HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-27, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941 TIIE SEA.FORTH NEWS Superior Values t() Dec. 3rd, CHOICE TOMATOES, 2 15 -oz. tins VANCAMP'S 15c ,(.UTTER SODAS, 1 Ib. Red Bag McCORMICK'S REB SOCKEYE SALMON, 1/2 size tial 23c MAPLE LEAF 3c CHOICE PEACHES, 15 oz. tin ....,,. 15c AYLMER VEGETA LE OR TOMATO SOUP 17c AYLMER. 2 10 -oz. tins ICY WAFER BISCUITS, per lb. 23c VANILLA. Sillrrnfrs fruit Pudding, 15 oz. tin 27c Lipto11's: Teaa, Red Label, black or mixed, t;; lb. pkg.. , 4 5c Hawes Lemon Oil. large 12' oz. bottle 25c 8.0.8. Scouring Pad$, 4 pati pkg. 14e: 8 pad pkg23c Rinso, Med. pkg. 110'; large pkg. 97c Superior Baking Powder, .. 12 1b. tin 15c 1 Ib, tin 231 Royal York ('toffee', :. lb. tin 27(' 1 Ha. till .IPc IFillip 110y (''ileiee. 1 111,41 11 33c' e u :cehit. aw,eet roused Tickles, Inige 2' 7 oz. jar :' i r Princess Flakes., largo pkg, 1.7e; giant. pkg. 23779i Green Giant Peas, 15 OL. On 15c Camay Snap. 3 bars ,;toe Aylmer Irish Stew. 15 oz. tins 15c NESCAFE •.4 oz. tin 59c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR, pkg. 17c GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 15 oz. tins 230 GARDEN PATCH BANTAM CORN .... , ..... ..2 16- oz, tins 25c MOIST MINCEMEAT ...... large 32 oz. tin 28c HOUSEHOLD MIXED CANDIES lE Ib. 13c FRENCH CREAMS ... . .. .. ..,.42 Ib. 13c ASSORTED CHOCOLATE DROPS Vg Ib. 13c HABITANT PEA SOUP large 28 oz, tin 11c FRUITS FOR YOUR XMAS BAKING Golden Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 25c New Clean Currants 2 Tbs. 27c Bleached Sultanas, Fancy Quality per Ib. 19c Pitted Sair Dates per Tb. 19c Cut Mixed Peel, Lemon, Orange & Citron, 1i2 lb 15c Whole Red Glaced Cherries 4 oz. 130 Lemon or Orange Peel, caps, i 2 lb. Citron Peel, Caps Lexia Seeded Raisins large 16 oz. pkg. 17c Shelled Almonds 4 oz. 20c `v'C'Q'fi miss^vi?.13;fe3C9vv^v5t'9v^e9L^e6'u'Z31tR5rigclianowastal4ygd iensi'. 15c 4 oz, 12c Ross J0 S r t Miss Ne Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman. NOW OPERATED BY. PHONE 8 ryce PHONE 77 CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE Wee invite inspection of cur sdeck - of Cemetery Memorials SISAFORTII - TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment :Ree Dr. II'u•bnrn Pho ., Pe; Phone 41---Exeter—Box 150 Ten Year Climb To Wardenship-- T. Peu.y 1'as: mor'. Reeve of Us - borne township, and newly elected warden of Huron county, has en- joyed a successful municipal career of 10 years in the township column, four of there as reeve. Be special- izes in mixed 'farming 00 his 300 acres in Lleborne. He owns and oper- ate: for his own use, a complete threshing outfit. He has 75 head of cattle and 100 pigs. He is a. member of the agricultural committee, and one of the hardest workers for and keenest supporters of the 1942 Int- ernational plowing match. Ile is married, his wife being the former Miss Edna Dunning. He has three children, Lorne, 21; Alice, 19, and Elmer, 18. Elmer has been on the county plowing team for two years. Mr. Passmore is a member of Thames Road United church; and has been a member of the board of managers and _a trustee of the church. J. M. ROBERTSON ('untimed Froin Page One nd -('Burch. An exceptionally well read man, he followed with interest passing local and world events. He was a member of Seaforth public ,school board for several years, and served as chairman. Mr. Robertson greatly enjoyed visits from former pupils from the various localities in which he had taught, The- funeral will be held on Fri- day after(loon from the home of 11r. Stun t'at'ter at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment will duke place in the flrussels Cemetery. LETTERS 1 ',,minted From Page one Cause. when 1 con). hone 1 ant com- ing straight up for the biggest goose dinner you've e ver putt 011. Oc). 1iith.--1 ant buck again. 217 leave ends Sunday. i had 11 weud'r1ui time ftp at Fleaton's. ....Things are a little strained to Russia right now. I Trope everything turns out for the hest, otherwise 1 guess it will he pretty tough on tis fellows. There is one toting. Mother, no matter what happens, 1'11 never ask Icy men to go anywhere I wouldn't go myself. You wouldn't want me to do otherwsise, would you? There are some things Hutt are worse than death. I am proud, Mother, to be your sou. My address is: Lieut. W. L. Smith, P,P.C.L,I„ 3 C'.I.H U., Canadian Army Overseas. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c ANj DEAD or IDISABLED QuiGl(ly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL' or Ingersoll 21 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED TOWN TOPICS Mr. J. P. Bell left o1) Wednesday (0 spend several days with his son and daaghler•tn•Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bell in Grimsby: Mr. R. F. Jones was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday evening and his contlitiinl is reported 104 22190112. Mr. and Mi's, Ted Scott who were In Newfoulydlaud for some months, where Mi'. Scott was elilployed with n. cna$it'n'tin11 mummy, have 1'e - turned and expect to spend s1n110 time here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 11- i1. See(t. ITarpu191ey. The Misses Laidlaw spent a week in Toronto with their sister, Miss 1"11'rhirtinee Laidlaw. Mr:, Norman Hateih'k of 51'troi1 visited with Mrs. Robert Il'tbkirk, and her mother, Mr.,. J. E. Ball, in Tuckersmith. The annual meeting of Seaford) bowlers will he held in the town hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 27. A full attendance is requested. Chester McNay is home visiting his parents, Mr. and iSirs, John Mc- Nay, on a 10 -day leave, having just l'eeovered from an attack of pneu- monia in St. Thoma;. RCAF hospital. Mr. and Mrs. hlubert O'Reilly and daughter of Stratford and Miss An- gela Ruston of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston. Miss Annie. Ferguson went to To'- renta on 'Itic sday to attend the funeral of ler uncle the late J. -11, Mrs. George, Sillery of Clinton was a visitor with Mr, Wm. Morri- son on 11011dn.. Miss Janet Baker of Fergus spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Baker, Mr. John Ruston and Mr, ,ioe BUMS have completed thair work at the Clinton Radio school and have gone to Niagara Falls to work with the Brennan Construetion Company. Miss Irene Workman and her friend Miss Jane I)ulmage, of Vict- oria College, Toronto, were week - A HUMOROUS "THE HOME -COOKING SALE" kill b,• presented by le Ladies of the bleamnulviil' W.A., on WEDNES. DEC. 3rd. AT S P.M. At Egmondville United Church ADMISSION' 25e, CHILDREN 15e DANCE! AT STAFFA FRI., NOV. 28th Moonlight Serenaders ADMISSION 35c BLANKETS FOR BRITAIN The Ladies of the McKillop "No Surrender Club" are holding a "JUMBLE" RUMMAGE SAILS ! SATURDAY, NOV. 29th In the Seaforth Armories Doors open at 0.80 o'clock Saturday (110(0)115 and Sale will continue all clay, Baking, Fowl, Clothing, Furniture, and many other Articles will- be sold Proceeds of this Sale go to Seaforth Red Cross for Blankets for Britain. We deed your help in this wo1't11v cause. Donations of articles for sale will be appreciated and may be left at Dilly's Garage. New and Old Time .DANCE ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY DEC: 5TH RAU ORCHESTRA Admission 40c. Lunch served, Auspices of C. W. L. EUCHRE AND � t tt a n c e e' in Winthrop Hall THURSDAY NOV. 27 Euchre 9 Sharp Lunch served, Prizes Snider'sOrchestra. Adin'i cion 360 encs visitors with SRev. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Workman. Rev. Ii. V, Workman, chairman of the Missionary and Maintenaee Committee of Huron Presbytery of the United Church, 'attended the meeting of the London Conference committee in London on Wednesday. Mrs, J. H. Reid left on 'Tuesday to spend the winter in t.ondon. Mr. and Ml's. C. L. Bristow and daughters duan and Betty of Howell. Michigan, were week end guests with Mr. and &L•:,. Wilbert Webster. The tnitit frloml- of Mrs. W. .1. Woods will be sorry to 1 ad') that she is ill again. She is now 10e443"r- 10:514t•• a(the holm. o1' .:iii.s I,40('0nce, Godcr'icli street, KIPPEN Farm Forum Meeting -- The farm fonlol meeting w:l:: held at the hone' eel William 11181 with 011 in'reased attendance ,Ver law). week. After the Broadcast curl (liscnasinu. plans were made for next week's meeting to be hell at the home of Joseph McLellan. Attention was drawn to the foot that the Federa- tion of Agriculture 11111nd holding a euchre and dance on ilee. loth, Luneh was served and the riieetiug adjourn ed with a vote of thanks to the host amt hostess:, Kippen East W.I. '1'h,• Klemm Fat W.I. held their r'5(11ai' monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wmtole on Wednesday, d)1'srlay, Nov. holt. with a good attendance. 11 ...14)11. The meeting opened wii11 the singing o1' the opening ud0 followed by the Lord's s pravll. Urs. Rem. Deli rye a splendid paper on the motto We :uv' all ill the front line this ting'" An interesting Pauper nt, th1' short enu)se in vegetable eooi;'ry wits given by Mrs. Glen 21(•1,eatn, A demonstration 011 the sant• subje') was given 1,y Mrs, R. Simpson. The magazine review was dealt. with by Miss M. MacKay and Mrs. J. Finlay- son. Mrs. Wnl. Bell thea gave the delegates' report on the Institute con vention held in London. 1t was de• 1 ((10(1 10 hold the Institute attuned Banquet at Mrs. Glenn Me,"au's on Wednesday. Dec. 2'd. at u.:;n pan. ('(l( meeting was brought to a (lose by singing the national anthem and a social halt hour was spent. lir. and Mrs. .1. II. 1'oebrauue visit- ed ou Snnelly e'vonine with the fon met' sister, Mr. tend .1!r'. Bruce Walker of ITillogreen Miss Doris Alexander of 1.ultduu smelt th.. n,•„k .,nd 20111 11.4 parent,,. Mr. and Mrs, Witt, Ate sender. Mr.:end Mrs. ore UM t',ncu and Mrs. John 01. of Thames hotel Visited on Snnduy with Mr. and Sirs. W. Hot n(•y. Mrs. Bernard Keyes .f near ]lay. Held spent a '00pire 0f days the be ginning of the week with Iter parents. 5A'. ailld )AL's. Herbert .Tones. Miss Ruth Bell left on «edu'aday for London where she has .tc•mepted a pos111011. Mrs. Susan Workman has return- ed to her home and is convalescing from her recent operation at St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Alice Cook of London spent this week end with her (110111.'1',M1'$. J. McClynlont, - 14lessrs, Don and Bud Cooper left for Toronto on illonday, where they hope to secure employment. Mr. John Deitz has .'raced at position in. London. 211'. Orville Workman had the misfortune to run a fork in his foot a few days ago and is confined to the house. 211's. Minnie Little =pent a day last week with ,:'lake's in New 51tolurl. Quit' a number from this district 111't, working let the airport at Cen- tralia. Mrs, Mary Harvey of H'nsall Ts visiting with herr - sister Mrs. S. Workman, The St. Andrew'.: Young People's Union held their regular meeting on Monday evening. Mrs. Chipchase presided for the business period, following the worship which was in charge of the Citizenship Commit- tee. Mr. Thos. Munro gave an ex- cellent paper which was very much appreciated by all. On Sunday, Ilev. A. M. Grant is continuing his series of sermons on the Living Church. His subject will be "The Living Church is a Witness- ing Church," The Mission Band held its Nov- ember meeting on Sunday last, The members met with the congregation for the devotional part of the ser- vice, then to the strains of "Praise Him, praise I•Iim, all Ye little children," proceeded to the school- room to continue with their meet- ing. Mrs, Grant led in prayer which was followed by a prayer for peace and the Lord's prayer in unison. Alice Wren read the minutes of the last meeting, and was appointed to act as secretary to the end of the year. Mrs. Alan Johnston took the second chapter of the study .hook,. telling in a most interesting and in- PAGE FIVE ttit,wc' A Thr .enxiude PHONE 851 -32 SEAFORTH, ONT. structive manner the :.tor; of Yoh !Ian and his silver d0110 The meet - Inc closed by singing "Jesus Bids us Shine," and the Mizpait benediction repeated in unison. - EGMONDVILLE Y.P.U. Meet.— The 1 emonel ill' '(''018 I 0npk7's tluon na.1 Nov 21 in the basement of (In- 1 hut'h- Fellewitig a,. nu. -song ole mei ring opened with the singing 01 (un. In tun Fa,lrn ,1 801' Ft4th(1s ' U wing; th' badness p"rials the coin al.'s were read tend matters 0f busi- ness de. ee,,,,d. 12,12)' Pi't-.rseu led the tlrv0t iouael p'rl.a1. °polling it with the hymn. "Rise 1'p. t) Alen Of (od.'• .21r. t ; 4411;,' ' ) ' l in prayer. The Scrip- ture reading was from .Bile, 13::14, :1 :Ind 1 Cor. 11.1-1:1. ;tor. Petersen (accented (111 the love which Paul wrote alien) and which is so Irineh needed today. Mildred Finnegan, citizenship convener. gave an later. '51(118 11r"oe•n)allan 01 ('m'rellt events. Io 111' missionary period Grace '(Vol Item read 'A00(•pts from letters front missionaries In Atlie:e and China. ]Re- presenting the literary vide (tf urn' Program. 11/ell ltemun'11 game a re- view of the lila' and 801'(4 .t' Sir Wil. (reel Laitrier, whose birthday was Nov.eie Air Gardiner (h al coedited -el reen ben. aal meting closed with mein.: 11'-. IVO il 81,) nnt1+1.1n, :411(1 le, pealing 1 ht. ltiapaia !e.•u. ti i(•i ion D U I . R1J Air. :cid Ura. loam :lf,-)';ar(hy of Detroit, with itIr. and Mr.. :11, Merat'- t 107. Mos. Ne('onn 1l -Inas leturnell home .(ft,•)' slgaiding I few weeks in Ile - 001t. Miss Geraldine 'ryeers, ieot getnvS rl: with 9L'. 011(1 Mrs. Fronk E2,11s. Mr and Mrs Kale F1011011. Leo Holland. and :tor.. Thos. Holland, of Windsor, with 21r. and Mrs. G. V. Flynt and other relatives. Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Sea forth, with lin•, and Mrs. Michael Me- Laughlin. e- T.aughlin. Hobert and Wilfred Murray. 1.4/11. .1011 "1'.q.11.11k141 School, with their par- ents. 1)1.. ami Mrs. S. Murray. :Hiss 1.01'0011 1.0ohy. student 11111,0 as St. ,t„sepsis Hospital. London. with leer ito cher. Mrs .2. b1. Looby. Miss ielen (1'R'illy, St. Joseph's Hospital London. alai ln•l' aunt. Mrs. Lucy Woods Joseph l'arpon)er was a ('1101151,1,1 Visitor. Mi. Pal M,('ond•11 was in i1,.( dt. lits. tb'nui0 bl!lon vi it,.d in Ft. .V 011.• of rt:a'aathon ..1 . c:1m� a i1, id 01 I51 , deuce., or Mk. 311t7. I2•al,r. 2):s. !'rank Rr(n0, M -o r':.,,r:- Sript:•toa ,.ud :Mrs. lean Afil!- horn,. tear-avin., st.,nlps were'won i1'. Mrs. T. cornea i:115,501 urine ;.1r -lass 2). 11'1,101, Pr.:!; Elton. A']t=. 'roes. colter. mei Dat id NIurt,unt•11. ,Tobi, Pl. Mol)11011 2. AFF1l111111l College, W11141 r, -1„ur the weep end with his parents. lir. and Mrs. T. J. Pt ivate Ft. Brow a tit. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown. Mrs. Margaret Walsh spent- two weeks with her daughter in Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams were in Detroit: Joseph Maloney in Windsor and Mrs. John) McGrath in Chatham. BORN BELL—In Detroit, o11 Nov, 20, 1941, twin sons (Arnold Carl and 'Ron- ald George) to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alm (nee Evelyn Greenwood, granddaughter of Mr. and Ml's. George Bell, Seaforth). McFADDIIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday. Nov, 20, 1911, to Mr, and Mrs, Ralph. Mc- Fadden, Seaforth, a son, BADLEY--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Thursday, Nov. 20, 1941, to Mr, and Mn'. Lorne R. Radley, Blyth, a daughter (still -born). OOLUMI3AN Mr. and Mors. J. Moylan and De- nise of Kitchener, spent the week end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kale holland of - 1Yilokor. Gloria of Clinton and Lo- r'tto cis' Kitchener . spent sunde,, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reynolds an'1 l.or, ti , 21r Wi11 J in'o l ,eau o.°. Wind on. Erne.,t it941014s 0f Jack- son and Mrs. John M Ilh.rge ;f. Leman 1 e,itcd recently With the f.rre. met's (miter, IJnlninic Reynolds. - Mrs. Tolit Holland of Windsor ,pent the wee;; end with friends. Mrs. Pat licynolds . of Clinton spent a Petr days with Mrs. E•9 Howland and the Misses Lynch. Mr. Joe Roach, Elizabeth - and Jean visited Mr. and Mrs, Tom Pur- cell in Sunday. A large crowd enjoyed an old time dance in the parish hall on Fri- day evening. Mrs. John Holland of Seaforth client Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. J. J. holland. Mr. Jack Roach of Kitchener spent Sunday at his home here; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray .spent Sandal- with relatives. MANLEY Many took advantage of the Jn- ,llaelsurfeit.). weather to "e1 in the balemee .:1 their potaftiOS and tur- nips in and ,( few 111*(' got their buckwheat threshed and some nor,, fall plowing dome, Messrs. Ch rli Ieuele-and Henry Keel -Ors visited Mr. Con Eekart Sr. last Saturday, who is still on the sick fist, to renew old ac'gUaint. once, Mr. Keohler spent two nlon.th: with his two daughters in Regina and reports very wet weather thee',. The crops were good but had a hares time to save them with the wet weather. They use the reaper to cut the grain which leaves it in wind- rows to dry. Then they use the com- bine whieh picks it up and threshes it, Mrs. W'n1, Manley spent a few days last week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert, 21r. Con Eekart Sr. is improving slowly and his many friends wish- him i h - him a spr-dp' recovery. OROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and fancily of 1,i-lew-t, :visited john Robertson a".l8 his 8(0111en 52t.:. Hou0htol, attended I1) 1 fan:=- Piurelc 1'-: (.01r. of ".'•'.1,.!” Now Is The Time to Purchase a NEW RADIO PH L ° MA CO I RCA Victor Electric a (: d BatteryMoels A full line of radio tubes and batteries always in stuck. 0 J. F. DALY, Seaforth issasesascassiosonsmsmaratuassismatinenramtr