HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR
THE SEA 14)12T11. NEWS
Snowdon Brom., Pubtiehers
22 ladies responded to the roll calf
fit" the Women's Missionary Society
on I)ee. 10. The 17th t•onees+;ion and
boundary east group, with Miss
Shaw presiding presented the
t'hristuess programme. A lel ter of
thanks for the gift st'ni was 1er,•ice4
from the Food Victor '41is»iou t17
Queen street east. 'Purely.. Tim re.
port of tib` nominating committee
c •cat tiu•� Ih execntit 4 Inc 4 was
.tree{ t'd. :1,11 secretaries -and group
lea.1,,,rs are expected to have their
ready i o7' the January mee't-
Trousseau Te Is Enjo} .t 1. tiv •fit
A happy to. ent. -took itlr7,, on
,,tt,>t'te 1.. 1 n .1..
Porter ]lr,nnt� •,citi11 t, �'', Ahs.
u. 11-rtn:: tit„ 1 •�.,.{ e l ,tut
lea in honor of her t.ramiliingliter.
whose lettrim...). i
son or 111. u,d \lr-. Z.
11,'dp:nldrn, 1Tc4i11101). ells iatkt
place in Ingersoll ot's"• '
'0th. Mrs. Penni,. 0rr'-uptnxether of
the bride .eh - et, t [fit 1 111e 1110,st,
:and d t) w,-tt ShoW11 11l1. tnfft by
Ily':,.t Ruth litnals. 1.11iss Huh) .Aik-
ens and 'Mrs W- hnr,- its -sided
0v01 the tl";t 1 n elf tie trau to
gifts and linen. The test room was
prettily decorated with tank .ntel
whit[ 'tr •:finers white wedding- bills
and sliver Christmas bell,. The lace
coveted table wits ,enlltd with the
,,oei(1intr rat,, r whl:,tt Ai titan} •p
Nlitehan and 1It., Bert Anderson
poured tea for the tIrst'hour, anti
i41is Ethel Dennis and ,It's, 'Thomas
I)ouatherty for the n1111.0 of the
afternoon. `The anests tv ere served
by Misses Florence and (,race Den-
nis. Mrs Cramer ilill n had ,ht re
of the register in w1 -1 , -It
mores wen., inscribed,
injured When Struck By Car—
Although cuff error; from a fractur-
ed pelvis and n1ls -' lunar ret Ivied
11'11+91 klil t'lted Ii+,w•' tit t 0111' ally
ttil -: w00.._.i: riluollrtms (4 1219
KRtiare 191.. A\ Ill -nrcAl is l'01l014•
d an,: welt at the 1I troi,l•tt^-n
E.,snt.:.T. ,i_ H. Humphries ami John
fi r,;tt. of i:t:i-I Lin,'oht road, w'.••',:
n0' at ,Wyandotte *,triter .Lod
)tint wail .1st.. when it tight t' Ili
11•111.% )t y. It lit Tommy S!a cl
'it,: t;it'i'ra ht.. fm tit;, tt fid
ata Fah-r't'
14 :11 Il- I;t1171110.
rolaar t :nil. 1.1111 est /WI-, 1„1111
fid [coir t 411. ,'oft-., irr still in,
st.ga. in::. Mr. IArnrp,hl t. s 7= ,t Imo -
a1,11 Ci': ati t Mtt.
tg.t:et lihatimm•`f WaitsFitt?'
J.1,, tri -"refs in
till, viriniti wish.
1:im a ,,tlellc ievory. Mr !•t:.1 Airs.
l sl^,':: -„*;..i-. and -t -ansa Tlitnt=
141r,, 1Ta`•-tr:• fhaitnon
•t' , , Wan, 1, .. I:1,1 weir,
H;til of t,,.':c t,.- tr
1 1Ir,. 1I., I-;ar.i Stat;
'Uy t It tt3. 1.,1171
7t11011i b”.
y1,mrsor, ,
el. mini, it sn. theirIla'
t. cia
.. , (i,': r,alni,a 'I , 1 \arnat.:: 11t
A(1'1:0111111 S ut i y w. t 1•111 1,(' s.ht
.nc w 1, gra ..}I1n;; f t :-lit, 1..; Olt lrnet 3111'-. -\I, ,fanning. sacs_ ship }{;dl, St aflt. and a cordial iuyit•
...,ltt _.,.,tet,.•! lei 1 a( alts. Sit/P 0f the East," and whit. ,,1111 on atlas to attend this meeting is ex-
t .. ' vhicls v f elal 1111. thS'ir f'ee't, :qrs. 1lanniu react an ad- tended to all the ratepayers of the
fit*,i ,yn,orn1ug with: )11 10 ,.0 i:s'tut-dot, :11111 Mrs. 1.y• municipality- ','hoes. U. \Cres, ('beck.
n •sidjng. The choir was intoe up of
�•nitr young scholars of the Sunday
rhool with Grant Stull Eddie Me -
Nall and Jack Webster with theft
violins which [aided to the service of
song- with Mrs. Menzies at the organ.
Many gifts were brought itt which
shall be seat to various plat[ '1'11,
iritish children were not forgotten.
Th, entail cliildtttt nutrche•d to the
pulpit platform and laid their gifts
in the cradle which was ilrapt it
while with a babe therein a, 0 sym-
bol of the Lord Jesus. Foe little
tirls, Marie ltrnztts. Ilcicu hill.
t nits :out Vera r:c Lyon and Gail
'Liming s tl g, "110' s 'Wonder
Frank 'Curnidyn .,t:c.
11'.1 t -,tort I'lei•io'Is .Ity
Cladk road rhe tie 'pplure
freer ,tag' h s 1unii 111, !lit
,t,• ,t
011 1hp ( tart tlu l: steal t,hirh writ, .:11
.M.S. le 1.1 their a'I)1or:,u
'0111 01: I , '111111d.ty.
:1 f41'1111•,11 11 i Ili n trait ltltt'ii,ttt'e.
., .1. 1'. )Iatt;iinir erre-1 fad. air,•? -
n oly,,:d 1111 s`.ne`im_ :h„ national
anthem followed by the daily int':Ayer
1 11i .10irl +o 11 ,l the roll
1 w.ts t, tp ,tide,I To by 0 (.01s, r.. of
S:•11111 LIE(containing ilia word It
to , The slat,. of porters for 1..11::
Was . ead by :qrs. F. '1'ttmh!yn but
at,• no[ b •on t•0mph t, d 't. yet, The
reports of the different eleirn•tments
wore given. The Auxiliary have feet
their allncatiotr its full The Baby
1rosi l fit, :417 tihaddick. re.
v I t •d cert rood work httd been
lone .1111111v. the yt•at Twit children,
f:+rttrrs r •;•i rrnil (*hallos .1uhttston,
had- bt-rn Marie rife nienihers. A
hearty rote of th:atk,, wet, giver! NIrs.
.1, I'. iiannin ', out retinue tire'Id-
ent, who has so ably tilled that posi-
tion fnt sunt Fiats list. :111 Iyer,
• p..1'• tt rub{ not -'ill be our
the. moot. but owing to their rrntov
al t1 (-liuton i eke. it itnpossibli•,
\fi h n
Itusiness was concluded tit.
meeting was taken 1 e t bt troop 1
n'rh Hit, 11 hark presiding and Alts.
itt ire at the tart, '1't pto-
gttar. in in rrr t' .L.di ai1
ricnd4hip ae i �_ .it .
Miss 141 1•1;
et the call to w'or;hip tui was re.
se n ic-.i to by :till •'Corm•
i Worship Chris, " followed by
7E7 in t+nisen. .A small table
its on the - platform with six brass
,tint witti <• 1':.ndles and
t-ricss bon; tam} as the eery[,[• t'nn-
tintrd ncil nna who took part lit a
mile and told what nationality
they net, lighting, it. for.
lit eandies 1L•>. 1 bill, 11t•s. lir.
Ilrw'm,lnit, firs, Ilton Mrs, ,1, 1'.
3Iattniit•s, Mrs, Margaret Manning.
:1111 ,:it'.. Webster, ]hiss kit'k read •t
\s en tt,ncil en,. ('1„r•
turf`- l Punct, eta
I. t1 C Ul 1'„ t tllhful", it I't
In .sort Hely.- ['krill
:noarol gm. read by Mn. W. I,yotl.
• t ,t..•:;In inrii:tt t tr,tl ryas elan
i 1 Al ' I ,lir 1 1'
- sspeic. o, he 1111,1.111,111-1 t ork.
1 0 t, r [noirctrt rt.!,A i n 0 ,11,11,,: I
n ,old t fer•;ltah tis d, "'rite i ,t<t
1.\, i ' A Netur un ,. "He Star ter. Tic litbbert "f,'„u hip O'e.dineal
It'1 t2tn llortt -t It,t )t'.', in Ih on
tw=hit, titalia o11
p )I ,t• r, r. sA 1 „c,=.,b:ul t,.rl,l, tli, fit li ,111011. tl , . liiitir. :11 nae o'clock.
1,; - E , . r'r;tr,�r I,y- 111 nitartl„•r' present the beet 111.0.
h•, k, Odd,' 1g- I 1 1111 1I 1- 111 :. The Cleric read the trutntt't
.1.y -on. At the: otTeritiSt. trr Hest, rrf the itt meeting whish were
. elft r
wa. p l yell wideencl.' tine inlopied to rad. At. sur ('uiuteil i: -
a„ .,,•11,1 Its p t ttiI tut .uta .tropp- 1.1 •, 1, d for a two year term 1111 an-
d th , ,rifts in tilt howl an tlu nual 111 ,,,ting to diseases lite past
able tees candies [chert tf ,. hgit cu 1 •s tee
1 I ni ,:u•', business and the' tinam'itl
•` free
set') .,,, .
1 . -,q l , , .tet title, .\ ^n. ,'l n' w
r f standing t the municipality taut • w' t
+, t i will 1 y
o by :tits. W. itttnt:,ioti. firs, W. ns 1Ionday. Ileo. 29i11, in the. 'rower
THURSDAY, DEC, 111, 1041
on presented her with a life certiti-
cute from (;roup 1, :Mrs. Ilrunsdon
responded with a few well chosen
words. The hymn, ' 1,ord of the
Lands,' was sung and meeting clos-
ed by Miss ,Girk repeating the bene-
on Thttttet ty after noon, Dee, 11th
\l t. A. P. Keyes was 1-,,,stess for
the Christmas meeting of tin, W.M.S.
•1 Goshen felted ('inure['. An itis. -
]re ',it)r i'cuiudian Friendship Carol
‘-tervice ice was given using tall white
,albs in brass holders and for the
nue' a onion.. /mass pl,tt front
-1 a. Ciotti' :1 \\.,s ill rh,tt•gc of
•rn:r:tr. 1, with 11,. 11, Noyes
ailnu ,11 the ',gull. Foltowln'r the
,trot -strafe servit•o. rbc pre,ident
Hutt the• t itt'r and )lrs..1, it 11rhin
Itenw•nr pries l fit .v; pre sent
tv itll n 'l 1, , u• .,he•I; lip a ttlhcitt
It:. 11, 11, ;tun I, .,o,1 Ti . A. 1'.
Is, term d llt, hnr, r;- 117.
1t'Istttl,y, sliheinth taken comply”'
It' 1+11 :-n+'pt'1.,,, intoe :a 1170$1 liltint!.
uel Irc:ulliful reply-.
Poring the business period th • roll
t 111 0f alt tett' members was respell
to RI h t:ethlhnt r th, text
word. Our New Years Resolution be-
ing chostm for the January meeting.
,hire has been one nu'ntb t, ;111, s
\ la Stnittt, called to Iii„her Ser-
vice during the yea ,teal no nyty
fit mho's reported Nits, 11. 11e('1111-
thty. treasurer, reported thorn 0147+
for the 1rt btterttl erea.uty. the•
:Mori -abut beinpi set at 0170, The
pastor, tit -t'.11 its Lebo litre, con
dttrti d the election of officers, which
re -tilted as tenons: Ilett. presldertt,
\Irs. Jean Mck'hilit last president,
NIrs. 11, :4I, Peck; president, Mrs.
Russell l' r ttt; vice pr .side ut' emelt
one tin' Itttder of tt _roup, Mrs I lr;•jn
it hudt'F 111» Percy Johnston.411••
It. AI. l'eck 117 s. Ben o Key, Utas„
111', Il. 11. Iec'k; secretarte„ record -
Mir, Mrs. W111, Iloyter; roele Immo.
end ht.. Mr " -I. 11. keys: Press. 111':
I A1nClin111.11, t mp..vtneo. 111». H.
17 tett. :417. II, Keyes; • e e omtuunity
le ailtin, 1,10l1111,711111
H, 1,•rs. lhrs. W. Clark,
010.41;111 ttt euro hjp and Finance,
lits. .1. Armstrong: 1Iisionary
,Monthly, Mrs. (1. Anderson; supply.
Mrs, .l. Armstrong. 'Sirs. W. Ilaytet
birthday. Nirs. Ii Keyes: pianist,
lit.' Elmore hey, 111., (1, a1.111(`1.-
ldtt.-1i1 b1111 Rami 1 elolors. :lin,. E.
Stephenson. 1lts, G. Anderson; Ruby
C,tnd Sttitctint •Iso fit 111=. t' Rah
,,,n, Luulh w:,s -eft t ht etpup
during- an ,,rti'myable social Mini%
.11 is s Mt, It Sanwd-u Of 1110 111110
W:1101 tL-.liw :y i., luitIna 11i01111s al
-11, Thomas.
11 is 11 n Stnn1111er 01 rnrnrtir,
uuued t at. h: fit of h.a pn.+els
)ir atr,t Ales. Will SOOT clt titer on Ih.
1 tt01't11 rise on'- /Illy this. w'rok
,tit. .111• ,fila of Fituutitnn visited
i::_ nrot IP` ', All,. V. \i'tlli ort Sunday
Continued Prom Page One
Baby bunt], blies, Alcintest', Mrs,
E. Storey, Airs. 1;, Clisunht rlaht.
1lissfon band lOire. W. Barber,
Mrs. G IIogg:u'th. Key woman, Miss
A, Law r, ace, Auditors, Miss M.
6utucttitle, Mrs. C. Glety.
I'ha following tribute was paid
in ot!iet rt and ittt nrht'rs of the Aux-
iliary by One of its member: and is
being published 1111 request.
D., ce,i n,r, 1 ode mere "seta stn
nn:• !rasa,. wed ht , nor,
e. •,
•I'1 11111 e. tl i Thal cent hate
lel , ly ,1,11111111/ 7/11111,11 7
Thr P11,7,1111110 11 ri1d u,la•11 11,
I, i- h,1 eame that heal he Iris
s ' I n /7011,1 a1 1{
kid o i ,, 711,•1111,- ,-,1 1,1. lip,
'I'6,• . , rev w.rn 11111111
I e tO lark 1 h l r
VI. III 111., -.he -11004' ,t
.� ;ill ,. 111.. y o ill .fie :
t110 10 11.0.0 10 do
11. 11 (*won, oll 1,I11 1 to.
I10 1,0,1 t. n11110 ,
Our t: ,111,. .111 1.1,1 tit.,,
for 1•I03e, Ih, a uta did Play,
11.._114,111.11 1. .1111101- 1111111y 11 11111'.
ill 11111,1 11111-
\td o h ', lw l ,c l
thea 11 t u, h -nee: be,,a•wt
ill snap, beet, all hm, to use.
it ct. nn,•mht•,rd all .he told
11 -rd t h0, /00 ono htmdred 1'1dd.
1711 11 1111“..t.1 luty 'tis 1' scud
Ian, lit t beruavcrl lrievtd.
aaa71:! ,1 b„m, h, ten. many at hert,
Sn rau.xlay .he s dont/ her
9'11,. et it of Ring Ates,hol
w.•,•,• told :Ind did ,. much appal,
Aud rah 's to blain Ala: Atuek.”
11e vet d. t luta- it hack.
Dor tact, ,ep,utor duty vent
Account•• 01' mrruue- Si,rhes , ,
"Tohe,,. 7 .•ad this.and Mal In that.
mtotnlu said 11111. (lat.
19e ltiatoll Tower t. .ui 1.!111117 u• 1'1/1111
F1.11. 1•111.111171 I houa,ltt I t -h t cold
1 r !Farr,muv7, 11 t sOotild kauw
fit boo tt ur' fn Lh,• wudd do .,a.
Th.. c'ar mi l te,•. at 'ally, anmou
(I rn:.
(?m,•/1v-114.11I it/ rte, did ,untem•,
I 1, It ,d atth head 11114 burins,
I+,mak, Atimlirt, rortelt the d em utas.
rhea ,)u,4,0r r -4, wit./ 1111111 1111.1 ug,•
1 1oft l u ra l hip' sake i
91, 't -e hof 111 , sick and alt.
w 'u 1,utd. cavil ave ,, call,
Uta tier IIs•.,' it that Irmo,
111. , ttied mr f tf Iifv t 1 slue,•
Tit., wtt•, al home, :tail ,lid tolled
From then, till that w,. (lilt 0,11,1-
'1111, bat,- W11111 pa, 1;1,1 tend ur
\1'711.11 ,h, int/, ening•, tit b, to I 1
itis. N111111111 /111111 1.11t ••••t• ,,m x17 h„
11.10.. no itt,,,, 141 1.01111.111111.
01111 monthly pat„ - loon. writ•,[ dun
4 el n n. roti,, Own/ hea rI 1.0110
ri11 1„1. 111111 11,[1111. 117.1. tl
A1111 1111 •. , u• h.• ,. 11. 11,11 n t hn t, fit•,d"d,
.lair 1f, ... who Irrarl h 4l,• [Saud
.Had fit e•h , e d, r.or command
1'1t.t e=11,•.. rhildun our t• rent-rl,n.1,
.1g-, tro ,b, v did 111.•a oih i11 inti.
Ila I, :,.,, for illy ttnb„•- -.tea II -
wt„ I1. kir 1111
1 •111 e, { 11,.riuia
Ti,..m ,i 1 tl }tI,i .
l u., enil,•std a 1441.111441.11,1141111.-,
1•Lb, ,d t,,•n , 1•
l t. - ,1[1111 .1 11,,m, ,h -fir
rt/ mossi the ,6,-1.I i:., ;tat
- 11 u
. 11+. 1 m t. 10::14t:1 b
110., a•11,1 11 , , f II
1V11111. 111111.. ,11,1 , 11 ,..1 1111 ,1I11
11111 ft to. :it I 1
.,t o ,, 1 r 171.11 ` 111.,,E
t1 1 t I
itu Iii d tt11101.1.
11, ri I au I 4 : 1,•.,11:1‘
I o, 4„d 1 1...11.-1- ,. .110.1
1Y,. 11.11
It n, n,.111.
I'h, tr I i 1111 1,0;11 , 1 t
'1'ner r 11,,11 ,1 t. irrr
Thor 11.. Irry diel 111.,£1 u•.
Atill rh.1, 11111 ;11,7, 1111, 11171111r 1.01
1 n r 1 r1 .dl
There e, e. t Int-. heHord,
1t len idol 6.111 1 : theft re, I,
CI ot,N"rnnun i t ts.
A 1 it i,• ,'me, , 1 tn^ mak.
'1' 1 rd, rt t t •II .-Irl et/
W/. hook .ut the end ::-hc'• sour.
The exchange of friendly greetings across the miles
at Christmas create, a tremendous traffic jam on the
Long Distance telephone litres.
This coming Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will
be the busiest in history. Galls from the boys in bar-
raeks, camps and training centres to their loved ones
at home. will be added this Yuletide to the customary
avalanche of spoken greetings. Evcu with every avail-
able circuit in use and every extra operator an duty,
we know we won't be able to give you our usual
service to some points.
But we'll do our best—and we're counting on your
good-natured co-operation. If you have to wait a
long time on your call to Aunt Emma, we're sure
you'll be patient. When it finally gets through. WV
knave you'll be willing to be
brief it, that other people - f1c�'' sy��tce
may have the• Same line — �x
and the same pleasure.
E. M. HOGGARTI (rlvi9�`St�bs
NOW F'LAYIN(r [wan., Tues.. Wed
1tnites Stewart Rosalind Russell
No Time For Comedy
Chut•!te illtggles Genevieve Tobin
A corned,' drama
IPK PfN •,oArt
'itt',E;Wk.if ,r
d 10111(IC iICTUt
nl v,-rhilr, Fri, Sat.
Xmas Day Matinee 3 P.M.
"Our Town” -
\X'illiast tinlden Rtartbit -rent
Therms, M 11 e'h'•11 Frame t1-vveo
Che urreeu 01081 ntntva•tl pn'1 urs.
Added t''etllui'et1,1..
"Musical in Technicolor"
"A Yank In The R. A. F."
q o
am, 40
which lubricates immediately is
weather no low as 30° below ecro—
and atilt flows when moat premium
ogle are 'mild.
The fortifying agent in Airways to
the finest ingredient that modern
science hoe created for the improve-
ment of good motor one.
JOHN BAC,', Seaforth
1\'e are sorry to report Airs. Geo.
('lark is in hospital, 'There is still
:1 hope t'o1' her recovery.
We are pleased to mention that
.Miss Cart uchan is out ni' the itospi
tal, though still under the doctor's
Word r0,', iverd from ,tut• boys ,,t'-
ersettt- »peak in the highest term- of
hospitality received to the;,, so tier
toms house. 1.m. us extend the saltie
cotrtesy to 1110 at •1tnt;,•rs ht oto• !:111(1
W110 are so far from home,
1 tt tubae ihow, r w'as given In the•
hail It t neck ni honor of the Iiath-
newlyweds. A good 1iinc
wt. 1'e pulered,
T110 annual meeting 112' the W.A.
of I+1, ,1 obit', Anglican ('hutch was
held Wednesday night at the hon,.,
of Mrs. 1I. ti. Beatty. Th old otll
I•: Wert etecLvl 1.4(1' 1 12, itsfollows:
1'u,sident, Mrs. JI, 11.111: too pte,iid
est, Mr.. Henry Deihl-, Mrs, 11
babe[' ; rte. s.. Miss I:ti it )tors p.
On 117e foilnttin,.: alondayI ah v
werepacked to be Iern-iitl 1 1., Lot.
,ion for relief purpose. its the Red
trines, Cash blanket donations hive
l •en received from 317,, 1':igin tic
Kinh•1 02: Mgrs. ,i, W. Johnston `•'.':
Mfr .M G. ileatty and 1Ii'-s E. Mor -
t7"11 01, and XI from the ,Il•. bed
l 1 twit,
Ikut 1 forgot save your old en-
velopes and hand then[ in to the sal -
case roots. Each stakes a wail for n
711 '1 i-idge,
The Decembermeeting of the• W.
aT. S, w'as held at the purser ,age
with all the ladies of 111,, volgtega•
tion invited. The meeting openeni
with the call to worship from 11,.
mun,hiy and the ATagullicai from
hymn:ivy were read. The t•hrislurtts
service from the monthly wt. roll..
awed stnotttitont with readings thole
firs. G,n, 11.11. 'Mrs. 1\'. Johnston.
'Mrs. Win. Heid. Alrs. G. Johnston.
Bertha Diehl aro] Mrs. D. Stephen-
son. '1'111•,0 were mltornraled by sing
itrg one 1I31101n'0111 several ('11,1.1
[nits tn•tnits, The Clot:whim 'nota
and Negro carols were read. A pray -
or was read in unison. Fifteen mem-
bers answered cull call with Christ.
mus thought. h n'as decided to sent
earth, to sleet -ins as usual. Mrs,. t-41c-
(9yuunu sang a stilt,, Mrs. Will Reid
gave her report front i'nttstanet.
Miss Ilet•n sang. "His Eye is on the
Sparrow.” Miss Fiero then tool,
['hat'g» of the ,deetinu of officer::
which resulted as follows: President.
Mrs. S. fioys: 1st vice, Mrs. (1, Joh.
stoat: Mid vice. Mrs. W. Johnston:
;rd vier, Mrs. A. iIt(,unnell: see.,
Mrs. F. Reid: torr. set•., Mrs, W.
Webster; Press sec_. Rios. F. Reid:
strangers see„ Mrs, 1I1tClyntunl;
supply and liter.. Mrs. G, Reid; as-
:wiftat.• helpers. Mr's. R. ItatItwell.
Mrs. i). Stephenson. Rhes. W, Reid:
missionary monthly. Violet Mcely-
nu,td: C. St ewe firs. D. Ste.
phenvon: baby band, lterlha Irtttlth
asst., \Ire. A, McConnell: temper.
aunt', Bert 11/1 UteltL' organist. Mrs.
Leo McConnell. \los. \\', Reid: tnts-
Klntl band. .hilw,e titt-pht•ttsnn, Pac•LPi
Jnhusiot, Jean Reid. We Sana. the
national anthem awl Mrs. Rlct'ly-
utonl closed the meeting with prayer.
A social horst' was spent and a vole
of thanks was tendered the hostess
Miss -tier,..
Old roan winter has set 111,
Mr. Lou Duffy has the contrast of
cutting etolul Le ming's. wood. Lou is
a hustler.
Albert Sienton has Installeda
water ,system fey Ervin Leofthardt.
Mr. TItibert Tohustnit has installed
u telephone.
Mr, Peter McLaughlin and Mr,
John Leeming trade a business trip
to T3r•odhagen,
Mr, Carl Leotlrardt has returned
home after spending the summer
with Mr, Wm. Boyd,
111 r. N01111011 Williaanson made a
business trip over ,it the 10th re-
cently. -
Mr. Lott Duffy has moved to the
loth for the winter.
W'e wish you the i•otupitnuniItt f
the season.
Ale, and Mrs. Gordon Hayter and
family of I1,•trnit spent the week end
at the hone of Mrs, I:, hose.
117. Lorne li ty of Niagara Fall.
with 117, told NH's. Jas. 11 ay,
The recent heavy now falls have
somewhat blocked the toads,
Them, of titre '1'ucke t mitt[ radio
forums held a joint ntei•tinlr in S,S,
No. 0 on 1Mondny evening. Mt, (fold-
AL1'.. of S0•afortlt, wa• tarsi
speaker, A fter card, wen•
enjoy 0d. All re•nnri. t v'o'ted melting.
- 7777 ......._._......
.117. ilow,•e luuley of 141. 1'ttalta1-
ittes spew the it 0i•. end trt the laonl,
of hi-, (Mimi' ;lit 111,t11.,. tt: '1'inn••y.
ale,. Robert Price null little >nn.
of lhil=Irtlrit t, ['.1111.. 1, ri=imine n-ittt
bit' 11;11 0t i'', 317. std if
Mr'', ['line ,'fret, 111r1 111 .•- b'nu!
Prrrir.ma of London t' ut I lor 11.1•`:
end rtt the holt. .,f 1beti 11.11.111
31 r. 11,1.1 Jar= It+-. Parkin,.
Santa Clanwilt make ht- ottnitr1
[riga to the ('•,tltntitrttiG Ill Int, ..
'Pro rr it/ Den:'ail nn Sattn'day, U -t ..
as ",o tint, whengifts' will be pr,•
settled the children of the common.
tit'. an0I'llt0111 a free pie- -
1111e show [tall 1/0 to osonliol it/ Ill*,
[awn 11;111 for the i lellrt•it, faulty
tickets It Ivo been pa: led nett to the
married ladies stud the- eh:+tt 101' ll,„
wisset will lake pltre at pent, at
the town hall,
Woheto Class Meet -•-
Phe 1)t•et•mhttr nu,eaiur nn' tin• 1\'n -
ti, -h, Sunday School class of the
it oil Chta•rh way held in till"
.vthnot truest on Friday evening with a
good Oblations,. The president loss
Forest, wits in the chair. and Ito•
neeeling upenetl by singing "Angels
Iron. tete Realms of Glory." followed
by the Lor'd's prayer in unison, Miss
Elva :McQueen read the set'iptnr.•
from the seeand ehatder of Matthew
end the devotional war: taken by Airs.
ht,vid Kyle. Fnllneing the business
the roll call was answered. Dliss Ei-
it favored witit two very humorous
readings, Mrs. Erie Kennedy gave the
tonic entitled "In the Beginning.-
eginning.•dealing with the origin of the early
Christmas customs. Airs. Deaden fa-
vored with vocal solo. After singing
IIaly Night. Silent Night, the meet-
ing closed with lite benediction. Cot.
tests were enjoyed which were ar-
ranged by Miss Mary Coleman. Fol-
lowing the social hour in which re -
freshmen's were served, Edison For-
est in a well chosen address express-
ed thanits to their leader Miss Ellis.
for her kind anti efficient co opera-
tion throughout the year, and also
expressed the desire of this class that
she continue for the future, -
Meets With Painful Accident
Ric, lien Tinney of nay Township
deet with a painful accident while
h'utllug [vi00t1 from the swami on
Saturday when he had the misfort-
une to Intik' Itis balance on the sleigh
and out his foot with the axe. Ile
was brought to the office of Dr. D.
G.- Steer, where several stitches
were required to close tate wound.
Rfi;a, Ttnttfe Knox returned horse
Friday of last. week after spending a
wet'lt with her daughter, Mr, and
Mrs, Graydon Neil, near Summerhill.
Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Mel7wing held
their Christmas gathering on Satur-
day, also celebrating Marjorie's
birthday, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Pepper
anei Bert, of near Brneefteltt, Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Lloyd and children of -
Ifinctu•cline, and Mr. and Mrs, Tack
McItwing and children wee' all
home, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd left for
home on Sunday for fear of a block-
ade, -
Mr, Peter Mcl]outld was operated'
on its Clinton :Hospital Thursday of
last: week. When the family were
last to see him at time of correspond-
ing, he was sP1'y 501'P. hitt was con-
sidered to he better and able to get
hone. - -
Mr. Thomas Leiner spent Thurs-
day evening of lash week at. Che
home of Mr. and . Mrs, Isaac Itapsoti,
We wish to all a Very Merry
Christ lnati.