HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR ON 111 L1)y Y1H'.h:Ntil.:1NU Peace. ❑nd icar eeto to merge in this photo eta ['imagine' til: un -fixer - Ise, in on, et rho• smooth nt maduws-of I:uulaud. 'rim tank is a 'iglu elitism.. or they • issued to the t`ct-undiiut Brigade. ill SE \1 ti "f II NF\1,S W ALTO N Huether • Coutts— The marriage of Isobel Cowls, se. enisi endo t daughter nt Mr. and Mrs. .litanies Coutts. Walton. to Glen -Hue. tiler. eldest son of Mr. and Mr,.. Iran Huether, of trey tow'n,hip, took place in the Duff's United Church. Waiton, at a o'clock Saturday even- ing. Rev. F. A. Gilbert officiated. The bride was beeomingiy attired in a it• nv n blue sheer crepe. floor length gown. Miss Edith Jewell. of Brussels.. attended the bride, wearing lavender moire satin. WiliiarU Comte. was .,ioeni.sman. Other attendants were Miss Dorothy Iluetber of London. - r ti:� pale pink pet over satin. I.n.i Mip r,ty fluorin -r .t: Grey town- ship. :1 wedding dinner was served t the home of the inside's parents. Mr. and Mr,. 141Will.,r left in. t Stloior tet It t m 1.. iromtin will reside in Or.iy tew-uship, Will Go To Windsor --- Rev. F. Watts. B.A.. 1_,'1'h., who has been rector .,I' St. John':; in li- can (.'hurch. i;rus ,•!s, unci St. George's Church. w'a1t:,n, for this past two years. received word last week front the bishop that he is to a'o to Windsor as assistant rector of All Saints' Church. Mr. Watts' new duties commence on December 1st. While the congregations of this parish regret the removal of their rector they are pleased to know of his advancement. The U.F.W.O. meeting was held at Miss Laura Knight's on :s,eventber 19th, Mrs. W. Turnbull had charge of the meeting. It was decided to send i9:ier to the War Victint's Patel trout the- proceeds o. tins FI A:'tein. Breed. banquet. Mrs. L. Le: n ir:: and Mrs. J. Marshell will attend fn.? Unit. dna:naeS�' at;nua� aufi\'e:•ufi=,:t1 Tcrort::r. The tonic. -Natural R ti, t•nit:ua,tt:ity." was NI :';c i •., ., 1l me, 7l' `t elt: Buchanan Th following- of veer iiii� refit' n 1 y ar : a esti. Iles, e +nil' `ie11 til . t( i. M.... L. Leeming: t yt 1 z:ry r sgre.r, Mr,. L. li.ewland. -i. }tics Ira "eitt.t::tt: , 4`l`.1 a:I' pi..eli i.1 L' Kirkby;seeretare.1 ,.! MeMichaei, p og `out.. Mrs I ie !A.. i' . .lire. it Johnston, Mrs, J. ttew;er.: auditors. Mrs. W. L.t•toing. Miss Davidson. The play, "Headstrong Joan." to be held in the hall on Tuesday, Dec. 1hth, under the auspices of the W. At of the United Church. Carl Coutts spent the week end in Preston visiting his brother Earl. Mr. George Jackson returned Sunday from London Hospital where he underwent a serious oper- ation, but is doing fine, we are pleased to state. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Drager, son Charles and daughter Diana, of Doon, were on a trip to see his mother, on Sunday, who is in poor health, when their car skidded and took to the ditch, overturning a few miles front Mitchell. They escaped with cuts and bruises but were all able to return to their hone the same. evening. Miss Jean Drager of Toronto is spending a week with her mother. Mrs. Chas. Drager, at present. Want and For Sale .'ern;- :1 tree.;- 5) WINTHROP '1'h, el'iiltn,r; ui ±h" ..•uohr and hill in 1itt hall last Weduf.s. isle IU.1iat alt Ladies' tliit-t games. J:i111s Iingp: Imre hands. Mrs. "Lheton I,..ith:•a; men's most. games. I'nny .1PPIe(,y; lino Basil+, Ti-ron t,ett1. . After lunch a few hours was sp•att in.dan.,tnfi jo 'Pae•ider's orches- ue,. )1i. and Mrs. 1\'iliiatit Montgonutry +f Brantford visited Mr. and Mrs. .iett.n Montgomery over the week end. Mrs. Harvey .Dnlntage underwent an app•'ndix operation 1n Scott itient- ila! hospital last Friday We wish iier a. speedy recovery. • Iles and Airs. Foster Bennett and family and Mr_ John. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Tint Eaton and family of Se:ea- 1.01111 sit:•.nt Soli lay with Air. and _Ctrs, Ii .,rge Eaton. • Mr. Les Fluting.• has tamale Mr. David \la,•Fal'lane's foxes anei was hussy hauling l o:nr Its' pens ibis w .ek. lit .. a' hu f illi,+ -:end tuntilp spear week k • u4 iu t oihngwood fler neither, who burl been visiting her r,r nun••d horn•• - lir. N4'llliant 'l rewttrliia nil iiintote spent Monday nit;'ht with Air. and Ilia. Joseph Little. J1r. and Mrs. lilston Dowson spent a tow day:, with Mr; and Mrs. Eldon niece_, of Jtcliillop. The annual meeting of the W. A. and W. M. S. will he held in the church Wednesday, Dec. :3rd. at :- o'clock. Installation of officers will be oomlueted, Everyone is request- ed to be present. TUCKERSMITH 1Ii'. and Mrs. George- Hoggarth spent Sunday at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Raymond Townsend were Mr. ami Mrs, Warren Finch r,i `airily. of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggarth, Mr. and J1=s. Walter Pepper and Mr. and Ale. Eldon O'Brien. VARNA t count ry n ed your scrap !need,pllp- - rag 1001 ,4, ote, to 11,111 u in 1110 War! Gather 'rther now and bt in_. their to C:irntt to the bullish,, west of Mrss. M'': ol's('1' , limn'' lint' tt i t itt Cin!' t ;fib t Iii: t1 10 the i alt file safe" and come t' . . i ;,. , itt iliac own homes. •Help i:eep Th.• bo;:s t-o:afort:.t1,1.• who etre ;h'inr our ii7,,ttles and those who are ,atTerine' the terrible ravtrres of Mrs. Geo. Cannel is in Scott Memorial Hospital at present. Her many friends hope for a speedy re- covery. The beef ring are holding their annual dance in Varna hall on Fri- day evening of this week. ;3R UCEF1FLD Rev. W. A. Bremner is to be the speaker in Brucefield United Church on Sunday morning next represent- ing the Ontario Temperance Federa- tion. ' Messrs. Will Murdoch and Carlyle Cornish of Hamilton spent the week end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schiibe and sin of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler .spent Sunday in Seaforth. Want and For Sale Ad . 1 reek 25e TETI; SEAFORTH NEWS I HURON COUNTY FEDERA. TION NEWS LETTER Tit Federation has now over 1000 111011114.1%4 iti Huron county. .Also, the following organizations have atriliat- ed with the. Federation: Huron coon tq Fruit Grower's. Walton Irani 11 l .F.W 11 t Huron County Holstein lireeilerS, tite agricultural committee of the county Liftmen. and the Heron county i. Through the efforts or the ntem- ber, mud nn•naber uratttn'atiutis flu' H:;sou comity giegieration of .it;'rienl- '.nre Las lien •;ill to ft,rtvtti ! 111e V In:u•iu ietli-1111Wn :410,011, ur eut•- hird of tit n.ruwal fee. The Godcrit•h township unit of the Fe,leriltiod will 111i -el tit Hnlnu•scillc on Thursday, Derenthi.r lilt itt p,ut, Mr. V. S. Milburn, Ontario S,rretat\• f ihe Feiteration will he the speak - The Hullett 'Township Unit of the Federation will meet in hondesltoro community hall, Friday, December 5, at s. p.m. Mr. Milburn will speak at this meeting also. Following this there will be an election of officers for 1042. The remainder of the ev- ening will be spent i.n dancing. No admission fen. "The most critical problem l'ace'd by the farmer Itelt y is e;ettiug hired help --and pitying for it," • In the planning of the national war effort, little attention has been given to the question of the farm -la- bor supply-, it t' it is a vital one' lt5 !'unifies who wont 10 stay in prodner- tion.' The.• young sten and women who used- to work on farms, both as per- manent and seasonal help have been drawn away trout the farms in gr.itl nuniln't;e since the beginning of the war. Industrial employment took away many; voluntary enlistment took away Many other; and compul- sory training and conscription for home defence absorbed Mill more. The• nuntb.'r of wage -paid male workers an Canadian farms declined 11; percent in 1 tt 1 1. The Only thing I'arme't•s could de was to offer higher \\•Igesill the hope of attracting labor bitch, Itt 1911 farm wages went up 11.1 per cent for the whole of C'Itn- ada: As the labor shortage is felt nut't• tte.utely in some provinces than others, farm wages went up more in those areas: in Nava Scotia by ::11 pot cent. in New 11runswuk-by 21 'ter cent, and in Ontario by -•e p,. tail. The ave•rdge 111.J.:1se itt mutdhly tarot wages for the whole of Camillo was only ,'.sm. although itt Nova St•tatla. New Brunswick. Quebec and nntario it was somewhat higher. Co-operation. alone will make low cost farts lnaehittet•y possible. It is not sufficient to just wish for lower- priced machinery. Farmers who de- sire this must work hard for it thru group action. A united organization of farmers will get results. 'Everyone will admit that in rela- tion to the income of the farmer, farm machinery prices are consider- ably •out of line. In 1913, it required 2111 bushels of wheat to buy a binder at Regina. In 1940, it took (137 hush els to buy the same binder. Somewhere along the line this sit- uation needs torrec'ting. And. since the• farmers' very existence depends greatly on these implements,.the pro- per steps must be taken toward a fair ail equitable solution." • fi TESTED RECIPES WHOi.I1 GRAIN C'1?i.I?AIs Thi ouch tl e• libaral a>e of Canis l- trh I raid cereals, flaked tllod or cracked. the housnwtfe can nntt h to 'en are the good health of her family. Cereals are an economical source of quick energy and of many valu- able minerals and vitamins. B1, the vitamin which research workers state is most often lacking in the daily diet, is found in generous amounts in whole grain cereals, es- pecially wheat, oats and rye. Why not plata to use these plentiful foods not only at breakfast but at lunch '11.1. dinner too? The Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture, suggests a few tested ways to use up left -over cereal, as well as other recipes of interest. General Proportions for Breakfast Cereal Cereal -1 cup coarse or cracked Water ---5 cups Salt -1 teaspoon Time -3 hours Cereal -1 cup flaked or rolled Water -3 cups Salt --1i1 teaspoons Time --1 hour. Have water boiling in top of dou- ble boiler: Add salt and then add 1 cereal slowly. Cook '5 minutes over direct heat, stirring occasionally, Chen finish cooking in double boiler. .Soaking cracked wheat in water is found. to cut cooking time in half, Remember long slow cooking is most important to the flavor o1' cereals and it also helps to soften the bran and make it: more digestible. Pre- cooked or "minute" cereals do not require as long a cooking period as nte•.nhunecl ahovi ; but are certainly improved if cooked for Incmore than the prescribed "8 minutes", Cereal Muffins .' cups dour t•thle',pnons se Car t::lilespnotls melted fat egg • 1. 'isnuun salt. tea,cpomts hal:lug powder I i'111, t'tt tht, d cet',•etl I '•lip milk Sift dry ingredient:. Add halt' of milk to cereal and raiz into dr\• in- gredients. Stir itt the beaten egg, remaining milk anti melted fat. and stir only until mixed. four into hot greased muffin pans and bake at 400 degrees F. for 25-:30 minutes. Whole Wheat Pudding cops cooked whole wheat lei cup brown sugar 1 egg 1. cup molasses • teaspoon soda teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins cup milk R tallespoottr Mellott butter tablespoon boiling water Mix cereal, sugar, salt, and then atdd raisin-. Add well -beaten egg ittd milk• mixed together. tltr•nt molts.,s and melted butter. Add the soda tis solved in boiling water. Turd at once into well greased mould, Steam 1 hours, Serve with creast of milk. Whole Wheat Quirk Bread 3 cups whole wheat dour 2 cups white tall -purpose) flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda cup granulated sugar 2 cups sour milk Mix dry ingredients; blend thou. °uglily. Add sour milk and mix well. Place in a greased loaf pan. Hake in a moderate (Wen -(050 degrees F,) or one hour to one hoar and minutes. Turn out at once on cook- ing rack. Note... -This broad will be inch easier to cul if let stand for 21 hours before • 0511112. • Oatmeal Pancakes I' cups cooke•d.. left -over l .11 meal 111 cup, milk I 1 egg 1 - ems: all-purpose pose tlour level teaspoons baking powder 1 1, -vel teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons melted fat Mash 'cereal until free from lumps. Add milk and well -beaten egg. Sift the dry ingredients to- gether and add to the liquid. When well blended, stir in the melted fat. Cook on a hot, lightly greased grid- dle or iron skillet, pouring mixture on to form pancakes of desired size. When bubbles show through the surface of the pancake and the edges are set and slightly brown. tura and cook on the other side. Serve hot - with maple syrup or molasses. N. I3, Left -over cracked wheat or whole wheat cereal may be used in place of the oatmeal. BRITAIN SCRAPS SCRAPS WHOLE RAILWAY Enough Steel There For 384,000 Rifles Britain is throwing a whole rail - Way into the mobilisation of iron and steel for the war. Although it is On old railway. its rails alone will add to the resources of Britain enough steel for no fewer than 881,011, rifles. Until 11113; the trains of Welsh Highland Railway chug- ged over some of the loveliest scen- ery in the Principality. But in that year it creased to function and the grass began to grow along its 28 utile, of permanent way. Now the rails, which are modern, are being taken up, 1,200 tons of them, They will be relaid elsewhere on sidings needed for the war effort, so setting free steel -making capacity for arm- ament manufacture. The two old locomotives are for the dismantler's yard and metal front the rolling stock is for the same destination, The railway is but an item in a nation-wide hunt for metal to turn into rifles, Tommy guns and tanks, into armour plate for battleships and armoured coastal defences. A Doomsday Book of park, street and house railings, of ancient steam rollers, engines and boiler -house plant is being prepared and already on walls bills have been posted pro- claiming the Government requisi- tioning of them. Among the first to respond has been the King himseuf with many tons of the railings of Buckingham Palace for the collec- tion. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941 THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING Mon., Tues., Wed. 1115 v MAMOUNt P9iS(Mn i "e %O MOF TIE soul` SEAS" /N rFCA/l✓✓CO6oR./ Pwomw,n, ping,„ I DOH AMECHE,. MARY MARTINI, z�,'ei"q TRE (But they oiwoyr “!ina bock for moral Next Thur. Fri. Sat. BOB HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR IN "CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT" (111,1 01' (lie ytat''s host pictures. COMING: "UNCERTAIN FEELING" $:3 7.50 tom..-....-••- of I? lewdly,. 1 r 13ULOVAe. t, Lady Sulovn" 17 jewels CREDIT TERMS This Christmas, igloo w SULOVA Watch( Thor* Is no romombrenco so pr*dous as a dapondablo timopi*to -mono that lives so !eagle useful aortico. OF *146 co,.�lteixltt�l, `Goddess of Time" 17 jewels $2975 J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER WATCHES 19,75 DIAMONDS choose- sow. 14`e will bold any Gat until Christmas PHONE 218 SEAFORTH.ONT. eroarromencamanuatenormara IN CANADA'S EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND COME to Canada's Evergreen Play- ground for your winter vacation this year. Here's a balmy climate in which you can indulge in your favorite sports with new zest—golf, tennis, fishing, motoring, hiking and riding. Hotels offer special winter rates to visitors, In Vancouver the new Hotel Vancouver, in Victoria the Empress Hotel offer accommodations you'll like and' surroundings to make your visit that much more enjoyable! ANNUAL. GOLF TOURNAMENT VICTORIA - March S-14, 2542 Pall information from any tieict agent ell LOW FARES to VANCOUVER and VICTORIA Full Information From. Your Local C.N.R. Agent A,%�a pWE sirpoo RIDING ��'-...e. MOTORING FISHING LL YEAR ROIJND •1 ,.