HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR
nilSi' \ NFAVS
snotiolon ars,. nublitthitru
The annual bazaar and supper of
St, tl,./e-gte'sthuvch wan 1144,1 ot,
Sat cd:ty and was an unqtnditlisi
taseess. After the basstar w;ts
eiztred open by tlw presi feet of tile
Guild. Mrs. Itumphries, the ladies
charge of tilt' itrititts booths were
ovenbird :a showing the large 4lis
nlay of aprons. quills and fancy
work, Tile
11,i1 baking 1100111
1,V7ks ;11,10 W...11 pittroeti A bot Sale
t.101 fr,nn toot. •tn-
tvnra-, cis( stiraci.wt :t CrOw11.
11 1, +ha. 111, .111,11.1.q.1, 1111.1
111.11'1,11,, al' 11 411111d :it.: W.A. t'or
1,.1surr, 41111i
'111111"' '11111%."11-11...111 1'3,1.111.14A
1 1.,/a.../. 10.. WO.
.1s ,a.11111,•,1 111.
1t.. 1. .et' the 11H1ten I o-
iled :but -oh toot on Not. '2
11,115. t..11i11:1011.
-1,Alto is lio, in yonder mall.- Serie-
tnre ilassages "%Vara 1.0ail 1.1.1111-
1415. T191 Mc.11114.1s rasoolidati to
1r.. 4.011 all, The oet.flier initiates
risni toni apitrove,i. Nil's'. 11411Y
delivered ail itistering lid -
dr, 1 the T1111/1k.,01114ril .4' nie.titii
on 1i, A intragrtipli was road
sbow ,eit that nothing ha iteen done
by the got...no/tent to ettrit the waste
due to the ,a).' 4)4 itictthoi. It 'vas re..
who also rinid kKxplatiation of the
mune A period of meditation and
dediention was led by the leader,
rs. A. T. Stott had oluirgo Of tho
only period, she was assisted in
/-',141111; tia. 21141 eltaptor. "Tito Canad
ians are coming," from the study
hook by Mrs. C. Brock, and Mrs. A.
:McQueen. Hymn 2ill, was snug find
Alis,, 110WeY (dosed the meeting with
the benediction.
The thankofforing serviees for 1110
W 11,,Swere held Saullio morning.
14144• pastor, 11r. VI-fin:sem
preaclost 1 missionary Sor111011. 11111S
i,111 1115 1aX1 iroul .101111 •iii12.
Mrs, W, Swan 4,1111 ot Hann
01,411 isited with 11r. :Ms. Satan and
Ila1U1111,1 .415'
from attondod trio atiniverary
-'4 )'i' rho church.
14141111111, on Smiday.
it Chesnoy dstred PI, her
Mrs. Jas. drodatt
ll, a el. end
11i -s Belly Allan is eoafined to 114-.r
home whit 14 liaopIng congit.
front SS. No. 1,1. Stanley. are out of
school with the ebbioni pox.
Mr. and 114's. Irred Gilbert aIlti
1I114t1'l 141' 1,111'1111.011.1, Mr. Ilugh
301111,1011 1 1111101'1110.., N. Ontario.
N1r. and Mrs, Wallor Schlucluer, Mrs.
thiward IfasItin and Maxine of Boyal
Oak, Mali., Mrs, D. Haugh, Airs E.
(111111.4.)1 ,11111 danghter, Miss 141yrtio,
and Betty (falser. of ktasliwood,
ed their mode Mr. C. Haugh.
ported tha: Slo was eleare,i at the
!id e111)4-11, 11101611-1 Wit.,
4ur411.11 11110_ :UV 11.1.tialos clothing
which .10111,1 Inive been :fere to the -11,411,11.
1-1,do thiii triv.--11 to lite Frol
.•. mat NI 14-4-
1 full I
1-11, 111a11 se\-ntist, TIs• 5111
1 ats! 11, :11.a.
0 lit- Chin.
• i• :1 .11i1ri
oar: 1,0,c4.,01. Mrs.
Mrs 11,o. 1. ftty:sns,
711,•c1;11. '111.• 411, .,f
•„,.k ,••;•-•ct ::,.- with ;tens
Death of Charles ease -
la, death 'an -11,1,d 0.1 his hone. on
1..1 12, MelVillea. 4,1,TLit.S-
110,y, 1 Itl, Charl,.s Case. ,,r1,•
sitititns of Mohiii-
ion, lir. Cat.- initi botti 444 1111'11421
11'',1'.for soon tint.' Wit" 40?! -
1445 far the past six
W, lif was I:, his 711:11 year. Mr.
t'as,• a.as born at Kemp; 11. but
"char, ul,allt yaarn of age he
mot:. with his foster parents to
'yle1',1110,4 where he has since resided.
Forty-four years ago h» marri011
M:.ry Coulter of Bruce Minos who
s,arvives 'nim. Besides his widow ho
u. survived by one daughter. Mrs.
John McIntosh of Morris township.
He was a member of Walton Orange
Ledge being secretary at the time
of his death. Mr. Casa was a mem-
ber of the Walton English Church.
Funeral was held on Thursday, in-
terment in Brussels cemetery.
Mrs. Case left Saturday to make
her home at present with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. John McIntosh. 211d line of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Last. Welland.
spent the week end at her sister's,
Mrs. R. Hoy.
We are pleased to learn Miss M.
Mowbray has been able to leave the
hospital and left with her brother,
Robert for Toronto where she will
spend a time till she is able to look
after her home again.
Mrs. F. Rutledge of Blyth was a
in Walton on Saturday and
also attended the bazaar.
Mrs. I. Bolton spent the week end
with her daughter. Mrs. W. J. Hum-
Mrs. Gordon McGregor of Wing -
ham and Mrs. NleGregor of Myth
were in Walton Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Jas. Alderson 4,1 Brussels
14 l412)'4111)' aftt;r11001i with
fri,r(1S442 WatOil.
Mrs. Peter Mt:Taggart has return-
ed 1., her Ilona, from Seafortl,„
S Sirt W. C. Bennett, Postai Corp.
spent the week end at
eme here.
.1 W11.
-,rns io 1,1 ',V, dn. sritiy, Not1ti.Ill
t.. room. s itow. the
ft, pro -041.A nno Tho
with 4y11111 1 15, lbalt 11.41 10.
0114--1. A111.1. 411a
:al alp? ,-,c1+,pt•
ed.. :he iseil f,1111 ,11,!,'.4,1ra,1 W1111
of, 1,11111 114'. Tla
4,,,ort as 4l4 -',q4 141,4i 4W,.ving laii,.ti
Mrs 111. Aikentieno, 1.4,14 1, coaotti44. to:
hc,-4,41,4„ ,,,,,warosail,, th,wey
a splendid 24 Par) 111.. 04.1 10/1-
113• held 0, consultive. Mrs.
11, Ltalrympl., intik the chair for the
'1.111. 1111,4110 101' NOV-.
,1411a,' Was -11''4, live 414 faith -.testis
cto. Hyno, 72 was s111047 -With
Margaret 'McQueen praSitlit14 at the
piano auri 5111141114 the Vorga$ 410 11
solo, the Inorabers singing l'Int dow-
ns. Mrs. Dalrymple road a poem on
1.1 fow Tottng HO Was." Mid loll in a
4154447 144. praise for Jesus Cbrist, the
members responding. While all stooft
verses 14-21 of 7414 in the Hytititary
wore read. The Scripture, I John 5:
1.14 was read by Mrs. Jas Thompson
.f. nnyti.-ht. visited lotr
Mrs. Ir. Iless and Mrs. 1',
last as5-44-.
tarry 1 14111104, and his mother.
'Mrs. '1'. Ilittilob 'a 110 :V1v, and
1-1 Soott and :Sir,. NV.. Mutton -
bury. lam wook.
W.' to know 1114)1 Miss
Atsiy who wilt. in tilluton
IV...A.11,d. wits .11.1.. to 40144 14 Intrin..,
"Air ;Old llts.././111; ;Jai 3.1iss
1114 111'' 1! stnitlor titirrod. 1 4 'lint Oa
1.1,1 Criday whet,. they Intro 10111'0-
44 w 1401410, 11r, and Mrs. Sniii-
1'e,s1.11.111, of
lane 11,1,1 1,114 will 1,, '1'110
werties of their friond, 1111114' g,44'S
',Ph then, to 1 10,114' 110111,
Th.. 1,11,111111 for 11.1. /1.'W 1111114.
ila.1 1...r 111, 1.'1a11110110 sy,tent 1)4)"
1,,,,,11 1,! Till, tr11il4fing 1111is11-
..,1 111 11, ti araal 1111prOV.110,111 to
ltla .40 olia, V,1111.11 WaS 1,111110.1.41 ly
Mr, S. Ros;
2. Clarenee Artastro0a T011-
.41140 14,41/. the Wadi Old With his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson .Arm-
strons:.- His sister Isabel returned
with Lin, for 14 visit.
and Mrs. .Austin Zapfe of
London visited friends in the village
an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Cornish and
Mrs. Wm. Hill soent Sunday with
Dr, and Mr.. Hill of Sarnia.
tout Mrs. T. H. 1,1411.-eler spent
Ito- week end in Stratford.
. Mr. and Mrs. -11. Dalrymple at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Anderson in Stratford on Sunday,
Miss Anna Cornish of London
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mrs. Wm. Swan and family of Ha-
milton spent the week end at the
home of Mr. Jas. Swan, Mrs. A. Ham
returned to Hamilton with them.
Mr. C. Cornish spent the week end
This is the recent Red Cross ship-
ment: seamen's comforts: 5 aero
caps, 5 pr. long stockings, 4 turtle
neck sweaters, 5 pr. whole mitts, 6
nr. plain socks; army and air force,
5 scarves, 5 helmets, 5 pr. gloves, 5
turtle neck sweaters, 5 pr. socks.
Come on, you knitters, we need- your
tare lesson. The report of the 1440'-
11(4(11(1 014'm14121 1144,1 revently at Com
4110114-A. WaS )4l'4 ''11 lly. Mrs. Filingrad,
'‘ .014 (111'.! '411221 duet, "'trifling With
1114' Tide.- aas rendered by 1411'44. Sr
1,4-4,11 and 1411, 1. Sbaddielf will,
guitar. Mrs. if. hall, Myth, W110 W1(1
4.0111111111t4'd 1110 chapter in
ihe new study bend). 141 ''40)121' closed
with the benedietion by furs, 1o, Tam_
The Bingo WIliall WaS 110111 ill 100
111111 011 Friday Main NVilS .111110 14111.1 -
ea -1,11111, a 1.4110.1 1.0041 11114.11111111.1.
'111:.! 0444 t2)0,`11 ill. 411111 $211 eXPallSOS,
''144 11)14 a rash 114)1,114,, of $311,
Young People's Society
Elect Officers --
'1'1,-, clai• , ef the --1'.11.S.
• -nr,11,-1 presbyterial, Church WaS
held on Slomisy with ',Miss
iron.. Ho22a4144i orusitlinn• and (4)14'l0'
4-) 11.'. si4:111..2' "I TO the IlilIs- Will
1.211 Mitt, Itiyos." 44144' whielf :Miss
:114,11,11 Workman lod in mayor. The
Scripture lesson. Ilevelations, Chap-
ter 2, was read by Miss Beryl Pilaff.
'lite minutes were read and adopt-
ed and -Pass 'Me Not 0 Gentle -.1:140:-
iour" ming', The gui,M speaker was
Mr. Roy Goulding of Exeter, who
gaff. a, very int,.es‘sting address on
'Music A pp reest 40414,''and gave
numerous _illustrations on a portable
phonograph and also sang numerous
Vocal solos by way of illustration.
P,ev. Weir gave a few well . chosen
remarks in appreciation of Mr.
address. Robert C2111101'011
IrraSantOd 'rho Slate 4411 0trt(1arl; fOr
the year as tollows, President, Nliss
Ruth NiacIllvenna 1 Vice preS„,; Hob-
Cann:Ton: liarrY
noon:all: pianist, tlarnaret
soeial committee, Miss Irene Beg-
sorth.• MiAS Holt''1 '414,12', MisS ois
1,51,10Larell anti 11.1,„ Wail%
04 l,1.475 Besyl Niebel
SSarkiann :eal Mrs, Cies-, ljeteesi..
Woisdiie• Nij.-ses listomb 1411
Sally Mattson sed 111,111v1i, T11011,o1/.
15, !d1-11.. V111 1!,,),. 1411,1,1
Mari,,,, .:11:1,.1.1/ra11 1,1111 N11,11 1,1rar,l'.
4411a4.i111, WaS 4,11.1 111,
11,4- a1,,,,,1 1,y ,1rar111.? "Tlle
1'' 51 and " which Nor.
Woir Ind in prayer.
Notice -
To the 1411 .'3l4144'1'0 .0i' the Village
of I14,,nsali 104' 4, :Meeting' will 104-
11.141 in the tcavn hall, lionsall. Fri-
day; November 2104, at S 15,111.
which time the tinativial revert for
the year ending November 15, 114.11,
.will be presented and open for
Council Meeting --
A statutory meeting of the vill-
as:- eounril was held on Saturday
eeening tit 7.:11 nan, in the Council
t'listeber with all members being
present. 'rim minutes of pr05 ions
meeting. were read and • adopted. R.
.1. I'atterson. tax collector, reported
as having 414'!' 647(4 i644)0.02 since
141,4 1.114`1'ti1l14- .11' a 1.0101 of St190.2.88
in taxes to date-. J. A. Patterson 1')''
140114.11 sending four soldiers belts;
since lest meeting, also presented
lie financial report for the year.
llorton and Parkins. that the financ-
ial report be aVeepted as read and
sufficient eopies printed. Carried.
Mrs. Walker Carlisle and Miss Edna
Walsh appeared asking permission
to use the council chamber one night
a week for the girl guides. Same
granted. Correspondence read and
filed. Cameron and Kerslake, that
we adjourn to meet Dec. ist.s-Jas.
A. Patterson, Clerk.
The November meeting of the
ladies' association of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church was held on Tues-
day evening with Mrs, James Pat-
terson presiding and opened- by
singing "My Faith Looks up to
Thee," and prayer by Mrs. l'atter-
son. Miss Irene Hoggarth played a
piano instrumental. Mrs. Jean Man-
son favored with a reading. The
business was discussed. Mrs. Farqu-
har gave a reading entitled "My Fi-
nancial Career." Hymn "Come Let
Cs Sing of a Wonderful Love," was
snug, Mr. R. Orr played a selection
entitled "Annie Laurie" on the sax-
ophone. Hymn "Work for the Night
Is Coming," was sung and the meet-
ing closed with the Lord's prayer in
Ripe Raspberries Picked -
Mr. Wm. Foster picked fine speci-
mens of well -formed raspberries
Which he obtained on Tuesday on
the lot owned by Bob Dalrymple.
all., and Mrs. Ed Stewart of Lon-
don and Miss Elizabeth Slavin of
liensall visited 011 Sunday with Mr,
and NIrs. Glenn Slavin and Mr. and
11144, Fred Slavin.
Mrs. Leitch of Ailsa .Craig and
Mrs. ZaVits 01 Windsor visited 011
S1.1111ifl!,,1 with Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Graham of London is visit-
ine with her sisters Mis- Katie
;.tal :411.s. liallailtyn,4.
This ittlit 1 bazaar of the W.A.
will 0.. hold in the liasentent of the
Community 111111 on Friday after-
noon of this week-. Will open at 2.114
fi'elock. This win be Int Importunity
(11 secure your Christmas gifts and
also p.m' supply of baking fox. over
the Tia -re Will also be a
S1.111.+1-1' :441 usual.
'Mrs. .1. '1'/11111.1y11 iS Splitting 11 few
414,1s, will, MrS. W. Clinton.
\his Voddaii 41,a/11 1ha
svoc.it 111 ibo bolo,. 41 4,41'
\‘' '1'. 111
1`11,. n4,,,tine; of tbo
tvlis botti on iTlitnistiny last
with a good nr tontlitneti. 31rs. .1. i',
wit, in tn.. ritaiti.
opon...1 by singing, a hymn 1'ollies:4M
hy 114,- daily pray, r. F. „land -son.
:es4-1,16411' road 11,''
i.s.piuoltiti to by
11111,1)111%g TIP` 50,11a
11 ',I' 11101 4,11 who have
Nat 0,41,1 for 1941 do so in
ortior lutott,-; for 1)141 o4111 1.4. ('1'))'
'-41 .0 riot ' 01. 'no- word for 11,0
December loll e1,11 -114-ting4-.- .Mrs.
1-' gay, a re:14101g -in flu's -
flan So- wardship. Iligh prices in
11'e4,, china. Airs. gav'. the
1-1"144tIft'Fs 1'11,10. '1'114, temperance
0-4,4-4-t141y, iratigrad gar., El 11111d•
1(114 1111 Ili,' Ilai,l'age 11.14011IS all a :1.11111 -
filly f 111110011 ill 1/11111HO. 11 114414
1 the Auxiliary will buy “114,1141
Irriend-s- for Hai 1;411,y liana. ,1Iso the
4,4414144i1146 of groups be 1110 Strildng
,101111111traa 1941 Ot11111,1*S. (;rallp 11
thet, took charge with Mrs. F, Tam-
blyn presiding. 1-1y141 f1 411 was sung
followed with prayer hy Mrs, 11 ant -
Idyl), Mrs. F. Wood gave the Scrip-
ant Pianist, Mrs. Russel Grainger.
Conveners of the four' point 141'(O
141101). Christian Fellowship, Murray
Grainger; t'hristian Mission. Mary'
Snowden and Mrs. t'urrie; Christian
Bert Intim; Christian
t'ulture. Miss Wilson, It was decid-
ed that the Y.P.A. meet eveta, Wed^
business part
or the meeting W/11, vonoluded with
tin, singing of the national anthem.
After an enjoyable rocreat lint period
lunch was served.
111 1Ie14li111)11 and on Mr. J. Mc-
Millan of 1,01141011 were at 111e14- cot -
over the week end,
Mifs Dronin onol Miss Fernotto of
14:1414)1 spent 1110 Week at their
:V.-. and 11r-. David Itewar of Tw-
eet, tls• week end with 'NB%
'44,1 141r". 1), 140421!' Sr.
urn' Mis. 1441)111 ln“.;,4rsaii
111.• 4441.1 with Air,. 1414111.414'
11e. :old :Mrs. Higgins.
1,. 11closal and son John,
,4r,. Det el: smolt the week end
at their home.
111'. and :Mrs. 11. Mcl.artin and
inmehter of Port Elgin spent the
week end with hiss Sterling.
Nli.s Elsie 'Thompson has mush-
ssed the home belonging. to l‘lr. 11.
Pcmhale on the front road mai ex-
pects to occupy it this fall.
Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Jowett left on
Friday for Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,
W1101.0 they export to spend the win-
Corp. Ibinald Sterling, RCAF. Ot-
taws. is visiting his aunts, the Misses
Nils, J. W. Jowett and ',Mrs. Lund -
haunt left Tuesday tor Fort Lauder-
dale, Fla.
11r. and :Mrs. l'1111111 Rhynas and
sons of Burlington end Hiss Marg.
nr..1 F4'r4,'l_444041 of Toronto .4ttent the
NV, el,. Old 54-4111 Mrs. O. W. 111iynas.
Dr, 4,1441 1144-. Volume of 11omliam-
1,01 law 4, rented Mrs. A. W,
011:L14e far the Wilf1ar 411441 11105'4"ti
101 M011.1aY.
Cora, 1", Coollar, 11,11F, spent tin.
, 41,1 in ktyti.41,I.
. 1'. . 114 of I 4,0 oi: spent
-w kl,I1s :1 lier
:,11111' a 111 for (411411111
' 4'1-'1,1111 )1.1.11V1...: 1 lir. mitts
ti ., 1 pr.. mitts onee's 1 1 lir,
1 she rag, ti quilts. 1 suits
1,-1.J:int:Is. 1 pair boys' overalls, 1
blanket, e dresses. 1 1 slip, 1
idoomers, 1.1 toys. 5 rag, dolls
p1:1414,,by school children). Searnans:
n turtle neck step:eters, n scarves, ft
11 pr. mitts. 1.4 pr. soeks, p
or. stock.ings. Soldiers: ft scarfs.
a helmets. pr mitts, it turtle neck
pr, soelts, A chortle for
s7:1,„011 tvas sent to headonarteis 114
'l''!'. 1'),) tor blankets.
:thou. of Iliploy ,'pont
Fri.ity hims- of Mr. and Mrs.
Bayneld. stal amended the
reeept 1041 4 1' Ids granddaughtei
"114-. „SUM, 'shish was held at the
town halt, Ihtyfmtd, 4 combinatioi,
enuelt was )41'4'5' 2111'd and 1,41 address
'la, Mr. Mose also coutinued From Pogo One
spoid Sunday with his son and (bun
)(la, 44011 MIS. T110S,
mnai of -Iilverton, before returning
011 the evening of Nov. 12, the
Y. P. A. of St. Andrew's 'United
Church, Bay -field, held their first
',eating of the fall term with Rus-
sell Grainger conducting the meet -
Mg. After a short devotional period
with Murray Grainger in charge the
following officers were elected: Pre-
sident, Albert Woods. Secretary,
Ethel Watson. Treasurer, Charlie
Wallis. Pianist, Mrs, Currie, Assist-
vkitors: Mr.. and Mrs. 1). Stanek
alai Mr. Malcolm Sttitick of Kitelt-
ener with 1411'. and Mrs. Albert
Mr, Howard Querengesser of
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mr, and Mrs. Les Kuntz and Mr.
Robert Kuntz and Richard of Baden
with Mr. and Mrs, John Amstein,
Mrs. Wm, Refill Sr. of Mitchell
with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. S. Riehl,
Mr. Milton Miller and Mr. Sam-
uel Hicks of Kitchener with rela-
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Berry of Ham-
ilton with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk.
• The November meeting of the
Patriotic Society was held on Wed-
nesday afternoon in Mueller's Hall
with 15 members present. After the
usual opening, two comforters were
made. It was decided to change the
date of the meeting to the second
Tuesday in each month. Two
Christmas boxes were sent. overseas
and three others to boys in train-
ing. 4 beautiful satin cushion was
donated to the Society by Miss
Norma Ahrens and 114 00 displayat
Querengesser & Diegel's store. Tick-
ets are being sold on this cushion
and will be drawn at a euchre and
dance to be held in the school on
Friday evening, Nov. 28th. The
proceeds of the cushion will be sent
to the Telegram British War Vict-
ims Fund, The following articles
were packed to he sent to Monkton
Society. Five comforters, 3 quilts, 1
dress, 1 tam, 2 Sweaters. 4 pair
soeks, 3 scarves, 1 lady's coat, 1
man's coat, 1 pair of bed pillows.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rapien received
a. pleasant surprise when their f.at/1-
i1ie•; gathered at their borne on
ficyib-joil of thbfr ,10t11 wedding ann-
iversary. They NVOIV 111TV,11 tell with
an eli-s‘trie heater. Mr. and Mrs.
1111,44ien have been life r4'sidont44.
of this eommunity. Mrs. Rapien 112
an energetic worker in the Ladies'
Aid Society and the Patriotic
dust4-y is in the wilderness, I feel
sorry that you have that type oi' in-
tellectual make-up. But let us now
proceoi to our second step.
What conception have we of the
promimoi land into which we wish to
illier? I humbly submit this con-
vention for your consideration. We
wart a land in which we can have
economic security, where we can live
contentment without being wor-
ried by debts and taxes.
We want a hind where we can
have a standard of living that is com-
patible with available technical skill,
productive facilities, and modern
scientific advancement. We want a ottnethibmwtifitaAaufwasmatiottWourtrow~
44 ,
DICK powil
IN 110
1.. "1111 06:in 'DICK FOR/1:N t-
11 es,1 su5 -.4 000005 RUMPS'
TUes., Wed,
Paramount Presents
Coming -
'114,,4 14 c, • sltowit
141,111,111i 11111'1 1" 41 1),' S.11-, To.
A stirring I'1411141112 14' 0111.4144
ALSO: Dorothy Lamour, Jon Hall, in
11(141 fraa 1110111 WarS and unemploy-
tient, where tlte poor girl trying. to
win her bretul with the needle is not
1140011 10 100 deSperate 11111111.1O Of
rr111-144- 01' death or shame.
We want a land ahem, man's in-
tumanity to man will not make
muntless thousands mourn. We
rant at land where we 414111 not live
,y bread alone hut hare leisure lime
,or cultural and spiritual fie1'4dt4P-
ar, it tip 441141 12,e caloprel,,,,,
4,1111., 44'.. 4441144. ,','1411''1114,' .101111,
FM' i,111,4 1.11,111, ,,f
1,1,111 1:011.1 I cralit rtrettalS
11,1,1 4)1,' 11,4.114.
• 1 14 ',10,'.11 4," riV111,1
114 1141.2,),',.
i14 y )4l11'114'
It, halo now 41111,44 tl1.. -1. 1, .
11 1,1110111.1 1,411 111,11 ‘,4 I. are 113
,1141 F1'i`4,/1114 • .4
Ldnit_ uess eot,e
the Ilded stea where we I`, '03,1
1/1.,.11,4 111 ill' 111,
tviltiorti...., anti 11.1,4 /.tionti 0.1
lurid. 1 .•1111 tail yrot 112.116114 111,41,1)'
14,1114, 41101 111011114' 111111 `1'111 14,,1
1:11:1. 11S 111,1,1"...
viavar tral tinsensii
leraporary oxpoeiionts sob)1 its bon-
tt 45, sala,idias, treia111 4441t/01041s,
Wt. will 1111V4'r '2:14 i14111 t),, 114 1 int
1 11111.1 by rural
1st,, orth14l045 otionotiti.-Is
• '1,,n or, hOrror,"
11011111 lahor 1.- UV -1'11111V
14111' appla,.:111, That type of
14,4441ership smacks toe 11311..11 01 1164''
1:1111. 1W., S11011141 1'.','' 4)42)41.)' it 144- reae
1ionriry propaganda.
'We will never gel out of the wild-
erness by 1,41lowina a leader hip thnt
strives for at great concentration of
coNernmental power in a central au-
thority. 'Whether that reneentri,tion
meatts adoption of the Sirois report
or a plan for the union of the o1en1
Mr'e will never get out of do' wild
erness by following a leadership that
tells us what WO Ilaeli is a religious
revival. I care not whether the pro,
ponents of this course roar like a
KeGinlay, or plead like a Zoller or
sing like a salvationist, they have not
the solution.
How then are we ever to get into
this promised land. 'That is the muss
tion that I hope you are interested
It is clear to all who have eareful-
ly analyzed our position that the ob-
stacles which are keeping; us in the
wilderness, away from the protnisel
land, are man made and not God
made, that these obstacles are by
no means insuperable or incapable
of removal. It is, however, beyond
the scope of this discussion for me
to go into a detailed description of
the road we should take. I van do
something far more important. I can
suggest equipment that it 1.. TIVel.S-
Sary for us to have, beettuse without
this equipment We Call never, never.
get out of the wilderness into 100
promised land.
What is this equipment? It is an
understanding of the way our econ,
omic forces work. As farmers we de
not understand what makes good
times or hard times. We 40 not um
fisrstand why W are subjected 10
(101)11,514i0IIS. wars anti ether
social upheavals, which make life im-
possible for millions.
11 boils down to this then, that l,-
4471' can got out of bondage wc
have to get understanding, or 111
other words we need education --
awl this is where Hie 1111110 curalll
V.,111014 11110 the discussion.
lt is a practical instrument for
4-41,1010m 1i44141 ni 0111' 1,..-‘11.1, Wily
1101. pirk 2244 this 111441 11110,10 and II8F.1
it. It iS 1101 p.,1141.1 by :ply means,
the content of the loristileasts will
riot pleiLio all of you. They may not
altogether ploase not, hitt the int -
portant thing is to 1414 together as a
"nem of farm neighbors and 1'OIll..11-
trate 011 the agricultural sittuttion.
Think sari/au:is about the (luestions
for discussion seat out by 1.eoliara
Damian. If yo(i have 11011)1114'1141)7 an
aetive foram in your neighborhood,
wiry not start one or write to I, liar -
man. 28 111114.e M., Toronto., for weir,:
in format ion,
1 appeal especially to young, farm
people, tho-.. who aro youth' it: year.
and :do,, tipiso win, me :young in
idea to mate a deep-v.4,4,M 110.-e5ti
1,1 1,,44 jolt, why yea 1-ta47,- 1.wort.
mai hard ‘rettlny, on);
,, vela., it eh. hey -..,(Iti,11 ,•I'
•!,...• ti, •/,•• • .1',
'1411.1414-7'):.')1 .o, 41-1.1
'1,', '0,1. 0 lioit ..1
Croinlorinito :11H
tett 0.101,1o11. 411 1411...,o.i
i.11 Dill. 4444417,'
. 1)...1,1 _111
. S11 11r. std
11',- iistat,, 114,y
.0.1), 1 ,p,i .11,114 ,
Elliett. NI 4 011.114n,
Mr. and 111 , 11, 4,114') 47'li11l
al,/ 'Ale.. 11I4:11;:tsi
14),' :01:1
4,11 .111,1 .Y1r, :,11,1 11 ti'','
I 1.1,Wal: 1‘it'.1. 1,
14)211 ioef 11:
Dioa,11,,•; -gad' et T11.
Roilal C11:.1,!,11:',1,.
.11(1.'. '''''1; 11r. and 141r.. 't, .1. 42,4
Strafford; 1Ir, 41164 Mc,. Stesh.
4"1,'11,',.l;11r. 1Ir 11cr:
i41141 111d
1 1414 4')i Inend -; !fir and
All'"" 1.'"r1114" 1," ne.cf.
lims, \1r-, Currie. 11,- N't
Devereaux. Mr ith; l, i.,4;
1 od*, 1...11111.,11;
NI:11'....:31,1 111141 )4:,','4 t-ttrat
1,4)41 141.'t 1''' aed 1' (41)4)11,115 114,0,,a1"
(11 14,,..e; Norma II,t1,kirlt;
1,4.',41. Neely, 44( 0,1
' roan tIne
little ,litistd and Betty l'asotrailt•
11'inds,11-: !Pothers and Si.ter; 1414'.
1411,1 Mrs. Percy 1,ow, Kansas City:
Seaforth Highlanders Band: ferry
Heats ane Edith and Mrs. W. 15
}long: Willard Elliott and John Pull-
man; Mr. 01141 Mrs. ithas. Sills; Mr.
and Mrs, Campbell and Ilene; Mr.
and Mrs Peter' McIver and farttily-:
Mr. 01141 Mrs W. Stoffilart: Mrs. 11„ J.
Jones, MatIkerville. Mrs. H. 11. Tins-
Detoilt; Mr. and Mrs. W. If.
1414,11.t.gontery and family; Mr. and
NIrs, Perit•Ilrown, Sirat linty, and
Beryl peel:etc. Walkerville; Riehard.
Eddie. tlrahatn and Billie: Mr,
slid Mrs. E. 41. Close; Mr. and Mrs.
M, ('011141 114,44 (41141 fatally, Parkhill:
Mr. and 'Airs. Edward -Arnold, Elmira.
Attending tlie funeral front a dis-
tance were: Mr.- and 111r5. Harry
Miniat: Mrs, E1111111t 41.41re, TO11414.,
lo, Mrs. II//rry JaCkson. Stratford:
1111'. Joint 11444') 14411.- 414 ('14'
Charles 14.1(1,0. '017112*"'.' Har-
ry Stratford; Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Alt.,1,1, Elmira; from
el% 1Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tarim. Mr's.
01141s. 11ox, Mr. anti Mrs..Edgar Par -
boll and 011,1464 4'l', Mr, and
GI.0011 from Strat.hroy. Mrs, ('04)1
Denning, Mrs. Levi Smith and dangle -
ter Bert. Mrs. (reel' Dennis; Mr. and
Itilrf, X11114101 and Ali'. ami Mrs,
411 'n 1411,1, 01141 .14s"01'1111111 401,0041.
all of Port (Tarim, Mich.; Mr. awl
Mrs. Marshall "lox. 'Parkhill.
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