HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-11-13, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 .m. m,=:-a.rrr•-r,�..-,.>-awaeroo. _ _.. _-sees... , sees_.. _...- MICY Superior Stores Fall Baking Sale. NOVEMBER 13 to 19 PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 69c 7 lb. bag, e23c SUPERIOR BALKING POWDER tell oz. tills 19c CROWN CORN SYRUP, 5 lb. tin, 53c 2 lb. tin 2'3c NA • OB COFFEE, 11b. bag 29c With coupon in The London Free Press Nov. 13 Hillcrest (the better) Shortening 1 lb. carton 18c McLaren's Invincible Jelly Powders .,..17c 3 pkgs. Cowan's, Cocoa, 112 ib, tin 15e, 1 ib. tin 25e ('atelli's Macaroni 10 oz. pkg. 11c I1rnnS\vick (.'hiekt'n Iladdie, per tin 1.7e Heinz Tomato Ketchup, large bottle 21e Palmolive Soap, 3 bars 20c (illletl_'s- Lye, per till Royal York Tea, 1 Ib. pkg. in 1 Shoe Polish, per tin Kleenex, 2. 'iul ,hetet pkgs.:.'i`it• Ivory Snow, large pkg.• Crisco, 1 lb. 1111 ::!1e (.boa}' ;ioap. 3 hal' O.3'(lol, used. pkg. 11(' large pkg. 27c Ivory �' 1 tlu's, mod. pkg. l 1(•large pkg. 25e (nape, Nut Flakes, large pkg. 15e and One pkg. of Post Toast.iey for lc 1''nt11 for 1Iic n t' 12e 451.' pkg. of 500 29e 3 lb. tin 73e 20e (fold Soap. per bar Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Hillcrest Pure Lard 1 Ib. carton 18c Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg. 320 Ellmar Vanilla Extract, large 8 oz. bottle 15c Cut Mixed Peel. Lemon, Orange and Citron per Ib. 29c Lemon or Orange Peel 1,2 Ib. 15c Citron Peet 1/2 Ib. 23c Lexis Seeded Raisins large 16 oz. pkg. 17c Pitted Sair Dates per Ib. 18c Whole Red Cherries, 4 oz. 16c Pastry Spice, per pkg. .. .,, 19c Lexis Raisins with seeds 2 lbs. 25c Cardinal Molasses New Australian Currants per tin 11c 2 lbs, 27c Ross 'J o Sproat Miss No ryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 THE SJ A.IA)i1Tfl NEWS TOWN TOPICS uad \li Peal llrieVrt surf -un; Billy and Jae•p< of Buffalo, and Mr. David t rdeve, `i'oruui.o, »pent etnri•ry at the parental home on the ;,snt of Ur. (rlevo's 77th birth- day. Mfrs, L. T. Dei.lurey had the ntisfor- i i o' to suffer o broken wrist on Monday when slit. slipped on an icy board outside her home on John street. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Keys, who have been visiting with the fornler's parents, M1'. and Mix, Nelson Keys, left on Tuesday for Sarnia whore 111r. Keys has accepted a position. II Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanbury • spent a few clays visiting with their daughters in Toronto. Miss Alva Elford, who has been visiting with her parents, Rev- and Mrs. Jas, Elford, left last weak for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, John Watson and daughter Alice spent Sunday after- noon with friends at Bronson Line,. Stanley. Miss Alda Bolton of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Melvor of Hibbert. Messrs. Con Fckart and Arthur Devereaux returned from their hunt- ing trip in Muskoka and each brought home a deer -with them, Mr. Joseph C, Eckart of highland Creek spent the week end at his home here. Private and Mrs. Wni. Wright. Owen Sound, visited hes• brother, M1'. and Mrs. Larry Brown, of town, the first part of this week. Mr. and Mrs, Will. Byrne 101 family of Detroit, and Jack Fortune,, RCAF. St, Thomas, riSI11'+1 at the hone• of Mr. and Mrs. 1.eo Fortune over the week k end. Pte. James E. Brown, of W olsely Barracks, London, spent the Creek, end at tilehomeof hitt parent:, 31st and .31r 'Edward Brown. ;sir. and 'sirs. Wallace Ross are attttndhig the Beekeepers' colleen - lion in Niagara. Falls. Ont.. and Nia- gara Falls. N.Y., this week. AD'. Robert Mowbray visited his sister Hiss Mowbray, who returned with ]riot to his home in Toronto, Seaforth Monument Work Formerly W It Chapman NOW OPERATED 13Y CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE invite inspeel100 0t bur stock of Cemetery Memorials SEAF()I',TIi • TUESDAYS ANI) SATURDAYS. or any other time by appointment See Dr. Ilarbut'it-}'hone 105 Phone 41 -Exeter -Box 150 Bubble and Squeak 1 pound cold cabbage 1 pound cold boiled potatoes 1 small cooked onion 1 medium sized cooked carrot 4 tablespoons fat Salt and pepper Chop the cabbage, onion and car- rot, and also the potato if not al- ready mashed. Melt the fat in as fry- ing pan, and fry the onion and car- rot lightly, but do not brown them. Add the other vegetables- and season well. Stiruntil thoroughly heated. 1'iace an enamel plate on the top of the pan and leave for a few minutes until the mixture has browned und- (I'nenth. Torn upside down onto the plate, and servo very hot. Red Cabbage and Apple 1. good sized red cabbage • 1 large apple 3 tablespoons brown sugar 1. dessertspoon vinegar. Salt and PenP i1' Wash the cabbage and cut it into quarters, removing the hard stalk and ribs. Cook in a very little boil- ing salted water to which the Vine- gar and brown sugar have been added. Peel the apple and cut it up and add it to tilt, cabbae,e. Cook for about 45 minutes or until the cab- bage is tender. Drain well and serve very hot. Oatmeal Biscuits 1 ; cups oatmeal Ii cup sugar (i tablespoons fat tablespoons flour Cream fat and sugar till very soft. Mix in the- flour and oatmeal. Form into a square and roll out ?'t: inch thick. Cut into squares or fing- ers. Bake in a moderately hot oven till set. Raisin Cake 234 cups ]lour 12 tablespoons fat (shortening) 1.2 tablespoons brown sugar 0 oz. raisins 1 tablespoon marmalade teaspoon mixed spice 1 teaspoon baking powder. ('up milk Mix the flour, spice and baking powder. Rub in the fat and add the other dry. ingredients. Stir in the marmalade -rmd milk. 3lix well together, and bake in a _creased til in a Moderate oven for about 1 11001:4. Child -.-"Mother. shall 1 run out and poet this h.tter7- 31o111,•r ... •'Nc;. child, ceftalnly not. It'd matting in torrents and not iiito turn a de;,' out et` doors. 1,'1 your fattier go." 0m1 11 - ANIMALS - L ISABLE'b Quickly removed in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21 WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DANCE IN THE SEAFORTH ARMOURIES To the Music of the Gulley -Jumpers Wingham Radio Orchestra TUESDAY, NOV. 18 Under the auspices of the Seaforth Women's Institute Admission 25c PROCEEDS FOR WAR WORK EUCHRE AND D -A -N -C -•E in Winthrop Hall WED.. NOV. 19th Euchre to Start at 9 o'clock SNF,IDER'S ORCHESTRA Lunch served. Admission :35c REAL OLD TIME DANCE ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY NOV. 21 Drysdale Wildcats Admission 40e. Lunch served. Beep Monday, Dee. lath, open for `teas dance _Auspice., of C. The Catholic Women's League AreHolding An AFTERNOON TEA AND SALE OF HOME MADE BAKING AND MYSTERY BOXES in St. James' Parish Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 14 From 3.30 to 6,30 DANCE! STAFFA FRIDAY, NOV. 14 Moonllgllt Serenaders AI)ilTh:ION 36e e ms,e9u�vsea.mes .zw.mecsxxa:.maea . Sodalityance 3 UBLIN FRIDAY, NOV. 21 Make to date for. Fri., Dec. 'tel. Xmas Dance; and For Fri,,. Jan.2, New 'Year's dance Coot) ORCHESTRA .141.114 FUNERAL. OF MRS. D. DUPER The funeral of the lata Mrs. van- itd Rupe., took place on Friday af- ternoon from the home of her -ale, Norman Dupe'', Chalk street. t Rev. Hugh Jack of First Presbyterian Church, officiated. The pallbearers were Mesas. Arnold CRAll,. Norman Nicholls, Wesley Nicholls, George Reeves, Tied Reeve'. and Jain Grieve. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. Mrs. Dupee had been in poor health for the past year and the pre- vious week was moved to the hospi- tal. Born at Orangeville, she came to McKillop as a child and attended Winthrop' school. The family later lived in llarpurhey. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Annie Shade and she was 0 daughter of the late 3Ir. and Mrs. Luke Shade. Over forly year's ago she married Mr. Ru- pee and they resided in Seaforth, lat- er moving to Brussels and Mitchell for a short time. For the past thirty years they lived in Seaforth. Surviving are three daughters, Bella and Leona of Seaforth, Mrs. Beacom of London; two sons, Nor- man, of Seaforth, and William, of Manitoba; three sisters, Mrs. Geo. Reeves and Mrs, Fred I:eeves, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Hill Sleeth of Lansing, Mich., and one brothel', William Shade, of Egmondville. Among those from at distance who attended the funeral were her son, William, of Portage La Prairie, Man- itoba; Airs, Fred Ge;ineinhan•dt 1104 two sons, Charles and Douglas of Ilaytield; Mrs. E. Kindler and Mrs. James Walsh. Stratford; M.'s. Fred 1.ea0001, London. BEEKEEPERS MEET THIS WEEK Ontario beekeepers met in con- vention at the General l:roe'k Hotel in -Niilk arra Falk, Nnvenrler 11 10 11, to eh -cuss wri- into Meath; of 11 ,108in-, the hon •y oral+ in 1111'2. Ontario's busy produced 1.1 100,00u pounds of honey this y.at' and with normal consumption of 7,- 04;0,00o pounds being stepped up with added buying power, coupled with the fact that honey is one of the greatest energy producing foods, he'ekepei' are anxious to do their share in food production in order that war workers both in t'anuda and Greet Britain May keep up their strength and energy. The beekeepers are holding their (rorvention at Niagara Falls, Ont- ario, this year because 1'11104 States 1.•,•keepei's are meeting at the 51 1111, time in Niagara Falis, New 'York, Several international st• cions weere held in Ontario, including a combined banquet at which W. 11. Allen, of Montreal was the speaker. Ikea The convention was one of the larg- et:t as the beekeeper: were anxious to hear some half dozen American experts never before in Canada des. cu s topics vital to the industry. Of special interest W1114 the ad- dress of Dt. M. E. Dunham, Ohio State University, Columbus, who de- veloped the 'two queen system of cnlmny amanagement." Dr. Dunitunt explained his' methods. “Wintering and the Use of Pollen Sonplentcnts" was discussed by .1. 1. llantt)letent head of the apiculture research for the U.S.A. Approximately 50(1 Canadian and into United States beepers attended the Contention. A. T. Brown.born, president president of the Ontario Bee- keepers' <Association, presided at the Canadian meetings. VARNA The many ly friends of Mitts Palmy Diehl will lie sorry to know she is at present in (Tinton hospital and we hope soon to see her about again. Sunday being anniversary iia the St. Johns Anglican Church. morning service was conducted by Rev. Arch - de aeon Hartley of IKh1.al dine . who gave a very interesting talk. Owing to serious illness in his family he was called suddenly 1101/10 anti Rev. O. 1V. Moore of 5t. Paul's, Clinton. gave a ver"- instructive talk on the I.nglish alphabet which 11115 hilted 1111 pre(•iat' 1. Considering the weathrt the attendance wiM mol as large a4 usual and on the following Tnesilmt n4011 meat Koncertwas pun on by the ('liutnn airforce, The opening number rr it O Canada. uta and a lull choir rendered .lout Peel. which was Well W01111 while: a song by .1t' Wi:•'ve ".•. t it dancing by LAC OM - SOT: 41111 by Belty Craig of Auburn. month tin to selection by Helen Stur- geon of Btytie ld: solo by col - puck: duet by flu :and Batty Craig of Ault- Init. 1110101 „r. . by 1'1A. d, hies, sever. by .1, 11'. Phillips. Thr,.,, reels of moving pictures by Mr. J. ... Mein- tosh of Ser.,throy. .\ll the nua111l,•r4 Were 1hlrrung111y rot vel by a fall house and those who missed this pro "ram eern.iuly missed a treat. hit penll,ps there 1101 be another np- ,ortltily at least wo bone Rev. .r. H (1i ngliegun of Stralhi,y ;,ccluc tens=est 111r McIntosh. 11,117 held their• annual fowl supper 0n Friday .evening last_ when over a hundred Orangemen„ wives and families. ,al down to a well lad- en -table. Atter sapper a good pro- gram of mask.. dnety readings, and .addresses by tier. R. Demi and Rev. Mr. Graham. Renis'albrance play was observed by a service in the townships lull at 10.3n a.m. Rev. 114111 Heft had elitlrge of the SerVier. Afterwards a parade was held to the memorial where the Wreath, were placed. PAGE FIVE A COMPLETE LINE OF POULTRY, H r DA Y ON HAND CHOiCETERIA O.A.C. LAY MASH (with Cereal Grass) $2.75 cwt. 32 LAY CONCENTRATE (to mix with your own grain) $3.55 cwt. 4011 HOC CONCENTRATE $3.20 cwt. 32';, DAIRY CONCENTRATE $2.85 cwt. SCOTT'S POUTUY FARM Phone 851 - 32 Seaforth KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Verna of Denfield, Mr. and :alt's. J. Carter and daughters of Clandeboye and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coward and son of Rannoch visited on Sunday with 31r. and. Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. John H. Cochran,- returned homer Saturday night from a very enioyable hunting trip near Hunts- Ville. Mr. and Mfrs. Oliver ,lager: s and daughter vi,itetl i teent13 tit the home of the former'- Ilei in-, isle and alta. Wesley y Jaques ... at Elim Re. - Quite a number t ntenal ',i t.iu= fun edit of the tate Vera Smith of near Varna on Sonl'-.3 :afternoon. -W.M,S. Guests of Varna Auxiliary--- - The W.M.S. o the 1',,,1 el Chatitit here Were. glie,ls nt roes A,01. tai'}- n,r '1'11111.,,lay :,I1.', hoots last. Thr' mc•r•titlg AVZIS pre, i,li,t over by Airs. S. It,'i'i' (0 Varna '!n11 opened with a hymn after which Rev. Miss 11,•rn i. -d its prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L. McCon- nell and explanation crag eiv,.a by Mrs. .101-inson of Varna after ahieb the Kippen ladies, took charge of the program which consisted of a Very pic'asin,i -u10 by•Mrs. Long, followed by a short play entitled, " \dventuri•;. h1 Friendship. by Mr-. Grant. Mrs. A, t•chn'un. Ms's. A. McMortric•, .Mrs. 'Neill. Mrs. Long and Miss Irina Fer- enson, _A veru pleasing duet was then sung by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs,. 1, L. McLean. The meeting closed with a hymn and the closing prayer hy_Rec, \liss Hern, A (111013' lunch runs rerve.t by the Varna i idles. Mise W,. Harney and aliss Irn Ferguson 11411, (1 one lar bast week with the latter's latter'cousin. 311.-. Howard Kerslake near Exeter. it',. .rj•e sorry to retool that Mrs. Thomas Workman underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital in ( eedim ono any last •:•r•k Her 111an0 trietrd wish °o. h 1 'i •p ,•ely r,•t•m'- ery, Mr. and ME,. N. lone visited on Saturday with thou .1auishter. ltliss jean. 111)1's+e in trMning its Owed Sound General Ileepi'.ut. Mrs.Alvin I t. n W n I ,r spent the week end with iter caret -its. Mr, and alis. N. ham. 1141,1 31'.-. t•S', llorn•y and ,31o. Irma Ferguson i,5ited ori Sunday -at the house of 3dr. and \ire..1. Fergu- son of Cilisellntrst, The Kipper]. East Istituto will hold 1i1l n'3 1,1 the home of Mrs. Wm. Coln, on W'erdtes,duy. Nov. pith, at 2.13 p.m, Good attend- ance of members is requested. The topic is Household Economics. A de- monstration will he given on a re- cent vegetable and cookery course. Donatiois for crus -as botss will iia greatly- appreciated. Mci, Joseph Daytuail has. returned home from Lon pea hospital much dol. prove,l in health atter her recent i11 - nes. Mr. .1o1 1 100111811.e has rota :11. from Musho1a, where he went on a hunting t-ip and gest a tine deer. - ,lirs, 8,i,a,• „ui•kulaw 1; hi 5.1. 40. -eph Hesoital. London. and many friends hope for a speedy r-;- covery, Seve1'81 Ineal sports are in Bruer? routitr this week trying their lack at the dem'. M+. Donald Ross had 1110 mistOl" tune: to tall and dislocate his shonldar and will he laid up for 'some time. 311'. 01(11 Mrs. Harry Chesney ent- erta:ined a few of their. friends 10 s - 4( 1.04 t,t-t•ni1(5 r ("'it(ly which was nnu' •,tlloyeri by i1L - - Tit - 1.Ve',men's 3Iissl,nary S 5t.: t>,' of Sr. Andrew's I'niterl (garret; 14 balding its 1(1(141111 l.hartl o owing .1. :Hatay tirst tit.. 1001 at 11, n Ill d , honor t••d arc 0•_aing Oorlog 0 lit' r rt •'^e't el 1 1h, -i ai ,i 1r11a. h 12 1d 17.1 +in ih 'h tr a Of. -a.,,r).1 1ltat :1 tip-. ightie;.1:+11,1, is hungry.. ., i"1: in the dark: and -yet •:,?1.11 '1t ,. vealug u -r11 4,--4.41-- tie 'I'0 f'. Airy. • BORN 31oi'LAti -At Sem,. Memorial Ho,- pi1.c1. ..n :Saturday. Nov, S. 1:+:i;. to 'i and Al... John Moylan torn, 10.1t.5, 1 -ii r ghter. T 1= I.N I11' I..I. -- -At Scott 3lentori.l !lospjtal, on Monday. Nov. 10th. 1.:•11 to air. and Mrs. James Tun -Mull, MIA, Ethel. a dau ,h - \Ir 1',r1 Hulines is moving fro,'Sete rrtrer, to the Market street '.1014se of 311', William Holmes, vtiv, nror et on Thursday to at. Marys. • .1:r ... •,••1`- 5:11 the e, 1942 ON EXHIBITION AT Daly's Garage Seaforth Coyne in and see it f AIS rint. Mal 3CULATION FOR McKILLOP TOWNSHIP An opportunity for Small- Pox, iliphtlu'ria. ;~e291' - let Fever and Whooping C'(31112:1) vaccinafit'.n and inoculation is being made available by the bard of Healthofthe Township of McKillop. T11e treatments will be given by star. J. A. t1ortctil, the .'!'I. O. 11. at his office, ('OnlnIedlC`in<e' Friday, October 24, 19.41. All wishing treatment t\'ill kindle' -start pl'O llplly and continue regularly. Prevention is better than cul'('. It the duty of every parent to see that each child is given this opportunity forprevention cul disease. THE Sr'CE IS FREE vr,wlavmmz�evm A