HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 71
NOVEMBER 13, 11111
civilization, it has beeit claimed,
began W1101( Malt 1(1 41 1111111,11
employ lire to hi- advantage: Shire
1 bell fir:: 1111)4 11114'11 111 111, 111040
V811111111,1 MITV11111,. (.001,11)1 hi,: daily
food. keeping Mill Warin and making
power to run his industrial works,
since thud 111110, 100, Mall has hnown
Hiro as one of his nacti perilous (unt..
mitts, for when out of control it is
quic11 to ravish Ills WorliS 1111(1 threat-
en or destroy his life. It lias,
fore, been with 1,0,111 1(11' '1(011 that
1111111 has 14111(lie(1 111111 fleVelopell
ways of i•ontrolling and lighting it.
Before tire (.1111 eXiSt tWo (.011(litiin1)1
11111141 be S111144110(1, Tlitue 11111s1 he
sufficieni of 1111' lulltuninable mater-
ial present to allow combustion and,
just as imporlunt, -there must be suf.
ticient air or oxygen present to sup
port combuslion. Hy reducing the
available amounts of either of these
two pre -requisites below. the mini-
mum amounts required for combus-
tion. lire will be extinguished. This
Is the theory underlying all 11r,
fighting and lirmorevention. The ellso
with which 11 lire can be extinguished
depends 10 8 great ('(1) (4))) on how
soon inettsures are taken against it.
If a fire is caught In its initial stages
it can usually be brought under con-
trol with little diffieulty but if then.
114 11111' delay it will conilime to grow.
becoming increasingly difficult to
phech and doing greater damage.
For many years water and inert
materials :unit as sand were 1111111'S
only weapons in the tight against
tire 11'', i' III its abundant., and
m wat„), 1,1411,
d 1114' ;mount.,
maw, tt,wn on, 1114,
atm 1414t:,1' 11:o
la rer•ent year.. how:•vet. mach pro-
gress has been made .i.p.elopitir
((4'') 11(1114 for applyiou t•r::a(4,1.
1. 44'a1,1' 1' lir,: Fir: 110:
01,1 14,111,:r 111,11 ((4' wi.11 1,4,4m11
eel 1114e41 ..•,s111111,1101: N(4ith
(41)3,),) 111 (11'.4111, . of th, 11(0,41
rovont ileV,•101,111,111. 1.. 11, -tog
applir:. wilt: 1: 11111 11, 11
roues ,1t.(.1411) but .14 a 1101')
low droplet,. This 1111 :1 11111
111,:111A1 It, tire asi mmill by flooding
it with water as it does by smother.
1)141 144
It is alway,, however,
provide running 1)14)' 1' ander pres-
sure for tire promotion at net essary
print- F;ir such places the "soda -
:odd" typ.• extinguisher has Item: tip.
‘elop.:ti This c1(11sit-,11::. prituarilY of
tc.o•c.illon tank containing a solution
ot linking soda. At the top IS 111,' lank
'5. 11 rea.1) for as: 14. a smali
110.,' 1111,1 11 .1,,.11:1,,1 frian
of 144' top a mall bolt), ol ;AO -
((Moir ovi:i thP t:xiinguisiter
is inverted the acid tool sod:, cotil-
lions mix and a che11111.(11
takes olio, liberating larg.:
of curtain dioxid,• gun. '1'1.211114,41 411,0101
the li(11/111 111 1114.: 1111111, tills gun 1111114s
llb Sliffleietit pressure to form. nut
the liquid through !lose directly
;ado 1110 fire. This liquid trels in 111(1
same way as water to ..xtirignisli the
llre sortie extinguishers a foamhig
littuid i,4 used in place of the *gala
solmion (18)1 it Is a foal!' which is
squirted from the hose nozzle. The
natm compose:1 of smail Itithlties of
air will 110141. on Iturning litp.1111s; 1(11(1
can, therefore, lus used effectively on
oil fires. However. 11 is 1101 sultalifs.
for use on liquids. suc11 as alcohol,
Ivilich are miscible with water 1)11(1
d..stroy 1 Ilo 1014111.
\1'1111:" Witter is still 1114' 1110141. e0111-
1111111 ‘Ve1111011 (It)' lighting fires 'because
it in 1' 11(111(1,readily effic.
lent, safe and easily it has
certain disadvantages., In cold wea-
ther. watts). fire extinguishers and
wider mains tatty freeZe rout so Iles
come useless. Prettliently the (11011
age caused by water used to put out
a fire is greater than that caused by
111,' lire. Also, water earloot 11s1ql
on certain types of tires. For example,
any attempt to pont water (111 11 fire
involving equipment entitin.
gers the operator Iowans,. water Is a
good (1(4114111(11 (11' of electricity 111111
lire on rproril (Sheri, 111(411
11'''n elt-,1(.01.11),:(1 while spraying Wa-
ter on 1,11111111w equiptrient.
For sanit (1(11)144 ''4 ;lei extinguishing
went must be 4.:(11i.. material. such
,arhott which Will
10,1 electricity.
t4:, far we 144 4''' dealt only with int-
thoti: l)', 41 by 14)1(14-
11141 brlininit nuiterial non inflam-
mable a, by soaking it with
v„11et. 114 111,111i115.1, ('1141(1111 111,r,
111:1W1 11111, 1..1111101 he 14l1114N,11, 111(1(4"nett g,1,01111::. 5111111111
4044(4) 111/111,11,11 113 (4 14(4'!' 1'1' /111' I11'' 11-
(((14.1 1111)) 1111111 011 211,.
(inning 10 1111111 111111 1111144 s1,r,:11(1111e-
1 he 111,, 'flier,. are also the vapours
from th, liqnid 1,4 in, eonsiderl 'd. 11
these are inite..tslit 111 lli.• air in suffi•
cosit quantities. ,•ven tlos lire is
,,i,1:1111111,11,:t1. there tarty be stain:lent
heat remaining 11) I'M 11:M1 the vapors
to etc:oh:. Piro:" of this type re(jt)ire
speeial trealutent 40 reduce 1(1,' stile
ply of all' 14(:1001 111,, ),:Vel 111.1”1)4S11
1.4r (.0101111....liti. Tilts van
lislied in two Way, The tire may In.
11)1011141'("l directly ity covering it
with layer 111.. 11111/1, Ma 1.1151
411111 yoli 1110/ley on 11'i. (11 7
Charge Forms, standard sizes t.1 tti
Ledgerswhite or colors
It will pay you to see our sumnlet
Also best quality Metal 1-1Inge:i
tIonal Post Binders and irtrMs
The Seaforth News
. ...111 oil.: flut aptairain
ly 4)4» i ;Ito ie (4040' ,.1,1) (o4
111,214,i. 1,, t 1.'1-4" ''11 11:: .15 1, 41.
1j15411 141. 1 1:1 111 11'11 111:itorm
crow (81: et ti« '1i4'Foot' 1 '11111,1,
13. Tingle has ammittit4 the :411-
p4)int111mi1 /IS 18111011141 direelrir of war
savings stanio sales. Mr. Tingle is
a 11 '('('(1(1 and advertising manager
of the hoptrial Tobacco to., 111 (")14n-
ada, 1.01.. and will apply tintuy 3'1511
,315,141.11C1' 111 11114'I-T111,111g and selling
to his new task,
which insulates it front atillos
solterr., such as 14 hlailliot of fount
which will not be destroyed by
tire variant dioxIdt- folons for ('(4
ample. '1'11.• seemol method consists
of filling tho dthoe.phore obonl. fire
with enough cas, which will not
.111.p4'ri combu,lion., 48 141111 14' 1114' 03-
Y14,'N voni:::ntration below that 1141,
0444.11 1.11/1' 1011'1011g 111 ('‚14)) 11111, CM'
1MO) 411131111,,, 1111 Mg:111. "11111 ('(1(1 4,1114111
111, 1,) '(((1 of
1'u1(111d4)4, indo-trial plan1 41(0)'
4,1,141 1:y -v,t, lo of 1Ald,11
will llood 11(1' altyw.pro,rt: w(ll) on:: 01'
eut-e, al the 111..,4 (.1111 of
01' lyne ur,
104414111,:t1 in .111 siri.latt ,rcer tip: ea:
pilots and 111 lite (s)in : twee ;did ''1ate '')'ll' antenuoi,sity Icy re-
mote centre) front le pi! (4 111.11 (Int
'01 14,11t444l, Th) 141.0(.1.11,(11 111,:y ;010141
is of vnill insportan. 4: to both 111iiit
411 ,4' and 11%1110101i,
The World's News Seen Through
An Intonational D,iilv Neuspaper
Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Semational. ‘,..
ism—Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Features, Together with the Weekly MagaYine Section, Make
Monitor an ideal Newspaper for the Horne.
The Christian Science Publishing Society
One, Norway Street, Bostori, Massachusetts
Price )112.00 Yearly. or $1.00 a NIonth
Saturday Issue, including Magazine Sernoo. 60 1 Year
Introductory Offer, 6 Nsues 25 Cents
11"ron. A R.:spat:eh Worlogi
Since the start (If 11,r, war Britain
1111,4 Hush( 4.4411ifittabh: 1114141re414 1111'
plying r1111111 111 34(111 1411111014r.:(,
1211.(110,1(444 44014 is, nr course, the
bilitivation. It (111)1 lie
briefly (4''.1.11414system tor de.
tecling and plotting the position loot
00111se of aircraft by multiple radio
beams which, when they eneounter
tiny Obj,:et, i11101111 the (4)11.11(1(11' of Or
preF,Awe. The liydroplion::. as.
ly 51)14114. 111.11V1111, 11 111111111 11.11a1,1Py.
It Mon, rho vontoor, of 1 11, 1(:•(..411
b,((1 or detects t•xistence ;ale
marines in the vicinity.
In railicelottatIon the intersection of
the heam by aircraft 114 recorded in
ouch transmitting stittirm find the pos
sitton of the intersecting machine is
worked out trigonometrically. 'Chinn
a y, sitcress depends on covering
the entire country with locator sta-
tions, thus forming an intercionli•cte(1
10') 01(01)1 Of waves through '44'!) 1,11 21(41
enemy aircraft can miss without 111'.
1.1-3,41841 its approach.
lint rad 10 helps OM' 0 W11 aircraft
Every pilot knows the difficult: -
and danger of a fog landing.
the &Nett -tomcat of ultra-Shert wave
tran,Thission fogs invariably immob-
:Sudbury Star)
Th,- senior .888.ite1lr hockey player
of modern times really !...tets around.
I1 is seldom they slay with one clot,
more than of single yt.-ar, anti (111ite
4''0'"1' 14)1(11 that they wear the sann,
;Zarb throo VOliSeetltiVe yr:ars,
the hie". money the boys are after.
and Ow club providing the best pay-
otr gets theirservices. In 0111,0'
WOril.; the gable of brick..y. as far as
1111, PLIYers are concerned, is a
'Mess and 11111s1 he 11 profitable
No -one can really Illame them, be-
cause if tit, hockey moguls arc will-
ing to pay the AIM it is only natural
that the player will hold out for fat
1tip1,11,1s, After rerieWirtg. iltlelliss
1ein3s in the 1.10i•key 1.1.41WL1(:.
tine left with the impression that
the Quebec clilhs ar,, ready and will-
ing to la' the gr,:en bank notes on
he lin,: in no small amounts.
Puck:den, from O. IL A. teams
(111(1 fron't clubs in the i3laritime sen-
ior - loop have at least found tla:
cirouit noire profitable, Very
fowof th.. boys who conte,,ted
the 0.11.A. camp:tic:11 a year ay. s,
stiff With 111,, 14110e. wilik the
:".111Ss;.: 1(41411.4,41'',! 1)21 of Sydney Mill-
ionaires Inal its ranks pruned o1'
several leading stars. For instance,
Rozyini. 11 101.11101' S041dia11:11.111,
now 111 tio.• employ of the Quebec
Aces, while another member of an
0, H. A. tenni last season is with the
Cornwall • Flyers. George Hastie,
who retired from •hockey, will also
missed by a southern club, and
there are at least half a dozen more
pucksters who .wore 0, H. A, colors
last season who have changed their
It w•as reported last year that
Dick Rokeinak and Johnny 11c-
Creedy were pulling down pretty
good money with the Millionaires.
alon,, with such notables as Rend
11/111 airernf on, the gooirol,
(10)', blind l4(14.114ng is not p:w.-
14i1)10 loot-
Es.perirmint:, in the radio control
of nIrt.rti) 1114' ''("4, l'(41'.' 111:411:: 111
1 l'it:::11 11‘,T;(11. 11151/Y:
(1)., 111 11:1111.11. 114.11 1,11,11 1-
,4111,T will I:: -11p,riloolt,.. bomb-
er 10411 nth -
10:11.111' I:( '4''''' i', ...
roldrol. The
Corp:, of lb',
type ,,enr.: ibqn ,years ago,
kloder!: vtim•frtn. h(1
brought ;mother use for ra.lie; th.i•
control of 11(1Vallf!ine• t1.01h forola-
:Ions from a retittal ha,: or flew
((1(1' 111.111 11'1117, 11),,,h1111'. 'Flo- prob-
lems of radio transinissi(d, nod I..
ception within a. noisy, 1..oltyy
10tekt,11 with tuaehhiery
'rip: war v.4:a41,(11 pi, r11r44d lien,. 11 Naval (11111 4-, 14:: ‘,14"(..,:iy.:. •,,i1.••.
(IiStric/ tit*, )11'1.(.111 ior 14,,44' ar:(1 11(('). 1'),
S.-:41orth :!! 1..4(1 51 :10),•111, 1,,..
41',1411011s for 11, 1.(1,.... 1: truis(11
id. 1:11 i41 ,.1, 11111
wit!' Cu' :,1,41 -
• ,. • 114'
(.1,4•1i .'1
11 1I1:, •i :", : .1.11 ::11
the ('"4'"»'» 1, - V"; :
fly al
A rack of Machine gun cartridges
is drawn from the stores at the Jar-
vis Bombing and Gunnery School,
where students of the Commonwealth
Air Training Plan are taught how to
draw a bead on Hun aircraft and
ground targets, •
' r
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