The Seaforth News, 1941-11-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
blr. acid Mrs. Ray Pfaff and dau-
ghter Shelat, of Niagara -On -the Lake,
spent the week end at the home of
the 'former's mother, Mrs. Alice
- Mr. T. C. Joynt spent the week
end in Toronto at the home of his
brother, Dr, Geo. Joynt.
Mr. Homer Tinney of St. Cathat,
ines visited over the week end at the.
home of his father. Mr. Matthew
Mrs. Win..Weir and son Frethlie
returned home on-Suruiay after a
I,dc-want visit with her parents. 1Y Ir.
snd Mrs. David Bailey in -Huntsville.
Mss Mary Gibson of Bruceficld
wes the vilest of her sister. Mrs, A.
3. Todd on Sunday.
Mrs, lfann•tlt Workneut and Miss
31ibel Workman visited on- SWIM*
with Mr. auet Mrs. Herb Britton at
°tial lin.
Rev. Vin Weir, Mrs. Weir and
Airs. W. A. Mael_eren visited nn
Tlnr •sdny with Rev. AA', A. ti dunes
Mrs. Young end family in Fergus.
Mrs F. GSWeir (. e lire h t'-11 •
ever t11,= week cod with he 50n.
'.t •i daughterdn-law, Rn'. Wm. Weir
.t d Mr's. Weir.
)lis. 11, G, Steer a1151 Patsy are
visiting with her mother, ;Ctrs. Bra-
in London this week.
31r. and Mrs. Alfred Dunkin and
i= a hter, _Eleanor, a h tau Road
-•^rt• tt on Sunday with 1 Me. and Sirs.
ri! rn Bell ,cosi f::nnty
The lanadiate Red 'asass sre ep
ret;' t, for blankets ror Bill:lin. If
you u cannot uiv :r Li at,ke, the Sum of
.011 may be let.'t with the treasurer,
31r. H. 11. Lawreeee, or with Miss E.
.lo nstcru to purchase a 'tlr..}c .. Bon-
attions of blanket' or (tents alar bt.
lett at the Red Cross work room 0t1
a1 ,day or Fiud,ay a r amat.s
Dr. and Mr. P, G. Steer \v:r. Vi -
e1 on Sunday by his parents,.Mr.
end Mrs. Steer of Mount Prydge•.
Mrs. Steer is remaining' for a week.
W M.S. Meet.—
The Nevrmber meeting. of the
vh M.S. of Carmel Presby t,•rcan
e'mtr:'h w:ts held on Thursday :it'ter-
-oon with Mrs. C. Hudson presiding
itt opent,d with a hymn and the Red
Cross daily prayer in unison. Mrs,
Hannah Workman read the Scripture
.esson. The nt rn ) r1 will hold a
„u li ng in the :school room on Tues. -
ami Thursday afternoons this
we. firs, C. Hudson n',• an int-
Nsting report .of t11e e-xecutive
meeting held in Clinton. The a11' i' -
0g was received. and Mrs bran
Manson ltd u1 nrayer. :after singing
"More Love t'. Thee 0 Chri.t, Mrs.
Hudson very ably took the topic
It.v,•r= ty oml Unity." The meet.
.ed 1v rtn'in .lieu be the
thst II ., and tl.r Lents pray-
.. I+ .masa n.
M1 11:0O'I.air of London don wits
apt Mr. John c t.ric.
A. Reynolds and Mrs. T. Rabic.ou
$2. This makes the. total to date of
$16, and tliis list will he continued
nest week, if necessary. The Port
Albert Royal Ale FOree Choir will
present a concert in the Hensall
Town hall on Thursday. November
27, under auspices of the Hensall
branch of the Iced Cross. This air
force choir has been presenting ex-
cellent • entertainments throughout
the eountns of Bruce and Huron.
Plan to =pend this evening itt Hen -
sail and onjo.s an t venin; good
nmsic, Your t,istauce to the Meal
work of. 1 , Canadian Red Cross
Society will be-allreciated also. A
very ;necessful and instructintt
meeting of Red Cross workers was
Mit in the council chamber at ('lin•
ton on :Muudey afternoon, Nov. 17,
at 2 p.1 Mrs. I.. M. Jehnntoil, ,1;,_
it rt t pt int.itn-e, tit' Strattfot'd
was i.hargii of the meeting. A
splendid el-tend:wee from the brant
ehes in ths district of Stratford, in-
cluding N
lu ! n a\ t il :old south Huron, was
n.0 e,1 'til, ,1„ ., Of till,. 1to t41/.1g
±er 1,11) ;III
l inal•ttet otn'(•tors
�nul workm-s :u to methods of work
ori p:1 1irm, ,11 c.• that would areae
tit' 1t,: r rittr,e tery and says tittle and
r-. tl l,t•kiur ;It the receiving
depot in Toronto. Isiciplett,is on t1(
amount et work to
Ito doter- y,t1 male by Mrs.1 ,ilia
sten.Abut 1000 sw••atfet s a week
ereneeded, of the turtle leak type
lite sewing was needed esimeiallY
!.lma; tbe risfugees and the civilians
Who have suffered from bombings.
I: has been suggested that- if the
Indies soeld not niteed the work
twig e :1 week that they try. to
ttt:•nil on a week. Home work i-
11 told:le, if returned pronttply'• in
tine for monthly shipnments. Sirs.
the r'itt. Mrs. 'llrliaigg, or Mrs. Rob-
inson Dick will give yott instruction'
eladly. To titre some part in this
.;reed anti to win the war by keeping
1111 the morale of our men in the
,vice through providing theta with
warm comtolts.and needed supplies.
lizt. to ho the desire of every cit-
izen. Th4.•re should be no ,,:hirkere. It
is every person's responsibility to tie
all within one's power. The repres-
entative: from the Ilertsali branch
to the Clinton meeting were, MISS
A. 50371,Miss A. Reynolds, Miss
M. IMehattan, Mrs. 1:. A. Brook
3i F. Johnston, Mrs. Thos, bile,.
vitt Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. The exec-
utive of the Red Cross and the Go-
tt,, ,.')1tntnittec will meet Monday at
p.m. in t'ouncii chamber, Hensall.
Arrangements will be completed for
concert to be held the following
11ntsday. The annual meeting of
the tied Cross Society of Hensall
will be le -1,1 Mondays D('' 4. in the
town ball. ,All interested in Red
!Cress tss tyoili are invited to e'n111e to
this public ;:atherin,, i'+,et'tion 11
loiliser.. for the new year will be a
;1'0'1 of 111,- Program, Members who
t t r 1•••rte w i
1 til, +• ire mil, 1 t} fee
11. 1 w 1P l: liarihlr 10 VI110 \V
Red Cres.
tLr, I , it ;,hout that nit r,011,e}1et1� lM1'Y •l1
;neem Scripture John 17:147. anal
explained that in this -chapterJohn
Knox's soul found an- anchor, The
bepole Mr. Fred haters., entered the
pulpit with the books and waited on
the mituRev. tv, 1Feir gave the
call to worship and ol1ered prayer.
The Sacrament of Baptism was then
dispensed after' singing "0 God of
Bethel." Rev. Austin 1„ Budge, D.
D., of Hamilton, baptized Frederick
David, son of Rev. and Mrs. Weir.
and Res. Wnt Weir baptized Arlene
Joan, daughter of Mr, mid Mrs, A.
W. Kerslake, Earl Laverne, son of
Mr.- and Mrs, Glenn E. Bell, •tad
Murray Neil, son of Mr, and Mrs,
Roy Bell, The guest speaker hr.
Budge, delivered a Very interesting
message on the sermon text,- "Thy
land -shall he called Beulah unar-
ried), at land, married to God," Isa-
;a.nah i12:1 by the oventnts signed :u
different times, Scotland,Ireland
and England were 'married to (loci.
1'hr oil ringwas received in long-
i, andled boxes sued psalm, '0 God
give eat 1111th my cry,"," w'atd. :Stltlg,
followed ly the national anthem and
the hen diction. Cbl choir sat in the
pews at the front of tht church. At
the evening set'viee i)r. Mudge spoke
as the subject Old Fashioned Vir-
tues." .end a -young people's choir
led in til singing Miss Irene Hot
Barth and Robert Cameron took solo
part: in the anthem and Miss Mar-
garet Dou Fall sank, 't solo,
Miss .Mildred Purdy was taken to
tit Josephs hospital. London. en
Saturday suffering with nose hem-
Rev. lb. A. Poen* conducted the
it •t•. in the United t'hut'eb on
Sunday and the choir sang two an-
thems, "Who Follows in Ilia Train,"
and "The Knowledge of the Lord."
The R.A.F. choir front Pent Al-
bert will present a concert in the
town hall, Hensall, on Thursday.
Nov. 27th, under auspices Of the
Red Cross Society.
Roses Bloom in November
Beautiful red roses were seen. in
full bloom in the gaeden of Mr, and
Mr's, E. I,. Mickle last week when
the ground was covered with our
first snowfall, but the weather this
week being very mild, Indian Sum-
mer as it is often called, the roses
are still blooming and look more
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Passmore of
Delhi visited over the week end with
the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs.
John Passmore.
Educational Meeting Held—
Last week being educational week
in the rural schools. the parents of
the pupils attending Lumley School,
were invited to -pend an afternoon
at the school whim the following
program was presented. Rev. Mair
if ThamesLoaspoked spokand M.
Grigg of Exeter ast gave an ad-
dress. both were most interesting.
Che sellout choir favored with musi=
t al uuntbers and an arnat cut' hour
was i highlight of the prn'raun.
`I_-. :_ 1 .t ,+1 IYt 1'77"h11. 17aC, )141,.ar-t Cann won iit•;:.t prle.e and.
t i. „f t } t ni r Irl o t 7 lie
k uiul t
Graaf 'Morgan ,etnei pttt . Th,
{ t tr,,� w - r per .•toed by M1Ii -. Ft xi
P is -un 31r Math.1 4,'oikui.,..n,
1-1,ouctli, teitcher nr til, p11111 d>
. r t
11,111M er, ilii for (n, plc•1 13
l,ante,ut'u1 of the l,o•nant.
Wohelo Class Entertained-.-
• '11.• 111,•mbers of the AC holo Sun
tiny Scltatd , inFF <,t' LAI,. 1„'ttlte,i
Ci,itrch writ• lal 1 attly int rtaine,;
at the !tome of 7.11. end Mr_, Ittiv',I
Eyl;• on Friday erenittn Mrs. 1'et:r
lleNtitit:hfon pre:dithal ..ler the pro-
1 ,grant, which -opened by singing the
national anthem followed by the
Lard's prayer in unison, The Scrip,
trace lesson was read by Miss F1dna
Satuudertmek and the devotional by
Urs. 31c`aughton, The roll call was
answered by a Biblical character.
The business was discussed and each
member is asked to- make a quilt
block 20"x20" for a quilt. Foch
member is requested to give a con-
tribution at the December meeting
to raise funds in place of having a
concert. Miss Elva McQueen and
Mrs. D. Kyle were appointed a pur-
chasing committee. Gaines and con-
tests followed and refreshments
were served by the hostess, The De-
cember meeting will be held Dee. 5.
LAC. Kenneth Passmore of the
RCAF, Trenton, visited over the
week end with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs, John Passmore,
i' } i; r W 10 1.;r, 1111 r•Flt7 ire
n,l hope that :01 will •11
e'1 , oi„ t 1 1 'lu lu it.(IY '.alt t' W,
l,5 ,,, I, ,•t ' 111, 1,1k1 b:. •,lr,.
•i1" t, .til„ 11,101,r, Yeue vole cess
O „t1 tt
, 11, t - ,•11 ,IS
t ,111,111 I -hilar,'-nt r,f
e1'!; .,i 1 011 ti t •,t t , .talet,i.t
0 )!:. 4_ cent
t„(t- <,r,wen. a air'. ."r pr,
: neer -t t -,1,1;:•+. 14 ,este 11455 1"
t t, seeks. :, turtl, neck =we at rs,
11, el, rui;ls, S n !milts, ,td.< mr
n ,v . aunty and s,•atnt,•it. i pr.
wb,de mitts, . 11 :10 ets,1.,stormy-
, urves, 20 pr. socks, size 111; :10 pr.
size 11.
Y. P. S. Anniversary—
Cu/1-tel Presbyterian Church was
tilled on Sunday when the T, P. S.
held tht-it• annual anniversary serv-
ices. The morning service was in
the form of a Covenanters service
in 1.560 A.D. by John Snox, The
s t,: inn clerk Mr. W. R. Davidson,
lead the Ten Commandments from
Exodus s 20:1-17. The preeentor Mr.
W. A. MacLaren led in the singing
of the 146th psalm "All People That
an Earth do dwell." after which
Gordon Campbell read the Old Tes-
tament Scripture Isaiah 55, and
ltobert Cameron read the New Test -
lis'• work
0. 0'-
rla, Led
s t.k•'t
-for unit.
,retslt.,lv,• the re.
t011e 1, friends
P•' did not get. Also a
nlas from Mrs. Stephen
Trti„ r. :Anther b},ittket
:free, : Mrs. Ai,'. Alea:cnder. 15,- here•-
i.h acknowledge cash ,t,ntitie,ns as
foilaw, Miss H. Swann •t2, Mrs. R.
A. P •ok $2 Miss F Jolinstsin
Mr. arid Mrs. Laird 'AI e' l ss; Mr..
Arnold $2, Miss Forrest $2. Mrs. C.
(niers $1, Mrs. Malkanson 51 Mrs.
W. 0. Gotadwin 11. Misr A. 4.onsitt
5+2: Mrs. Harold Collis of Santa
Barbara, California. .1,5;. Mfrs. - A.
Simmonss' Tuesday Afternoon
Bridge Club, 512; Ml_. W. Forrest.
:Mrs. W. 0. Thompson il, Miss
Card of Thanks
Mfrs, 1lerhet't Box wishes to thank
iter ninny t'ri'ads and neighbors for
their many acts of kindness and
sympathy in hes recent bereavement,
also the doctors; nurses, and the
hospital, for floral tributes, and
those who loaned cars, also the Rev,
Hugh Jack.
Card of Thanks
Mr. Austin Dolmage and family
wish to thank their manly friends
and neighbors for their kind sym-
pathy 1110 offer of help and for the
floral tributes and for the loan of
cat's. We appreciate it more than
words can say.
Card of Thanks
Mrs, Charles Case and daughter,
Airs. John McIntosh, wish to thank
their neighbors and friends far their
kindness shown to them in the sidc-
nt•.s. and death of Mr. Case, also the
!lural tributes,
Shea -gain r San. Packers 1 1'one en-
trates- for all livestock. Feed a bal-
anced radion. We have a mixer in-
stalled Irices reasonable, See tis to-
day. Ebc.tltat'ts Mill,
New Massey Harris cream separa-
tor, stainless steel model, still crated
ill original -arse. A snap for quick
sale, J. N. McKenzie, Phone -2b.
Sugar kettle, Royal Oak wood
heater, board and pipes, large bar-
rel, block and tackle, small iron gate,
and hinges, shoe lasts and shank,
bed springs, Sask, robe, a number of
windows, clothes horse, 6 lb, iron
wedge, demijohn, quantity of hay,
2000 lb scales, also a pine door, out-
, ',
side, ';aaxG'2, 1 ash door 30,_x(+'•1.
Mrs, M. G. Beatty, Varna,
Tenders for the excavation of 8360
cubic ytu•tis on the Rathwell Drain
will be received on or before Nov-
ember 211(0, 1941. A marked cheque
for tett per centum of the tender
must be enclosed with tender. Low-
est or any tender not necessarily ac-
Dated this 10th day of November,
Clerk of Stanley Township,
Varna, Ont.
For Friday & Sat., Nov. 21-22
lr,sil t'eert',mt 11' for 23v
11 -:-f, l, 7 lh or 13r
Mint,nt<:1 S,hueabr'::1
tin ',15c
:Clint -eon -at ph" ._.. 1(0
F'tt101,it., Itt • tins. 2 fot 2r.
slitter Kraut. large tin :1 for _25c
Suutu' • Redpath 5'1111.4 111 llrv,. 795
5u,:et ie'•llot+ i to 11.. tilt791
ah t, It
.Silver spray)
2 for 29e
Salmon Gelder Net,
Il lr}t SI.
Toddy. t Ctrs tits 39c
For i c extra 1 ib, till free,
Flints• critic premiums 1
Pkg., each 19c, 25c, 39c
Poaches ( yellow 1 2 i Ct-o2, tins. _ .25e
I'otaloes, rltnic, No. Is, per bag 1.15
In 5 bag lots 1.10
Sausage, Schneitk't"s, purr pork,
country style, per 1b 25c
Head Chet sc in d ,a ]h. tins
per lb, _.. 17c
Phone 111. Prompt Delivery,
tt lb. bag of Robinhood Flour
for $2,49 with an order for 53
worth of groceries at cash
98 10. bag of Sepoy Flour for
$2,19 with an order for $3..00
worth of groceries at cash
One bag of Sugar for $7.49
with an order for $3 worth of
groceries atcash prices.
One pkg. of 10 Gillette 11lue.
Blades and One tube of
Shaving Cream, all for._..59t
Pig Starter, per cwt, ..... 2.49
Ilog Grower, per cwt. ..... ..,1,79
Very Choice Grape Fruit
6 for 25c
California Grapes, 2 1bs,.... 25c
Red River Cereal; pkg,.........23c
Find.! a,1i' 1
® ..usmt crc" -"- •^^^•^.•moa:
Auction Sale
(11' Farm Stock and _Imple'ments.
Ai Lot 44 ('on, 2, LAS. Tuckey •
sm1111, en Wednesday, Nov. 25th,
at 1 P.5I.:
Horses2 aged horses,
1 attle4 grade Durham cows, sup-
posed to be itt calf; 1 yearling Here.
ford steer; 2 spring Hereford calves;
2 baby beeves.
Hens. --•l0 ruck hens. 40 Rock
Imltletttents --- 1 Deering binder;
Massey ILaais mower: sulky rake;
3lcCormiclt seed drill, 13 hoe; Mits.
sey Barris cultivator; 3 section dirt•
to old harrows; 1 Holl souffle,; 1
walking plow; 1 politer; footling
mill; 1 farm wagon with box and
gravel box sides; hay rack; 1 set
slings and attachment; 1 cutter; 1
buggy; wheelbarrow; sugar kettle;
2000 lb. set settles; 2,111 10, counter
scales; 22 ft, extension ladder, forks,
shovels, etc. Other articles too num.
ertnts to mention.
household I,;ffeets--Churn, 143 doz,
dining roam chairs, extension tattle,
1 bedroom suite, dishes, etc.
Terms cash.
John E. Ball, Proprietor.
Harold Jaeltson• Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Horses, Cattle, Grain and
Household Uffects. - Mr, Harold
Jackson has been instructed to sell
by public auction on Lot 27, Con. 11,
McKillop. on Tuesday, November 25,
at 12.30 p.m.. the following:
Horses -Matched team of geldings,
5 and 8 years old; mare supposed to
be in foal, 7 years old; mare suppos-
ed to be 01 foal, 4 years old; 2 geld-
ings rising 3 years.
Cattle S. enws stlppesed to be in
calf. heifer 2 year's old, heifer 1 yr.
old 1 steer 1 yr. old. 7 sprint; calves.
Pigs sows. :1 pigs 175 lbs., 1s
pies lust weaned.
Harness- Set brreebin5 harness,
set plots haunt ss, n collars
Implements- M11. hinder. 7 It. cut,
5-1117 na,wra, 43 ft tan: U II rid.,
rad. • M...11. hit loader n, Inert• spread,
er. land refl.,. 111>:= y culte •••, d
,bill, stiff tooth ttlids tto1 "31,1.1 disc,
setaiiiit 1:,»'., farm w,:{, n -ra-
v. 1 box, hay rock. 1 tads hart ,olio„
ito, t,tl1ltl: plow, nt1[15,, h v
;NW, 1•l01ta 1t y• 11n tllp e•i'.
t l,l:lll:;•
I'tll-. 1'•e It 11:n a p, ,m;t 1•
e: 1 - 1 11,-., ,1,11: end -hovel
whittle He. -, ne-e1, yoke. Hilt• 1' ::, tlf
lit hoe. of 1t t 'no lordiet-' m11'',
nit itu..\L1 ka hat ,n int. 1':
oars. 'eh it h;trh.y.
Loot:. .der hti unit:gttltl-. .. 4,11.
eI t,il'itips,
Also ;i ena10115 tit ' hon>rbnbl ai
fe'ets. :tie! sent,. Illittltt t', tongues,
Tertue taste.
,(-lira curtail. I'rnp.; 11:,raid .I119c•
.sora. .4,0(1 iottoer•
1,atnbet•t Sale Yards. Stt•aihroy,
Saturday. November ::2nd, 150 mixed
stock cattle. Usual run of calves
and mixed pigs. Sales every Satur•
day. A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
Seven -room house, bathroom, fur-
nace, hydro, good Iocation in Har-
purhey. Apply McConnell & Hays,
This is Seaforth's objective in the National War We pons Drive
0 We've nearly done it! Our community is close to its
objective in the War Weapons Drive. But more pledges
are urgently needed. Our soldiers, our sailors, our airmen
are counting on us. More regular purchases of War Savings
Certificates mean more weapons for our forces. Each of us
must do his part -- not one of us must shirk his duty.
Let's all get behind this drive for the last push to success.
Remember—our present objective is just a start. Our job
for the war is far from finished. We must do better and better
until Victory is achieved. This means larger investtnents in
War Savings Certificates — month in, month out, for the
duration. Let's make our effort a power drive for Victory.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay*
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
price in tite 1)ulnutiou Bank Build
11,1, Seaforth. Office hours:-
1,'''-y, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m, to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p. tn. to 9 p, m,
A pitch fork between Seaforth
and Egntondville on Saturday night.
Finder kindly phone 664 r 13, Sea -
forth. R. MacLean.
Boarders wanted, Apply to Miss
1' o
Ca n chin, West William street.
Married man for general farm
work, year round employment, J.
Wesley Beattie. Phone 158, Sea -
A red plush couch; also a wood
bedstead, for sale. Mrs, P. H. Mc-
Grath, St. Columban,
I'ercheron filly. rising two, for
sale. Jatmees Jarrett, phone 100r24,
Henson central.
Wanted to Ivy, 0 na,tureycle. with
sulecatr pr '1 recd. T'hon «. or writ E.
stating 11,31,51 ea:41 grit'+r• 10 14AO
Watson. a.fa., R94281, No, 21 llaclit:
ticlteml, Clinton,
1+'er Alin r•el for t'attte. Pigs or
1'oultty, your IVatkins dealer.
\Cat. lis- t laws .1 blocks 1st of
fottli l 11,10 htn,ery.
1 1 wheel trail t h •e : -
tictilec. 1 r 11P. I30`3t011,Mtl
oil •,eeiu• , at i;b• r}sui'- t ,t ;!alar'
t iii, alma it,
room ltricl; boort, tit';i .. colt
t••uicattly located it. let,trtI, .7t.t•1}-
Ut'1.'nnel) & Ilaye. 5. afurtb. tint.,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Arthur Stewart At-
All persons having claims against
the ]';state of Arthur Stewart Atkin
son, late of Detroit, Michigan, :ld
P,ayfield, Ontario, hental Surgeon,
deeeas('d, who died on or about the
15th day of May, 11)41, are hereby •
notified to send in to the 'undersign-
ed on or before the 12th day of
December, 19-11, full particulars of
their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed am-
ongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will net
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth, this 19th day
of November, 1941.
Solicitors for the Administrator.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Bridget Dever•auX.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Bridget Devereux, Late
of the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron, widow, deceased,
who died on or about the 1st day 01
November, 1941, aro hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 29th day of 'November.
1941, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date. the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the 'parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
wltic•h the undersigned shall then
MVP notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted 1 or any part thereof,..
Dated at. Seaforth, this 410 day of
November, 1941,
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for 13to Executrix.
lite. Hire, Auto, Sdckniss t Arcui-
cnt,Windstorm & g:narant• • ;.ince!
Rates reasonable. All
in first class comnanie
Infarmaiion cheerfully give*,