 music. After the
cult to worship hymn • Angels from
the realms' of glory" 'was .ung with
Mrs. W. Mct,t ath at the piano. Mrs.
Dalrvtnpie closed this part with
prayer. 141i5s Bovey consulted Part
II. the 1I:tp'mhcat was .peated in
unison. Mts. R Aik, nhead lit the
first candle of friendship, the iews
r•Ily of Owen .utntd and Listowel,
are moving 1111, 41ris.- ()rear Ned .+
Mrs, Fred Burchill of Perth and
1I Ste wap l Seem of 131uwi1)104 M-
tbunded the funeral of the late Will-
iam Brine.
Mrs. James Handy and family
have moved from Eigniondville into
the Holland residence in Ilarpurhey,
which they have purchased, Mr.
Handy is now overseas, 'Their hoose
in Egmondville is 11055 occupied by
Mr. tend Sips. Garnet Me(14I1chey
and. family.
Blanche Westeot1. who has been in
Sick Children's Hospital, London.
will be home Sunday for the holiday
MI1,LSON- - At 9k'ott. Memorial Hosp'
ital, on Thursday, Dec. 11, 1941, to
Mr. and Mrs. David Millson, Sea -
forth, a s011.
COLBORNIC—At- Scott Memorial Hose
Wel. on Monday. Dee. 15. 1941, to
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Colborne, John
01., Seaforth, (tree Beatrice 1Iny'
man) a daughter (Sonya May).
McNIC1IOL—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Monday. I)ee 1r. 1911, to
Mr, and Mrs. Punr•an McNichol,
Walton. a son. (Died Dec. 111t1t).
'file annual Christmas program was r,l' (antdo. A Irenc•lt rand "(1 come
presented ttf S5 6 \Pelee sty after. all 5 Taithtul Was stu4g. 'les, t'.
Dec." with M Il 5+ars Gins
81111,1)1, O Canada and Clod Save the friendship for the french Canadian,
King, and the Conlin( of (11 Ring. A iolish carol. infant 11o1y, Infant
tub swinging by Eleanor John, and l ow.... was sung as a duet by 11r-.
Iinze! Coleman; a nolo ••A i1 t
shun. 1c t , 15 t a i 1' o ' 111(11511 lit 1141 stv'ond randy• of
in the chair. Opening idioms. 1)y the
ay a John -ton and ,Mr,. V5'. 1 Meath,
Maugel by P,c ren Johns;
"Christmas Wants Supplied." 1)5 1 rh:ale gar. lllss 4I Styr+ lit the 3rd eaten, tit
Eleanor Johns, -Kenneth. Caruoch,4n, friendship for the :.aean rs of Cm
1Iaze1 Coleman, Fnnnerson Coleman, thultc faith4'rom I•:ut,pe whc, hare
Stanley Johns, John C11111.01,111 turd come t0 make - their boon • in (an-
Cvelpn- tohns. Reading by 1.tttli :eda, .4fie..r ran ]elfin e 1 ,T •Mt.. •At
Brown. Ithytltut hand selection "Ton,
'ihllmb,, Diam ' Itr:adw1 by Fh•5• kit,'" lit t)) f„trite '1111111. .,1
Mr. Uardtner, "Pa and the Bois.” He' friendship for the Canadian in halcs.
was encored 111(111 and he gave"The •Aw:ac i❑ •n +11141,1'++," .c one 11r
Available in limited quantities until Christmas
Phone Order in Early.
it's Pulitry Farm
PHONE 851 -32
Tho sympathy of the eomnlu Ili ty
is extended to 14Ir. and Mrs. Joseph
('ronin and family in the death of
their son and brother, ,lack. aged l 1
years, He was struck and fatally in-
jured by a truck and died 11 few
hours later in Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth The funeral took place
Monday morning from his home rose-
dlncc, 3rd concession of Hibbert. A
requiem Mass was nun;: by hey. Fr.
(11) owsk1 and interment took place
in St. COW 1111818 renn•Lery,
Mrs. Janms ('ronin and son Lurnf
or Detroit attended the funeral of
t,ra k Cronin, her grandson.
51x8. David Brawl of Peti'olia
spent the week end at the home of
her parents. Mr. and Mr.. ,Ishte Fal-
coner. We are sorry to ((port that
Mrs. Falconer h not imin•h5int. .as
well its hi•r many friend would likc
to SPO her
Mr. Frank Kennydied on Satur-
day,Mein. I th in hi 751)1 year. He
was a son of the late 3(11)41 incl 1/0,1-
;21.1 honey and was horn in Loan
owlish))) 11 Octeber. 1807 and lived
nn 111. 111•nt now occupied upied b1 his
w,n n low. Charles hi.((1•r. He was
married to Aliss . Catherine Puree!!
I:. v Its ago H WI1S 11e1out 111,18-
brl sit 5t. 1'.111 riek.8 ('11110 -nal t)1'
the 1-1011 Nano. `vet ty and
the Sacred -leant He w:! patio
ceased 1)C 1114,). ,111.;1 1 - 1si5
Trina Nolan. 1111)111 1 1 :Nits:. Thomas
l; 1)41,) .1,11 111 481) d 18; Iwo
Meth! )1, io .1n.11 1'l.)lip. 11,.
mourn hitt hoes hen-srrtow-
in v 11d . anti 111'0 1-.1111 . 1'tlln 111 14,
trapper t'iur5t teas." A solo b` the (,-rrr.:11 carol .and (1, 1'. F ruck ,) 1, 1
1 ,ne 5 1 Ihn•: lhr- chrt'tnul, Can,! _..11 f I1( fele til -! tree
ql•`'' t display of 118.1luhlr,•n', 555.1: int lteeno4110 ht tti•r,dsh)p far 1 u1) 1c
siert 1111 110111111gs; a rpultvtt.• ',y' 11,,. a sroot,t> -„f b� liraro.iti, "id 1111 .t `ire E,{ r' r
.5hessr::. T1l huu. t'rbit, .101111s anti,Sranehn;lyian :Intl { t n l •}I .:1 111(1 <. ' 1 4 1 ,-. sod \i t „f
Townsend, The t'ltristtnits Story lay 'I.Ul:ul unci :ah r.)i, 1rnh1 „1- ,h t 51'1;
EvelynEvelyn.John atilt phutrs,
etaol., "(1 h. 1 t al lett 'L nr..
1 ittb fawn of 1:,•I11114r111.- and ''1uar's n Star in de 1 ,a.. ,en l hies'•
"VVh.•re Shepherds Wattled 't11e11' 411.18 n101 11811 lit t1). >is:11/ (;11,11,• 400,4, et 51 ,lea ? h , . J
l"Iot its. and "S{len[ Night.” by Thr'„ of f)'ietulship for all those who ten's,. • nii „ ql iuG 1 fide , .;I:.0
••n+, end Iwo bey:). ,4 reading by I ey,
11r. Gardiner -Watermelon Town in
the South." A patriotic dialogue, '•A
Patrintie Family" ?Ace's tlnartette.
"Almost Persuaded." (Till swinging
by Euinters0n Coleman and John car -
median (clowns). Highland Fling by
Hazel Coleman. Closing Chorus by
the scholars. mid then Santa Claus
name. and distributed presents off the
'Phere will be Christmas service at
Turner's Chung' 011 Sunday nest,
Dee. 51st,.
lu rr dell rt to The News a wires.,
prolene asks that the street t4 Stall 11
Of the track he. given a mua li :lien.
Boit this whiter as north of the track,
claiming distinction for that area 115
the part of Seaforth 551(0111 the fam-
ous beaver lactose team. held the
rltatupionS1ip for live straight ye l's.
with the late Pat :NI Ideally in goal
Annual Xmas
-A-N -C-.E 1
In Looby's Hall
Joe Henry And His Band
Admission 50e Dancing 11
North Side United Church
Sunday School
Entertai men t
In the School -Room of the Church
At 8 o'clock
Admission, adults 'lily
Children (not of the Sunday
School) 150.
1v •141 clfi tw nk
.?4i1it i,ds,. ,,,.Ell+tt?k'r:� 11'1,iai0 St?r^:n"w.
Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Pilon(' collect
219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21
In Seaforth Armories
Sponsored by the Seaforth
Women's institute
for War
Horns, Balloons, etc.
enure ore and alt and help a
worthy cause
Music by Murdoch's Orchestra
.. Tie. flown') tool, pts o,.
1.0n0• 1)1 Canada from .11111:, and 1 n 11 ,1 ,n 11111 to S. Patrieli'>
Asir( praying. that in this land all i•io,r,h lhiLbt. ,h, -le requiem •lhr=s
ratty come to knew 011)1 adore the ,, t u : h• 1;r'- 1 11, l'fonik, s, 1u1d
('Bust. (hile}, A Canadian tarn: eta, ,, , 1„ S), ('ah•ie 1 en;, to l' for
.'Genal Vary laid her child" was interment. The p d16 n er u, r,
read by Mrs. .1. 11011011Miss 1 owey .Tames Krauskopt, I tme.
had reading between .a111 enrol and Loo Kratlskopf, 1 llro•11 Woods.
1lesed this part with p'•ayer. Mrs. Lotus flruxer and 1-1a1'coy Uarrtael'.
Jas. Thomps0ti was leader for Yart 311•. and "Mrs. 1100 511•.5:++1 of Tot.
Hl and IV. After reading'Matt 1:1- onto with fronds.
II otiu'ing Was taken 811,1 dedicated
with prayer. 1I04. ThoMp-"n was
silted in fart IV, Our 1lest (reit--- M1 :nal \Ira. A14 ht 1'cl sous anri
1 Ove, by the six Iweml c t•, who lit aha . SF:+ited recetett5 vrt.la \11. alter
the candles, \ , 1,es 1 and ! of thymi -1 1 1 end a oi' Drnfilc)
1,rd of the Lands, -was sung. Rev,
':r. Atkinson. who conducted tit'
election of officers, offered prayer.
l'lle Yellowing were elected:
Honorary presidents, 141rs. Neil
McGregor, Mrs. A. Mustard. 1Irs.
W. Rattrnhury 1 ores.. Miss E. bow.
5: vire presiiients. Mrs. IL Dal-
rv-mpie, 1lrs, 1.. Scott and Mrs. T.
Caird: rec. se.., Mrs. t Haugh: roe.
Mrs, :1. Horton; Irea.., 111 C,11tawk: Christian st1•war.lship see..
Mrs. II, Aike1head 1 expense ns,• fund
,eve, Mrs. J. Thompson; 1unlmu)ity
friendship sec.. Miss M. 5'v8)1, sup -
'fly rec.. ItIr, d McQueen; literal•
ore sec., Mrs. T. Baird missie'nar1
11(101hly' ser., firs, T. Carr: assoeiate
helper sec. Mr'. it, Allain: temp.
sec,, Mrs. W. Moffat ; Batey hand
tent., Airs. Atkinson; Press see..
Mrs. .1. 11. Mustard; pianists, Mrs.
A. Johnston and Miss M. M1'Queen;
mission baud Supt., Mrs. A. Zappe.
IDh'. Atkiruon closed the meeting
with prayer.
Christmas services will be }geld in
Brucelield United Churah next Sun-
day 1101•)0115 and 41enril5. 'There will
be special ntttt5i1 by the a heir at both
services. The usual presentation of
white gifts will be made at the Mor-
ning service.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler and
son, 1Ir. and Mrs, Norman Wheeler
and daughter of Detroit spent the
week end with 111', and M's. Thos.
Conie1 comet We are waiting for
those scrap papers yen promised to
bring in.
Mr. and }4I,s. Wm. Simpson of De.
iron visited NI r.• C. D. Simpson on
Mrs. Abe L tpfe spent the week
end with Pte.. Abe 70pfc who is in
Westminster hospital,
We wish to express sincere sy'm-
malty to Mr. Wm, Henry in the
death of his Wife who passed sway
on Friday morning.
Res. and Mrs. Atkinson spent
Saturday in Htuuiltln. •
• Pte las. McCully and Carlile ('ot-
1isla of Hamilton spent the week: end
at their hota here.
"What's the most effective agency
for the redistribution of wealth?'
"he wives and daughters of _.001111111't: '
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 weep 25c
.1,1111 -
,tT.. ..., 1 51 1.,. i \'e•t'bec'm :1111
t li, tt ilsit .rI 0n 51111 1
T,,,::., of 111, and 1111''. Vl. He,.
for 5'
itavat stnattfy rureth
241, smart wt. in to tern
a 1. fl. - 1 1 (10 , hint; for
holi.dav u1u,1 1 trim fitted vanity
(10. tee.au,1the mall
e, -. . 5 .. i t u 5 r t ark
'.l 1, ;.tlwith (,Plat. acro -
4e) t keg., thn.1 du
it - , r tet L thank. 1 ,
the reentedu it I' 11: •". -t1(
`,10,0i1:.• r It uui pert.• a r,.,t:• . 1
01(e itliianJ'over $1 0.00
Big value at
Sold 111 ;ire, 05 Singh..
cls ,igllt l ts.o, :•I.uu to -1,•1,0
is I Ipa, ks. >u 341 as to ;i:1,..50
Nu41 casos, t 1nb Bags. Zipper Sport -
1 .11o4.
111(5 r td i 1 el axone Begs
(d11 til calp:s1'1ONS:
Bern W Tri
warn) titotr:l hoot-, 13 53,51'
Ml and Mrs Bernard Keyes or Smith's Shoe Store
i •,•tech) r ;sit. d nn 1301413: 5 154th
i, r:: tairents, :Ir. mid Mt'-- H.
4,i'1 fori,e1 the 5.5. l lett o- r�-
4.0111,1,11 in t1--• 1 total
' , 11, ,!tt After lite tee.
.i 5:,1 a 1 18115 Will app, 1(r•.
a 1(rtrr 1'11p04184 to 411
(e•,.• 51'0, 0,011,
Manch of the Rod t'rte.s S. a iety ,11
their ynilutrg Wdn day• 1i 1 e.1,
Following: were elected (Ittit-(e ' r
the.(•xeenti54 for 1943. Pt.'adetif
'Mrs. tee Eaton: 111. preMrs
Theron nettles; sect. teas,. 141ts.
)' •'n
(1:0.F41 1'1118V, 511i111n1: 011181 !-
tee, enmvrn(r itit.s Ethel (1,1'hn '
;t •(•cant. 11) 1 hbt Atel'hirp, C, ie
in. louanlitt •ons n, r, My, AVM
rant ('hard. last. Ni is. 7+ l 111e -
Sp rdden 1•tnance eminnittee. Sirs.
J. Il: t„ (Its. T. Betties. Mrs. 11,
Alexin -1i r. firs, 1' 1,111) • 'l') to" -r
leer will la held in the 0511 5' 1,-
"third Tuesday elf each month as the
work is very urgently needed- 15o
1111110 for a :;hell 411 •ntl:lo The
knitting anal sowing will be given
ani 111 111,11 meetings. Mrs. (lose,
president of Srai(rth Tlc.l t•ro,s.
gave a very Interesting talk at this
meeting. Mrs. Moore, woo 1'8 ten the
4'Rl(1t111 (hnuuittre at Seaforth, was
also present,
The (11(11)4' and dance put tett ill
the hall to raise funds for the Rm.,
medical supplies yeas not at all
erowde•(1. The prize whiners were.
181114a. 1,111,1 games, 'tells, kerne Web-
ster. 1,0111 bunds. Mrs. Joseph Dol -
mage. 11.1 4.11. most games.. Mr, Isis
00ltnage. Lone hands, Mr Theron
13(4ti The ill n810 041(14 iclllingh
plied by ills. John Price, Leslie and
Alvin Yryet. Miss Mae Snaith. 'Ir.
George Sn11111, Mr, Robert Dodds and
,tae times 'Seil.uls The evening
(dosed r1)5singing God Save I 1
Mr. ,hid Mrs, William Montgomery
of 1rairtford spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery
•0111 Mr. and MI•s. Richmond of
141r. Andrew Montgomery or Gail
spent the week end at his home. •
Mr. 1 -Tates of Listowel has purehas•
•,1 411... (11,,))1.110.Z.1.11i41 18111 1111,1 got posses-
sion a Weoli age, (111 wish 11481 stti•-
r. 8841 5''0)1)1,• hu)a 10 0141•
n!;.wle•at, 1111 5 tit -:1(5
te keep
the meads men. Fh" weallter
hastu:l: ) milder se will help.
441 w- t m./ 5 t hear of Mr.
Earl 1-lat kirk bring ('('1111(111 to the.
Stratford Hospital for a lag opera-
tion. 44'•' wish - him u 5104.115 reco5'-
h 1"(:'• was taker ' he
Mr. Ara Kerr taken the
hospital for treatment.
The December meeting of ES -
ruendvill W.M.S. was held in vestry
oi'rbureh,u 1).,. 11 Mr.. Allan was
in 1111)11 owing to Mrs. Gaed:n: r. our
president bring in hospital with it
hrhk,•11 anti and :boulder. Miss b{.
, 1'ioneren )rn'duct411 the worship ser-
vice from Miss,.Jl tti The Scrip-
ture reading and 11 1! Ga 'it .111'..
(;11:111:1• reaei ,a 1 r.tya,. Psalm 7-17
was read in 0111, mid 'Mrs. Allan
0Ilrred.34 . lee I! ,.1)1 r5slonl.•d to
by 11 of 1 nb1r. ',u1( es`v(1 we con-
tinue 1)1) call rya 5, 1450 of -u•ipture
cOntntehtwt g wit!, lett,•+ eer1 spoud•
m with first letter 1 of month a J. in
January. Mrs. W. F. 110.11111:14 gave
ter nsuret report 0. 11 being tear -
thankotfeung• contribution and re-
ported we were still co:rsid1r abh' be •
low• allocation. Mrs. N. h -v1. read
two letters of appreciatien from.
ands- lits. (Ictit atrle reported 6
call:: being' made t1, sick or shut-ins.
Mrs. Watson read In trtirit 011 Chri-
stian I:(5(11 and Diving." Mrs. Mc -
Milian gave a rnndc•nsed -reading en-
chant. 2 of stud- book. The offering
was received and meeting closed by-
y-repeating tits. Lord's prayer.
tifephsn Mntray.1(r,n•s n smite
8111c0 his wife presented_ him with it
baby bey Piet 'veep. •
Mr, lienee 14crtersi1n 1.1.”.011`141
ninny 4 .•51 ra.lnlati 111, on 1118 i 1.St
11)1•1(11ap 11151 wOok litany friends
wisp him and Mrs \leiter sort many
8101,' yens Fu 111.(1111 and happin11s.
Mr. leplten Manley 1runi 1.11111011
spent a day 11151 week with his par-
ents 141+. and Alis. \\'ui. Manley.