HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-18, Page 3THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1941
Native of Huron Is
A Hairpin Picker
Lives In. Winnipeg Now, and
Explains It Amuses the
The following arbor' from the
Winnipeg Tribune has .been for-
warded by Mr. Wm. Murray of Dam
phi", lleamtoba.
Hundreds of Winuipcggers have
seen an elderly, heua'ded man amble
alone; Portage are. and Main al,,
stoop down every once in a while
and pick something off the street.
He is known as "Paddy" and his
Intimates call hip 'Paddy Whiskers.'
1h-destrews who give shabbily -
dressed Paddy a. hurried gluuce home
times get the impression he is 0113
spearing cigarette hulls. But they've
got Paddy all wrung. He lies more
pride T 11111 that. Pally is a unique
ehnraeti'r in tifiinnilleg.
If you look mere closely you will
observe Pailly picks up stray hair•
pins and bobby plus, Thal Is his Itats-
time. There is no loose fumbling on
the pavement for an elusive pin, 011
un, He uses a magnet.
Paddy is a man of average height,
His bearded face throws into relief
large, grey. twain!:link eyes and a
Judgy noel:', .ills blade Iluir is streak-.
ed with grey and 1105 1110 to his
bead. roll'] Iliutiel Retitle!h T'alcuner
-.that's Paddy's fail nano.' --has a
isalfa1110 chain of hulrpins flanging
in his roost above a rare on Main et,
near I-I'?ite, are.. It is part of the
,mtpnt nt lair. now "pill f•ttf'" h1'
-1:11.100 mere than two au11 o lilt
1':111111'34 61hhy- w11 11111'11 iron/ .a01
\ail !,'1311': bet on .lpi'ii. 1,-I!1':;:+.
'-A Y'1'll111 1 101.•11 11111111,1.'11 pre/s,
3.i' chain or 11111• In 1:105 :). 7,1111 111, .tet
1 he_ ;Pati!' VI 1,0,41 311 1193, 01,04,1'011
:,ta111,1,'I "1314' l'u,1:11e.11 1111,1 1i' pi"1''1' 1.1
0 11'c,. 11,' 11 3 pal .ou01,e111 11 blei
,Urn a i>;tr1 11111110-
"! tt,lr. !lir+ in -fm tr.ripl1
11,11,! , 1)111 and
pie!, up aI, t+' I:,rtO•;:' imlrone and
1'.131“ ,, ,Aar,.
ire, 101 dually bet him !e'
ut,1n'1 l'ie'f. to t.•1 feet 1f haat
ides 131 three111 l ,,. ever if be sleets
at( his idn1., at it .Paddy 11111'1'I.'ti
.-leagl) iiah'pi,a, -ire :, )1'1)111)11-:1.I11111-
},c.t11' -w:1lh 111,ne 1,1,1171 5) and .1)11!-
'P 4!) 111' l0 1'' , 331 , 1331' , 17nd he'r-
1,i'1011 All to 1101:1'• a chain 1I Wet
"That was the 114.- 1111'14 pieking
1 .;ver hart,' he t, 1011,51 Wio•n I
dent .011 11,,11)1110 111.:1 tate 1313••1.
Loon 1 w SOPle 171115 ly toe ui•}thud.
`e I 11.1 ' 11'131 1111 1,11'100t1 111••111. 1
11) €.ft be iisk 131' ,'.h.)t 1 watt 4.4110.
At tl)'.:t i .011hin't think up any sat-
isfactory answer .., i told ihrnt I
was ;;oho; to, [!take a 1.11011 a toile
1.np %-'1,31. thinldlg It 111111 l'
11!)) .
'Poday this is The inventory of his
sleek: a half -mile '111)11 1f haiepitte.
..les. 1F5 ie. -1 the last time 1 meas -
.tired 11": a 2:11111110 box 01' alirpins
!levo ding It, a Scale: six runt.
pOttnd tobacco tins, eight scuff 'loxes
fillet! with Lobby pins: several
Blain" of hobby pins: several chains
of liohhy plus roller aromili pieces
of cardboard.
:Among other paraphernalia Paddy
Sun Liffe Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
Office — Commercial Hotel
Electro Therapist — Massage
Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after-
noons and by appointment.
by manipulation—Sun-ray
Phone 227.
Loaves Senforik far Stratford:
Daily 71.21 a.m. and 1.11 31.10.
Lome. See! rth rnr (taderide+
Pally exelpt Sn158,' and bol., 1.115 P.10.
and 1.411 pan.
Bun. and - liel., 1.05 p.m, an 1 11.110 p.m
tau seat, n 1'1 Stratford for Toronto.
Ii Taviltook, Wnndsra da
Agoats: Queen's, Commercial, Dick r(rtu„o
ShAIt'()I; t'Il
has c 1ll01't '1] during his pin search
are: two dozen safety Moe, a dozen
sewing 131'1'11X34, "perhaps One p011n1
Of 111111S," and a San Of staples,
screws, washers and bolts. The only
nl,uey he ever found, he says, was
a clime.
"This is the old-fashioned head
fastener, h' chuckled, bolding np a
i she ,c•'
few bone hairpin. And 'elle Icrl.
I'adtly uses "eleven good tools'". to
Make his habilis' ehuin. Ten aim- his
big, gnarled Hugel's and the eleveliih
is a small pair of pliers he keeps in
a pouch in his Rocket. He has 111ad0
thousands of linlis !n his (Main. Ile
spikes a hairpin 111 1111 1115111111.
"it's a very good pastime," ob-
served Paddy, "and it amuses the
Al first he used to piak the pins
up with his fingers but he soon got 0
magnet when he found his finger
nails wearing out on the pa Venien it,
His favorite haunts are Portage ave.
and Main st. Tie usually goes out
walking about two lout's a clay but
doesn't especially Zook for pins,
ire finds thatwomen lose most
of their hairpins on stre=et ear safely
isles. The ratio of lost halh'plus to
hobby pins is two to nue.
"I guess T get my hairpins mostly
from mieldleaged women," he erne
51,ir•red. "'They 110 more standing
around and talking than -woolen of
'ilii ase groups. The girl. 'supply
must of the hobby pin=."
Paddy W10111111'1 say that the gills
at•e unduly careless. Hairpins fall
1,111 easily...suuleti111es W0111('11 drop
Their 111111e1 and an exth'a! snpl'ly-
511111s: 11111 1111 the su'e't, , .The n01111•
14,51 17!1111 will, 10051'11 11). pin:'. ' in
7113 111 ?' 11511•.
'°i 1111111! ai 1.13 14 wont. n wits droll
17)11'; :111,1' they thaw of trey .s 4h. -t.
77 )' srhb Il(c 111,11' - 111:11 I Wiil pick
111'35 1111 and 1)11) 1111.111 in neo
le,. ..,1,1 lee,pe,fully,
it:pie•ie)n -01110 pill'
h, r. "Bron 11101,17,•,i 017 I•1111r0,7 11
517)1 717 550 5l tall if
35111(1,11 all 1,11(1. (1:. tic,- "411/1011,U aa"
3141 5 hairpin 31:'3 ittirirne, bion.
Paddy i,: 7)1. !'snit: ,,bier bera,n:-e
f bis :efti=k,a:: lie is. on '0.)31„1. i11
35107-7 life with a pbiiet:..'palts+ 51111
although the years have not Iteetl too
tied tie hitt). -
11., 171:+ id'ru l5 Doren eonilt1
0,1.3100I1 township, (I1at- Willi Iris'
setr.'1114 he ineveli t0 a tarn) 1:' Niles
iron, Carberry. t t'y. 11,111 1h• rein away
trent home lei she age of 12 and lie
cone, .'' hem leleeek in 4'iunife ie.
"w!1,n til3 w 1 j!1"! c,ifi1)g )111 of
the l s"drawn str eet a 1'!s.
!Wt.:ivied ht 31111•' et the
faddy Ia•1't tor AIb'ria
.'.n1' he ,y. 1!' knoek'vi around the
\Vest, ri.11115 the- range in saintlier
and working as a hmth'r,toeit in tlhe,
11) Din hr r,nlisl+'1'i with ow 141111!
11,111111111 btu was diti'•hargerl h1..
rause 11f 31101' 10.0111!. ole tarried lu
1011;. `"'141'1) year:: Later when be WaS,
in ho 1111111, paralyzed from tete !tips
d)1w'11 his 011e left 111111, tithing their
tWO cltildrlvt. Ile has never heard
front then! since.
"lily wife wrote we a nits, little
11)11'' saying she hoped she 31111111)1
1e'wet' Fese. tile• aga111." he Said, Witlr-
inn bitterness.
When Paddy gut on his feet again
111' tool: any odd jobs, specializing in
;rhediug 111111 sharpening Ptti've' fie
still hats his tools.
IL' w•nul+1
like- he go hark t0 )ilea l
1:0.111 fol' 1.11)01 hilt rte isn't - stria]T
enough. "if anybody gave- (14'1' a Joll1
4)1111ing wood tI! any odd work." h(.7
said peering' 1•ing' tin'ougli his glasses. "i
would quit the pin game."
"The average plan_ if you can get
inside his slew -- Is 0 grotty good feI-
loW." he mused, "I 'know that from
my travels."
Crazy Hate of Animals Behind Circus
Elephant Murders?
• An informative arteile by Robert
D. Potter. in The American 'Weekly,
with the December 21 issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times. will reveal
authentic facts, explained by the
eminent psychiatrist, Dr. A. A. Brill,
which throw new light on the type of
Person whose disordered mind leads
to the 'killing of animals because of
hate. Be sure to get The Detroit Sun-
day Times this week and every
Week !
"Look here," said the eapt11in to
the newly -appointed sergeant, "there
are men coming into camp night
after night after "Lights Out" has
been sounded. It's got to stop!"'
A few days 1a:Cer he asked the ser-
geant whether things had improved.
"011, yes, sir." was the reply, "The
last near! in -blows the bugle now!"
Boxer --"Have I done 'im any
Disgusted Second—"No, but keep
ew11)5111 yoitt• arms athOttt. The
drought !night 5is' .'3111 a col(1."
"I want to buy ai: petticoat."
"Ccrtaltily, 1111dli,u; fancy dress
and period costumes on the third
floor "
Church Attendance and
the War
Is Cheri any relation between at-
tending the House of God for wor-
e e
Alp and prayer. and our effortsto
win this great struggle !1) wide!' we
are engaged ? Some wo11111 autswer
that there is 11011e, (flat Lire 0001i0
15 a physical one into which the
spiritual dues not enter, Such a
3111717 will hot 341111)11 in the light of
history, or in the light of truth. The
groat physi1al struggle beim, waged
at present a rnong the On 11/1111 of the
world Irak its roots 10 the spiritual,
11- is part of the great spiritual
struggle that never 1011405 between
good and evil, light and dankness.
right and wrong.
In speaking of this spiritual con-
ttiet and the weapons that the Chris-
tian can use the Apostle Paul lays
special emphasis on prayer as one
of these spiritual weapon::, Tree we,
are 1113031 reminded that we can
pray at home or anywhere. This is
true and we shnitbi always be in
the lil)irit of payer, but special pro-
mises are given to those who meet
together Sad uu1telily pay to 0011 in
faith. It is also truer that in most
cases those who 'pray .at 1101!!0, will
its tomer it, !h.' bonus." of Prayer 1111-
1e5s there in -1111' real reason for
their absence.
'1'!1• weediest :'otnetitlu• :--Led
1lto! 111 inn• ;10e 111 11115 51 110151e. and
11 0011111 be be11-r it 11 skl,i ant I
I'7 131111 -0.11- A41' 715 11113.'11 11)71
: id,• when 1 seek 1'o obey lli:-- will.
for all .1i5,!,.di'111.• is ,.111 and tl)i-.
.I1,1' 15 111' .• -111, 1'3 11111!1,111 Sill. 1;011
has commanded in His w.r11 that
• f•.1': -:e l„ 511 The. s.14.•mblh(5: of
Red Cross Notes
1411' have a farther report on tit.'
111ank1't Enrol. The following 101111'i-
bat}ous have been 1110!7111! 11)11! fur
tratel'ully ,riltlawl,drad: Frank
Ityektnlln 34.,1.:111; Ileo, 19. Weir f1:
Mrs. Wm. M. 11'!! "t2; Harold 14'.
e !it end '413s
. fervidtid 1]
❑ ko
'411 anti MI A. It R twec•]lff 142,
total receipts to date are 1I234 25. A
correction is now Inaielt of the, last
report on 111autiut.- l'eeel311'11. The'
11)113'1' of MIs. W. Taylor appeared by
Inist.,lce•. It should ha v.. lead Mrs.
'I'botya, 1)Ielrardsna AV,• apologize
I'm' 11104 error. !tap at'.: have again
Peen eirenhited 111171111 soldiers 11111
ehaeing. it'd (Toss seeks 1011) other
tnl'in'ts. The official,' will br• only
100 5111(1 to Illl'11• definite Mr.? Tu..
1tion abuul elle!! •,lurk',._ I'sltnllc 111e-
1'e•ail vinre•e•5 117'7 ❑17117' I1 ,e •able
are 111111111,111 atte.(nl's tee 013
image 111, 0,01 10'1'5 in diel' 311111111
t 1'v 100 1/01/101 if- effort, 1)1- liwl
Cross s. Tait I:y i1) nor of 1/10113 1•ai`ing
ul,4irttli)n ,1111 ha, m-31114' sold 311114
,,f its sn1,p11ess 111 won of the, tinned
fo ere'-, either 4ir,•17ly 111' lndirectl}',
ii' Reil cress attn./es have heels
bought, it was not with Ilse approval
1f1" flee Stalest.- . f'l:i'1' element all
111.11 i'lunors and tarry )1n with t!)..
111511. 71','1' 11111' 11011111 1'111110(- 71te1111
1110 i,ighly 1,14 officials- of the Reel
Cross also. All such Nazi inspired
finder and tnisrepresentutieu 934 de
i n, el 0) ch'e•ktuat, tlo' 11,101 fat
1fol'1, All -1r1•gell t. 711111)17-) lav
meeivei: front (treat Britali0 for 1101111
L'velil"1, 1,13' 10111, 01,111.1, ,151) 0011
r•eh. Th' If„u5atll 1lranch is holdup'
a bane) „ re le leen shower oh A'! ld:n
and Saturday, I1''.-' lb. -r 11 1,1,11 1'4.
1,.! n:= en,Yke lithe shove,) la „•.,
'1'he, 111,011 ,neetin'.' of she
a'eee•eeay i5 I11''0,1111 71,7:: 10'1,1
111 1h1111lr, 15-e, 4. lirr. Nh.a'1.1i, L
Oce,11,i'.1 tit' 11101. 11.1 W'illiss:
371)31 - -0,•0• heal'11 11,3,111 :111 71.• 1,
lin mt.' 0to/ lire r 11';13 /00,0
til 01,5'1 111 11' nib l , for he
t i� '31.•1• i,n, t pt' =1(1'. (I', 1. r N. .1'.
ft, ,s e1,. !,leer 1:.
'-.i,,• 1.1"71rd•'nls '0,1'_
tz 11. :1).61F•1.0n3 .30 tier:mita, the iseir.11e14 1f 1''• I:111'111 ;, In.. ,
,7) ,-, l...1' 1: 1'b--,s-b and 7150 ,h,, 1)...._�i:11'-. it ,:lar,.. 1'.-11,
ire' ! ,,. ... 1 1 I:till 1 '11
s1',.n:' t+, 411. iic:
1'i •! �,i
I ont iL,at 1 lnas :1',),.u: Fiisn ., ori 311„ en(t.i, li
11,00 11•' !t,: >-.19.1 '4 ir<,ni 1,. n -1t -111 ,t`1'.; 11.,.- 1'I.
1,111 31,311,171 he 1 r.11l Pe il.,Ir' '•1 i'-. ,1"1', !,.•fait)„I' e..
r 1, ,i horse -
i at,r.•e1iey pe e e e. 11114"" ,:f kr,lu,•
w1114 e !O1"-)-' 14 1:1141;=1), lnrt 3, S
!1'-w t. i„11i,1t1e 11/1'1'1:111-y as 1,'11, .- .11:
101013,'0 111!1 w..,.tt,
-4* 1 0).133)!}cation t0 the war et -
fort, the It,•11 'Fel..p}11,13 • Company
has donate.! Attie- 11, all-
1MI1 di-
r('.'1a1•n'1 1.f 111,1'0121. 54".1, 0011
lea! t and t1'. `l••„! t 177,711;
11 -
1) me .sage on the hall .ver
the ptlrcieasr' 1t' trtore stamps and
which :are 11t sale at ail
P.. 9t 'i'rhg111,»i+• 11100,.
Sivas. the 1o011 ,'.'12:111): 1)1,51 thrill
4,1)111! 1.:23(155 tow 31111 changed
from biose of tin• 1114 issue, it is
important to discard the 'Id }incl%
and earei'ully consult t1)' new one
before pinging !'all:.. it ,he 'wrong
number” noisome- is to be avoided.
The green cover Will help 31:,•15 to
distinguish the nee: book from the
old. It is interesting to note that the
Dominion post oilier receives well
over 1! 0,1l00 a year for handling
the directories of the Bell 'Telephone
t'onlpany of Canada), 111 the largest
Pities books are delivered by mes-
senger. hut all the smaller volume
are dist l'lbut ed by His Majesty's
1 (31,y I ,, 1111 .10:0'35
',P. n, i
Ree' moth. i. 111 .,1•. .
1C'•,.s,. r.
I 'iii 1.0 1 i sl111r 3,1) S111110,31: _...tl•31,1
1,1:,0)7 ',till he' 1.1'1 .'r, In '
Bev. 71\ l:1 \Vele attendee she 117'' 1
111' Pre-10rlorr 11'•1') 11'' e 131:7(:7,
Tile, day.
Community Christmas Tree
Dec. 20th --
'P11-• anneal l nm1uunity 1"013,1
n: •
l Will 11 0..10t rhe ,1 n :, ell
Hen ll, 1'u Sat 111it
when Sawa 1 flans will itrri..0- t 11,
and 11e• draw for the
Tltr, wilt I:•
.1 ti!, 1t10:1, 1101 az
Arnold Circle Elects Officers
The annual meeting of the \711, 3,1
'Erle Was held at the hone. 1f President '111s:' Rally Man -on 1)!
day e•velnpg with Ir01' ilf oat it:
1110 Chair, and 05111',1 Le singfht,
The. First Nowell. after Whie'1, +Ir
Harvey livde led in prop, t. The
by ,.
set q tore Luke _, was )rad Miss
Irene 11,r,5,nth. after Willett 1.11551 r,
1111S ('hristunie enrols Wer” 0111,1' 31'11
by Miss 1•ene Iloggartl!. The min -
111 S Werfi read 1 Ile Offering 31)1)013
The toll called Atter the 1010-
nsin, s w LS discm 51'0 MiS'. Beryl Pl,Il(
presided over the eb'ction of officers
l'resir'nt, Miss Sally Manson, 1914.,
president, Miss Beryl I'haff, - se1rel
ai y. Miss Violet Hyde; treasurer.
Miss Jean McQueen; pianist, Mrs,
ilougal1. assistant, Miss Iran'
I'1oggat•th; 11001)• helper's secretary,
Mrs. Melvin 31(1 ; supply 1+,-ct'ef 1'e y.
MIs. (leo. Mol; 1(1,1141111.11' and Wel-
l/MI See., 1131'5, \4111. Weir. Miss. 88115
Hooson favored with au interesting
reading, entitled A Merry- Christmas.
Iar rau1goon-nl s were' "lade 301' - lite
111111(10131 111''' 01151' for the coaling
14,10•, The weet!tig r•ouciudt'11 by
singing Ih!rk! the Herald Angiis
Stns„ and the L0rd's prayer 111 111(1-
,1417, after twhitih the 1100e5,11 ,. , e•rved
Senior Women's Institute Meets
'1'h1• Hensel! Senior \400uul's ln-
s10(1)', held their Christmas neee.eing
at the home of Ml.. O. '4I Drysdale;
on Weduewloy evening with :41 0'71 14-
11. ('1(1715 and Mrs. Drysdale hostess.
The living room was 11-1lltifnlly (1ee.
or1)10d for the occasion. Misr I1ery1
F'hafl', pi05ld'nt presided ' over the
opeullrl. e1e(cise$ amd 11!'; roll call
0714 answered with a giltfor th.-
styli +3uhbee's hospital. The motto.
1 M, -,'0v e 11ri,tn1a . 11.177. l'a'y 51/1y
tiy111 b1 Ml's Sally A/2050n. MIS:
\4. A. :oar Laren ted - in singing a
11111)111'•1' of ('h(islrnaus 101.01.+: The
€.test. sp 171 11 for the 1'.410111R5
111 1. l u u •,' :51111)3 e• w111 gave an
-interesting auil'n.., nn "111 the fie.
ginning," (Haling 1I,•/til the origin of.
:h1 early 0111 ilanwr eustuna:'. A 'lad-.
1, s' quartette comprising Mrs. 'Mat-
,ins lam/tall. AIL, leu 1100garth.
Mabel Wor!,1ma11 111311 :Qrs. 7171'.
A. NIae 1.:ir.n 71,111€; "1 Love .1 Little
Collage.” 10-freshtn'•uh- n: ,• 0,rve,)
With the following (17311)111' in
elta•ge, 1frs. T. J'. Sheer! itt, :lir.,.
1'l 1)ayman, Mrs. N. F, 1'1.11; ane!
471 he 1 e.
arty I ., 111 0,- au a Due 011111'' t,1'
.white gift Sunday- to hr it, in
Carmel Pr -sleterian ,'hn1 alt uta . Ston'
5tot1'lwg, U.1' __,,!
11 Y
—listen to millions of experienced
mothers and relieve miseries with the
IMPROVED Vicks treatment that takes
only 3 minutes and makes good old
Vicks VapoRub give SETTER MAN EVER
AT ONCE to bring relief.
.. 4.
.o PT
s breathingENERATES pass10upperages
a with soothing me -
1 - dicinal vapors,
p STIMULATES chest and
S hack surfaces like a
'`.,ewarrnint, poultice,
stuns RELIEF
WORMS FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve
muscular soreness or tightness, and
To get this improved treatment ...
just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes088 HACK ars Well as
throat and chest, Far Better Results
then spread thick ��ee �a
layer on chest and 1�a
cover with warmed VAPORUII
cloth. Try it! The improved 1Nay
Husband ---"That look., like art 1'x
pensive rug to
Wire --"it is. -
"Well. nay' dear, d'.,. ,,,,:, 0 I'll
have to put telt' feat dctvir en this
111111ece,st i' est ray:m,,l1(s....
''Why, tlairs :11I rirlr .r- lent.-
'5133.Olt 73(1), olid1' ie,'t fust."
11111 Pm. Salo. 1 we, -1 333,
!'Lis 14,iu1par!..u,. Rives 51/111' idea 01 the 111" itureus� in lou•) distance !'q.;•
phe,ln' (alis whirl) takes place on Christmas 1/ay. The pile s are 011)11,) up of
the tickets on which the details of out-of•tow11 (alis airs• recottlr'd by the op.
rators, The smaller dile represents the' averalge (LAY'S hlisiness 113 the Long
111171511te !rete••;, The pile to which the operators a1' pointing represents the
Vittistmos iratii,resit All these many tor far-off Maims, pour in within
i f1 -w hours at Trr1,•tid Since there Just aren't enough c.h'etlits to go around,
(ells may be delayed for ',mishit -Fable periods on Christmas Day,
Off From London to South Africa
Russia's influrrzu a 111 ,tyle and
brilliance of colour is already ap-
parent In a new collection of wo-
men's. wear which ninety leading
British dress manufacturers have ar-
ranged exclusively for the women of
South Africa.
Each of the manufacturers has
supplied 24 models and there are
therefore more than 2,000 of them,
some costing as little as 18/- apiece.
They Include day dresses, coats,
suits and sportswear; and many
beautiful dinner dresses with long
sleeves and flowing graceful skirts
were shown at the sendoff from the
Mayfair Hotel, London, when bridal
outfits won much applause.
The High Commissioner for South
Africa in London would "rather
have a tooth out, and a good one,
than attend a dress show," his wife,
Mrs. Sidney F. 'Waterson, told the
gathering when she wished the ven-
ture ail success, The Minister of
Commerce and Industry in Pretoria,
the Hon. R. Stuttaford, cabled saying
how necessary it was that the pros -1
tint opportunity should be taken of
establishing London as a fashion
The collection is spOnsored by the
Wornen's Fashion Export Group.
Wife )sweetly)—"lolllil I have a
little money for shopping, dear?" i
Husbad! (brightly) — "Certainly.
Would you rather have an 111d live
or a 111.w one?" - 1
',Vire---"A new one, Of course."
11(1,4,5114 --"Here's 111' one. I'M
four dollars to the good."
v'nnt and 'Per Sale Ads., 1 week 255
Laurier Home Becomes National
B "side and out, the 11311 e 311
Wilfrid Laurier lit
Que., hos been rester,
as possible to the
which it stood o11 11 ,
Teat's ago wizen the -
dian statesman was 17 .)' ,1:
its bumble 4.1171, 17,,
furnished 113 tile- i' nt -
(aatc with u h t.t
and materials t t,'.
period and
C.`aaiadian handicraft -
is at 111`517131al to 1',. ,
or 11 Oen 111'y 0:) ,
ITS .rent leader,
Dedicated as a 1\1tlt1,: )
tor10 5111'iu' it the
Prime Minister Meet, s:.:
end (tier !national figurc the
!Laurier !rouse et/tit-Oils 1t, -lay'
,10)1111 17. of 1''te11e114:1111ediln art
i.nei h utll eft old Inn:Imre, 111
1, .1 11'1. 1 l r . E.,1 114 i ,n!
14,1't7 of the, 3)01hos.; t,1'';-!
1117 fre,til
.1411! 1, ' 11l1y 11th.. s.
•nage , t' „t. Ill 11(, ,'i(. \i tit�iu
was on, fnee ale 1,le of 1. 7(7:: 11. in 1,1'1,0 7'110- 1;11•.
tl II 1 :,1 1 Vol', e 1
11 Itanditaatie TUgS and r0presen-
t ait,i: 711)1111rn ' by .irtlur Lia -
un r '! n1' 1' v eril r Of the house
Ir b1',! r•-novate,1 mid the build -
07.1.: i t ti "loved hack into 1110
1 111(5 of )1' property wltleli has
131'•,31, let 'ilia and beautified.. :1
boultier lleari11 11 11 bronze
t./.eric's .11 a 1:,e,1)1a510I,1. t1
fc icier:,lite 7 iur r
117) 1141 :h is 1c,-
! "b,
i . 111177 r0111il,
11!!re in
no tier
�,I spoof