HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-12-04, Page 2PAGE TWO
The County Engineer, T. 11, Pat•
tenon, attbmitted the following rt' -
port to the county council in session
TO the be gitnlittg' of tictober.
111.11, there has bees ,xptetide i :es
follows; -
liaintenatu'c - _. n ,,x1-,
Snow( fence 1,Ooo. ,
FI„n'ick - Toro -
berry lieu te al- - 1.1:11.. t L
Sauns 1;,s's.t11.i
Com d. fence,: oso.;ui
Rd YS l'oil.trn•
Intl I d
'lel sti ni 1 1.17 I .
I;< t;',1.01,10 1 1.1
Hc;ick -throe;.
•1 nick - Gurgle
-. 7t.-17
Rel :12 Tucker -
Rd 27 Cu1o111(`-
P,enniller 112.1/ 7
Rei. 17 McKillop 11 1S.00
Culvert- construc-
tion _ ;?.s3P„3E
+C; ;,KGr,9F
workmen's com-
pensation ln111'-
anee. etc.
Machine Shop
Capital +rapentil-
Operation ac'-
count __. •;)8.111
Pay lists for
work on ma-
chines .:, Isu..s7
Charges to Ma-
chines for repairs,
total .,..
The 'ost of ox, e
Iain;_ c.tir mach -
achand the s'Rrni^i-
of the t,.ad:int,
N .'w , bin. sy w s :nit
:0 -,vs: t.
0.1 td.t,p,i
li-lt ta,tiy
Fire At Clinton -
Fir, broke out Monday afternoon
of last week in the Hovey block at
C11111.00 and Fora short tine' threat'
caned th+' main bttSinese secti011 Of
it tewni. "Thel tIt11s stv:'ra the ste-
coti1 :long of the Hovey building
and then spread to adjoining build -
in the business l,lock. Authori-
ties tad the his would run into
the a ands of dollars l tt nes Maces
damaged. _ed bt the tea, 0,ater and
,,,,eke u',,-1 as follows:. leen, Burg-
pbole studio, J. 1.. ':-love). elrug
-te1'e, .11. H,..lehn:on ,lettt.lr;, toil.
mill in, l'y nt,1'
11,,P. There ei'. ort :u.;..
and +I i1, I w 1t- t 1
tt.-"t'.I. to - •i , .
ri L; 1'lll!:.ela '1;1 -I t'lVi
.:1,1tough. la•1' ye•a<. It : ppac,. uh
,,d front len )•\Mori/tn int 111,.•
;ilio[, ci.t} lr atta,li0 :thou! 1,:10
111- billow- of smoke pa smut- :long
th p a satr's of the «'1'm 1 story
here the studio was leeat•d and
thou penetrating to the Dr. Geddes
dental oflice in the James Lovett
building, to the J. E. Johnson apart.
molts over the Clutl shoe stole and
to other adjacent • tores where
stocks of ,goods were extensively da-
maged, particularly in Huvey's drug
store where their x'tts a Etu'ge stock
of drugs, toilet articles and other
goods. heavy water damage was oc-
casioned in the 11. II. Johnson jewel-
ry store, where much silverware
\lad 111 stock. Loss will not be 5o
heavy, for it is said that consider-
able stock was not perishable. The
Charles Lockwood barber shop was
tlinabsi with water and in the millin-
ery and ladies' wear store next door
Hiss 'Niel.lenald was able to move
111,,st of her stock before the water
carat thretttih into the store. Miss
faun,... it is stated, was uninsured.
She has r, turned to hes 110010 in
Mitchell. The Hovey stock was par-
tially covered t,y insurance, also the
fits l)1 s ilei,
No By -Election in N. Huron -
i .t • i.iho a1 Associ:ltiou for the
::x{ 1ltltett-BrucO le'111104 East'.
t1•u Itetu.r- Heph0'n does:
,,i.not plan•l.y by-election' in Otit-
,;uii,tHv 1't 111
time an iictive ctam-
1.t.) 1 Psi-., 0',i ct s . 4 to thio f's,li1l to
1'•.,i4;00.401 j Alas, it e me d ;11 110: t
t' t3
1' ,.1 at t kif the t ! -lair
,t 1
:'ilei " •' kt�
11l c 1'11 n. 't:a:=
I t.... . , „ e r•e;f. ding
1:, Ill,
..1 11,44.1y Il . I
ship, as head of the delegation,
wrote to Premier Hepburn. Ile out-
lined the feeling of the ridingas a
whole alai asked the premier if
1l}ere would he any chance of the
delegation presenting- their plea to
him. The premier's answer was !rad
to the tin'eting in Winghmn on Fri.
day. It told in plain words that the
:,oVerume•ttt did not 1,Isn to hol(1. t
by-elcetnn1 in Hurun-1;t•ucr. It went
en hi •'1 10111 that tin. Ilephul'n gov-
ernment had considered 111r case of
1h, six riding, net represented by u
,)ember 11 Ile. present time and had
faun.; :11;11 it would f.ek1• s...,),1100 to
1. ,rt•sre „tt+teal I,i:ec'J ueiv. lit
..,-00 '1' ;l; . Ln . tt'..S d,.1.11•.'d :teat
l .'.c:ltt 1 Min's .11 ,sole
1e-•. .Leen I1, 1„Ila''1u,. ,Il'•
n eruh• t e1 .'1i1, Harm,. had been
trnc''I t0 had, „vier tit. interest,
of 'north Huron in the L, git-I:di ,.
sad sins; .het Met 1.illt the aunUal
ni„•I.id111 are n 111111 11••1(1 during.
the early winter and that roads arc
-ometintes bad 11 that time of year,
the meeting derided that the annual
meeting" be held during the first
creek in J011)., Otlul.rs clectad for
the assoviatiott were, president.
Murdoch :Matheson, Ashfield town-
ship; vice president, Mrs, R. 3. Dav-
idson, Dungannon; second vice pros.,
David Macdonald, Culross; third
vice president, Raymond Redmond;
East Wttwanosh township; Chairmen
for municipalities, Ashfield, Mur-
doch Matheson, Miss Ruth McWhin-
ney; Colborne. James Bisset; West
Wawanosh, J. W. Watson. Miss Jos-
ephine 1IcAllisle•; East Wa vttnosh.
McGregor Sheill, Mrs. John McGee;
Morris. W. Elston, James Clark;
Grey, Alex McDonald; Turnip -1,1.y,
David Fortune, Miss Olive Scott;
Howlek, Miss C. Mc•Naue;lrton; Car-
rick, John Doig, 11. F. Lantz; Kin-
loss. Angus McIntosh; Huron, An-
gus G. Martin; Brussels, Dr. Me-
Crae. Joseph Wilton; Blyth, J. H,
Elliott, hiss Mary .Milne; Whitney.
De. E. J. Weiler, Charles E. Wendt.
Ripley. A. K. MeI ay, George Moo-
ney: 'I'eeswater, J. W. Ross, J. J.
Late Sidney Davis, E,.eter*.
11r. Sidney Datvis. a .lite -lone; re-
sident on Exeter. 1111)1 one who oat
uctiv<dr associated with the busi-
yes, interests t t the tov.11 77 In his
lilts eel away in Etc•
Trivia IloF it.,l, i_nndo,t. (ill
1aii1 1. •1., t 1 14v
1n,,11 E ill. ;t::,i Lad .
'it, 11.'-, } ..'ill }t • e'E•t,. ,l
0 - h, , lilt lir illi,
1.01 1. er t t.•_:1.-. '.0th ;e. e. :atotttttr
A}- )1 • 7.:Ive.lh. Butt, in
In 2
Canada's strength is your strength, yours and your fellow
citizens. By saving you can turn your strength into effective
power for war or peace.
Saving is more vital now than ever before.
It's wise to anticipate the needs of tomorrow, rather than
satisfy the impulses of today. You acquire a thrift habit,
bringing a constructive force into your life and in a broader
sense -into Canada as a whole.
Save all you can -it's the urgent thing to do
Exeter, he was, a soil of the tette
Richard Davis, one of the early pio-
neers from Devonshire., England. At
one time he conducted a butcher
shop in 0 small building north of
'1'1•aquair's hardware. His lather at
1111(' time owned a large frailly roller
skating rink situated 00 the prop-
erty now owned by Messrs. 11, N.
('reeeb and Milo Snell. The root' of
the rinkcollapsed wider the weight
of snow .dutosl fifty years ago. For
a number or 110 -ars Mr. Davis oper-
ated a farm at Devon and after his
r'tirel•t.--nt. be conducted :1 flntn• and
1'eeel Fol inn's in town. 11,• is su1•vie
cel 110 los bs•eaved widow whose
maiden nano-, w•a0 hiss Elizabeth
1 '' -'I..; !low w,• d, (;. Davi,, ut'
V011iamshurix; 11'. (t, Deli., of Fl.
1;•o. ;01,1 11. 1.1. 11•e -i=, of Toronto
e n- 1hl'lrrbier, 111st, Pollen
" ib; 1, of Flint, Mich. Mr. Richard.
Davis, of town; is his only surviving
Mother. The funeral was held Sat-
urday afternoon from 11r. 11. R.
Hopper's undertaking parior con-
ducted by Rev. A. 11. Hunt and as-
sisted by Itev. A. Page, 'rhe hearers,
selected by himself, were his three
sons, son-in-law, ltd, Data and Ern-
est Appleton. Relatives present from
a distance were Mr. and Mrs, J, G.
Davis, ,Jeanette and Willitun, of Wil-
liamsburg; 11r. and Mrs. W. 0.
Davis and three children and Mrs.
Wallace, of Ft. Erie; Mr. and Mr's.
S. Pollen. of Flint; Mr. R. E. Davis,
of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Nathan
Hooper and Mr. Young, of Tara;
Mr. Samuel Sweet and Ivir. and Mrs,
D. C. McInnis, of Paisley; 110•. and
Mrs. Roht. Dalrymple and Miss
Dora, of Kippen; Mrs. Daniel" Davis
and 111r, and 1'Irs. Frank Irwin, of
Putnam; lir. and Mrs. Otto Walker,
of Statfa; Mrs. Lorne Wasman, of
Seaforth; Mr, Chas. Manning, Gor-
don and Norman Manning, of Clin-
ton: 11r. and Mrs. John Sherbrooke
and daughter, Howard Sherbrooke,
and Airs. Srtndcreoek, Airs. Hugh
O'Connor Sr. and Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh 'O'Connor Jr. of Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Dinney and 11r. and
Mrs, Geo. Jewell, of London. Inter-
ment took place in the Exeter cem-
etery-.--Exettlt' Tithes -Advocate.
Engagement Announced -
Mr. and Mrs. I:phriant Snell, 11uI-
bat Township. annantco the
1t their da daughter, Barb-
ara P
n trea \o<n ofse, to Alvin
Thomas Betties. only 01! of Mr. and
Mrs. 111:10 Betties of (:oderieh
Town -hi 111.• m•aro a 0, to take
place r'il'ly in De. rembe, -
?.icrrried In The West--,
A i,t'e•tty :,1111111111 1ar11tai'( 011'
of int, 1% t in thi>. vicireitr etas
e1:,191641 r' c )lith' in Ute I'nite.E
0111(11, 1)zwpIlin Man.. when 110r1
-1Eeet:un?rt1 Gibson, daughter of lar.
:and 111'<. IIaeburn-Gibson, of rMi11-
bruol:, Ontario. auai fornlr'rly 1' 1Iit-
aheP. where Dr. Gibson w•as 1011110•:
tt•r of 1'11111 Preshy'terian c•lhur(• 1,
became the bride of Corporal ,lack
Vivian Doerr!, RCAF., of Paulson.
Man., son of Mr. and MIrs. H. W.
Doerr, of Mitchell. The bride was
gat en in marriage by Corporal Paul
A. Marshall, RCAF, Vancouver, IL
('., and wore a black wool ensemble.
The officiating clergyman was Fit.
Lieutenant J. Sargent, 11.D., of Dau-
phin. LAC Bernard H. Preston,
IRCAF. Montreal. was the hest man;
and :Sir:. Winter, of Dauphin, play-
ed the wedding utuslc. Corporal and
\it:-. Duerr will reside in Dauphin.
The :;room is 0 native of Exeter.
Was Former Mitchell Merchant
J. Benjamin Schneider, prominent
Mitchell merchant for many years,
highly respected and active church-
man, pa -sed away last week in a
»rival) tett):sin._ Hain,; in Toronto
when= he haat boyo confined for
weeks with it heart ailment. The de-
cea'trd ratan was a son ofthe late
110•. and Mrs. Adam Schneider, who
conducted a store 1(1 a time at
Bornholm and later farmed for
years in Logan. At the age of 13 he
entered the Ford and Murphy store
in 1litehell and later joined Mt'.
('ouch in the firm of Couch and
Schneider where they conducted a
dry goods business for about thirty
years, selling out to Edighoffer and
Son 17 years ago. He moved to To-
ronto. Surviving are his wife and
one son Frank, a chiropractor, in
Brampton. The funeral was held in
Mitchell on Friday.
Aaron Bennewies-
Aaron Bennewies, resident of
Monkton, died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Besserer, at
Kitchener, on Nov. 25th, after a
lengthy illness. He was horn in Mc-
Killop township in 1872. In 1901 he
married Anna Querengesser who
Predeceased him in 1913. Since his
marriage he has been a resident of
Monkton• He is survived by two
sons, Irwin, of Hamilton; George,
of Toronto; one daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Besserer, Kitchener; two sisters,
Mrs. Ed Prueter, Brodhagen, and
Ml's;. Louise Hillebrecht, Monkton,
and one brother, William, of Mc -
Dependable for
3 Generations
r'�''�, c��43it'✓rg�,i�R
1)1*05 10
Killop, I'unend services were held
Eu St. Peter's I.-Itthet'nn C'hevelt. at
Rrollltagen, least 'I'htu•sday.
Returns From Britain --
N. 1111" 11.0. 0 m ,f
Mr, 11nd :Irl.. .1. 11, 1?uc.', 001,1 111
!Pell 111 I;rit:1111 11110' 11101 ,irrie `d
Inane last 000011 ter tt t m days' ttsit.
With his parents before talking a
staff course tit the Royal Military
('ollego in Kingston. Major Hovey
went overseas as a lieutenant: of a
famous 'Toronto highland regiment.
He was promoted to the rank of
captain while serving with that unit
and later transferred to the 4th
Canadian Rec onnnisance Rattalion
and promoted to the rank of major.
while serving with the former unit,
the battalion was ordered to France
as part of the expeditionary force
from England, The British went in
via Brest and were them- until
French resistance collapsed and an
armistice signed. He was then a
number of the First Canadian head-
quarters staff. The need for mechan-
ized War equipment became evident
when France collapsed. 181130)' Hov-
ey does not know exactly how long
he may be in Canada, He reports an
uneventful voyage across the Atlan-
tic and is glad to have tit least a
short time in Canada and at his
home before returning to England
or being sent elsewhere.
Former Goderlch Principal Dies
John Patterson Ilume, foaner
principal of the Goderieh Collegiate
Institute and one of the town's best
known citizen., died sudd,eoly at his
borne there Thursday of last week.
1Ir. Hunte.. who was born in Cantil-
h ft•(
bellford. t i, was in his 82nd year. He
was principal of the Colligiat1 In-
stitute from 1!011 to 1020. and . hice
his retirement ht! been secretary
the high school board, Mo. Iunn•
00115 t prO111111.111 nu'nll er 0f North
Stt'e,•t L uuud ('hta•eh :111(1 a nr,•ntl i'l
of the. session. ssion. Slur,. e. itt-t are three
-ous, I hie•.:, of l'orotit , 1)e 0:1111, of.
e, :1 1 4 el, , :1411). it
W.,11 knelw41 to ll lrel t,.•a'n a.t 11.
ther Hum,•, the• only d•1*:,filer, is
011 mh1'r of the leaching Isom of \ ie
tort;: plal,l1, 1 h tot. 1io Was- hurled at
•'a milli -El f urd.
A Close Shave --
Customers in J. 1,. Heatni's barber
shop in Clinton received a s11oek re-
cently when at steno• !apparently dip-
ped fromunderthe tire of a pausing
automobile struck tate plate
front window, making an opening
about 12 inches in diameter. The
fragments_ of glass were hurled
across the room and one pieee
struck the c•ustonter then in the
chair inflicting minor cuts.
Hostess Arrives -
'rhe hostess, Miss E. ('oinpbell
Stuart, arrived at No. 31 R. A. F.
Radio School last week. She return-
ed from England one year :ego and
has recently been stationed at Tren-
ton air station. Miss Stuart Fs fam-
iliar with her duties, having spent
three years in England, working in
service ('lobs, and also in London,
Married In Toronto --
A quiet wedding was .iolenmi'le,l
:u 5t- Albtuls ('hapel, Toronto, on
Nov. 2211d, when Kathleen Lillian
Soo -tattler. dau:rltter of 1lt. and
51r Vdut. Seoteilnn t' of Bacticrl'i,
0vns unit ort to llarri ore 1,e Illi yi .4•
Ctcora_", 1'n of
Ynllop, o0' 'Int'' hito. 81;i1111.'
HUM p, -Il' , +er1 Tk- 11'n;nutl' '1'1:,.
bride :.u; he. in:r'•r,;. Icngab
h _of ,l;etlim� Irl t to 1 ittru-
tiw. Willi ltluch ace e.;;nine-. She.,
101•) a ee!' a'! -e of 1' ri tlrtitt'
The ;,01111!): couple w, trio tunsttludrlt.
A reception tits 11)11 ut the hon
of the ;;'room's parent.. After .a
short honeymoon, 11r, and Airs.
Yahoo will reside 111 Toronto.
Presentation -
Last -week t large number of rel-
atives s and friends assembled in
Staffa Hall when a reception was
given in honor of the recent marri-
age of Carter Kerslake and his
bride, Miss Grace McLachlan, when
they were presented by Mr. Jerry
Agar with a purse of money. The
address was read by Miss Mary A.
Hamilton, to which -Carter on hehalf
of his bride and himself replied in 0
very amiable utttnner, thanking all
for the fine gift which they had re-
ceived. Music was furnished by
Nelson Howe and Frank Hamilton,
with the latte s sister at the piano
and 11ugh Norris with his guitar,
Stray Bullet Found Billet --
day Io,t week, whteu. Otto
Wettlaufer lvas plowing near hi,:
Swamp one le 11111 hose.: „a0' a sue1•-
4e11 start. but tt moment later set-
tled 100111 to its usual gait, At •the
end of the field. Otto noticed that
Um equine was bleeding profusely,
and an examintitiant revealed the
fact that the attimttl had been ,hot
I,y a Title bullet. Some inexperi-
enced hunter had di: eha rged his
weapon in the swamp, perhaps mis-
taking the horse for a deer. There
hire -
is littl • excuse i forthk siert of con -
/last, and W.. born t ,u 11 .' 1ilatt,a•
h,• 1 tet tt. i t lI 1','otine vi'.
11 I:, +at,•.•1 1 11. '1 11, hal i •t.
.'ills S°v el' 101• Cee.
l 11• 11111,... e,: 1''Ir.•: 1 t l t- +•t':
ip 0101 e:ai •a.lcl. a 1io,1,-•r
01,11 nit it hi:: , .1, then despat‘ibe.0
it with a h001)1i •r. Sig}tt111 the ::1t':.
11011 on ,lie. road he drove aft, t'
im•reasiu•r his 11)1'11 to .0 11)11(•+ p, r
hour Itel',1re !c -u',','' 1'1 in IlittiRiL
it. 'E'he wolf was only r,ttlinaed, su 0,
finished the tank with a Ilan -inter
front the car 1111,1 i:: now chlitaintg
tit, government bounty. Wolves are.:
reported as numerous in the lake
area of Bruce '1' :lu_t,•, `It i0w11-
ships. ...dKincardine New-,
Now Listed As Killed -
1). L. Weir, deputy reeve of
Ilowiek. and family. have receive,:
a (table from overseas slating that
their sun. Sgt. John h:ntlnevslr.,
Weir, wireless air gunner. 0(11(1 0111•
reported missing )etoher 211h. w•a=
now believed killed October l:,th.
information cane- nen l ev
mart and i11te'l•nait iotuel red cross
511010es. Ile enlisted in 1le. tor fore-,
when war was declared. Ht• wa- :
y1011)'s or age 1ns1 171! 1•f March.'
Again Heads Women's
1,m1 I week
Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer
Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck
We also have a Service Truck -if you have car trouble,
phone 179 and we will come promptly
PHONE 179.
M1 Repairs Strictly Cash.
We Aim To Please