The Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Mrs. Lee Wilson of Exeter visited
,s week. with blas. H. 0. Dayan hn
The members of the Library
Board were in London nn -Mondry
,electing new books for the Library.
IM's. W. Luker was visited on
Sunday by Mrs. Fairburn -of Peter.
bort), Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Arnold
- anti son of Toronto and Mr. - and
Mrs. R, Baker and slaughter, of
Mrs. Levi Rands and son Donald
of Palmerston visited last week with
friends in town,
Week -end guests at the home of
Mr.. T. C. Joynt and family were
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Joynt and family
of Toronto.
Miss Watkins of Exeter was the
ttst of Misses Alice and Beryl
Phatf this week.
Miss Margaret Grieve. who is on
the teaching staff in Blyth Public
School. spent the week end with
Miss Mattie Ellis, .
Dr. D. G. Steer and Mr. Stan Tu-
dor are enjoying a hunting trip on
Manitoulin Island and will be ac-
^otnpanied there by Mr. Duff
Brown, formerly of the staff of the
Bank of Montreal here.
Mr. Lee Swaim of Haniiltcnt- spent
the week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Swaim.
The ladies' association of Carmel
Presbyterian Church held a very sur-
e e;sful tea and sale of home cooking
on Saturday.
• Messrs, H. 0. Dayman, Glenn
;MacLean. 8111 Bell and .Henry Har-
burn are enjoying a hunting trip in
'he Bruce Peninsula.
• Mise Violet Hyde. who received
;not injuries in a motor accident rc
eptly. ;tad her foot put in a east in
▪ ett Memorial Hospital at Seaforth
lass week and is able to be up and
..round with the aid of crutches,
Reeve Shaddick and Mr. Orville
Twit,hell left on Tuesday for a
mar trip up North.
Rev. R. ,A. -Brook conduct/41 sety-
in the !'niter (thumb on Sun -
and the clear sang two 0nth-
"Thr !'r -sledge of the Lo'd,"
"Peace Be Stills'
9nnoir) Circle Meet
Nevetniter timeline of th.
. 1 r y •ie w;,.- !odd tb,= how,
'Beryl 1'hr:ar ,na M„nday
5. 1 t ,e,l nt '!hent
oy sing -
the Hills :\roan 1. after
;toy \1 c 1 rte led in
The S.rrpt ire. psalm Ill,
by Mrs. Harvey Hyde. at
' L,:.r I-, Sing Wen
was .,ung, Mrs. Melvin
nd the minutes of the ;vn•vi-
tiusng itt th .absence of the
-„try :Miss Vioh4 Hyde. Follow'-
: the roll coil, the offering wa- re
.•stviid ::and the_ business -discussed.
The annual meeting in December
will be. held at the helm of Miss
.ally Manson. Miss Irene Hoa;rarth
err ably took the topic on "The
• gaa-nt of God.” The meeting.
eiu4a 1- by singing "0 Gal of
-rie,tlie;.” and the Lord's prayer in
...nisi -el. Refreshments were served
the hostess. -
quiet wedding was solemnized
First -St.. Andrew's United Church
London en Wednesday of Mat'
t Anne eldest daughter of Mr.
t Mrs. Robert Billings, to Edgar
Ortwein. I CN1.rR, son of Mr.
Mrs. M. W. t)rtweini, all of Lon -
s• Rev. J. Y. MacKinnon o0ieiat
The- Stride was becomingly gown-
. ;ri a street -length ,cress of light
• anrorine wool, with black ac-
s and corsage of pink roses.
i:mma Ferris as bridesmaid,
gild wool frock with navy
ares -and corsage of talisman
. Mr. Donald Mcli,•nzie was
man. Following the ceremony a
flet luncheon was served at the -
•i re of the brill -s parents. Later
Mr. ,net Mrs. Ortwein left on a short
emtor trip. The groom is a grandson
sf Mrs. Peter Munn and Mr. and
irs. J. W. Ortwein of Hens:dL
Remembrance Day Service—
'`.'he Remembrance - Day service
held in St. Yaud'= Anglican
Church on Sunday at 3 run. by the
st Hte ,rs, the Mlddte ex•Bornn and Canadian Legion led by
Exeter Boys' Ilan!, and e:onduet
ase the rector, Rev 11 l Hnnt.
Euchre and Dance
In the 'I'own Hall, Henson, .W Wells
Nov, 19th, ander auspi es of the
Orange Older. Good music, general
admission e.;c Ladies please prov-
ide lunch. Lucky lunch ticket. Door
prize. Proceeds British War Victims
Fond. (orae and give a little to help.
those who are giving all.
During the service the ihymns `On-
ward Christian Soldiers." "0 God
Our Help in Ages Past," 'Stand Up
Stand lip for Jesus,' and "0 God of
Love" were sung. The scripture les-
son Isaiah 40:25-81. was read by
Rev, Win. Weir. Responsive readings
were read and prayers offered. Mr.
T. J, Sherritt favored with a vocal
solo and Rev. Wm. Weir gave the
address on the subject, "Selling His
Birthright For a Mess of Pottage."
The service was conducted at the
monument where the town wreath
was placed by Mrs. VF'rn. Sangster,
the provincial wreath - placed by
Reeve R. I:. Shaddick and the leg-
ion wreath by Peter McNaughton.
The last post was sounded by Bugler
Fred Beer.
The Orange Order are sponsoring
•a euchre and dance in the town hall
at -Hensel! on Wednesday, Nov. 19,
at which they expect to have an Out-
standing speaker.
The Senior Women's Institute diet
at the home of Miss Florence Welsh
on Wednesday evening when Miss
Greta Laminie was co -hostess. Fon,
:owing theopening exercises Miss
Mattie -Ellis favored with a reading,
"The Song My Paddle Sings," by
Pauline Johnston, accompanied by
Miss Greta Laramie at the piano
Mrs. W. 0, Goodwin and Mrs, Wnh.
Sangster gave' an outline on the
meeting they attended in Exeter en
the preservation and preparation of
vegetables. Misses lois and Marion
.MacLaren and Mary Goodwin favor-
ed With two vocal trios ''Into the
Dawn with You, ' and "Eleanor." ac-
c-onftr,anied by Miss'Laniniie at tit
piano. Mrs, b1. A. Hunt of Exeter
was the guest speaker, delivering a
''eery- 'n•:pirin;r address. Miss Greta
Saloons gavel an interesting report
on the mention v;1,i,•1 :he atteu,l-
d in Lembo! in October,
Ali- . W. R e io.. visited last is -ek
with lier daughter Coldu.,- who is a
um -eta -training in ST, Jiieb tal'>
llospimt. Toronto.
tic. ratherine Devlin spent Sun
inn- a iii .lir. and Mr=. Prod Corlett
lir. mei lir. cline Flynn Tif l.ot
,, eo week end visitors with the
•", afenC. \h. :oat Mr=. Jas.
Alt, N. 15.. took. who is ill in tit.
I„seph', Hospital. Lond+,n, under.
welts ,in 01,.-rati0n tar the reinjectsl t'1
her tonsils ;eti 'Thursday.
Adam ()rock and his t"olumbi:ans
w'i11 mini b mist' for the now -tdili-'
dame in the town hall on Friday
A !fleeting Wag- held in the town
lr:ill rein Wednesday evening for the
purpose of organizing a Brownie
chili for young girls. Miss Annie
rimsitt was appointed leader for the
rgati izerion with Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs
Mary Buchanan and M1: 'Vickie as
helpers and Miss Edna Walsh and
Sirs. Walker t'arlile es social com-
mittee. The r'hth will meet every
1 ridayoveaitng.
W.M.S. Entertain Baby Band
The W.M.S. of the 1'nite,l 1'11nr-h
entertained the mouiliers of the
Batty hand and their 0 3hers 011
Thursday in lite schoolroom of the
'itt 11. which was beautifully dec-
or,t::al for the oeeasion. with gayly
.01 "d balloons. adding to the dec-
orations, Ml's. t:'arrie Ballantyne pre-
ided to the absence of the presid-
ent. Mrs.(;loss- After singing "The
Wise May Bring Their Learning."
Mrs, Chas M-D,n.11 led in- prayer.
Mrs. Ballantyne gave a short address
of welenma to the guests and Mrs.
Ken flicks took (barge of the collec-
tion of the mite hoses. interesting
readings were given by Jeanette
and Billy I-Ii»its, and Marlene Rich-
ardson. Jesus Rants Me for it Sam
be.itn." was then sung and Mrs. Al-
bert Shirray gave the address. which
was most interesting: Joyce Broder-
ie•t sang a solo entitled "[royal Tele -
Ph ,ne accompanied by M rs. Brod.
11:1- dr the piano. Tia graduation
v ", t -e, followed with Miss Pier -
omit .- Welsh at the piano singing "See
the Little Children," while Jean and
1211111 Soldau and Jeanette hick, 10-
celvcd their diplomas from Mrs.
Melts. leader of the Baby linin, and
were receded into the Mission Band
by Joyee Broderick in the absenec
of the i'-ider Miss Kay Drysdale, The
program concludod by singing "I
Need Thee Every Hour," and the
!coil's prayer in unison. Refresh-
ments were served.
Mr. and .Mrs, Arthur Jones and
family of St. Thomas visited 00 Sun•
day with Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs,
Rebt. Traquair,
Miss Mary of Exeter spent
a few days with her mother Mrs.
Maly McKaig and aunt Miss Eliza
Died In Winnipeg Hospital
A former resident of this district
in the person of Mr, John Newell
passed away in Winnipeg Hospital
on Friday in his 79th year, follow-
ing a lengthy illness. Before moving
to Foam Lake, Sask., about 26 years
ago the deeeaseci resided in Goder-
ich. His wife, formerly Miss Kate
Robtertson, survives, also •three sist-
ers, Miss Eliza Newell, Mrs. Mary
McKaig and Mrs. Iiiiulie Horton of
Hensall, and five brothers, James,
Whittier, t'alifornia; Robert, Den-
holm Sask.; Calvin, Vancouver, 13.
B„ William and Thomas of Stew-
art, B. C. The remains were
brought to the home of Miss Eliza
Newell, where the -funeral service
was held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. con-
ducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Inter-
ment in Henson Union Cemetery.
The pallbearers were Messrs, Angus
Robertson, Roland Williams, Elim-
ville, Morley Cooper, hipper, Calvin
Clayton and Lloyd Horton. The late
Mr. Newellwas born near Stratford.
A sister. Jane predeceased hint six-
teen years ago,
The Y. P. S. of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church are holding their anniv-
mtiversary services on Sunday. Nov, 10.
at 11 and 7 p.m, when Itev,
Austin I., Budge,, D.D„_,f Hamilton,
Will he the guest speaker. The morn -
11111 service will take the form of is
Cove n tutors' Service, as in 151111,
Al). Long handled eallection boxes
will be used The Session Clerk, Mr.
\\'. R. Davidson will read the Ten
Commandments. The preee'ntor Mr,
\V A \I u'l area, will lift the hymn
Tunes getting the noto Diem the tun
111g fork. The Scripture resoling will
he taken by (onion Campbell and
Robert. ,`a nurotr. The' },cadle. Mit
Fred Utters, tater., the pulpit with
the, books and waits :it the 'ton
til tit minister ascends. 'I'lte Sa.•tc•
tnemt of Baptism will h,• held wits])
forte or five babies will be baptioci,
The evening service will he the
order of the regular sert•iee when
the ub,iect will be ''told Fashioned
The bingo and .fiance held in the
']'own Hall friday night nude1' the.
auspices of the Exeter - Hensall
Ilranch of the Canadian n Legion was
largely attended.
Planning, cooking and serving nu-
tritious meals, under "blitzkrieg"
is one of the malty difficulties facing
housewives in Britain to -day. How
to supplement the rationed foods
with those more plentiful that will
still provide the family with the
necessary requirements? How hest
to .rook those foods to preserve the
precious vitamins and minerals:'
How to plan her meals to ;ave- time,
fuel and labour': These are but a
few of the questions that must
To aid the •housewives with these
problems of maintaining national
health and "well being, and thus aid
Britain in her war effort. many war-
time recipes have been collected,
published and distr'ibute'd From one
of these British wartime booklets
the Consumer Section, Marketing
Ser'v'ice, Dominion Department of
Agriculture, has taken and tested
the following recipes, and passes
Card of Thanks
Mr. Herbert. Smith and family wish
to thank lied' friends and neighbors
for many acts' of kindness and synl-
patliy daring their recent bereave-
ment: for the floral tributes and
those who loaned their cars.
Card of Thanks
Mr. Dan Dupee and family wish to
thank their friends and neighbors for
the kindness and sympathy shown to
thein during their bereavement, for
the floral tributes and those who
loaned their cars.
Quebec stove with copper reserv-
oir and high shelf. Six dollars cash.
Apply to The News,
Auction Sale
Lambent Sale Yards, Strathi'oy.
Saturday, Nov. 15th. 200 head of
mixed stock cattle. Also pigs and
calves. Sales every Saturday.
them on to Canadian homemakers
who are looking for economical food
dishes these days:—
Lentil Soup
1/2 pound lentils
2 carrots
2 small turnips
1 onion
2 tablespoons fat
2 quarts waster or stock
Salt and popper
Wash the lentils. Cut the vege-
tables into small pieces. Melt the
fat, stir in the lentils and vege-
tables, Cook gently for a few min-
ut es without ]crowning them. Add
the liquid. bring to the boil, skin!
well :and simmer for about two
hours, or until ail the vegetables are
tender. St'1'v'e the sntlp either sieved
or unsieved,
Note. ---A bone from a piers of
ham air boiled lemon will greatly im-
prove of the sent). Put it
in with the v e •tetahh'- and remove
idols) serving,
Stuffed Ox Heart
1 01 heart
Cit rltl'iilg---.
t:aldesponus =u1lktd bread
1 t a tahiespnaris chop},ed sue't or
»1. 'heti dripping
1 tablespoon idlnppetl parsley
Pinch u1' herbs
tablespoon dour
1 pint water 01' stock
Salt and pepper
Snit the heart for 1a minutes in
alt incl water. Wash and clean
thoroughly, Remove alt the bit,ctd
:111,1 cut: ori the Claps and e onrse fat.
Illy 10 a cloth. Fill the 'armies of
the heart with some of the stnlFine
:and make- the remainder into force
melt balls. SOW up and steam for
2 horns. Place on a roasting tits with
dripping. Put in a hot (Well until
brown. baste well, then cook slowly
for 1'; horn's or until quite tender.
Lift nut and :serve with brown
gravy. force meat balls, and vege-
1 1 t The roasting nay also he
done in a .strong saucepan on the
top of the stove.
121 A sheep's heart ntay be i pok-
ed in the sante Way. It 1 -quires
about 1 hour, but the prelinlinal-y
steaming is not necessary.
T3Ox and sheep's heart may
also be stewed or braised.
Wife—"'you told me before we
were married that you were well Tiff."
Husband --"Yes, I know but I
didn't know how well off I wai:,"
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 2:c
mamas , r am)
Robin Hood Ilour'---
per 98 Ib bag.. 2.69
Pig Starter, per cwt, _ 2.49
ll.og Grower .: _ . 1.79
Pastry Flour -
24 1b. Irak . 67c
Pure hard, 2 lb, .- . _ ....33c
Breakfast Bacon, lb. 38c
Quaker Oats ---
Large Pkge. .. . _ .. 23c
One large pkg. Post Toasties and
Super Suds.. -
Large pltge... . ..........,.20c
Princess Soap Flakes—.
pkg. 9c
Jif, large pkge. .....:............ 25c
Odex Soap, 1 cakes 19c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap -
0 cakes 25e
Castile Soap, 12 cakes.... -......23c
Granulated Sugar—
pea cwt. ... ,,, 7.77
1 large pkg. Grape Nut Flakes for 13o
W. Ainniq
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Goods.—Mr, Harold Jack-
son, Auctioneer, has received instruc-
tions to sell by public auction at
Lot 25, Con, 6, L.R.S., Tuckersmith,
3% miles south of Seaforth, and 1
mile west, on Tuesday, Nov, 18th,
at 12 o'clock sharp.
Horses --'- 1 Belgian mare 8 years
old, in foal; 1 Clyde mare, 10 years
old, in foal; 1 Clyde gelding, 5 years
old; 1 gray mare; 1 Percheron colt
2 years old; 1 Percheron colt, 5
months old; 1 Clyde colt 4 months.
Cattle ---9 Durham cows clue Janu-
ary to March; 1 two-year-old heifer,
3 heifers 1 year old; 4 steers 1 year
old; 7 spring calves; 1 Hereford bull
16 months old.
Pigs -27 chunks, 125.150 lbs, 3
York sows with pig.
Poultry -50 year old hens; 50
Harness - 2 sets of hack banal llar-
uess; I set of .single harness.
[mplements--1 M, II. binder; 1
Deering mower; 1 sulky rake; 1
Deering seed drill 11 disc 1 Deering
spring tooth eultivalor; 1 five—section
diamond harrows; 1 11.11. disc; 1
\1.11. bunt ('nitivalor and paths': 1
smatter; - 1 farm wagon, gravel box,
hay Ise k, t set sleighs, 2 tutte rs. 1
Int e,,y. 1 Wheel harrow, stone boat;
1 1 -111,1ltt 2 -furrow riling Plow: 1
P,'arm 21utreow riding pie •vi 1 (lue..
bee e 1 -furrow riding };low; 1 walking
plow; 1 cutthtM hex; 1 10" .11apbr
grain e:rinder; 1 turnip drill: h. 5rot?. pion.' t 1,1 r-1,
nlp,.r, 1'auning mill It 1 nal
eon! separator; 1 Inge u„ar
.0 p 1 FOR SALE
kettle; . 1 ) lb. scales. forks. and
eit'ls, etc, Good overcoat size lti. mavv blue,
;+i thug 01 tnixa'tl h;+y. 20 cord of price 5t;. John Bell, 1..12.2, Seaforth.
staple wood. 0; 1t1Y5 of potatoes,
1lollseheti Boors - - 1 Pt11m10ra
range; full- line nt kitchen furn31(1111
fall line of dining room furniture
number of rockers and small tables;
lt bedroom wire, ;2 tapestry rags.
c/n'lu't,, icitehe•u ui nwils and
dashes, sealers, eic', A number of
:int ;dices,
Terms cash,
.1. II" Hemno'll I'rn}n'ieter.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
UEtice in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
1'uc day, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 pan. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m, to 9 p. m.
14 pigs from 40 to 80 lbs. for sale.
Ernest Drager, 1%, miles south of
Egnlondville, lot, 0, con. 5, Tucker -
A black heifer, 000 - 700 lbs,
George Campbell, Seaforth, Ii.. R, 1,
]'hone R49 r 3, Seaforth.
12 pigs. six weeks old. Thos.
Storey, phone a.a r 25. Seaforth
central. - - -
A 11na11 I'nr t::'t'n•t'ial tii:'lll w'or'k.
-yoar rntuui-
employment. :Apply .las.
N(YI'l('I', DF ']'ENDER
'1','};ders for the s•xravntient al' 028e
rub;+• yards ort the Piuthvcell 1111111
Will be received ou or in•far, Noe-
emher :nth, lett. .\ marlecd chetqu,.
Iter tett per er'ill tlln of the tender
must be 011e1„sed with tender. Low
est lir any lender not Iters wu'ily ac.
[tilted this 'Deb day of NOyeuli,ol',
CHAS. \v. 1-. PIL(1l(1.11,
t nein+ o[' Stanley 'Township.
Varna. Out
7-l'ootil brick house. garage, con-
veniently located in Seaforth, Apply
McConnell & Hays, Seaforth, Ont.
Well located Supertest Service
Station. ample living quarters. built•
in booth and garage. Ideal for mech-
anic; has a good quota, Tenn lea•
sonallle. Apply H, tlie•ileu. lana „22.
Seaforth. Puente 312.
o meet its -' r A eap ns
pledge of Aare: G
month for the duration
Only a short time left. But there is still a
long way to go to reach our objective in
the War Weapons Drive. Don't let's bog
downin the home stretch. Don't let our
community fail because you haven't done
your share, We must all put everything we
Look at the job ahead of ns! There's
only a short while to go to make our
Naval Guns spring to life,
have into this effort. More regular put,
chases of War Savings Certificates mean
more weapons for our forces. Don't let
them down. It's our responsibility. See that
everybody does his part. Push the sale of
War Savings Certificates wherever and.
whenever you can.
Don't wash or a shot way
pion, 51711,
For :Mineral for rattle. Pigs or
Penh ry, gee y am Watkins dealer.
';Vit, Bradshaw. 3 blocks east of -
tOsiorill Public Library.
Personal Rubber Goods, mailed
postpaid. in Main sealed envelope,
01111 pricelist. 0 samples 25e. 24
st,utpies $1.00. Adults only. Atex
liul,bei 1',,., Box 211, Hamilton, Ont.
1 -I wheel trailer. 1 ._ 2 wheel
trade -r. 1 • 0 11.I International gas -
ail engine, at Elterharl's chopping
Mi11, tic aforth.
Township of Tuckersmith
'1'he Council of Tuckersmith wish
all accounts for cutting weeds on
roads to he in the hands of the road
superintendent, R. Dalrymple, due-
ing the month of November. No no-
rounts for weed rutting in 1941 will
he paid after Dee. lath, 1941.
D. F. MtGRF:GOR, Clerk.
Thr- next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers. Court House, God-
erieh. commencing Tuesday, Nov.
18t.h, 1941, at 2 P.M.
All accounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
}rands of the County Clerk not later
than Sattirday, Nov, 155th, 1941.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Bridget Deversux-
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Bridget Devereux, late
of the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron. widow, deceased,
who died on or about the lst day of
November, 1941. are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned an or
before the 29th day of November,
1941, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice; to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim tic- undersigned shall not then
have amise for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth, this 4th clay of
November, 1041.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executrix.
N U A\ E
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-,Windsterm & guarantee bonds,
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
11e03 chess Colrprnti5S,
I'eie,rin,:ieli .il err fi11) ,'lvr