HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-11, Page 1HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE mum, VOL. 08, No, 43) Christmas Grapes 2 lbs. 25c KELLOGG VARIETY. - 213e POST TOASTIES, Large, Grape Nut Flakes, both or 18c Broken Soda Biscuits. - 2 Ilts 25c AYLMER PORK Se BEANS, - Tin . VANCAMP TOMATO SOUP. - 3 tins 2 5c BAKING MOLASSES. - Tin 10c ROBINHOOD OATMEAL -- Vitamin B. 5 lbs. _ 29r GOOD HUMOR BREAKFAST .CEREAL.-.Pkg25c DUTHIE'S MINCEMEAT. - 2 lbs. . . _ . 25e TENDER. . LEAF TEA. - Package 01.111 OWN BLEND COFFEE.- 9,7, ! Half lb. ..... - - •••,t L. M. Pringle, Major and Mrs. W. D. HEADS HURON OLD BOYS ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS.- t sprinIcs, Mrs. T. Jaekson, Mrs. Edith , Tin 17e Sloan, Mrs, Spears, Mrs, Monkhoures; TIP TOP SPINACH.- i Mrs. Sanderson. Mies Eva Runes., Tin ... ... 1 3c Miss 111, C. Proctor, Miss Annie Harn-! SWEET ORANGES.-- I Mon, Mr. H. P. Strang and many Dozen 2.w settlers whose mimes could not be GRAPE El:UM-Large l obtained. I 0 for25o I The treasurers and auditors reports 1 LARGE 0 X YDO L. ---w i 1 h 2 cakel) owed a good balance in the treas.' Camay Soap, -...............7c ' ury. land C'I00pon11.1 I The following offivers were elected I LARGE CHI1'S0.---weh 2 med, i rel. the ,msuing year Hom pre,ii.' Ivory Soap . 27e , dents, Hon. J. A. Gardiner, .1. A. Me' k w,1 COUp01111. 1 Laren. II. M. Jaelison. le. .1. 13. Dun - CASTILE SOAP.-- , can. A. C. MaeVieer. Past President, 25e A, G. Smith; Preeideet, Athol Me- ta cakes . Two-oNE snoE pomsii.__ Qimni, vi., pr,id,t, w. R co. Tin 10 etelen. (es,. lieewetheriele Ie. A. sAvre, mead, end eemovee Greer A. A. lebister, W. W. (liven, stems, Bottle 15e W. E ilenee. Major Sprieke. Dr, B. MASTEN 3'3i; i'1 RT Ell.- - ce in !dell. Dr. Prod Bryn n ,, Hun. (-wt. :2%70 Seor,1;1 IT. E. Moody ; se eese a 1ev. It S. Sheppard: ;i,st. seeret e ry. Miss ,Hlg.i':'a nr,,„In,, tin -., JO. Moon. treas. l''.IIjI ll'Highhdir'dAin. Rov. R,S. a ,JIibe• C. 1Ie):;nid: uitors, 1. 1.Morrish SIIIAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1941 Huron Old Boys Elect 1942 Officers Toronto Association Names Athol MoQuarrie President, E. Floody Is Hon. Sec. The 43ri1 annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Assoeitition of Tor. onto was held in the auditorium of the Y.M.C.A., Dovercourt Road, on Thursday evening. President A. 0. Smith was in the chair and ii good attendance of mem- hers was present, including Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Messrs. 3, A. Me - Laren, H. M. Jackson 11, Moody. R. el. Sheppard, IL T. Morrisis Deo. Per- guson, Dr. and Mrs. 0. F. Belden, Dr. and Mrs. H. 3, IIodgins, Mr. and Mrs, J. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. M. Searlett Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. WS le. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. OFFICIAL BOARD WELCOMES NEWCOMERS A very: pleasant social evening was held at North- Side United Church on Tuesday evening of this week -when the Official Board memb- ers and their wives entertained the many new families and persons who have come to town- in reeent weeks or months, that an opportunity might be afforded for social fellow- ship. Dr. Burrows was chairman of the program which consisted of ad- dresses of welcome by Rev. H. V. Workman, the .minister, and by Miss Fennell- on behalf of the women's organizations. The programme con- • sieted ofcontests, e duet by Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, . moving pictures presented by 3. M. Scott and group singing, after which re- freshments were serv-ed. Phone 166 E L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev.- H. V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m,,Sunday school. 11 a.m. A Pre -Christmas Message 'The Aecendancy of Christ." 7 9.1a. 'Ali Everlasting Light," Thurs. 7.45 pale Prayer Service. We invite you to worship, St. Thomas' Church Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford. Go -to -Church Month. 11 a.m. 'Stand Upon Thy Feet." ' 7 p.m. "1111011)11Pride-Men ae Gods." Sunday School . at 10 a.m. St. Mary's Church, Dublin 2.25 p,m., Sunday School. 3 p.m, "Stand Upon Thy Feet." Egmondville United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, II.A„B.D. 10 „ Sunday School. 11 a.m., "Worshipping Many Gods." 7 p.m. "Christian Steadfastness." First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Morning service 11 a.m. Evening service 7 isra, Christmas music and message at both services, RATHWELL-HUGILL A pretty 'wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage, Seaforth, on Thursday, November 27, at 2.30 p.m. when Rev. IL V. Workman united in marriage Verna Leona Hugill, second eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hu - gill, Tuckersmith, and Mr. Arnold Thompson Rathwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathwell, Goderich Twp. 'The bride looked becoming in a street length dress of blue crepe and wore a corsage of pink roses. She was attended by her sister Iona Hugill, who wore black crepe and her corsage was of red roses. Mr. Thomas Rathwell, of Clinton, brother of the groom, was best man. Following the wedding a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, where about forty guests were present. The waitresses were Miss Edna Rohfreitsch of Stratford, Miss Lorene Broughton, of Atwood, and Miss Doris Camp- bell of Mitchell. The dining room was tastefully decorated with pink and white chry- santhemums and carnations. Pink and white streamers camc from the corners of the tables to a be11, hung in the middle of the room. The tables were also adorned with pink candles in silver holders. and the bride's table was centred with a three storey wedding cake. The groom's gift to the brides- maid was a yellow gold bracelet, and to the groomsmen, a leather bill fold. 14'. and Mrs. Rathwell left later, amidst showers of confetti, on a short honeytnoon. the bride choos- ing a black crepe dress and match - 01g accessories, Mrs. ..ekeiev] grandmother of the groom, who is ea years of age, was among the guests present, Mr. and MrS. Rath - well will reside on the groom's farm on the Bayfield road. Fvrgnson. NOTES. There is only one Enron Old Boye' Assoeiation in Toronto and it was organized in January. 15110. with 75 members. Only three of the original members survive, le Floods., T. G. Smile and -W. P. Pantelon., .Athel AL-Quarrie, the new twee. Went, is a timelier newepaperman of this city. He was Minnely itditoi of The Grelerieh Signal. I YOUNG DAUGHTER PASSES Madeleine Aim Faulkner, aged 5 weeks, died Friday, December 5th, at the Sarnia General Hospital, after a day's illness. Sh i urvived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Faulkuer, -1 13 N. College Ave., Sar- nia, and two grandmothers, Mrs. C. Finkbeieer, Kitchener, and Mrs. F. Faulkner, Seaforth. Funeral services, were held at St. James R. C. Church at 2.3 0 pee, Sunday. Interment in St. James R. C. Cemetery FORMER RESIDENT DEAD The death of James Kneehtel, a ono time resident of Harputhey, took place et Orillia after a very short iciness on Friday morning, Doe. lith, He was n son of the late 1. N. and Margaret Kneebtel and was born et Brussels in 1865. Three bro- thers tamely: Valentine, of Moose Jaw. 3(r. 11. W'., of Winnipeg, and William of Meaford. The burial was held from tbe- funeral parlors oe my. Ben Walker, Brussels. Interment in the family plot, Brussels cemetery Sunday afternoon. 01) ARRANGE SERVICES FOR WEEK OF The Seaforth zind District Minis- terial Association met in the Presby- terian Church an Monday afteenoon, Dec, 8th. Papers were given by Rev. A. 3V, Gardiner on 'The Soul of Plato", and Rev, Hugh .Tack on "The New Order." Services will he held during the week of prayer, from Jan. 5th to Jan. 910 at 31 p.m. as follows: Monday, Anglican Church, Young People's ser- vice, speaker, Rev. A. W. Gardiner; Tuesday, Salvation Army Hall, speak- er, Rev. W. A. Bremner; Wednesday, Presbyterian Church, speaker, Dr. Hurford; Thursday, Northside United CMurch, Rev. Hugh Jack, speaker; Friday. Egmondville United Church, Rev. H. V. Workman, speaker. Special services will be held In all the churches on Sundays, Jan. 4t11 and 11th. CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR THE SCHOOL CHILDREN The C.W.L. held their monthly meeting recently in the vestry of the church with the president Miss Alice Daly presiding.- Very interest- ing reports were given by the vari- ous officers: A committee in charge of Mrs. T. D. O'Neill was appointed to look after a Christmas treat, for the school children. Miss C. P. Sills extended a vote of thanks to the Members of the League who helped to pack Christmas bexes- for our soldiers overseas and those -in train- ing..The meeting closed with prayer. DIED DEVEREAUX.- At Scott Memorial Hoepital, Seaforth. on Thursday, Dec, 4, 1941. William John Dever - e33.118, in his 75t11 year. JONES. --In Ssraior'llr on Monday, Dec, 8111. 1.941, Robert F. Sones, 70 hie 82nd year. S.S. No. 3 school will hold their Christmas convert in the school 1,00n1 on Monday evening, Dee. 22. Al 1)1,1 Metlearria, who Was elected President of the Hamm OM Boys. Association of 'PortraitsENGAGEMENT Mr, Porter Dennis anuounces the elleatternent of his eldest daughter, Elsie Alarie, to Mr. Samuel A. Me- Seaddee, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. MeSpadden. Marriage to talte place Dec. 20th. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McQuaid an- noteme the engagement of their youngest datighter. Irene Kathryn, to Harold A. ARM, Goderiele son of Mr. alld Mrs. Alden Allin of Benmiller. The marriage to take plate letter part of December. GIRL GUIDES The weekly meeting of the Girl Guides held on Thursday evening was opeued by "0 Canada," The eteppany then- fell tato patrols and inspection and eoll call was taken, The Geddes were pleased to welcome a Stratford Guide, Barbara Sproat, 10 the meeting. Audrey and Marion Me- (1avh', were awarded prolidency badges. The Guides have decided to give boxes of good diver again this Chrietmas, A scavenger hunt was held, the winners being the Wren Patrol. The meeting then came to a close by siuging "God Save the King." SEAFORTH RED CROSS ELECTS OFFICERS The annual meeting of the Sea - forth Branch of the Red Cross Soc iety was held in the Red Cross loom at the Public Library, The 101 - lowing is the 19.12 executive, Hon. Press Mrs. H. Gibson; pres., Mrs. E. II. Close; lst vice pres., Mrs. R. J. Sproat; 2nd vice pros., Mrs. J. M. McMillan; treas., Miss Winnifred Savauge; secy., Mrs. IL Kerslake; Press secy., Mrs, M. A. Reid; con- veners of church committees--Eg- mondville, Mrs. Andrew Moore; North Side United, Mrs. F. J. Boob- ely; Presbyterian, Mrs. W. A. Wright; Anglican, Mes. J. Best; Catholic, Mrs. C. P. Sills. Knitting committee convener, Mrs. Wm. Barber. Purchasing, Mrs. Jno. MacTavish. Br. civilian, Mrs. A. Moor°. Packing, Mrs. Bali Bell. Surgical dressing, Mrs, Frank Kling, Quilt, Mrs. Ada Reid. Soldier's gilt, Mrs. J. A. Munn. Campaign, J. M. McMillan. Salvage, Crawford Smith. Auditors, E. C. Boswell and Geo. Brightrall. NORTH McKI-LLOP Mr, and Mrs. Charles Eggert of near Brodhagen spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. and MIs. Edward 0. Regale. 314ss Elsie -Dennis, who has been working in Stratford is visiting at the home of her 311101', Porter Den - Ms. Miss Ethel Dennis is recovering af- ter her operation. We hope to SCO her out and around soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Chase, whcehave been visiting with Mr. and Wire. Charlie Munn, leave returned to their home in Detroit. Mies Wilma McNiehol spent the week eini with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. innumn McNiehol. Bethel W. Association met at the home of Mrs. Robert Hulley last Thursdey with a good attendance. DIED IN CLEVELAND Mrs. William Venus received wore of the sudden death of her brother, Janie)( E. Cooper of Cleveland, Ohio, as the result of an accident. He was a native of Seaforth and went to Cleveland as a young man, Council Gives $220 For Junior Band Transformer Bylaws Given Two Readings -Boxing Day Dec. 26th. The regular lieeember meeting of the town council was held Monday evening, all inembere present. Report of Finance. committee: D. IT. Wllson, salary, etc., 3161,46; R. Shineu, $21,6t1; (Med $37.10: Cumminge, $67: Jos. SthreY• $71): .T110. A. Wilson, 31)') 11(10, $20; D. 11. Wilson, cash relit f. Flour and Pr.eil, $21,50; Northern E Kirk.. $12; Canadian National Rees., $18.55; Oen. 0. Ferguson, 3112.15; Canada Vitrified Products, 31325,78; Regier Transport $2; Wm. M. Serpa'. $6.50; R. J. Jewell co., $3,24; County of Huron $7: Bell To). ro., $4.72: H. F. (new. Se; R. Griew', $14.25; Hugh wrigbt, 311620; P. McIver 3113,28; Jas. Grieve, $8; II. floggartle $12.4e; 3. M. Carden $4); Wm. Montgomery $325; 33. G. Moir $451.54; Geo. Sole 71)11; Seaforth Fire Brigade $328; A. W. Dick. lire ebbe' $75. Motions: Seott-Ieirke, that Seaton)] 14015 Chi)) he: made the usinti grant of '$73 for tin- upkeep of the Lions Park. Sille-Holmes. that the Mayor pro• (dein] Friday. Dec. 21110. Boxing Day. a holiday and request the Merchants and citizens to 011-,i'v,-, the same, Bylaw No. 411e to homey $10,0013 to ,.xtend and ill500Ve the municipal el. ectrie and power ,v,,te711 3711reeone wended by th, seaforth Public CHI-, Sy4teni. 41ts given its remlingq. 13ylaw 1:11; to is,ne achentures ir 0, ern of Sloan, 1,, extend afld itar.P.We 11.11/11,1N.1 electric. ape power system wde !ere]] it, first two ings • HIBBERT COUNCIL The ilibbert township eounell for their regular monthly emnicil ineetiug in the township hall, Staffa, on Saturday, Dee. rah, 313 one o'cloek p.M.. all members present, the Reeve , presiding. The Clerk read the min- : Ines of the previous meeting which were adopted as read. A resolution was passed to insure the township road graders for liability and prop- erly damage. The following accounts were passed; Hydro Electric Power Corn., $3.81; ProvTreas., insulin. $3: Gestetner, eupplies, $1 3.88; 3. A. Sad- ler, supplies to the township hall. $1,80; Mete -Mop, Logan and Hibbert elephone Co.. tools. .58; tweet $7. The council adjourned to meet Dee. 15th. -Thos. D. Wren, Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert. WINTHROP Well, old man winter ie on an ex- tended visit this time. If it. keeps up Santa will have good sleighing for Christmas. Mr, Andrew Montgomery of Galt epent the week end with his family and parents. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton and family and Mel Merriam spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Mr. Holman held a sale on Sat- urday and intends moving his fam- ily to Peterboro in the near future. He has secured a good position in that city. The ladies of theR.d Cross met in the hall on Wednesday afternoon and quilted several quilts, Mr, Mel Merriam, Mrs. George Eaton, Mrs. Peter MeCowan and Mrs, Foster Bennett spent Saturday afternoon M London and visited litePs mother, Mrs. Merriam. The annual meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held In the church Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, with the pres- ident in the chair. The meeting was opened by the use of hymn "Lord of the Lands," after which Mrs. R. Mc- Clure led in prayer. The roll call showed 28 members present. Very satisfactory- reports of the year's work was read by the various offie- ers. An In Memoriam service was conducted in memory of a valued and much beloved member, Mrs. Austin Mileage, who passed away a short time ago. Mr. Patton now conducted the installation of officers and the following is the new elate of officers for 1942: Hon. President. Mrs. Pat- ton; president, Mrs. E. Toll; lst vice president, Mrs, W. Somerville; 2nd vice president, Mrs. A. Ross; secretary, Mrs, 3. Hogg; W.A. treas- urer, Mrs. C. Dolmage; W.M.S. trees.. Mrs. W. Church; mess secretary. Mrs. 1 Hogg; Temperance secret- ary, Mrs. G. Smith; Christian Stew- ardship sec., Mrs. IL McClure; sup- P1Y secretary, Mrs. 3. Pethick; Mis- sionary Monthly see.. Mrs. H. Blau - cetera; flower committee. Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. J. Dennison; community friendship sec., 71111, .1, Dennison; de- corating commit ee. el ell lIlliott. MIs. P. J01111S011, Alre W. Dodds; W. A. committee, Mrs. E. Toll. Mrs. te Dolmage, Mrs. R. Dotitle. 'qrs. T. Pryce, Mrs. C. Hillen; Mission Baud leader, Mrs. W. Dodds.. asst,. Mrs. C. Smith; Red Croele Mrs. T, Bettlee, Ethel le1(•Clurce raptains. Circle 4, MrS. S. Garnhain. Mrs. W. Church; Circle 1, Mrs. W. MeSpadtleo. Mrs. J. IRolla e Mech. No 2. Mrs. IL 1301to11, Airs. Chambers: Cirrle No. :1, Aire. 13. :Alexander, Mrs. 11. Melearlatie. After singing hymn "Rise up. 0 Men of Gocl," the meeting was itiken ever by Mrs. 11. Bolton. Airs. 1", Johnston react the Seripture after whieli Aire. Patton leil in prayer. The topic was ably taken by Mrs. Tvcwartha. Phone *I $1 a year. STONE -SET LADIES' RINGS $1.50 up SHOP AT STONE -SET MEN'S RINGS $7.00 up SAVA,U6E'S IT k4seesseipeeVetke,le , Vi4W>6104$V; Agio HENSALL - • Niro. Agnes Horton Passes - There passed :May 117 the home of her daughter Mrs. R. J. Patterson on Saturday eVening. Mrs. .Agnes Horton, In her 85th year. Deceased had been a resident, of this vicinity for the past 22 years. She was born in Hallett Township, and was form- erly Miss Agnes Wren, w.fe of the late Nicholas B. Horton. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Geo. Mae - Donald, E'dmonton, Mrs. Jack Bon- thron, Moosejaw, Sask.. Mrs. Carl Blad, Regina, Mrs. Jas. Kimball, Chicago, and Mrs. R. J. Patterson of Hensall, and one son Jed: of Glidden, Sask. A private funeral service was held frons the home tif Mr. and Mrs. It. 3..Patterson on Mendes' at 1 p.m. conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Mr. W. 0. Good- win and Rev. Brook sang a duet en- titled The 01t1 Rugged Cross. The 'floral tributes were very beautiful. The pallbearers were Mean's. Geo. Glenn, G-eo. T. Wren, Campbell Eyre, John Shepherd, Stanley Mit- chell and Jas. A. Patterson. Inter- ment in Hensall union cemetery. - The sevviees in the United. Church on Sunday were .conducted by the pastor Rev, R. A, Brook and the choir sang two anthems, 0 Come Emmanuel, and, Turn Into Us 0 Lord. Plans are being made To a white gift semice on Sunday even- ing, Dee. -21st. Born -In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, Sunday, Dee. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Weigand, Dash- wood, a son (William Gerald). Red Cross Elects Officers- -•• The annual meeting of the Red Cross S'iciety was held in the town hall, Hensel', on Monday evening with Reeve R. E. Shaddiek in the chair. After :Singing 0 'Canada, Rev. Brook led in prayer. A ladies' quar- tette comprising Mrs. Mac Dougall, Miss Irene Hoggarth, Miss Mabel Workman and Mrs, W. A. Macletren sang I Love a Little Coetage. Miss Greta Laramie accompanied at the piano. Rey. .Wn. Weir gave tlie ad- dreee 011 "People mid Coalitions 8(0 der whieh they live," which was roost tat0c4ing, Miss (1t', 1,17)0' 1185' fevered with a Viol 11 solo en- titled "Flow Gently Sweet Afton," Mies I emere Norminton gave her speech Inc which ehe woe the senior championship for lie Oti- "Our Heroes of the See." Repens of the earieus 370)10111 1-5 WeVe (!1a1r,11) a 7111- n'', 13,' W. R. Dar t reasniml Mr. IL lawrenee, 1)113 o11 Mies Katie 1401, cutting; Mre. emne Luker, h 053)1) 111 SUpply 3-1i15 Maritaret Blieh- !"1511, eewing Mre, C. cook, knitting nee, eve Coodwin.' Shinning eOne Mitteo given by Allee ,Annie E. Con- eitt hi the abeenee of Mr. Ken Hicks. Women's Institute report, Miss Beryl Pha-ff„ and Dr. A. R. Campbell, president of the war ser- viee eoneuittee. Slate of officers for coming year. Hon. presidents, J. W. Ortwem, Owen Geiger and ,,Geo. C. Petty; past pres„ Rev., 13. A. Brook,. president, Rev. Wm. Weir; vice pre- eidents Rev. M. Grant and Mr. Rob- ert Ilifddleton; rec. sec., Miss Annie E. Coneitt; cor. see.'Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, treas., Mr. H. 0. Lawr- ence, assistant, Miss Jean Mc- Queen, Advisory board, Reeves R. E. Shaddick. Geo. Armstrong, Kay. Fred Watson, Percy Passmore. and S. Whitmore. Ministers, Rev. R. A. Brook, Itev. Wm. Weir, Rev, M. Grant and Rev. II. A. Rent Teach- ers, Mr. M. Sanders, Miss Ruth Mac- Illvenna, Mr. Claude Blowes,- Miss Mattie Ellis, Miss. Beryl Phaff, and Miss Mabel Workman. Doctors and dentists, Dr. D. G. Steer, Dr. 1, G. Smillie and Dr. A. MacTaggart. Masters of lodges, .4. 11. Hyde, Ce- cil Harris and Louis Clark Sr. Pres. chamber of cons. Mr. R. H. Middle- ton; pres. legion, Mr. Sam Dougall; pres. W.I., Miss Beryl Phaff and Mre, Glen MacLean; chairman, war service, Dr. Campbell, bank manag- er. M -r. W. B. Cress; pres. of W.A.'s. Miss S. Fee, Mrs. C. Hudson, Mrs. F. Farquhar. Mrs. Jas McAllister and Mrs. W. 13. Cross; striking cone, Miss Beryl Pilaff, Dr. Steer, W. 0. Goodwin, Miss Amy Reynolds, W. 31, Davidson and Rev, M. A. Grant, Late Mrs, Theis Hudson - There Missed away at her home here on Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Hud- son, in her 7211(1 year, following two years of illness. Deceased, though in ill health, attended' her household duties in her own quiet way until she became confined to her room a ew mouths ago. She was follnellY Miss Annie Gill, and had resided here ever since her marriage. Surv- iving, is her sorrowing husband, one daughter, Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Hs- bOrne, and One sail Lloyd of St. Marys, and a niece Miss. _Eden Gill at home; two beothere 7.73. Samuel Gill of Cromarty. and Mr. James Gill of West Monkton. A public fnneral service was held :from Car- l'reehylerian Church, of whieb- Mrs. Nielson Was a valued member, on Alonday at 2.30, couducted by her eaelor Rev, Wm. Weireevito reed the eine; ieth teethe and •spoke' on ltillueeee of the life Of .the(1,, eesed in the chilled] and quoted round the. Glad Tidings, est T, fludeen, secretary of the Home Reteers,. has•-inereased the mereberehie and giviegs in spit.e of eee yeers' Meese." . She was a life • ceeeheee Uri Ifte Loth . . . ,