HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snustdm 13ro,., rubn:41,4" A. (1OOI) PLAY "Headstrong Joan" WALTON COMMUNITY HALL TUESDAY, DEC. 16TH. :Auspices \V.A. of t'nite 1 Church Admission 25c and 15c CAST Aura Vermon, a seheld 011 teaehel., b1is. Win. Turnbull Richard Itun d til limas foster son. AY n- Curee bull elraauy Hay. .hoc's :need 010th!!, \Int, It. 71!lli b1 1; Hon the Irish hon 1 pet 1 -Y.- num,;, Rosie. .m.. of Aura's nuz 115. F'i i ..1, V1 d 4 i!!i ihtr t mespyrons 7,11? Ali e 1 }i}.r Walter -I r it s i,:e. his .. n ,! 1 i it's- son. short:, ti, I ir; Cul i hist ,.. :11 Hilted WALTON 111 Eli 1,r. 1lollinger - :uA,i •+oil ,'lr,lrlt•s of Ilatnntotl :,r". bore .,wing +h.e )tines, of h i• 'title r. 'Cir. 1'. ,,,l:ar•1: %1i s h.liz:rheth hills earl :Miss ]tou- .,.t ri 171yth were to Walton on • •41!,:. T. Young of McNIilop was a recent visitor with friends at Preston. Mr. C'oshy Ennis has returned to Fort Erie after spending the past it1..h at hitt (tome after a tonsil Opel, anion. Mrs. Patterson of Seaforth visited :it the haute of her daughter, Mrs, V1'. t 'Bennett. 11rs. 1t. \C: Eloy was in Myth on Sunday. Mr. acid Mrs. W. J. Humphries and lolly are in 1\'iudsor. Mfr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cumming. uth and inti spurt Sund ty with dlr. and Mrs.Phos, Wheeler, Bruce, BLYTH t'lcrt;o.- 1`. R:u•rett- -.Ile 1 :11. 17e41! I -i. ru 11, rri 1l, ;a 11 try,, It mr,i- ut. on Monday. 1\ l Ile hr had Ir, . n nit 1{l with p1 atrron1t 00.'x11 t •d. .1 •.,I' tiv. .11i111.anh tin,ut .I1,. 1! 1,'•f .111111 who 11:15 It ill % 1<1. id 114 etre limo lively in Sir:LI ..11 rr;p;nt,;l be the form- ltnrosdti,• "Il :,Pe_ 1'ou,ilarly. 'fire :u,r oar; i.t iii. Iif, le spent ur 111th. Ahem a coat ❑ite h,, went to ,t. 7lary, where he was liviu tett( :rrr-in Iinv, J'Gs. \1'etlitte.ton. i3e11ion, when he was taken ill. :at' 71r. ht:rrett w•as an older of the l loth United ('lun'ch and a member f to L.(i L Survn too or, a sister, 111 ha ,� 110t'r ett of Blyth. a broth- ' John of Manitou, Mttiiitoba, and one son. John of London, There is a THE SEAFORTH NEWS gratidt'lhild, The funeral Nervier will be held at 'Myth United ('Kurth on Thursday afternoon tit 2 o'clock. In- tortnent in Blyth cemetery. HILLSOREEN 51 r. and 141rs, W l'arlisle of Ilea sail 1101 111r. 1,%d DL'S. 1101 ttichtttd- m l'11.111 141 01111(1113, with Mr, and 1L s. (tint steplitn 11r. 11'tlfred \\ :idu herr putehasecl I h,n•u 'u llensall ffoitt 1)r. Steer r mid i, having it tor% Clown hnd remevcsd to his fern( whio-' lie intends to erect t drive shed. While .HI', Gh»t tl'e'ido WI -1S W011:- 0 11 tie, roof of the barn on Sat urday- 1r. bid the misfortune ,f fall- ing to tile ground and injuring hi h^ad. lie ,•typed se,iutt0 1111003 5, ( hitt 1 number trent this ili`'trici 111\ 5",111,•11 a1,1pk,!'no•ui 1,1 1b1• ail ..ell at I nnalia. 71r .1 u1. 1li1r?1, il, or I)1sivool -1 w 1 „mi,L 1,l•; at the i'lomr t \Ic:.. Moly SI, 111011 011 '1'lmi•:w.Lly .:•t.. d:nt . r'.+l se+0)15 war held 111 11 00d 011 71nud11y. .\ '111111111.i.of 111.,011 from. Ilii.: +,all ,tlity :Moulted tee funeral of sis11111 in "Jen:::tll. ST. COLUMBAN 'Phomas Meliuly of Toronto visited his father, Frank 71elady over the Week end, Mary Murray of Galt visited her parents. 71r, and Mrs. Loo Murray over the week end. John Flannery or Preston visited St. ('olunlban friends, miissogiroisiontmomirogiiiiisionial CROMARTY The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in the Presbyter- ian •Church nn Sunday morning when the .1( t t ice wag conducted by the 111in151u 11('v. Peter iamicson. There teas a good attendance. The annual meeting of the WO - men's Missionary Society will be held on Thursday afternoon at .the home of Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr. Thr annual bazaar will be held on Friday evening and with the whole congregation invited for 0 pot luck sapper. an eneyable evening is antic, looted. The Misses Hazel Laing. and Mar- garet Scott with 1414': and'Mrs. Wes- ley Russell of Russoldale. James SIolt war= in Toronto on business. MIS. .\. 1.', 1 tts,el1, anti George Russell of Avnnton and hiss Jean Graham of Iluh Parke w•itlt Mit, ,1::11 l Carrie. Ut. and ?1rs. Duncan Mctc'liell:u. and Dir. and ND's. John Scott and 110117 Slott Wen. r1 Stratford with John Barr. Five Reeves May Seek 1942 Wardenship.-- Five 1100 1' may seek the warden - ship of Huron county for 1992, the names including Fred Watson, of Stanley; George• Arinstrong of Hay, R. M. ltaddick of I•lonuall, Roland Grain ' of Turnberry and W. .1. Gamble of Howick. 0 1 11 Odd . 51" A fine up to $5,000 and two years imprisonment is provided for offences against this law What NAM Do to Co *Mil tho AS A CONSUMER '1111111 ?11, AS A RETAILER = 101 1!''11... 1Lau '11' 11?el?,'a 10'1, o chanted fol. tut 1'. tnl l 1 to itfidher I1 11 it! 1 0111 1.0;t:hl n u 04111''!' t 11 l 1111111 1111/1 1:10.'1.11 111 i ,' ', - it a, iofes_f l n r 3) ul Ill' 111.'411,4 Prix,.ei. which pet t1 ' 1's'?• 5. m h, 1t 1 t period S ph n ib I t 1 1,) Oetohe 1 11. 1 1 tit15? 11.1 loty e' 1 r!' ?`.1 5 11111111i.ltlitlai1lU:fn OI• whin -.•,111'1 or ant. fl,,- 11, 1,• 4 0 !1 teeiu_ir-st priee vont paid to 110111 III the bash. period. 11 r ;nt.; tel Ih:,1 l ,. „f serious hardship should be adjusted by redu,ini the g . , '• 11t1n»s 1,, vie, r" l:ti1••1. 1.•rtail•,r- whose 1,51 of 1.1),l''haudise delivered to rl,•"niaft''' 7.'.' Tither ;., l0 trio 11403) in F.dal)Ott to 111' 1.•16%0 prices, should ).0 in +"alt tie senpliyis and 1l'y to arrange an adjustment fair to loth parties. 01 if him) 1i' fluidity not. ,old during the basic period mux( not .1 N, thy _bath. .•t p: -ire 'barged 1711 .111',! 11101 ily similar goods in the basic 3. AS A WHOLESALER 1 0: ant-? n,rt -• Il _,.'i:' or rc'i,•e- al mere that, your highest price (less l during illy b15ir perh,fi, 0el,t',1nhei' lhh.rl!*1 14...1 131,!,1 1101, buy - u1:- a Trierr's 11,1' 110,11 than flu• highest rt 1' 11. 1 141 he _1,. ill .04," , 1,4' to 151511.1,,- lheit' pri f below lIlo ,:I d• r• :40 1, ? ai.:o' -_(1? :WO"y i,1,in turn may hay.. it r f... ..�,d> 11 ,�}r ?n„retial efiritton.y= 3., of ihr- 11711105) 10111001- '5. . .it?-it1 ,-no• 1,tl,i'ert. 'lfcrrt h11,111l.:' abnormally from 111” at 4 AS A, MANUFACTURER „i.: t 1 ?)1 'r !'Ptah y"nr Idada,L pr, t •r- df.r-.rant: ch, -t: uli 1 50 , 1..1.',•rr1b,'r 11 1', 0),')nr i," 11.. 1: 11)11 h, ,. I.r f•» `.napulie'i liver. 1•. 1,04)1*" the *lit? ir Imre•=. ,t? 1,'3'0'--:.I�• rls,,l, n ta11 ;weld:tits near e:u'ry on. `lir.. _1,1.10'?, - 1!. 1,. 5! '.01110 I''lttll l'„I- tll:nllifa!'?Itr.•0;' ltr'i..,•" 10 if,. ,1 are- wilt afl'. a'1i 1,e,•,-,. IMPORTS 1 iii ,r<. ,+I• r, :+u-1 tl /,,,: i0.1 11, 1'' '!. 11,51 by the I1u:rrel thu.lany eo 1:1h0,. 1: 1 In tie , ,-,.. et 1v,01» 1''.,yti0l ;lour}..:. trill 4,• i'overed. either ;Ile e e or 1 tar'i01,.1) i,. . (r.0 ,il; will be oi,a ,uneo1 •'portly. SERVICES ALSO COME UNDER THIS LAW '1'li' 1' Ir•, ! +i)il, r, Ib •.i' l,1 . : opl't, 1,i tides a.n!1. ,'Barges Mr eleetrinity. gins. steam hest, water, 1-.:n•uph. tcfreb 1''gephen•.. transp„rlation, provision of clock, 'harbour. 1,11,1 pi• -r fluanal 0tnru0'; nlanitla(t.0rin0 prneecses Perkin/V.11 on o cnorini:•-:i,w or 011,11,111 411141'4 laundering, cleaning, tailor. log and rlr.-::elaltina; bairdres:-Miff. harlei'ing ilnd b11111)y parlour services; plumbing, 11.',tin1, painting, deloratiitg, cleaning iced i•enavating; ri'poiring of all kinds; supply. int "I' meals. r.'l1'"sinn•alts and beverages: exhibiting of motion pictures, NO CHEATING OR EVASION OF THE PRICE CEILING LAW WILL BE TOLERATED "Ilnw the Pr1,' 1,,w Work:." 0 pamphlet setting fort[ how each branch of Bus ',less mast apply the regulations to its nw1 operation will shortly be available at Post Offices and Branch Banks. The Board w'ill soon ',pen Regional Offl(•15 throughout Canada where problems may le discussed. Those Offices will co-operate with business in the adjustment of difficulties, The Price Ceiling law is 011111 to Canada's war effort. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD Ottawa Canada .:,;'^1,r :ery,tvn:^:,r., REGE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 HEA Seaforth NOW PLA' [NG BOB HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR "CAUGHT IN INTHE DRAFT" Lynn Overman Eddie Bracken A phial, tilled with drills and laughter Mon„ Tues., Wed, --1 SOL LESSER presents OBERON ' DOUGLAS AMY Next Thur. Fri, Sat. 2 Features "LETS 0115 MINT 011E TO REMEMBER ...FOR ALL ETERNITY!" COM1NUU --- "ROAD SHOW" The p110011 vi,itot' was doing' her noble best, ''And whit sort of man Tare you going to be when you get out of prison?" she asked one of innate. "An old one, lad}'." replied the convict grimly, ALSO - ('hallos Starrett in -THUNDERING FRONTIER" 63Ga3^1.1p Y"r 1,10 ^ 1v.o A court rrll'cial after i•xplainin_.,, the history of a 'lag to a group of 111011: seeking eitize%ship papers, asked one of them: "Tell me—what (lies over the city hall'. The alien blinked a minute. Ther,; he said: "Pceginsi" RING s v Ast is 1 S:;7.i • IiiILOVA, "Lady I Ylove' 17 jewels d' This Christmas, give a BULOYA Watch! Thorn is no remembrance so grottoes as a dependable timepiece --neo (tial Iii/03 so long 4n useful cervica. DbA70ON COAAQ1td 4OTION• Goddess Of Time" 7 jewels $2975 J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER WATCHES DIAMONDS ('hoose nue.. 11'e swill holt any (11)) until Christi. PHONE 218 SEAFORTH. ONT. OFF TO ATLANTIC BATTLE Another Corvette slides down the ways of a Canadian shipyard to join the large fleet that has already been tannest out by Canadian workmen. To dote, Canada has launched 77 corvettes, 69 minesweepers, 11 patrol boats, 1t1 motor torpedo and crash boats. and SOnle 700 smaller craft. Hort. C. 1). Howe. Minister of Munitions and Supply, has announced that additional contracts are being negotiated for 51 mora cuvettes and 25 minesweepers of 10 type substan- tially larger than those 0eustructed se flit. Sisleen trawlers :,re also on th:0. schedule. Photo --Public! It)tormaten.