HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-11, Page 4PAGE, FOUR
Snowdon nrea., Publishers
"Headstrong Joan"
\uspices \\',A, of united Church
Admission 25c and 15c
Aura Vernon.. a se11m01 1ea0h0r.
:1 r.. Will e '1'urnhttil: Iiiri1:011 Ron-
`; x1111, .17111'. fees1.•r soil, \\'nI. TI11'lt
buil Granny Bay, .line', aged
•11 ntotlu, . Mr.. 11. ]l'NHkhua1; 1 Ton -
4 ova. the Irl -h b ort shirt per. K,
strong ku*1' , nn, of Aura's
pupil>. flare o,•,• V\ it h,uns,,.1 .11111
1 :r pr ,p,•roes 111 1. h.n11 Berl,
Tr,.Vis; Ahs, ;1 p.,ldt. r. AValt.y.
fi t.'y; 11,i. his .,u.. wilt Loom-
ing, .lark ltd}. Btu son.
.rl l-1,•1 .11: Joan 1 an Pelt,
1 ' „
undo!' 1241,,,Ylil,lr+.•+i-
,la rs,
A Christmas, eonc0rt will be held
in Dutn's Litite,i Church on the
evening of Dec. •.,rd. 'Ms e stem
will he presented hy the Sunday
School pupils and promises to be
one of the bst. F1on't forget the
date, Dec. 2:17'.1, 1.0g Inning at 5
Sacrament will he observed r, ed in the
United Church on Sunday. 11.•e, 1 1.
Preparatory serrive \vitt ia' held on
Thursday evening. ninr Dec. I 1 th.
'Mr. Russel a•ks. who his rex
centiv bought the Young property
in the village is bust these days
adding modern improvements.
We are pleased to hear that N1r.
Jas. Humphries of Windsor is im-
proving after his recent accident.
Miss 111. Nlowbtav has returned to
her home hi the viilag0 after a visit
with her brother liobt. Mowbray 10
:lir:.. W. C. Bennett has returned'
ere, feta vasa where sit,` spent a
with her husband.
1'.F'.R .O. Imaging will he
Cold a Mrs. H. kirkby':• on Friday-,
Dceemi,er loth. Not) . t1C"Sing',tial.
p1-ty or Pay," Reports of the oti-
vre.0-1 in Toronto will be heard
from the delegates Jl,s. Marshall
and 11's. 1,.e minr. A eionleliatratinn
!rill Ie• give,, 1 Mr, „lam,.
hors,' rain, t..roi n,. tones are
being helm 0.1 the .tit 1it,.• of Mor-
ris, I ast ,s.n,-t .t Edward
pr,tons^.ti hl 11 ,''F: ;,1 111,4.; 1m
\t 1 Mt f. 1 •
1 t ! r
1 „l v
l'ore; lb.. w'0a Psi lit 110r
Rev. ,1, (1., McClelland of Fctthill
.11ic Weird at ti. Moist wedtliug at the
home of Mr. mid NIr's, J, E. \Wilson
Rudhe' Ave.Wet.,. Port ltobntsoa, oil
Saturday evening' al seven o'clock
when their youngest daughter. Alm. -
tot Atkinson Nilson was 111111ed its
marriage to 1.1.1wald Perris 11011, only
soli of Sir, and Mrs. AV'. 11. Bell. !Myth,
milt. (liven in marriage by Iter to
+hitt• the bride Io01et1 vlurl'nuug in n
hoarouly hlu-.. crepe_ with stead hat
nnand veil. Sl., carried a bouquet of
\IDp, iraa Beauty. rosea. 'Che brides-
maid. lite- tlerahliue 11i'11r'rati.tt.
'S rn•r - 1.1lte111 pink crepe and riu•fied
pink. oat -nations. 11r, \\',tenon (Cereal of
l Fath. was best own Mrs. Wilson, the:
nee li . was taWned 111 bL'trlt
11 111. with Crashed 1',.•11and
,•rt. nt i Irnrw til,0s :\irs 11011.
1'.11.01 nt 1 lie grown, wilt„ wont' , reps
'rich ,orae(• .'f v.'lh,w tea
Outing til,' -10'rting ut Clot •: IF1••i'.
tt-1.,r.rttn 2)!,1i,'rnu.,tt .unto "t
',, ne 1 •.L''li'il n< twat l lunch was
•.•.1 1.,,ntable prettily derorat-
..I iu I,i111. ;aid whit,. .iroielliors and
•'hili and whi+o snoop« < iu crystal
Id, rs Thos., serving lunch were
•troll L:dolt 1t r. .'I' 'Tetanise Mrs.
hou''. Patterson o1 Welhmd, l.nrettti
tl 11 ruidlt :Cud hiss 1. 1:) Payne, of
err flehht.ou. 1'lu' mut 01 town
211,.10 Wore ' 1!rs. Alt Rase, and
:ell of Toronto. Itliss Beryl
Cart.,0. Feat"rth, 11r soul Airs. \1'.
Spittal. :1st and Mrs. C. 1) iientn.
1 -and Mrs 11llaoy us, 1It.. Edith
Allison ,n :not'Ali .1 Shannon of St,
1 helloes 2.) rano'! l'at(ers011 of
Welland. Later ]1r. tend Hiss Bell
1._ 1, for it short honeymoon at Blyth.
I'he marriage of Mildred Edna 8.'11,
eldest claughter of lir. and Mrs. W.
11.01, to \Vltli:un t'. l'hopp, of 130.
oleo tool, place all the manse and
were per1'otnl0d by Rev. .1. F. ltalz mf
twos, Pointe, liirhigau. :Miss Lyclia'
11,.11. sister of tete bride, and Larry
'Iwo}, brother of the grfumi. were
rho• only attendants.
k\-,, wish to \h•lvi to the young
• up Its a 1011g 1112.' ill' }Wilth.hal'I,i-
and prosperby,
‘11's. 1.i:717i0 1•:111: elf- Mmi'•swortlt
011'',) at tit.• hones nt' Mr. 1111)1 Nlro,l
1.11 ot'.o• 1111' tnw'h will.
Mrs Nielsen I „id. a11'' opauted ley
)!t._ Iter K. IT of Toms), and Mrs.
' 1.,, •r
Reid of tear Walton. motored I t
,• -Ihi< neighborhood ear day last
1; til,, late' -r spot:din:; rite' day at
'11- hem.- ,,f ! =r niece. 111::. A. \V.
11.•1,1wing. and the two fnrona• at the t
,,oto +'f .lir. Kerr's oi.ft r. Mr. and
Shoat :lr\'irlie• -Airs, Kerr re- t
•11 11 f,»- 1015 d.1}0 Vi.sit11114 Ilei'
+1 •1• ,,;1,1 ,the: 1,11.1,.,.
i \'',• h•a'.'d to know that ;tit's.
n ttadl.c ha. renu•n.'d 11001,'
r' rn e itnrih 110"111t111and hop site
-'' i .I b ell n.: e- iill.
1. 1 P rrr.. U1 1l"i tl
t„! \Ir. 11,,6 11r l5 a r I lel'
a.:• . err•.:10 ,.1 11t' ,tv-'lt 1!-
;mei ll.. ,1•. ti t'
a t . 1 E i t rtes , u 11
,1, 0bnl'11 lull: en 'Charsd:.r , v
elected were Mr. Geo. Watt, as pros- HENSALL
idont In place of Mr. Will. Dale, lir.
Norman Shepherd in place 0f Mr. A. •
Continued :Yom Page One
AY Mc.Pwing and Nit. Nelson Leto' in
place of Air, Bert Beacons, as direr..
tors in this neighborhood.
Mrs Isaac Ranson returned home
Sunday after spending tt few
days at the :tome of 1AIr, a1ul Mrs.
\Vamen Gpbbings near Clinton, others
at the 110111e of the linter on Sunday
for n l'oa'f supper were Air. John T.
Knox and 11111.n. of \\'inglitnt and
two boys from the radio school near
:1r. alu1 A11.s. Fred Shobbroolc of
1.tonl''. hero spent Sunday ill Ilse
bone of lir ,tai lits. f:rnest. Knox,
Air.. ,f,nleie Knee); ,pent 1 11 inttor
p:til 1,12 Aasl k and beginning of
12.1- w'„ i.' 1) Ileo limn,. of ler. and
11 1. th.,yrb'u Noll 110:11 Snuun,'rlifll
11.1's,. 1l.trneeh:+)r, our a'''rcher, was
taker ill 11.: tuck and under the
doctor's advice n'a. take', tm Scott
\le ntorial Hospital where she i, im.
plpn'ing', and her many friends hate
every hep,• that she will soon he
'tbott, again. Mrs. G. 11. Realty has
been engaged to teach the school
until the end of the term.
Mrs. 2.1o.s01) spent Sunday in
Clinton with her daughter Mrs. Ball.
11, 1941
n1,niber of the W.M.S. and secret-
ary of the Home Helper's dept. The
korai tributes numbered over twen-
ty, showing the esteem with which
the deceased eased was ' held, A milted
quartette comprising Mrs. Malcolm
Ilouga11 Miss Margaret Dougall,
Rev, W011. and Mn. W, A. MacLatrt'n
sang Abide With Me. Pallbearers
were aid McArthur, Peter Moir, Jas,
11eugottgh, Robert Cau1Oron, Thos.
::,vender and I'red Sntallneontbe.
Inte'rnleut in Heiman Talon eemet-
ury. Those attending from a. dist-
ance were, 11r. John Singer, De-
troit, !Cts, Rohl, lean', Detroit, Mr,
and Mrs, :lobi. Strong. Mt. and
1!r,,:Albert Hudson. Mr. and Mrs..
Scott }htbki)•k, S, :forties airs. A,
:;tone. Norwich, Mr. Shannon and
Hiss Kathleen Shannon. Winthrop,
1h'. ;11111 Mrs. 1'. Pullman, Tucker-
emith, J1r, and :Hrs. Jas. COI and
son .11101i, 111', and Mrs. Harry Lucl-
dinnrtnli, West Monklnn, Ali. and
Mrs. Grieve, London, Mr. Arthur
'Mitchell and Air. and Mrs, A. Moir,
Miss Violet Schwalm of St. Thom-
as spent the past week at her honer
owing to the illness and death of
her father, Mr, Peter Schwalm,
•1Ir. and Mrs, A, Seeley of C1in- :141', and Mrs. Ray Lannnic. Mal -
ton called on the former s sister, ton, spent the past week here owing
Mrs. Austin. Sunday. W., are sort} to the death of the fornter's aunt,
to Say the latter is not • 110011ng an the late Miss Martha Hunter.
w1'll as her mento mends would Mr: and Mrs, Melvin Moir have
wash, rented the dwelling recently vacated
91r, IVia. Hart and 31r. john Dow- by Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Harvey and
Son attended the funeral of the Tato intend 11)011ng into it soon.
David Cameron, which was held Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett- visit- '
Sunday, -ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Deer Breaks Car Windshield -Harry Horton,
While driving east on the Bayfield Young People's Society Meets.
hoad early One morning last week The Y.P.S. of Carmel Presbyter-
C9ayton Elliott had a miraculous ad- inn Chervil met Monday evening
venture. Supposed to have been with the newly elected president,
blinded by the light, a deer leaped Miss Ruth Maelllvenna, presiding.
direct hi Front of• the rare breaking
Opening prayer by Miss Sally Man -
111.• windshirld, and sonic of fire son. Scripture lesson, hrd chapter of
alas, cut the driver's ,'ace just be- Revelation, was read by Deb Cam -
low the eye and required several srou. Miss Margaret. llougall favored
itches. The car was damaged and w nth to musical ;election entitled
tier doer had to he destroyed. We The Charge of the hussars. Rev,
believe the mina was turned over to Weir conducted 'a Bible quiz,
the county home. There were two W. M, S. Elects Officers -
other deer in the company. These The 'annual meeting of the W. M.
tmimt,ls are hccoming ntutterotls. S. of the L`niteti Church wa0 1)0111
11ts, Poitou of Sarnia ti: the guest Tlutrsday afternoon with the presi-
f her atter, Mrs, L. Beatty, ' tit'nt Mrs, W. B. Cross in the chair.
The W.A. of St. John's Anglican ti+'co0t chapter' of Matthew was
`lturelr met Friday at the home of read by Mrs. I':ric. Kennedy, Mrs.
Mrs. 1',. Realty. 1lcnuhers quilted a Walker favored with 0 vocal solo
.tilt which was given to Red Cross, entitled "Haven of Rest," Hiss Jean
Murray and Rev, Brook spoke in the .
ant recti) of the Society, Reports
were given and were most _grattfy-
tng. Officers for touting year, Zinn.
Mi and tics. \\rile. Manley .pent pre,sid.•nt 2.1ra, Chas, Mel)onell;
Sonday evening at the home of their president, Alts, AY', L', t'e'es0; 1st
+1 nt., Mr and iths. Con Reknit rices, Mrs, Carrie. Ballantyne;. 2nti
Mlr f :..ph 1,l,art on of M1 and ', Mr 1 A. Iro'I rd vice.
Ira - John \. I kart who 11))! =rept'• 111 (1. ,I Drysdale; tr,: Mr 7',
! f position in (tall, was tolled to C 0ni,, roc. ah. A S' Rn el', as-
..atit JM1. T. Sherritt core
.,• 1 . 1 1.t_.,.,,i
u•. 1
-r. -I rt., e, r.:.;
01 e 1..,1
1 r 11 71
toport for ,Artily ivies last week
h' r ,atter 1 Mut 11,1.:1 1/1111t111 hr rite dor-
• . t 71.1)11,: 1 11.0 Ylr A. \Y I' Ii tau to hrpp,
Ion 110 Wes r.•1e. 011 mil amount of an
.11 1•.1 o o ter All 11111 Alt.., _114171
'C1'11%. 11 tri . ,if 1 rl r' 1Iill
1 Y.1.- , ,1, li t;e,o 1',e1!11
ar I t I'U 11 111 1111, 01 1 eig!irni
of Th., 1,'.11d - b errs
11,e 1 0''l•.' . 11 .1.1 111
,, 1., 11 1.. r hen'<eiay .0101
t ,:.i ni..:,i ill . ti,nr 1.o=1,i 111
trio' :y night
1,0,4' in this itriitt)h„t1:11,1•1 who w,1',•
ac. !tient he 1)) 1 With a f04 tt,u` 1 : Cl r rt 1 l 1111 'Airs. NV,
wh. n 1, buggy ,h:.ft p rt.ltat`'r1 1:. C r; 1 1i? Fa ,pule
1 t• any ret 111' miracitbmsly e .pap-
i 101)11. I , , Ylu:':t :
t i 1. 1..21it 1.
alt 1'. t Ne[.aughliti un 1 (181,11,- ,
Alley t it d oar Mr. and M1: (' 1: .ire ire .t.
(eai Root.
Want and For Sale Ads,. 1 week
1 1- 1 i
r , Pr, Miss
1.., eire•le
.. • .. 'alis.=Colt
. 1:71,. baby
,v '.1. Mrs,
,r avntnn.
F ne el s :Martha Hunter
1....ssed away
Annie Must -
:: at. her Sl.st
t - thy ant's De-
•, 1i .-sal about sixty
hall lived ever
w ye Sty spent
urviv:nw 10- one sister
HensaIl, and one
Inglewood, Cali.
.. -,t. funeral service
la • hoot' of Mrs.
Saturday at E p.m,
1:' •:. R. A. Ilrook,
r !Med ('larch. P.ev.
. O. Goodwin sang
• My God To Thee.
;m•luded wreaths and
. W. L011)01ie .and
Byron Toronto, the 1'nited
:Airs, Sauna
'2.11 Kathryn Sells of
e. t e'er. were Peter Mc.
Wil, -,7711 Carlile, John I1.
J.:.. SIru11u, Cep. Dunn
1..'d I,T„-rt.son. Interment in
r t-ro.ct,ry.
li 0roe! ,Jr:-. Harry Cook of
the week trod with
in f',r:r'r's parents. JIr. and ML's:
Mi,; Am'; 1:xoom' of Windsor at-
tended the funeral of her aunt the
late Miss ,Martha Hunter Saturday'.
10-. Herb 1): ,vote of Niagara Falls
with 1Tr. awl 1L* Tam Brown.
Mr. and Mde. F..1 Mer,rath of 111-1
emote with Mr. Frank Mrronnell,
1L•. Arthur Foster of (,oderich has
'.02.1.141 a bakeshop where ,James
McNairn left to join the army.
Air. Wilford Murray and Bob spent
the week end at the home of their
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton McQuiggan
and daughter of Port Stanley were
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Atex, Darling on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Shepherd of
Chatham with friends in the village.
We are pleased to report that Mr,
Tom Brown is improving.
Mr. Pat Henn of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ev-
Mr, H. Dantzer of London with his
parents, MI'. and Mrs. Andrew Dant-
All the children are looking for-
ward to see Santa Claus on the 18th
at the public school at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Cronin ,and fam-
ily have moved to the farm of Mr.
Ed, Krauskopf on the 2nd con. of
?sir, John Kenny and Frank
NOW PLA TIN(..;urs _
iVexY "rllur. Fri. Sat.
2 Features
10010111 911E
ALSO - Charles Starrett in
tt SEPUStte PIc1(0
Mon., Tues., Wed
ADOl,t'111( Nll'1NJOCyi-p0141! (''A�ROLhg.�LANDIS, in
A 8110 of shows ---gay with girls, goofy with gags, glorious with new
song hits
81) 1OVA
17 jewels,
Thls Chrleln. as, vivo m
BULOVA watch! Therm la
no remembrance ao precious
es a dopondahin timepiece
-none that livor so long do
useful tondo.
is;�'P71 �r
IONti =
of Time
17 jewels
Choose new-. \Are oil' lt, 1,1 ah) est'- ascii t 1
1'011011 attended tite t'utn-ral on Sar
tray of the lido Ma.. Corms of :lit
droll. AL's. Lefnon was a daughter of
the Iwo Mr. nein :Mr., Elijah Rai r
Of Dahlia tout spoilt ,nam years n
the village
"1'h.. t ushers 111111 officers r s of lite
Sunday School met at the manse last
W001.1 turd among other it ur, of bust-
1, ,-s planned for the holding of the
animal Christmas tree on 'l'oc'ally
night, 1 le.c. 0:0,1.
The Young Peopl Union Kehl
44111.12' m".'ting on Tuesday night mi
this w'.:rli with a good art,'meb.t
-\herr the period of worship tendo r
e.i ley ,hc hm.siteu), MI's, t'hipciwse.
like ionic wits gra. n by Katie e'hip-
cii rs.•. Bluing (he loudness p wiecl a
monuma1ing c,nnmil1ee was elected.
composed of .leat Schilbe. Sybil
tyrant anti Ernie ('hipehase. These
will bring in their :Slate of .dll('ers
for the new year tel the first meet-
ing in Jannary. 11 was a1nn decided to
hold le Young People's Eervic,• can
Sunday evening first when a talk will
he given on Life and Work in Chung-
king. China and illustrated hy beauti-
fully colored slides, Atter the closing
hymn and benediction. a half hour of
games was very 1110c11 enjoyed by all.
At the morning service on Sunday
the minister will conclude his settee
of sermons on The Living Church
and will discuss "A Sanctified
The Mission Band held its Decem-
ber meeting on Sunday last. The
members 'met with the congregation.
After the devotional part of the ser-
vice they proceeded to the schooI-
room where they continued their
meeting. The leader led in prayer,
followed by the Lord's prayer in un-
ison. The Scripture, St, Matthew 2;
verses 1-11, was read by Jean Alex-
ander. The chapter from the study
book, "Mei Ling Finds the Meaning
of Christmas" was then discussed.
Items of business followed, and the
meeting closed with singing "Away
in a Manger" and the NIlzpah bene-
diction repeated in unison.
Kippen East W.I. held their an-
nual banquet at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn MacLean on Dec. 8
with a large gathering present. Af-
ter all partook of a delicious supper
a short program took place. Mr,
Jamas Scott of Seaforth showed
some very interesting slides on the
National Park,' the year round and
wird `• ;It - th fore of -New
blur. week, also .hmwln: sortie very
inter,:, -tine. plea/Pet, o.f hie cwt,
tai's grid a wedding 'heat soak place
tear Sea -forth. ',Hrs. W II Mae I e t,.
them gave a r 11 1" 'The litppen
Stu (_.t_. ce,...ted (? Mrs, Wm..
Kyle. Mrs. lien (:(1111, Mrs. Edgar
Butt and MIs- Margaret t Sinclair• fa-
vored the ather n • with two comic
songs n 1 ottu t Mirs. M. Tr. qu ai,:
rind MI:. W. D1:ling favored Ida -
gathering with a duet. This -brought
the Program ,gram tr 0 close and the res'
of ll even,ng rpent pli 7.r
hinge. Ih.. Its' crate Wish to aha::.
Mrs. 1:d Vaels tv 'Mr.,. F.1111 K
re l% firs, Ton,I M -s. « 1 I -u
Trcraa.r ;rid . i.: • Roy McDonald
eor1 for the pttr.
Chau, ,,f blankets. The il.stitute will
:told their etzehre and d '.,.. in -the-
Hetlri;11 .wall mi Monday. Dec. 29, .1
5."11 p.m. 'i -belts will be raffle on
a ,.deli t;rl a fowl,
Mrs, John Downey of Landon
:pent 11 few .lay's with friends here,
1G', and Mrs, Janie. O'Sullivan
:gent Sunday in London with their
daughter Mrs Ed O'Hearn.
Sergeant Charles ,Malone. RCAF.
of I.ethbr'idge, Alta., is spending his
leave with his mother and other
Miss Rose O'Connor of Clinton
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Miss Elizabeth Carlin of Chatham
at her home at Beechwood,
Mr. J. J. Holland has Hydro in-
stalled in his store and residence.
Mr. Pat Flannery of 'Stratford is
spending a few days visiting his old
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Flynn and Mo.
and Mrs: J, J, Holland and' Mary
spent Sunday in Kitchener.
Inspector Thomas Melady of Tor-
onto spent a few days with his
father and brothers,
Miss Gertudo- McGrath of Kitch-
ener spent the week end with friends
The many friends of Miss Cathay
inc O'Connor are sorry to know she
Mi58 Mary O'Connor, teacher at
Linwood spent the week end at her
S.S. No. 5 Tuekersn)ith is holding
its annual Christmas concert on Wed,'
Dee. 17 at 2 p.m.
a 9NEa
Condensed Statement as at 31st October,
Cash on Hand and in Banks, including Bank of Canada 5
Deposit with Minister of Finance
Government and Other Securities
Call Loans s ee s .. ....... . .... .. _• .. .....:.... ..........
LL ':C..
,*,8119„ 378
21 19.170
$ 80.131,481
Commercial Loans and Discounts ... . 80,614,5 32
Bank Premises ..,.. 5,386.931
Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit,
Acceptances and Sundry Other Assets, 2,596,731
Deposits... . -_, $143,151,535
Deposits by Other Banks ........ 3,264,991
Notes in Circulation. _ ...:...... .. 4,189,539
Letters of Credit, Acceptances and Sundry Other Liabilities 3,258,099
Capital, Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,865,511
The General Manager,
The Dominion Bank,
Toronto, Ontario.
We report that we have examined the above condensed Balance S'heet as at October
31, 1941, and compared it with the books at Head Office and with the certified returns
from the Branches. We have examined the cash, and the securities representing the
Bank's investments, held at Head Office and certain of the larger Branches as at
October 31, 1941, and in addition we examined the cash and the securities held at
certain of the important Branches during the year. We have obtained all the informa-
tion and explanations that we have required, and in our opinion the transactions of
the Bank which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the Bank,
In our opinion the Balance Sheet discloses the true condition of the Bank and is
as shown by the books of the Bank.
of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
Toronto, Ontario. W. D: GL8NDINNING, P.C;.A„
Norembee IS, 1941, of Glendinning, Gray & Roberts,
1 1- 1 i
r , Pr, Miss
1.., eire•le
.. • .. 'alis.=Colt
. 1:71,. baby
,v '.1. Mrs,
,r avntnn.
F ne el s :Martha Hunter
1....ssed away
Annie Must -
:: at. her Sl.st
t - thy ant's De-
•, 1i .-sal about sixty
hall lived ever
w ye Sty spent
urviv:nw 10- one sister
HensaIl, and one
Inglewood, Cali.
.. -,t. funeral service
la • hoot' of Mrs.
Saturday at E p.m,
1:' •:. R. A. Ilrook,
r !Med ('larch. P.ev.
. O. Goodwin sang
• My God To Thee.
;m•luded wreaths and
. W. L011)01ie .and
Byron Toronto, the 1'nited
:Airs, Sauna
'2.11 Kathryn Sells of
e. t e'er. were Peter Mc.
Wil, -,7711 Carlile, John I1.
J.:.. SIru11u, Cep. Dunn
1..'d I,T„-rt.son. Interment in
r t-ro.ct,ry.
li 0roe! ,Jr:-. Harry Cook of
the week trod with
in f',r:r'r's parents. JIr. and ML's:
Mi,; Am'; 1:xoom' of Windsor at-
tended the funeral of her aunt the
late Miss ,Martha Hunter Saturday'.
10-. Herb 1): ,vote of Niagara Falls
with 1Tr. awl 1L* Tam Brown.
Mr. and Mde. F..1 Mer,rath of 111-1
emote with Mr. Frank Mrronnell,
1L•. Arthur Foster of (,oderich has
'.02.1.141 a bakeshop where ,James
McNairn left to join the army.
Air. Wilford Murray and Bob spent
the week end at the home of their
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton McQuiggan
and daughter of Port Stanley were
guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Atex, Darling on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Shepherd of
Chatham with friends in the village.
We are pleased to report that Mr,
Tom Brown is improving.
Mr. Pat Henn of Toronto visited at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ev-
Mr, H. Dantzer of London with his
parents, MI'. and Mrs. Andrew Dant-
All the children are looking for-
ward to see Santa Claus on the 18th
at the public school at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon.
Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Cronin ,and fam-
ily have moved to the farm of Mr.
Ed, Krauskopf on the 2nd con. of
?sir, John Kenny and Frank
NOW PLA TIN(..;urs _
iVexY "rllur. Fri. Sat.
2 Features
10010111 911E
ALSO - Charles Starrett in
tt SEPUStte PIc1(0
Mon., Tues., Wed
ADOl,t'111( Nll'1NJOCyi-p0141! (''A�ROLhg.�LANDIS, in
A 8110 of shows ---gay with girls, goofy with gags, glorious with new
song hits
81) 1OVA
17 jewels,
Thls Chrleln. as, vivo m
BULOVA watch! Therm la
no remembrance ao precious
es a dopondahin timepiece
-none that livor so long do
useful tondo.
is;�'P71 �r
IONti =
of Time
17 jewels
Choose new-. \Are oil' lt, 1,1 ah) est'- ascii t 1
1'011011 attended tite t'utn-ral on Sar
tray of the lido Ma.. Corms of :lit
droll. AL's. Lefnon was a daughter of
the Iwo Mr. nein :Mr., Elijah Rai r
Of Dahlia tout spoilt ,nam years n
the village
"1'h.. t ushers 111111 officers r s of lite
Sunday School met at the manse last
W001.1 turd among other it ur, of bust-
1, ,-s planned for the holding of the
animal Christmas tree on 'l'oc'ally
night, 1 le.c. 0:0,1.
The Young Peopl Union Kehl
44111.12' m".'ting on Tuesday night mi
this w'.:rli with a good art,'meb.t
-\herr the period of worship tendo r
e.i ley ,hc hm.siteu), MI's, t'hipciwse.
like ionic wits gra. n by Katie e'hip-
cii rs.•. Bluing (he loudness p wiecl a
monuma1ing c,nnmil1ee was elected.
composed of .leat Schilbe. Sybil
tyrant anti Ernie ('hipehase. These
will bring in their :Slate of .dll('ers
for the new year tel the first meet-
ing in Jannary. 11 was a1nn decided to
hold le Young People's Eervic,• can
Sunday evening first when a talk will
he given on Life and Work in Chung-
king. China and illustrated hy beauti-
fully colored slides, Atter the closing
hymn and benediction. a half hour of
games was very 1110c11 enjoyed by all.
At the morning service on Sunday
the minister will conclude his settee
of sermons on The Living Church
and will discuss "A Sanctified
The Mission Band held its Decem-
ber meeting on Sunday last. The
members 'met with the congregation.
After the devotional part of the ser-
vice they proceeded to the schooI-
room where they continued their
meeting. The leader led in prayer,
followed by the Lord's prayer in un-
ison. The Scripture, St, Matthew 2;
verses 1-11, was read by Jean Alex-
ander. The chapter from the study
book, "Mei Ling Finds the Meaning
of Christmas" was then discussed.
Items of business followed, and the
meeting closed with singing "Away
in a Manger" and the NIlzpah bene-
diction repeated in unison.
Kippen East W.I. held their an-
nual banquet at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn MacLean on Dec. 8
with a large gathering present. Af-
ter all partook of a delicious supper
a short program took place. Mr,
Jamas Scott of Seaforth showed
some very interesting slides on the
National Park,' the year round and
wird `• ;It - th fore of -New
blur. week, also .hmwln: sortie very
inter,:, -tine. plea/Pet, o.f hie cwt,
tai's grid a wedding 'heat soak place
tear Sea -forth. ',Hrs. W II Mae I e t,.
them gave a r 11 1" 'The litppen
Stu (_.t_. ce,...ted (? Mrs, Wm..
Kyle. Mrs. lien (:(1111, Mrs. Edgar
Butt and MIs- Margaret t Sinclair• fa-
vored the ather n • with two comic
songs n 1 ottu t Mirs. M. Tr. qu ai,:
rind MI:. W. D1:ling favored Ida -
gathering with a duet. This -brought
the Program ,gram tr 0 close and the res'
of ll even,ng rpent pli 7.r
hinge. Ih.. Its' crate Wish to aha::.
Mrs. 1:d Vaels tv 'Mr.,. F.1111 K
re l% firs, Ton,I M -s. « 1 I -u
Trcraa.r ;rid . i.: • Roy McDonald
eor1 for the pttr.
Chau, ,,f blankets. The il.stitute will
:told their etzehre and d '.,.. in -the-
Hetlri;11 .wall mi Monday. Dec. 29, .1
5."11 p.m. 'i -belts will be raffle on
a ,.deli t;rl a fowl,
Mrs, John Downey of Landon
:pent 11 few .lay's with friends here,
1G', and Mrs, Janie. O'Sullivan
:gent Sunday in London with their
daughter Mrs Ed O'Hearn.
Sergeant Charles ,Malone. RCAF.
of I.ethbr'idge, Alta., is spending his
leave with his mother and other
Miss Rose O'Connor of Clinton
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Miss Elizabeth Carlin of Chatham
at her home at Beechwood,
Mr. J. J. Holland has Hydro in-
stalled in his store and residence.
Mr. Pat Flannery of 'Stratford is
spending a few days visiting his old
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Flynn and Mo.
and Mrs: J, J, Holland and' Mary
spent Sunday in Kitchener.
Inspector Thomas Melady of Tor-
onto spent a few days with his
father and brothers,
Miss Gertudo- McGrath of Kitch-
ener spent the week end with friends
The many friends of Miss Cathay
inc O'Connor are sorry to know she
Mi58 Mary O'Connor, teacher at
Linwood spent the week end at her
S.S. No. 5 Tuekersn)ith is holding
its annual Christmas concert on Wed,'
Dee. 17 at 2 p.m.