HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-27, Page 8P
Mrs. 'T'ay'lor of Toronto visited
last week at the • home of her sister
and brother-in-law Rev. and Mrs.
Wm, Weir.
Mrs. Nichols of Parkhill spent the
past week at the hone of her dau-
ghter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hicks, •
The November meeting will be
held at the home of Miss Jean Mur-
ray on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Cook
spent the week end with their son
and daughter-in-law, Me. and Mrs.
Harry Cook, in Windsor.
Misses Lois and Marion MacLaren
visited recently with their cousins,
Miss Alice Glenn and Mr. Bob
Glenn near Clinton.
Mr. Carey Joynt, who is attend-
ing the University of Western Ont-
ario, spent the week end at his
home here,
Mrs.- D. G Steer and Patsy re -
tunnel home after a pleasant visit
with Mrs. Steer's mother, Mrs. Bra-
zier, in London.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser-
vices in the United Church on Sun-
day, delivering most inspiring ser-
mons, The choir sang two anthems,
‘'Sing Lento -the Lord Our Strength"
and "Who Fallows in This Train,"
Miss Ruth Hess soloist,
Mr. Ray Patterson of Toronto
spent the week end with his parents
Mr. and Mlrs-, R. J. Patterson, emit -
Ing hone .wing to the cel taus, iBnt ss
of his grandmother Mr., -Angie
Mrs. Jennie Passmore ,d Exeter
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Passmore.
Former Resident of Hensel]
Dies In Exeter
Mrs W. Reid well known c.std-
t of '11Neter passed away on Simi
evening- her yi1th year. The
10 eti las eesid+'nt est' lla nsall
romt,,,r v curs ace and r. a
us f•ML~. Roth, Elentlisote und
ii"int of Mrs. R. J Patterson,
r. on.
:ne daughter Mrs Oas-
t Fthyne ;Tel oner son Mill m
efees Funerne was
be kits. resllience 011.
,sire }1.171, In -•.., , -t,t
fuon a one:1,1
Teen +
:;ed. Girl Succumbs
Xftee -Several Blood Transfusions •
their recent grant of over $400 to,
ward the work of our branch, Fur-
ther gifts .have been received for
the blanket appeal and we add to
the list published last week the 'fol-
lowing names, Blankets have been
received from Mrs. Margaret D. Mc-
lean, Mrs. William Dignan, James
Petty,- two blankets front George
Petty and a blanket from Mrs. Hugh
A1cMurtrie and Miss L. Foster.
Quiltshave been donated by Miss M.
Hoggarth, Mrs, Wnl. Dougall
Mrs. William 'Taylor, Miss AI, Reid,
Mrs, McCulley. Sirs. H. Workman,
11 -es. McEwen, Two aunts from Mr.
and Mrs. William 'Foster. A quilt
made by four young ladies, Misses
Helen Noakes, Gloria Twitchell.
Georgia Cook and Nina A'Icllwen and -
n quilt each from St Paul's Angli-
can Church Guild, through the help
of Mrs. 11. H. Middleton, the Presby-
terian Ladies' Aid and the Wohelo
Class of the United Church. The fol-
lowing cash donations have also been
received : Slre. Walter Madge $2;
Mrs. al. Mchaig $2• 1 02 Bridge
Club $2; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shep-
herd $'L; Miss Florence Petty $1A;
Mrs D Walks $2; William Ice $1;
Mrs. Jas. Love $2; C.hiselhurst Unit-
ed W. A. $2; Sewing Circle, 10th
Conc.. $2 • Tobi, H. and Mrs. Mid-
dleton $'1 Mrs. Cameron and
friends, $4 Mr. and Mrs. Elgin
Rowe1iff, $2 Mrs. A. L. Graham
$1 Mlrs. C. Ballantyne $1; Miss K.
Scott $1; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drys-
dale 53; Mr. and 'Mrs. J. McAllister
$4 Mrs. J. Elder $2; Mrs. Helen
14It F w t n $4. The total number of
quilts received up to November 2.1
was 13. The total ournber of blank-
ets- 11, and the total amount of cash
S5.23. The Red Cress Executive
desires to express its thanks to the
people of Hensall and vicinity for•
their splendid response to this- ap-
peal. Arrangements are being made
tea ship quilts and blankets away o11
Friday night so that if there are
others s wh i desire to join in this
project tiniss ,arteries will he andpt
•d if brought into the work rooms
t'1 r i t, r n i rn so t}t it ' he work -
e,:, ..sir, .-,•w e., Ptd Cres: labels be -
Sore being .hipped The blanket
funs will l's kept .ij.n for forthe•r
nn aned i
lls, -crit Mrs. Alltierstth Orr. 1101.
ala} id .1ii n y eisit 1 01 Stttiir}
nee, the e,toier> 1netl, t•. Mr. and
]^, Melvin a1rr 'end family rt,
-- iv
.Pricier.; u,• 1 v} t• i
'Mr, Lt know,
tiriiy 1-1.0sM1, theil As,. Miss E. I i n ton se -visitor in
t teaiedicban. M tem WindWindsiiir this week.
Mrs, Sl, ! a tsi.en of f ••snit,.
a „
the: messitai Saturcisy by Mir -' e'.i ecce ni1}- .slut her aunt. Miss H.
3. e 1 11 ;nal Aluuld.
Kee. Wm. Weir conuucte•d the
oars _v vt3:,n e: l: -sell -f
t, ees. 'h:
:v of nidal from -der nose. sen+isel aloe,'
n 1 `arnie l 1 .;hit<. t iaa
ot°,e_.nsetts of the body. The: eiceenss Chiliad) on Sunday lid be rho"'
tart be•:, 'n indi?" t rrt,t nesithe :nth. hiss -Still '(till With
out had-u+:ressfully rlah rron , 'fl Miss Irene Hoggaeth •rllor t.
'major operation last August and and idatll them Lard' Miss Lob -
had started back to school. Removal M uI t -en soloist.
of the spleee could not be tried in Mt'. G. Walker an,l Mrs'W.
this • s the patient was already. Liavids.na'- gtOUF of Ike Ladir.s
tun .\--
weakened. from Ins o` blond. sociatiull of Carmel Churtll will he
�h+ was hemr.rrhegi'tg fr-tar', ire entertained at an afternoon text at
lungs and intestines and ;t see lied th • home of Mt-. Rey Mae Laren
l ell
robable tett death was der to Ti lir -,,try.
fern" (if purpura, a els r - se n a a, . Prize it - wine rs :It the. euchre ,nd
terizeti by exudation of blow! from dalnee sisoneorod by the Oran„,, Or -
the mueous in' mi•i an. -s of the ""r last week w •re. Miss Sarah Har -
bode, •. 5'verai prominent London bun Chiselhuest. Mrs. Wm. Heitz.
tic ferl.: 'had hen ,ail -it 1: we. Kamen. n Mrs. Russell Coagalt Id le -
l' 111•re11. 11110ta. Ma'. Wm, Hydr:. 11 11-
er tJtari and trees fir en .11 Mr. Ed Meltoug all. t`sborne.
See1 3 only lea -e:air 0 wit ,,'tl Ml l sift . Parkins, Ileusirll.
a to i•1;•at, ins' wit - given i ..a
t we
ou• en:-, 'Lloyd and Jannis Vein Lark!' Prise. Miss Pella Phan".
'ref 1 r. smite, ae d Beier.. efe1e v co/siert is being NH art in 111
are ]tr . sorrow,no parents Toast Hall, thinsall, by the Blue
sister Maxine. I'. .,.al ser- Dena of Pott. Albert under the ails -
from t ci I' rt. Br e Irl the 1 al Reed tl'oo-. ,oe-
t :: n e 1• it h c.. ',tin 1 v et :. p.m. .1st•. 'fit' tot or• se ntt'1 a oils n bei
t•,,ndue e u tsy Rev. M In west, who ,--om t rt here last year 0101 it is
read the 21r++ psalm and delivered a loped they are welcomed back with
very comforting , i i('ees. A a cart- os large an audience this year.
The Hen dl War St. vires rom-
cite c sr u;,s t til =r .oi= 1lac-
Laren. Irene Ho_i a. th. Mabel mate, have sent teen hue;. to the
Workman and Sirs. Malcolm Dou- ld r,ill toy rv1n„ overseas eon-
'r'a11 sang -Jesus Loves s ] ha- Little sill it g of chocolate bars, razor
Children," and "Rock of Ages' blades. tooth paste. eiarl•ttes and
were also sung The floral tributes many other articles. and have also
were very beautiful and the ehnreh mailed a quantity of cigarettes to 22
was filled with fr-t ds who gathered of our boys. •
10 show their respect and .empathy. Oratory Contest
The- pallbearers were Messrs. Lloyd Held in Goderich—
and Jame; y c „her. Garnet and Fifteen of Harron county's youth.
'Wilmer Dalrymple. David Tr ebner ful orators who were winners at
and Ward Forest. Interment ire Mae- then' respective school fairs :Om- is lacking in important vitamins,
Taggart's Cemetery. , peted in the annual final public the homes of Mr. Eldon Kerr `Jn ( far growth) 10 and D for bone
speaking contest sponsored by Monday night and Mr. Wn1. old11eld
Red- Grose News— • I Huron county council before a on Tuesday night. building). The principal need for
• barge end representative• audience .
The annual meeting of the Here from all parts of the county. Miss
Elect Officers—
The W.M.S. and W.A. of buff's
Church, Moi{glop, held their Novem-
ber meeting at the home of Mrs, J.
IIiliebree1it on Tuesday afternoon
with a good attendance. Tile meeting
opened with prayer by Mrs. J. I line-
brecht. A hymn was sung, followed
by the Scripture reading by Mrs, A.
Forbes, after which Rev. ]tor. Patton
led In prayer. The roll call and min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and adopted. The nominating commit-
tee brought in a slate of officers for
the conning year which were elected
as follows. The W.M.S. officers
President, Mrs, W. J. Patton; vice
president. Mrs. J. Hillebreeht; treas-
urer, Mrs. C. Henderson; secretary,
Bell; temperance see„ Mrs. Frank
Card of Thanks
Mrs, Norman Nicholls and Ona
wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for expressions of sym-
pathy and kindness during theirbe-
reavement, for the beautiful floral
tributes and those who loaned cars;
also Rev. Mr. Jack.
In Memoriam
In memory of my father Noble T.
Cluff who passed away 15 years
ago, Nov. 19, 11120.
Oft I think of you, dear father,
And iffy heart is sad with pain,
Oh, this world would be a heaven,
Could I hear your voice again.
---liver remembered by his dau-
ghter Irene Mrs.cCharles Petrie),
503 Ellicott St., Buffalo, N.Y.
- _-�e��,a�.... •........ gess - ... .-..-,vsms�
Crown Currants --
2 lb. 29c
4 Crown Raisins
with seeds 2 lb. 25c
3x1 to 40 ('Iroise Prunes
2 lb.
White Bleached Raisins
2 lb.
Choice Walnuts Sas
zea 1b,
Golden Pitted Dates -
2 1h.
3 (Town Seedless Raisins
2 lb.
Ib, Choice Creamery Butler
for $1.03
with an order for $2 worth of
general groceries
Vett' Choice Table Potatoes,
75 Ib. 99c
with an order for $2 Worth of
general Groceries
98 lb. bag Robinhood Flour,for, $2.49
with an order for $2 worth of
general groceries
ei® 1n!11lCIs (
Mrs. J. Gordon supply secretary, Clearing
Mrs, H. Lawrence; Associate !Helpers Brock; systematic giving sea, Mrs.I Auction Scaff!
secretary, Mrs. John lee. Daley; tome vi'e's, Horne; community friendship Of Farm Stock and Implements.
et•anee secretary, Mrs. J. Hillebreeht; convener, Mrs, Murch; helpers, Mrs. Alt,, Harold Jackson ]las received in -
Christian stewardship secretary, Mrs A. Pym, Mrs• Ed, Johns, Mrs, S. Hun- struetions to sell by public auction
P. Snaith; Missionary Monthly sec., ter, Mrs. J. Prance and Mrs. G. Del- at Lot 25, Con. 4, L.R.S., 2I,O miles
Alis, 1e. McKerchet•; fin. com., Mrs. bridge; Miss. Monthly sec., Mrs. Ina east of Brucefreld and 1! miles
Coward; Miss. Band leaders, Mrs. south, on Tuesday, Dec, 2nd, at
Patton, Mrs, Henderson, Mrs, Smith, 1 pan.;
Mrs. Mudie and Mrs. Kerr. Pooley and Mrs. Sherwood Brock; Horses --One grey mare 4 years old,
The W.A. officers: Hon. president, Baby Band leader, Mrs. Lewis Iohns. quiet and reliable; 1 blade gelding
Mrs. W. 3. Patten; president. Mrs, R. Week end visitors at Mr. 12. Ford's rifting 3, well broken; 1 black fills•.
Campbell; vice president, Mrs. G. were: Clarence Ford, RCAF, Bello- rising d and Miss Joan Par2, general purpose; one bay
Mr. G. colt, rising 3, general purpose,
c armlbell; treasurer, Mrs. R. Hogg; ville,Cattle---One red cow 7 years` old,
resit'. Alis. J, Gordon; flower Ford of Flint, Mich., Miss J. Whit- due in February; 1 roan COW, 5
1.O nv cher, Mrs, (lea, Wheatley;-
group lock of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, years old, due in March; 1 Durham
captains. Mrs. Watson, Mrs. W. Scott, Newman Baker of Weiiburn, Mr. and heifer, supposed to be in calf; 1
Mrs. W. Shannon and Mrs. A. Forbes. Mrs. F. Horne and Kathleen of Win -
calf; 2 Holstein heifers, supposed
Reil Cross conveners, Mrs. R. Camp- ehelsea• it() bo in calf; 2 Holstein calves; 1
bell and Mis. W. Shannon. The meet- Durham calf.
ing was hrottglrt to a close with pray- Wheat in The Hog Ration— 1 sow,
er hr the Rev, etc. Patton. 1121er The low prices obtainable, for 2 ducks and a drake.
Implements --1 MI• �� binder which a delicious 1vuc11 Wal server]
by hostess and committee.
Farm Radio Forums. -•-
i nnr Rariio Pttell ns held at 111x•
homes "f 51r. John Gurdon and Ir.
Leslie McClure. in Slch111olt, this
week were alt aur -nded, ? beim)
pi _ _ ent at theform. r meeting and
at 1lte i it•1•. Tie- subject "Thr;
Emmett Must L v, wits fully elis-
,r e f at east) moiling. discussion,
nt. 1 itn( 1l star d i l ,f living on
t ri
tos. tis, cuttnmi position itiotr Jl farm
,•1s. farm throne- a1111 prier eosins{-.
this •itscu-.i"ns were. lntrc..ilu•evl 1')
,pe 1.1,17 tatitr; uu wily, sial x101111 1 1
irtIttetttilte 1,11111 itia`11nir 111 addilleirl tri
4011 'nal e'
the teg111n Fudro t stent ltl i .,.t
i h .1:11111,111t1 eru11• ll us of opinion
rued 10 he that average tcu'm liv-
,n • standards were 1111r to poor, that
the errmomie position of farmer utas
w1u'se than it Was 10 10 15 years ago.
acrd that the, average .farm itwo ne
w•as 11x/1 0110111101•• to cover living and
.Iprtating expeti=r•- S. -eking to 1111'1
insane: for tie• above It11t ti o t,t3li.-
cond'raions, this greaip devilled that
the fact that farm prices w 11 not
in a par with industrial ]erre mei
tags paid 10- organizer] lane. was,
the maul eons), for the 110 "1.er stun•
n11p:sitiun of : ttebeill111" In diy
cttsstng P1•ice ceilings nil 0rouee were
11111111 1111,11/S 311 Ile- .33110111 1ha). siteh
ne•a,11r'r•-- w10i11 affect fat•ntl+i•s 1111 -
tel -sly e(11 ,aga111 10 farm prleea not
beteg at parity with tsnnnlntlay
prices. The. 1t'lolettcy of 111ts section
was ue eents,- on egg priep3, tine to
the fact that it was thought that the
expert price of eggs would ne-t the
farmer only about 21 tu' 22 Bents per
dozen. A majority of those present
expressed 1111 opinion tbat a tennis
should he paid on export eggs in or-
der to ensure, prnductinn and more
encouraging ret ni'11F to the poultry-
-Meetings next week will he held at
milling wheat, and the large avail-' assts linter, 7
able supply of lase e'rad,, wheat a. a foot rutp I. Deering mowct, 6 font
l cut; :l sect. dtauaond harrows; Mas -
result of abuse weather during the set' rake; wagon sleighs, cutter,
threshing sea -,ll has brought thebaggy of 20Ox) 1l sc ales, Olives
question of the aye of whe'a4 in bean sc'1t11'ler and Callus walking -
livestock feeding to the for'«.
At phaiv. l t 1•
sly ; 1 hal row.. > uie
present values many fames:, fur ]rinrv, outlivator: alis
lIloin , 00 bus..
oats; set duuble hau•ness, .tet singth•
interested in some other method of h:u•nes curd other art i11,' .
marketing than through elevators., Tet rn a •tub.
I•':u•me•rs. with pies op heis,1 tteled not Mn(7115 1.rown, Proprietor.
hesitate to i.imew th1'11( out or finish 1 ifau/id Jaek ,n,, Auetionr•et',
1111111 with wheat says 11. Ir. Wilson..
laoniuion Experimental Farm, La- COURT OF REVISION
c nttibe, albcrta However, in tlie
feeding of wheat to pigs it should l c ! Town of Seafarth
borne- 3n mind that bretaus, 1'1 its' The firstmeeting; of the Court of
deft," 1115' In protein,: and mineral, lteviiion tor hearing appeals agonist
particularly lime. it must be proper this Assessment !lull for lel i of the
ly halanred by a protein•mtd_mineral 'I'ow'a of tieaforth will lo' bold in
rich supplement of ;mined origin the ('olutee chamber. Seafarth, oo
such as the daily by-prnclucls or Friday, Dec'. 5th. at s o'clock p.m.
tankage if rapid and 4(0100mical{ D. II. WILSON, clerk.wine are to be ::ectired. When an
adequate amount of skinunilk or wheat will assist in preventing
buttermilk is a veilable there is little "nippling" and will as a rule int -
necessity for the 'put'chaee of feeds pr01 0 the ge•i'owth. (end liver oil or
to supplement ground wheat, but Pilchard oil should be' fed at the>
when milk by products arc scarce or rate of one table-peenfnl per pie
ntirely larking supplement must daily or at 11 heal of ane per cent
be purchased if the largest returns of the (train 1)1l1tar')' until they
for the wheat fed are to be nitrtitied. I Weiph rp3u'osilnalo•ly Loci puttnds,
In the raise of pits dining the after- I As the• kernel, of wheat are rather
w'eanilex stage mei up to a weight 0f hard and small it shoul(I be ground
approximately 139 pauu,ls, milk l,y-1 e*nar,ely'.. or rolled for swine-, Wheat
product: should be fed at the rat,. ground to a fine,, floury, meal is lee:,
of 2 to 0 pounds for ever';' pound of 1'1th,talde and is apt t,i cause di -,1
wheat after which front I to 1 , h -e ,1iS0111.rs;-11•:xpi•rinactltn] Palms
Will be sutlirie•nt, In the absents.. of News),
milk by—products tankage fed at the __
rate of from eight to tett pounds. to i WOMEN OF U.S. A.
100 pounds of grain until the pit' • I Beautiful old lace which once 1. t..
awll ,
ttain 11 'ei ht of u•oximatel' loo' longed to four Queens of England is
pounds than reducing to five pounds I part of the eo13eetion flown hy
will insure rapid and teeouomutal bomber to the United Staten for
gain.+. The addition of one pound o1. the benefit of a British war charity.
ground limestone and one pound of I 'rhe Queoit herself omsented to it
salt to each lou pounds of grain a Tindal Deli beiit'ved to he worth
will provide for the mineral needy of .1:4•°00 -Queen Mary sent some
the pigs. Almost as important as lovely pieces, including examples of
this low protein and mineral content the lace for which England is re -
of wheat is the fact this cereal grain nown"d and a Seep 11001110. of
"point de gaze" which belonged to
vitamin supplerrlcnts conies during
sail branch of the Red Cross Society Lenore Norminton of Hensall re- i•the winter and spring months when
will be held in the Hensall Town peate•d her success of last year in
ELIMVILLE the pigs are confined for long per -
Hall on Monday, Dec. is, This is a the senior division. Her subject, W.M.S. Meeting,-- iods and when fresh green feeds are
meeting open to the public and ''Our Heroes of the Sea." In a clear
everybody interested in the work of voice with excellent enunciation and
the Red Cross t- invited to be pre- delivery she thrilled the big gallery
sent. Iteporte will be presented by on hei• subject. Lenore will repre-
the various cenveners of depart- sent Huron in the Provincial elimin-
-rraents. The election of oftic're for talon. Billy Campbell and Doris Bu -
'ire New Year will take place, Only chanan were winners in the junior
Red Cro=.s -members whose annual contest and Donald MacArthur was
fee of 51 has been paid will have a winner in the senior divisiom
the privilege of voting. We urge all Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and
those who have been members to baby of Elimville and Mr. and Mrs.
renew their ft's as early as. possible, Lorne llcltughton of Chisclhurst
so that you win retain the privilege visited nn 50nday with Mr. and
of voting. About one quarte of our Mrs. (Tenn hell and family.
reember;ship bas already been heard 1
from. Let every member respon(i', �Q�-I ASE
heartily- to this call for renewal of
membership and thus tndcate loyal-" ;vire. Thos. Pollard is visiting rela-
ty and .support. A meeting of the tives in Detroit and in Flint, Mich.
Miss Olive (lrirnnldby of Brantford
ted Cres, execif tavx- and tnance
in he council chamber at n p.mA .spent the week en'l at her home ]t, -re.
epaeuil 1 attendance and a fin,. meet- 311'. and Airs. Joe Riley and Mrs.
ink are now recorded. The Is -resident 011110 Riley a eciiednrl the reception
P.er. R. A. Brook, was n tree chair h: Brussels in 10 -nen. of Mr. and Mie.
stet Miss A. Con:=itt le tare. All t ,.gorge Enlpol at. for home of the
five. convanerS were peesemonti th,o
rtes- chairman of finar 1 r . 1 l e, sae elite,.Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Wiliam Davidson. A r tens Err 111'-/1,011.
a0,0,8] ;rtate>rlent from . thci tivitisurer Mr, Win. Huntear of Clinton spent
0ses presented. Plans cosi, '0 01 :or• d r 111,.3 W11, 1t_w1t31 -Mr. and Mrs.
Iced C1...),•1:4 corcerrt Th a Nov.
27, and programme 1 '1,r• ,1rti 1 ..r,rUl;t,n.
serer u l meeting Dee. ` 1 Wiliamair. ,ti -r. Plant of London visited
Wer feeing 1osen chit fe,r
tyle raet'a31U11, _ Cote 14tPwasW.:pressed to Mf". alt Maas.ts R. J.
111,01e :end Mr, toss 11518,0. Forel-;
er members of the lI : n: rli Sled
Cern'; Society, for their loyalty and
untiring industry in the :o ;; of
this ltraneh; such sentiment, ase to
he conveyed to these frame, lilreug:h .
letter, Also an expression of thank-,
fulness was unanimously ...KI r essed •
to the county 10011cil of halon :fol,
friends in .he village 01er the week
end. - -
•'Y0111t n 1 0, skit' danghter says
ynit're plana in; to elope with her,
and 1 ws,n 10 give you fair warn-
"Well. What is it?
"That. holder of mine in the garden
is (Teel—fedi"
On Wednesday, Nov. 19th, the not available. Cod liver oil and Pi1-
W.M.S. met at Mrs. Ino. Frame's, chard oil or other feeding oils are
with an attendance of 15 members. rich in these vitamins and when
Mrs. Newton Clark* had charge and added to a ;train mixture containing
opened with leader reading a short
poem, "How Young He Was." Hymn
72 "With Is He the King of Glory,"
W1114 sung. followed by responsive
reading. We thank Thee Lord," led
by Mrs. ('larks. Mrs. B. Williams
read the Scripture lesson and Rev.
.11ai1' led in prayer. Mrs. R. Batten
took charge of the business session.
Roll was called and minutes read
and adopted. After singing hynrit 400
"Fight the Good Fight," Mrs. R. Bat,
teff read a piece "Unanswered Pray-
er." dealing with an election of °M-
ere in ti W.M.S. which was very ap-
propriate as our .1(wtion followed. A
share of officers was presented and
voted on in tnrrt. All were eler.ted,
several changers being made from last
v. ars 51r. Math Presided over this
part of the meeting. Mrs, Pooley tin."
read a portion of the first part of the
new ctucly book which was very int -
ores -ling. After singing hymn 200. Mrs.
('larks, 'dosed with benediction.
Following at'o the officers for
13142: fI<,n, Pres., Mrs. It. D. Hunter;
president, Mrs. If, 'Ford: vl(.e prerfd-
era, Mrs. it. Batten; treasurer, Mrs.
Everett Skinner; recording secret-
ary, Mrs. 11. Batten; cones. secret-
ary. Mrs. W. Elford, press sec„ Mrs.
Ford; pianists. Mrs. N. Clarke and
Weekend `ood
Friday & Saturday, Nov, 28 - 29
Creamery Blittet' (1st grade)
Coffee Il(c'il Rase) 1/_, Ib, tin
Vuennm packed sees each 27c
Potatoes, No. l's, per peck 25c
Soap, P. (7 G. White Eoliths
each 5c
1_Teila1. Rolls (lan•7e1, 4 for 25c
Sardines (1lrtutsWickr per tin ..6c
Chicken IIaddie. Brunswick
per tin 17c
Tomato Soup (1"aurpbell'si
('aetsnp, Aylmer, 12 az. bottle ..15c
l'aneakr' Flour iAmtt ,Temin111)
p3.ge, 150
Mixed Peel.. , .. a per lb. 30e
Salmon, Maple Leaf, tall 45c
Weiner- (Schneider'.) 24c Ib,
Lima Cheese 21,3 lb. tins . 17c lb,
PHONE: 91, Prompt Delivery
Mrs. W. flatten; supply see., Mr's. T.
Queen Alexandra. There were
gathered for the collection rare
Valenciennes, once worn by Queen
Charlotte, Venetian point dace that
graced the gown,, of Marie Antoin-
ette, beautiful pieces of "point de
F landres," Brussels, Irish, Chantilly,
"point d'Alencon," and England's
own Honiton. These heirlooms offer-
ffered for sale at the British Embassy
Washington, in the presence of Mrs.
Roosevelt and Lady Halifax, were
collected by Lady Smith-Dorrien,
widow of the famous General, With
Queen Mary's approval, she launch-
ed an appeal to Englishwomen
which resulted in the prompt re-
ceipt of no fewer than 1,800 parcels
of priceless lace, valued at many
thousands of pounds. All the gifts
were repaired where necessary in
the Royal School of Needlework
under Lady Smith-Dorrien's super-
vision, somee to be sold as they were,
soma in the form of tablecloths,
table mats and bedspreads,
Mrs. Clayton Martin of Kitchener
and her ?nether, Mrs. Ball, spent a
clay recently with Mr. and Mrs. IS
Fletcher Whitmore of Belle-
ville spent the week end with his
parents AIr, and Mrs. Saar Whit -
Mn, and Mrs, Russell Coleman
and family spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Stewart Dolmago of Mc -
'rho farmers' forum met last Mon-
day night at Mr, S. Whitmore's. The
discussion was, the farmer must live.
Want and For Sale ads, '1 week, 25c
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build'
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 pan. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m, to 9 p. m.
Seven -room house, bathroom, fur-
nace, hydro, good location in Har-
put'hey, Apply McConnell & Hays,
A red yearling' beifer, to our pre-
uises, Phone Jackson Ilros., t3531-5,
Jersey (•ow, 5 years old, Just fresh-
ened, also Jersey heifer calf. Fred
Reeves, t es, Scalbrtb,
Pus time help, hely or girl, Apply
at tireen Front Store.
Hast Boake room, ('bnicc' of 20
heiress. .1150 0 fewwell bawd milk
coasts. I)1,' Ni son• S, atfnrth,
French Limoges e; violet pattern, R
tea3duts, g bread and butter plates
and $ cups and saucers (never been
neigh. A big reduetion for stilt• in
511,fortle Apply at the New, Office.
Three light housekeeping room,,
with bathroom for rent, Apply at
The New:, office.
- Litter of York pit*,: 7 weeks old.
Apply to James Landsborough,
Phnr..• (1(0111)4, tieaforth.
Perch+ -ran ,illy. rising two, for
-sub 1am1•s Jarrett, ]shone 100 r 24,
Hen ell central.
Shu' -gain c Can. Packers) Concen-
tratirs for all livestock. Feed it bal-
anced 1•ation, We have a mixer in-
stalled. Prices reasonable, See us tea
day. 1lterhar't's 58111,
New Massey Harris cream separa-
tor, stainless steel model, still crated
in original ease. A snap for quick
sale. J, N. McKenzie, Phone 25.
Sugar kettle, Royal Oak wood
heater, board and pipes, large bar-
rel, block and tackle, small iron gate,
and hinges, shoe lasts and shank,
bed springs, Sask. robe, a number of
windows, clothes horse, 6 lb. iron
wedge. demijohn, quantity of hay,
2000 lb. scales, also a pine door, out-
side, 35;1x6'2, 1 ash door 30x/zx6'4,
Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Varna.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Arthur Stewart At-
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Arthur Stewart Atkin-
son, late of Detroit, Michigan, and
Bayfield, Ontario, Dental Surgeon,
deceased, who died on or about the
15th day of May, 1041, are hereby
notified to send in to the undersign-
ed on or before the 12th day of
December, 1941, full particulars of
their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed 8111-
omgst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice. to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be Liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not their
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or 11ny part thereof.
Dated at 5ttrforth, this loth clay
of November. 1 91 1.
file (O VNIiLL & HAYS,
Selic•itot0 for the Administrator.
Life. Fire, Auto, Sickness ,N Aecil3-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bond:
Rates reasonable. All risks pies '
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully c ivere