HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-27, Page 1Now our kettle sings again, all the
evening through,
And snow outside the window turns
dusky winter -blue.
Now the snowdrifts pile again high
against the stoop,
With Rubber Plate Scraper
2 lbs, 25c
Half lb.
3 for .....
Large Tin
29c tin
SWEET PICKLES ............. 25c jar
large ---10c; med. 2 for 13c
Ivory Snow .. 25c
TOILET PAPER, 8 roils _...._._25c
COMFORT LYE, 2 tins . __ _. _ . 19c
Tin 27e
Mlaster, Mineral Mix. :::, lbs. 95c.
�Ja t]tl� lodge
Phone 166
t I (
5 ': ;TIIE;50 d FUEL FORtOI.I4 G0M 0R%;
Northside United Church
Itev. H. V. Workman, Minister,
10 a,m., Sunday school
11 a.m. "Crumbs and Frag-
7 p.m. Sermons in Hymns. The
Introducing and Singing of a few of
the Favourite Hymns,
Thurs. 7.45 --Prayer Service.
Communion Service, Dec. 7th.1
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A, W. Gardiner. B. A.,B.D.
Alk 10 a.m„ Sunday School,
MP 11 a.m„ "The Moral Ideas of
7 p.m., "Trusting in God's Good-
ne se.,'
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, 'Minister,
Sunday School 10 a.m,
Morning subject, "A Skeptical
Evening subject, "A Life of
Midweek meeting Thursday at 8.
St. Thomas' Church
Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a,m., "Liberty, Love, Victory."
7 p.m., "Maran-atha."
Sunday school at 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2.25 p.m., Sunday School.
3 p.m., "Maran-atha."
Enlistments from Huron county
in the RCAF. at the recruiting cen-
tre at London last week include,
Joseph Neville McMillan of Sea -
forth, and Robert Aiken Hickey, of
Mr, and Mrs. Makins and Marion
were in Guelph where Marion und-
erwent an eye operation. Mrs. Mak-
ins and Marion returned on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Volume and Miss J.
Sterling were at Port Elgin and
Southampton this week.
Mrs. O. W. Rhynas spent last
week in Toronto and Burlington.
Mrs. Mullin and 11liss Drouin of
Detroit spent the American Thanks-
giving' at their cottage on the 'Ter-
The local fishermen have re-
ported d a big catch of fish,
Mts, E. Anderson and two (laugh -
tem of Lambeth are visiting -Rev.
I3. and Mrs. Curry at the parsonage.
Messrs. F. and Wm. Cameron of
Detroit spent the week end with
their sister, Miss L. Cameron,
Mr, and Mrs. J, Atkinson and
family of Detroit spent the holiday
with Mrs. A. Atkinson Sr.
The currant bush is :.mothered, the
pine boughs droop, •
Now the candle throws again its
shadow down the flow'
And Winter and Wesiwind knock
loud against the door.
"Country Winter"
Lenore Horn -Langton
Wins Speaking Contest
Hensall Pupil Is Twice Cham-
pion In County Speaking
Lenore Normington, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Normington,
Hay township, won first place in the
senior public -speaking contest which
featured the Thursday afternoon
session of Huron county council
last week. She competed against six
other champion students of eleven
school fairs and is now eligible to
enter the district contest, and if suc-
cessful there, at the provincial com-
petition in Toronto at Easter. Her
subject was "Heroes of the Sea."
A large :audience filled the.
benches of the council chamber, and
listened with evident enjoyment to
the 15 young contestants, all of
whom were champions at the school
fairs held this year. -Reeve R. J.
Bowman, chairman of the education
committee, presided, and the judges
were the public school inspectors,!
E. C. Beacons and J. H. Kinkead,
The winner of the highest hon -1
ors in the junior contest was 1)oima
Van Camp 8. 8. 5, Morris township,
her subject being, 'Winston Church-
ill." Mr. Beacom, presenting the re-
port, for the, judges in the senior
contest, announced the awards in
the following order; h'irst, Lenore
Nornringion; second, Audrey Haig -
ton 8. S. 7, Stephen, whose topic
was "Canadians"; third, l.ois Mid-
dleton, S. S. 10, Goderich township,
speaking an "Sir Frederick Bunt-
ing"; fourth, Jack 1-Ioulihan, S. S.
7, Stephen, on "The Royal Canad-
ian -Air Force"; fifth, Ford Little,
8. S. 4, Goderich township, "Air
Power--I•`irst line of Defence.";
sixth, Moss I'roctor, S. S. 7, Morris,
on 'Features of the C.N.E., 1941";
seventh, Donald McArthur, Ilay
township, "Trip Across Canada by
Inspectr Kinkead gave some
timely advice to the junior contest-
ants, who will compete for senior
PRESENTATION TO Bride -Elect Honored
On Thursday evening last the I -
At Gathering
parents, trustees and caretakers of presentation to Miss Verna
S. S. 8, Egmondville, gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Finni-
gan to honor the teacher Mr. Clar-
ence Trott and Mrs. Trott. About
36 people were present and when
all had gathered in the living room
Mr. Harry Pretty read an address
and Messrs. Harry Chesney and
Alex Lillieo presented Mr. and Mrs.
Trott with an oak end table and
beige table lamp. Mr. and Mrs.
Trott replied, thanking everyone
present and inviting them to pay
thein a call in the near future.
Euchre was- played until midnight
when a bounteous lunch was served.
Dancing was then enjoyed, music
being supplied by Messrs. H.
Chesney, A. Lillico and Mrs. Ray.
Nott. Prize winners at euchre were,
ladies, first, Mrs. R. Strong, consol-
ation, Mrs. Andrew Moore, lone
hands, Mrs. Clarence Trott. Gents,
first, Mrs. Alex Lillico, consolation,
Mrs. Garnet McClinchey, lone hands
Mr. Harry Chesney. The address;
Dear Mr, and Mrs, Trott:- ' This
group of friends, consisting 01' the
parents of the pupils of o S. No 8,
the trustees, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac-
Lean, have felt for some time we
would like 10 make a gesture of
sent, kiiui to indicate our apprecia-
tion of the splendid work your are
doing at Eantondville school and
else to welcome Mrs. Trott to this
community. We realize that the life
of a school teacher is by no -means
a bed of roses and so, as a mark of
friendship and goodwill we ask yon
both to accept these gifts with the
best wishes of all present.
Mr. William Morrison has receive;
the following letter from his nephew,
Lieut: A. W. Sillery,Victoria, B.('.;
Dear Uncle.-.-Ou my way out
honors next year, before he an- stopped at Garnet's turd saw Margal-
noune'd the decision as follows: et. Garnet and Helen. They are all
First, Donna Von ('amp; second, fine and were inquiring for you.
Ilernard Cummings, S.S. 5, Morris I also stopped at Morrison's for a
township, who spoke on "If I Were day and saw Morrison, Thelma and
Grown 1'p, Wiry I Would Join the George. They also asked for you.
fightingforces"; third, Murray Young George is only 11 and weighs
Desjardins, Stephen township, on 128 pounds. That is certainly some
''Corn"; fourth, Shirley Regier, Weight for a kid like that.
Stephen township, on "Saving Gas- The trip through Northern Ontario
oline"; fifth, Billy Campbell, Hay was verY nice. The shores of Lake
township, "Wild Life"; sixth, Doris Superior are certainly rugged and
Buchanan, Hay township, on "Flor- the prairies look very barren to me,
once Nightingale and the Red When Morrison and I were driving ac -
Cross"; seventh, Gordon Grigg, S.S. rocs the prairies he pointed out some
9, Goderich township, on "The Trills and said they wore thirty miles
Battle of Jutland"; eighth, Phyllis away.
Cooper, S.S. 1, Goderich township, Going through the Rockies we had
on "Transportation." a perfect day, The sun was shining
J. C. Shearer, agricultural relive- and they came into view this side of
sentative, who has been instrument- Calgary. While we were in them a
al in promoting the contests, called snow storm started up. When I ar-
on Reeve J. W. Gamble to present rived at Vancouver the heavens were
the prizes; and the contestants were pouting out everything they had. I
congratulated by Warden Percy walked around for a half an hour and
Passmore. Eulogistic speeches were was soaked.
made also by Reeve J. H. Scott. R, I I arrived in Vancouver a week ago
Redmond, Robert McMillan, L. E. Thursday and left for Nauaimo on the
Cardiff, M.P., William Henderson of boat. It takes about three hours. t
14orris, and N. W. Trewartha of joined the rear party of my unit. there
Clinton. - A vote of thanks on behalf and motored down here on Friday
of the contestants, the parents and night. It was pitch black and there -
teachers was extended to the coun- fore I missed all the scenery.
cil by Mrs. Desjardins of Grand I My address is: A. W. SOlery 2 Lt..,
Bend. The whole party were the D.H.1LC., C.A. (A)., C'olwood Bar -
county's guests at dinner at noon in racks, Victoria, B.C.
the British Exchange Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith of Mc-
Killop have received letters from
The annual meeting of the above
association will be held In the audi-
iorinm of the Y.M.C.A., corner of
College and Dovercourt Road, on
Thursday evening, December• 4th ut
Reports of ilut president, secretary,
treasurer and auditors will be order
of business. followed by the election
of ottiver's Inc the egisuing year.
Refreshments will be served, fol-
lowed by euchre and bridge. All Hur-
(mites in Toronto and throughout the
province are especially invited to be
present and take part in the program.
The Seaforth Women's Institute It
meeting at the home of Mrs. Mac
Scuts on Wednesday, December 3rd-.
Roll call is "A Christmas Character,"
The topic is a. Christmas story. Mem-
bers are asked to bring 10 their quilt
their son, Lieut. Lapslie Smith, who
is in England, and the following are
u few excerpts;
"Oct, 11th. Dear Mather, Dad and
Archie, -Well, I am up at Heaton's
at Astwood Banit. They are very nice
to ore. Ile is a, doctor and has a prac-
tice in Birmingham. Mrs. Heaton and
their youngest daughter Lois live at
their cottage in Astwood Bank about
113 miles from ria ng rani. a was
bombed out. of his surgery but is car-
rying on from -a couple of rooms. Lois
had her lath birthday yesterday.
They tape me out to the hest Foshan. -
ants in Birmingham 11)1(1 to allows
and won't let 1(1e spend a penny-.
Doctor Heaton has a trolls Royce ear
as Ile deeds it in 1(111 prac(i('e, They
Mayo one son Harry, 18 0100ths
younger than I am. lie is a. Lieute'n-!
Hugill at Home of Mr. and
Mrs. N. Carter
On Friday evening last the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter was the
scene of a very pretty shower tender-
ed to Miss Verna Hngill, who is to
become the November bride of Mr.
Arnold Itathwell.
After the assembly of upwards of
nighty of the friends and neighbors,
was arranged in the spacious and
modern lighted rooms of the host. and
hostess' hone, Bert Irwin was asked
to accept the chair and act as chair-
man, while the following program
was given,
( A few remarks by the ehairman
were followed by a community song,
"0 Canada." Instrumental by Joyee
carter; violin selection by Mr, and
Mrs. Frank. Fowler; solo by Bobby
Irwin: 0 humorous reading by Mrs.
Jas. Scott; musical numbers by Mr.
and Miry Elgin Nott and Mervin
Nott; medley of songs by Mrs. Wm.
Rutledge; violin seb el 1011 by Mr.
Noble holland accompanied by Mrs.
Glen Gibson; solo, MLs. Bert Irwin;
(lance. "highland Fling.- by ,Miss
Ferrol Higgins; community song;
violin sele,•tion. Mi'. Edward Boyce;
solo, Mrs. Norman Carter: instrum-
ental Gladys advs Collins: dance. Iiieir
Washerwoman," by Donna Fowler;
r ;
solo, Maris Holland; violin selcu•
tion by 141i'. 17, Noyes; solo, Mrs. Wnl.
Rutledge; musical nmber, M1', and
M•s- Elgin Nott and 'Mervin Nott. I
At this time a mock wedding was
staged. The bride, Miss s Marie IIol.
land, in :( long gown of white embroi-
dered net, with veil to match, and sil-
ver slippers, earrying pink carnations.
entered the drawing room on the arm
of her father, Eleanor Clew, to the
strains of 'e0 Susannah," played by
Mrs. Irwin, tasking their places be-
neath the arch beautifully decorated
with pink and white streamers. 'white
wedding bell and illuminated with
miniature electric lights.
The groom, Bobby Irwin . adorned
with a "buttonaire" of pink roses and
silk top hat, was assisted by Kath-
leen Giew as best man.
The minister, Miss Joyce Carter.
in full (Ness with a silk "topper"
horn-rimmed spectacles. and waxed
handle -bar moustache, performed i th.'
wedding ceremony, during whh'lt
much ('onsternation was caused when
at the crneial moment the best man
seemed to have numb difficulty in
finding the ring. As the bridal party
retired the pianist played "Sweet
At this time bliss Verna Hugill and
her fiance were invited to be seated
in the archway. while Miss Edna Ja-
mieson read them "A Flowery Rom.
alive," after which she read the pres-
entation address, and the gifts were.
brought to them in a gaily decorated
wagon drawn by the newly -wedded
"Mr. anti Mrs. Jonathan Joseph Jer- t
After the bride and groom elect
had unwrapped the many gifts. Verna
in a few well chosen words thanked
all those present and Mr. and Mrs.
Carter for opening their home for t
this happy occasion. A bountiful
lunch was served and after wishing
Verna a smooth journey on the matri-
monial sea, the guests dispersed to
their homes.
SI a rear.
The Red Cross Society is a benefic-
iary through the will of Miss H. 1.
Graham. All copies of "Be Of Good
('freer" that Were. in her possession
are to be sold, proceeds to go to the
Heid (Toss, This book of poems may
he purchased at eithor Closes barber
shop, or Savauge's store, Main st.
The furies is 50 emits a copy.
The -No Nnrreirdl r Chili" of Mc.
Iiilfop is holding a Jumble Sale in the
armories on Saturday, Nov. 29th in
aid of the blanket fund. Articles of
good used clothing are acceptable.
Will you give this chub your support.
The Canadian Government has re-
quested the Canadian Red Cross Soc•
itty to launch an appeal an behalf of
Russia. This is an emergency appeal
to furnish medical and hospital sup-
plies to Russia. Any organization ar-
ranging a. "fund. raising event" may
get the necessary permit. from the
local' seers'(lry.
There will be. an open meeting of
this Society on Tuesday. Dee. 5th.
The nominating ,committee will bring
in its report and a survey ofthe-
y ,at s work will he made. The ge1ler•
al public it incited.
Word was received by the \1(5-18
Ferguson of the death of then' uncle:
Mr. Jame, Loyd Morrison, it ta-
llorne of his daughter. Mrs. K. L.
Robertson, 1 Braemar Avenue. 7'0 -
ionto, on Sunday' semina. Nov. .,
M1•. Morrison was a brother" of the
late Mrs. I2. H. Ferguson of sea -
forth and was a former resident of
Walton, where he was born Land
spent his early' years. Be was a son the re,veship as successor to the late
of the late Matthew Morrison, wha
:fames Leipru•. who at the time of his
lived in Walton, on the Grey side of (1"atll was warden of Huron county.
the village, for many ;ears, ;fuer Mr. Rapson takes the seat on the
attending Seaforth Collegiate and council vacated by Mr. Ferguson
Goderich Model School, Mr. Mlorri_
when he resigned as councillor.
sun taught at Button's school in 'he other members of HullEett
Morris for t}n•ct, years and then eatmcii are Fred Peekitt. George
went to Manitoba where he taught Brown and John Armstrong.
for a number of years, obtained his Monday's meeting held in the
B.A. degree at Winnipeg' and be -
hall at Londesbm'o, was
cane a school inspector at Hamlota fairly well attended by ratepayers
and Ilrnndon. Manitoba. In 1938 he and theta was considerable interest
retired after completing 50 y('ar, in shown in the meeting which was Tee-
the profession. Later that year he, n)•ed by addresses by varintts mem-
came east for a visit during which be -re of the raunril and try a farmer
he spent to week visiting in this vie ",8c.ve. Herbert Mngridge, Mr. Mog•
lofty. While visiting- his daughter, ride ,•, r, alining that the death of
then residing' at Sudbury, he became Warden Leipa'r had removed Hullett's
ill and ,pent most of the tiro, since.
1'e7�1'"sentative from Huron county
Is now on display at this
Store and we invite you to
come in and look it over. You
will be sure to find it very
interesting indeed. All the
newest in Costume Jewelry
of the Better Sort is for your
inspection and the prices
range from
50c to $6 00
John Ferguson Is
Reeve old Hallett
Ira Rapson Also Given Acclam-
ation for Councillor at Mon-
Ieh1 1 . rz.:n<on wu-1 oleeted strep
of 11(18(1 township .Pry :rectanration
a1 Monday's t;,oninalhin meeting 0nd
Ila P.apson Wit: also . accordeti an
arelaniati111 to ib council: -
:tlr. Ferguson resigned from Hut
lett council prior u, the meeting 9t
order that be alight be eligible for
then with his daughter who two "mail. "eared a comprehensive 1'8"
years ago moved to Toronto. Mr. 1(0rt of the county council's affairs
meet -
Morrison suffered a stroke on Oct. and presented the f'ac'ts to the meet -
:31st, He is survived by itis vvsfr, Ing. Int action that was much appre-
fornter)y Annie L. Little. of Nap -
by the gathering.
inka, Man., and by his daughter
(.'hairman for the meeting was
Edith Wlnnif ed (airs. lis B. Rob-
ertson, Clerk Toronto). Mr. Morrison's In calling got' nominations he paid
four brothers and three sisters all tribute to the late Warden Leiper. a
predeceased him. The remains rested conscientious representative of the
at the funeral chapel of A. W. township and u man held in high es-
bliles, 30 St. Clair Avenue West, teem not only in township circles but
Toronto, and a service was held in within the county of Huron.
he chapel on Wednesday afternoon, Reeve William Thorns and all mem-
at 2 o'clock. Interment in Mount hers of this year's Colborne township
Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, council were returned to office for
1942 at Monday's nomination meeting
J. M. ROBERTSON held at Carlow. The four councillors
Mr. J. M. Robertson, retired school are James Feagan, Alex. Watson,
eacher and highly respected Seaforth William Marsh and William Clark.
resident. for many William Saliows, township clerk, act -
years, passed Wed- ed as returning officer for the nomilr
rn Scott Memorial hospital on Wed• ations.
nesday afternoon. Nov. 20th. His
death followed a stroke which 11e
1 suffered late Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mr. S, Carter, N. Main
street, whore he had been residing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rounds of Dear• t
born. Mich., announce the engage- 1
meta of their daughter. Norma Hey- s
emir, to Mr. Harold R. Barber, of De-
troit.. The wedding will take place on I
Though in failing health for some
iute, Mr. Robertson had been able to
)e about town. Born in Grey town•
hip. he was a son of the, late .1081,
Roherisni and t'atherine. Buchanan
Inbrtsnn. His mother was a deer-
41411nt of President Buchanan of the
Saturday. Nov, 251 h. at 5,11,111,1 Olive ,.
1'annunnlily Church, II« ,,; t'o: n, Mich. 1
years wire 511,111t on Gni l:it1 conces-
sion of Grey aid later he attended
ENGAGEMENT Seaforth and Listowel and Ottawa
541'. and M1'. get c. .`ali..r.t. of Normal Soneel. He -taught sebee1 its
tutted Slates - Sir, Rnbat trolr's ly
5181t01',', 111111011011
ill11101101V th,.. .e ;g..IlJent
of their only daun'ht, ret11x11 e 1 '1! 1,ip uv:u (lams: ni Mr-
Elizabeth tilettyt, to ', , tarn
Hedy-McLeod. son of 41 ,.r:d Mrs,Melbourne; in 'Welland e.unir and
Oval' [iiirllene:•- at. ;tttuni h.;iu,.
Att r ,',airing 10 Setifc,•th in I907.
Robeitson r flet Spievitag
stye, -1 etih 1118 Aster. Mi 'Margaret
Robertson. who med.-ceased foul in
I!+ 8. Ile was the last surviving teem
her of the family, three brl hr1s,
Dan, Duncan and John. also h1(1ug
prod •ua5c'1i• Nina.
Mt', Robertson's de1111 is deeply
mourned by a wide circle of friends.
He was a'mmnber of Northside ITntt-
_ Continued on Page: Five
El,, r lie low chili near P,ist 3; in
L 1,11,'11• •3
.1. K. Mel cod of 1191 , she ti o. -
ant. in 11m Army. 'Their (laughter r iage to sake
1 eggy is a I'..1.s.Y.She. to x driving' ember. -
utstrnetor. tier husband (a Captain)- _
died from wounds atter Dtutltirk. 1
lmven'l seen Harry or I'eggy. it. is ra-
ttier funny; Peggy Is stationed ahatlt
20 miles front 'ne and I didn't know
it. 1t feels good to belong to m3'
Regiment. 1 rho feel rather conceited
Mrs_. -Emily C, 'loots :mnonnee's the
engagement of her dan3htrr: Rhea
S. E., to Mr. Earl C. MacLachlan, of
about it. It is something 111 a Sea -
Port Huron.Mlic11. The 111 r(jage to
forth boy to have n commission in
them. I senor yon in keep well, he- tape plae,) the early part of Detour-
- (Continued on Page P1ve.l bc1'.
Editor The Seaforth News.
Dern• Sir: The Seaforth Chamber
of Commerce has sponsored the for-
mation of a Boys and Girl: Band
under the leadership of 1111'. E. H.
Close who is already training about
10 beginners, In order to purchase
instruments for a band. of :10 some
$8011 will he required. More than
8500 has naw lasso suhseribed, and
HIV t'ntnlllitt t'e in charge of sub-
scriptions wishes to thank all til*oae
}arc SO . ; n, rensiy contributed
and thus trade it 1 <:lae to make
slick tin , .,•i petit <tint. The lis'
a;. yln::nn• �,•er•i; itis l+' all these
I4asci Orli, :on 3,, be ! irtikit•,d
wire , ins-:"ucrertt .4(111' (71(11:
x rr 1ta, us W;11 r, e'ln rad 1 has
th,refoto kr. t .lru0311 that ether
linve 150, i.("11 1,714.110d
1 ;'e nurv,t,/ft r,•. a; ct5l, 1' 11141.
their eoi 'irniti,ti8 1. t,2 c • s111111,
to lhie community enterorise
Yours sincerely,
Junior Rand ('onnr.'ltee •-Georgi,.
C. Brightrall, C. M. Smith, H, G. •
M 511'.