HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-11, Page 2PAGE TWO
The Woman's Association of the
Northside United Church met in the
vestry On Tuesday afternoon, Dee.
2nd, for general business and elec-
tion of iiffieers. They have hall a
very successful year, the proceeds
front all sources amounting to $823.
Following are the officers elected:
Honorary President. Mrs. J. 1l.
Thomlisont {resident. Mss. I. Hud-
son; 1st vice president, Mrs. Grace
Hogarth; 2nd vice president, Mrs.
I. H. Weednlarti; roe a,es., hiss
Wilma sip.; cor. serf., Mr,, P. B.
Moffat ; treasure!, Mrs, Joint Fin-
layson; parsnnttg0 conmlittee. Mrs.
J. McIntosh. '1rs. Frost, :tins, 1.
C:onsitt; flower rand fralt 1'omtl4ttee.
Mrs. 1.. Dale, Mrs, J Currie. Miss
Bristow: kitchen e.r.eiter. :11es,
Pi tisk Story: :rapt,isei ,•1111%,/,711,1 ,
I,. W. .1. Dickson; i.ower re,rninii.
L'. for e1 -nth. N 1 iss an,I
Hartt;y , t y t it'a:v, to Mih-
ail hoard, ?it's, i.. Frost; auditors,
Miss Wilma stt, Mrs, A. \V,stc•ott.
Will Collect Old
Motor Car Plates—
A plan for salvaging old 1`141
motor vehicle registr•tttion plates
will again be carried out by the On-
tario division of the Red Cross early
itt February, 1114'2. Front the pro-
coeds of the sale of these plates.
the funds of the Red Cross Society
will benefit by a substantial sum,
d motorists are asked to 00,
operate by delivering their old reg-
istration plates to any gasoline set•s
rig.. station -. "fhig- is no etfective
firm or aid to tate national salvage
eampaign and provides the motorists
w ti' a plan for disposing of odd re-
gistration plates tit_tt is sf the sante
ist; ,, e`ttl ,ries , t aetiem,
,t sus:.
ham. Hearty good wishes are ex-
tended to the couple, both of whom
are well known here, They will re-
side at the groom's home on Queen
street., --Myth Standard.
Married At Stratford -
'Phe enauriage of. Bernie, Moore.
Reg. N„ e3dest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. .1, 1I. Moore, Goderieh, to C lar -
owe .1. 154104, ,on of Mr. and Mrs.
\'titian lsi+ht', Behringvi11' was sol-
emnised in Central 1 nited Church,
SI rat ford, s eat high noon, Saturday,
'or ember- 2901. Rev. David Wren
otlieneed. The bride was 9tten(1ivl by
\loose, riod'•iich, olid
Hsi ry 1'hillit'.+, Sebri'n;till,,wits
hrt treat• Mr, and \les, lsth" will
r'side in Std,r3te
MenTeachers Organize. ---
.assts net erg c 1lonei pt,lhlkr
to tile remiss et' oselo._
fatte, met: at: the 31:ie k• ai•:ie House,
1'11:118, recently, t'a'r ❑ banquet and
a _ .t1i;::itiot meetings Noctli Huron
touchers had already foie .l a unit
at eurn,.',ti88 with the Public
-S-1-.o„1 \3,,n 're;.rh.is' Federation of
'lt.t trio. :mil it was decided to ex-
tend the organisation to include the
'mil's 4.ontity. Various matters of
iut,•rest to teoeh.•rs were discussed
:nt41 ottleers were elected us follows:
President. W. 11. 1 ryans, Goderich:
'ice oresidtnt, ,iohn hate's. Clinton:
seer',tury treasurer, J. A. Gray-.
Blyth: executive menthols from
North Huron, A. R. Bewley. Walt-
on, and Colin Crosier, \Vinch:on:
from Pouch Huron, John Martin,
(,ods'rie'h. and "Sidney ilrotcn,
Joins Staff—
Miss Isabel Habkirk. a r. cent gra.
41 11111. 0' 111ontoe Cleneral Hospital.
iettien rot staff of \,'edam
tract ilo,pit:l. JIirs ifxbkitk is :.
%ti t of AIns, O1ti•i14,` Hahlcirl,
the late \l1. 11 t,ki' k. _, Wins,
\ 1 i:see-Tim,s,
To Be Btesy--
,.st: 'Lumber Co„ St, Clem,
ptnclms,:,l the folks:, Me
nimshes t1,s feil ihreue1-
water, the Gray farm near Wing -
ham, the Hyslop farm containing $0
acres of timber near -Wroxeter, the
Sutherland farm 11e33' Whitechurch,
also the Wnt. Volick- and John Rein-
hart near 111Idn11y and the Thos.
I oven hush at Gotrir-. The timber
front these hushes will he sawed at
the Wilt hnnl mill. They also nego-
tiated the purchase of the Ivinl'ltan
bush south of Luckuov,
Steer Bolted Through Crowd---
R'h\•il at1•tiilneer .Arnold 1 arrocll
wa, 1 ndttetiit'g the sale of \\'ln.
1to'•i,•1sel'i..ld,'s `:oonc cattle in the
l,:lruyUl 1, a 1.0(1) pound
stem. .;,1:• ifs ,,ay into the ring,
nd belted through the large crowd.
In'::Inier es n were kno'k,•il sown h.
h, ❑niu,rl's rush, basal, atteltist e44
ll ul er.1 with ttnthrtto mere s, t i•
ons 119111 a few bienms Tis, steer
1itmily was loseta34 bac4, into tin
ring, where it sold 1'o' . ; 1.1141
Mildmuy C:n;ett'•.
Presentations To
Miss Barbara Snell was honored
prior to herrecent marriage at 8
troussesu tea at the -beautiful ltome
•ir 1 - osrent., 4vht•n upward of 100
,:tiled to viewtiro trousseau nod
gifts, and to extend good wishes.
Miss Jean Forbes received the c'all-
er's, and hiss Isabel Forbes, Mrs,
Warren t ib4tings and Mrs, Murray
Pollock showed the trouuieaU, with
Miss L.ois Farquharson and Miss
Itutlt Snell assisting: Mrs. E. 11.
Snll, \Vinghanl, and Miss 3,evinfa
i1righami; Clinton, poured tea during
the afternoon, assisted by Miss Jean
Carlow; 'Mrs. Frank Andrews,
Mrs, I. Ranson and Mrs. E. Adams.
Clinton. In the evening tea was
poured by MIs. Clifford Epps and
Mrs. Lillian McKinnon.
---(1n Friday evening. November
Ott h, around 12\ friends and neigh-
bors gathered at Summerhill to pre-
. eat to the bride-to-be, Miss Barbara
Snell, a small seism:t1,110)ov, prior to
h.r 01(013age to Mr, Alvin T. Deities
of Porter's Hill, one of the features
Gibbings. The evening was spent in
dancing and irnmediately after luneh
Barbara and Alvin were seater{ at
the front of the hall and the follow-
ing address was read to them by
Mr: Ivan Hoggart, The ndcicess was
written by Aircrafttnen titan Burg-
es' and Ron Childs of No. 81 Radio
School, Clinton, both boys being
friends of the 4nells'. Deur Barbara
-..Wo, your friends and neighbors,
have gathered here tonight to con-
vey to you both our very best
wishes oil the adventure you are
now taking. It cannot be expressed
in words how mucin we shall miss
you, but fool .sure you will often be
in our midst, and cheer us with your
sumo, di. position. \\'e. sh.111. all 1103(1
el, 9001(4 memories of the wsy in
which sou !,:Its hel4,leJ it so mut('
soon sieve,. We also welcome your
future husb:twl iruo 111e fmnily
uric'. enol feel sun' you will tin3
it:cpi,iresr in the years that lie
ahead. Sou, t•a, we know, will
look well to the way, 0r your 11011;e -
hold so Alvin laced have no fears In
this direction. Now may we ask you
le accept this small token with our
love and best wishes for a long and
happy married life. May the sun al-
ways brighten your pathway. Sign-
ed by: Wesley I1:oggart, Warren
Gibbings, Neville Forbes, Percy Gib-
bings. Then a beautiful decorated
basket, Maden with white and black
gran{terrane, was carried in by Mrs,
Percy Gibbings, and Miss Isabella
Forbes. Barbara responded thanking
all the friends. Alvin also replied,
inviting all to visit them in their
new hoose and thanking them for
their kindness, The gathering then
sang, "for they are jolly good fel-
lows,” as Barbara and Alvin un-
loaded the basket and placed the
gifts on the table. Dancing continu-
ed for a short time after which they
all sang God Save the King. Music
„f then - rep ee was the registration
lea w le atliesed around a pig
i all 1"t -i" -"t111 tt Iia .de Book,
•laie and on lnu'seigntiatl faunal a
v is furnished by Perdue and Diehl,
Finds Dead Weasel in Barn—
arn .On Sunday morning when 31r.
Aaron Yost, of the fifth line of Mor•
ningt1n, went to the barn to 410 his
( hoses, he noticed that the cats and
i;, \a'i'<'. :,rc. •t• u9.1,•h 1 ,,4• Icy \loss \\a1.1111 ussis.d which, while ,lead, wits :till
warm. 'fire w'east,1 w•I11e11 was 1ur0
The stores can spread their Christmas rush over several week. But
the Telephone Company hats to handle: an avalanche -of Long •Dis-
tame call, un Christmas Ere and t.'hristrnas3Day itself!
There's no way to set till a telephone system BICG enough to keep
this iremendo.ts traffic moving at normal speed. There's no way to
predict where the worst jams will occur. Calls normally concentrate
between the principal cities, but on this one day thev pour in from
witlely sfattered towns and villages, as old friends exchange personal
greetings across the miles between.
This year, hundreds of telephone people will give up their own
Christmas and do their level hest to complete your holiday calls,
Every available circuit will he in service.
But thereare bound to be delay, and dis- (Jx 6e ,fir/ vccg
aPP „I ;yic 1
If your own call, get caught in the
rush, we're sure you'll. understated,
E, M, HOGG'_,-.
Costs Bess than
per overt e
mss �a�-�
The alumni rock+tins; o1' the ('
mart 4' Auxiliary of the Wooten'
Auxiliary of the Wunieat'r \I=ssirrn-
ary tioe•4r14 was held e1 Thursday
afternoon of the borne of Mrs. 'Plu:-
t.t 1, Semi. ;:r. Thor, wia=. ,, 1 tr _.•
t0ndatuce. '111c pr, s deo, :'.11 . Wil -
111300 Ilmnilton, pre i,b'I. Nits. 1},is,
Wallace read mist of the 411:1 clus-
ter of Luke. 'Ph, peeside'ait 1bllow, it
with prayer. Set'enti''tt ,member:
spoudod to the roll 4.1111 with a Chris-
tmas mossace. Ther, were a numb, -
of visitors present. An iter(. rr!=L1t1M
pxper rntitlerl, 'Phe Ofd Year and
the New" was read by hit's. S. Mill-
er, .l'Irs. Russell Scott read part of
"The Life of Jonathan Goforth," en.
titled "Changto at Last," Mrs. Ed,
Allen gave the Tidings prayer, The
President gave a short address, ex-
pressing her warm appreciation of
the kindly help she had received by
each and all of tile members during
her term as president, and of her ap-
preciation of the pleasurable exper-
ience she had gained as their presid-
ent, 31is. Hill occupied the chair
during the eleetlon of officers. Mrs.
Jamieson was unanimously elected
President and Mrs. William Hamil-
ton teeepted the n0,iti011 of first vier
president, uuand Mrs {soy McCulloch
as 211d viee president. All the re
011 0 11 1118 officers were unanimously
reappointed The selerel1ry''s report
by Mrs. Russell Scutt was greatly
enjoyed and showed a ye::r 0f un.
flagging 11411est and progress, The
tr .Isar, is report by Mrs. Bill w•a'
5e1I4 eiteoua t.ti11O ane3 xh.'w.•,t ti a,•.
sided inoreas0 is he eo'uthut4::
during the lout year. The 1(oste<<,
\trs. T1t t n as c, ort, ,1 31.18-1 11y :h-
(1111`111111 4,•,I43, 91111 e,' 41k t':, 1:,•1 X11 t:•::.
:1*Id , ,'' • ::ad
ine :'11 rt,�,y. 'd 1 slit.
\t 1' fl H( t.•,11kI.d k.
,-i. .lis.
int I, i
era4e room in that town, The major-
ity 0f totes favored the granting of
a license but the pl'ili: Cita failed be-
cause till per cent of the total vete
wa. 1,01. 06Laino,l. The rote in Ewer
•.,1 at livens'• was :MO against
Recent Enlistments.->
Enlistments in the, RCAF' at the
mos/Ring centre at Loudon itu Indo.
Aloe William Woodrow of 111'u.scls,
and John Whine o1' \Viugham.
Death of Archibald L. McDonald
At Brussels.—
Arehibald Livingston McDonald
passed aw•uy at his home in Brussels,
Friday, in his 60th year. horn on
111e second .concession of Grey two.,
son of Duncan McDonald and Marg-
aret Livingston, he had lived his en-
tire life in this district. Mr. MCDon-
alit x110 0 drover and was well
known throughout this community.
He is survived by his wife, formerly
Maud Barclay of Listowel, and one
son, Ian. and one daughter, Doris, at
home, and two sisters, \ors. John
events 4Maryl :and Miss Isabel Mc-
Donald. The funeral took Shure. on
Sunday afternoon to Brussels eeme-
The \4.11, nu'et(1141 of the 1'niteii
Church was held at this Monte of \Ins,
1:. \\ot,ien on 'Thursday afternoon
with the president, 'Mrs. A. Jeffery,
presiding. The minutes of the previ-
ous mutual meeting- were read bs'
the secretary, (les. C. Ilownein. Nies.
W. E. 11lworth read the Sriptute•
lesson which was followed by the
business discussion. Rea W. E. .-Aid.
W,i'tfi pi,. lit II Intl' tiro IV( tlml elf
0tliet•rs for the ensuing. year. Five
president, were olectr'd, each to be
resp,ensihll• for two meetings. \It:' -
11 t, 3.11 11 race on t. tail. :\ \Cord's:, ‘1):' 1:. \\;11"3""\ir
4 t- li Ii; tiro l3,303 ,n
by .. etas arid
tiie•ir nin, uhlc tar eatc11 one of AV'..l. 1',•11, 13r 11, 33\, 11'•••d surf is:
itt 1, •t.i,in:tt. .,4,e:ll tel. `i4 .i+stir r* ei I,16,'tll,•ot, yL� !..
t,•i:• ul,t, n1 -,rte t _r11 tis , .'sic e',
ah;trty' a. n'1lttset -. -
14,r,\ 14 -r i . i •.try, 4](-. ;\.
1\1'. ..'r r1• 1'I. -;e, l'.' Yin'
. -sass :111:3;'1:. 4,11'.:. 1..
ure!.a se-Bili
111 41, -.19 •11 .. .1. 4
l t t..1t11 1,1 I, 1 y
,. r t,tr nl 1.' i,,.t:l::.,1 1.1 \Is.:, !,., ,•r i. 1 u!1.',
1 , 14 i, , h,- 4 ,. -.t• . ,
ko:an-Rrainger 1.11, :0111 \1 i.
With r. ,:n,4
I'lill3ll thi
lin tl.rsee 10:- 1. Ita,l h.:u,.l ,:,r
lit, f0nee. walchilr:^' ;l/1 AR.i'. d,.
0101ithot 4141(1(11 at work ort tlu•.
bombed ruins. Bow -ler hat r,rt the
bark of his head, all old clay inn,.
stack in one 0/0110' of hi:. Maratha
its• ;List .31, 1 .1110, .tared without ,
word. Finally, 'towards the rend of
the third day the lot ban's :sales
broke under tit, silent si.rtititiy.11
w'er11 of t' 10 tl:.- solitary y ;:p••, t iter,
"t irstel," lie said. 'limy,-tl't cots toa
snythine bettor 40 do then 3(,(4011
n1h•.r peo113o 1500 ic': tir simois. you're
litter, .,nd in this: p;ut3r-ii:,1 ;ilo1•r-
*y. ent•h•"'
rn:ie re.•tnoved the pipe from
itis rrtn1011. "\\'ell. iu s ;.,,rt of 'way,
cluuit," l3 said. 'i us.•.1 to lite.
"1 t`n,ey evetaimii•d 411,
1110n 4;,. tmr11 ,1 t, 4,is ea1c.
,ifse1: gal,. 1,114-." lir• '111olte4.
"Her, 1,1/k, w'•'v, t•1el1 hr.,k-
1042 for.-
1C.9r '.c..- MI t.
\cod,lingt.: k p11 cc itt Si.
,loht, s Anglleale 11111161 at 1 (UiSr1s,
who, Lev. F. Watts unii',1 in near-
ear-ra, , .1. an. tau Mary \gales; only
lam -liter of Mr. and 1lrs. Fleming
t;,,i;l41,•1' of Grey township, :and Mr.
Charles Lloyd Workman, seculnl son
.lir, crud \I1:+. t'har{ccs Workman,
yl O3•rie township, The bribe was
gowned in 'wins and blue trope with
t -i:13 at/ries. She was attended
I isis •r 44t1s11:, 3Iiss Edyth MOLenn.
\i;'. Frank Rutledge use. grooms -
Mail. M1•. :soli Mts. Workman left
tan .e motor trip t/ St. 'thon,as :hill
Engagement Announced --
131:-. Mason Stirline of Goderieh
o 11 , ssowanees the engagement
Ler tlau,:114, 1. Dorothy Christina,
1, alt.', Edward \'3O01na11. o1' Van -
on, ,1., -$.C. The meria41' will take
lata in December,
Rev. J. W. Down Honored—
.. . -it/w,, tvai - i11C g :. -t
of honor at a banquet in the Main
St. United church, Exeter, lust
west. sponsored by the Smith Huron
uitist-lrll Assoccitation. About fifty
is:eluding. the ministers and their
wiv :s Ind a number ut laymen, sat
,town to a splendid salmi 0. Mr.
Down expressed his appreciation of
the honor thus accorded him and
gave so1130 remiIliscence, of his
early life in the ministry. DIr, Down
was bora at Talbotville and at the
age of ten moved with his family to
Usborne township. In 1881 he was
given special ordination by the
Bible Christian Church of which
body James Street United church.
Exeter, was originally a parish. He
was sent to Prince Edward Island
for his first charge. 1n 1884 the
Bible Christian church united with
the Wesleyan and other Methodist
bodies and the salve year he was
given full ordination in the Method-
ist church. All his ministry was
spent in the Bay of Quinte confer-
ence. In 1 02 i he retired to Exeter,
Beverage Room Bylaw
Defeated At Parkhill--
arkhill—Parkhill eitimens recently voted
against the establishment of a bev- '
rA iii,•lelle ..tell. .1'.d
1e,1'.-11-4111,, I4 : 9...•i...,. ail,
1'Y'j,tilt it( 1'1-1-
ile 11.84 he, 44 tt , .e1 ,.:Lairfos
4':14 1;•1, y',:III:I. 1,9 11. ..141`t,• i....
e: .. ,m of Ilse So,l'•. f -„n• -r'.-c
:c:4} \'0tlelel r 1,,,. , se.esoff ..., .
was: lite last son, elms sit • t:lh..,.
than t:13:ily. issrsion .\;
who >nl 1 1,
im illi e.1' of ,in 1_ sifts'. 4 ,
r:e.1:1 pwesionshas , i,.:fti Nits 0t,',:
ton 18,nte• ua 33,:real sioo af..
aces then, be •3 -sass 1:n ,t t:
1101,1 from tl Lttti, v Pa,.
d:ly. ,r,"151,'!• iu'12fJ 'y'Irijplta•,i 1
111. Atkirs.n I', 1 l • :.
1:'bur,b. 1 cc.C. ,:3 ,
,'e•lllet el
le'e3t,.l' 33331. 't is
Joltmly l.•,.•..
Lenon mist."
,,n1")' ' a•=. �*e l:9'EL:Ii.IEl.titm
-1)'S £-l1 ht'k. L L'1 Glil...rt'
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Grime in and see the new Plymouth car ••d Fargo Truck
\\'e ai:-o have a Y:ervice Truck—if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
All Repairs Strictly Cash We Aim To Please